Monday, January 9, 2017

A Rant Against Hypocrisy

A Rant Against Hypocrisy
in the U.S. Leftist Cult
Col Roy Potter

Senator Charles Schumer Threatens Trump

Senator Charles Schumer Threatens
Trump with CIA Revenge
Col Roy Potter

ARREST ALL MAYORS.......... Trump to take on 482 sanctuary cities; New study shows Christian face genocide

During his presidential campaign against the Democrat’s heir apparent Hillary Clinton, President-elect Donald Trump used the murder case of San Franciscan woman Kate Steinle — an American citizen murdered by a notorious illegal alien — to illustrate the evils of so-called sanctuary cities. Now that he’s set to be sworn in as President, he may find his promise an arduous and complicated one since he will have to deal with more than 500 cities, counties and towns in the state of California alone.
There are exactly 482 sanctuary cities and towns in the Golden State plus another 58 sanctuary counties. That is because California is a sanctuary state. And under the Democratic Party, that state’s officials are more concerned with the health, safety and welfare of illegal immigrants than that of U.S. citizens.
The late celebrity attorney Vincent Bugliosi while lecturing police officers on prosecuting homicides said: Reporters as a group can always be counted on to use a minimal amount of intelligence.
The late celebrity attorney Vincent Bugliosi while lecturing police officers on prosecuting homicides said: Reporters as a group can always be counted on to use a minimal amount of intelligence.
Under Gov. Jerry Brown, the state passed a law that mandates a minimum sanctuary status. All municipalities and counties in California are sanctuaries. It is not necessary for cities to declare themselves sanctuaries any longer. If they do, it is just because they want to do it to be “in your face.” California is in a state of insurrection against the federal government.
And rather than the current president directing his Justice Department to stop the violation of federal law by states lacking jurisdiction as far as immigration, the Justice Department actually defends these cities whose Democrat politicians thumb their noses at the law.
A litigation battle is raging between the states and President Barack Obama over his attempt to impose a nationwide “sanctuary” policy for illegal aliens. Yet, there is no question that existing sanctuary policies implemented by numerous towns and cities have victimized innocent Americans. Those sanctuary policies have enabled illegal aliens to commit thousands of crimes –crimes that would not have occurred had their perpetrators been deported in keeping with existing law,” stated Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation.
The Trust Act is a sanctuary law for the entire state of California. It applies to counties and local cities as you can read in the actual text of the law (attached) in paragraph 7282(d). Therefore, there is no need for California city councils or counties to declare themselves sanctuary cities any longer. They are already (informal) sanctuaries by state law. Cooperation with ICE is only allowed under certain conditions. That is, the inmate has been convicted of one of a list of serious crimes that the law spells out. If you live in California, you are already living in a sanctuary for illegal aliens.
The TRUST Act (AB 4 – Ammiano) became law on January 1st, 2014 and limits local jails from holding people for extra time just so they can be deported. County jails can no longer respond to requests to hold individuals solely based on their immigration status, unless certain conditions are met. Even then, local law enforcement always has the discretion not to use local resources to detain immigrants for extra time. The TRUST Act ensures that, as of January 1st, people with most low-level, non-violent offenses (misdemeanors) are not wastefully held for deportation purposes. At the same time, the law allows detention of people with felony convictions and of those charged with felonies under certain circumstances. It also allows detention for people with a number of higher level misdemeanor (or “wobbler”) convictions within the past 5 years, and for certain federal criminal offenses.
The TRUST Act addresses the harmful impact of California’s participation in the federal government’s controversial “Secure Communities” (S-Comm) deportation program, which has led to the deportation of over 90,000 individuals in California. The law will begin to repair relationships between the immigrant community and local law enforcement and limit the use of local resources to detain immigrants. It provides essential safeguards for public safety, community policing and civil liberties. The TRUST Act is a statewide minimum standard, and local jurisdictions can and should go farther to limit to harmful impact of S-Comm and detention of immigrants in local jails.
The ACLU of California was a sponsor of AB 4, along with four other organizations, and is now working on implementation of the new law.
Recent illegal immigration and sanctuary city news updates (Just click each state):

Airline Pilot

     My lead flight attendant came to me and said, "We  have  an H.R. on
     this flight." (H.R. stands for human remains.) 
     "Are they military?" I asked.  
     'Yes', she said.   

     'Is there an escort?' I asked.   
     'Yes, I've already assigned him a seat'.

    'Would you please tell him to come to the Flight Deck.  You can
    board him  early," I said...

     A short while later, a young army sergeant entered the   flight
     deck. He was the image of the perfectly dressed  soldier. He
     introduced himself and I asked him about his  soldier.

     The escorts of these fallen soldiers talk about them as  if they
     are still alive and still with us. 'My soldier is on  his way back
     to Virginia,' he said. He proceeded to answer  my questions, but
     offered no words.

     I asked him if there was anything I could do for him  and he said
     no. I told him that he had the toughest job in  the military, and
     that I appreciated the work that he does  for the families of our
     fallen soldiers. The first officer  and I got up out of our seats
     to shake his hand. He left the  Flight Deck to find his seat.

    We completed our preflight checks, pushed back and  performed an
    uneventful departure. About 30 minutes into our  flight, I received
    a call  from the lead flight attendant in  the cabin. 'I just found
    out the family of the soldier we  are carrying, is also on board',
    she said. She then  proceeded to tell me that the father, mother,
    wife and  2-year old daughter were escorting their son, husband, and
     father home.  The family was upset because they were unable  to see
    the container that the soldier was in before we left. 

     We were on our way to a major hub at which the family  was going to
     wait four hours for the connecting flight home  to Virginia . The
     father of the soldier told the flight  attendant that knowing his
     son was below him in the cargo  compartment and being unable to see
     him was too much for him  and the family to bear. He had asked the
     flight attendant if  there was anything that could be done to allow
     them to see  him upon our arrival. The family wanted to be outside
     by the  cargo door to watch the soldier being taken off the 

    I could hear the desperation in the flight attendants  voice when
    she asked me if there was anything I could do.  'I'm on it', I said.
    I told her that I would get back to  her. 

     Airborne communication with my company normally occurs  in the form
     of e-mail like messages. I decided to
bypass this system and contact my flight dispatcher directly  on a
secondary radio. There is a radio operator in the  operations control
center who connects you to the telephone  of the dispatcher. I was in
direct contact with the  dispatcher. I explained the situation I had on
board with  the family and what it was the family wanted. He said he 
understood and that he would get back to me.

     Two hours went by and I had not heard from the  dispatcher. We were
     going to get busy soon and I needed to  know what to tell the
     family. I sent a text message asking  for an update. I saved the
     return message from the  dispatcher and the following is the text: 
 'Captain, sorry it has taken so long to get back to you.  There is
 policy on this now, and I had to check on a few
 things. Upon your arrival a dedicated escort team will meet  the
 aircraft. The team will escort the family to the ramp  and plane side.
 A van will be used to load the remains with  a secondary van for the
 family. The family will be taken to  their departure area and escorted 
 into the terminal, where  the remains can be seen on the ramp. It is a
 private area  for the family only. When the connecting aircraft
 arrives,  the family will be escorted onto the ramp and plane side to 
 watch the remains being loaded for the final leg home.
 Captain, most of us here in flight control are veterans.  Please pass
 our condolences on to the family. Thanks. 

     I sent a message back, telling flight control thanks  for a good
     job. I printed out the message and gave it to the  lead flight
     attendant to pass on to the father. The lead  flight attendant was
     very thankful and told me, 'You have no  idea how much this will
     mean to them.'

     Things started getting busy for the descent, approach  and landing.
      After landing, we cleared the runway and  taxied to the ramp area.
     The ramp is huge with 15 gates on  either side of the alleyway. It
     is always a busy area with  aircraft maneuvering every which way to
     enter and exit. When  we entered the ramp and checked in with the
     ramp controller,  we were told that all traffic was being held for

     'There is a team in place to meet the aircraft', we  were told. It
     looked like it was all coming together, then I  realized that once
     we turned the seat belt sign off,  everyone would stand up at once
     and delay the family from  getting off the airplane. As we
     approached our gate, I asked  the copilot to tell the ramp
     controller, we were going to  stop short of the gate to make an
     announcement to the  passengers. He did that and the ramp
     controller said, 'Take  your time.' 

     I stopped the aircraft and set the parking brake. I  pushed the
     public address button and said:  'Ladies and  gentleman, this is
     your Captain speaking: I have stopped  short of our gate to make a
     special announcement.  We have a  passenger on board who deserves
     our honor and respect.  His  Name is Private XXXXXX, a soldier who
     recently lost his  life.  Private XXXXXX is under your feet in the
     cargo hold.  Escorting him today is Army Sergeant XXXXXXX. Also, on
     board  are his father, mother, wife, and daughter. Your entire 
     flight crew is asking for all passengers to remain in their  seats
     to allow the family to exit the aircraft first.  Thank  you.'

     We continued the turn to the gate, came to a stop and  started our
     shutdown procedures. A couple of minutes later I  opened the
     cockpit door. I found the two forward flight  attendants crying,
     something you just do not see.  I was  told that after we came to a
     stop, every passenger on the  aircraft stayed in their seats,
     waiting for the family to  exit the aircraft. When the family got
     up and gathered their  things, a passenger slowly started to clap
     his hands.  Moments later, more passengers joined in and soon the
     entire  aircraft was clapping. Words of 'God Bless You', I'm sorry,
      thank you, be proud, and other kind words were uttered to  the
     family as they made their way down the aisle and out of  the
     airplane.  They were escorted down to the ramp to  finally be with
     their loved one.

     Many of the passengers disembarking thanked me for the 
     announcement I had made. They were just words, I told them,  I
     could say them over and over again, but nothing I say will  bring
     back that brave soldier.

     I respectfully ask that all of you reflect on this  event and the
     sacrifices that millions of our men and women  have made to ensure
     our freedom and safety in these United  States of AMERICA. 
     Foot note:  
     I know everyone who reads this will have tears in their  eyes,
     including me. Prayer chain for our Military... Don't  break it! 
     Please send this on after a short prayer for our  service men and
Don't break it!  They die for me and mine and you and yours  and deserve
our honor and respect. 
     Prayer Request:  
     When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say  a prayer
     for our troops around the world... There is nothing  attached. 
     Just send this to people in your address book. Do  not let it stop
     with  you. Of all the gifts you could give a  Marine, Soldier,
     Sailor, Airman, and others deployed in  harm's way, prayer is the
     very best one. 

     GOD BLESS  YOU!!! 
     Thank you all who have served, or are serving. We Will  Not

Sunday, January 8, 2017

republic of Texas CONGRESSIONAL SESSION Saturday January 14th

 THE NEXT republic of Texas CONGRESSIONAL SESSION WELCOMING ALL Texian Nationals and TEXANS seeking Freedom

The sovereign republic of Texas began as an internationally recognized Nation consisting of self-determined Texian American people, by and through several organic International Treaties 1819-1845, including the Republic of Mexico, united States of America, England, Ireland, France, Netherlands and many Indian Tribal Nations throughout North America.

The Texas republic is and has been alive and well since 1836 thru
Present year of our Lord

cid:image001.gif@01D269EE.8279A9B0                                   cid:image002.jpg@01D269EE.8279A9B0                          cid:image003.jpg@01D269EE.8279A9B0
     Texas republic                   Texas republic                 Texas republic
   National standard                   Admiralty                        Customs

The sovereign republic of Texas stands under our
 One and Only Almighty Sovereign God;

Saturday January 14th, 2017 
*9:30* AM: till 4:30 PM.
The Cannery Kitchen
314 E Alamo St
Brenham, Texas republic 77833
All are welcome to eat Breakfast buffet starting at 8:30 AM for $6.00 Dollars and Lunch buffet for $10.00 Dollars


Prices for republic of Texas Gold and Silver at this session contact:

With your help and support and us all working together we will make the following happen and it shall come true.  
Let it be written:

1.     Imagine Texians children not being forced to pay any private property Taxes.
2.     Imagine Texians children not being forced to have spying smart meters on their house, wells etc. or any smart meters on their properties.
3.     Imagine Texians children not being forced to vaccinate their children.
4.     Imagine Texians children not being forced to tag their animals.
5.     Imagine Texians children not being forced into jail for any debt.
6.     Imagine Texians children not being forced to surrender any of their guns used for defending their families, lands and their Country if desired.
7.      Imagine Texians children not being forced to sell their lands or it be stolen from them by corporate imposters using eminent domain for creating a new toll road or make some elitist a little richer for a pet project.
8.      Imagine Texians children not being forced to leave our Nation to go fight and die in some foreign war or police action in order to make some world order elitist group or individual(s) richer.
9.      Imagine Texians children not ever enduring any theft from a fraudulent 1040 IRS TAX Form or any other Corporatist IRS form.
10.   Imagine Texians children taking 100% of their paychecks home if desired. 
11.   Imagine Texians children not having their homes taken from them on any courthouse steps from an fraudulent corporatist government debt as was made law by The republic of Texas Homestead act of 1839, which protected the home from the collection of any debt.
12.   Imagine Texians children being free to worship their one creator almighty God as they please anywhere they please including schools.
13.   Imagine Texians children being free from so called direct Federal Taxes at all Gas pumps.
14.Imagine Texians children over the republic of Texas national government operating all official departments from the collections of only 1% import-export customs fees at all Land border entries, Seaports and Airports within the Texas republic jurisdictional boundaries.

We the self determined people who are domiciling on the lands of the sovereign republic of Texas and are standing under the one creator Almighty God, shall bring all Texian Nationals relief from the enslaving corporatist color of law statutes, rules and regulations created by the DUNN & BRAD Corporatist Registered impersonators acting as so called official government law enforcers presently enslaving the Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas and Oklahoma Citizens outside of all constitutions thereby violating their human rights and replacing the rights with so called privileges.

If you are serious about desiring freedom for you and your children and grand children’s future then stand up with us Texian Nationals and support the sovereign republic of Texas elected government.

All are welcome to bring forward any ideas, suggestions, and donations or volunteer their services to help re-build our Nation under one Almighty God.
Come meet some real Texian Nationals that walk the walk 
and talk the talk.

Be a part of History in the making!

 "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds" - Samuel Adams

Bring and fly your Texas republic flags.

Any declared Texian national or foreign dignitary wishing to speak to either House of the Congress. Please contact your local county representative or district senator or for questions and more information contact me, Texian National Ed Brannum, President at

To Donate; Mail to: Attention. Secretary of State republic of Texas, c/o [PO Box 280], Iola, Texas republic (non-domestic) or use PayPal on the web site.   

Help us free the Land of Texas:
Donations of checks, money orders, currency etc. appreciated: Also for ordering Gold, or Silver barter medallions. Pay to the order of: Texas Republic. Direct Deposit in "Texas Republic" account at any Wells Fargo Bank

Mail or send by carrier to.
Texas Republic
c/o Senator Nathan Zant
150 Concordia Dr.
Katy, Texas 77450

Government Facts They Absolutely Can't Teach You in School

What's going on in Reno?


In the Reno, Nevada, area, rain is leading to flooding concerns. Officials closed all public parks along the Truckee River as the level continue to rise. Road closures were reported in Washoe County due to flooding as of Sunday afternoon.

Parts of state route 431 in Washoe County, Nevada, were closed on Sunday due to flooding. (Twitter photo/Washoe Sheriff)

 Morning Flooding Jan 8
Reno Nevada

Next 5 Days

Bombshell: Obama/DHS Preparing to Overturn Trump Election

More Winning, With a Twist of Irony – Fiat/Chrysler To Invest $1 Billion in Michigan and Ohio w/ 2,000 Jobs…

Congratulations to Warren Michigan and Toledo Ohio !

…“and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.
~ Donald Trump
Elections have consequences – Fiat Chrysler announces a massive investment in two new auto manufacturing plants in Michigan and Ohio.  More Winning, with a twist of Irony:

DETROIT (AP) — Fiat Chrysler says it’s investing $1 billion in its U.S. factories to create 2,000 new jobs and add three new Jeep vehicles including a pickup truck.
The company says it will put modernize a factory in the Detroit suburb of Warren, Michigan, to make the new Jeep Wagoneer and Grand Wagoneer large SUVs.   A plant in Toledo, Ohio, also will get new equipment to make a new Jeep pickup.
The announcement is a continuation of efforts to increase production of SUVs and trucks as the company gets out of the small and midsize car businesses. (link)
The Fiat Chrysler announcement comes on the heels of Ford’s recent announcement that it has cancelled plans to build a $1.7 billion plant in Mexico and will instead expand operations in Wayne Michigan.

trump tower campaign begin 

The downstream impacts from both decisions mean the subsidiary suppliers for both auto giants will also have significant future growth in both states, expanding operations in the U.S.  Major Winning.

Obviously the auto workers and, more importantly, the communities which benefit from the expansive revitalization of the U.S. auto industry will consider their decision to support Donald Trump well placed.

Yes, Trump actually delivers.  More winning.

The Irony is the Fiat purchase of Chrysler was part of the restructuring to save GM from bankruptcy and collapse.  Fiat bought out the UAW trust in the Chrysler purchase – the free market at work.  Now, amid a new economic outlook, Fiat-Chrysler is returning to investing a billion dollars toward Michigan and Ohio, the primary communities originally devastated by the collapse of GM.
Meanwhile, as directed by the Obama administration, the U.S. taxpayers bailed out GM (Chevy, Buick, GMC and Cadillac) and that construct facilitated a move to increase manufacturing in China via Buick etc.
DETROIT — Most Buick vehicles sold in the United States after 2016 could be imported from China and Europe, according to two sources familiar with parent General Motors Co.’s plans. (link)
Let that sink in…

trump-tower-1trump convention 2

Obama's 'legacy'

Did  you  forget? Obama’s  5  biggest  scandals

Obama’s long time adviser Valerie Jarrett made an embarrassing and flat-out false statement to CNN Sunday when she claimed, “The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal.

Do people actually believe this garbage?

Since the Obama administration seems to have forgotten the last eight years of a scandal, The Horn News is here to help.

Here are five of Obama’s biggest, most infamous scandals from his presidency.

#1 – Fast and Furious

One of Obama’s first scandals was a failed attempt to track Mexican drug cartels. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (AFT) participated in a “gunrunning” operation in which they allowed guns to be sold to Mexican drug cartels with the goal of recovering them at crime scenes.

The Obama administration failed miserably when they lost track of an estimated 2,000 weapons after they crossed the border.

In other words, Obama armed the Mexican drug cartels with no benefit to America whatsoever.

#2 – IRS targeting conservative groups

In 2013, the Internal Revenue Service revealed that conservative political groups applying for tax-exempt status were subject to intense scrutiny solely based on their political affiliation. It became apparent that groups were targeted if their names included words like, “tea party”, “patriot”, “constitution”, and “liberty”.

While the IRS blamed it on low-level employees, they deferred releasing a list of the specific targeted organizations until 2016 when they were accused of avoiding the release.

Upon release, a judge ruled the allegations were substantial, and the IRS would take four-times longer to process tea-party applications.

A pretty big scandal Jarrett seems to be ignoring.

#3 – Benghazi

Benghazi is one of the biggest scandals of Obama’s presidency that contributed to the Democratic Party’s loss in the 2016 election. On September 11th, 2012, four Americans were killed in Benghazi, Libya, and what followed was a slew of lies. The Obama administration claimed that an anti-Muslim YouTube video caused protests resulting in the attack when, in reality, there was no protest that night.

The administration repeated these claims again and again, continuously lying to the American people.

When then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was questioned about the event, she claimed she never saw a message from the late Ambassador warning that they could not defend themselves against a “coordinated attack.” Had Clinton done her job properly, the lives of those American heroes could’ve been spared.

#4 – “Keep your doctor” Obamacare

Obama touts the Affordable Care Act as one of his greatest accomplishments, but it has been an utter failure since its inception. He famously promised, “You can keep your doctor” — which has been proven to be a lie.

Premiums have been consistently spiking year after year, make the Affordable Care Act not so affordable. All of the wonderful aspects that Obama promised turned out to be lies, making Obamacare one of his biggest scandals.

#5 – VA death list 

One of the worst mistakes of the Obama administration resulted in the death of thousands of our nation’s heroes. After veterans risked their lives to protect American freedom, they faced insane wait times to receive care promised to them by the Veterans Administration.

A VA inspector general’s report revealed that 800,000 records were left sitting in the agency’s system for enrollment, 307,000 of which belonged to veterans who died while waiting to be processed.

One veteran who passed away waited to be processed for an astounding 14 years! Obama’s lack of care for veterans will go down in history as one of the biggest, most costly scandal of Obama’s administration.


#6 - Obama's  'legacy'

The most lying traitorous anti-American muslim back stabbing ass kissing thieving homo in history.

OPA – Sunday January 8th!

Well, I told you so, here we wait for TRUMP!
I told you the Chinese and our Military has no stones.  Rather, they are keeping everything undercover. Based on the total population in America, it is probably the best solution.  Most folk don’t even know that they been hoodwinked for their entire life.
What I would say to Grandfather, General Dunford & Donald Trump, quit lying to us, just tell the story, the real story, the truth, with no sugar coated covering.  Quit playing us, you should have said, WE aren’t doing a thing until Obama is out of office.  Most of us would have said, fine and not read the BS intelligent you all have been publishing.
You know you had a financial impact on America during its buying do dads period, lots of stores in January still have inventory, some of which is your shit, and cannot off load it, so they got lots of sales going on with no buyers since they maxed out their credit cards. 
Thanks for the BS of not shutting down the IRS who takes private and public company workers funds every payday from them without any right to do so, they quote US codes which congress never approved to be used buy IRS but they keep on poking at people.  You allow them to steal funds during this whole time; I hope you make it up to everyone.
George Bush was right, if the population found out how the “elected” government has screwed the everyday tom, dick or harry, sally, sue, they just might find themselves at the nearest light pole since rope is on sale these days.
You guys, Chinese, done playing games, are we really going to do business and GCR – RV – GR – Prosperity packages – Gold Certificate Lawsuit Payouts – New Asset backed USA Currency?  Alternatively, are we going to hear about more BS from your puppets?
I see you do not even take care of your own, what Great spiritual leaders you are!
One Pissed Off America, signing off for now.  Remember, you too believe the same way, just too scared to say or do anything, time to buck up and man-up, so let us change this together! 

The Alien Races Book - Over 82 Species On Earth! [Full Documentary]

Tom Heneghan report Jan 7 2016

Grand Orient Freemasons and Skull and Bones Head Toward Final Showdown
Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
Saturday   January 7, 2017

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers led by General Michael Flynn and his Grand Orient Freemason allies are now in possession of the Dallas Police report that documents the arrest and interrogation of then U.S. CIA agent George Herbert Walker Bush aka daddy Bush on November 22, 1963, ten minutes after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. 

George Herbert Walker Bush was arrested after trying to flee the Texas School Book Depository immediately after the HIGH TREASON assassination of our 35th President. 

This document has resurrected after being placed in a secret CIA-Washington Post safety deposit box by the U.S. Senator Frank Church (D-ID) administered intelligence committee that was investigating CIA crimes against the American People in the mid 1970s

We can now divulge that it was corrupt Watergate attorney and CIA asset Hillary Rodham Clinton that placed daddy Bush’s arrest record in the CIA Washington Post safety deposit box for safe keeping and for future use in political blackmail to enhance Bill and Hillary’s political future.
We can now report that it was Hillary Clinton that turned over her copy of George Herbert Walker Bush’s 1963 arrest record to the U.S. Military Flag Officers. 

Hillary has also turned over decoded NSA and CIA electronic algorithms to former Vice President Albert Gore Jr. clearly proving that Gore won the 2000 presidential election with over six (6) million popular votes and 330 electoral college votes. 

Reference: The BISAT CNN and CBS hacking of the Voters News Service in Hamilton County, Tennessee at 8:00 p.m. CST election night 2000. 

The split and warfare between the Bushes and Clintons began on election night 2016 when daddy Bush and Larry Mizel of Denver, Colorado were unable to steal the year 2016 election for Hillary as they had done for junior Bush (George W. Bush) in the year 2000. 

Hillary flew into a rage election night 2016 and claimed daddy Bush had double-crossed her when, in truth, the CIA, NSA and BISAT could only steal five (5) states for Hillary as they had stolen five (5) states in 2000 for junior Bush but were unable to steal ten (10) states which were required for Hillary to reach the magic number of 270 electoral college votes.

Note: The algorithms aka undefined variables went hybrid basically ending the attempt at a second U.S. election coup in 16 years

P.S. The current CIA Russian hacking story is a total diversion by the corporate U.S. CIA controlled cointelpro disinfo propaganda media filth as to cover up the intelligence and vital information we have just alerted you to above. 

Current U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan and Democratic minority leader Nancy Pelosi are covering up and trying to classify this intelligence but it won’t work. 

Their attempt to hide the truth from the American People is, in itself, a crime of HIGH TREASON against the American People and their Constitution. 

New evidence has also surfaced tying junior George W. Bush, along with Bill and Hillary Clinton, to the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr. on July 16, 1999 and within a short period of time after the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr. the attempt to assassinate then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee over the skies of Chicago in July of 1999 reference electronic vectoring of his Air Force Two aircraft.

The plot was simple: Kill John F. Kennedy Jr, kill Al Gore and clear the field for CIA asset Hillary’s New York U.S. Senatorial race in the year 2000 and clear the field for junior George W. Bush in the year 2000 presidential election. 

In closing, we can now divulge that U.S. Treasury agents and the U.S. Military Flag Officers have absolute proof that current U.S. alleged pResident, FOREIGN born, Barack Hussein Obama, U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, U.S. Secretary of State John ‘Skull and Bones’ Kerry, as well as the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate have been receiving bribes and commissions from crooked CIA proprietary accounts that represent STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds tied to the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols in the amount of $15 TRILLION.

This involves Chinese-based Hampton Lampoon and noted Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate money laundry Black Eagle Trust. 

These funds have now been frozen by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). 

Again, folks, stay tuned.
End Game is Now!
Expect the Unexpected!


JFK Jr Unbelievable Cover-Up Documentary
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. (November 25, 1960 – July 16, 1999), often referred to as JFK Jr. or John-John in the press, was an American lawyer, journalist, ... v=SAe2PC3Gv_Y

Though we rarely do this, the Heneghan report was slightly edited by poster to eliminate references to Tom's love affair with Al Gore. If reader wants to put up with that garbage, then by all means go to Tom's website!