[from Alexander Backman]

This youth movement, like most of them, similar to the Youth Movements that Killary Klinton helped to spur up back 3 years ago; now wants the NATO-UN- SUPER MILITARY WORLD POLICE FORCE to go into Uganda to get this madman called JOSEPH KONY, a just plight in itself. But there is more.
Just follow the Money
Alexander Higgins just published an article exposing what this phony KONY ▼ 2012 MOVEMENT is pursuing. The conclusion is the same, a world power grab for natural resources. How funny isn't it that all of a sudden, after the US Military industrial Complex has already allowed genocide to transpire in Africa, now they want to go in and save the day.
Come on! Mexico has the same problem with the drug cartels; they too are kidnapping children and using them by force in their war and I do not see these kids from the KONY movement worrying about Mexico and asking the Pentagon for help in this matter. And yes, in Mexico, it is that bad if not worse. Just yesterday it was reported that 4 children were taken out of their homes and from their schools, cut up into pieces. And in another set of events, in the border state of Tamaulipas 19 month-old baby was injured from an explosvie device in a shopping center.
Even the Guardian in the UK wrote a piece question the KONY ▼ 2012 so-called "benevolent" intentions.
And seeing youngsters chanting they want a War fro Peace is the same Orwellian Double-Speak we have heard in al PSYCHOlogical Operations. This is a MIND WAR and as all mind wars, the collective hive mentality must urge it and want it.
Remember the Club of Rome map where the position Africa and Latin America to be utilized as nations for extraction of natural resources and waste dumps after the Elite in Europe live off them and use these nation-states as slaves?
Isn' it Odinga who was given 5 MD by Obama to put him into power? Jerry Corsi proved this in his book OBAMA NATION if you care to buy it.
Well, enough said. KONY ▼ 2012 is a Phony Op. It is a sad situation in Africa and yes KONY is a criminal but hte supernatural demonic code and symbology in this PSYOP is a give away. The use of an inverted pyramid ▼ in their logo and the black and red coloring point to Fascism and Satanism. Secondly, the inverted pyramid is a symbol of sucking you down as in down to hell. The KONY ▼ 2012 documentary is a definite well-financed and produced, well-studied example of stirring up emotions in people in order to manipulate them into WAR!
But when I saw the KONY ▼ 2012 banner it came to me, as a Revelation from the Father, Our Lord in Heaven; a warning for New York. I heard His voice saying to me, "They want to Knock Out New York." And that is when I saw it! KONY are the inititals of KNOCK OUT NEW YORK IN 2012= K.O.N.Y. 2012.
Be forewarned and know that prophecy is being spoken here, right now. Is K.O.N.Y. 2012 heralding and attack against New York? Only time will tell.
I bet you the Bible Codes even have something on this KONY WAR. So, here is the design I made decoding what I believe to be a PSYOP code decoded. Spread the word and do not fall for this campaign.
Alexander Backman
SKYPE: conciencia.radio
Further research is suggested per anonymous. Kony dead in 2006? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5NJGsnJEz4&feature=related
Post your sources: If this guy's dead GOOD !, Then is OLD news & returned to the archives ! --- Because there are MORE IMPORTANT THINGS AFOOT ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I advice everybody to do their research on the Kony 2012 campaign. It may look good from the outside, but there is more ugly truth behind it. Kony 2012 is an Obama campaign. Not only do the campaign colours match with that of Obama 2008, Obama sent 100 special forces to Uganda to hunt Kony down, without congressional approval. This is not about the children it is about the resources of Uganda, Ruwanda and Kongo. It is a publicity stunt. The founders income is 85000 -90000 Dollar per year each and only 32% of the money they "make" goes to "the children" they claim to support. There is lots of information on the internet that paints a totally different picture.
It may be popular to follow the campaign and spread it, but be aware it looks more and more like it is using us to justify another war for resources.
They are trying to deceive us again! Don't fall for this BS!
The Kony 2012 Delusion, Joe Quinn, Sott.net, Thu, 08 Mar 2012 12:00 CST.The people behind this campaign, are MASSIVELY misguided. Or it's a CIA-sponsored psy-ops. Take for example the fact that one of the 12 'policy makers' (US politicians) that they are targeting to help them ensure Joseph Kony is arrested, is George 'Dubya' Bush. The puppet president who presided over the murder of 1.5 million Iraqi civilians. And we're all meant to believe that people like him, are going to care about the plight of Ugandan children? Kony is Bush's ideological brother, for god's sake. Other than their complete ignorance of the fact that the US political elite is populated by the world's worst war criminals, the makers of this video, are also massively ignorant of the truth about WHY Uganda, and many other African nations, are subjected to the brutal excesses of war lords, and have been for so many decades. To cut a very long and complex story short, people like Joseph Kony (who, by the way, is no longer a real threat to the people of Uganda) and so many other African tin-pot dictators, are the product of long-term US (CIA), British, Israeli and French interference, in African nations. Joseph Kony leads the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). In 2010, the LRA crossed into Darfur in Sudan, and since then have been enjoying the protection of the Sudanese military, and Sudan's notorious president,Omar Hassan al-Bashir, who has been a longtime LRA patron. Al-Bashir is accused by the International Criminal Court, of war crimes and genocide in Darfur. It should come as no surprise then, that the CIA has long-standing and close ties with al-Bashir and Sudanese intelligence services. So there you have it. The principal financier and protector of the Joseph Kony and the LRA, is a genocidal dictator who is supported by the US government via the CIA. That's just one degree of separation between the CIA and the LRA. Yet the 'Kony 2012' people believe they can lobby the US government to do something about Kony and the LRA! The aim of the US (and other) governments has always been to destabilize African nations, in order place into power, any individual that would be amenable to the theft by US corporations, of the resources of African nations. This destabilization process, which includes the massive and repeated provision of weapons to the war lords and thugs, inevitably leads to the killing and
maiming of thousands of civilians. And it continues to this day. Elliot Ross of the Africa is a country blog sums up the problem with 'Kony 2012': ....(....) In short, forget about 'Kony 2012'. World peace starts athome, not in an African nation controlled by Western governments. If you really want to make this world a better place, let's start 'Bush, Blair, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Obama etc., 2012'. Let's make them famous for their massive war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, for the murder of up to 2 million Iraqi and Afghan civilians, and for the children who continue, to this day, to be blown to pieces by US soldiers and US 'drone' aircraft, under the Imperial war of aggression, known as the 'war on terror'.
http://www.sott.net/articles/show/242653-The-Kony-2012-Delusion ...http://www.sott.net/ ...for more...
Putin Wins Presidential Election Despite US Govt. and Western Media Interference,Joe Quinn,Sott.net,Mon, 05 Mar 2012 05:51 CST.© AFP //.. Let's face it, most people don't have the time, energy or inclination to try to separate truth from lies, in our world today......we've come to a conclusion that may be of help to those who can't, or won't, do their own digging for the truth. The conclusion is that you can, with a reasonable degree of certainty, assume that the truth about any major political event can be found more or less 180 degrees from what politicians or the media (especially US and European politicians and media) claim.Try it out. ...So take any current major political news item in the media and, in your mind, flip it 180 degrees. When reading the headline or summary of a news item, simply reverse the statement that it makes. I can assure you that this 180 version will be a lot closer to the truth. Take for example Vladimir Putin's recent election victory. Check the headlines from major Western 'news' corporations and you'll see that they all smear, subtly and not so subtly, Putin's win with allegations of 'corruption'. ..... which is not surprising since there are about 3 or 4 actual Western 'news' agencies that report on events and then simply share the information with their subsidiaries. ...... As for the allegations of 'carousel voting' (where people cast more than one vote in different stations), these come from a US government-funded 'NGO' called GOLOS, which is controlled by the CIA front organisations USAID and the 'National Endowment for Democracy' which claims to be "supporting freedom around the world". That's the kind of freedom that often requires the death of a million civilians before it can take hold, like 'operation Iraqi freedom' for example. In December 2011, Russian news website Life News published emails it claimed show correspondence between the US State Dept. and Golos that discuss payments for work done to discredit the results of Russia's parliamentary vote. None of these flagrant lies and manipulations would be quite so galling however, if they weren't so flagrantly hypocritical. ..(...)
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