Saturday, September 10, 2011


THIS IS AMAZING...not to mention unbelievable.

This September 11, Choose Love and Unity


This September 11, Choose Love and Unity.

On September 11th, a monumental transformational event will be happening in Seattle at the Memorial Stadium at 3:46 PM Pacific Time, exactly 10 years and 10 hours after the 9/11 tragedy. Tens of thousands of people will be joining musicians, speakers, and celebrities, both live and on the web to intentionally send love, compassion and unity to all of humanity.


Culminating in a GLOBAL SYNCHRONIZED MOMENT OF LOVE on 9/11 at 10:46pm GMT (3:46pm PDT) we will harness our collective intention to shift to love-based, collaborative solutions that will end the age of fear and isolation.

How to Participate:

More Truths Coming Out!

 Posted by Mike in a Skype Room --- Great

Former Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush, Catherine Austin Fitts, blows the whistle on how the financial terrorists have deliberately imploded the US economy and transferred gargantuan amounts of wealth off­shore as a means of sacrificing the American middle class.

Catherine Austin Fitts - The Looting Of America     56:22 min

And more about the creation of birth certificates in the early 1930's to keep the people subjugated and beholding to the private banking industry as 'collateral'.

Why do our government representatives allow the private banking industry to have control over our country's monetary system?

NASA Feeds Shows UFO Armada Above Earth - Unbelievable

We, and the whole creation have been waiting for you to arise!


The Spirit of the Lord Says:

No one can perceive all that I have prepared for those who wait on Me. As long as you have made Me your defense, there is nothing that can come against you, that I will not cause you to ride above all that is beneath Me. Everything is beneath Me, I Am above all things named. Understand that I Am always pursuing you, especially now. Guiding you safely to your Refuge. I Am faithfully bringing you to your promise-land, nothing can hinder you from it. Time will not change what I have already declared to be for you. The deceiver is busy tempting you to begin to look to other idol gods for your answers, to try another way. Do not allow the allure of the wicked one to make you waver. The Antichrist spirit is also in pursuit of My little ones. He wants your passion to be unbridled for things that will not satisfy nor bring joy. They are disguised as 'good things', but in the end they will bring death. Moments of temporary pleasures that begin to rot from the time that you begin to taste of it. I will promote, I will exalt, I will lift up the lowly, and the ones that have been made humble. Yet, those that others have looked down upon shall be the ones that shall be made mighty as Oaks. Standing strong, even as great evil arise from the north. Look to the north, yet be still, knowing I Am your Refuge and your Hiding Place. Build your fortress in Me, where torment and fear can not touch you. Even though the spiritual battles are raging within, there I Am, your Peace. Know that I Am the same for the natural forces of battles. I Am your Peace. No need to entertain fear, I have already overcome all things, they are under My feet.

I have been at work to place you in My divine position for rare opportunities, in order that the Kingdom will be glorified. For in these times of testing you will see that you have begin to stretch your wings out farther, and with that has come deeper understanding of Me, your Father. You are beginning to see a little clearer, beyond the veil, drawing from beyond your own comprehension. Yes, you have begin to mature as sons of God. I have not despised your growing, for the steps were ordained, to get you to the large place. You see that I Am bigger than your 'religious' thoughts of Me. I Am uncontainable, I Am outside the realm of trying to be understood by the created. I have given to you My mind, so that you can begin to think higher thoughts. Finally now, My sons and daughters are in the divine position to go deeper. We, and the whole creation have been waiting for you to arise!

Scripture References: Isaiah 64:4; Ps. 62; Gal. 6:8; Phil. 2:5

Friday, September 9, 2011

Message from SaLuSa, September 9, 2011

Message from SaLuSa, September 9, 2011 by Mike Quinsey
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 9-Sep-2011 19:41:55

SaLuSa, September 9, 2011
We would remind you of how powerful you are as individuals, and how you have more influence on what conditions are around you than you might think. That is why we often remind you of the need to be focussed upon all that is positive. In a time when there are many dire predictions going around, you can offset them by concentrating on all that is positive such as the many beneficial changes that are about to manifest. Many of you are beginning to realise that where you place your energy is exactly where it will work to bring about your desires. The problem lies with those who focus on the negative not realising that they are empowering it. It may sound odd to some people, but that is how the Law of Attraction works. It knows not what the outcome will be, but powers whatever it is you have in mind.
When you accept and fully understand your true potential, you will know that you have unlimited powers, and some of you use them without realising it. An example would be self-healing, although some do not understand that by focussing upon the illness you need to tell yourself that you are healed. By affirming that you are ill and telling your body that you are, it perpetuates the condition, and this is because the Law of Attraction does not question the reason behind it.
When you consider the larger picture and your coming Ascension, then clearly your focus should be firmly placed in that area. Bypass the negative thoughts being expressed by those who are concerned about their future, and have little or no knowledge of what is occurring at this most important time. You can in fact help offset the negative thoughts being put around, and where possible help those who are worried by expressing your confidence in the future. The media is gearing up for the anniversary of 9/11 and still does not feel free to discuss the obvious evidence that it was an inside job. They will carry on supporting the “official” verdict that is patently false and contrived to protect the real criminals, who will answer for their crimes in the Courts of Justice.
Knowing that justice will always take place, you need have no concern about the outcome of any crimes against Humanity. By doing so will only continue to energise the same fears again, that is clearly to be avoided. We do in fact have too much concern over such issues, as there is so much good news circulating about the wonderful future that awaits you. Events are near to occurring that will immediately attract people’s attention away from the present conditions. They will inject great hope and anticipation of the better times that are about to be brought about. Lightworkers are very important in this respect as they can help others to understand the goal that lies ahead, bringing answers to the problems that have overwhelmed them. It is therefore important that you spread your knowledge far and wide as it will uplift those who hitherto had little or no knowledge about it. You are in exceptional times that have shown the worst of the dark Ones and the best of the Light energies that are ever increasing and bringing calmness to you. They will be growing more powerful by the day, and 11.11.11 will bring about a great leap forward that many will actually experience. It will be the commencement of a new period that will bring more changes in your levels of consciousness. It will continue and put you well on the path to galactic consciousness. After all, you are great Beings of Light that are re-claiming your rightful place in the Cosmos. Our task is to see that you do so, and we are about to open up the final pathway to Ascension and beyond.
Life largely goes on as before, but people are being inspired to envision the future, which will make the transition much easier. Also many souls that have now grown to maturity are ready to share their advanced knowledge with you. No longer will the dark Ones be able to suppress ideas and inventions that lift up your quality of life. Knowledge was always meant to be shared for the betterment of everyone, and beyond your cycle of duality that is how it is. In the energies of Love and Light it is the most natural thing to do, and helps everyone to share the benefits. Greed and selfishness are peculiar to the lower dimensions where self is considered before all else. However, that is already changing and many kind and loving souls simply wait the opportunity to serve others.
Many of you will have no doubt noted that we have shown our craft often in large numbers where they can be seen by hundreds of people... Sometimes it is just for your viewing, but we still have our own responsibilities to keep your atmosphere clean, and monitor activities on Earth. We are particularly interested in the physical changes and can calculate the outcome quite accurately. That means we can take actions that hold back the more likely repercussions, yet at the same time allow Mother Earth the scope to make the needed changes. These are certainly interesting times to be on Earth, and, as you often say, the best is yet to come. Set aside your concerns about how the great upliftment will be achieved, as it is well planned and we oversee every aspect of it.
Everything that is happening at this time is in some way connected with the ultimate goal to get you safely to Ascension. Once we can openly speak with you the full detail will be given to you in a worldwide broadcast. We have nothing to hide or hold back from you, and indeed we dearly wish to share this grand adventure with you all. You are One and will come together more quickly when the truth is revealed. The divisions between you have been deliberately placed there by the Illuminati and their followers, and maintained to exert complete control over you. That will all change quite rapidly and the barriers are already beginning to break down. Those who are enlightened can see that you are all souls experiencing together, and that colour and religion, or different histories and cultures are of no consequence. You were meant to enjoy the differences as expressions of your many experiences.
I am SaLuSa, and pleased to speak with you about matters that are important to your understanding and future. We of the Galactic Federation send our love to you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


Subj: Fwd: FW: TIGER WOODS & OBAMA-2011

Mark Twain said "those who don't read the papers are uninformed and those who do are misinformed."   He was so spot on.


Isn't it amazing that, within only one week of Tiger Woods crashing his Escalade,

the press found every woman with whom Tiger has had an affair during the last

few years?

And, they even uncovered photos, text messages, recorded phone calls, etc.!

Furthermore, they not only know the cause of the family fight, but they even

know it was a wedge from his golf bag that his wife used to break out the

windows in the Escalade.

Not only that, they know which wedge!

And, each & every day, they were able to continue to provide America with

updates on Tiger's sex rehab stay, his wife's plans for divorce, as well as the

dates & tournaments in which he will play.


Now, Barack Hussein Obama has been in office for two years, yet this very same press:

�      Cannot find any of his childhood friends or neighbors;

           �   Or find any of Obama's high school or college classmates;

�      Or locate any of his college papers or grades;

�      Or determine how he paid for both a Columbia & a Harvard education;

�      Or discover which country issued his visa to travel to Pakistan in the 1980's;

�      Or even find Michelle Obama's Princeton thesis on racism.


They just can't seem to uncover any of this.

Yet, the public still trusts that same press to give them the whole truth!

Simply amazing, isn't it?





September 2011
Beloved New Earth Family...with Joy we see how so many of you are making the shifts and changes that are allowing you to Become All That You Are and Can Be at this time. After the opening of the Lion's Gate Portal in early August, there was a huge acceleration of Frequency and many of you who were ready took the next step from the Fifth Dimension of Light into the Sixth Dimensional Realm of Dreams and Magic, and assisted in anchoring the "Dreamtime" connection to the Earth once again.
Beloved Ones, how our hearts rejoice as we see you fulfilling the purpose for which you came and aligning with the Higher Frequencies of Light, and allowing yourselves to become Multi-Dimensional Beings of Light and Matter.
The Sixth Dimension of Light is the place of Magic, the realm of the Magical Child and the Creator of Dreams. It is the Dimension from which the Planetary Consciousness generates the Dreams, Desires, Fantasies and Projections that manifest as "Material Reality" in the Lower Dimensions of Matter. To walk in the "Dreamtime" means that you need to be "awakened" from the controlling illusions of the Third Dimensional reality, and fully grounded in the New Fifth Dimensional Reality Grids, and so able to access the Magical Realms of the Dreamtime and its flows of Abundance and Joy without losing your grounding in Material Reality. This is "Mastering your Life", and indeed it is an aspect of your personal desire to evolve and grow with the Earth and to achieve all that can be achieved within your present Planetary Reality.
So, Beloved Ones, at this time we will speak of how you may fully ground yourselves in the Fifth Dimensional Reality, and then how you may move forward into the Sixth Dimension of Consciousness, if you feel ready to make this shift.
The Fifth Dimension: The Grail Codes and the Golden Keys of Transformation
Beloved New Earth Family, in the last ten years and in the process of your Transformation, we have spoken frequently of the "Grail Codes" and their importance in your Evolution. The "Grail Codes" are the Light Codes or Cosmic DNA Activators that bring you "online" with the Cosmic Christ Consciousness and the energy of Inner Balance.
As you enter the Fifth Dimensions of Consciousness, you access the Cosmic Christ energy that was anchored by the Christ Avatars, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. This Cosmic Christ energy, via the Grail Codes, provides the Awakening to Who You Are.
 Once you are awakened, and those who are drawn to read these words will be, then you are ready to begin to master your Life in the Fifth Dimension. It is here that we offer you the Six Golden Keys of Transformation. The "Keys" are already a part of Who You Are and Who You Are Becoming, and we seek simply to assist you to activate these Light Codes as you proceed with your Journey.
The First Key is the Light Code for Mastery of your Light Body and the Harmonics of Light. As you awaken from the illusions of the Third Dimension, you understand fully that you are a Human Angel and a being of Light, and you begin to activate your Light Body until all the meridians and connections are in place to facilitate the Sacred Union of body and soul. You move into your 13 Chakra system and you anchor fully in the Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras. You become a master of Light Harmonics, able to receive, decode and transmit the pulsations of Light from the Divine Cosmic Heart.
The Energy of the Divine Heart is Love, and so as you activate the First Key of the Light Body, you then begin to activate the Second Key of Divine Love. Here, Beloved Ones, you understand that everything is an expression of Divine Love and you strive to live in alignment with Divine Love and Compassion as they are revealed to you in your life. And so, you begin to become a Master of Divine Love.
As you feel the Flow of Divine Love moving through the Light Body, Beloved Ones, you begin to understand that life, experience, everything you are, is an aspect of the Flow of Time, and that Time itself is Infinite and is Expressed in many different ways in different dimensions. Once you are freed from the illusion of Linear Time, you are able to begin to use the Third Key to become a Master of Time, and to align with the Inner Flows of Galactic and Cosmic Time.
Beloved Ones, now you are ready to fully master the Fourth Key - the Key of Manifestation and Creativity. As you move through Space and Time with Divine Love, you begin to see how you are able to use your Divine Gifts of intention and Desire to manifest what you need from the flow of Abundant Love that is also called Time. For you are everywhere surrounded and embraced by the Flow of Divine Love and Abundance that seeks to be expressed through your Creations of Love.
Now, as you become more assured of the Fifth Dimension, Beloved Ones, you move into the Fifth Golden Key and its Light Codes, the Key of Community. This is the Activation that allows you to connect on the Heart and Soul grids with those who are your Soul Family and Community. There are many different forms of Community in the New Earth Fifth-Dimensional Reality, and you will find that you will "flow" into and between many different kinds of Communities as you seek to express your Light, your Power and Who you Are. It is Flexibility and Flow that will be the nature of "Community" in the New Earth Reality. Many different forms of Community will be tried as you head into the New Earth, searching for the form that best expresses Who You Are.
And, finally, you activate the Sixth key, the Light Codes that allow you to access and express your Soul Purpose in the New Earth. Beloved New Earth Family, the New Earth is about Freedom - the Freedom to Choose. And so, you will choose how you will express your Soul Purpose. Perhaps you are a Wise One, a Wisdom Keeper, Teacher or Healer? Perhaps you are a Day Keeper, a Master of Time? Perhaps you are an Earth Keeper, or an Ocean Keeper, or One who works with Devas and Elementals of Crystals? Perhaps you are a Spiritual Warrior, or an Artist or a Musician, or an Elder? Or perhaps you are a New Earth Soul, one who simply expresses Who They Are in the New Energy and the New Consciousness.
Beloved Ones, you will discover for yourselves what is your Purpose and Passion in the New Earth Energy as you, Activate and Master the Golden Keys.
Entering the Sixth Dimensional Realm of Dreams and Magical Creation

Beloved New Earth family, once you have mastered the basic Fifth Dimensional Life Skills and you are completely grounded and anchored in the Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras, you may begin to enter into the Sixth Dimensional Realms of Dream and Magic. You must be fully grounded, in order to move between the fading illusions of the Third Dimensions, the New Reality of the Fifth Dimension and the magical and Dream World of the Sixth Dimension. If you are not grounded, you run the risk of becoming lost in your own illusions and delusions.
To walk in the Sixth Dimension means to be able to distinguish between the different kinds of Dreams and Illusions, and to be able to distinguish between your own dreams and creations and those of others in the Collective or Joint Reality. For, in truth, there is no real difference between "Dreams" and "Reality", they are simply different aspects of the realms of divine Light. To understand this enables you to walk in many "Dream Realities" with a firm grasp of your own "reality" and your own dreams. You will not get lost in the Dream World of another's creation (unless you so choose) but will stay true to your own dreams and manifestations.
To enter the Dream World of the Sixth Dimensions requires that you activate the "Magical Child" within. Beloveds, the Great Teacher Yeshua said to you that to enter the Higher Dimensional "Kingdom of Heaven" you should become as a "little child"; he also said that the "Kingdom of God" is "within you". Yes, indeed, the realms of Creative Magic are the Inner Planes of the Collective Dream reality of Planet Earth, and to enter this space requires the innocence, trust and purity of a child.
Beloved Ones, it is the "Pure of Heart" who can enter the Dream World. To be "Pure of Heart" is to be like a Child, playful and filled with "imagination". It is to be unafraid and trusting in the Higher Good and a Higher Purpose. If you are not "Pure of Heart" and like an innocent child, you run the risk of encountering illusions and deception as the ego mind struggles with the nature of Magical or Dream reality for which it has no reference point.
As you enter into the Magical realms of the Sixth Dimension, you once again awaken to the Creative Power of Myths, Archetypes and Stories. You understand that these are the Creative Substance of reality and you understand how "believing" and "dreaming" are the ways in which Material Reality is woven from the Stories and Myths of the Archetypal Realms.
Beloved Ones, this is a powerful place to enter, and as you begin this Journey you will experience physical changes. Initially, you may feel extreme "exhaustion" and tiredness. In reality, what is happening is that your brain is dipping into "Theta" wavelength in the waking state. Now, your body experiences Theta as a sleep state, so when you enter the Sixth Dimensional Dreamtime in the waking state, your Body thinks it is sleeping, and so extreme "heaviness" and "tired" feelings are experienced as the Body becomes temporarily confused at this change.
Then also, you may become mentally confused as your brain shifts between Beta, Alpha and Theta brainwave states in waking consciousness. You may experience lucid dreams in the daytime, or you may become forgetful, disoriented or dizzy as your brain settles into its new "shift pattern" to allow you to move between the dimensions and to process information gathered in all these spaces so that you have a firm grasp of the different layers of reality.
Yes, Beloved Ones, reality is becoming multi-layered, like a "sandwich"! Within the layers of the "Reality Sandwich" you begin to navigate between the Dimensions with a clear sense of what belongs where and to which level or layer of Reality, and what is Dream, Magic, Illusion or Delusion.
Indeed, Beloved New Earth Family, as you master this New Dimensional access, you will find a powerful connection to the Realms of Abundance and Manifestation. You will learn how to manifest your Heart's Desire, both individually and as a Collective, by accessing the Magical Realms of the Sixth Dimensional Dreamtime.
We wish You Joy and Abundance and Love in the time that lies ahead as the New Earth rises into manifestation!
© 2011-12 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global