Thursday, June 25, 2015

So you ask: "What is the TPP?" Part 1

Everything you need to know about the Trans Pacific Partnership

Part 1 of ??????

If you're just now hearing about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, don't worry: It's not too late to get up to speed. Negotiations over the huge trade agreement — which, when finished, will govern 40 percent of U.S.' imports and exports — were supposed to wrap up this past weekend in Singapore, but, well, they didn't quite make that deadline, which means meetings will likely continue into the new year.
You'd also be forgiven for not hearing about it: The talks, as with all trade agreements, have been conducted largely in secret. Global health advocates, environmentalists, Internet activists and trade unions have deep concerns about what the deal might contain, and are making as much noise as possible in order to influence negotiations before a final version becomes public. Here's what you need to know.

1. What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership? 
Basically, it's a giant free trade deal between the U.S., Canada, and 10 countries in the Asia-Pacific region that's been under negotiation for nearly a decade now (it began as an agreement between Singapore, Chile, New Zealand and Brunei before the U.S. took the lead in 2009). It's expected to eliminate tariffs on goods and services, tear down a host of non-tariff barriers and harmonize all sorts of regulations when it's finished early next year.

2. Giant, huh? How giant? 
The countries currently party to the agreement — currently including Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Canada, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, most critically Japan and potentially Korea — are some of the U.S.' biggest and fastest-growing commercial partners, accounting for $1.5 trillion worth of trade in goods in 2012 and $242 billion worth of services in 2011. They're responsible for 40 percent of the world's GDP and 26 percent of the world's trade. That makes it roughly the same size as the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, another huge trade agreement that got rolling this past summer. The hope is that more countries in the region will join down the line.

3. So the big country not in the TPP is ...
That's right: China. The Obama administration's focus on the TPP is part of its "pivot" to Asia — former national security adviser Tom Donilon called it the "centerpiece of our economic rebalancing" and a "platform for regional economic integration" — after too many years of American foreign policy being bogged down in the Middle East. Scholars such as Columbia University's Jagdish Bhagwati are worried that the TPP goes further, as an effort to "contain" China and provide an economic counterweight to it in the region. Many of the TPP's current provisions are designed to exclude China, like those requiring yarn in clothing to come from countries party to the agreement, and could possibly invite retaliation. In addition, 60 senators have asked for the final agreement to address currency manipulation, which wouldn't directly affect China as a non-member, but could create a framework for broader action.

4. I thought we already had a World Trade Organization. Why do we need a separate Asia trade deal? 
The TPP process itself is an admission that the consensus-driven WTO is too cumbersome a venue for so-called "high-standard" trade deals. The WTO's weakness seemed even more apparent in its recent "breakthrough" on customs streamlining, which was all negotiators could salvage from the much more ambitious Doha Round that's otherwise been a failure. Of course, some fear that another regional pact will just add complexity and undermine existing institutions.

5. How is it different from other trade deals we've done? 
Trade agreements used to deal mostly just with goods: You can import X number of widgets at Y price, as long as we know that certain environmental and labor standards are met. Modern trade agreements — including the Trans-Atlantic deal as well as the TPP — encompass a broad range of regulatory and legal issues, making them a much more central part of foreign policy and even domestic lawmaking.

6. Wait, so how much does this thing actually cover?
The treaty has 29 chapters, dealing with everything from financial services to telecommunications to sanitary standards for food. Some parts of it have significant ramifications for countries' own legal regimes, such as the part about "regulatory coherence," which encourages countries to set up a mechanism like the U.S.' own Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs to conduct cost-benefit analyses on new rules. USTR has a rough outline, and for a more comprehensive rundown, read this Congressional Research Service report.

7. That doesn't tell me much. What are countries still fighting over?
Where to start? Most countries have their own individual issues, and it's difficult to tell what's been resolved since the details aren't public, but anonymously sourced reports and leaked texts suggest that these are the biggest remaining sticking points:
— Intellectual property: The leaked intellectual property chapter revealed that the U.S. has been pushing stronger copyright protections for music and film, as well as broader and longer-lasting applicability of patents. It would also make the approval process more difficult for generic drug makers and extend protections for biologic medicines, which has concerned several members of Congress. Public health and open internet groups have campaigned hard for years around these issues, and public intellectuals like Joe Stiglitz have warned against using the treaty to "restrict access to knowledge."
— State-owned enterprises: Many TPP governments, in particular Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia, essentially own large parts of their economies. Negotiations have aimed to limit public support for these companies in order to foster competition with the private sector, but given the U.S.' own government-sponsored enterprises — Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the U.S. Postal Service — they probably won't go too far.
— Market access: Though the treaty envisions dropping all tariffs, tensions remain between the U.S. and Japan over support for both of their agricultural sectors, as well as Japan's willingness to accept U.S.-made automobiles.
— Investor-state dispute resolution: Most modern free trade agreements include some mechanism for investor parties to sue governments directly for failing to abide by the terms of the agreement, which some public interest advocates worry will have a chilling effect on domestic regulation aimed at consumer and environmental protection.
— Tobacco: Originally, the U.S. had proposed that tobacco be treated differently than other kinds of goods, in that countries would have permission to restrict its importation and sale. This summer, it executed something of an about-face, which alarmed anti-smoking advocates who worry that tobacco companies will continue to sue nations for passing laws that heavily tax cigarettes or ban certain kinds of advertising.
The Peterson Institute has a helpful overview of some of the more contentious issues.

8. How do negotiations work, exactly?
The negotiations have progressed in 20 several-day-long "rounds," which rotate between the party nations. Typically, the U.S. will table a proposal or circulate something called a "non-paper" for discussion, which gets marked up by all the participants until they can come to a consensus. In between the rounds, the U.S. Trade Representative will brief its 16 formal "advisory councils" and seek input from key lawmakers on where they've arrived. (Given the robust revolving door between USTR and industry, a certain amount of back-channel lobbying goes on as well).
When all the parties have agreed on a complete text, they'll take it back to their respective legislative bodies for ratification.

9. Why has the TPP been so secretive? Is that normal? 
Trade negotiations are usually conducted in private, on the theory that parties won't be able to have a meaningful dialogue if their positions are disclosed to the public. Accordingly, TPP parties have signed a confidentiality agreement requiring them to share proposals only with "government officials and individuals who are part of the government’s domestic trade advisory process."
What's different this time is the scale and scope of the agreement, and the reasons advocates have had to be concerned about its contents. Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) have been particularly vocal about the administration's refusal to make draft text available, as have law professors and numerous public interest groups. There have been a couple major unintentional releases, most recently in mid-November, when Wikileaks published a controversial chapter on intellectual property.
10. So but wait, how will this actually affect my life?
To be honest, it'll be hard to notice at first, and it depends on who you are. In the aggregate, it should make you richer: The Peterson Institute for International Economics estimates the U.S. will realize $78 billion more per year under its assumptions about what the TPP will include, and $267 billion annually if free trade is expanded to the rest of the Asia-Pacific region.
Those gains won't be evenly distributed, though: If you're an investor or a U.S. business looking for foreign investment, or a small business looking to sell stuff overseas, the news is pretty great. If you have a job making cars or airplanes, you might have reason to worry. (The Business Roundtable, which is composed of the U.S.' biggest companies, has put together fact sheets on how it thinks the TPP could benefit each state).

UPDATE: It's also worth considering the ramifications of the TPP's potential to exacerbate economic inequality. The left-leaning Center for Economic and Policy Research responded to Peterson's paper with an analysis that breaks out wage gains by income percentile, showing that most would accrue to the wealthy:

11. What does Congress have to do with this? 
The Constitution charges Congress with giving advice and consent on trade agreements. Over the past couple decades, though, Congress has abrogated that right somewhat by granting the president something called "trade promotion authority" or "fast track," which is the right to an up-or-down vote on the treaty as negotiated by the administration so as to avoid quibbling over line items that would require renegotiation with TPP countries.
That's what Congress is currently fighting over. Republicans and big business generally favor reauthorizing the president's fast track privileges, which expired in 2007, while Democrats concerned with protecting U.S. industries and global health have opposed it or demanded more robust consultation up front in exchange. Without trade promotion authority, the chances of ratification are slim.

Since there are those blog readers who want to know what the TPP is all about and who apparently are not capable or interested enough to research TPP on their own, I will research more info and post it, especially for those who find everything to be 'bullshit' and 'fear porn.'  Maybe they will GROW UP some day -   ya think?! 

Young girl being savagely assaulted


Observe the gal to the left of this pic and dancing basketball buddy  ...........

Jun. 24, 2015 10:41pm Jason Howerton

A video posted online Tuesday shows a young girl being savagely assaulted while she was holding a young child. The sickening video was going viral on Wednesday and a website was offering a $1,000 reward for information on the attack to turn over to police.
The disturbing video shows two young females demanding the girl holding the baby “get up,” presumably to fight. When the girl, still holding a young child, didn’t get up, the attacker is seen dragging her out of her seat by her hair, sending her and the child tumbling to the ground.
The young child can be heard in the video crying hysterically.
The unidentified attacker then brutally punched and kicked the female victim while keeping a grip on her hair. At one point, a male bystander is actually seen dancing during the shocking attack.
The motivation behind the assault wasn’t immediately known. It also wasn’t clear where and when the video was recorded.
You can watch the footage of the attack below, but be warned, the content is extremely disturbing and contains strong language:

(YouTube screengrab)
(YouTube screengrab)

      Video can be viewed at The Blaze website

The lack of information on the shockingly violent incident apparently moved The Last Refuge blog to offer a $1,000 reward for information leading to identifying the “person(s)” involved in the assault.
“The horrific manner of the attack has impacted many Treepers and discussion participants of this site. Therefore, we are offering a reward (currently $1,000) for information about this attack to include location which will lead to the identification of the person(s) involved. Our intent is to contact the local authorities with this video and identifying information therein,” the site stated on Wednesday. 

AIDS infection among IS’s members

AIDS infection among IS’s members

It was stunning hearing about AIDS infection among IS members ”  for “AIDS” most often spreads through unprotected sex with an infected person and It may also spread by sharing drug needles, which both are prohibited by IS.
Reporter in Sound and Picture moved to Shaddadi south Hasaka, to investigate this matter and uncover the circumstances.
The Reporter contacted secretly one of IS members  named “Abu Qatada” fearing the possibility of execution by IS in the case he was exposed revealing information. Abu Qatada confirmed the existence of two AIDS infection cases.  He said: ”In the beginning we discovered one case in the immigrant who carries the Indonesian nationality, and that happened when he was donating blood at one of the IS hospitals."
Abu Qatada added that: ”The security device of IS opened an investigation to know later that the infected member has a Yezidi girl who was sold to another member, carries the Egyptian nationality and when examining the Egyptian member and the Yazidi girl, they were both confirmed infected.
Abu Qatada confirmed that throughout investigations it was discovered that the Indonesian member was aware of his condition, and he had done tests in his country which proved his AIDS infection and he headed to Syria a year ago, thus he was sentence to death by IS for harming IS members.
The reporter headed to Almayadeen city to complete collecting information. Throughout a careful research, he succeeded in knowing the name of the center where examinations and tests are being done, which won’t be revealed for security reasons.
Sound and Picture reporter met the doctor who works at the center who asked us not to mention his name. He explained that: “Almayadeen City didn’t have a center for AIDS tests before. However, after the control of IS, it brought materials and equipment from Iraq to Syria, and it also stressed on the need to check each drop of blood which is transferred to IS members”.
The doctor said: ”IS members brought to the center a 30-year-old man who speaks Egyptian dialect along with a 15-year-old girl who was very afraid and pale. The test results was AIDS positive.
Sound and Picture reporter returned to Shaddadi city to follow up the investigation.  Abu Qatada said: “The 6 people who were witnessed visiting the infected member’s house  were arrested and forced to do tests to discover two other AIDS infection cases of two Saudi members who both had sex with the Yazidi girl”.  Abu Qatada also confirmed that the investigation process continued and became more confidential because of the involvement of one of the IS princes, “Amir,”  who had sex with the Yazidi girl when visiting her house without knowing if that happened before or after her infection.

Civilians In ISIS ‘Capital’ Raqqa Trapped Between ISIS Brutality And Syrian Kurdish Fighters’ Advances

ISIS detained many youths on charges of supporting “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently”

US Army: Texas and Utah are BOTH labeled "HOSTILE" TERRITORY


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Next targets : Declaration of Independence, Constitution and American Flag

Next Targets: Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and American Flag

Parodies and satire are built on the consequential absurdities of some statement, incident, or argument. Who would have ever thought that an Olympic athlete would claim to be a woman, or that any man would want to be a woman and certain elements in society would claim that such transitioning deserves an Olympic-type of medal of its own for making such a "heroic" decision?
Now we're being told that by taking down the Confederate Battle Flag that all will be right with the world. While Flip Wilson's Geraldine's character claimed "the devil made me do it," we're to believe that a flag made Dylann Roof murder five black people during a prayer meeting in a church.
Let's remember that South Carolina elected a woman of Indian descent as governor and a black man as U.S. Senator -- both Republicans.
If the Confederate Battle Flag is offensive, let's not forget that the American flag and Constitution are also offensive to many. The American flag, not the Confederate Battle flag or the Southern flag (they are different), flew on slave ships. The Constitution did not abolish slavery, so it has to go as well.
Northern states were involved in the slave trade. There's still a great deal of racism and bigotry in the north. For example, on June 24, 1924, the Ku Klux Klan held an outdoor meeting in Tionesta, Pennsylvania, that drew a crowd of 4,000. It was described as “the largest crowd ever seen in Tionesta up to that date despite heavy rains in the early part of the day.” New York and Chicago had large Klan membership.
Here's a KKK parade in our nation's Capital where Klan members are carrying the United States Flag, not a Confederate flag.


The long-time U.S. Senator of West Virginia, Robert Byrd, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan and led his local chapter. There are tens of places in WV named after the former Klan member. Will they be renamed? There's enough hypocrisy to go around. Rush Limbaugh is on the right track with the claim that the real targets of the left are the American flag and Constitution and ultimately many of the founding principles of our nation.                                                            From Denver, Colorado (2015)

Since we're talking about taking down flags, it's time we take down the anti-Christian rainbow flag of the homosexual movement. 

While the following article from The Peoples Cube is satire, it's not far off the mark. Don't think that there isn't some atheist group somewhere that will make this their next legal project. It's the logical consequence of where we as a nation are headed.  Atheist activists have filed a lawsuit through the ACLU against the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) last week to have the Declaration of Independence removed from public viewing at the Capitol Rotunda. The activists maintain that a document with multiple references to God in its text prominently displayed on government property is completely 'unconstitutional' in addition to being highly 'offensive.'

The claimants, a newly registered non-profit group, Organizing for Secular Justice, have issued a press-release with this explanation: "For far too long has the religious right been suppressing our liberties by force-feeding the idea of a Christian God to individuals under the guise of freedom. To evolve past such archaic ideas and superstitions is an idea whose time has come. This charade of bigotry ends now!"  If the lawsuit is successful, the Declaration of Independence will be removed from the Rotunda of the National Archives and placed into permanent storage, away from the public eye.
"We're better off this way," said Bryon Fuller, one of the directors at Organizing for Secular Justice. "As long as there remains any reference to God of any kind in a public building, especially within that outdated wrinkled-up piece of paper showcased in the Capitol, there it will remain as a monument to ignorance, tyranny, and oppression of everyday Americans. In its current form the Declaration of Independence is by far the biggest threat to our liberties. There is no place for it in a truly free and modern society."
"Our agenda is not as radical as some may think," noted Fuller. "We don't want to destroy the Declaration of Independence or even to hide it from the public forever, we're not barbarians. But while it is in storage, our plan is to give it a little, shall we call it, cosmetic face-lift with the help of Europe's top art restoration authorities, namely, the Royal Office of Antiquities based in London, England. They will carefully restore the Declaration of Independence by carefully scraping off language related to 'God,' 'liberty,' and 'independence,' using the skills and techniques they've become famous for while repairing priceless but damaged works of art. Once historical and secular justice is restored, we'll allow the document to be put back on public display."
Activists at Organizing for Secular Justice are inclined to keep terms like "Laws of Nature" in the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, which says, "to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them," but they are adamant about removing "and Nature's God" from the original.
"The phrase may have had some weight back in the 18th century," explained Fuller, "but in our age of science and progress it means absolutely nothing and only confuses students in Common Core social studies, who understand 'Laws of Nature' as Darwin's evolution and 'a higher and more powerful intelligence' as the federal government in Washington, D.C."

Insider Exposes Clinton Blood Money And The Dixie Mafia


The Clintons are worse than you think
Insider Exposes Clinton Blood Money And The Dixie Mafia
by The Alex Jones Show | June 24, 2015

Revolt: Millions of N.Y. Gun Owners Refuse to Register Firearms


Only around 24,000 New Yorkers, many of them cops, complied with gun control law
Revolt: Millions of N.Y. Gun Owners Refuse to Register Firearms                                  
by Kit Daniels | | June 24, 2015

Millions of New York gun owners refused to register their firearms to comply with the draconian N.Y. SAFE Act.
So far only around 24,000 gun owners, many of them cops, registered their semi-automatic rifles with the state, meaning that the law has effectively been repealed through civil disobedience.
“I am amused at the pathetically low numbers of New Yorkers who registered their so-called assault rifles,” New York State Rifle & Pistol Association President Tom King said. “The number of individuals who registered their guns is 24,000 and many of these are law-enforcement officials mandated to comply by their department.”
New York gun owners know it is flawed and they are not complying with it. I am confident that we will ultimately prevail in getting significant portions of the law overturned in the courts.”              
The SAFE Act, which created a gun registry for semiautomatic weapons using detachable magazines, was practically ignored by both gun owners and sheriffs since it was signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in 2013. Protestors against the law marked the April 15 registration deadline by destroying state registration cards. “They have been shredding the Constitution for years,” gun owner Rus Thompson said. “You shred the Constitution, we’ll shred any form you want us to fill out.” “They can’t arrest a million people. What are they going to do?” Erie Co. Sheriff Timothy B. Howard publicly said he wouldn’t enforce the SAFE Act. “The Constitution is the law of the land,” he stated. “If you know it’s a violation of the Constitution, how can you enforce it?” Howard described the SAFE Act as one of the strongest examples of the government not listening to the people. It’s an unenforceable law and I believe it will ultimately be declared unconstitutional,” he said. “Do you want law enforcement people that will say ‘I will do this because I’m told to do this, even if I know it’s wrong?’”

TPP Passes: Obama Now A Dictator


Foundation of global government cemented with passage of secretive bill
by Alex Jones | | June 24, 2015

One of the most devastating blows to US sovereignty since the country’s founding was dealt today as the Senate handed President Obama his Trans-Pacific Partnership victory. (RESULTING IN DICTATORSHIP AND THE LOSS OF OUR SOVEREIGNTY)
Despite massive opposition from the American people, Tea Party Republicans and a majority of Democrats, Obama was granted fast-track authority by a 60-38 vote.
Sections of the TPP published by Wikileaks have revealed the treaty’s vast influence over multiple areas including individual rights, internet freedom and even the rule of law itself. Unelected corporate boards and the President can now wield unprecedented control over almost every aspect of human activity.
“If you read, write, publish, think, listen, dance, sing or invent; if you farm or consume food; if you’re ill now or might one day be ill, the TPP has you in its crosshairs,” Wikileaks’ Julian Assange wrote.
Secret TPP chapters regarding immigration also grant President Obama an even greater ability to erode the country’s Southern border.
“Obama will be able to finalize all three of the Obamatrade deals, without any Congressional input…” notes Breitbart.
The TPP, which covers 12 countries and more than 40% of the world’s economy, will place North America under the same global government structure as the European Union, where laws are increasingly crafted outside of public influence.


The Crime of the Century

The Crime Of The Century
When they're trying so hard to pull the wool over your eyes, maybe it's to hide something you should be trying extra hard to see...

NOTE: With only a couple of obvious exceptions, links in the following article are to documentation proving the assertion being made. It is recommended that you click on all of them.
NINE YEARS AGO, CORRUPT ELEMENTS in the United States Department of Justice, Internal Revenue Service and federal judiciary began the commission of a grave crime directly affecting a few folks in Michigan, but aimed at all of America. Here's the story.
Three years earlier, in 2003, a book called 'Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About taxation In America' (CtC) had been published. The book reveals facts about the income tax long-buried in obscurity, but still fully relevant to the application of the tax.
By 2006, tens of thousands of American men and women had learned things that enabled them to lawfully stop paying the tax, and to recover everything withheld or paid-in in connection with the tax-- Social security and Medicare contributions included. Refund checks of every penny, with interest where appropriate, were arriving daily in American mailboxes across the country from federal and state treasuries alike.
The balance of power between the state and those who learned and acted on this information began to creakily shift back toward its traditional and Constitutionally-intended relationship-- the People large and in charge, with government as their servant.
Faced with a widening and otherwise unstoppable hemorrhage in government revenue and power resulting from the spread of this previously buried information about the income tax (which they saw as a problem), the corrupt conspirators in the executive and judiciary decided to abuse the powers of their offices in an effort to suppress the inconvenient information.
INITIALLY, THESE CORRUPT ACTORS had attempted to solve their problem by pretending the inconvenient information in CtC was wrong, fit the statutory standards for "promotion of an abusive tax shelter", and could be enjoined on that basis. During the first two years the book was in print these folks brought actions toward that end in several different courts, including those of Nancy Edmunds and Victoria Roberts in the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.
However, these contrived assaults failed. Each ended with a government motion for the dismissal of its own bogus suit. See documentation of these assaults and their collapses here.
During the course of these initial attacks on CtC, more and more Americans were receiving acknowledgements by the federal and state tax agencies of the accuracy of the book in the form of those complete refunds and in other ways, as well, such as agency surrenders on 'Notices of Deficiency', lien and levy releases, transcript entries, and so on.
NOW FOR MOST FOLKS, being repeatedly defeated in their initial series of bogus attacks on the accurate content of a book, however inconvenient that content might be to their ambitions, would be the end of the story. But some State operatives just can't abide not having their own way.
And after all, what is at stake here is trillions of dollars of wealth, and all the power that goes with it. Operatives in the State apparatus have gotten very accustomed to luxuriating in all that wealth and exercising all that power by exploiting the widespread ignorance of income tax law which the "inconvenient" revelations in CtC were curing in most everyone who read the book.
These corrupt government officials couldn't abide the thought of losing all that wealth and power and resuming the pre-1943 status of mere public servants in a governing apparatus that is a small fraction of its current bloated, arrogant, pampered and despotic size and significance. So, they stepped out into crime.
THE PERPS BEGAN THE NEW ASSAULT with a series of fraudulent claims in an unprecedented lawsuit complaint, served on the author of CtC and his wife four days before "tax day" in 2006. As its basis for being brought in the first place (something closely circumscribed under the law) the complaint asserted that the couple secured complete refunds of amounts withheld in 2002 and 2003 by catching the government napping.
The DOJ operatives responsible claimed that the government didn't know the couple had had earnings those years. They said the government wasn't really paying attention to those unique tax forms showing $0 in "wages" and thousands of dollars of withholdings, and just issued the refunds without thinking twice.
They said no official interest was piqued by the fact that the claims for refunds included Social Security and Medicare withholdings--something never before claimed or refunded in history. And they said this all happened by unconscious mistake despite the fact that these claims and refunds were made by, and to, the guy their agency had been simultaneously attempting to shut down with the bogus "abuse tax shelter promotion" assault.
Needless to say, these "validating" assertions in the government's lawsuit complaint were flat-out lies. Evidence is hardly needed to substantiate this in light of the foregoing, but see here and here.
Plainly, the returns in question were pored-over intensely, and ultimately were acknowledged as being perfectly valid and correct.
LYING ABOUT HOW THE REFUNDS WERE MADE wasn't enough, of course. There had to be an allegation of taxes owed. So, another big lie was called for.
For the fraudulent allegation that the couple had earned tax-related "income" and owed taxes, the DOJ conspirators produced what was purported to be an IRS "Examination Report" saying this, and entered it into the record of the case. But anyone who actually read the accompanying "declaration" of the anonymous "preparer" (who admitted to be using a fake name for some unexplained reason) would discover that in fact, no actual examination had been made.
So, both the assertion that the refunds were made in error and that the couple actually owed tax were fraudulent. Instead, the evidence shows that the educated filings reclaiming everything withheld and determining that no tax-relevant "income" had been received (other than the interest and dividend gains shown on the returns) were correct in every respect and actually undisputed as such.
BUT THE LIES ABOUT ERROR AND TAX LIABILITY were just the window-dressing part of the show. All the foregoing was heinous, to be sure, but the real purpose of the whole affair was in no way the mere illegal imposition of the income tax against this one couple, and the recapture of their measly $20,000.
The real purpose of the schemer's "lawsuit" was the delivery of a giant lie to the American public in order to prevent more people from reading CtC and learning the individual-empowering, state-restraining truth about the real nature and application of the income tax.
So, in addition to the fraudulent assertion that the couple's returns and claims were "false", there was another side to the "complaint", with two components. One was a mendacious assertion that CtC makes the absurd claims that "wages are not income" and that "only federal, state and local government workers are subject to the income tax". See the lies here, and the truth here.
The other "keep Americans in the dark and in the yoke" component of the conspirators' "lawsuit" ploy was a request for two unprecedented, grossly speech- conscience- and due-process-rights-violating injunctions from the court.
By one of these requested injunctions the author of CtC and his wife would be ordered to repudiate their freely-made declarations of belief concerning the taxable character of their earnings and made to instead declare-- over their own signatures-- that they believed that all their earnings are taxable. By the other, the couple would be threatened with a 'contempt-of-court" charge if they ever testified in a fashion the conspirators didn't like in a future tax-related matter (by virtue of the pretense that any disfavored testimony on a tax form would be based on the notions they had falsely ascribed to CtC).
Never before in American history have the contents of a book been the subject of a deliberate misrepresentation in a formal legal filing by government officials. Never before in American history have government officials asked a court to dictate the content of anyone's testimony, or hang a threat over anyone should they testify in ways the officials don't like in the future.
Of course, you would think that the judge presiding over this "lawsuit" with its bogus documents and assertions, and plainly lawless and unconstitutional requests would throw it out while holding her nose, and sanction, if not propose criminal charges against those responsible... Unfortunately, you'd be wrong.
Instead, Judge Nancy Edmunds joins the assault on the law and the truth, and becomes party to this monstrous crime against the American public. Without so much as a single hearing, and without ever reading CtC, she ignores the couple's demand for a jury trial and simply signs a "judgment" written entirely by the DOJ operatives.
Unsurprisingly (it having been written by the plaintiff), Edmunds' "judgment" makes "judicial findings" of every single assertion in the complaint. It also includes the rights-gutting, law-defying injunctions, as well. See them here.
NOW THE CONSPIRATORS are off to the races. National press releases are issued trumpeting CtC's "defeat in court". Government trolls begin creating websites touting the "judicial findings" and doing everything possible to spread the lies. The "tax honesty" communities on the net are infected with the lies, which therefore take hold in the alt-media community. The "tax-trouble remediation" industry is especially well-dosed with this Kool-Aid.
In every way they can think of, those behind this conspiracy have been working feverishly for years now to prevent the American public from realizing the liberating truth about the broadly-loathed but equally-broadly misunderstood income tax. They have been working equally hard to intimidate those who know the truth into relinquishing their rights to speak freely and to assert and defend their interests in legal contests over whether or not they are liable for any tax.
And yet, all the while, Americans across the country who aren't so stupid as to take on faith anything chucked-up by government officials, especially anything which, if other than how the officials portrayed it, would threaten the power and perks of those same officials, and have actually read CtC and know what it REALLY says, continue to demand and receive all their improperly-collected money back and to shut down efforts to misapply the tax to their non-federal-privilege-connected earnings.
Every single one of those now hundreds of thousands of refunds and other effective implementations of what CtC REALLY says happen only after thorough vetting by the government. Occasional resistance by the government to claims made by CtC-educated American men and women end in government surrender to the truth.
SO, THERE YOU HAVE THE CRIME of the century-- which is not what's been done to Pete Hendrickson, the author of CtC, or his wife, Doreen. Those two have certainly been the victims of crimes (see here and here), and these vicious crimes continue to this day (and deeply threaten the rights of every single American). But the crime of the century is not against them.
The crime of the century-- the really BIG crime-- is against YOU, and your children. It is YOU who are being deliberately and systematically lied to, for the specific purpose of keeping you in ignorant subjugation to an exploitative scheme by which corrupt elements of the political class, their cronies and their clients have been fleecing you for vast amounts of wealth throughout your entire life.
Pretty heinous, isn't it? Are you going to stand for it?
NOTE: The US Department of Treasury has never treated Judge Nancy Edmunds' judgment in the fraudulent lawsuit discussed here as valid, and quietly continues to recognize the accuracy of the Hendricksons' original 2002 and 2003 returns. Nonetheless, that "judgment" was presented as witnessless evidence against Peter Hendrickson in his 2009 trial on charges that he doesn't really believe what he has written in CtC, and was used as a pretext for charges against Doreen Hendrickson for allegedly-criminal resistance to the orders it included.
NOTE II: It should be kept in mind going forward that every adverse, scary or scornful thing you've ever heard about CtC has come from the minds, mouths and hands of the same folks whose frauds are documented above, or is based on their efforts. Those folks have been struggling hard since 2003 to keep you from realizing that the actual legitimate institutional responses to CtC are what you see here, and to keep you from thinking about what you will find here.