Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Imminent Mass Arrests Of Globalists, Bankers And Political Elite<<>> FOR REAL !!!!!!!!!



Imminent Mass Arrests Of Globalists, Bankers And Political Elite

                                                                        DEATH PENALTY     

                                                               >>>JOHN DARISH IN THIS VIDEO <<<<

                                                     WRITE DOWN WEB SITE GIVEN IN VIDEO
                                                           START READING AND LISTENING
                                                   TO NEW RULES / WAY IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN
                                                     WHICH YOU WILL HAVE TO KNOW / LEARN

                                                          FORGET WHAT YOU THINK YOU KNOW
                                                                            AND WERE TAUGHT
                                                       AS ALL OF IT HAS BEEN A 100+ YEAR "LIE"

                                         SO NOW... IT'S TIME TO PUT UP OR SHUT UP... AND PARTICIPATE
                                                                BY KEEPING THIS CALM & PEACEFUL!!

                                                                  THIS IS TO BE PEACEFUL
                                                                   BEST POLICY IS TO STAY QUIET
                                                                 DO NOT STIR OR PROVOKE ANYONE
                                                                   YOU MAY NOT KNOW "WHO" YOU
                                                                             ARE TALKING TO !!
                                                                         TAKE CARE OF FAMILY
                                                                     STOCK UP ON FOOD - WATER
                                                                           BATTERIES, MEDICAL
                                                                               GAS -   PET FOOD
                                                             THIS HAS ALREADY BEGUN

                                              IT WILL NOT BE IN YOUR MAIN STREAM CONTROLLED NEWS
                                                                YOU WILL HEAR WHEN TIME IS RIGHT
                                                                           EMERGENCY CHANNEL
                                Here's the web site.. has a couple other video's

                                  Imminent Mass Arrests
                    Of Globalists, Bankers And Political Elite

Congress is Satanic......

Congress is Satanic......
Check out the latest video about how Congress, Parliament, and all Legislatures are Satanic organizations. Sounds like a lot of crappola that is being pulled on us right now.... ALWAYS, ask to see the evidence ....WITHOUT SEE-ABLE EVIDENCE YOU HAVE NADA, ZILCH, ZERO TRUTH .... HERESAY WILL NOT HOLD UP IN A COURT....

France Indicts Geezer David de Rothschild For Bank Fraud: Manhunt On As Judge Orders Police To Track Down Rothschild.

France Indicts
Geezer David de Rothschild For Bank Fraud:
Manhunt On
As Judge Orders Police
To Track Down Rothschild.

France Indicts Geezer David de Rothschild For Bank Fraud: Manhunt On As Judge Orders Police To Track Down Rothschild.

by Volubrjotr
French police have been told by a judge in Paris to track down the wealthy scion who has various homes in the country. Many may also remember another famous banking mafia member being indicted and convicted in 2012 France for fraud. His name was George Soros! Soros Criminal Conviction Exposes "Human Rights" Scam Soros leverages "human […]
Volubrjotr | June 23, 2015 at 11:40 AM | Tags: bank, france, fraud, indictment, rothschild, Soros, trump | Categories: Bank, Crime, Politics, Rothschild, Soros, World News, Zionism | URL:


“Oh My God”: This Retired Major General Spent 32 Years Defending Our Freedom, Only to Find It Was All a Lie


If a man who served our country for over 30 years speaks on issues of national security, are you willing to listen?

Or are you more likely to stick to YOUR best ideas, even though a man who is/was “in the know” has a much different and more qualified opinion?

Ret. Major General Albert Stubblebine might challenge your entire perspective of how things really are in America, IF you are open-minded enough to listen.

Is it possible that our own 'government' has the blood of over 3,000 innocent Americans on its hands?

Surely our 'government' wouldn’t kill its own people or allow others to do so while turning a blind eye simply to advance an agenda Would they?

Listen to Stubblebine and, by all means, judge his level of sincerity (which I believe comes shining through) and make your own assessment. This man dedicated his life to defending our freedom. He is not your run of the mill Dale Gribble.
Does this Patriotic American seem like a “crazy conspiracy theorist” to you?

The point here is much bigger than what did or did not happen on 9/11The point is that if Stubblebine is correct, then everything you have ever been told by your 'government' or the 'media' is a potential, and maybe even probable, lieEverything!

Think about that as things like Jade Helm and financial turbulence quickly approach.

If our 'government' had a hand in the murder of its own people on 9/11 (AND IT MOST CERTAINLY DID), then is it so hard to believe that the Jade Helm theories are not conspiracy talk but rather insights into possible and probable scenarios based on available facts?

Maybe you’d just prefer to believe everything you are told, like a good little sheeple.

These are truly frightening times.

God Bless America.

God Save the Republic.

Resistance is the only choice at this late hour.

We must continue to educate the masses as the final reckoning draws near. We will want them on our side when, not if, the stuff hits the fan.




Man in White Who Told Him 'You Are Killing My People'

Report:  ISIS Fighter Who 'Enjoyed' Killing Christians Wants to Follow Jesus After Dreaming of Man in White Who Told Him 'You Are Killing My People'

Is God Using 'Jesus Dreams' to Reach Islamic State Militants and Convince Them to Follow Christ?

An Islamic State militant holds a gun while standing behind Ethiopian Christians in Wilayat Fazzan, in this still image from an undated video made available on a social media website on April 19, 2015. It has become a common occurrence over the years for Muslims in the Middle East who have converted to Christianity to claim to have been compelled to do so after dreaming of a person who they believe is Jesus Christ. Now, one militant belonging to the brutal Islamic State that has
massacred Christians has converted to his victims' religion after dreaming of "a man in white" with a startling message, according to one missionary's account.
"One of our YWAM workers in the Middle East was contacted by a friend earlier this year and they met up and he was introduced to an ISIS fighter who had killed many Christians already. I mean that's a horrible situation, and admittedly, he was probably on guard," Gina Fadely, director of Youth With A Mission Frontier Missions, Inc. (YWAM), said during a recent appearance on The Voice of the Martyrs Radio Network.
YWAM, a nonprofit missionary organization active since 1960, describes itself as "a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world." The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is another nonprofit that draws attention to Christians facing persecution around the world.
Fadely, who appeared on the VOM radio program along with Kevin Sutter, another YWAM leader, went on to share that this Islamic State jihadi confessed not only to killing Christians but "that he had actually enjoyed doing so."
"He told this YWAM leader that he had begun having dreams of this man in white who came to him and said, 'You are killing my people.' And he started to feel really sick and uneasy about what he was doing," Fadely continued. "The fighter said just before he killed one Christian, the man said, 'I know you will kill me, but I give to you my Bible.' The Christian was killed and this ISIS fighter actually took the Bible and began to read it. In another dream, Jesus asked him to follow him and he was now asking to become a follower of Christ and to be discipled."
"So who knows. Perhaps this man will be like Saul in the Bible that persecuted Christians and he turned from that persecution of the early church to become the Apostle Paul who led it," Fadely added. "God can turn it around."

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also referred to ISIL and most recently Daesh, has been since 2013 waging a bloody campaign to establish a caliphate, or a Sunni-led Islamic government, across Northern Africa and throughout the Middle East, although its leadership claims the intention to reach as far as the Vatican in Rome.
The jihadists' methods are cruel and involve brutal firing squads, hangings, stonings, and beheadings of religious minorities such as Yazidis, Christians, and even other Muslims who go against its hard-line rule. The Islamic State startled the world when it released videos of its members killing groups of Ethiopian Christians in Libya by viciously hacking their heads from their bodies.
His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, said after the April killing of one group of 21 Ethiopian Christians that believers should "forgive and pray for the perpetrators."
Todd Nettleton, host of VOM Radio featuring the YWAM directors, stated during the program that the next time Christians hear about more atrocities committed by Islamic State militants, they should not "write them off as being out of reach of God's grace and out of reach of God's spirit."
Sutter, the other YWAM director who appeared with Fadley on the VOM Radio program, shared that he has learned from one of his leaders in the Arab world, an Arab man, that he had been witnessing a "spiritual hunger" that was "unprecedented" among Muslims.
"Many people are now following Jesus but they keep it quiet. They haven't gone public about it. They even have church in their own home, they're watching, they'll serve communion to one another as they're watching TV," Sutter said.

Former ISIS Militant Had a Vision of Jesus Wearing White

Former ISIS Militant Had a Vision of Jesus Wearing White
Fadely suggested that God was using dreams to give YWAM missionaries a helping hand in reaching otherwise hard-to-reach groups in the Middle East with the Christian message. She said she believed that dreams were one way in which God was convincing Muslims and other non-Christians to believe in Jesus as savior.
Nabeel Qureshi, an apologist and the author of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity, explained the significance of dreams to Muslims in a March interview with The Christian Post.
"In Muslim cultures, generally speaking, people don't see themselves as being able to commune with God. Communion is a very Christian concept and the idea that Christ has torn down the veil — in a lot of cultures the veil is still up. In Islam, for example, people don't expect to have God talk back to them personally, as the Holy Spirit isn't living in them. They ask God for guidance through dreams; that's like the one way that Muslims expect to hear from God," Qureshi explained.
"For someone to reach out and ask, 'God, can you tell me about you?' Or, 'If you're Jesus, can you show me a dream?' That's not strange at all. ... That's kind of what Muslims do," he added.
Christians have been skeptical of Muslims' claims that "Jesus dreams" have led them to Christianity, but longtime Southern Baptist missionary David Garrison also affirms that many Muslims have been inspired through these dreams to believe in Jesus as more than a prophet, as he is acknowledged in Islam. The CBN video below also looks at the phenomenon and offers the accounts of former Muslims who claim dreams of Jesus changed their lives. 


LLLT therapy to regrow cochlea receptor hairs to restore hearing.....

LLLT therapy to regrow cochlea receptor hairs to restore hearing.....




Researchers Use Light to Coax Stem Cells to Repair Teeth.......

Researchers Use Light to Coax Stem Cells to Repair Teeth.......

The research, led by Dr. David Mooney, lays the foundation for a host of clinical applications in restorative dentistry and regenerative medicine more broadly, such as wound healing, bone regeneration, and more.


A Harvard-led team is the first to demonstrate the ability to use low-power light to trigger stem cells inside the body to regenerate tissue, an advance they reported recently. The research, led by Wyss Institute Core Faculty member David Mooney, Ph.D., lays the foundation for a host of clinical applications in restorative dentistry and regenerative medicine more broadly, such as wound healing, bone regeneration, and more.

The team used a low-power laser to trigger human dental stem cells to form dentin, the hard tissue that is similar to bone and makes up the bulk of teeth. What's more, they outlined the precise molecular mechanism involved, and demonstrated its prowess using multiple laboratory and animal models.

A number of biologically active molecules, such as regulatory proteins called growth factors, can trigger stem cells to differentiate into different cell types. Current regeneration efforts require scientists to isolate stem cells from the body, manipulate them in a laboratory, and return them to the body—efforts that face a host of regulatory and technical hurdles to their clinical translation. But Mooney's approach is different and, he hopes, easier to get into the hands of practicing clinicians.

"Our treatment modality does not introduce anything new to the body, and lasers are routinely used in medicine and dentistry, so the barriers to clinical translation are low," said Mooney, who is also the Robert P. Pinkas Family Professor of Bioengineering at Harvard's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS). "It would be a substantial advance in the field if we can regenerate teeth rather than replace them."

The team first turned to lead author and dentist Praveen Arany, D.D.S., Ph.D., who is now an Assistant Clinical Investigator at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). At the time of the research, he was a Harvard graduate student and then postdoctoral fellow affiliated with SEAS and the Wyss Institute.

Arany took rodents to the laboratory version of a dentist's office to drill holes in their molars, treat the tooth pulp that contains adult dental stem cells with low-dose laser treatments, applied temporary caps, and kept the animals comfortable and healthy. After about 12 weeks, high-resolution x-ray imaging and microscopy confirmed that the laser treatments triggered the enhanced dentin formation.

"It was definitely my first time doing rodent dentistry," said Arany, who faced several technical challenges in performing oral surgery on such a small scale. The dentin was strikingly similar in composition to normal dentin, but did have slightly different morphological organization. Moreover, the typical reparative dentin bridge seen in human teeth was not as readily apparent in the minute rodent teeth, owing to the technical challenges with the procedure.

"This is one of those rare cases where it would be easier to do this work on a human," Mooney said.

Next the team performed a series of culture-based experiments to unveil the precise molecular mechanism responsible for the regenerative effects of the laser treatment. It turns out that a ubiquitous regulatory cell protein called transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-β1) played a pivotal role in triggering the dental stem cells to grow into dentin. TGF-β1 exists in latent form until activated by any number of molecules.

Here is the chemical domino effect the team confirmed: In a dose-dependent manner, the laser first induced reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are chemically active molecules containing oxygen that play an important role in cellular function. The ROS activated the latent TGF-β1complex which, in turn, differentiated the stem cells into dentin.

Nailing down the mechanism was key because it places on firm scientific footing the decades-old pile of anecdotes about low-level light therapy (LLLT), also known as Photobiomodulation (PBM).

Since the dawn of medical laser use in the late 1960s, doctors have been accumulating anecdotal evidence that low-level light therapy can stimulate all kind of biological processes including rejuvenating skin and stimulating hair growth, among others. But interestingly enough, the same laser can also be used to ablate skin and remove hair–depending on the way the clinician uses the laser. The clinical effects of low-power lasers have been subtle and largely inconsistent. The new work marks the first time that scientists have gotten to the nub of how low-level laser treatments work on a molecular level, and lays the foundation for controlled treatment protocols.

"The scientific community is actively exploring a host of approaches to using stem cells for tissue regeneration efforts," said Wyss Institute Founding Director Don Ingber, M.D., Ph.D., "and Dave and his team have added an innovative, noninvasive and remarkably simple but powerful tool to the toolbox."

Next Arany aims to take this work to human clinical trials. He is currently working with his colleagues at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), which is one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to outline the requisite safety and efficacy parameters. "We are also excited about expanding these observations to other regenerative applications with other types of stem cells," he said.

Illustration: These tooth models show the relative size comparison of a human tooth versus a rat tooth — to give an idea of the technical challenges involved with performing dentistry on such a small scale. NOTE: The small "rat tooth" is not an actual rat tooth but rather a resized human tooth. –James Weaver/Harvard's Wyss Institute.

NATO Preparing for Endless Conflict With Russia

NATO Preparing for Endless Conflict With Russia

We’ve always been at war with Eastasia

Mon, Jun 22

The latest scoop from Reuters begs for a few words:
The United States and its NATO allies are preparing militarily for the prospect that their rift with Russia could outlast President Vladimir Putin, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Sunday.
Carter, speaking at the start of a week-long trip to Europe, said the United States hoped Russia would return to a forward- looking course and noted areas of diplomatic cooperation with Moscow, including talks over Iran’s nuclear program.
But ongoing changes to NATO’s military posture, which are meant in part to deter a Russian intervention, illustrate preparations for longer lasting tensions, he said.
“The adaptations I was talking are specifically in anticipation that Russia might not change under Vladimir Putin, or even thereafter,” Carter said before landing in Berlin.
A common line of argument in respectable western policy circles is “if only Putin were gone,” followed by a deep sigh of regret. Apparently they have no appreciation for just how moderate Putin is when it comes to foreign policy — and how drastically different the geopolitical scene could be with someone else in Kremlin.
Despite whatever you might have read in Time magazine, Putin is not a supreme ruler who can issue decrees on the back of a cocktail napkin. There are many different circles of influence and power in Russia which have his ear — and many would cringe at the thought of calling the United States “our western partner.” And yet, this is how Putin addresses Washington.

Putin is a stabilizing, moderate force in Russia and geopolitics. Period. The idea that NATO’s relationship with Russia is being sabotaged by Putin is delusional. Putin was even open to Russia joining NATO. From March, 2000:
Acting President Vladimir Putin, in an unexpected gesture to the West, suggested in a television interview Sunday that Russia would consider joining NATO if the Western alliance agreed to treat Russia as an equal partner.
“Why not? Why not?” Putin said when asked by BBC interviewer David Frost about Russian membership. “I do not rule out such a possibility … in the case that Russia’s interests will be reckoned with, if it will be an equal partner.”
But NATO needs a permanent enemy. Just as the United States needs permanent war.

As The Washington Post reported in 2011
This is the American era of endless war.
By this logic, America’s wars are unending and any talk of peace is quixotic or naive. The new view of war and peace has brought about far-reaching changes in agencies such as the CIA, which is increasingly shifting its focus from gathering intelligence to targeting and killing terrorists. Within the military the shift has reshaped Army bases, spurred the creation of new commands and changed what it means to be a warrior.
2015 — it’s like Canadian Bacon meets The Shining