Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Michael Flynn - "deep secrets of the deep state"

Michael Flynn reveals

"deep secrets of the deep state"


Published on Jan 8, 2018
Micheal Flynn reveals deep secrets of the deep state

The Earth Is Getting Colder Because It’s Getting Warmer

This post dedicated to Tom Heneghan

Al Gore: "The Earth Is Getting Colder Because It’s Getting Warmer"

Typical Washington DC SWAMP DemoRAT doublespeak

By Benjamin Arie
January 6, 2018

Al Gore is starting to look less like an “expert” and more like a radical zealot.  (Is THAT what they call it - zealot?!  How about a fool?  Or stupid?  Or very conniving and deceiving?)

Scientists look at the real world and work carefully to reach a conclusion that fits. Fanatics work backwards: They take an assumption that they want desperately to be true, and force it on top of reality like hammering a square peg into a round hole.

That’s exactly what the failed presidential candidate seems to be doing, after he bent over backwards to explain that freezing temperatures in the U.S. are proof that, er, the world is overheating.

As much of the country battles bitter cold weather and temperatures in the negative range, Al Gore used Twitter to spread his twisted brand of circular reasoning.

“It’s bitter cold in parts of the US, but climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann explains that’s exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis,” the politician-turned 'guru' declared.

In other words: Freezing cold is just part of the planet overheating. Now, stop asking questions! 

It would be one thing if global warming zealots like Al Gore admitted that they came to the wrong conclusions, and updated their models and predictions to match reality — you know, like actual scientists do.

Instead, leftists are engaging in the exact same broken logic they claim to despise. The crowd constantly lectures people that “weather is not climate,” and a short-term spell is not the same as a long-term trend.

Trump received huge CHEERS

Trump received huge CHEERS 
when he was introduced before 
National Championship game 
Sunday Jan  7th
Atlanta, GA

President Donald Trump was greeted at the College Football Playoff National Championship with deafening cheers as he entered the stadium.

Free from the media spin, the video is proof that America still supports the president.

Trump stood on the field, holding a smile from ear to ear during the national anthem — showing overpaid NFL players how to respect our flag and military members.

Flanked by members of the Color Guard and ROTC, Trump entered the Mercedes-Benz Stadium,  and the loud cheers that filled the stands and lasted all the way up until the singing of the anthem.

Trump was more than happy to honor our country as his sang the national anthem along with the Zac Brown Band.

The game didn’t disappoint, either. To add another championship to the greatest dynasty college football has ever seen, Alabama turned to its quarterback of the future, and Tua Tagovailoa proved that his time is now.

Monday, January 8, 2018

America's Grandma

Image result for granny clampett

By Anna Von Reitz

Someone recently sent me snippets of stories and blogs where I am being called "America's Grandma"--- but, no, that title belongs to Irene Ryan, co-star of The Beverly Hillbillies.  Daisy aka "Granny" Moses, Jed Clampett's Mother-in-Law, earned the title long before I came along. 

Here she is, in the photo above, perfectly reflecting how I feel most of the time. 

This country and this whole world is in such a mess that I get up in the morning with "my hair on fire" feeling like I just spent a week thumping on a mule's butt with a tennis racket. 

Most of the people who are on our payrolls--- I am talking worldwide--- are a rare mix of incompetent and crooked.  I constantly run into "government employees" and "bank officials" who have been crooks so long that they don't even know that what they are doing is criminal. 

They literally don't know that creating bogus public trusts and plundering them is against every law from here to breakfast, both public and private. 

They don't recognize what they are doing as identity theft.  It takes a washboard and a jug of whiskey up the side of the head before they even stop and think twice about what all these "uniformed officers" at the hospitals are doing to our babies--- much less what they are doing to adults on a daily basis.

Once people understand what has been done to us and done "for" us and done in our names to others, the outrage is deep and wide.  The sense of betrayal and confusion and anger is real.  It deserves our understanding and our respect.

But those feelings need to pass swiftly and our brains need to wake up and start dealing with the consequences and the practical issues.  Just like Granny, we need to set our jaws, concentrate our thoughts, and get moving. 

The first step is to declare your political status, and if you are not a federal employee or otherwise encumbered, come "home" to your birthright political status as a United States National, aka, state national---- a Wisconsinite, a Texan, a Vermonter, an Oregonian, or whichever state you were born in, that's your nationality.  Claim it back and don't be content to ever be called a "citizen" or a "Miss" or a "Mister" or a "Missus"---- all foreign titles in the Queen's Service--- ever again.  You get yourself an official copy of your Birth Certificate and you put together your own Certificate of Assumed Name to claim back your Common Law Copyright to your own given Trade Name and all the other NAMES and variations of names derived from it.

You record your claim of your birthright political status in as many ways as you possibly can.  You give notice to the office of the Adjutant General in your state and to the State Secretary of State that you are a United States National (aka state national and native of _______whichever state you were born in) and have retired from any obligation of United States citizenship, whether territorial or municipal. Now it is his business to keep the records straight and protect you and your assets.

Former military personnel--- they never properly mustered you out.  When you joined the Service, another layer of federal presumptions accrued to you.  When you got your Discharge and your DD214, they never changed your political status back to your original birthright status.  It was more profitable and convenient for them to just claim you were a lifelong "volunteer" working for their corporation(s) without rights or wages--- a slave, in other words.

You have to give Notice to the head of your branch of the military that you have returned to your birthright status as a United States National and are now a non-combatant civilian who has retired from the obligations of federal citizenship.  

The second step it so assemble with others of like-mind and like political status wherever you may be living now, and set up your County Jural Assembly.  The Michigan General Jural Assembly can help you with this all-important task. The information to contact them is posted on my website: www.annavonreitz.com.  There is a weekly teleconference every Thursday night. 

Please note that I said "Jural Assembly", not a "Jural Society".  There is a difference and plenty of Queen's Men have tried to confuse generations of Americans into forming Jural Societies instead of Jural Assemblies.  Forewarned is forearmed.   In order to make the progress that needs to be made, we must all take care and know the rules and the words and understand the jurisdictions involved.

It is our responsibility to self-govern.  That in turn requires us to educate ourselves about the history, function, and law of our own country and government, something that was never actually and honestly taught to us in public schools. 

Better late than never, folks.  As Granny Clampett famously said, "I been up the hill, down the hollow, and up the other side!"  Put her feisty spirit and gumption to work in your own life this week, and realize that as difficult as this situation is, we can rise up and grow roses out of any manure pile.   

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

Bundys Freed -- Extra! Extra! Hear All About It!

By Anna Von Reitz

It is my understanding that the bad behavior of the FBI and BLM in this matter has finally caught up to them and that the Bundys' and all those who have likewise been falsely accused and prosecuted and persecuted will now be set free and the record established as a finding in their favor "with prejudice"----preventing the vermin responsible for this travesty from ever coming back and bringing forward any more complaints.

Thank God. Finally. 

And now, I have a few more choice words:

18 U.S. Code Subsection 2333-- Civil Remedies

(a) Action and Jurisdiction---

Any national of the United States injured in his or her person, property, or business by reason of an act of international terrorism, or his or her estate, survivors, or heirs, may sue therefore in any appropriate district court of the United States and shall recover threefold damages he or she sustains and the cost of the suit, including attorney's fees.

Hear that, Guys?  3X plus court costs. Guaranteed. 

And since the Municipal United States is a foreign government and the FBI and BLM are both foreign corporations acting outside their jurisdiction to wreck havoc and attempt unlawful conversion of assets and threaten (and take, in the case of LaVoy Finicum) the lives of the American People, aka, United States Nationals, this IS an act of "international terrorism" by "uniformed officers" against peaceful non-combatant civilian Third Parties. 

There you go. 

Just remember that in America the words "interstate" and "international" are completely interchangeable, because each state is also a nation---- and also remember that the federal government, whether territorial or municipal, is foreign with respect to us, and there you have it---- acts of "international terrorism" being promoted by our own employees against us. 

They will put themselves right out of business if they continue with these abuses, and I hope and I pray that the Bundys and Steve Curry and everyone else who has been wrongfully attacked by these vermin take such a bite out of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC.  commercial profits that they learn their lessons and never, ever do these things again on American soil ---or anywhere else for that matter.

Which brings up my final good thought for the day---- Trey Gowdy seems like a real American----a tough, intelligent example of the breed.  I like him.  And he just happens to be co-chair of the all-powerful House Oversight Subcommittee.... and they just happen to be investigating the actions and inactions of the FBI....

Now, the FBI and the BLM, which have both played such a disgraceful part in the prosecution of the ranchers that is just ending, are owned and operated by what appears to be a private, for-profit agency holding company calling itself the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC. 

I've mentioned this fact before.  BLM wasn't just calling on the FBI for help with a problem within FBI jurisdiction.  BLM was colluding with a sister-company, being directed by the same parent corporation.  Ah, so, can anyone tell us who is responsible for the Bad Behavior of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC.--their parent company?

Who is on the Board of Directors of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC.? 

Who is accountable for the misdirection and misconduct of these agencies?  Who isn't doing their job to properly inform, direct, and deploy the BLM and the FBI to do the actual jobs that they are supposed to do? 

We didn't hire them to harass innocent ranchers over grazing rights they are owed.  We certainly didn't hire them to ambush and murder LaVoy Finicum in cold blood.  So who set these public servants on such a misdirected path?  And why?

Americans want to know--- so we make changes to this little "system" of things gone so horribly wrong.  It's abundantly clear that somebody somewhere needs the fear of God put into them.  And I bet Trey Gowdy can find out who without burning up too many calories.  

Let's ask him.  Let's ask the whole House Oversight Subcommittee. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

Satellite View of Michigan

For the last week highs around zero and lows around -25 F

Freedom! Bundys Have Case Dismissed With "Prejudice"

After nearly two years of sitting in jail, Cliven Bundy will be free to go home and his sons and Ryan Payne will no longer be under the thumb of federal tyranny in Nevada.

These men will not face another retrial as Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed the case against them with "prejudice" on Monday.
AZ Central reports:
A federal judge on Monday said the federal prosecutors' conduct was "outrageous" and "violated due process rights" of the defendants.

U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed the charges against the four men "with prejudice," meaning they cannot face trial again. She said a new trial would not be sufficient to address the problems in the case and would provide the prosecution with an unfair advantage going forward.

As the courtroom doors opened after Navarro's ruling, a huge cheer went up from the crowd of spectators gathered outside.

Navarro's decision comes less than a month after she declared a mistrial in case and found federal prosecutors willfully withheld critical and "potentially exculpatory" evidence from the defense.
The prosecution was said to have engaged in multiple "willful" Brady Violations, something he has a history of doing, by failing to turn over exculpatory evidence to the defense, and the previous trial was declared a mistrial.
"Failure to turn over such evidence violates due process," Navarro said. "A fair trial at this point is impossible."The evidence included:
  • Records about surveillance at the Bundy ranch;
  • Maps about government surveillance;
  • Records about the presence of government snipers;
  • FBI logs about activity at the ranch in the days leading up to standoff;
  • Law-enforcement assessments dating to 2012 that found the Bundys posed no threat;
  • Internal affairs reports about misconduct by Bureau of Land Management agents.
Prosecutor Steven Myhre was then demoted after the Justice Department looked into the matter, but they have failed to bring criminal charges against Myhre, something that should be done considering the irreparable harm he has done to the Bundys and their supporters, including those who took plea deals and those convicted who Myhre and the court refused to allow that exculpatory evidence in their cases.

More is sure to come out of this case in the coming days, and hopefully, we can begin demanding the DOJ prosecute Steven Myhre and his criminal accomplices in this matter to the fullest extent of the law.

He's still on the job, after all and able to continue to commit these types of crimes against other American citizens.

Additionally, while I'm happy with the ruling from Judge Navarro, she is by no means innocent in all of this as she went right along with the prosecution until it became so clear that corruption was going on and she shut it down.
The people should seek for her to be impeached and removed from the bench, as well.

Here's the Live report that will be archived from John Lamb outside the courthouse today.


Bundy Attorney: I Will Never Practice Law In Oregon Federal Court Again

In what is a historic day in federal court in Nevada and Oregon, as Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed the case with "prejudice" against Cliven, Ammon, and Ryan Bundy, along with Ryan Payne, Bundy attorney Marcus Mumford said he would never practice law against in Oregon federal court.

Mumford, who was tased and tackled in the courtroom by federal marshalls after his clients were acquitted of all charges in the Malheur Wildlife Refuge protest in 2016, said that he will never practice law in Oregon federal court again.

A federal judge was told by Mumford that he was voluntarily giving up his standing to practice law in federal court in Oregon.
Oregon Live reports:
Mumford effectively put an end to Judge Michael Mosman’s attempt to officially ban him in Oregon's federal district.

The move also means that federal prosecutors can’t use any negative findings that might have been made in the Oregon case as they try to punish Mumford before the Utah State Bar.

Mumford announced in September that the U.S. Department of Justice had filed a Utah bar complaint against him to limit or stop him from practicing in Utah out of his Salt Lake City office.

Mumford and his attorney, Matthew Umhofer, left Portland's downtown federal courthouse without making any comments. But Umhofer said he might have something to say later Monday after talking with his client.
A supporter of Mumford's is Matt Schindler.
Schindler says that Mumford made a smart move that kept anything that occurred in the trial being used against him to disbar him.  However, he added that there was a serious need for more attorneys like Marcus Mumford in the system.

“What we need far more of in our legal community are Marcus Mumfords,” Schindler said. “We have plenty of people who are polite.”

“We need people who give everything they have to give,” he added.
Federal Judge John Coughenour was the judge that met with Mumford and several other attorneys.  As I pointed out in a report over the weekend,  Judge Coughenour was the judge who allowed the criminal charges to be dropped against Mumford after he called out his accusers.

“As far as I’m concerned, that resolves the matter," said Judge Coughenour.
At least Mr. Mumford will be able to continue to help others fight against the tyranny of an oppressive federal government.


Commie idiots trying to cause a civil war in the united States

Washington  is  Ready  to  Pull  Off  a  Coup  and  Steal  Back  “Their”  Country

Say WHUT???  Says WHO???

08 Jan 2018

Do you remember when we were headed towards the last month or so of the election season and Donald Trump suggested that he may or may not accept the results of the vote? 

Remember when he was going around from campaign stop to campaign stop, telling arenas full of supporters that the system was rigged against him? 

Remember how the media and the Democrats portrayed this kind of talk as dangerous? 

Remember when the left accused Trump of risking a violent insurrection with his irresponsible talk about the legitimacy of the election?

Well, we have our own thoughts about whether or not Trump should have hit that particular theme as hard as he did – there was some merit to what he was saying, but he did sometimes cross the line when questioning the foundation of democracy –

But we can say this without a shadow of a doubt: If Hillary Clinton had won the election, Trump and his supporters would not have gone a TENTH as far in trying to delegitimize her presidency. 

There is no chance that we would be sitting here in January of 2018, still combing through the Constitution and desperately seeking psychiatrists to help us throw her out of office. 

No chance at all.

Now, perhaps a legitimate federal investigation into her crimes would have put Hillary in danger of impeachment, but that’s a FAR different story than what we’re seeing right now on the left. 

Over the past week, kicking Trump out of office with the 25th Amendment has gone from the kind of idea whispered about on extreme-left blogs to something mainstream Democrats are actually considering.
It was only a few weeks ago that the liberal media went ballistic over Fox News’s Jesse Watters suggesting that the Democrats were trying to remove Trump through means of a silent coup. 

But at this point, who can deny that this is exactly what they’re planning. And it’s not just the Democrats, either. Because to make this 25th Amendment idea happen, they will need the unanimous support of Trump’s entire Cabinet, few of whom identify with the left. And if they didn’t think they could really pull the trigger on this, they wouldn’t spend so much time speculating (in hushed, horrified tones) about Trump’s 'mental health'.

Don’t get us wrong. We don’t believe for a second that this will actually happen. But the mere fact that Democrats are talking about it shows you how desperate they are to get Trump out of the White House. And it also shows you how empty their “violent insurrection” talk was back in 2016. 

If it suits their purposes, they’re more than happy to nullify an election and implement an undemocratic solution. And if they do – if they even TRY – it will get more Americans to believe the system is rigged than Trump himself could convince in a million years.  

We hope that’s not an irony we have to live through.

*And guess what sources are financing these protests to deliberately cause a civil war and destruction to lives and property?


    i am a Marine Combat vet, and i talk to vets everyday, and those i have talked to feel as i, our OATHS WERE FOR LIFE, AND IT'S TO DEFEND AND PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION AGAINST ALL FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ENEMIES.


    Any one else fed up with these no good commies, standing in front of the police lines with arm raised and closed fist, daring law enforcement to do the 'right' thing as these AHOs throw loaded bottles thru plate glass windows of hotels, businesses, and even windshields of autos?  They need to be rounded up to occupy the 'F' camps and/or returned to their native lands to see just how good they have it HERE.  If they are as stupid as they are acting, they need some real life lessons.   That goes for the cabal crime syndicate of the Bushes/Clintons/Obamas as well who have deeply entrenched their idiots within all levels of this nations- 'corporations' - education - churches - etc .  They have infiltrated and are producing airheads/snowflakes/traitors/ idiots among those who are being influenced by their lies and tactics.

NKorea will meet with South for talks next week

The rival Koreas will sit down for their first formal talks in more than two years next week to find ways to cooperate on the Winter Olympics in the South and to improve their abysmal ties, Seoul officials said Friday.
While a positive sign after last year’s threats of nuclear war, the Koreas have a long history of failing to move past their deep animosity.

The announcement came hours after the United States said it will delay annual military exercises with South Korea until after the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, next month. The exercises infuriate North Korea, which claims they are an invasion rehearsal, although South Korea and the United States have repeatedly said they are defensive in nature.

Read more

Green Day Singer Tells His Trump Supporting Fans to “F**k Off”

Green Day singer Billy Joe Armstrong went on an unhinged rant in response to President Trump’s ‘nuclear button’ tweet which ended in him telling all his Trump supporting fans to “f**k off”.

Writing on his official Instagram page, Armstrong complained, “This isn’t funny. This is our president acting like a madman drunk on power THREATENING to kill innocent starving people by way of nuclear war. The 25th amendment needs to be enforced. This man is sick and unfit for office. I don’t care if your liberal or conservative.. this has to stop . Please share #impeachtrump.”

Someone probably needs to remind Armstrong that hashtags can’t trigger impeachment proceedings.

One of the Green Day frontman’s most famous lyrics is, “Do you have the time to listen to me whine?”

If some of the more intelligent replies to his post are anything to go by, it’s a resounding no.

Respondents to the post eviscerated the singer’s argument, with one remarking, “I love how no one loses their shit about how Kim Jong 1) Literally made the same threat hours before Trump 2) Is the reason all those innocent people are starving 3) Threatens the rest of the world 4) Has active death camps. But no by all means Trump’s the real villain here you guys.”

Armstrong responded with vitriol, stating, “Go fuck yourself you fucking keyboard coward. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. No one is coming for you you paranoid fool. This is your president making threats of mass destruction. Wake up or get the fuck off my Instagram.”

After another commenter told Armstrong that people had a right to support Trump, the Green Day frontman became even more angry, responding, “Well then go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit. If that’s the way you feel about mass destruction and murder then fuck off. Stay the fuck off my Instagram and don’t come back. Don’t listen to my fucking records. I have no problem telling ignorant fucks like you to go to hell. That goes for any other stupid fucks that thinks this behavior should be normalized. Get the fuck out!”

Armstrong’s meltdown is reminiscent of how Eminem attempted to revive his flagging career by starting a war of words with Donald Trump, only for the rapper to bitterly lament how Trump didn’t respond to him.

Eminem’s subsequent album was panned by critics despite its desperate attempt to pander to the anti-Trump far left.

Armstrong’s response to Trump’s tweet mirrored the hysterical reaction of the mainstream media, which doesn’t seem to get anywhere near as irate about the fact that Kim Jong-un routinely threatens the world with nuclear holocaust and presides over a brutal regime that imprisons hundreds of thousands of its own people in political death camps.

Apparently, offending the diminutive Stalinist dictator is way more outrageous than any of that.

The Origin of Discontent

The Origin of Discontent
by Joe David

America is collapsing on almost every crucial level. Our great universities, which were once a fortress of reason, are shamelessly responsible by producing men and women hell-bent on destroying our free nation.

In the last decade especially, corruption has become so widespread in America that many citizens accept it as the norm. This collapse of law and order didn’t occur overnight, even though it is fashionable to think so by blaming it on the Trump administration. It began years ago when educators systematically began to encourage student disrespect toward America by romanticizing globalism.

The anarchy that I predicted in the 80s in my nationally acclaimed novel The Fire Within has today become a reality. Many of the schemes to break down societal order, first tested and perfected in inner-city schools, have spread throughout the public school system, and into our great universities. This has left many parents bewildered and searching for an explanation. The excuses often echoed by prominent educators and publications like Education Week are almost always the same with parental neglect, stagnant school spending, lack of diversity, and even racism usually getting top listing.

Rarely are educators heard sharing the real reasons for the problem. Those credentialed men and women who have the knowledge and the willingness to shed light on what’s happening are not being allowed to speak out publicly. Whatever crucial information that they may have to share is silenced by disagreeable students and the endless blast of denial and propaganda from the mainstream media. Our great universities, which have the skill to unite the country, are working hand-in-hand with the media to divide it.

To circumvent this national trend, many prominent leaders committed to open dialogue and freedom of speech are boldly resisting this trend by attempting to speak out on campuses against the organized movement to silence them and to subvert freedom. What they are facing almost everywhere for their efforts is armed resistance. The very institutions that once peacefully guarded our freedom and nurtured our independence are encouraging rioting. UCLA-Berkeley is an excellent example.

In a Los Angeles Times article, one demonstrator, disturbed by the negative news coverage campus protestors were getting, wisely believed that such continued coverage would turn the public against the student movement. Unfortunately, the demonstrator didn’t seem to realize that this was exactly what the masterminds behind the rebellion wanted. In order to break down order in a powerful country like America, they needed widespread discontent. The best way to do this was to train students in Alinsky-style protesting and turn one group against the other.

As a young man, educated traditionally in the forties and fifties, I wasn’t prepared for the modern classroom. In my day, the schools were orderly, not a fist-fighting, pill-popping jungle. Although I was sometimes smart enough to spot the mendacity and propaganda that was creeping into the schools during my school years, the schools were generally a safe place for traditional learning. Most students were taught to understand through education and hard work that they could realize their dreams.

When I decided to teach in the sixties and seventies, I saw for the first time the raw reality of change, especially in inner-city schools. Understanding the cause for this rising breakdown of order didn’t come easily for me. It took time – and much reading, thinking and testing to identify. Like so many teachers, I was concerned about the students’ freedom to run wild and to destroy property with immunity. At first, I blamed the principal, attributing the disorder to his inability to motivate the students – until I realized that the principal was in place, not because of some accident, but because he was exactly the person needed by the system to advance such chaos.

This was true, not just where I taught, but at other inner-city public schools as well. Many principles were used like pawns, carefully chosen, to set in motion activities that would accelerate the disintegration of education. They did this by employing a myriad of activities, like mismatching teachers and subjects, encouraging student power, and supporting academic programs that would handicap learning. (Several examples of the latter included teaching the look-say reading method, the confusing new math system, and even revisionist history.) To give purpose to the chaos that followed, ruthless teachers who thrived in failing classrooms were hired to advance their political agenda, in lieu of reading, writing, and arithmetic.

When I finally stepped through the cloud of deception, carefully created to blur my understanding of the problem, I began to see a very dark force at play. Quite by accident I came across Dr. Maria Montessori’s book, The Absorbent Mind, which was published many years earlier. This honest, and easy-to-read book immediately clarified the problem for me. Instead of advancing the moral relativity inherent in pragmatism, taught in most government schools, Dr. Montessori advanced a philosophy of education that respected the moral and intellectual growth of each child. In my novel, The Fire Within, I identified these two diametrically opposing views of education and set them against each other to demonstrate what would happen when they were put into action. After publishing my book, I went on the road in the early 80s to promote it. Through hard-work and design I was booked by many talk shows, locally and nationally.

I believed then, as I do today, that the surest way to societal salvation begins with the right educational philosophy. This can best be achieved through an education system, like the Montessori system, which respects moral development and individual freedom. Unfortunately, pragmatism, which basically conflicts with the Montessori system, has a stronghold on today’s education. Ending this stronghold isn’t going to be easy. But if we are to survive as a free and independent society, we must succeed. What is happening today all around us should convince us of the urgency.
Joe David is the author of numerous articles and six books, including The Fire Within and The Infidels. www.bfat.com

Former CIA Robert David Steele – Trump, Putin & XI Must CRUSH The Deep S...

Autism Rates Appear to Have Finally Plateaued in The US, But Doctors Don't Know Why

Something's changed.

Yeah something changed! Ever hear of the theory of duhhh? People found out that your engineered toxic vaccines were causing autism and no longer let you criminals stick needles in their children! ~Freewill

6 JAN 2018 
There's been no rise in the rate of children diagnosed with autism over the last three years in the US, a new study reveals, a sign that the situation might be stabilising after several years of steady increases.

Based on surveys of more than 30,000 parents, the number of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was 2.41 percent in the US between 2014 and 2016, with no statistically significant increase across that time.

However, the new estimate from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a higher figure than the one cited in another recent study – according to the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network, the rate was 1.46 percent in 2012.

While the numbers are different, what both the NIH and ADDM seem to agree on is that the rate is levelling out. The ADDM had previously noted a rise from 0.67 percent to 1.47 percent between 2000 and 2010.

"Autism now is not something rare," says one of the researchers, epidemiologist Wei Bao from the University of Iowa.

"It's not as rare as 1 per 1,000, as it was in the 1970s and 1980s. With this data, now we can see it is already 1 per 41. The prevalence is much higher than previously thought."

So why the discrepancies? One reason could be that the NIH and ADDM surveys used different methods, with the former surveying parents and the latter based on reports from healthcare professionals.

In this case, parents were asked if their child had ever been diagnosed with autism, Asperger's disorder, pervasive developmental disorder or ASD by a doctor.

On top of that, the older ADDM research only covered a select number of sites in the US, while the NIH data was collected to form a nationally representative sample.

However, the researchers themselves are cautioning against drawing too concrete a conclusion from just three years of data.

Some experts have suggested that diagnosis rates are shifting because we keep changing the definition of what autism is. High-functioning children with Asperger syndrome are now included in ASD figures, for example.

In fact, the definition of autism has been shifting for decades as doctors try to understand the causes behind it. With a high inheritance rate, the condition does appear to be genetic to some extent.

Part of the problem in understanding how autism originates is that the signs of it – like difficulties in social interaction and communication – don't appear until the ages of 2 or 3.

Despite the complexities, any statistical insight we can get into ASD should help in understanding the condition and working out how it starts, and the new research did throw up some differences between various groups of kids.

For example, 3.54 percent of boys were reported to have ASD, compared to 1.22 percent of girls. Rates were 1.78 percent in Hispanic children, 2.36 percent in black children, and 2.71 percent in white children, though the researchers didn't go into why this might be.

At its most basic, this research means we know a little more about what we're dealing with, and that there doesn't seem to have been an increase in rates over the last three years.

The researchers involved state that they want to see these figures carefully monitored in the years ahead.

"After many years of seeing a slow but steady increase in the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders, it is encouraging that the most recent national data failed to find any increase during the most recent three-year period," says Andrew Adesman, from the Cohen Children's Medical Center of New York, who wasn't involved in the study.

"Although it is encouraging that the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders is not increasing further, we don't have a good understanding of why the prevalence increased in recent previous years, and it remains concerning that the prevalence is as high as it is."

The research has been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


1.7 - Q Unloads/Planes&Trains/Police Pedos Arrested/Science Rethinks Phy...

Sunday, January 7, 2018


Why the Constitution Had to Be Destroyed | Thomas J. DiLorenzo


WE WERE RIGHT. Trump about to Finish what Bush & Obama started (Illumina...

And who stopped Obama from assisting on September 12th 2013?

Here is Obama's speech asking for permission to invade Syria...

And here is the rebuttal of the reseated DeJure state assembly of the people on Michigan that was sent to CEO Obama via certified mail and electronic wire.



 Thursday, September 12, 2013

Common Law Rebuttal from We THE People to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION’S public notice of the remarks on Syria

Common Law Rebuttal from We THE People to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION’S public notice of the remarks on Syria on September 10, 2013
Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation on Syria
Common Law Rebuttal of UNITED STATES CORPORATION’S public notice

To CEO Obama, the Crown, the Vatican, and the United Nations:
We THE People as the  de jure body politic established and according to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION’S own rules that a de jure assembly has superior lawfull standing to a de facto assembly, We THE People being of the de jure assembly do hereby formally rebut the UNITED STATES CORPORATION’s public notice of intended attack on the sovereign nation of Syria and are noticing you the de facto United States government also known as the UNITED STATES CORPORATION and all of your agents that we do not accept you proposal nor are we going to enter into contract with you on this endeavor by being silent.
We THE People are telling you with a resounding NO this proposed action is not acceptable and it will not be carried out. Just a reminder to all of you who work in, for or with the UNITED STATES CORPORATION; none of you de facto actors, agents and contractors have immunity from prosecution as of Apostolic Letter by the Pope and the Declaration of Contempt of the Constitution for the United States of America is now lawfull legislation.
You have been noticed by We THE People of the United States of America.
Notice to agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent.

Comments to specific statements made by CEO Obama
To CEO Obama on your UNITED STATES Corporation's public notice to the people=Fictional Characters=14th Amendment in the De Facto=UNITED STATES Corporation’s charter=mission statement=unlawfull=Constitution of the United States of America for their Consent to act unlawfully:
To the reader, please note, CEO Obama portrays the UNITED STATES as a government where it is a corporation.  With this said, CEO Obama requires consent from another Sovereign Nation in order to attack a Sovereign Nation like Syria.  In his speech he referenced both United States and United States of America.  There is a significant difference between these two.  United States is the reference to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION which is located on the 6.8 square miles known as the District of Columbia.  United States is not a Sovereign nation.  It being a private corporation is mere paperwork.  Now, the United States of America is referring to the Sovereign Nation of We THE People on the land of America.
Remember, We THE People who are the Lawfull Civilian Authority over the U.S. Military as the interim Constitutional Republic form of government operating under the United States Constitution 1789, Bill of Rights 1791 with the original 13th Amendment that prohibits persons who have accepted entitlements from foreign governments from holding public office is the true Sovereign Nation and lawfull form of government.
Thank you CEO Obama for recognizing the true De Jure Constitutional Republic form of Government.
Obama Statement: The question now is what the United States of America=reference to Union of States men and women=De Jure Constitutional Government asking CONSENT to their contract to move forward on attacking Syria and the international community, is prepared to do about it.
People's Response: We are not consenting to contract with you or give you our consent to move forward to attack Syria.  The international community is working with all parties to satisfy the issue at hand by lawfull international peacefull means. 
Obama Statement: And that is why, after careful deliberation, I determined that it is in the national security interests=profits of the United States=Corporation to respond to the Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons through a targeted military strike.
People's Response: You want to place another Central Bank in a country which does not have one; you want to loot the people of Syria of their precious antiquities and natural resources including
the natural gas pipeline; you want to place more debt on the backs of the middle class whom you state you want to eliminate; so there are two classes, YOURs and everyone else’s = poor.
Obama Statement: That's my judgment as Commander-in-Chief=CEO. But I’m also the President=CEO of the world’s oldest constitutional democracy.
People's Response: We THE People understand your statement however you fail to tell the rest of the story: 1) You claim to support a constitutional democracy but fail to mention in your claim the point that the Congress who was seated setting up the Act of 1871 was illegally seated in that session; 2) The Constitution you speak about is not the organic Constitution for the United States of America circa 1789 but the Charter or Mission statement for the UNITED STATES Corporation that requires the full reading into your unlawfull congress every 20 years to renew your Charter. The Charter is the Corporate Mission statement entered into and introduced as the Virginia Plan and was word-crafted to emulate the Constitution; 3) Your democracy would be the sheep's clothing over the wolf in this matter since the CEO of UNITED STATES Corporation or if you want President of the Constitution of the United States is in reality a Dictatorship or commonly referred to as an Oligarchy; 4) Your false presentation of three branches of government is so funny since the purpose of your Legislative body is to be the Board of Directors; your Executive branch is the seat of the Dictator while the Department of Justice reports directly to the President=CEO and the Crown=the city of London which=the Rothschild banking cartel . So, Mr. Obama, this is not a democracy as you would have us believe but an Oligarchy. This Oligarchy is packaged in a private corporation charter for profit. These fraudulent acts of non-disclosure of all the facts and tricking minors into adhesion contracts such as the birth certificate, social security number and drivers licenses has ensnared most of the population of the land into “voluntary” slavery to your territory of Washington District of Columbia.
Obama Statement: First, many of you have asked, won’t this put us on a slippery slope to another war? One man wrote to me that we are “still recovering from our involvement in Iraq.” A veteran put it more bluntly: “This nation is sick and tired of war.”
My answer is simple: I will not put American boots on the ground in Syria. I will not pursue an open-ended action like Iraq or Afghanistan. I will not pursue a prolonged air campaign like Libya or Kosovo. This would be a targeted strike to achieve a clear objective: deterring the use of chemical weapons, and degrading Assad’s capabilities.
People's Response: Mr. Obama, We THE People of the United States of America do not consent with your plan  to use drone warfare or any other type of warfare and we do not accept your contract.  Furthermore, your administration is known to We THE People of the United States of America and the International community at large to be the most prolific liars in the history of World.
Obama Statement: And our ally, Israel, can defend itself with overwhelming force, as well as the unshakeable support of the United States of America=Union States men and women.
People's Response: Once again CEO Obama, We THE People do not give our Consent to attack Syria or support Israel attacking Syria.
Obama Statement: My fellow Americans, for nearly seven decades, the United States = UNITED STATES Corporation has been the anchor of global security.
People's Response: CEO Obama, you tend not to tell the whole story. Did you forget that in the 1940‘s Bretton Woods Agreements Act and the Pan American Treaty, fraudulently and unlawfully turned the United States De Jure Department over to the United Nations to be used as the global peace keepers=war machine for the Vatican and the Crown. 
Obama Statement: Indeed, I’d ask every member of Congress = US Corporation Board of Directors, and those of you watching at home tonight, to view those videos of the attack, and then ask: What kind of world will we live in if the United States of America =asking the Union States men and women to give consent sees a dictator brazenly violate international law with poison gas, and we choose to look the other way?
People's Response: Where is your evidence CEO Obama of Mr. Assad’s knowledge and participation in this event? What Videos? Videos can be falsified, edited and/or complete fabrications. Why do you continue to promote false flag events?  An email from a U.S. Intelligence Officer got out on the internet that was sent to his wife showing his comments about the video. He indicated that these were actors and not one person was injured.  There is no evidence that Mr. Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. There are however, more indications that the chemical weapons were used by the rebel forces if any was used at all.
The Real United States of America will not consent to acts of aggression against another country based on such flimsy evidence and hearsay.
Interesting statement by you:
Thank you. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America…
People's Response: This is strange and is not congruent with the demonstrated character that has been in the public since you have been in office.

 - - - - End of Document - - - -


  1. It is Time for You the De Jure Republic People show us how to Remove our selves as UNITED STATES Citizens and Registered Voters to become Sovereign people and NOT Persons per THE UNITED STATES, INC. documents and the Original US Constitution!
    It is Time for You the De Jure Republic People SEIZE the Property that THE UNITED STATES, INC. that they CLAIM to own when the Act of 1871 WAS NOT Constitutional as the Congress NEVER Adjourned Constitutionally in 1861!
    Back then they committed FRAUD, So NOTHING since then is Legit per their standards!
  2. Why is it we MUST Declare ourselves Sovereign and Remove ourselves as UNITED STATES Citizens when we were NOT in the first place as those Laws were Unconstitutional?
  3. This is all crap. Just arrest and transport all these criminals off earth. I don't care if their dead body floats in space for eternity. It is so damned obvious that the cabal runs this country. WTF are we waiting for? A nuclear holocaust?? Bring it on because no one will ever know what hit them!!! You talk about psychopaths?? It is the ones who are responsible for change who the societal psychopaths!!!
  4. The major media is also responsible for hiding the truth and spreading false government propaganda. I believe it's called "Aiding and Abetting" in most places. The media whores are just as guilty as those who perpetrated the fraud on the people, and should be punished accordingly.
  5. Remove yourself from the "Registered Voter's" list if you have registered in the past few years. If you have not registered as a voter you are not a US CITIZEN.
  6. I have a need to ask if there is some body to help me put Wakulla County School in it`s place and the Sheriffs office. would like them to know who they work for we are not US CITIZENS but people of the nation Florida we are Sovereign People.

    Injured Third Party Intervener, E-M IIII: C in Propria Prsona, moves the court to dismiss this case against him for the following reasons. Falsely Accused, The Sheriff’s office did not do a complete investigation. The whole investigation with these two agents ( School And the Sheriff ) is that they are using he said, she said, I said, and the Sheriff did not write down all of what was said. No injured Party, No Due Process, No Miranda Rights deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process. I have the case going in county court. Need help to move it to Fed. Court in Tallahssee, Florida.
    County Court starts on March 5, 2015 in Wakulla County Florida. So for using UCC 1-308 has slowed them down. I would like to have a win for the Constitution and the Republic. Any help contact max71047@yahoo.com Thanks and God Bless Max


    1. youtube Karl Lentz and file a 'notice' followed by a 'claim for trespass' against the man acting as sheriff.

I posted all this under the top video so you people reading this can understand the power of the people and what we can do when we reseat our original jurisdiction county and state assemblies. When we come together as a body politic we have the power to do what we choose. I cannot stress enough how important it is that we resettle our counties and states so we can start self governing once again and tell the DeFacto corporation UNITED STATES that their services chartered in 1871 are no longer needed and they can take a hike. 
