Monday, May 15, 2017

The purpose of education is to confuse you and hide the truth.

BREAKING: Trey Gowdy Makes Official Announcement About FBI Director Posi...

The First Sin -- Update on State Non-Assumpsit Actions

By Anna Von Reitz

Most people don't read the Bible.  They need to, if they want to know what is going on in the world.  It is indeed a strange concept that we need to read a book that is derived from ancient history to keep current with today, but as with much else concerning this particular book---- it's true. 

Those who read the Bible know that Adam was tasked to be a caretaker of the Earth and granted dominion over the Earth, and he was also tasked to name the animals and trees and other things that he interacted with on Earth. 
However, he was never given the task of naming himself or other men.  
That task is reserved to our Father.  Much later in the Bible, in fact, we are promised that He will give us our true names.  
As a result, whatever names we are given are not true names and are not part of Adam's job to give.  The practice of applying names to men is the First Sin. 
We may well ask, how are we supposed to talk about anything pertaining to men or make reference to anyone without giving them a name?
For many generations we have used descriptions that appear to be names to a greater or lesser extent, and so names typically have additional meanings which create descriptions that are included on a sub rosa basis.  
Names like "Anne of Green Gables" and "Geoffry of Malmsbury" are apparent descriptions, but a name like "Anna" which means "Mother" and "Grace" also holds descriptive meaning.  This is all because we are not supposed to name each other, but, in practice, we do. 
And that is the First Sin.  
That it is a sin becomes very clear when you examine the process that has led to our current distress.  When we create "persons" and name them, men become identified as "things" and as things they lose their sanctity and dominion, and take on the inert and alien characteristics of say, rocks. 
A man is a man, but a person is a thing---- and all the profound differences that exist between men and things apply.  It is a crime to murder a man, but there is no law against murdering a thing. 
When you deliberately apply the names of living men to PERSONS as a means of deceiving them and harming them without being held accountable, a crime of "personage" occurs.  
Personage is the act of reducing a man to a thing via a manipulation of his given name or by changing the agreed upon usage of his name to facilitate such a change. 
For example, personage occurs when the function of your Trade Name in the form "John Mark Doe" (which you use for international trade) is arbitrarily redefined as the name of a Foreign Situs Trust operating in international commerce.  
This is the kind of personage the FDR committed against our grandparents. It arbitrarily removed their names from the jurisdiction of the land and exposed them to piracy and the loss of their material rights and interests including their constitutional guarantees--- all without telling them. 
This change was made by the Territorial United States and could actually only apply to their Citizens, however, since nobody in the actual United States was fully informed, a process of "assumpsit" kicked in.  People just continued to use their own familiar Trade Name  as they always had, and in the process they became misidentified government employees operating Foreign Situs Trusts belonging to the United States of America, Inc.  
Another form of personage occurs when the style of a name is changed to conform with such a change in function.   
Having redefined the use and meaning of our Trade Names on the land to serve as the names of Foreign Situs Trusts on the sea, the perpetrators next created so-called Municipal franchises and messed with our names again to create Cestui Que Vie Trusts named after us:  JOHN MARK DOE.  
Most recently, the Municipal United States has floated a whole new scam and arbitrarily defined names in the form "JOHN M. DOE" to be the names of US Public Transmitting Utilities.  
Well, that may be what Mr. Obama thinks they are. 
I say it's just more fraud and more personage by our public servants deliberately being used to defraud and foist off foreign debt on us via a process of unwitting assumption. 
The State of State organizations in Alaska, Maine, Washington, Michigan, Illinois, Texas, and Utah have received Notice of Non-Assumpsit published in the local newspapers.  
These six actual States and their people have told Washington, DC and the world at large that there is a fraud scheme in play and we don't agree with it and we don't assume any debts related to all the names in the form "JOHN M. DOE".  
What about the rest of you people and states?  
Are you all going to stand around like dumb posts and let the Territorial United States claim that you are one of their "Citizens" and subject to their "law" as if you were born in Puerto Rico?  Are you going to assume their debts, knowing that they are already bankrupt? 
Get those Notices of Non-Assumpsit published so the Territorial United States can't come back and say, "Hey, these people and their states assumed this debt, so it's theirs to pay."  
This is your time to object and put it on the record.  
Now, it is possible that what has been done by these states that have published their objections already could be brokered into a claim that all our states are owed equal footing---- but do you really want to leave your state on the list of states that they can say "acquiesced" by being silent?  

---With a $20 trillion debt in the air and looking for a place to land? 
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

5.15 - Satellite UFO Anomaly, Cyberattack Possilibities, & Trump's Israe...

Looking For Potential Publishers For Website

I am looking for a few publishers to publish good articles on 

If you spend much time on the net and have the ability to hunt down good articles to share or compose your own articles and can post at least one a day, I am inviting you as a publisher. I want to see website grow to be a large source of information for many to visit and comment.

Please send an email to with "Publisher" in the subject line. This is not for the blog. This is for the independent blog that I own and host on my own dedicated server. Your privacy is protected as well as the website itself. No Google involvement.

Here is a screenshot of the editor used to create articles if you think you can work with it. Click on image to make it bigger.


Ps. I can also set up an email account within the server for the new publishers to use to interact with public to protect their personal email address. can be set up with Thunderbird, Outlook/Outlook Express, or any other email client or just set up to forward directly to any other email of your choice.


AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta
S.D.R. Diplomatic Passport No. 04362, 12535
4001 North 9th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia
* White House INTEL Files Received and Acknowledged *

WantaGate_Bank of America Headquarters Demand_USDollars 4.5 Trillion_USTreasury Deposit

AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta
S.D.R. Diplomatic Passport No. 04362, 12535
4001 North 9th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia
* White House INTEL Files Received and Acknowledged *


AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta
S.D.R. Diplomatic Passport No. 04362, 12535
4001 North 9th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia
* White House INTEL Files Received and Acknowledged *

Never Leave Your Pet Alone With The Kids

Photos That Prove You Should Never Leave Your Pet Alone With The Kids

Chris Wharfe
April 27, 2017

Everyone knows that pets and kids are an awesome mix – as long as you’re there to supervise, that is. Because leaving your friendly felines or canine companions alone with your offspring is basically a recipe for disaster. Luckily for the rest of us, however, that disaster is often very funny indeed. It’s not always the kids that are the bad influence, though. If you’re not careful, too much time spent alone with the family pets might cause your child to think that they are one and the same. Case in point – this hilarious photo. Then again, perhaps she just really wanted some milk…

The patience some animals have for the tomfoolery of children is astounding. Then again, perhaps this delightful dog just thinks he’s spending the day on some kind of wild theme-park ride. Especially considering how fast the youngster seems to be toddling…

We’d love to say that this cat was feeling kind to allow itself to be used as a racetrack, but let’s not kid ourselves. We all know that really, it’s just too lazy to get up and do anything about it. Still, it only has itself to blame when Lightning McQueen wins the Piston Cup on its back.

We can only imagine the struggle that it must have been to get this poor pooch into those hideously pink tights. And while he appears to have taken it in his stride, we don’t think the parents will be too keen to leave their kids and pets alone again anytime soon.

Have you ever seen a cat as well behaved as this one? In fact, we might almost believe that he enjoys it, based on how expectantly he seems to be looking at the camera. That face is just asking for a push. Well, if you can’t beat ‘em… 

Who knew children could be so cruel? While his real dog sits outside, looking in pitifully, this kid is feeding his stuffed toy instead. Sure, maybe he’s too young to tell the difference. Somehow, we don’t think that will make the real pup feel any better.
You have to wonder how many times this has happened for the dog to just not care anymore. It’s part of his life now and he accepts that. The kid, meanwhile, could really do with a few sheets of paper. It’s not that much of an ask, is it?
This kitty might not look too happy with her current situation, but she isn’t doing anything to stop it, either. In fact, she’s apparently so at peace with the kid’s decision to push her around like a baby that she’s even allowed herself to be strapped in. Hey, it beats walking…
Every princess needs a steed to transport her around her kingdom. And if there are no horses around, then the dog will just have to do. Luckily for this adorable little girl, her pooch doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, he almost looks like he’s getting into it. It’s a job fit for royalty, after all.
This cat looks totally cheesed off. And while he might be putting up with it for now, that expression just says it’s only a matter of time before he flies off the handle. Just make sure the kids responsible aren’t around when that happens…

This little girl’s pup, on the other hand, certainly looks content with her current standing. After all, who wouldn’t want the honor of carrying around Barbie? We have a feeling these two are going to be best friends for years to come.

This is photographic proof of how dangerous it can be to take a nap as a parent. We’ve all been there. You doze off for half an hour and wake up to find your child has attached a unicorn horn to your cat. It’s a tale as old as time – though not one the cat looks best pleased about.

Someone should probably check to make sure the dog’s still breathing. After all, surely the only thing capable of having this much tolerance for horseplay is a statue or a corpse, right? Then again, some dogs just love the attention – and making their best friends happy, of course. Dogs are awesome.

It doesn’t take long for the damage to be done when you leave a kid with a pet. Indeed, everything in the photo above was the result of just 20 minutes’ alone time between a little girl and a dog. Things went downhill quickly…
If this cat knew what it was being forced to pose as for a Thanksgiving card, we’re pretty sure it would look even less amused than it currently does. Dressing up a predator as its prey does seem like a cruel and unusual punishment, after all – no matter how seasonally appropriate.
Is this the prettiest cat in the known universe? It just might be. Not that it looks too happy with its new outfit, of course – but then, cats are notoriously difficult to please. Next time, maybe try something a little less 19th century?
Traditionally, the tug of war is played using your hands. Of course, a dog isn’t really capable of doing that, so it’s great to see that this toddler has leveled the playing field by using his mouth too. Some kids are so thoughtful.
Kids don’t see in black and white. Indeed, their vision is full of color, so it’s little surprise that this one thought their Dalmatian needed a lick of paint. Thankfully, there was no harmful paint to hand, so they made do with Sharpies instead. You’ve got to admire their creativity.

Burly Bikers Turned Up On Her Doorstep

After A Young Girl Was Abused By Her Own Family, This Gang Of Burly Bikers Turned Up On Her Doorstep

By Caren Gibson    
February 16, 2017
It’s not the image you might associate with feeling safe: a gang of bikers roaring along the road on their motorcycles, long hair blowing in the wind, their arms heavily inked. And so curtains twitch in this suburban neighborhood as the leather-clad gang rolls down past their homes. But then the gang stops. And a girl, aged only 11, looks on nervously as the men – and women – approach her; she knows that they are here for her. 

One biker acts as a roadblock, arms folded and standing next to his motorcycle at the bottom of the street. You shall not pass, he seems to say. The other gang members pull up outside the girl’s house, and their 14 black-and-chrome stallions stand glinting in the Arizona sun. 
One by one they approach the young girl. First is a 55-year-old man with long hair and a handlebar mustache; he’s the leader. He reaches for the girl, his skin weathered by the elements of the open road, and speaks. “Hi, I’m Pipes,” he says. Scared, the girl replies, “Nice to meet you,” and her tiny hand is enveloped in his. 
Next, Nytro steps up to introduce herself. With her long blonde hair and a smile on her face, she stoops to the girl’s level. She knows what she’s going through; she’s been there herself. And then there’s D’Animal, with a bandana on his head and arms as thick as tree trunks.
Speaking of trees, here’s the next biker to introduce himself: he’s six-foot 10 inches, so he’s simply named “Tree.” In fact, for reasons of anonymity, these bikers all identify by their club names. The girl is understandably terrified.
Sadly, the girl is believed to have been abused by a relative. And although the perpetrator is no longer around, he’s still walking free as the case against him continues. The bikers, however, are not here for vengeance. No, they’re here to give the little girl some sense of security. 
This biker gang’s motto, emblazoned across their leather vests is, “No child deserves to live in fear.” They are Bikers Against Child Abuse International (B.A.C.A.) and their mission is one of empowerment. They’re here to give strength to the most vulnerable. 
Speaking to AZ Central in July 2012, “Rembrandt”
said, “The biker image is what makes this work. Golfers against child abuse does not have the same feel. The pink alligator shirt and golf shoes standing in the driveway doesn’t do the same thing.”
The President of the Jacksonville, Florida, Chapter goes by the name of Chops. He told WJCT in August 2014, “We give [abused kids] the empowerment to say, ‘This is who did this to me.’ We’re not speakers for the children, and we’re not counselors. We let them know that, while we’re around, nobody’s going to mess with them.” 
And there are lots of kids in need of their help. According to recent figures from the National Children’s Alliance, up to 700,000 children were subject to abuse and neglect in 2015. And B.A.C.A. “adopt” such kids, after they are referred to them by police or social workers. 
B.A.C.A. gives each of their adopted children a denim vest and a pseudonym. The gang then serves as an extended family; the child will be assigned two protectors, who check in with the kid weekly. And if the child needs assistance, they will be on hand anytime, night or day. 
This 11-year-old girl’s biker name is Rhythm because she loves music and dancing. And as well as her two protectors, the rest of her new family will be there when it counts, too. They’ll escort families to court hearings, and she will be a member of the group for life. 
Irene Toto, CEO of Clay Behavioral Health System, noted the impact the gang has had on their charges. “If the abuser is in the courtroom, it’s scary,” she told WJCT. “Having B.A.C.A. with them makes a big difference. To know they’re on your side and fighting for you, that’s an awesome feeling for a kid.” 
Pipes, President of the Arizona Chapter of B.A.C.A., told AZ Central, “In court, the judge asked [one of our kids], ‘Are you afraid?’ She looked up at the judge and said, ‘No.’ The judge said, ‘Why not?’ and she said, ‘Because my friends are scarier than he is.’” 
But the gang is not a group of vigilantes seeking revenge. In fact, they operate worldwide as a not-for-profit organization. They hold public meetings, and all members are volunteers at their own expense. What’s more, all members hold down day jobs and have families of their own. 
For instance, Rembrandt and 54-year-old grandmother, Nytro, married three decades ago. They now run a decorating business together. And Nytro knows only too well what the kids are going through. After all, her own abuse began when she was just seven years old. 
After her dad walked out, a young Nytro became a pro at suppressing her emotions. She was terrified that her mom would see her crying and strike her again. And for years she was pushed and pulled between her grandparents, her mom, foster care and social workers. It seemed like no one was on her side. 
There wasn’t anybody there for me,” Nytro told AZ Central. But now, she gets to play a role that was never available to her. She continued, “I get to stand up for a child and say, ‘No one is going to hurt you anymore.’ If that means we die, dang it, we stand ready to be that obstacle.” 
B.A.C.A. provides a service that social workers and even law enforcement can’t offer abused kids. A connection to B.A.C.A. means someone has their back. It means these kids have protection when they feel vulnerable or scared. More, they provide a feeling of safety when no one else can help. 
Rhythm still has nightmares about her ordeal. Her parents tell her that everything will be okay, but it’s hard to believe that when her trust has already been broken. But on such sleepless nights, the bikers will show up on her doorstep to stand guard. And there they will remain until the nightmare ends. Pipes concludes, “If someone who would hurt a child doesn’t take us seriously, that would be a big mistake.”

Mother's Day Decrees

Alaska State Superior Court
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99508
International Decree of Cease and Desist
International Decree Requiring Re-Venue and Release
International Decree Rejecting Claims On Abandonment

It has been brought to our attention that the State of Alaska Territorial United States franchise and its STATE OF ALASKA Municipal United States franchise, have been engaged in a repugnant form of crime on our shores and are guilty of violent trespass against their employers, the unincorporated Alaska State, which is owed The Alaska Statehood Compact, and the people of Alaska.  See Alaska Session Law and AS 45.77.020.

The form of this crime amounts to strong-armed conscription of Alaska State nationals under false pretenses and imposition of coerced private adhesion contracts solicited under threat of kidnapping, which results in seizing upon the babies of natural Alaskan parents and presuming that they are: (1) wards of the State of Alaska; (2) abandoned property; (3) obligated to act as Municipal United States citizens and to donate their names and estates to the benefit of the State of Alaska.

This is a most venal form of international inland piracy and racketeering for which the State of Alaska is fully responsible, as it has employed and allowed the STATE OF ALASKA to be present and to trespass upon our soil as a consequence of its own contract with the Alaska State to provide “essential government services”.

It is therefore Ordered that both the State of Alaska and the STATE OF ALASKA cease and desist all such solicitations of private citizenship contract, all pretensions that such solicitation is in any way a “government mandate” applicable to natural born Alaskans, all activities related to the continuance of this foreign and repugnant practice on our soil, and to immediately begin corrective action to bring remedy on the land and full cure and maintenance on the sea.  

All people born on and from the soil of the Alaska State are Alaska state nationals at birth and the Alaska State claims them at birth without exception.  Their Persons are defined as American State Vessels engaged in peaceful International Trade and as Protected PERSONS owed all guarantees of the actual Constitution for the united States of America whenever they venture into the realm of Commerce.

As employees of the Alaska State, both the State of Alaska and the STATE OF ALASKA subcontractor, are required to correct and return the Birth Certificates they have acquired by fraud and racketeering carried out under color of law on our shores and to also immediately return and re-venue the given names of Alaskans which they have unlawfully registered, patented, copyrighted, and trademarked without full or adequate disclosure, together with all land patents, titles, and other property assets and material interests owed to the Alaska State and people. All such purloined right and interest must be returned to the lawful Holders in Due Course.

It has also been brought to our attention that the parent corporations of the State of Alaska and STATE OF ALASKA operating similar “state of state” franchises in other land jurisdiction states have brought similar false claims of abandonment and “decedent status” against the people of the actual United States as a whole, and that natives of other states now living in Alaska as well as Alaskans are being threatened and defrauded by secondary creditors of the UNITED STATES, INC. and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. and the UN, INC., and E PLURIBUS UNUM THE UNITED STATES, INC. and E PLURIBUS UNUM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. and other Territorial United States and Municipal United States corporations.

The Alaska State Superior Court hereby extends the protection of these Decrees to all natural-born and lawfully naturalized nationals of all other union states living within its jurisdiction, which is established and defined by the geographic borders of Alaska, and orders the Alaska State Troopers and Alaska State Militia to intervene and prevent all and any presumptive enforcement actions undertaken by the STATE OF ALASKA or State of Alaska personnel based on the above-described undisclosed forced private contract and conscription process carried out by foreign corporations that are in fact employees of the victims of this scam. 

All merely presumptive claims based on Birth Certificates, enrollment in Social Security, possession of Driver Licenses, Marriage Licenses, Mortgages benefiting the State of Alaska or STATE OF ALASKA and similar presentments are hereby released and all such documents are declared suspected prima facie evidence of crime subject to confiscation by the lawful authorities.

So declared and decreed this 12th day of May 2017 by Judge Anna Maria Riezinger, Alaska State Superior Court and witnessed by her signature and the Seal of the Alaska State Superior Court:

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Germany Is Now Confiscating Homes To Use For Merkel’s Migrants!

We all knew this day would come – we just didn’t know how soon. Germany is now confiscating residential units to rent out migrants living in the city of Hamburg.
Gatestone Institute reports:
Authorities in Hamburg, the second-largest city in Germany, have begun confiscating private dwellings to ease a housing shortage — one that has been acutely exacerbated by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to allow more than two million migrants into the country in recent years.
City officials have been seizing commercial properties and converting them into migrant shelters since late 2015, when Merkel opened German borders to hundreds of thousands of migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Now, however, the city is expropriating residential property units owned by private citizens.
In an unprecedented move, Hamburg authorities recently confiscated six residential units in the Hamm district near the city center. The units, which are owned by a private landlord, are in need of repair and have been vacant since 2012. A trustee appointed by the city is now renovating the properties and will rent them — against the will of the owner — to tenants chosen by the city. District spokeswoman Sorina Weiland said that all renovation costs will be billed to the owner of the properties.
The expropriation is authorized by the Hamburg Housing Protection Act (Hamburger Wohnraumschutzgesetz), a 1982 law that was updated by the city’s Socialist government in May 2013 to enable the city to seize any residential property unit that has been vacant for more than four months.
The forced lease, the first of its kind in Germany, is said to be aimed at pressuring the owners of other vacant residences in the city to make them available for rent. Of the 700,000 rental units in Hamburg, somewhere between 1,000 and 5,000 (less than one percent) are believed to be vacant, according an estimate by the Hamburg Senate.
This is truly UNPRECEDENTED! Will Merkel’s madness ever come to an end?