Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Northern Lights

PHOTOS: Northern Lights Glow Over Northeast & Plains       

June 23, 2015; 12:28 PM ET
By Brian Lada, Meteorologist

The aurora borealis danced across the night sky over the northern United States on Monday night, putting on a spectacular show for those staying up to watch.
People across the Northeast and the northern Plains were graced with mainly clear skies, allowing for breathtaking pictures of the astronomical phenomenon.
However, the Midwest was not as fortunate as severe storms over the region not only caused damage and flooding, but also spread clouds over the region, blocking the northern lights.

The northern lights glowing over Mason City, Iowa

The aurora borealis was able to be seen as far south as Virginia and Kansas, much farther south than they are usually able to be observed.
The most dazzling scenes took place farther north, close to the border between the United States and Canada, where the aurora was able to be seen easily with the naked eye.

AccuWeather Astronomy Facebook Page
WATCH: Aurora Ignites Across the Northern Skies
The Sun, Moon and Stars Enable Life on Earth

The aurora is caused when charged particles from the sun hit the Earth, interacting with the atmosphere and producing a rainbow of colors.
Monday night's light show in particular was caused by a powerful geomagnetic storm that erupted from the sun, similar to the event that occurred back in March.
The Space Weather Prediction Center stated that another solar storm is forecast for Wednesday night into Thursday, likely bringing another light show to portions of North America.

The northern lights were visible at the National Weather Service office in Duluth, Minn

Skies were glowing in Vancouver, Canada on Monday night
                                                                                In Minnesota, clear skies gave way to the dazzling display of the northern lights. 
                                                                   Northern lights were visible in Ketchikan, Alaska
                                                                          The northern lights were visible in northern Minn 
                                                                               The crew takes in another view from the summit sign                                                                          Tonight's northern lights show seen all the way south as Hays, KS. Spectacular show after sunset! 
                                                                  Northern lights tonight in South Dakota

                                                                           Brilliant aurora display from Mt. Agamenticus in York, ME!


Obama Doesn’t Ship Jobs Overseas

Obama Doesn’t Ship Jobs Overseas, He Brings Foreigners Here to Take Our Jobs

Flash back three years to the 2012 presidential campaign. Barack Obama and Joe Biden sounded like a broken record when they continually accused Mitt Romney of shipping American jobs overseas. They painted Romney as some cruel tyrant who spent his entire life trying to put Americans out of work. 
Sadly, Romney and other Republican candidates running for office in 2012 failed to point out Obama’s hypocrisy. They should have told the American people how Obama’s administration awarded a military contract worth $345 million to a Brazilian company when Kansas based Beechcraft Corp was blocked from entering a bid for the contract. Had an American company been awarded the contract, it would have created about 1,400 new jobs.
GOP candidates should have told the American people how $20 million of the infamous 'stimulus money' went to a friend of Biden’s so he could open a luxury car dealership in the Ukraine. US taxpayers were on the hook for $750 billion to help spur the US economy and create jobs for Americans, not Ukrainians or others overseas.
So, rather than being accused of shipping jobs overseas, Obama has taken a different approach to put more Americans out of work. He is pushing hard to raise the number of H1-B work visas from 65,000 a year to 195,000. An H1-B is supposed to be awarded only to foreign nationals who have special skills that cannot be readily found in the American workforce.

However, a growing number of companies have been using H1-B visa workers to replace American workers already doing the job. The H1-B visa workers generally will work for less pay, hence undercutting Americans for the very same jobs. One example was Southern California Edison who have been laying off hundreds of American workers and replacing them with H1-B visa workers. A number of companies in Silicon Valley are also being accused of the same thing.
Amidst reports that Walt Disney was also using H1-B visa workers to replace American workers, the Department of Labor is investigating Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) for abusing H1-B visas. If you hadn’t heard, Disney was reported to have laid off 250 employees last year and then told them they had to train their replacements that were being brought in from India.
The list of companies replacing American workers with cheaper H1-B visa workers is growing, but isn’t this exactly what Barack Obama has been pushing for? If so many companies are misusing the existing H1-B visa program to put Americans out of work, then what real justification does Obama have to increase the annual allotment from 65,000 to 195,000?
Obama’s not shipping jobs overseas.  He’s actively pushing to bring foreign nationals here to take the jobs of American workers. And let’s not forget the 5 million to 20 million illegals he wants to grant work permits to with his illegal delayed deportation programs.


Statement at the top of the Nesara Republic Now website blog


This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our world. Watch and become AWARE!

This blog is an online legacy of John Machaffie, a super patriot who gave everything to help his fellow man.



50-Year-Old Fetus: Doctors Discover Unborn Fetus Inside 92-Year-Old Woman

50 year old fetus
A 50-year-old fetus was found inside the body of a 92-year-old woman. According to NewsOXY, the discovery was made by doctors in Chile. The woman had fallen, and needed x-rays. Little did she know, doctors would actually find something quite strange on those x-rays — and the results had nothing to do with a fractured or broken bone. Doctors were also surprised by the discovery.
A large 4.4 pound calcified fetus was outside the woman’s uterus. Known as a lithopedion, sometimes called a “stomach rock” or a “stone child,” this is a rare occurrence affecting just a few women. “Litho” comes from the Greek word that means “stone,” and the suffix “pedion” (also Greek) means “child.” This happens when the fertilized egg is implanted outside of the uterus (known as an ectopic pregnancy) according to lithopedionbaby.wordpress.com.
The director of the hospital, Marco Vargas Lazo, called the case “extraordinarily rare.” While things like this do happen, and have been reported in the past, very few cases have been confirmed over the years. Doctors will not be removing the fetus, even though it takes up the woman’s entire abdominal cavity. The risk is too great, and the surgery can be dangerous, especially for someone at an advanced age.
The 50-year-old fetus has not been causing the woman any discomfort, which is another reason doctors don’t feel the need to remove it.
According to dbTechno, doctors say that the fetus died in the woman’s third trimester, and was about seven months developed at the time. The woman has already been sent home from the hospital, maybe or maybe not aware that she is one of 300 cases of lithopedion that has been recorded over the past 400 years.
“A study published in 2000 in the Sao Paulo Medical Journaldefined just how rare: the phenomenon happens in just 1.5% to 1.8% of the abdominal pregnancies that occur—and the incidence of those are 1 in 11,000.”
As previously reported by the Inquisitr, most of these cases are found in elderly women. In 2014, a Brazilian woman was admitted to the hospital after suffering from stomach pains. Doctors found a 44-year-old fetus in her abdomen. In 2013, an elderly woman from Columbia was taken to the hospital because of similar symptoms. Doctors found a 40-year-old fetus inside her body. Doctors decide on surgery on a case by case basis, but most prefer to leave the lithopedion alone.



5 Modifications To Make Your AR-15 Obscenely Reliable

Image source: patdollard.com
Image source: patdollard.com
In a recent article, The Big Problem With Semi-Automatic Rifles For Survival, I discussed several reasons why such weapons would prove inadequate for survival-type situations. And although I still maintain many of these opinions, I also enjoy viewing the issue from other perspectives (because, honestly, that’s what makes these conversations darn interesting.)
With that said, I decided to talk about the strengths of the AR-15, and to even address a very strong point that had been made in the comments section: while I might not necessarily see semi-autos as an optimal weapon for my particular tastes, this doesn’t necessarily negate the fact that they would still offer massively superior attributes in comparison to, say, a bolt gun in various instances, such as:
  • For those who have had extensive training and even combat experience with semi-auto rifles, it would make far more sense to stick with the weapon you know best.
  • For someone who wisely believes different weapons are required for different tactical needs. If military unit will carry more than one type of firearm into a combat zone, then so, too should a civilian. If you’re in the process of bugging out with a group, then having a semi-auto or two would provide a massive advantage … because a lever gun just doesn’t get the rounds down-range in near the volume that an AR with a 30-round mag actually can. Let’s just say, we’d be morons for leaving them at home. Fire superiority is a very, very advantageous thing, indeed.
The AR-15 is THE American battle rifle for a reason, and when comparing its pros and cons to other semi-autos, it really does hold its own with ease. Between its inherent ergonomic advantages, its weight — at least, if we’re talking about gas (non-piston) systems — and its excellently designed iron sights, the AR design just gets the job done — much the way it has for decades in the hands of those in the US Armed Forces and domestic law enforcement.
But while I have found the modern production AR to reliably outperform a stamped-receiver AK-47 on the reliability factor — believe it or not — I can’t say that I’d turn my nose up at an opportunity to further cement the longevity and trustworthiness of my AR. So, here are five aftermarket modifications that can turn this workhorse into an armored workhorse with an attitude.
1. Cold Hammer Forged Barrel
Quite frankly, if there were one particular part of the AR that I’d consider THE MOST important, then I’d have to say that it would have to be the barrel. However, not to get too far ahead of ourselves, there’s a difference between what’s considered “accuracy” for a precision bench shooter, and what’s considered accurate enough for general combat applications.
Personally, if I can reliably nail any part of a pie plate at 300 yards with my AR’s irons, then I’d call that a win. But that’s not the only aspect of the barrel that needs our attention. Some have found sub-MOA accuracy variations in groupings from 6,000 rounds to experiencing major accuracy problems after 25,000 rounds after being fired through a chrome-lined barrel.
Ultimate Tactical Self-Defense And Hunting Weapon That Doesn’t Require A Firearms License!
While I might say that these figures are still rather staggering (and much of them remain hearsay), there’s still a possible problem in considering a survival possibility: How many rounds will you HAVE to fire before having the luxury of replacing the barrel or the rifle itself? Quite personally, I’m not in favor of entrusting such a thing to luck.
This is why I’d simply suggest getting a higher-quality cold hammer forged barrel from a reputable company, such as Daniel Defense or BCM. These barrels are known for being extremely durable, and due to their manufacturing process, they will also have the lowest possible potential for factory defects.
2. Nickel Boron Bolt Carrier Group
cleaning an AR-15
Image source: The Arms Guide
There are quite a few AR-15 authorities that aren’t convinced in the usefulness of the nickel boron bolt carrier group; however, again, I’d have to say that this depends upon the application at hand.
For instance, one of the reasons why I’d want to build up my AR’s reliability/durability capacities to cover my hind parts during a possible bugout scenario is because, well, that’s the nature of a bugout scenario. It’s going to be unpredictable. So if I can remove as many weapon-malfunction variables as possible, then I will.
I believe that a nickel boron bolt carrier group is a great way to do just that. To validate my findings, I recently discovered this comprehensive review from The Truth About Guns to be quite helpful, discussing the ease of cleaning one of the rifle’s most important (and often the dirtiest) parts of the weapon’s functioning internals:
“All it took was 30 seconds of rubbing the bolt with a cloth towel and it immediately returned to its original mirror finish. The only place where I had to scrub a bit to remove the carbon was the rear of the bolt, but even that took considerably less time and effort than with a traditional phosphate bolt carrier.”
I’ve heard no shortage of positive praises of the nickel boron bolt carriers, especially from Spikes Tactical; however, don’t be surprised to drop $204 on this purchase alone.
3. Protective Coating
This is, perhaps, one of the most obvious ways to protect the longevity of your AR-15, especially if you’re stuck in an environment that will put your baby through constant moisture and friction hardships. Giving your AR a sturdy application of Duracoat or Cerakote will offer two advantages to your rifle system:
  • First, you’ll be able to better shelter your AR from the corrosion-causing elements, and give it just another barrier of protection.
  • Second, (provided you’ve selected a color scheme that makes sense) the coating can provide an additional camouflage factor, which can give you just one more tactical advantage.
Of course, especially with aftermarket AR mods, such things will cost a pretty penny. If you do DIY, then you won’t have to pay upwards of $200-$300 to have someone else do it — but do be careful, because this is one job that’s very easy to botch.
How To Hide Your Guns, And Other Off-Grid Caches…
4. Upgrade Your Magazines
This aftermarket mod actually has little to do with the rifle itself, but apparently, expert testing has put this issue in the forefront when it comes to AR reliability problems: magazines.  According to David Crane of Defensive Review, he believes that this is actually in the top two reasons in why our taxpayer-funded AR rifles fail in combat:
“If we remove magazines from the equation as an extremely problematic item, the remaining parts critical for inspection and routine replacement are the extractor and spring. From my experience they are the biggest culprits in M4/M4A1 malfunctions, aside from bad magazines.”
The good part is that this is actually somewhat of an easy fix, especially on an individual civilian level. If anything, the key here is to avoid purchasing questionable magazines and stick with the ones that have a strong reputation for a low failure/malfunction rate.
In this case, the Magpul PMAG always seems to take its place somewhere on or around the top of the “favorites list” when it comes to high-performing magazines. Magpul has always been an impressive company in my opinion, and it was largely their stellar magazines that had originally won the company its earliest clout in the tactical gear industry.
5.Replace Springs and Bring Along Extras
But let’s not forget what David Crane had mentioned in the last pointer above.
AR-15 legalNot only were magazines a massive culprit of AR issues: many of such failures and malfunctions were largely a result of problems with the rifle’s springs. And for good reason, especially since it’s the weapon’s springs which provide the controlled opposing reaction to the energy delivered by the gas. The most critical wear and tear will occur here, because the extractor and buffer springs take the hardest operational abuses — and their failure effectively transforms the rifle into a less efficient bolt-gun. However, here’s what Crane’s assessment said in particular,
“I routinely went well over 2,500 rounds with only a few drops of oil and a bore snake run through the barrel every morning. I was convinced there and then that fouling was not nearly the issue it was purported to be, and that the real issue was weak springs and a buffer that was too light.”
Now, I will say that it might not be a smart call to simply replace your springs with heavier ones … and then leave it sitting in the safe until doomsday.
If you’re going to change out the springs, then it’s important that you need to make sure that they aren’t, either too heavy, or still too light for the AR’s gas system to function properly. While there are standard specifications which can give a general idea on how to mod your rifle’s springs, you should still make sure to get in the necessary range time to assess if the new springs are working properly.
Your Build. Your Testing. Your Conclusions
Ultimately, that’s what it comes down to: no matter how you modify your AR, you need to make sure that you give her the necessary range time in order to know what works — and more importantly — what doesn’t.
And whether or not the mods that I’ve suggested will work for your particular rifle or not, the main takeaway is that you should implement changes that make for a better, more durable, more reliable and more accurate rifle. Because these are extremely fine-tuned weapons, and AR-15s will perform differently to others just like them. Hence, the critical need for you to get out there and test your own mods.
However, the more range time you get, the better you know your rifle. The better you know your rifle, the more you know what it needs and how to keep it working for you — and not failing when you need her most.


SWAT Team Raids Home For Not Having Electricity, Gas

A Google Maps image of the home from 2013
A Google Maps image of the home from 2013
Not having electricity or natural gas in your home can have some shocking consequences in St. Louis County, Missouri. A lawsuit alleges that a SWAT team raided a woman’s home and killed her dog in an attempt to enforce a code mandating that homes have utilities.
Five officers from the St. Louis County Police Tactical Response Unit armed with M-4 carbines, along with another eight uniformed officers, burst into Angela Zorich’s home without knocking on April 29, 2014, The Riverfront Times reported. The first thing one of the officers did was shoot and kill Zorich’s 4-year-old pit bull, Kiya, with three shots to her stomach. The dog had not barked and was not charging, the lawsuit says.
“As Kiya did not immediately die from her wounds, Ms. Zorich begged officers to help her dog but they refused,” a federal lawsuit, Zorich vs. St. Louis County, alleges. “Ms. Zorich and her son then pleaded to at least be allowed to comfort their dying pet but St. Louis County’s officers, including defendant Rinck, again refused and Kiya was left to die afraid, in pain and uncomforted while watching armed strangers hold her family at gunpoint just feet from her.”
Learn How To Become Invisible In Today’s Surveillance State!
Another officer then allegedly pointed a gun at Zorich’s son’s head and said, “One word, mother—–, and I’ll put three in you.”
All the officers were at the property at the request of the County Housing Inspector. The inspector had labeled Zorich’s home a problem property after receiving an anonymous tip that the family was living without utilities. The family maintains the house had electricity.
Image source: AmericasFreedomFighters.org
Image source: AmericasFreedomFighters.org
Police took Zorich into custody for building citations involving guard rails, siding, screens, window glass and her deck. Zorich was also arrested on traffic warrants for speeding, running a red light, and driving an unregistered vehicle, a police report indicates.
Police said the SWAT raid was necessary because the residents had an “extensive violent history.”
Two of Zorich’s sons were also arrested; one of them faced charges of violating financial responsibility, interfering with police, disturbing the peace and assault. Another was arrested for failing to appear in court on a traffic case.
“This is an example of police overreaching and using excessive force to get a family out of their house,” the Zorich attorney, Kenneth Chackes, told The Riverfront Times.
The house actually faced foreclosure in 2013 but the family continued living there, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. Neighbors told The Post-Dispatch that the Zorichs were something of a nuisance; the family drove over neighbors’ lawns, had fights, and used dogs to intimidate neighbors.
The family has since moved out of the house.
“I am so glad they are gone,” neighbor Mary Fran Pereira told The Post-Dispatch. “They are a plague. I wouldn’t wish them on anybody.”
Chackes, the family attorney, maintains the SWAT raid was unwarranted.
“There is nothing that justified the actions that the police took,” Chackes told The Post-Dispatch. “This is what they chose to do in response to a complaint about gas.”

Off-Grid ‘Kitchen Cures’ When Antibiotics Won’t Work

Off-Grid ‘Kitchen Cures’ When Antibiotics Won’t Work

Image source: healthandhealthylivingDOTcom
Image source: healthandhealthylivingDOTcom
If you’re wary of using conventional antibiotics to treat common infections, there are numerous alternative remedies you could consider.  I discovered the power of naturopathy when I treated my family’s recent staph and viral infections using healing foods right out of my kitchen.
My 12-year-old son contracted a skin infection from a playmate, developing a boil on his leg the size of a small pea. It was pink, inflamed and had pus in the center, which is characteristic of a staph infection. First we treated it with iodine, thinking it was minor and would go away in a few days. But when one became two, then three, and multiplying up to eight, I was petrified! I tried calendula and colloidal silver, to no avail.
Eventually, I picked it up, too. And so did my 10-year-old daughter, who has eczema on her legs.  Because her skin was already compromised, she became more ill than the rest of us. She developed a fever and on the third day she had distinctive pustules filled with yellowish-white pus. (I wish I could show you photographs, but you wouldn’t want to see them – they’re horrifying and difficult to view). Although I’m a stickler for natural treatments, I caved in and rushed her to a doctor. As expected, the dermatologist prescribed a round of oral antibiotics, combined with topical steroids. For my son and me, she prescribed an anti-bacterial cream.
The Hidden Secrets Of Making Herbal Medicines…Right At Your Fingertips!
Within a few days of medical treatment, we recovered. But after her oral dose ended, my daughter’s infection came back. That’s when I suspected the bug was methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus or MRSA, which is a strain of bacteria that’s developed resistance to common antibiotics. Either that or the strain that attacked us just mutated after a round of Augmentin (amoxicillin) and developed into a stronger form.
I was afraid that if I took my child back to the doctor, she would just be given another round of antibiotics, possibly a stronger one. And knowing that pharmaceutical antibiotics kill both bad and good bacteria in the gut, causing microbial imbalance – a problem most eczema sufferers are known to have – I resolved not to take her back. I searched instead for more effective natural treatments and that was when I discovered the potency of garlic, honey and high doses of vitamin C.
Though my research yielded a variety of natural alternatives for treating MRSA, the ones I used were garlic, honey and lime — simply because I had plenty of them at home.  A clove or about a teaspoon of chopped raw garlic with wild honey, every five to six hours, didn’t elicit protests from my daughter. Especially if it was downed with freshly made lime-o-nade, with the same raw honey to sweeten it. (I used calamondins, our local variety; but I’m sure you can use lemons).  I also gave her 250mg of ascorbic acid twice a day, to augment the vitamin C in the lime. To finish the job, I applied garlic oil – crushed raw garlic steeped in virgin coconut oil – twice daily on the boils. I used a dropper and a cotton ball to spread it. Within four days, all traces of the recurring staph were gone. For good. No additional trip to the doctor was made, no extra dollar spent and no worries about toxic side effects.
Story continues below video

Garlic is a proven, plant-based antibiotic with the ability to combat a broad spectrum of bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, yeasts, molds and various parasites. People around the world have been using it for centuries to treat all types of infections, from cancer to tuberculosis. For a comprehensive list of illnesses it is used for, click here.
Unlike synthetic antibiotics, which are simple in their chemical composition, garlic is highly complex. It has over 27 known active ingredients and dozens more that work in yet undiscovered ways. This makes it difficult for bacteria to contend with and overcome. In fact, European scientists who studied and proved garlic’s potency against 10 different microbes found a “complete absence of development resistance” in garlic. According to drugs.com, the potency of garlic is such that one milligram is equivalent to 15 Oxford units of penicillin.
To make ingesting garlic easier, especially for children, coat it in honey – which also happens to be a potent antibiotic.  (I’m sure chocolate syrup would work, but honey is far more beneficial.)  You’ll have to use fresh garlic, though. Allicin, the most potent chemical that’s released once a clove is sliced or crushed, oxidizes easily so try to take it within 15 minutes of chopping.
New “Survival Herb Bank” Gives You Access to God’s Amazing Medicine Chest
honey,garlic and lemonAnd like conventional antibiotics and anti-virals, you’ll have to take garlic for a minimum of one week or you’ll run the risk of having a relapse. I made that mistake when I used the same treatment for a viral infection. I was so convinced of the power of my garlic-honey-lime remedy that I used it to treat the swollen, painful lymph nodes that my kids developed.  Because they also were running a high fever, indicative of a full-blown infection, I increased the dose to one clove/tsp. every three hours. Each time, I also smothered garlic oil on their necks below the ears where the nodes were sore, and on the soles of their feet twice a day as a trans-dermal therapy.  The treatment was effective, but once the symptoms improved, I brought the dose down immediately to three times per day or every eight hours. The kids suffered a rebound. For a systemic, high-grade infection like that, I would recommend administering a dose six to eight times a day. Increase the time between doses by an hour as soon as symptoms improve – most likely on the third or fourth day – until you’re down to just three times a day.
Please be aware that I have no medical background whatsoever. I’m only recommending this as an alternative for those who, like me, want to avoid pharmaceutical antibiotics and their known side effects.
The minimum number of days I’d advise anyone to take garlic, for medicinal purposes, is seven days. Extend up to 10 if you want to be guaranteed of zero relapse. My family continues to take it twice a day to boost our immune systems and take care of possible candida overgrowth in our guts that may have developed from previous doses of antibiotics.
One important reminder, too. Garlic is known to be an anti-coagulant, so don’t do this treatment if you’re already taking blood thinners or are recovering from surgery. Take care against possible allergic reactions, or slight irritation in the mouth or the stomach lining. If your tummy gets easily upset, don’t ingest raw garlic on an empty stomach. There have been reports of bloating, gas and slight nausea in people who can’t tolerate it easily. But other than those, the only other unpleasant side effect most healthy people can expect from eating this amazing allium is bad breath and body odor.

'Something Very Wrong Coming To America This Year' - Massive Military Movements Across America Directly Tied To Wal Marts Nationwide


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

From our northern border with Canada to our completely open southern border with Mexico and from sea to shining sea, we are witnessing a massive 'buildup to and preparation for' a still unnamed event. Every day we become more aware of a very strong but still mysterious connection between the US military and Wal Mart stores across the country as another ANP reader who calls himself 'Texas Patriot' emailed us the photograph seen above showing several US military vehicles sitting, hidden, behind a Wal Mart store in Crowley, Texas.

Meanwhile, the excellent 3 video compilation below from YouTube videographer Christina Sarro shows us part of the Raider Focus wargames in Colorado and, coincidentally or not, MORE connections between the military and Wal Mart...and 2 SEPARATE times! Why does the US military have such a strong connection to Wal Mart stores? The fact that they're using them more and more frequently recently as seen in these videos raises many questions with answers unlikely to follow.

We also receive a very strong warning from famed hacker Guccifer in the 1st video below that something HORRIBLE is getting ready to happen to America. Guccifer, who previously hacked the Bush family, Hillary Clinton, the Rockefellers and Federal Reserve Board members, joins at the 10:45 mark of this excellent brand new Norton video called "In Search Of The Most Dangerous Town On The Internet" and proceeds to tell us: "Every American open your eyes wide, because something very wrong is going to come to them this year."

What does Guccifer know that we don't know? The fact that Guccifer's stock and trade IS the internet and the fact that he's hacked into computer systems owned by the satanic elitists makes us feel that he KNOWS their plans...are they preparing to take down our entire banking system via false flag hack, leaving Americans out of cash and out of time, so that they can simply 'start over again'? The fact that Guccifer used to spend hours daily reading Hillary Clinton's memos before going out to do his gardening helps us understand he likely knows what he speaks of. 


With Google recently putting out doodles such as the one directly above, why do we get a very strong feeling that all of these military exercises all across America are somehow tied to Guccifer's brief warning? Knowing what we've recently learned, that Jade Helm is an artificial intelligence program, a COMPUTER that will be leading the JH15 'exercises,' only adds to our trepidation over what's coming, especially considering recent warnings from people such as Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk that artificial intelligence could one day lead to the end of humanity with humanity being treated like 'pets' by AI.


Check out the US Army guy in the blue van after he drops off a boatload of soldiers at the Colorado Wal Mart. Why is he so obviously covering up his face to avoid detection of who he is? These videos are excellent and provide us with over a half an hour of footage from an American citizen quite disgusted in what she sees her country turning into.  

 ( Part 1 ) 
La junta, Colorado

Will the military exercises and convoys we are witnessing across the country lead soon to the imposition of martial law across America or are these just more 'conditioning exercises', preparing Americans to see the US military on US streets all the time? If the 2nd answer is correct in your opinion, what's REALLY the difference? One certainly leads to the other... 

 ( Part 2 ) 

 ( Part 3 ) 





In North Dakota, Local News Shows Subtle Power of Public Bank

At PBI, we tend to cover a lot of global and national stories about the problems of private banking and its public alternatives. But some of the most important stories about the power of public banks are local. Two recent stories in the North Dakota media demonstrate what the Bank of North Dakota, the nation's only public bank, does for that state.
bank-of-north-dakota.jpgWilliston, North Dakota, is the county seat of Williams County, with a population of just over 20,000--and it's the sixth largest city in North Dakota, which gives you an idea of how rural the state really is (and, consequently, how important it is that financing options for public goods, farms, and small businesses be efficient and portable). Williston's economy is driven by a combination of agriculture and oil, both industries in North Dakota whose infrastructure benefits from regular attention by the BND. Writing for the Williston Herald, Melissa Krause reported on June 8 that the local school district has proposed a new school, a K-12 consolidated facility projected to cost $48.5 million. The tax base from commercial property and utilities will account for 75% of those costs. The rest would have to come from residents, but this is where the Bank of North Dakota comes in--the BND has offered to loan money for construction at an incredible 1-2% interest, a historic low. "We are hitting the situation at a perfect storm," said school superintendent Rob Turner, who is "delighted" about the BND's interest rates.
Compare this to the Napa Valley Unified School District in California, which in 2009 took out a $22 million loan to build a high school, financed through capital appreciation bonds. By 2049, when the debt is paid, the $22 million loan will have cost taxpayers $154 million.
But another important role for the BND is in protecting the integrity of community banks in North Dakota. Because of the BND, North Dakota has the lowest community bank closure rate, and the strongest community banks overall, in the nation. So when I read recently that Choice Financial, a Fargo-based community banking organization, was making plans to acquire more North Dakota community banks, I was concerned. Acquisitions and consolidations scare me; they smell too much like predatory capitalism.
But out of over seventy community financial institutions in North Dakota, only four have been purchased in the last five years, compared to the national rate of 25% acquisition for community banks. Again, the BND helps community banks in North Dakota stay afloat and independent, and the statistics are continuously overwhelming. And why are community banks important? I usually offer up this list of reasons:
1. “Community banks focus attention on the needs of local families and businesses.”
2. “Community banks use local deposits to make loans to the neighborhoods where their depositors live and work.”
3. “Community bank officers are generally accessible to their customers on site with decisions on loans being made locally.”
4. “Community bank employees are typically deeply involved in local community affairs.”
5. “Community banks are willing to consider important attributes such as a person’s character when making loans.”
6. “Community banks are themselves small businesses, so they understand the needs of small business owners.”
7. “Community banks’ boards of directors are made up of local citizens who want to advance the interests of the towns and cities where they live and the bank does business.”
The Bank of North Dakota, a public bank without shareholders and run by the state, makes local communities and small banks in North Dakota stronger and more economically healthy. It's that simple.


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Woman told to clean sandy yard or go to jail










Woman told to clean sandy yard or go to jail

Jun 22nd 2015 11:04AM

A thousand dollar fine or a 180 days in jail. I have one parking ticket,"
Georgianna Reid told KSHB.
Kansas City officials told Georgianna Reed she has 10 days to remove the sand from her yard or appeal. Otherwise they could fine her $1,000 — and she could spend half a year behind bars.
If that happened, Reid's life could end behind bars. Her doctors say she only has about
six months to live. Her friends fear she'd die in prison.
Reid told KSHB she's lived in this house for 33 years, and three years ago filled her yard with sand. Her idea was to have a beachfront theme, but many neighbors complained.
"Having a house with sand in it –– it looks like it belongs out in Florida on the beach or something, like a beach home," a neighbor told KSHB.
Legally Reid has the right to have sand in her yard. However, the city says rain has
caused weeds to grow, as well as wash sand onto the sidewalk.
"I will take the sand out but I'm going to an asphalt yard because I'm still not gonna mow," Reid told KSHB.
The city has yet to decide if they are opposed to the asphalt alternative.


Major internet providers slowing traffic speeds for thousands across US

Major internet providers slowing traffic speeds for thousands across US

Study finds significant degradations of networks for five largest ISPs, including AT&T
and Time Warner, representing 75% of all wireline households in US

Time Warner Cable truck

in New York
Monday 22 June 2015 10.58 EDT

Major internet providers, including AT&T, Time Warner and Verizon, are slowing data from popular websites to thousands of US businesses and residential customers in dozens of cities across the country, according to a study released on Monday.
The study, conducted by internet activists BattlefortheNet, looked at the results from 300,000 internet users and found significant degradations on the networks of the five largest internet service providers (ISPs), representing 75% of all wireline households across the US.
The findings come weeks after the Federal Communications Commission introduced new rules meant to protect “net neutrality” – the principle that all data is equal online – and keep ISPs from holding traffic speeds for ransom.
Tim Karr of Free Press, one of the groups that makes up BattlefortheNet, said the finding show ISPs are not providing content to users at the speeds they’re paying for.
“For too long, internet access providers and their lobbyists have characterized net neutrality protections as a solution in search of a problem,” said Karr. “Data compiled using the Internet Health Test show us otherwise – that there is widespread and systemic abuse across the network. The irony is that this trove of evidence is becoming public just as many in Congress are trying to strip away the open internet protections that would prevent such bad behavior.”
The study, supported by the technologists at Open Technology Institute’s M-Lab, examines the comparative speeds of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), which shoulder some of the data load for popular websites. Any site that becomes popular enough has to pay a CDN to carry its content on a network of servers around the country (or the world) so that the material is close to the people who want to access it.
In Atlanta, for example, Comcast provided hourly median download speeds over a CDN called GTT of 21.4 megabits per second at 7pm throughout the month of May. AT&T provided speeds over the same network of ⅕ of a megabit per second. When a network sends more than twice the traffic it receives, that network is required by AT&T to pay for the privilege. When quizzed about slow speeds on GTT, AT&T told Ars Technica earlier this year that it wouldn’t upgrade capacity to a CDN that saw that much outgoing traffic until it saw some money from that network (as distinct from the money it sees from consumers).
AT&T has strongly opposed regulation of its agreements with the companies that directly provide connectivity between high-traffic internet users and their customers. Cogent, Level3 and others have petitioned the FCC to make free interconnection to CDNs a part of the conditions for the proposed merger between AT&T and DirecTV.
“It would be unprecedented and unjustified to force AT&T to provide free backbone services to other backbone carriers and edge providers, as Cogent et al seek,” said the company in a filing replying to the CDNs’ suggestion, part of a brief opposing the merger. “Nor is there any basis for requiring AT&T to augment network capacity for free and without any limits. Opponents’ proposals would shift the costs of their services onto all AT&T subscribers, many of whom do not use Opponents’ services, and would harm consumers.”
FCC chairman Tom Wheeler has taken an aggressive regulatory tack when it comes to mergers in the telecommunications sector. “History proves that absent competition a predominant position in the market such as yours creates economic incentives to use that market power to protect your traditional business in a way that is ultimately harmful to consumers,” he told industry leaders at the Internet and Television Expo last month.
The dispute over traffic speeds comes as the telecoms and cable industry readies legal challenges to the net neutrality rules. Most telecoms are content letting their lobbyists, notably trade associations Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) and USTelecom, sue the FCC over net neutrality rules, but AT&T has been one of the few companies to sue the FCC directly.



Monday, June 22, 2015

Clinton Foundation whistle blower gets legal threats

Clinton Foundation Whistle Blower Gets Legal Threats

The reason that there are not more people blowing the whistle on corruption in our country is that there is usually a high price for your telling the truth.  People lose their jobs, friends, reputations, and sometimes even their life.  If telling the truth was painless, more people would do it.  But one person is finding out that it is hard to tell the truth when there is so much money involved.

Fox reports
A former charity executive who helped expose a questionable $500,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation is now being threatened by her old bosses with a lawsuit seeking tens of thousands of dollars, FoxNews.com has learned.
The young lady should not be surprised that there would be backlash for her outing her boss and the Clintons.  And if you believe the stories, she is blessed to be alive.  But, the more pressure that they place on the woman, and she does not cave the more it looks like she is telling the truth.  And the pressure is beginning to get high.

Sue Veres Royal, former executive director at the Happy Hearts Fund, was initially quoted in a May 29 New York Times article that said the charity lured Bill Clinton to a 2014 gala only after offering a $500,000 donation to The Clinton Foundation. His office previously had turned down the charity’s invitations, but this time he accepted; the accompanying donation amounted to almost a quarter of the gala’s net proceeds.

The 2 Million plus event pays out $500,000 on the speaker?  Wow! Being that Clinton has his own charity, and he believes in giving away work and money, you would think that he would simply do the gala for free.  These revelations to the Times has brought heat on Royal.
The Happy Hearts Fund’s legal team fired off a cease-and-desist order to Veres Royal the same day the Times report was published. The charity claimed she had breached a confidentiality agreement and gave “numerous falsehoods, inaccuracies and disparaging statements” about the organization to the Times. The letter demanded she no longer speak to the media or else they would seek damages.
HHF is warning miss Royal that it will cost her to continue to tell the truth.  They will spend the money designated to help Haiti to silence Royal.  This shows the lunacy of these people’s thinking.  How are you going to continue to give to an organization who would waste the money that should be helping people in desperate need?  Well, if your goal is not the betterment of those people, it can be done without much thought.

They have responded to Royal’s comments
“Because we know the strong impact of working together and because the Happy Hearts Fund and the Clinton Foundation have a shared goal of providing meaningful help to Haiti, we proposed a joint educational project with the Clinton Foundation. Any suggestion that this joint project is some kind of ‘honorarium’ or ‘fee’ is unequivocally false,” the spokesman told FoxNews.com in a statement. According to the group, such partnerships have allowed the charity to build 113 schools since 2006 in nine different countries, with more opening this month.
But Royal reports that the money given to the Clinton Foundation has not even been designated yet.  They have not even decided how it should be used.
However, Veres Royal said she was appalled not only by the 2014 Clinton donation but by details she had not known before the Times report was published — most notably that the $500,000, which was supposed to go to causes in the ravaged country of Haiti, still had not been earmarked for any particular project by The Clinton Foundation.
This is just another reason to believe that the Clinton Foundation is merely a slush fund for the Clintons.
