Saturday, February 25, 2012

Targeted Message to the Bernanke and Others

Targeted Message to Bernanke and Others.
Feb 24, 2012 - 4:48:16 PM

Targeted Message to the Bernanke and Others.
Christ Michael
February 24, 2012

Oh boy what a day, even we get them!  Dearly beloveds of AH,  this is primarily for our dark readers so do NOT read too much into it personally.

First I am addressing this to the Head of the Federal Reserve System. Yes straight to you Mr. Bernanke.  You do know that China IS going to depose you, right?  Why not just cooperate, because our on the ground troops are going to assist them at this late date.

To those who read here on behalf of the Queen,  you know you have already had some difficulty getting in contact with her, yes?  That should be a big clue.

Now you ones know we ARE assisting China. We were none to crazy about their acquiring the Federal Reserve, and the games played when they created the stealing of the wealth of the Filipinos, via a fake King ASM, but we have to work with what we have, and  with a lot of secret meetings and some giving of carrots they seem to be now in our pocket satisfactorily enough.

Your new attempts at various "bird flu" against the yellow man will not work so well.  And may in fact backfire in like kind and more.  YOU KNOW THEY HAVE THAT TECHNOLOGY that caused you all to sign over the Federal Reserve to them.  And they have yet to use it, and I suggest you highly consider that they CAN USE IT.  WE shall not disclose the nature of that here, for it is not necessary to frighten people.  But I suggest you consider they WILL if you do not put down your own "guns"  NOW.

That will not be pretty IF YOU DON'T

We ARE prepared and as the former message said,  we are not necessarily waiting until March 31. We are MOVING FORWARD.  That is enough for now.  Have a good nights sleep gentlemen and ladies, or maybe we need to return to BBB & G's to describe you, because ladies and gentlemen is not any to accurate.


This piece is under copyright protection of It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site.  It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link.  Thankyou, Candace.

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Message from Saul through John Smallman

A perfect explanation of

Message from Saul
through John Smallman

Time is like an infinite slowing down of reality Waiting, as the anticipation and excitement builds, is hard for you.
Your patience has been well tested over the last few years as you have been looking forward to and preparing for humanity’s awakening, and as the moment for this marvelous event draws ever closer, your stress and tension levels mount. That is unavoidable, but keep focusing on its inevitability. God has promised it, and so it will occur, precisely as planned.

Your spiritual evolution has been advancing slowly but steadily for eons, with occasional missteps and diversions, but over the last three or four centuries your rate of progress has been accelerating exponentially, although it may not seem like that to you, and you are now approaching the level from which you will awaken and discover what marvels you have achieved. From almost total ignorance, aligned with just basic reactive behavior, you have moved forward to an awareness of love, compassion, cooperation, and kindness and have started to use those concepts to engage with one another more and more frequently, and are delighting in how incredibly effective they are at dealing with every kind of problem and situation that you have to cope with in your daily lives. As you demonstrate this by living it, others learn to do likewise, and so these extremely effective concepts are literally exploding into humanity’s awareness all over the planet and are being put into practice to bring about the essential changes that will enable and bring about peace and prosperity for all on Earth.

It has taken humanity a long time to reach this stage or level in its ongoing development, but it is a stage from which retreat or backsliding is impossible, and the vistas that will open up to you are magnificent indeed. Awakening into your divine and natural state of being fully conscious will expand your awareness and knowledge beyond all recognition as compared to the limited state in which you are presently able to avail of them. In your awakened state even the abilities of the most intellectually gifted and brilliant among you, as you now experience existence, will be seen to be of absolutely no consequence, in fact without any merit at all except for the help they have given you on your path to wakefulness when you occasionally chose to use them for that mighty purpose.

In your awakened and natural state the Love in which God’s embrace holds you eternally will fill you with His Wisdom and the infinite abilities that He possesses so that you co-create with Him for the everlasting joy and pleasure of all. There will be no problems with egoic urges attempting to seek attention by being first or best, because knowing that you are all one – and eternally experiencing that state, and it will be infinite and ecstatic – joy will be constantly created for all, in a delicious state of cooperation that defies any description that could have meaning for you while you remain limited by the confining nature of the illusion.

Those of you who think about it wonder whatever could have persuaded you to attempt to separate yourselves from your loving Creator in the first place. Life in the illusion, to put it very mildly indeed, is not terribly satisfactory, and all the information you receive from the spiritual realms tells you that the divine wonders of existence in Reality, at one with God, cannot possibly be explained to you because to actually experience that state is the only way that it can be understood. Nevertheless, you have the indwelling sense that it exists, that it is Heaven, and that it is a truly magnificent state, and so you ask yourselves, and one another, “Why on earth would we have chosen to leave it and be separated from God?” And that is indeed a most reasonable question.

In your natural state you are infinite Wisdom, infinite Knowledge, and infinite Love. You have everything and you need nothing. But the thought occurred, “What would it be like to be separate from God?” And instantly you experienced that weird and lonely state because thought produces instant results. Yes, it is an imaginary state because separation from God is impossible, and outside of Him there is nothing because there is no outside. However, the result was – the illusion.
And here you are but a moment later, and about to return to Reality.

Time is illusory; it seems real, and without it you would be unable see, hear, taste, touch, smell, and generally interact with one another and the environment that the illusion contains. Time is like an infinite slowing down of Reality, enabling causes to have effects, and as a result chains of events unfold, completing the experience of the illusion for you. An illusion lasts no time! But when you are apparently caught up within it, it seems interminable. It appears to have all started many billions of years ago, and yet it is but a momentary aberration that cannot last. You are to awaken, you have been asleep for but an instant, and your joy will be ecstatic. So relax, be loving, open yourselves to your Father’s Love so that It can dispel the illusion, and allow yourselves to awaken. Remember, you do have free will, and to open yourselves to His love is to choose to awaken.

With so very much love, Saul.

David Wilcock Update: "Something Big Is About to Happen" - namely the mass arrests..

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

David Wilcock Update: "Something Big Is About to Happen" - namely the mass arrests..
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 25-Feb-2012 07:01:09

I'm here in Hawaii and am about to start a 16-hour CONVERGENCE lecture weekend -- my most ambitious ever, with 1175 slides in total, meaning I have to do 73 slides an hour to stay on schedule. I'm very excited about it -- there is a lot to talk about!
The Internet is exploding with lists of major financial industry CEOs who are resigning, mostly just within the last month. The silence from the mainstream media about this is deafening.
I have heard there are 10 different cases in the US, on a very high level, and they've already fled to Brazil and Paraguay. These are NOT in the lists circulating on the internet -- at least not yet.
This only adds further evidence to support the idea that "Something Big Is About to Happen" -- namely the mass arrests of so many conspirators.
I have heard leaks from the inside that the "Next 9/11" is being planned for February 26th. The negative elite are hoping to bring America to its knees by doing something that will turn the power off so it can never come back on.
I consider it very highly unlikely that these plans will succeed, due to the remarkable number of "Divine Interventions" that have been happening lately to throw off any and all attempts to start World War III.
I do believe ETs / Angelic humans are real, and apparently the rules have changed radically.
John Kettler has recently stepped forward and is giving incredible testimony that supports what I've been tracking for the last year and a half on this website with the "China's October Surprise" story. Kerry Cassidy's recent interview with him is fascinating.
Over 40 different attempts to start World War III have been thwarted in the last 2 months by "impossible" means.
For example: three different times the Israelis and Palestinians have tried to have an all-out shooting war, but their guns jammed on the battlefield. Then when they took them back to the gunnery range, they worked just fine.
Why do you guys think you will be allowed to destroy the United States power grid on February 26th with all the other signs that this is Game Over?
Anyway, I hope you all have a nice weekend. Meditate on the positive and stay peaceful and centered to help offset any possibility that this nefarious plan will succeed. I highly doubt it has even the slightest chance of doing anything.
I thank you again for your continuing support!
Oh, by the way... I had to laugh as I logged in to write this update and AGAIN got a synchronicity. This time the hit counter was at 218555. I have to be timed down to the second for this to work, but consciously I have no idea!

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - February 24, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - February 24, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 24-Feb-2012 22:26:37

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - February 24, 2012
Of what numbers are the factors of 33? Our answer is 1, 3, 11, and 33. These numbers hold a special place within the structure of your world, and these numbers have been used by the light as well as the dark for many ages, not just in recent times. As you as a collective reach certain points along your journey, you will find you will begin to recognize many signs and symbols that have been placed before you either by the light or the dark. Just because a symbol has been inserted into your environment by agents of the dark, it does not necessarily denote an evil attempt to control you or manipulate you.
Take for example the many signs and symbols utilized by those of your secret societies, including the Illuminati and the Freemasons. You will find many of their signs and symbols are not of their construct at all, but are in fact ancient symbols denoting many different sacred powers and structural aspects of your reality. Many symbols possess within them activation codes and the ability to awaken once dormant powers or memories within a being. Many of these symbols are being used at this time to do just that; awaken many souls who are yet asleep as we quickly approach the time when all souls will be awakened.
The awakening process all of you are currently experiencing, or will soon experience, has been planned meticulously to be as smooth and gentle a process for you as is possible. We wish not to shake you violently out of your dreamlike states, as this sudden awakening can be quite damaging to your energy systems. Those of you who are awakened today are leaders of your fellow man. You have demonstrated that it is you that are suited for and prepared to begin to receive your activations that will return your memories to you of who it is you truly are and all the memories that have been stored within your memory banks before your current incarnation into the physical.
All your cherished memories have been safely preserved for you and will be returned to you at the appropriate time. This time is approaching rapidly and we see many of you making great strides towards this day by clearing your no longer needed and burdensome lower dimensional thought forms, habits and tendencies. We would be very pleased to see many more of you begin to do this, and we of the Galactic Federation of Light will continue to display the signs and symbols of ancient design that will assist you in these processes.
You may wish to not always assume that if a symbol is of an esoteric nature that it is being used by the dark for evil purposes. Most of these esoteric symbols are birthed from the higher realms, and it is here in the higher realms where the polarity of good and evil, light and dark, does not exist. There are those symbols displayed by the dark at this time and all throughout their reign; however, this hidden language is not of their own manifestation and has only been borrowed by them.
What these symbols stand for and what powers of creation they possess is up to you to learn and understand for yourself, and today this information is readily available to all throughout the Internet and bookstores and libraries as well. We suggest to you not to be afraid or shun these symbols, but to learn about them and discover their true meanings and origins. You will find many of them possess no ill intent or dark powers of any kind.
Looking ahead now to our plans to return you to full consciousness, we see many of you rather excited for this day. We will proceed as slowly and cautiously as is possible, and as such will attempt to give you clues along the way to help better ease you back to this remembrance and not to rush you in any way. The realization of who you are and what lives you have left behind may be rather startling for many of you, and we will do our best to make this as gentle and fun a process for you as we can. We feel many of you already have come to the firm realization that your present incarnation is not your first incarnation. We are very pleased to see this, as this milestone is surely the most important as we begin the process of returning you to full consciousness. We would even say that this step is essential to your memories being returned you.
We see that it would be quite a shock to many of you if your memories of your prior existence were returned to you when you had no idea they existed in the first place. Preparing yourself with the understanding that many of you not only have a prior history but a lengthy history going back many thousands of years is a very healthy start to these necessary proceedings.
Another valuable understanding at this time is that we of the higher realms are not strangers to you at all, as all of you have connections, friends and family, that have remained within the higher dimensions while you journeyed ‘down’ into the physical realm of the third dimension. Understanding this will alleviate much of the fear and anxiety some of you are feeling and many more of you will succumb to in the days ahead. To believe that your loved ones who have been guiding you and protecting you throughout all your physical incarnations would sit idly by as negative beings interfered with your journey at any point is without reason or sound conception, and we see this belief as entirely fear-based due to uninformed opinion.
Please assist us as we assist you spread this information far and wide. There are many channels and sources of this type of liberating information and we wish to see this information at least available to all who may, or may not, choose to at least familiarize themselves with it. This is all we ask as we cannot force anyone to read our words or to believe them upon reading. This is the sacred right of all souls, and all must be permitted to choose their own path and awaken according to their own schedule.
Although we would very much like to move ahead with our many plans and projects, we cannot rush those who are not yet ready for such revelations that have the power to do damage to certain individuals. There are so very many of you who have achieved very different levels of consciousness and we must cater to those who have yet awakened as it is these souls who are susceptible to damage caused by the sudden shock of such information. All is proceeding very well however, and our plans are proceeding on schedule thanks to our many Lightworkers in the field who are helping spread the word of all that is transpiring in your world. Each of you have your own areas of expertise and knowledge, and we are quite pleased at the coverage of so many different areas of these many different processes and subjects that all deserve their recognition as they each hold a place of relevance at this point in your collective, as well as individual journey. Please keep up the fine work you are all doing, and soon you will reap the benefits of all your labors.
We continue to see the removal of the fighting forces of the Cabal and their destructive machines, and we are also pleased to share with you that the plans to eradicate them from your reality are also proceeding perfectly according to our prearranged schedule. We see no delays or problems in this regard, and it will not be much longer until they have not one space fighter left available to them.
The Cabal had amassed quite a force of space fighters and other space travel related crafts as their financial resources were virtually limitless due to their pilfering of the people of your world for centuries. This is the kind of wealth that will soon be returned to you, the people of Earth, upon the initiation of your new financial system in the days ahead.
We understand that many of you are struggling today as your world economy crumbles under its own bloated weight, and say to you your new system will be yours; there will be no denying this. At this time, many men and women of your world work tirelessly on this new system based on abundance and equality, and we do see the many obstacles standing in the way of its implementation being removed on a daily basis. Upon the arrest of many members of the criminal Cabal, we see the biggest obstacle being removed, and we then see your new system coming online soon afterwards. As we have said, much counts on the removal of your criminal Cabal, and much of our efforts are geared towards this process. They will be removed, and much is also transpiring behind the scenes on this front as well. We again ask you to monitor your news outlets and share all relevant information with your brothers and sisters. The news of these mass arrests will come sudden and come hard, and we wish you to be prepared for this inevitability and to share this event with everyone you can reach. This event will surely be the most important event in the history of your planet up to this point, and we wish very much for as many of your world to take part in the celebrations that will be quite appropriate upon these announcements.
These announcements will come soon, be assured of this. We do not mince our words or paint pictures of false hope for you. Our word is sound, and we tell you these things for very good reason. You may expect to begin to see the arrests of these men and women of the Cabal begin to be reported by certain of your news media very shortly, that is all we can share with you at this present time due to several reasons, one of which is to ensure the safe and successful conclusion to this operation. We have many allies in the line of fire, and we must take all precautions for their safety. All will be explained to you at the proper time, and we again ask you today for patience. All that has been assured will be at the appropriate time; this can be no sooner or later as well. All will proceed according to our meticulous schedule, and your ascension into the higher realms will not be stopped or delayed one moment longer than is planned for you as you have waited long enough. We are here to make sure this event transpires according to the timetable set by your Creator, and we will not fail in our task, you can be assured of this.
We have been behind many of the events of your world for many eons, and we have always adhered to a meticulously kept schedule. All has been designed to bring you to this point that you stand at today, and all plans today have been designed to see you ascend into the higher realms together as one. We have never before let you down in any way, and we certainly will not let you down and allow ourselves to fall behind schedule at this point as you stand so near to your shining moment, what all your difficult incarnations have been for, your ascension as one into the higher realms of this universe.
We have spoken often of the many projects that must get underway in order to see your ascension event take place as smoothly as is possible and allow as many as possible to experience this event as comfortable as possible. That is the reason behind these many necessary projects, and we will be enlisting many of your planet to carry out these many projects. You will be doing your planet and people a great service through your efforts, and we must get underway very soon in order to stay on schedule. Please remain alert for this next phase of the operation as it will commence immediately upon the arrests of many members of the criminal Cabal. Further details will be given at the appropriate time, and all that are interested in such positions will be briefed on what is expected of you and what you can expect working with us, as well as all the details of your new career opportunities.
We feel many of you will be very happy with your new careers, and we look so forward to the opportunity to explain more to you when it is the time for this. Until then, please begin to think about a career change and maybe even a change of your current location as our projects will be implemented all across this world, and you may have an opportunity to relocate if this is what you wish. Many of you currently live not where you would like, but where you have had to settle for one reason or another, and we wish to make it known that relocating may be a viable option for you in the days ahead. We see many of you jumping at the chance to live somewhere else, and we see many of you to take advantage of such an opportunity.
Many of you will soon become new members of the Galactic Federation of Light, and many of you are already members of our organization. We say to you that your careers with us are of a very mobile nature as our great ships possess the ability to travel to the far ends of this universe and back, and we have done so on many occasions and will continue to traverse this universe on a mission of service to other peoples and planets throughout the galaxies.
We have invested many long years of planning and many in the implementation of the operation, and we will never let anything jeopardize our mission and our success in any way. Many of you are our crew members in the field, and we assure you at this time that we are watching over you and protecting you as to the very best of our abilities. Please do not let the thought of any retaliation at the hands of the dark dismay you in any way from your assignments to spread our messages and your light for as far as you can. This is what you came here to do, and we ask you at this time to complete your mission as you have trained so hard for. We see many of you doing just that, and we thank you again for your courage and your tremendous efforts to persevere in the face of perceived danger and ridicule.
All your efforts will pay off for all of your world to benefit greatly, and none of this could have been accomplished without your assistance. We again thank you at this time for your sincere efforts, and say to you that the completion of this difficult stage of the overall operation is close at hand and the next phase of the operation will surely be far more enjoyable and rewarding for you.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
(The remainder of today's message was of a personal nature; however, I will share it here as I feel many may find the discussion very insightful.)
We of the Galactic Federation of Light are asking at this time your cooperation to assist us better understand the thought processes of those of your world as we continue on in the days towards your ascension into the higher dimensions. This we will accomplish through our work together as we read the thought processes of those who read our messages shared through our channels. This is one way we can achieve our goals, and at this time this is the most effective means to reach our desired goal to better understand the human mind and the nature of humanity's collective, as well as individual behavior.
Much available information has been and continues to be collected throughout this process, and we ask for your continued cooperation in this regard. Please allow us to continue to share our words through you, as we have much yet to accomplish in this regard. Our messages as of late are growing in length, but we see this as very necessary to reach our goals. Please cooperate a little while longer as we draw nearer to the day when we can safely interact more personally with humanity and the services of our channels will eventually become unnecessary.
We of the Galactic Commands thank you for your assistance throughout this process and say to you that your work is greatly appreciated.
As channeled through Greg Giles



A false statement about Dinar taxation was circulated earlier today.
The obsolete material was drawn from the Tax Almanac at this link:
That information was obsolete. The last update to the tax almanac was 2005. It is completely wrong even if you were researching mere capital gains or other currency issues.  The Almanac provides big colored boxes warning that you use it at your own risk and that it cannot be relied on legally. Original IRS code is updated each year but the Almanac is no longer updated.  Conversion of Dinar into other currencies does not produce capital gains.
The IRS provided clear information by telephone documented with the Agent’s ID number within the Special Accounts Division.  A prior explanation was published back in early January but it may not have circulated adequately. It is updated below in larger font.
Recently we have learned that the US Treasury will siphon $1.00 per Dinar off the top. That way the government will receive real and instant benefit when we convert Dinar to US dollars.  We won’t be aware of it.  If we are told the rate is $6.00 (for example) the real rate was actually $7.00. The extra dollar will be silently deposited into the US Treasury.  No one should feel that the government is being cheated.
When you convert Dinar to US dollars, you are not selling anything that brings taxable capital gain. You aren’t selling a house, or stock, or any of the normal capital-increasing gains. The IRS read-out below states this, and it makes sense.
Suppose that you have a Dinar note pre-RV of 1,000 Dinar. You could simply fly to Iraq and spend the Dinar there to buy a flat screen TV that costs 1000 Dinar). 
Or, after cashing in here at the (say) $6 dollar rate, you now have $6,000 US dollars.  You could now fly to Iraq with your $6,000. At the airport you would convert your $6,000 into Dinar so that you could buy a TV there.  At the currency booth they would convert your $6,000 into 1000 Dinar (approx) and you could then buy the TV for 1000 Dinar.  The conversion rate will change slightly day by day, of course.
At your Dinar cash-in time, (after the RV) you will be merely converting one currency to another – Dinar converts into US dollars. Assuming the RV has occurred, the dollars you get when you convert them have the same value as the Dinar. You won’t get any more or less than exactly the newly assigned value of the Dinar.
Therefore the IRS states below that no capital gains tax is due when you cash-in Dinar. Read carefully the IRS findings shown below and verify them for yourself.
Beware - if you put your US dollars into an interest bearing bank account (for even one day), you will gain interest and you will owe tax on the interest gained for each day. We’re advised to deposit dollars into a non-interest-bearing bank or credit union account.

Examine this IRS opinion regarding form 8938. The form was designed only to identify people with off-shore bank accounts or LLCs, or Corporations and get them to report their secret holdings.

Fortunately, none of the hype [about form 8938] applies to private citizens who happen to be holding foreign currency such as the Dinar or Vietnam Dong. IRS statements regarding Dinar follow:

I, [xxx,yyy], took the time to call the IRS [Special Accounts Division]. I spoke to a supervisor named Ms. Theresa Klier (Employee# 1000349035).
 She informed me that this form 8938 has been in existence since June of this year [2011], following attempts by speculators in recent months to shield themselves from federal tax levies.
This obligation to report income that people derive from foreign currency accounts [bank accounts in other countries that hold non-US currencies] didn’t suddenly become law last week.[Reporting on your offshore accounts has been an IRS requirement for a long time.]

She said that the IRS is targeting a specific group of individuals who, until now, have been hiding assets with the specific intent of avoiding taxation by the Treasury Department. Per Ms. Klier, the federal government requires individuals to complete Form 8938 only under the following circumstances:

1) If you hold stock issued by a foreign corporation
[because stocks eventually may generate capital gains when they are sold and US tax will be due.]

2) If you earn capital or have accrued interest from profits earned through a foreign business partnership

3) If you hold notes, bonds, debentures or other debt instruments issued by a foreign entity
[ because notes and bonds produce capital gain sooner or later – for which you will owe US tax.]

4) If you’ve earned interest in a foreign trust or a foreign estate [tax on interest will be due – even in a US bank account.]

5) If you hold options or other derivative instruments with respect to any of the forgoing examples or with respect to any currency or commodity that’s entered into with a foreign counter-party or issuer.
[For example Forex Traders who use a computer to buy and sell currencies, are not converting [Francs] from one currency to another. Forex traders can buy 1000 Swiss Francs (a real purchase) and then sell them back ten minutes later, hoping to have made a profit. Tax will be due on that profit. In contrast, Dinar holders aren’t selling anything when they convert Dinar to US dollars. The US dollars will be exactly equal to the value of the Dinar – assuming the RV has been announced.]

***I made a point of asking [IRS Klier] if currency secured through a licensed currency trader [like Dinar Banker] would bring a private citizen under the purview of the laws that Form 8938 is designed to enforce and she said “NO”.
Other than the conditions referenced above, Dinar holders are only obliged to turn in Form 8938 if they purchased the currency directly from a foreign agent or a foreign bank or agent operating outside of our borders***
Anyone can call and get verification as was stated above.

Only in the event that Congress creates a retroactive tax bill, there is currently no tax on currency conversions. If a capital gains tax happens to be announced later, it would not be fully due until April of 2013, but quarterly payments would be demanded throughout the year, and late penalties for missing the quarterly payments are very real.
Some frightened people may choose to simply pay a flat 15% to the IRS as a safe action. (go ahead)
Why would they do that? Because of the fearful rumors listed here:
- many banks can and do close for reasons of illiquidity or bankruptcy, and
- the FDIC did not recover client funds when MF Global bank went down in December 2011, and
- martial law may possibly be declared in 2012, and
- the dollar is going down in value (faster and faster), and
- high tax increases are coming as healthcare hollows out middle-class savings, and
- the price of gasoline may double, eating away at savings needed for inflated property tax and/or rent fees, and
- ATM machines would stop working if a dreaded bank holiday is ordered, and
- gas pumps cannot accept credit cards when banks fail (requiring US dollar cash only), and
- banks or government edicts may ration your access to your funds (as in France), and
- wealthy people may be forced to pay much extra tax so that it can be distributed to pay the free health care that illegal aliens are to be given, and
- government committees will have direct access to all bank accounts to withdraw whatever they think you are able to pay to support welfare programs - the wealthy (us) should pay more, we hear, and
- A new gold or metals-backed US currency of unknown value may replace current greenback dollars soon, and
- The US dollar may soon be devalued by 40% leaving little with which to pay future taxes,
so the fearful may consider paying extra now.
If 2012 goes smoothly, any excess paid into the IRS will come back to you in 2013. It would be sitting there in your IRS account as a credit against future taxes in future years if you pay it now before the value of the dollar falls further.
Seek verification in writing that the five points above are trustworthy.
Two separate people on two separate occasions obtained the points above. Blue brackets above are my clarifying inserts.
Please try to understand:
When you converted US dollars into Dinar (at purchase time) you paid exactly how many dollars the Dinar was worth at that time. And,
When you someday convert your Dinar back into US dollars, you will receive dollars exactly equal to what the Dinar is then worth.
Either currency could have bought a car in Iraq – before the RV or after the RV.
Whether you are holding US dollars in your hand or Dinar, today’s value tables determine that you should have more of one than the other so that they are exactly equal in value – both in Iraq and the US – both before and after the RV.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Humor - The Funniest Date Story on Jay Leno

If you didn't see this on the Tonight show, I hope you're sitting down when you read it. This is probably the funniest date story ever, first date or not!!! We have all had bad dates but this takes the cake.

Jay Leno went into the audience to find the most embarrassing first date that a woman ever had. The winner described her worst first date experience.

There was absolutely no question as to why her tale took the prize!

She said it was midwinter...Snowing and quite cold... and the guy had taken her skiing in the mountains outside Salt Lake City , Utah .

It was a  day trip (no overnight). They were strangers, after all, and had never met before. The outing was fun but relatively uneventful until they were headed home late that afternoon.

They were driving back down the mountain, when she gradually began to realize that she should not have had that extra latte. ! ! They were about an hour away from anywhere with a rest room and in the middle of nowhere! Her companion suggested she try to hold it, which she did for a while. Unfortunately, because of the heavy snow and slow going, there came a point here she told him that he had better stop and let her go beside the road, or it would be the front seat of his car.

They stopped and she quickly crawled out beside the car, yanked her pants down and started. In the deep snow she didn't have good footing, so she let her butt rest against the rear fender to steady herself. Her companion stood on the side of the car watching for traffic and indeed was a real gentleman and refrained from peeking. All she could think about was the relief she felt despite the rather embarrassing nature of the situation.

Upon finishing however, she soon became aware of another sensation. As she bent to pull up her pants, the young lady discovered her buttocks were firmly glued against the car's fender. Thoughts of tongues frozen to poles immediately came to mind as she attempted to disengage her flesh from the icy metal.. It was quickly apparent that she had a brand new problem, due to
 the extreme cold.  Horrified by her plight and yet aware of the humor of the moment, she answered her date's concerns about' what is taking so long' with a reply that indeed, she was 'freezing her butt off' and in need of some assistance!  He came around the car as she tried to cover herself with her sweater and then, as she looked imploringly into his eyes, he burst out laughing. She too, got the giggles and when they finally managed to compose themselves, they assessed her dilemma. Obviously, as hysterical as the situation was, they also were faced with a real problem.

Both agreed it would take something hot to free her chilly cheeks from the grip of the icy metal! Thinking about what had gotten her into the predicament in the first place, both quickly realized that there was only one way to get her free. So, as she looked the other way, her first time date proceeded to unzip his pants and pee her butt off the fender.
  As the audience screamed in laughter, she took the Tonight Show prize hands down. Or perhaps that should be 'pants  down'. And you thought your first date was embarrassing. Jay Leno's comment... 'This  gives a whole new meaning to being pissed  off.'
Oh and how did the first date turn out? He became her husband and was sitting next to her on the Leno show.

·         Remember,If you  haven't got a smile on your  face
And  laughter in your  heart,
Then you  are just a sour old  fart!

Listen and understand that you are not appointed for the wrath of your God.

The Lord Says:
 Listen and understand that you are not appointed for the wrath of your God. 

There will be no wrath from the Lord poured upon My own, but there is great tribulation while you are in this world. Wrath is about My righteous anger being let loose upon all who have rejected Me and have not come under the umbrella of My Word of love and mercy. I Am not and will never be angry with My children, those whose hearts have been turned towards Me, and are willing and obedient to My Word. I have and always will provide for My own.

Am I not a good heavenly Father who supplies all of your needs? There is nothing that will be allowed to come on this earth during a time of great tribulation, that has been sent to destroy My own. No, everything allowed is to turn My children's affection and attention back to their loving Father. I know how to provide for and take care of My own! You are to be busy setting your mind and affections on Me, not being overwhelmed in your heart and mind by trying to be your own provider. In times past, in the midst of great famine, all of My children either prospered or were taken care of by those that received My insight and instructions for those seasons. Do not be conformed to this world, nor overly concerned about your current financial condition, I know all the secret places of wealth hidden away just for you. Trust Me to provide and care for you. I know how! My wrath I have held back because of you, My beloved ones, but I have released My judgment upon the world in order for My Church to rise as ambassadors from heaven, to cry loud and spare not. It is for you to go into the highways and compel all who will come to come to the marriage feast that I have prepared for the willing.

Darkness is allowed so that My Light, you My children, with My word in your heart and mouth will arise and shine. Causing My sons and daughters to come back home to Me, all who are willing. Those whose trust is in Me will lack no good thing. I Am not moved by the circumstances, the conditions, nor the time, my Word remains unchangeable! Believe in Me and you will always come out ahead, blessed in all of your ways and time on the earth. But those who have placed pride in themselves and all that they have accomplished by their own might and ingenuity will be brought low, and all who have humbled themselves by believing and doing My word will be exalted: herein is wisdom, pause and meditate on this. Who is the god of your heart? Who is on the throne of your life?

All who have exalted Me, I will promote, just as I did with Joseph. He was brought low by life, even to the pit and prison, yet while there I promoted him. But I called him out and set him among kings and rulers of this world, because I Am faithful to My word. Greater still is the faith of My prophet Moses, whose trust in My Word caused manna to rain down from heaven. Men ate angel's food, when there was no other provision. Can you turn bitter water into sweet? Only those who have been trained and proven through the times of wilderness, and trusting that I Am their Provider. Also learn from My servants, never do anything motivated from a place of fear, anger, selfish desires, or pride, this will destroy your faith in Me.

I Am the same, I change not! I know you and the desires of your heart, whether those desires are deceitful or pleasing to Me. Children, examine your heart and motives as well, for I Am faithful. I will perform all of My promises to the humble. I know that you sometimes think that I have forgotten you, but I never forget your humble labor of love for Me and My Kingdom. All that you have done for the least of these in the Kingdom, you have done it unto Me, I will repay!

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time." (1 Peter 5:5); "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud." ( Prov. 16:18-19); "For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister." (Hebrews 6:10)

Scripture references: Genesis chapter 37-41; (Joseph); Exodus chapter 3; Deuteronomy chapter 34; (Moses' life); [The wrath of God not for believer's]; John 3:36; Rom. 5:9; Ephes.5:5-6; Col. 3:2-6; 1 Thess. 1:10; 1 Thess. 5:8-10

Dinar Intel - 2-24-12

Cap1 Chat at Cap1corner Fri. Afternoon 02/24/2012



[..CAP1] angelsflight-YES, WE ARE THERE.

wayneman]CAP1 Right now at 3S Bluwolf is saying nothing is stopped, all is still a GO. No worries basically.

ram1].CAP1 can you give us any insight about what is happening? I know it is waiting to go live but it seems like it has been in that status forever.

trini] CAP1 -Are we still on track for today??
CAP1] trini -YES. I HAVE NOT BEEN TOLD DIFFERENTLY (different from Studley below) - an extension was approved

wildwes35] Oh Captain my Captain, will ALL world curriencies be revalued at once or will we as investors have time to invest and keep the ball rolling so to speak?
CAP1] wildwes35 -ALL AT ONCE

mayo] watchin stocks and markets, you will know that major transactions/earnings are released on fridays.. 2pm CST in 10am HST Hawaii and if im correct that is a usual update time for the banks. Not saying our number will be called at that time. but just saying :)

ram1]CAP1 do you think it will be over today?
.CAP1] ram1 - I SURE HOPE SO

[wildwes35] Cap1 please forgive my ignorance, but what are your thoughts about investing in other currencies POST RV?
..CAP1] wildwes35 - IT MAY BE A WISE DECISION.

 hotlips123] Cap. Good morning. I'm preparing for another weekend. Do you expect this to go into March?
.CAP1] hotlips123 - I DO NOT.

sandytob] ..CAP1 when we hear those words about the huge complex issues that need to be makes one wonder how that can happen quickly? Ever been at a meeting where it takes hours to agree on a small and relatively inconsequential item?

[2010Z06] Cap: I received a phone call from a source: who has about 500+ D and he state that he was told the rate was going to show in Hawaii this morning first thing. He's trying to verify that information

[that one guy] ..CAP1 do we know what the hold up was from last night and has that issue been resolved?

 ram1] CAP1 are we back on a timer or just waiting for someone to say go to what's already loaded in banking system?

ram1]CAP1 I can be the someone that says go! Lol

 raptor22] Cap1 I heard that it tried to go thru at least 4 times last night. Is that true?
.CAP1] raptor22 - I BELIEVE SO.

 ronsride2]CAP1 Do you think I can use my personal checking I have now and then move to another after I have it. Thank you...

wildwes35] Cap1, Papajack from OOM is saying a delay was granted to temporarily stop the RV. Is that true or too sensitive?
.CAP1] wildwes35 - COULD BE SMOKE.I THINK IT IS. (different from Studley's feedback below)

trini: CAP1 -is the chinese still here??
..CAP1] trini -YES

suddenly] ..CAP1 ok deciding what to wear today when I visit the bank..... I am thinking about a nice post Rv dinner maybe... have appointment scheduled for a house viewing tomorrow... ordering new checks today with PO box address, no suite number needed.... DL next...

[wildwes35] Cap1 thanks. I believe so too. I like to compare thoughts with you if that is cool. Is it true that Geithner was actually cuffed?
CAP1] wildwes35 - I WASN'T THERE TO SEE IT.

hotlips123] Cap. Have rates been loaded or is this new
CAP1] hotlips123 -RATES ARE LOADED

 [azoldmom]CAP1 do you think we are in the position now where it won't be seen until next Monday????
[..CAP1azoldmom –NO

raptor22] Cap u still feel today to see rv?
..CAP1] raptor22 –YES

silverstreak1953CAP1 Lots of talk about people being arrested. What is this

 blessing:.CAP1 I think the bottom line is that this is so BIG that they have to make sure all money is placed and ready for cash out and China is standing guard to make sure it is done ASAP.. I don't think it will go the weekend because of Iraq and the problems it would cause over there..
[..CAP1] blessing- I TOTALLY AGREE

Sharonsdinar].CAP1 I am sorry I have been away from the computer on the phone you weren't on when I left. I heard a lot this morning about new delays and it showing in a couple of days at the most is this true or have the delays be fixed and we are good to go today. Again sorry if this has been asked and answer

 [raptor22] Cap1 see it but cashin probably Monday?
CAP1] raptor22 – PROBABLY 

trinity] ..CAP1 Do you think Geitner got his tail in a crack?
[..CAP1] trinity -CAN'T SAY

[skinny413 CAP1 Do you think they are ready, but trying to get more bad

[trinity]CAP1 Perhaps you addressed this before I logged on, but do you have any clarification to the hold last night

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Shirley Rickett <> wrote:

Date: Friday, February 24, 2012, 8:20 AM
Arizonaheat 3S's Intel Chat - Post By Rke 02/24/2012

Friday  AM
[hopeful] Arizonaheat good morning! I read and appreciate your post...just curious as to what your intel IS saying...I understand it's 'different'...are you looking much further out like summer?

[Arizonaheat] hopeful this is for you, this investment is real, you WILL prosper from it, I know things are going on, you have all read them, showing us that this is close, but its not this very minute, not yet. No i don’t have the date or rate. No one does, and if they speak of things, it shows to me they want attention

[FIREFIGHTERGIRL] Arizonaheat i just read your post in recaps, do u mean its not going to show

[Arizonaheat] FIREFIGHTERGIRL not this weekend

[Arizonaheat] FIREFIGHTERGIRL remember the weekend ends on Saturday

[awty] Arizonaheat great posting tyvm. iyho is this going to be in march or this month?

[Arizonaheat] awty its going to be close, ill know more today when some people get into the office

[producer] Arizonaheat you stated not this weekend, why?

[Arizonaheat] producer because that’s the information I got. that the imf had meetings in Switzerland and there was no way they could see this happen yet

[producer] Arizonaheat why do you there is a hold up after all this time after the budget is passed

[Arizonaheat] producer iraq is part of the process, its not the process

[jc2] AZheat.....we waiting on the tax and tariff laws before it pops??

[Arizonaheat] jc2 all i know and was told more info today was that the IMF after their meetings in switzerland, showed that this was not going to happen yet, i don’t have the details to that. that’s above my pay grade

[producer] Arizonaheat up to now everybody was saying Iraqi including you, now they have done their part now its not Iraqi. Please explain greater if you may

[Arizonaheat] producer your right i did up until a while ago, when i had a senior official slap me up side the head and schooled me. I was amazed of the information he allowed me to hear.

[angelbeliever] Arizonheat are we in the month?

[Arizonaheat] angelbeliever i sure hope so, im not sure, i do hope to know more later today

[Bosshog] any thoughts about the counterfeit currency being discovered in Iraq

[Arizonaheat] Bosshog this is just opinion, but i feel we need to look at the issue also

[jam777] Arizonaheat no friday rv then ?

[Arizonaheat] jam777 no

[jc2] ArizonaHeat....where/what should we be looking at for clues ourselves???

[Arizonaheat] jc2 lets see what IMf does today, ill be asking that question myself

[Thomas] AZheat IYO do feel the RV has to take place before the Arab Summit March,27th?

[Arizonaheat] Thomas no, but that is strictly my opinion

[IWANTANRV] Arizonaheat Read the post on recaps.... So why does the IMF say they can't see this happening right now? What's the hold up?

[Arizonaheat] IWANTANRV i don’t know, that information wasn’t given to me.


[Arizonaheat] read that

[jc2] delay? Just not done?

[Arizonaheat] jc2 that’s how i understand it

[Arizonaheat] there has been no RV yet, at all. Period

[9:57:27 AM] [DinarWishes] Man I am really Upbeat and Ready for this to be over soon!!!! I know for a Fact the RV was attempted Multiple times Yeaserday and through the Night!!! Im being told We may See this at anytime!!! In My Opinion I think the Best Window of Oppertunity is on this afternoons Bank Update between 2-4 CST!!! Lots of Intel being put out at this time and Im hopping to have more information later this morning... GO RV!!!!!!!!!
debtarheelgirl] 7:42am on phone w/ Freeway Bill HE states RE: Arizona Heats Post = its too early to call off the RV for weekend, waiting to hear from key sources this AM to midday, I do not see any issue that would cause this to go thu the weekend w/o RVing - we will update you soon this is NOT a major issue.

[debtarheelgirl]Eleanor He will be coming in - Freeway Bill STATES: Its out of the IMF"s hands


White Hats have released a scanned document of one of the contracts


I just picked this off the hot press from a website at
This story keeps getting better and better!  I hope this gets out to humanity!

Just in....

Breaking News!!!  White Hats have released a scanned document of one of the contracts between Yohannes Riyadi and the Federal Reserve!

2/24/12 , 4:55am est.
By: enerchi

Remember Lord James of Blackheath and the White Hats Reports. Well it looks like they just released a scanned document of the contract between Yohannes Riyadi and the Federal Reserve.

The document can be found here:
The website  and location of the document is based out Republika Srpska which is a Serbian.

The testimony by Lord James of Blackheath suggested that there are many contracts between Yohannes Riyadi and the Federal Reserve.  Lord James makes the claims that there is major corruption and criminal activity taking place within the jurisdiction of the USA Corporation  involving the Federal Reserve Bank. Lord James specifically named Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner as having signed some of the contracts.  It seems that this first document is just one of many to be released into the public domain. This document has the signatures of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Roger Ferguson Jr. I am sure they can supply evidence of other contracts between Yohannes Riyadi and the Federal Reserve showing additional signatures and higher USD currency transactions.   So can we arrest these guys?

The document is dated March 31, 2006. Do you see a connection with this date? Ok, I see it! Remember Benjamin Fulfords last article titled " A March 31st deadline has been delivered to the committee of 300 by the gnostic “illuminati” faction". Wow! Seems to be a relationship between the White Hats and the White Dragon Society which is represented by Fulford.

The Federal Reserve and the Main Stream Media refuse to report this, even though there is evidence to support the allegations.  The news outlets like Reuters, CNN, Fox, CBS, MSNBC, and many others, seem to turn a blind eye to one of the greatest corruption stories ever told.The Oath and Anthem of the American/World Press Should Read like the Speech from President John F Kennedy to the American Newspaper Publishers Association.  You can listen to his speech to the press here ......

There is even more evidence uncovered by Christopher Story, Benjamin Fulford, Al Hodges and his letters to world dignitaries, and David Wilcock's Masterpiece "FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time" .

Lets get this out to all the blogs and true news reporters!

All the best to humanity!



 Subject:  and now the LATEST the Geithner Subpoena: Ignored

And then….along came Timmy

But what about Hanky the former Timmy (aka Hanky Panky Paulsen, JR)

and of course, Kutsey Karl Rove:

And then the legacy of the World Bank appointees continue:

Bobby ZUCKY Zoellick:

and before ZUCKY there was

WOLFY Wolfowitz:

and it looks like Hillary or Billary Clinton may be the next one:

but the Chinese want it:




CONF. CALL #>>> 760-569-7676  PIN>> 176323

Ron Paul Raises More Money From Hoosiers Than Other GOP Candidates

Ron Paul Raises More Money From Hoosiers Than Other GOP Candidates In The Fourth Quarter
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Friday, 24-Feb-2012 12:25:43

This might come as a surprise to the elite insiders of the Indiana GOP who are all backing faux Republican Mitt Romney for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, but Ron Paul actually raised more money from Hoosiers in the fourth quarter of 2011 than any of the Republican presidential candidates, including Mitt Romney. Paul's support comes from grassroots supporters and not big money bundlers who raised all of Romney's funds. The Star's Maureen Groppe picks up on this in her story in today's Star and mentions that your's truly is among the Hoosiers supporting Paul:
Filings by the candidates show that Texas Rep. Ron Paul raised the most Hoosier dollars in the last quarter of 2011 among the GOP presidential candidates.
Paul raised $93,757 from Hoosiers who gave more than $200, the amount that requires disclosure of a contributor.
Indianapolis attorney Gary Welsh called Paul "the only truly traditional conservative in the Republican presidential race."
"People have forgotten what it means to be a conservative in the Goldwater tradition of keeping the government off our backs and out of our bedrooms," said Welsh, who gave Paul $250 in December.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney raised $84,251 in large-dollar contributions from Hoosiers in the fourth quarter. Romney, however, raised the most from Hoosiers to date: $273,549, compared with Paul's $180,107.