Friday, March 9, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 8, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 8, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 8-Mar-2012 22:15:07

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 8, 2012
Members everywhere of the forces of light can begin to celebrate. There is yet much work to be done, but we are reaching a successful conclusion to phase 1 of our overall operation. Our goal, in part, was to dismantle the large fighting forces ruled by your dark Cabal, and then remove from seats of power as many members of these criminal organizations of your society as is possible. You will soon see many media reports of the latter, and this will also tell you that we have effectively dismantled the space forces of your Cabal as well as their Earth and space-based weaponry. As we have said, celebrations will certainly be in order upon news of these arrests and we do encourage this, as this event is hoped to be a wave that washes over the planet that awakens so many yet soundly in slumber.
Your work as Lightworkers will not be over either, but you all deserve a day to celebrate when you see for yourselves the payoff for all your hard work. We wish to celebrate with you, but this will have to wait until the next phase of the operation reaches its successful conclusion. We will immediately begin this next phase of the plan as we see the members of your Cabal being taken into custody to face the many charges against them.
There will be scores of these arrests and there will be a mountain of legal proceedings to follow, however, we wish to inform you that we will be overseeing these proceedings and they will move forward quickly and efficiently with no delays or stall tactics permitted. Nothing will be allowed to interfere with justice throughout these proceedings, and we, along with our dedicated Earth allies, will see to that. Too much rides on this to allow the games and legal maneuverings so effective for the Cabal in the past to play a part any longer in your world. They are out of tricks and out of delays. They will now face the justice that has always been inevitable for them. We told them this clearly from the very beginning, but their arrogance got the better of them and they believed they could avoid all attempts to bring them to trial for their crimes. They were wrong. They also conceitedly believed that nothing or no one could stop their New World Order from manifesting in your world. They have now learned that they were wrong about that as well.
The education they are receiving is not yet over either, as there are many new lessons awaiting them as these proceedings move forward. The manner in which evidence is presented against them and the way justice is dispensed are two aspects of these criminal proceedings that they are unaccustomed to. As we have mentioned all along and fully explained to them many times from the very beginning, they will not prevail by defense of high-priced legal teams, connections within the criminal justice system, or attempts to coerce or manipulate this process. These men and women were unsuccessfully persuaded to surrender long ago, and for their peaceful cooperation, they were to receive a certain amount of leniency for their crimes. Time and again they refused our more than generous offers as they arrogantly continued to plot and scheme against us and against you. They will now receive the full punishment for their crimes as far as we are concerned, as we also have matters of justice with these individuals.
Their punishments meted out for their crimes against you will be decided by you, as this is the way it should be. You were the victims of these many crimes and as such it will be upon you as a collective to decide what is adequate compensation for these injustices as well as what you believe to be suitable rehabilitation. These proceedings will move along swiftly as we wish to clear the table of this entire matter before your ascension into the higher realms. This may seem quite impossible based on the manner in which your legal systems have dispensed with cases, but we assure you we have more effective methods of justice which will allow these criminal hearings to move ahead rapidly.
Please continue to do all you can do to spread forewarning of these arrests and what they will mean to the people of your world. We assure you time is running out for this part of your mission. Turn the intensity up in your efforts, as you are just about to make it all happen. This will be the moment so many of you have waited on for so long, and we are just as excited as you at what this will mean for the people of your world.
In the days following these arrests, many announcements will begin informing the people of your world what these arrests are all about and what this means to your people. Several of your media outlets will be assisting with this process to inform the populations of many countries around your world, and we will continue to relay messages throughout our channels as well. In time, we will be addressing your people directly as there is very much to discuss and this will be the most effective way to reach a very large audience.
As we have said, there are many important projects to get underway as soon as is possible, and upon the news of these arrests we will immediately begin these next stages of the overall mission. We ask at this time that all of you who are interested in working with us stay prepared and begin making arrangements at home that will facilitate your new careers. You will be away from your homes and away from your current jobs at least during your working hours with us, and the details of this will be made known to you at the proper time, but we do wish you to understand that after you witness these arrests all matters will begin to move ahead with far greater speed than they may have appeared to you over the last months and years.
We ask you to stay alert and prepare for many changes to your daily routines as much of your lives are about to change, and these changes will continue until the lives you know today will be barely recognizable from your new lives as members of your Galactic community. We look so forward to extending our hand and welcoming your planet to our Galactic society, and we tell you that you are earning your membership each and every day. It has been a very long journey for your people, and we tell you that you will soon see how every moment of it has been well worth what you have gone through personally, as well as a collective society. Many worlds have experienced what you are about to experience, and we are very excited to be a part of this. We have also worked very hard to see you reach this point, and our reunion together will surely be cause for a mutual celebration.
Continue to pave the way for this reunion by spreading the news of the arrests of the members of the Cabal and of our presence here in your world. Mainstream news of these arrests will be breaking soon, and we ask you to continue to monitor your media outlets and share with each other the identities of those media companies that will be covering this event that will soon become evident to many of you.
This will surely be a very exciting time for many of you, and we would very much like to see as many of you as possible enjoying these news reports and joining in celebrations which we feel are very much called for. This is your moment. You have earned it, all of you, and we wish to see you all enjoying this moment together. It is been a long and tough road for all of you, and we tell you that this part of your journey is about to reach its end. It will be a new road for you, with new challenges, adventures, and rewards waiting for you, and it all begins just up ahead. Keep moving forward. You are almost there.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles English

FED Audit? This could get real interesting--Swiss and Germans want their gold (supposedly stored at the NY Fed) returned

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

FED Audit? This could get real interesting--Swiss and Germans want their gold (supposedly stored at the NY Fed) returned
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Thursday, 8-Mar-2012 22:28:33

Switzerland is joining the Germans in demanding that their physical gold being stored at the Fed be returned.
Earlier today, we reported that Germans are increasingly concerned that their gold, at over 3,400 tons a majority of which is likely stored in the vault 80 feet below street level of 33 Liberty (recently purchased by the Fed with freshly printed money at far higher than prevailing commercial real estate rates for the Downtown NY area), may be in jeopardy,and will likely soon formally inquire just how much of said gold is really held by the Fed. As it turns out, Germany is not alone: as part of the “Rettet Unser Schweizer Gold“, or the “Gold Initiative”: A Swiss Initiative to Secure the Swiss National Bank’s Gold Reserves initiative, launched recently by four members of the Swiss parliament, the Swiss people should have a right to vote on 3 simple things: i) keeping the Swiss gold physically in Switzerland; ii) forbidding the SNB from selling any more of its gold reserves, and iii) the SNB has to hold at least 20% of its assets in gold. Needless the say the implications of this vote actually succeeding are comparable to the Greeks holding a referendum on whether or not to be in the Eurozone. And everyone saw how quickly G-Pap was “eliminated” within hours of making that particular threat. Yet it begs the question: how many more international grassroots outcries for if not repatriation, then at least an audit of foreign gold held by the New York Fed have to take place, before Goldman’s (and New York Fed’s) Bill Dudley relents? And why are the international central banks not disclosing what their people demand, if only to confirm that the gold is present and accounted for, even if it is at the Federal Reserve? 

Bob Dean meets the GFL (Video)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Bob Dean meets the GFL (Video)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 9-Mar-2012 00:23:16

Bob Dean meets the GFL (Video)
Dear friends,
We don't publish as many "Three Videos Worth Watching" pages anymore as we used to, because since we created a Facebook page last year, we post most interesting videos there. This works much faster. But this next video is too good to be missed, so we post this one here too. This is a must watch!
Most lightworkers will know Bob Dean (on the right on the picture). He's a retired command sergeant major for the US army, who became a whistleblower. He used to form an ideal interview partner for Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot, because just like her he was primarily interested in all the fuss that was going on between the positive groups and the negative groups on Earth, the so called black ops, and the conspiracies. That's why the interviews of Project Camelot are usually somewhat fear mongering I think, because the conclusion is always that this world could be in danger.
But now, Bob Dean has had a near death experience. In october last year, he fell into a coma due to viral meningitis, and in fact he died. For some reason, the Galactic Federation decided to catch up with his spirit while he was in the higher realms. This is quite remarkable, because Bob didn't even know of their existence, and he still doesn't know what to call them. He calls them "a third party" in this interview. Maybe they thought he would make a good ambassador for them to spread the word in his circles about what's really going on on our planet right now. And in this video he proves to be just that. Because after receiving him on one of their huge motherships and having showed him the glorious future that awaits mankind after december this year, they (no doubt in consultation with his guides) told Bob that he had to return to Earth, because his job wasn't finished yet.
And here he meets up with Kerry Cassidy again, but now with a completely different mindset. Kerry, of course, still looks at the current world events from her old point of view. For which she can't be blamed I think, because she just doesn't have the new insight yet that Bob has (and I think most visitors of our site have). But now, suddenly Bob won't have any of it anymore. He's a changed man, he's full of confidence and hope for our future. Alongside with Clifford Stone, who is also spiritual and also used to work for the US military, as an intiutive, communicating with ET's from crashed UFO's. They both reject any scenario of doom and gloom, to Kerry's astonishment. What develops is this pretty bizar interview.
This video is almost 1,5 hours long. If you don't have much time to watch, the most interesting part is from 33:26 to 41:26.
Hope you enjoy it!
In Love and Light,
Bob Dean meets the GFL

“An introduction to time travel with an emphasis on teleportation

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

“An introduction to time travel with an emphasis on teleportation”
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 9-Mar-2012 04:52:05

From a Reader: launches 2012 Lecture series April 22nd at the Roundhouse (Vancouver, B.C.) with Forum on time travel with an emphasis on teleportation, a quantum access sustainable transportation source for the future System Launch in Vancouver, BC
VANCOUVER, B.C. -, a Vancouver-based initiative offering continuing education in Exopolitics, PsiSciences, and ExoSciences, is launching its 2012 forum lecture series April 22nd at the Roundhouse, covering subjects now intentionally excluded from university curricula, though taught in sequestered projects of the national security state and defense contractors.
2012 ExoUniversity Forums, launching April 22, 2012
The first of eight monthly ExoUniversity Forum Lectures is scheduled for April 22, 2012 from 1 pm – 6 pm PDT at the Roundhouse, 181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver, B.C.
The Forum is entitled: “An introduction to time travel with an emphasis on teleportation” with Andrew D. Basiago & Alfred Lambremont Webre
In the April 22nd event, ExoUniversity faculty member Andrew D. Basiago, a former U.S. chrononaut with DARPA's Project Pegasus, will discuss the people, places, technologies, and experiences associated with time travel with an emphasis on teleportation at the time of its emergence in the US defense-technical community of the early 1970’s.
ExoUniversity faculty member Alfred Lambremont Webre, lawyer, cosmologist, and futurist, was the founder of Exopolitics and is one of the leading political commentators on the implications of the Time-Space Age. Alfred is author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe (Universe Books, 2005), a book that was time traveled by DARPA from 2005 (or later) to 1971 (or earlier), making Alfred a “person of interest” to the CIA.
In this first of eight forums, attendees can:
● Learn the true history of time travel, the real Philadelphia Experiment;
● See how teleportation will revolutionize transport in the 21st century;
● Become part of the movement to achieve public teleportation globally. faculty for its forums in 2012 Forums include Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and former U.S. chrononaut William B. Stillings.
A full description of the ExoUniversity 2012 Forum Lecture Series can be seen at:
Tickets for the April 22nd forum and for the 2012 series can be purchased below:
There is a 25% discount for advance purchase.
Certificate – An Certificate will be given to each person completing the full 2012 ExoUniversity Forum Lecture Series.
ExoUniversity: Exosciences, PsiSciences, Exopolitics
“Quantum access technologies, like teleportation, are the future of transportation,” says founder and Exopolitics author Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd. “Knowledge about these technologies is now a closely guarded secret of the national security state. The only way an individual wishing to pursue a career or entrepreneurship in Exosciences, PsiSciences, or Exopolitics can do so is to join an intelligence agency as a spy or a classified project as an employee of a defense contractor. Many find such options morally repugnant. opens this knowledge to the public.
“I approached one of the colleges in the B.C. University system with a curriculum for Exopolitics,” Webre continues. “Officials did not say the Exopolitics curriculum was invalid. They stated that as an institution and faculty their minds were too closed to incorporate Exopolitics into their curriculum for at least 10 years. Ten years is too long for us to wait. The future is now. With the help of colleagues, we have founded to offer continuing education in ExoSciences, PsiSciences and Exopolitics today and not tomorrow.”
Exosciences includes such disciplines as energy medicine and quantum access sciences resulting in technologies such as time travel, chronovision, and teleportation, and other sciences now effectively kept out of the scientific mainstream educational canon. PsiSciences includes parapsychology, a discipline that seeks to investigate the existence and causes of psychic abilities, near-death experiences, and life between lives using the scientific method. Exopolitics is the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse. is a division of ExoKnowledge Society, a B.C. non-profit Society.
Brenda Ma: 604-828-3838
Alfred Lambremont Webre: 604-733-8134
2012 ExoUniversity Forum Lecture Series – Schedule
2012 ExoUniversity Forum Series
ALL EVENTS 1 PM – 6 PM PST (Except #2)
The Roundhouse Yaletown, Vancouver, B.C., CANADA
DOOR PRIZES: Four autographed copies of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe (UniverseBooks 2005) by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd will be given out as door prizes at each ExoUniversity Forum.
$30.00 per Forum Lecture in advance; $40 at the door
$240 for 2012 Forum Lecture season ticket
Click here to purchase tickets
1. Sunday April 22, 2012 – 1pm – 6pm
“An introduction to time travel with an emphasis on teleportation” with Andrew D. Basiago & Alfred Lambremont Webre”
Andrew D. Basiago, lawyer, writer, and statesman, was one of America’s early time-space explorers and is an emerging figure in the Truth Movement.
Andy has a fascinating life story to tell. Forty years ago, as a child, he was involved in different forms of time travel during the early years of time-space exploration by the US government. This classified research and development program, under DARPA, was code-named “Project Pegasus.”
Project Pegasus sent Andy backward in time via chronovisor to view historical events (including the time of the dinosaurs) and forward in time via teleporter to retrieve data about future events (to the year 2045).
Andy will discuss the people, places, technologies, and experiences associated with time travel at the time of its emergence in the US defense-technical community in the early 1970’s and describe how “quantum access” has enabled the CIA to capture the US presidency.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, lawyer, cosmologist, and futurist, was the founder of Exopolitics and is one of the leading political commentators on the implications of the Time-Space Age.
Alfred is author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe (Universe Books, 2005), a book that was time traveled by DARPA from 2005 (or later) to 1971 (or earlier), making Alfred a “person of interest” to the CIA.
In this lecture:
● Learn the true history of time travel, the real Philadelphia Experiment;
● See how teleportation will revolutionize transport in the 21st century;
● Become part of the movement to achieve public teleportation globally.
Andy and Alfred are two of our most fearless contemporary truth tellers.
This event promises to be a very interesting day of paradigm-shifting information. You don’t want to miss this unprecedented talk. It will change the way that you view the Universe. We look forward to seeing you there!
2. Sunday May 27, 2012 – 3:30pm – 7pm
“An introduction to life on Mars” with Andrew D. Basiago & Alfred Lambremont Webre
Click here to purchase tickets
3. Sunday July 8, 2012 – 1pm – 6pm
“Time Travel, Exotic Technologies & the 9/11 Events” with Andrew D. Basiago & Alfred Lambremont Webre
Click here to purchase tickets
4. Sunday July 22, 2012 – 1pm – 6pm
“The Obama/Mars Connection” with Andrew D. Basiago & Alfred Lambremont Webre
Click here to purchase tickets
5. Sunday Sept. 8, 2012 – 1pm – 6pm
“Archons, Negative Extraterrestrials, Unity Consciousness, and a Positive Future for GAIA” with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower & Alfred Lambremont Webre
Click here to purchase tickets
6. Sunday, Oct. 12, 2012 – 1pm – 6pm
“My Journey to Mars” with Andrew D. Basiago, William B. Stillings & Alfred Lambremont Webre
Click here to purchase tickets
7. Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012 – 1pm – 6pm
“The future of Earth/Mars Relations” with Andrew D. Basiago & Alfred Lambremont Webre
Click here to purchase tickets
8. Sunday Dec. 16, 2012 – 1pm – 6pm
Panel on “2012-13 Timelines: The 2012-13 Trajectory” with Andrew D. Basiago, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower & Alfred Lambremont Webre
Click here to purchase tickets
Video: On demand video courses of each Forum Lecture will be available at the website.
Certificate: An certificate will be given to each person completing the full live or online 2012 ExoUniversity Forum Lecture series.
Persons receiving an Certificate will receive a complementary copy of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe (Universe Books, 2005) by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd.
$30.00 per Forum Lecture in advance; $40 at the door
$240 for 2012 Forum Lecture season ticket
Click here to purchase tickets

Thursday, March 8, 2012

KONY 2012 (Full Video/Documentary) --- Must See


[from Alexander Backman]


CRN® 3/9/2012- 07:00 AM- I just saw Alex Jones from on his Nightly News,. I watched the KONY 2012 documentary pushing for a full scale military occupation of Africa in a clear pursuit of prepositiong troops to fight for the strategic resources that Africa holds.

This youth movement, like most of them, similar to the Youth Movements that Killary Klinton helped to spur up back 3 years ago; now wants the NATO-UN- SUPER MILITARY WORLD POLICE FORCE to go into Uganda to get this madman called JOSEPH KONY, a just plight in itself. But there is more.

Just follow the Money

Alexander Higgins just published an article exposing what this phony KONY 2012 MOVEMENT is pursuing. The conclusion is the same, a world power grab for natural resources. How funny isn't it that all of a sudden, after the US Military industrial Complex has already allowed genocide to transpire in Africa, now they want to go in and save the day.

Come on! Mexico has the same problem with the drug cartels; they too are kidnapping children and using them by force in their war and I do not see these kids from the KONY movement worrying about Mexico and asking the Pentagon for help in this matter. And yes, in Mexico, it is that bad if not worse. Just yesterday it was reported that 4 children were taken out of their homes and from their schools, cut up into pieces. And in another set of events, in the border state of Tamaulipas 19 month-old baby was injured from an explosvie device in a shopping center.

Even the Guardian in the UK wrote a piece question the KONY 2012 so-called "benevolent" intentions.

And seeing youngsters chanting they want a War fro Peace is the same Orwellian Double-Speak we have heard in al PSYCHOlogical Operations. This is a MIND WAR and as all mind wars, the collective hive mentality must urge it and want it.

Remember the Club of Rome map where the position Africa and Latin America to be utilized as nations for extraction of natural resources and waste dumps after the Elite in Europe live off them and use these nation-states as slaves?

Isn' it Odinga who was given 5 MD by Obama to put him into power? Jerry Corsi proved this in his book OBAMA NATION if you care to buy it.

Well, enough said. KONY 2012 is a Phony Op. It is a sad situation in Africa and yes KONY is a criminal but hte supernatural demonic code and symbology in this PSYOP is a give away. The use of an inverted pyramid in their logo and the black and red coloring point to Fascism and Satanism. Secondly, the inverted pyramid is a symbol of sucking you down as in down to hell. The KONY 2012 documentary is a definite well-financed and produced, well-studied example of stirring up emotions in people in order to manipulate them into WAR!

But when I saw the KONY 2012 banner it came to me, as a Revelation from the Father, Our Lord in Heaven; a warning for New York. I heard His voice saying to me, "They want to Knock Out New York." And that is when I saw it! KONY are the inititals of KNOCK OUT NEW YORK IN 2012= K.O.N.Y. 2012.

Be forewarned and know that prophecy is being spoken here, right now. Is K.O.N.Y. 2012 heralding and attack against New York? Only time will tell.

I bet you the Bible Codes even have something on this KONY WAR. So, here is the design I made decoding what I believe to be a PSYOP code decoded. Spread the word and do not fall for this campaign.

Alexander Backman

St Germaine Comments On Nesara - Free Download

Interesting Read

ELIZABETH KLARER UFO Contactee and Space Traveler

Plerase read this and you will not be sorry to learn about this amazing lady

UFO Contactee and Space Traveler
Introduction and Interview by Stuart Bush ~ Transcribed and Edited by Noel Huntley, Los Angeles, California
She stayed on the planet Meton for four months where she gave birth to and reared her space child, Ayling.
Particular interest was shown in Elizabeth's experiences by the British Ministry of Defense and they announced that UFOs do exist and are now official.
Elizabeth's story has attracted the attention of many countries, in particular America, Britain and Russia.
In 1975 she was given a standing ovation at the 11th International Congress for UFO Research in Germany.
In 1983 she addressed the House of Lords, in England and her paper was also read at the United Nations.
Elizabeth Klarer was born in 1910 in Mooi River, Natal, where she grew up on a farm and soon learned to understand the Zulus very well. She was trained as a meteorologist at Cambridge, England. She later went to Trinity College, London, to study music, where she obtained a degree. She is also a pilot, and learned to fly the DeHaviland plane. During World War II she was employed by the South African Air Force Intelligence and during operations did work for the Royal Air Force decoding German communications. She was also trained to observe UFOs for the South African Air Force UFO Division. She has a son David, a daughter, Marilyn, who is now a medical specialist, and another son, Ayling ~ an astrophysicist living on another planet, which we will cover shortly.
Her fascinating story began at the age of seven when a flying saucer visited her near her home. Telepathic communication between Elizabeth and Akon, who was a crew member and scientist of the spacecraft, occurred several times. In April, 1956, on Flying Saucer Hill at Rosetta, Natal, the crew revealed themselves and Elizabeth Klarer was taken up into space and into the vintage mother ship. In November, 1957, on the high plateau of Cathkin Peak, in Drakensberg, Elizabeth Klarer entered the spacecraft to meet her new-found lover Akon.
During the next eight and a half months she endured harassment, especially from American intelligence forces, and on one occasion she was almost kidnapped by the Russians who wanted to capture the future space child. She was eventually taken by Akon to another solar system, our nearest neighbour, Alpha Centauri. There she stayed on the planet Meton for four months where she gave birth to and reared her space child, Ayling. Owing to the vibrations of the magnetic field being different on Meton, her heart was unable to adjust to the new pressures, and she was forced to return to Earth. Contact has been maintained and Akon and her son, Ayling, have both appeared to her visually in a projected holographic image.
In 1984 particular interest was shown in Elizabeth's experiences by the British Ministry of Defense and they announced that UFOs do exist and are now official. Elizabeth's story has attractd the attention of many countries, in particular, America, Britain and Russia. In 1975 she was given a standing ovation at the 11th International Congress for UFO Research in Germany. She was applauded by a group of scientists representing 22 nations where she gave a speech about the secrets of light. In 1983, she addressed the house of Lords in England, and her paper was also read at the United Nations. A few years ago she traveled to Switzerland to appear on a TV show. She has written a book entitled "Beyond the Light Barrier," and has now completed a second one, "The Gravity Files." (Editors Note: This book has not been published as far as we know.)
Interview With Elizabeth Klarer By Stuart Bush
Stuart Bush: Could you describe the flying saucer you flew in?
Elizabeth Klarer: She was perfectly circular, about 60 feet in diameter, with a very large hull and a flattish dome in the center with portholes around the dome. There were sets of three portholes encircling the entire dome and she had a silvery sheen about her. This wasn't a reflection from the sunlight, it was her own glow. It came directly from the skin of the ship and when the power was switched on the whole ship glowed and would set up this field differential around her, which, of course, she moves within. Inside she is very, very beautiful; simple but completely beautiful, and the colors so lovely. The entire floor is covered with a rose-red type of carpeting ~ very soft and very springy to walk on. The walls change color when the power system is on; they change from blue to green.
S.B.: Is there a functional reason for this?
E.K.: Yes, in harmonic interaction you are not only going to have the color in the electromagnetic wavelength of the universe, which, of course, is the whole basis of her power system, but the colors come in as well and the different movements, particularly when she is speeding through the atmosphere. These starships vary in size. The mother ships are very much larger and do not land. The ships can travel instantaneously from one place to another.
S.B.: What was the number of the crew in the ship you traveled in and what were their duties?
E.K.: Two, and they were both scientists. Both were astrophysicists but one was also a very great botanist which was a needed ability in understanding the flora and fauna of planets for their protection and in the preparation of planets for human habitation. This is a continuous activity.
S.B.: Tell us something about the outside construction of the ship.
E.K.: The ship is created in space from pure light energy into substance, and it takes naturally the celestial form. They then bring her to the surface of the planet and construct the interior. But the whole skin of the ship is created in space in order that this atomic structure of the skin of the ship is conducive to energizing. That's how you get the power and the different colors.
S.B.: I s the material metal?
E.K. No, it's not like a metal at all. It is more like a porcelain. It is made of an atomic substance from pure light energy which is the ultimate particle.
S.B.: How long does it take to create the ship?
E.K.: To create the complete shell, no matter what the size, you have to have the harmonic interaction of the measurement of that circle; it has to be perfectly in harmony. It takes, in earth time, about 15 minutes to create. And it is created and not constructed, from natural cosmic energy. Then when they take her to the surface of the planet to complete the interior, in earth time, it takes about a couple of weeks.
S.B.: Are they armed?
E.K.: No, all they have is a deflecting ray as a form of protection which will keep any hostile craft at bay and immobilize them. The shield effect completely protects her ~ from bullets, a missile or atomic bomb. The magnetic field is so tremendous.
S.B.: Is it vulnerable then, when it is at rest?
E.K.: No, there is an automatic switch. The approach of any intrusion causes the field to come on automatically.
S.B.: Could you tell us something about the vintage mother ship?
E.K.: She is a vast carriership with about 24 small landing craft each of which carry a crew of two people. The mother ship hovers about 1000 miles away in space and releases one of these landing craft to the surface of the planet. They accommodate at least 5000 people ~ including women and children. They are completely self-contained with an abundance of everything. They grow their own food on the ship using their own means of irradiation; sunlight is not necessary.
S.B.: How do you view outside the ship?
E.K.: The ship is completely enclosed but there are portholes which can be opened, and also inside there is the viewing lens which enables you to see outside in all directions. This device not only can see through barriers such as into cellars of buildings but can reveal the finest detail, such as beads on a necklace worn by a person on the ground. And similarly for sound.
S.B.: Are all the crew from Meton?
E.K.: They are from the one civilization ~ of seven planets. But they are preparing other planets for human habitation in the system of Vega. Vega is a young blue-white waxing star.
S.B.: Could you tell me how the people compare with humans on Earth?
E.K.: They are human but taller, better looking, more considerate and gentle; not aggressive and violent. They dress and eat more simply and are still young at an age of 2000 years of Earth time. Their star is not so violent. Our sun is a variable and produces rather harsh radiation which affects the skin, ages one, and can be dangerous. They wear simpler and less clothing made out of silk. Silk is beautiful and comfortable next to the skin. Everything is free and you can pick out your own clothes at a silk farm. There is an abundance of everything. No money or barter system is necessary.
S.B.: What was the planet itself like which you visited?
E.K.: It is similar in size to Earth, a little larger, covered with vast seas, and the lands are islands, not continents. Climate is beautiful, under control, and in fact, is really a utopia. They have everything they want. They are not only thousands of years ahead technologically from us, but are also spiritually very advanced.
S.B.: Could you describe the social systems on Meton?
E.K.: There are no politics, law, or the monetary system. Medicine is a scientific activity and not required for health since they are all in perfect health. Their way of thinking is quite different from what most people over here would understand. They are a loving, gentle and constructive people. Everyone industriously does their work which they like doing most. There is no need for law; there is no crime or police. Everyone is free and has a code of ethics. They constantly create beauty around them and in general there is complete harmony. Their homes are lovely. You can see from the inside out; the material is transparent one way. Regarding pets, they love their birds, in particular, and there is telepathic communication with them. Predatory animals are kept on a different planet.
S.B.: What about their educational system?
E.K.: They don't have schools or universities. Their education is completely visual ~ all done by what is called an electric mirage. They have a little phial about three inches long and they insert it into a niche in their home or the wall of a spaceship. A 3D scene fills the room ~ an advanced form of a holograph. There are no books. They travel a great deal. The young children are taken around the galaxy so they can learn from experience. They can use the electric mirage to go back to a former time in their history. They could, for instance, view our planet at the time of the dinosaurs. They have beautiful paintings and create lovely music ~ harmonic music and very uplifting spiritually, which relate to the harmonic music of the galaxy.
They communicate by means of telepathy and educational concepts can get transferred this way. They are capable of thinking in terms of the basic concepts not dependent on language ~ they perceive the feelingness behind words. There is no problem in the learning of languages such as any of those on Earth.
S.B.: What shape was the mother ship?
E.K.: She was more of a cigar shape with blunt ends and angles depending on the light effect. From certain angles she could look circular and may be five miles in length. These are city ships containing everything needed ~ trees and flowers, lakes, beautiful living quarters. Families are raised on the ships.
Some spacecrafts which land and are seen by people, are only holographs. This is part of the conditioning process so that earthman will become used to the idea of the existence of extraterrestrials.
S.B.: And what is this system they have of harmonic mathematics, and are there any books explaining this?
E.K.: Yes, I have books on it, written by professor William Conner from the U.S.A. I have his treaties on harmonic mathematics which explains the whole process. He's also done this with respect to my book "Beyond The Light Barrier." He has related the various figures, distance of Meton from Earth, Akon's age, etc. to harmonic mathematics; it's all there.
S.B.: Returning to the educational aspects, if there are no books, how is information imparted?
E.K.: It is done from mind to mind, telepathy ship works ~ how she is using the power system of the universe. You have to understand the physics of the power system. The physical body could go but not the mind. This knowledge was imparted to me by Akon. He just put his hand on my forehead and told me to relax and think and know exactly how the spaceship is utilizing the cosmic power to go from this system to the home system. His hand on my forehead enabled me to relax completely and understand how the ship was using the matrix of space to go through the ether. I had to be in complete harmonic relationship with the spaceship to go through the light barrier.
S.B.: What is the woman's life like on Meton?
E.K.: There are no chores as we have on earth. It is all done with a light ray. For example, a beam of light will bring you your food on a tray. Families are larger ~ most families have about seven children. You could have children while thousands of years old, as there is no problem with age. They use a natural contraceptive; a type of vegetable which they put in their food. There is no marriage and divorce. They simply find their mate and stay together for life. If there is an accident and a loss of life, the person simply reincarnates and comes back to their same mate.
S.B.: What about the gravity belts? Did you use one?
E.K.: Yes, I used one to go upstairs. There are just three knobs for starting, control and direction.
S.B.: You mentioned seven planets. What are the names of the others?
E.K.: They don't have names, just harmonic numbers. Akon gave me the name Meton for identification purposes.
S.B.: How important is time to them and how do they measure it?
E.K.: They don't measure time at all. Time varies too much in any case. With their triplet star system, they do not measure time as we do here, with night and day, since they don't have night and day. When the smaller star, Proxima sets, the other two rise so there is never any night.
S.B.: What are their sleeping patterns?
E.K.: They depend on sleep ~ it is a great health restorer. In terms of Earth time they would sleep nine hours.
S.B.: Regarding their eating habits, what are their views on how to eat?
E.K.: They don't cook, they eat the natural foods, vegetables, salads, etc. The only thing they heat, using electricity, are certain oat cakes, made of fresh whole oats, like bread. They are only heated briefly to bind them together. They never use chemical fertilizers for growing food.
S.B.: Why don't they have competitive sports on Meton?
E.K.: They don't think about it ~ it is not necessary for them. Earthman, when he is not involved with wars, etc., needs to release his aggression in sports and such competitive activities. The Meton people do not have this problem.
S.B.: Do they recognize creative aggression?
E.K.: Yes, one must have determination and drive to create, but it doesn't have to be aggressive!
S.B. What is their approach to health products? On Earth there is a growing enlightenment in this direction.
E.K.: Yes, well they eat the natural foods and know which contain the necessary ingredients for health. It is necessary to balance the chemical processes in one's food for proper utilization by the body. The important thing in growing natural foods is the soil to grow them in, and you cannot possibly, as you do here, use chemical fertilizers. They never use anything like that. They simply put back into the soil what they take out. They revitalize the soil by means of electricity, which is what lightning does. It brings the Nitrogen into the soil. This is why lightning and thunderstorms are so important, along with the light and radiation from the sun.
S.B.: So they would eat say, a raw potato?
E.K.: They do grow peas. They are a necessary source of protein, and they eat a lot of fiber, as this is vital. They have natural vegetables and fruits, which are scientifically improved and enlarged. For example, an apricot, which would be the size of an apple, would be enough for one meal. It would have all the vitamins in it you would need, because apricots are a tremendously nutritious source of food and have a rejuvenating effect on the body.
S.B.: Now, can you say anything about planet Selo, which was visited by Hal Wilcox (UFO contactee), and which is about 600 years ahead of us, yet is of the same Alpha Centauri system as Meton, which is how many more years ahead of us?
E.K.: About a hundred thousand!
S.B.: How is there a planet (Selo) in the same system so far behind?
E.K.: Planets vary. You have planets in certain stages of advancement, and planet Selo is closer to two major components of Alpha Centauri. These are the two larger stars, and these rotate about each other. Selo is closer to them in that vicinity, therefore Selo would receive greater intensity of radiation from these double stars. Proxima Centauri is very much farther away, but it still makes up a triplet system, which is known as Alpha Centauri, and Akon's home planet is in orbit about Proxima Centauri. There are seven planets there altogether (around Proxima Centauri) which is a star about the same size as our sun. So you have a different radiation output, which has a great effect on civilizations that exist on the orbiting planets. Radiation has a vast effect on the brain or mind, and consequently on development.
S.B.: As I understand it now, Selo has two suns and Meton has three suns, yet they are both in the same system. Does it mean this third sun is in a higher dimension?
E.K.: Meton, my home planet, only has one sun, and Selo has two suns, so that makes up the triplet system of three suns!
S.B.: But I gather that there is no nighttime on Meton!
E.K.: That's right. Because when Proxima Centauri sets in the planetary rotation, the two larger stars rise, and they are so big that their light is cast very far afield, and naturally Meton, being in this triplet system, gets the light from these two larger stars, but not the intensified radiation, because of the distance. You see, the two larger stars are young, waxing stars, and they give out intensified radiation, while Proxima, the third star, is smaller and a middleaged star, so it gives out a modified, highly intensified vibratory radiation, which has a very different effect in the formation and advancement of a civilization, because it does affect the brain.
S.B.: I would presume then that Meton is in a higher dimension than Selo.
E.K.: Yes, in a higher vibratory rates and very much farther advanced, and has a civilization which occupies all seven planets in that system. (Ed. But it is in the same physical dimension.)
S.B.: To get back to the mother ships or city ships (some cigar-shaped, and five miles long!), how were these constructed ~ out in space?
E.K.: Constructed in space, yes, but we don't talk about construction, we say they are created. They were created in the atmosphere of the planet. All the components were ferried up to her, to be put together in space. This was done more than 65 million years ago. It goes right back in the history of ths solar system, when Venus was alive. (Ed. ~ habitable in the third dimension.) Scienists of Venus in those days detected that the sun was a variable star (Ed. ~ irregular frequency), so they prepared to move out into space, and they built the vast mother ships to ferry all the people and as much as possible of the flora and fauna away from the planet to the Earth, which was the nearest neighbor.
S.B.: To get back to the mother ships or city ships (some cigar-shaped, and five miles long!), how were these constructed ~ out in space?
E.K.: Constructed in space, yes, but we don't talk about construction, we say they are created. They were created in the atmosphere of the planet. All the components were ferried up to her, to be put together in space. This was done more than 65 million years ago. It goes right back in the history of this solar system, when Venus was alive. (Ed. ~ habitable in the third dimension.) Scientists of Venus in those days detected that the sun was a variable star (Ed. ~ irregular frequency), so they prepared to move out into space, and they built the vast mother ships to ferry all the people and as much as possible of the flora and fauna away from the planet to the Earth, which was the nearest neighbor.The scientists recognized the Sun was a visible star, with maximum and minimum periods of sunspot cycles, which happens to this day, but at certain epochs in time it expands. Now the Sun is expanding and contracting all the time. It is pulsating like a heart, but at certain epochs it expands out more, in intensified radiation.Now this is what happened to Venus, and being closer to the Sun her seas had dried out, and what little fauna remained (and all the flora) were destroyed. And then of course the dinosaurs, which had dominated the Earth, were also destroyed through the intensified radiation. Thus the great civilization from Venus, which we call the mother planet, was able to get away from Venus, and landed on earth and the moon, as way-stations.So there we have the beginning of highlyintelligent human life on this planet because we were fathered by men from outer space. Certainly not descended from the primates of this planet, but in fact from cromagnon, an advanced human being, who created the great civilization of Atlantis, which, of course, was eventually destroyed.The civilization from Venus decided to leave Earth owing to the harsh nature of the variable Sun and move to a neighboring system that was more conducive to their way of life and thinking. They discovered Proxima Centauri, which was a star similar to the Sun only much older and therefore a stable star. They moved to Meton which is now the home planet because it is very similar to the mother planet, Venus, in atmospheric conditions, distance from the star and also, the more important of all, the higher vibratory rates, which is more compatible to an advanced civilization and consciousness. They had bases on the Moon, Mars and Earth which they still visit.The Venus people left a section of their civilization here on Earth to look after the planet and advance the mentality and consciousness of the indigenous people of this planet, which they are in the process of doing.
S.B.: Did they have anything to do with the age of Lemuria and Atlantis?
E.K.: Yes, definitely with Atlantis. Atlantis was, of course, their main base and they also had a base in South America. Some of the Incas are descendents of the space people. Now, in the region of the Andes there used to be a very tall, fair race of people, many redheads, and these people were from Venus. They remained there until the great upheavals of Atlantis, which resulted in the Andes being pushed up by volcanic eruptions and with the volcanic evolution of the planet generally. So what was once a very fertile area became barren and mountainous, as it is to this day. But you still have certain buildings that remain, and also under the sea. Some of the pyramids still remain in Central America and these are the most important ones because they are very beautiful and vast, and there is one pyramid which has just been uncovered by archeologists who thought it was a mountain. The Spaniards built a cathedral on the top. It was covered in trees and grass, and the excavations are now revealing a pyramid.
S.B.: Where do the rest of the Earth people come from if only a small portion came from Venus?
E.K.: The majority of people here on Earth are indigenous, with a certain percentage from the home planet Venus who had stayed here when the main civilization moved out from Venus before going on to Proxima Centauri. They remained to look after the planet, and also for educational purposes for the native people, which of course is being done to this day.So we're here to inform people of the truth of their origin. Also to bring Venus back to life by feeding the atmosphere with algae, which creates the storms, the rain and the lightning, the volcanic eruptions, and the life. And also to form the seas again, because Venus was originally covered with vast seas, as is Meton. That is why Akon's civilization moved out from earth to Meton because it is very similar to what Venus was in the past; islands and seas, with thick atmosphere, which filters the radiation, and above all has a higher vibratory rate for the advancement of a higher civilization, and particularly for the advancement of a consciousness into the fourth dimension.They have also come back to create bases on the Moon and Mars. They can bring back to life Mars as well as Venus, and this they plan to do since their main work throughout the galaxy is to prepare star systems for human habitation.
S.B.: How would this tie in with the information that the Sun is dying?
E.K.: The Sun is dying, but we don't talk about age, it is simply a metamorphosis. It is becoming cooler so something has to be done about it. It is going to be a double star system since Jupiter is a forming star. Jupiter will have a star burst in the very near future and we'll then have two stars in the skies of Earth. As the Sun cools down, Jupiter will heat up.
S.B.: How long do you think the Earth people have been in existence?
E.K.: The indigenous people of Earth go back to the time of the dinosaurs. Before the demise of the dinosaurs there was a very small colony of human kind, as there was also a very small colony of mammals, and they were not affected by the intensified radiation because they took refuge in caves and escaped the radiation by going underground. This was instinctive, and it was the same with the other mammals. But the giant creatures had nowhere to escape from the intensified radiation. The ultraviolet destroyed the vegetation so they had no food and became extinct. The mammals were intelligent enough to go underground and then lived on other life. Now many of our race today are descendents of these people from Venus. Generally they are not conscious of the fact that they are here to advance and educate the indigenous peoples of this planet, but many have had a race memory which has been activated by certain events ~ material in a book or seeing a spaceship in the sky. They have suddenly realized this is their purpose and that this is what their life is all about and they are here for a reason.
S.B.: To come back to Akron's spacecraft, when he visited you did his craft create the thunderstorms?
E.K.: Not always ~ sometimes. This is a very interesting question. The thunderstorm, particularly the hailstorm, which I described in my book, was quite natural. But it has happened in the past and very recently that his spaceship has created thunderstorms. This is due to the fact that when she come into the condensation level of our atmosphere the heat field around the ship condenses the molecules of the atmosphere into cloud and the result is that the gravity field retains the cloud around the ship, spinning it around in its lines of force ~ you can actually see this. This is what we call an inorganic cloud because it is created by the spaceship.As she moves, the cloud goes with her, and we have actually photographed this cloud effect with the spaceship in the middle. You can actually see the glow of the ship in the cloud. The Air Force takes infrared photographs of such a perfectly circular and rotating cloud with the glow in the middle of the ship. Now this is a very good form of camouflage and they (Akon) use it quite a lot.Just recently I experienced Akon's spaceship in Natal which created a most tremendous storm. I saw this circular cloud which had a grey edge to it, the perimeter was clear-cut in the blue sky and it was perfectly circular; in fact it looked rather like a mushroom cloud of an atomic explosion. The high center to the cloud was the spaceship dome. The cloud itself was almost an apple green cloud. In the center was this pink-orange color ~ it was quite beautiful. The resulting storm was tremendous, incessant lightning, rain and wind. It happened four times. It was a warning for me regarding making a decision. This happened in the last two weeks.
S.B.: Couldn't Akon have remained in the fourth dimension, in invisibility, to avoid the storm and still communicate to you? Why was it necessary to be so dramatic?
E.K.: He wished the effect to be observed by others. He wanted the people to understand the power of the spaceship and that it was there. Now I'm known by the natives as not just the star lady but also the storm lady.
S.B.: Are you a twin flame of Akon, that is, from the same source of consciousness or are you a soul mate in which the relationship has built up from many lifetimes together?
E.K.: We both originated from the same place so we have always been twin flames but we are also soulmates because we have the same consciousness, realization and ideas in life completely. I can't remember many past lives. I remember my previous life clearly with Akon on Venus, and we have always been together through the ages. I have only had this one life on Earth.At certain periods we have to be parted, for example, for me to do my work here and Akon to do his work in outerspace. My purpose here is involved with a vast educational system throughout the world to tell people about all this, to write about it. It is necessary for people to realize there is a greater authority and civilization out there who will intervene if we do not behave ourselves.
S.B.: The spiritual advancement is so great on Meton one might have thought that the people would have transcended the physical level and moved into a higher plane. Why are they still using physical bodies like us?
E.K.: So they can communicate more easily to other civilizations in the physical. There are no physical disadvantages: they keep in perfect health, and there are no injuries. So it is perfectly safe for them to retain the physical body, besides they seem to enjoy it.
Elizabeth Klarer died of cancer in 1994.

To purchase the book:
Beyond The Light Barrierby Elizabeth Klarer
1980ISBN 0 86978 178 2
Winje's FarmRussell WinjeStar Route Box 6BLake City, CA 96115
Contact : Winje's FarmPhone: (530)-279-2371Fax: (530)-279-6373e-mail:

George Soros and the Spear of Destiny

George Soros and the Spear of Destiny

Sounds far fetched doesn't it ???

How else can a human foresee coming events,
crash entire monetary systems, even control
a US President ??? Welcome to Soros' New World
Order with the Fourth Reich.

How did this come to be ???

First you need to understand just what
the Spear of Destiny is. The Spear of
Destiny was the actual spear used by the
Centurion named Longinus. It is thusly
considered the spear that killed Jesus
or God's Son.

There are 4 versions (replicas) of this
spear on display but all 4 are fakes.
One is held in the Vatican, 2 in Vienna
and one in the US. But the real Spear
of Destiny is NOT for public consumption
but is in the secret vault of a very wealthy
business man.

The real spear is considered to have mystical
powers associated with it and thusly thought
that it's owner can rule the world. Thus
every King since Herrod has wanted to own
this spear and every King who has had it
by his side has never lost in battle.

Constantine himself was once owner of this 
sacred relic. Yes, the same man responsible
for today's KJV Bible owned the spear that
killed God's Son.

Hitler invaded Austria in WW2 to get this spear
so he could control the world through the
3rd Reich. Even as the 3rd Reich was falling,
Hitler devised a plan to hide the spear for
safe keeping and ordered over 100 U-Boats
to travel to Argentina and then on to
Antarctica so Hitler could keep the
spoils from WW2.

However during this mass movement of Nazi 
treasure a young apprentice of Himmler
named Soros stole the great Spear of Destiny
and kept it a secret. He later realized
what he had stolen and decided to use it's power
to reinvent the 4th Reich in his NWO.

Germany did not lose WW2, it was merely postponed
hostilities til the 4th Reich could be set-up.
Hence we have the Hitler expedition to
Antarctica. And Operation Highjump later
by Allied Forces.

Hitler and Eva Braun did make it to
Argentina but without his Spear of Destiny.

Air Force One

Air Force One

Interesting read... Do the math = Big Bucks!
It's hard to believe that CBS actually said something that wasn't flattering to this so-called President!

Air Force One:

This is from Mark Knoller of CBS.
The pilots and crew of Air Force One are flying more hours than a rookie on a beer run.
They are tired of it too, and are adding more crew to Air Force-1, - I know this for a fact because I'm one of the instructors that trains the crews. Our company (Atlas Air) has had the Air Force-1 and E-4 contract for over three years and I've been doing it for about 18 months now.

Last year (2011) Obama flew in Air Force One 172 times, almost every other day. White House officials have been telling reporters in recent days that the Democrat doesn't intend to hang around the White House quite so much in 2012.They explain he wants to get out more around the country because, as everyone knows, that midterm election shellacking had nothing to do with his health care bill, over-spending or other policies, and everything to do with Obama's not adequately explaining himself to his countrymen and women.

And with only 288 days remaining in Obama's never ending presidential campaign, the incumbent's travel pace will not likely slacken. At an Air Force-estimated cost of $181,757 per flight HOUR (not to mention the additional travel costs of Marine One, Secret Service, logistics and local police overtime), that's a lot of frequent flier dollars going into Obama's carbon footprint.
$8 Million every time it lands & takes off.

We are privy to some of these numbers thanks to CBS' Mark Knoller, a bearded national treasure trove of presidential stats. According to Knoller's copious notes, during the last year, Obama made 65 domestic trips over 104 days, and six trips to eight countries over 22 days. Not counting six vacation trips over 32 days. He took 196 helicopter trips, signed 203 pieces of legislation and squeezed in 29 rounds of left-handed golf.
Obama last year gave 491 speeches, remarks or statements. That's more talking than goes on in some entire families, at least from fatherly mouths. In fact, even including the 24 days of 2010 that we never saw Obama in public, his speaking works out to about one official utterance every 11 waking hours. Aides indicate the "Real Good Talker" believes we need more.

Related: Obama spends nearly half his presidency outside Washington , plans to travel more.
Related: Vacationer-in-Chief Spends $1.75 Million to Visit Hawaiian Chums.
Obama has spent over $100 million taxpayer dollars flying around in Air Force One, and probably another $100 million on his entourage.
Obama is just another tin-pot dictator living lavishly at the expense of his subjects.

And we seniors have to "tighten our belts"

  America's continued freedom depends upon your awareness ! 

We’re now heading for a Dictatorship & merging of the Three Branches of power

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader: We’re now heading for a Dictatorship & merging of the Three Branches of power
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 8-Mar-2012 09:50:43

Thank You Reader J...
There are definite signs all over the country that America is heading for a tyrannical dictatorship and it is becoming apparent that the three branches of Government have slowly merged into the all powerful Executive Branch in the Federal Government level. I will explain and provide links within parts of this article explaining why America is turning into a one branch Military Police State and the courts will no doubt become kangaroo courts that will always rule in favor of the Commander in chief aka the President of the United States of America.
First of all I will start with the passing of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA). The Obama Administration earlier in December of last year threatened to veto the legislation, then it was admitted in The Raw Story that “The White House on Wednesday said it would not veto the controversial National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)” bill that he signed into law, and then to add insult to injury Obama signed the NDAA bill into law right on News Years Eve in 2011 while everyone was out partying and then added a signing statement saying that even though he signed the bill into law he doesn’t agree with everything in it according to the White House Press Release. If he didn’t agree with certain provisions the president is suppose to veto the bill and get the senate to change certain provisions within the bill but he didn’t do it which proves what a liar he is and trying to pass a Unconstitutional bill while spinning things around to make the president look like the hero.
Then onto the George Eligibility Trial [1][2][3] under Judge Michael Malihi with the plaintiffs Dr. Orly Taitz, David Farrar, Van R. Ilion, and J. Mark Hatfield. The facts were presented in the entire case that the Birth Certificate uses multiple layers due to Multilayer photo editing software such as PhotoShop or GIMP, Testimony and records indicate that Obama’s father has never been a U.S. citizen even after and before the time of Obama’s birth, both Obama and his attorney Michael Jablonski never even shown up, Obama and his attorney never provided any evidence or documentation or even witnesses to prove that the plaintiffs were wrong, and that there is clearly a legal difference between a citizen and a natural born citizen.
Despite everything that has been done properly in court, the Judge ruled in favor of Obama despite the evidence by plaintiffs against the defendant and actions taken by the defendant and his attorney, Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp faltered/caved and ruled in favor of the Malihi ruling, and then Liberty Legal Foundation went to the Superior Court of Georgia which also is looking shaky and won’t lead to any good ruling to overturn Malihi’s ruling. So not only is the entire court system is Georgia and it’s superior court corrupt enough to let fraud slip by, then you have a judge that ruled in favor of a religious Muslim having the right to beat up and assault somebody who is critical of that persons religion despite our Freedom of Speech rights and assault being illegal for everybody. Nobody is exempt from the law and that includes Christians, Jews, Muslims, and even Buddhists. It is unlawful to just assault somebody for their Freedom of Speech no matter what religion you follow because Sharia Law is not law in the United States. Our country is governed under a Constitution, Bill of Rights, and even the Declaration of Independence. No laws shall be valid that is in respect of an establishment of religion. No laws shall violate our Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press.
Then to add another fact based insult to the already corrupt and bloated Justice System, Bradley Manning a man that was under arrest for extracting classified Military documents then leaking to Wikileaks, was being denied his basic Due Process simply because the President of the United States announced that Bradley Manning is guilty and so the courts are going along with it according to information found on Russia Today.
It is under the fact of our law system that not even the President can decide the fate of military members arrested by military police. All three branches of Government are limited in their powers, are suppose to stay separate, and have to follow their Oath to the Constitution and Bill of Rights included in the Constitution. The commander in chief cannot simply declare somebody to be guilty without a right to a judge and jury and even the right to remain silent. The right to a trial is indisputable in the land of the free. Simply being a commander in chief in America does not give the President unlimited authority even on Military Bases. Even to start a war requires congressional approval. If a war with a certain country has to be done then the congress will do their job to make sure that the president is legally authorized to go to war with a certain country with a majority of approval from the Congress and so having checks and balances does not threaten our national security. We can protect our national security and protect every basic liberty guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
The facts I have just presented you is proof that the judicial branch is now officially a corrupt apparatus that is serving the best interests of the Executive Branch of this country. Also the fact that the President of the United States can even appoint justices in the Supreme Court, appoint Federal Judges anywhere across the country, and even Federal appeals court judges means that he likely will only appoint judges that will serve the President and not the law of the land which is the Constitution and then the laws passed by the Congress.
So now that the Judicial Branch is now a monkey coocoo crazy kangaroo court working with the Executive Branch then what about the Legislative Branch?
Well it was the Legislative Branch that overwhelmingly passed the NDAA into law. It was the majority of the Congress that passed a bill that makes peaceful protesting within a certain proximity of any politician that is granted any forms of secret service protection to be a federal offense. It was the legislative branch that has passed the Patriot Act and helped with the bailouts that has done nothing but hurt our country as a whole.
Then of course you would expect our military to be our last hope to follow their Oaths to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Well for marines, NAVY, and Air Force military men and women that decide to do what is right there are nasty surprises heading for them by President Barack Hussein Obama or Barry Soetoro.
Rest on Link