Saturday, March 3, 2012

Now this is a Real CHEVY!

This was submitted by JJ Smith - he gonna get one after RV!

 WOW!!! Wouldn't just love to have one of these?

                                                                                               789 CHEVY


1957, 1958 & 1959 ~ all rolled into one!

This car was built by N2A motors (No Two Alike). 
Unbelievable! The company is planning a production run of about 100 vehicles.

 It sits on a Corvette C6 chassis.

The front is styled like a 57 Chevy,

the side like a 58,

and the rear like a 59.
Hence the designation, "789."
Scroll down

Is this a cool looking car, or What!?!

You probably need to be at least 60-years old

to really appreciate this!!

Is this a cool looking car, or What!?!

You probably need to be at least 60-years old

to really appreciate this!!


“GO TO HELL, BARACK” Ad Greets Commuters at Washington DC Metro Station PIC

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

“GO TO HELL, BARACK” Ad Greets Commuters at Washington DC Metro Station PIC
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 3-Mar-2012 12:12:18

Whoa... I don't like the man, can't stand his communistic policies but I doubt I would go this far.. Hard sell in Downtown D.C. ....

(Raw Story)
A new DC Metro ad criticizing nationalized health care telling Barack Obama to “go to hell” has liberals upset in Washington.
In the heat of a US presidential election year, with Americans immune to the polarized and bitter nature of political discourse, it takes a lot to shock them, especially in Washington.
But one ad at a DC Metro station — which starts off criticizing Obama’s health care reforms and ends up telling the president to “go to hell” — goes beyond the pale, says Jim Moran, a Democratic congressman from Virginia.
The advertisement is for “Sick and Sicker: When the Government Becomes Your Doctor,” a documentary that interviews Canadian doctors and patients in the hope of showing how dangerous “Obamacare” is for the American people.
“Barack Obama wants politicians and bureaucrats to control America’s entire medical system. Go to hell Barack,” the ad says.

Health - Aspartame dangers

Aurora Geib

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    March 2, 2012
    (NaturalNews) If you have been drinking diet soda and chewing gum, chances are you have been enjoying aspartame in generous quantities. Aspartame is a popular sugar substitute that can be found in diet soda drinks, chewing gum, fruit spreads and sugar-free products to name a few. It is also known by the brand names, Sweet One, NutraSweet and Spoonful. Despite its popularity in the market, what many do not know is that aspartame accounts for 75 percent of side effect complaints received by the Adverse Reaction Monitoring System (ARMS) of the US Food and Drug Administration.

    Can aspartame be addictive?

    Yes, according to Dr. Betty Martini, popular anti-aspartame advocate. She explains that it is an "addictive, exitoneurotic, carcinogenic, genetically engineered drug and adjuvant that damages the mitochondria." Moreover, Dr. Janet Hall, another famous advocate against aspartame, shares on her website that all artificial sweeteners create an artificial need for more sweetness. She goes on to add that forced sweetness, being a class of altered food, is a trap that cause people to become addicted to sweeter tasting food with no nutritional value.

    Recent studies have shown that aspartame is addictive because it affects the absorption of dopamine in the brain.

    Side Effects of Aspartame

    Aspartame is made up of 3 components: phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol. Understanding the effects of aspartame will require us to look into its genetic make up.

    In its website, manufacturers of aspartame continue to assure the public that low-calorie sweeteners are effective for weight reduction, weight maintenance, reduction of tooth decay, management of diabetes and reduction of risks associated with obesity. They claim that consumers of low-calorie, sugar-free beverages were able to incorporate these products into a healthy lifestyle not because they need to manage their weight (since a majority of people use low-calorie foods and beverages for reasons other than dieting) but because use of low-calorie products is part of a healthy lifestyle.

    Despite the benefits cited in the aspartame website, independent studies have been shown that aspartame is not as safe as it appears to be. In a recent study conducted by researchers from the University Of Miami Miller School Of Medicine and at Columbia University Medical Center, it was discovered that those who drank diet soft drinks on a daily basis were more likely to contract vascular diseases compared to those who took none.

    Supporters of aspartame insist that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are found in many foods. What they have conveniently left out, however, is that the said neurotoxins are harmless only when consumed with other nutrients like fats, amino acids (protein) and carbohydrates. On their own, they are absorbed by the nervous system in large concentrations causing the stimulation of brain neurons and cell death. Symptoms of the conditions include headaches, confusion, balance problems and seizures.

    Methanol, on the other hand, is also a highly toxic substance. It is released in the small intestine gradually with the assistance of chymotrypsin and then broken down into formaldehyde: a chemical used for embalming which is a carcinogen that causes birth defects, retinal damage and DNA replication.

    Again, supporters of aspartame insist that methanol is safe because it is found in vegetables and fruit juices. What they neglect to mention, however, is that methanol in vegetables and fruit juices is bound with pectin and the body does not possess the digestive enzyme to break down pectin and release ethanol into the body. Furthermore, ethanol, the methanol toxicity antidote, is found in natural sources of methanol, inhibiting the metabolism of methanol and giving the body sufficient time, through the lungs and kidneys, to clear it. Methanol found in aspartame is easily absorbed because it is in a free form.

    Aspartic acid, methanol and phenylalanine and their breakdown in the body are cumulative because of their fast absorption and slow excretion.

    In 1984, studies conducted revealed that the toxicity of NutraSweet (aspartame) to living organisms. The State of Arizona arrived at findings which showed that aspartame in carbonated drinks can break down into free methanol in temperatures of 99 degrees Fahrenheit. On May 13, 1998, the University of Barcelona also arrived at results revealing that aspartame was transformed into formaldehyde in the bodies of living creatures, and on later examination formaldehyde had spread through the vital parts of the body.

    "Artificial sweetener disease"

    The US Food and Drug Administration has received reports of 92 medical health problems resulting from aspartame, ranging from abdominal pain to migraines, dizziness and hives. Aspartame poisoning is often misdiagnosed because its symptoms mock other syndromes. It changes the ratio of amino acids in the blood, lowering or blocking levels of hormones like dopamine and tyrosine that are necessary for bodily function.

    Since aspartame cannot be detected through lab tests and x-rays, these diseases and disorders may actually be a toxic load. Below are some specific health conditions that are associated with aspartame you might want to recall next time you open a can of diet soda:

    1. Cancer - The Ramazzine Foundation, a European Cancer Research Center, conducted a study on aspartame which revealed that aspartame increases the risk of cancers (lymphoma, leukemia and breast cancers). Despite the National Cancer Institute's stand that no such connection was ever firmly established between aspartame and cancer, it might well be worth thinking that what is harmful to rats is also harmful to humans. Moreover, the dismissive stand of regulatory bodies concerning aspartame is merely based on the absence of data that can conclusively support such a connection and NOT on a finding that establishes that aspartame does not cause cancer.

    2. Mental disorders and degeneration of brain cells - Excessive ingestion of artificial sweeteners, according to researchers from the University of Praetoria and theUniversity of Limpopo, may lead to various mental disorders and the degeneration of the brain. Publishing in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers noted that aspartame appeared to cause excessive signals, damage and even death to nerve cells. Since aspartame disrupts the functioning of the cell's energy source, it will lead to a cascade of effects on the whole system.

    3. Headaches - As early as 1994, a study conducted published on showed that ingestion of aspartame was associated with headaches. Subjects in the study revealed that they experienced headaches 33 percent of the time when taking aspartame compared to 24 percent when on placebo treatment. Moreover, Dr. Robert Milne and Blake More in their book "Headaches" report that headaches are the most reported side effect given by those who take products containing aspartame. They add that in a University of Parkinson's at Florida study, it was found out that the incidences of migraines doubled for a majority of test subjects who took aspartame. Their headaches lasted longer and were marked by significant signs of shakiness and diminished vision.

    4. Weight gain and increased blood sugar - Aspartame is not a healthy alternative for diabetics or those wanting to lose weight. Contrary to popular belief, a recent study has shown that regular consumption of diet soft drinks is strongly connected with abdominal obesity and that aspartame can increase blood sugar. Researchers from the University of Texas Health Center San Antonio reported in a study that, as a group, 70 percent of those who drank diet soft drinks gained weight as opposed to those who did not. Moreover, those who drank 2 or more diet sodas regularly experienced an increase in their waist circumference by 500 percent more than those who did not drink them.

    In another related study that analyzed a possible relationship between intake of aspartame and fasting glucose and insulin levels among 40 diabetes-prone mice, one of the researchers in the study, Dr. Gabriel Fernandes, revealed that heavy aspartame exposure might potentially contribute to the associations noticed between soda consumption and the risk of diabetes in humans.

    The above health conditions are just some of the 92 reported medical health problems reportedly associated with aspartame. Despite the stand of aspartame manufacturers that their product has been declared safe for human consumption, it is still strange that there are still reports from sectors who do not stand to benefit from such declarations that aspartame is not safe. Prudence would dictate that avoiding a product may be better in the long run than to discover firsthand that all that was said about it was true. Why? Because you happen to be living proof of it.

    How to protect yourself

    To keep yourself safe from contracting "artificial sweetener syndrome," it is suggested that you stop taking all products containing this chemical.

    If you have brought or stocked up on products containing aspartame, you can arrange to return the products so you can get a refund of your money. If you feel that you may need professional help in getting over the disease, please see your doctor as soon as possible. Take a proactive approach to being healthy.

    Finally, for those taking aspartame simply because they want to observe a healthy diet, replace your aspartame habit with real sugar. Although it may have more calories, it offers a far better solution than being poisoned. Those who want to manage their weight problems are advised to seek a healthier course of action like eating more whole foods, vegetables and fruits and getting regular exercise. True and sustainable weight loss cannot be achieved through a quick fix without a change in lifestyle. Set a personal example to be healthy and watch yourself regain your life.

    Sources for this article

    Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vs the Phoenix Suns owner

    Good analogy no matter who it comes from.....

    Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vs the  Phoenix  Suns owner
    The owner of the Phoenix Suns basketball team,
    Robert Sarver, came out strongly opposing AZ's new immigration laws.
    Arizona 's Governor, Jan Brewer,
    released the following statement in response to Sarver's criticism of the new law:

    "What if the owners of the Suns discovered that hordes of people were sneaking into games without paying? What if they had a good idea who the gate-crashers are but the ushers and security personnel were not allowed to ask these folks to produce their ticket stubs, thus non-paying attendees couldn't be ejected.

    Furthermore, what if Suns' ownership was expected to provide those who sneaked in with complimentary eats and drink? And what if, on those days when a gate-crasher became ill or injured, the Suns had to provide free
    medical care and shelter?" 

    Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer

    Message from Matthew Ward - March 1, 2012

    Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
    Message from Matthew Ward - March 1, 2012
    Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Friday, 2-Mar-2012 19:09:22

    Message from Matthew Ward - March 1, 2012
    1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. There is such diverse and fervent activity in your world, even lightworkers may find it difficult to connect all the dots that show the light is subverting the dark ones’ efforts at every turn. It is heartening that many of you have correctly discerned that the Illuminati are using the only tactic left in their arsenal: fear. The talks about preemptive strikes against Iran to prevent that country’s possibility of producing a nuclear weapon; the possibility of a terrorist attack on New York City; the possibility of another devastating earthquake in Japan; the possibility that North Korea may become sufficiently menacing to cause war in Southeast Asia.
    2. From our vantage point that permits viewing the collective consciousness, we know that few are buying into those scenarios, none of which is part of Earth’s destiny. Even those who still are slumbering insofar as understanding that these moments at hand are fast leading to Earth’s Golden Age are aiding the light by refusing to live in fear of “possibilities”.
    3. Nevertheless, let us insert at this point a reader’s question: “Fear can be directed positively, so why do you keep saying that we must stay out of fear?” We say “stay out of fear” because its magnified energy prevents light from reaching consciousness, thereby keeping individuals mired in third density, unable to evolve spiritually and intellectually. Fear precludes sound reasoning, common sense, logical questioning and the will to rise up against tyranny and corruption—that is why puppets of the dark forces were able to control the peoples of Earth for many millennia. The dark ones “feed” on the energy of fear—without it, they cannot exist!
    4. It is with elation that we see fear subsiding in the collective consciousness, but it’s as potent as ever on an individual basis. Through the universal law of attraction, the energy of fearful individuals goes out into the universe and attracts matching energy; like a boomerang it returns and brings with it still more fearful circumstances for the person to deal with. Anyone who is “courting” fear in the belief that it can be directed positively is playing with fire. It would be confusing that powerful negative energy with its more powerful opposite: the positivity of living steadfastly in the light, which gives rise to the self-confidence, spiritual strength, courage, wise judgment and determination that can overcome hardships encountered.
    5. It is true that billions are living in fearful conditions that are harsher or of longer duration than they needed to complete those aspects of their soul contracts. It is in these instances that contracts are amended at soul level so those persons can leave Earth lifetimes before finishing other karmic provisions, and by divine grace, they are credited with full completion of third density karma. In other instances, the original contract calls for a short lifetime in those dire circumstances—that is enough to balance other lifetimes, and the souls move forward in spiritual evolvement. In both cases, the dual benefits are that the fear energy formerly on the planet is gone and those souls are beaming their light from Nirvana to Earth.
    6. During this unprecedented time in the universe, still another means of divine grace is being offered. Evolved souls are volunteering to take on part of weaker souls’ hardest karmic experiencing, thereby letting them complete other contract provisions; at soul level they move in concert so the weaker ones become strengthened and can evolve out of third density. It is customary for spiritually evolved physical civilizations to assist weaker ones who ask for help—this is exactly what many of them nearby and far distant have been doing for Earth and you! However, in this unique era, that soul-level cooperation also is available for spiritual growth—yet another example of the boundless love within lighted beings.
    7. Now then, through meticulous arrangements to assure that all is in accordance with your laws, the top echelon of Illuminati in the banking and lending industry have been removed from their positions and will face legal prosecution. “Feeling the heat,” others are leaving voluntarily, and retrieval of the Illuminati’s stolen fortunes is underway. Military leaders are cooperating with the light forces to impede aggression by troops still in the Illuminati camp, and the destruction of some of their cavernous underground areas has halted heinous experiments and other covert activities.
    8. Within the months ahead, governmental shake-ups will weed out Illuminati members or those acting under their control, and persons with moral and spiritual integrity will step in. The nascent governments born in “Arab spring” will become stabilized and tyrannical regimes will fall. Rampant corruption in multinational corporations will meet its well-deserved end; directors who serve the interests of the populace will remain, those who are greedy and self-serving will go. National economies in bankrupt status will not be successfully revived; the global economy will reach rock bottom and an honorable system will start operating worldwide. Wars, violence, deception, oppression and media censorship will cease incrementally as the dark hearts and minds among you leave the planet.
    9. It can be no other way—simply, this is the physics that governs life in this universe. As Earth continues apace into successively higher planes, nothing with low vibrations in any form—physical bodies, subversive plans, theft, dishonesty, unjust laws and imprisonment, bigotry, cruel customs and deeds—can survive.
    10. Moving on, no, it will not be quite like religions being “totally discarded and replaced by universal laws in the Golden Age.” When the truths come forth that science and spirit are one and the same and that religious dogmas were originated by early leaders of church and state to control the masses, people whose consciousness has risen beyond the constraints of third density will adhere to the spiritual aspects of their respective religions and the devised, controlling aspects will fall by the wayside.
    11. One of the truths to come forth is that Zionism, which by dark intent has been made synonymous with Judaism, actually is a bellicose political movement within the Illuminati, and its aim for more than six decades has been to create conflict and instability in the entire Middle East. Zionists, who have wielded powerful influence within and behind major governments and their military forces, do NOT represent the Jewish peoples in Israel or anywhere else. And, like all other Illuminati factions, they have been committed to that cabal’s goal of global domination.
    12. Although Semites are of diverse national origins and religions, the Zionists have been successful in convincing many that “anti-Semitic” is exclusively prejudice against the Jewish peoples and opposition to Israel’s right to defend itself from its “enemies.” By means of that blatant distortion, they obtained not only world sympathy, but also massive defense funding from Israel’s allies, most especially the United States, all of which served to increase the Illuminati’s vast profits from their industrial-military machine.
    13. In addition to controlling the masses through dogmatic teachings, religions have served the dark purpose of divisiveness to such an extent that it resulted in centuries of trauma and bloodshed. Witness the Crusades, wars between Catholics and Protestants, pogroms against Jews, executions of “blasphemous” individuals who refused to “recant.”
    14. Divisiveness has long been an effective tool of the dark ones. Not content to divide the peoples only through religions, they have separated you into other conflicting camps by attaching labels to social strata, ideologies and philosophies, types of governing and political parties, and by labeling as a “conspiracy theorist” anyone who disputes official claims about any situation or event. These separations have kept duality flourishing down through the generations, thus miring the population in third density mentality. Rejoice with us that duality is acting out the final scene of its very long play on the planet!
    15. Will insects harmful to humans and animals be in fourth density? No. Indeed all life in this universe derives from God via the love-light essence of Creator and thus is a soul; however, the darkness contaminated the energy streamers of many life forms so they would become harmful to third density civilizations. Earth life as a slug, minute aquatic form or harmful insect may be a step up the evolutionary ladder for persons who once had intelligence and reasoning ability, but whose free will choices during physical lifetimes became so dark that they devolved into first density’s primitive existence.
    16. Do black people have some special karma? No, nor do people of any other race on Earth. All of you have had lifetimes in different races, genders, body form and features, relationships, aptitudes, intelligence levels, beliefs and locations in this universe; and along the way each of you has made soul contracts to achieve balanced experiencing. The selection every one of you made for this lifetime is as unique as each of you is.
    17. How can I hold fast to the light when members of my family are in deepest darkness? Your thoughts, beliefs and heartfelt feelings are known only to you, and therein you can hold your light steady. It may help significantly to silently “endow” darkly inclined family members with light qualities you wish they had. “Seeing” them in the light can negate your feelings of being held back by their dark aspects.
    18. Please remember that a family agreement is made with all souls’ unconditional love for each other. Because the agreement is designed to benefit every participant, some are the “heavies” for their own balancing, which enables the others to experience what they need to achieve balance, and all can move forward in soul growth. None of the participants consciously knows the role he or she chose and all are responsible only for their personal decisions and actions. You cannot control the actions of the family members you feel are in darkness, but you can control your reactions—reacting within the light lets lightheartedness flow within and radiate outward to all around you.
    19. How will people rationalize greater numbers of deaths as the planet nears fourth density? Very likely people who are stuck in third density consciousness will attribute the deaths to the obvious causes and not speculate on the possibility that any “higher purpose” is involved, and people whose awareness has been raised by the light will understand what is transpiring. It is natural to grieve when beloved persons die, but envisioning them living in Nirvana’s glories also will allow feelings of happiness for them.
    20. What can we tell young children whose parents choose to die rather than change their religious beliefs, and who will care for all the children who are orphaned? The choice about when to leave this lifetime is made at soul level in original or amended contracts, and no one knows even his own contract, much less anyone else’s. All you can know about someone’s death is that the cause was a vehicle crash, for example, or cancer, heart failure, aneurysms or any other medical diagnosis. So it is foolhardy to think, much less assume, that religiously devout people who die when their children are young chose to do that rather alter their beliefs.
    21. Overt devotion to religion is not the same as what is in one’s heart and mind. Persons you may think never would believe anything that conflicts with teachings of their church may be listening to soul-level messages; conversely, some of the darkest individuals among you attend church services or even hold high offices. Please do not place any individual in any of the “choice-for-leaving” categories we have mentioned in previous messages.
    22. If both parents die, their children will be cared for by the same family members, friends or legal guardians who would step in just as happens now. With consciousness increasing just as vibratory levels are, children are much more aware and resilient than you may think, and when telepathic connections open, they and their parents may discuss whatever they wish.
    LOVE and PEACE
    Suzanne Ward
    (more here) >>>
    Website: The Matthew Books

    Foreclosure - I stopped the sheriff

    I stopped the sheriff: Activists prevent eviction of man from Laois home

    Ben Gilroy, from Freedom From All Debt, and Pat Dunne, the deputy sheriff, argue outside the home in Laois.
    Ben Gilroy, from Freedom From All Debt, and Pat Dunne, the deputy sheriff, argue outside the home in Laois.
    Image: Screengrab via YouTube.
    A GROUP OF housing activists and an independent TD prevented an attempted eviction of a man from his home in Laois yesterday.
    A collection of housing groups and the People Before Profit TD Joan Collins were in Mountrath to prevent the deputy sheriff, accompanied by the gardaí, from evicting a man from his home, arguing that their actions were not constitutional.
    It was the first such case of People Before Profit, Freedom From All Debt, the Defend Our Homes League, Its Not Our Debt and the Anti-Eviction Task Force coming together to defend a home from repossession.
    Collins told that it won’t be the last: “The main aim is that there will be no evictions or repossessions of family homes in Ireland.”
    Lee Wellstead, 47, was facing eviction from his home having lost in his battle against Ulster Bank in the Commercial Court, the Laois Nationalist explains.
    He had bought the three-bedroom property on four acres of land in Knockanina - near Mountrath and Castletown - in 2003 for €80,000 and then acquired a top loan on the mortgage of €30,000. Having failed to keep up with repayments, the bank pursued him and was granted a repossession order last year, the paper reports.
    Collins said she heard about Wellstead’s story and travelled to Laois with the other groups to help him defend his home.
    In the video entitled ‘Constitution Halts Sheriff’ Ben Gilroy from Freedom from All Debt argues with the deputy sheriff, Pat Dunne, that it is unconstitutional for him to attempt to evict Wellstead from his home.
    After a lengthy argument the sheriff and the accompanying garda officers depart:
    “We’re trying to work on two fronts,” Collins told “We’re defending people from evictions but we’re also going to put our own bill through the Dáil in relation to homeowners and to help them when they are in distress with their mortgage.”
    The story was first flagged by and has been written about by the NAMA Wine Lake blog today. It notes that some 600 properties are repossessed each year according to the latest figures from the Central Bank.
    Collins said they hoped yesterday’s successful blocking of the eviction can raise awareness of their campaign: “What he wanted to do is highlight that people will stand with these people facing eviction if people ask us to do it.
    “Some people are particularly ashamed of letting people know what they’re going through. They are fearful that they are in debt and people knowing about it. We’re trying to get the word out so people can know that we will stand with them if they are evicted.”
    Collins said that in Wellstead’s case, the sheriff will now have to seek another order for eviction and added: “We’ll be back down again if he does do that.”
    “These banks gave out these loans in full knowledge that people were strapped and now they’re saying we’re going to take them back and they’ll be forced into social housing. But there’s no room on the social housing list for these people to be accommodated,” she added.

    Haarp & Chemtrails Information



    by pinkorchid @, Brisbane , Australia, Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 18:49
    Want to know about Chemtrails, HAARP , VLF, UHF and weather modification? Want to prove it to a non-believer? Here you go!

    These links below are for anyone still “on the fence” about weather modification / manipulation — also called Geo-engineering.
    The process is simple.. globally, a project has been underway to spray particulate matter (aluminum dioxide, barium etc..) via aerosol distribution on airplanes. The small particles of aluminum and barium serve as a “blank slate” or a “palette” for weather modification frequency devices to use and manipulate the climate / weather of the planet.
    Imagine it as such.. the aluminum and barium act as an ANTENNA that reaches EVERYWHERE that air reaches… this “loaded air” can be “heated” at any given point on the planet via ground and space based systems which basically act like a common household microwave (done via dishes, arrays, and other devices listed below).
    There is another set of frequency “ultra low frequencies” which can cause earthquakes, and even COOL DOWN the atmosphere.
    2 - NEED TO READ LINKS.....

    2. CLICK .......


    Roger Williams - A great ad.

    I LIKE THIS GUY...............

    Roger Williams, a congressional candidate from Texas, recorded this great ad. Democrats don't like it and tried to have it removed from the Texas TV station serving that congressional district. They claim it is demeaning.

     Insanity is my only hope for relaxation