Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Nazification of America Continues


Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U. S. media covers up 

EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News
The Nazification of America

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

Sunday March 11, 2012
On Bourbon Street in New Orleans' famous French Quarter, paratroopers from Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, patrol nearly deserted streets. Photo: US Army
UNITED STATES of America - Today we bring you the latest in the occupation U.S. government's gestapo activity (the latest incident in Berkley, California) that is now escalating on American soil.
Michael Meehan, Berkeley Police Chief, Sent Armed Cop to Reporter's Home At Midnight, Potentially Violated First Amendment 2012/ 03/ 10/ michael-meehan-berkeley-police_n_1336992.html
image: hearingvoices. com

It is now abundantly clear that the enemy of the American People is within aka the TREASONOUS Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the political, judicial, black intelligence, financial banking elite and their enablers, the corporate fascist, extortion friendly U.S. media thugs, who have become Joseph Goebbels Inc.

Note: The battle lines are drawn as they were in 1776 when the American revolutionaries faced a corrupt, tyrannical British monarchy that wanted to turn the American colonists into serfs.
images: cuttingedge. org and tulanelink. com
pic: puppetgov. com
At this hour alleged pResident, foreign bornBarack Hussein Obama-Soetoro, has brought foreign mercenaries (New Zealand SSA) to work directly with U.S. black intelligence and traitorous elements of the U.S. military to declare total martial law on U.S. soil, the declaration to coincide with a financial emergency that will then trigger another 9/11 style BLACK OP.

Reference: U.S. black intelligence is Bush P2 CIA and the pending financial emergency still deals with the derivative laden European banks.

P.S. Another direct message to the American People:

Know your enemy, know what you are dealing with and pivot!

Here is what we are dealing with:
1. The TREASONOUS National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) recently passed by Congress and signed by Obama gives corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder the right to illegally arrest and assassinate American citizens on American soil WITHOUT habeas corpus.

2. The BushFRAUD era Patriot Act, which has recently been strengthened by Congress, now gives the TREASONOUS National Security Agency (NSA) the right to wiretap the phone conversations and monitor the emails of every U.S. citizen on American soil.

3. The forthcoming Obama UN-Constitutional healthcare mandate, which will force thousands of small U.S. businesses to provide health insurance for all of their employees, and given the weak U.S. economy, force these small businesses into bankruptcy.

4. The newest U.S. hate crime legislation, (a spinoff of the 2009 hate crime legislation), which if passed by Congress and signed by Obama will turn the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution into a corpse.

P.P.S. Stay tuned for another emergency intelligence briefing at any moment.

We are working on a developing story that will finger JP Morgan Chase, along with the corrupt financial regulators: the CFTC, the NFA and the SEC, in conspiring together to violate the statute of the Federal Wiretapping Act during the period of the MF Global-JP Morgan bankruptcy fiasco.

Note: Sources close to the U.S. Senate Banking Committee are revealing that JP Morgan usedillegal wiretaps aimed at MF Global customers (CME insured customer segregated accounts) and then shared private, confidential information of the MF Global customers with the aforementioned corrupt financial regulatory bodies.

Reference: The private, confidential information included bank account numbers and addresses and phone numbers of girlfriends and other personal associations of the MF Global customers and employees.

Note: JP Morgan eventually collected MF Global's margin call, then declared the MF Global trade a non-credit event, shorted MF Global stock and then illegally laundered the proceeds of the short sell, along with all of MF Global's customer segregated funds, through the London LIFFE Exchange.

MF Global funds were turned into illegalcompounded cross-collateralized derivatives, which were just used in the latest Greek-European Central Bank money laundry.

What are the financial regulators doing at this hour? They are engaged in illegal wiretapping of whistleblowers who bring you this information aka the truth.

In closing, call your county Sheriff and vote for Ron Paul.

Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin speaks as he chairs a Cabinet meeting in the government headquarters in Moscow, on February 9, 2012. Putin suggested today that all tycoons who made fortunes in the controversial privatisation deals of the 1990s pay a one-off fee to the state.
Russian President Vladimir Putin

Getty Images

We want to, once again, congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin on his overwhelming presidential re-election victory in the Russian Federation and his continuing work in the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, which will return $1.575 TRILLION back to the U.S. Treasury. 

Tom Heneghan EXPLOSIVE Intelligence Briefings


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 11-Mar-2012 18:08:34

Currently, four priests are being investigated for laundering money out of the Vatican’s official bank, the Institute for the Works of Religion, (IOR). According to official reports, dating back to 2010, which can be verified, there has been “hundreds of thousands of dollars” laundered through this bank by unknown sources. In order to stop the illegal hemorrhaging, Pope Benedict XVI put several stop gap measures into place as part of the Vatican’s “anti-money laundering laws.” The financial rabbit holes that run under the Vatican are both long and deep. Shadow banking is one of the reasons why the dots were unable to be connected to the mysterious death surrounding Pope John Paul I. He was found dead on September 29, 1978. Pope John Paul I had only served 33 days as the papal leader. The Vatican stated that he died of natural causes, a heart attack. Some sources refuse to acknowledge that Pope John Paul I died of a heart attack. These sources thought that he was murdered because there were too many mitigating factors. Pope John Paul I was about to make a number of appointments and dismissals of Cardinals that were the top managers of the Vatican banking operations. In addition, the opinions of Pope John Paul I regarding in vitro fertilization and contraception were not in line with the teachings of the church. He was going to grant his blessings for the use of birth control and acknowledge children which were not conceived naturally. Then, the first case was brought against a priest for sexually preying on children in the Catholic church that had been settled out of court, which Pope John Paul I was against. He thought the priest should have been tried in the court of law and suffered the outcome, whether good or bad.

Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 11-Mar-2012 18:09:32

There are a number of Freemasons from Propaganda Due or P2 lodge that are secretly operating within the Vatican bank. These Masons are right wing conservatives, who originally formed the lodge in order to fight communism. Its members consist of Italian heads of State, other governmental officials, police chiefs, businessmen, and journalists. Pope Benedict XVI wants to make changes to the financial arm of the Vatican. His changes are not as revolutionary as those were of Pope John Paul I. Pope John Paul I wanted to clear the Vatican Bank of all the Freemasons and their dirty dealings. Supposedly, Robert Calvi, who headed the bank of Milan, was convicted of currency fraud. More than 1.3 billion had been missing from bank funds. A large portion of the missing money had been taken by the Vatican Bank. Over thirty people died under mysterious circumstances that were involved in this financial scheme. The top names among the dead were Pope John Paul I, an advisor to Pope John Paul I, Michele Sindona, who was poisoned in prison, Robert Calvi, who was found hanging from the Black Friars Bridge in London’s financial district. and Calvi’s private secretary, Graziella Corrocher, who jumped to her death. Nothing has changed in almost 30 years at the Vatican Bank. In the 1980’s the bank was responsible for providing financial kickbacks toward international politics and masonry activity, allowing money laundering by arms dealers and the Mafia, and permitted the CIA to funnel money through its bank to fund the Solidarity movement in Poland. The connecting of the dots throughout the years should give a clearer picture in 2012.


Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 11-Mar-2012 18:11:12

Allegations of corruption were made regarding how the Vatican awards contracts, the Vatican bank was accused of money laundering, and supposedly there was an internal plot to kill Pope Benedict XVI. In January 2011, the US Department of Justice indicted 91 members along with 36 of their associates of the seven largest Mafia crime families. Heads of the International Drug Enforcement Units have stated that the Vatican may be at the hub of laundering drug money for the international members of the Mafia, a.k.a. La Cosa Nostra. The Vatican bank sent EURO23 million to JP Morgan Frankfurt, which is the location of Clearstream, SA, and EURO3 million was sent to Banca del Fucino, a central-Italian bank. However, the bank explained that they have not done anything wrong. They were just transferring funds between their own accounts. Even though the investigation is on-going, the money has been released back to the Vatican. These large monetary transfers took place at a time when certain governments in the Middle East and some parts of Africa were in danger of being overthrown by US operatives - - Arab Spring. The funds that generated revenue for these collapsing governments involved in Arab Spring were frozen by international authorities. So, who financially assisted these governments which were being taken over by anti-government forces? How was the money funneled to these governments in order to make the financial transactions seem legitimate? Built on the tradition of money and power, the secret Masonry society within the Vatican had the financial capabilities to thwart the spread of communism. Therefore, this secret society had the ability to send money overseas, the money would be processed through different banking institutions, and; then, the money would be sent to participating banks that helped finance governments which were in danger of being overthrown by US operatives.

Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 11-Mar-2012 18:12:28

Islamic banks have been chipping away at the banking profits of the Rothschild’s. Shariah Law prevents these banks from charging interest. These banks are rapidly growing, have stability, and are very popular among the increasing Muslim majority. Therefore, North Africans, Middle Easterners and citizens from other countries no longer have the need to invest in Western banks. This could be why the US government has accused the Vatican bank of funding terrorism. In order to give the Vatican’s covert banking system an even playing field, Pope Benedict XVI appointed 22 new cardinals, which are “elector cardinals.” These appointments will give Europe 67 Cardinals, which is an advantage of 9 cardinals against 22 from Latin America, 21 from Africa and Asia, and 15 from North America. However, with praise and prediction, the Italian media said that Timothy Dolan, a US Archbishop appointed to Cardinal, has the potential of being the next Pope. These statements by the Italian media only confirm that the US is part of the internal power struggle within the Vatican because Dolan does not have enough votes in his favor to become Pope. As a result of these appointments by the Papacy, a secret group of Cardinals have been alienated. Then, information from a report that was written in German, which is the ethnicity of the Pope, in order to conceal the revelation about a plot to kill Pope Benedict XVI, was leaked to the international media.

Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 11-Mar-2012 18:13:41

Some members of the Vatican think that the whistleblowers who told authorities on the Vatican’s illicit financial transactions were attempting to “discredit Benedict's papacy with "irresponsible and undignified behavior."’ The papacy stated that they are more than willing to make their business procedures within the Vatican banking system more transparent. Therefore, procedures have to be put into place and followed by the authorities of the Holy See in order to stop terrorism and money laundering. In the meantime, the Vatican bank has asked to be added to the “white list” of European countries that comply with the “international standards against tax fraud and money laundering.” The committee is expected to render its decision in June. On the other hand, there are other officials within the Vatican that have a problem with how much information the bank should provide before the new financial laws are to be put into place. The Vatican bank has always played both ends against the middle when it came to funding covert international operations. However, these new laws may prevent corruption; but as a consequence, they will prevent the Vatican from providing covert aid to governments which are in danger of being overthrown by communist operatives. Pope Benedict XVI, whose health is conveniently failing, turns 85 in April.

Poofness - 12-11- 12 The Silly Season

Subject: The Silly Season
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2012 18:13:17 -0400

Plastic Jim Lyrics
Sly & The Family Stone

All the plastic people
What do they all come for?

Plastic Jim
All his thoughts have faded
He cannot be degraded
'Cause all his friends are jaded
Plastic Jim

Plastic Jim
Thirteen years of school
Might have a swimming pool
He just cannot be cool
Plastic Jim

Plastic Jim
He can't control his mind
Twice a week he's kind
The rest of the time he's lyin'
Plastic Jim

All the plastic people
What do they all come for?

Plastic Jim
Will give you a conversation
To avoid a situation
That needs contemplation
Plastic Jim

Plastic Jim
With the cellophane smile
Ain't never been a problem child
But he will be after a while
Plastic Jim

Plastic Jim
Will take a blind man's glasses
Will steal a dead man's ashes
When his ego crashes
Plastic Jim

All the plastic people
What do they all come for?

Greetings and Salutations:

  The above lyrics are my comment on the political season in the us, 'Vote for me, I'll set you free!' Oh, yea we're definitely doing the '60's again. There was a march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala, Again! Over the same subject, for God's sake. Sorry the world is going forward, the bridge back to the 'good ole days', has been destroyed, not even the pylons exist any more. Exactly what that was, will be explained in the announcements. Truth, it wouldn't matter who was elected, republican or democrat, there will be no reinvention of sliced bread or the wheel. This event, stopped all the 'figuring' on how the bad guys could get control again, now it's about survival for them...will we have 'something'. 'What are you crying now for?',.
my dad used say, 'you weren't crying when you did it'

 So, I jumped the gun, last week, shoulda thought about something a trader said once, 'don't matter what it is, it takes them a week to do it'. But, I'll tell you they blew this puppy up a few days ago...globally....all very quietly so no one noticed. I bet few noticed that big solar flare that blew thru here the other day. We got 'radiated' and the energy in and around the planet ramped up again. This event was similar to the flare that came thru here. In my analogy, we got bombarded with pure freedom particles, the precursor before that freedom is put in your hot little hands, the end of speculation. The greater wisdom prevailed, 'git the killin' dun now, and we won't have to do it later, every time one of them varmints tries to raid the storage lockers again'. The 'whack a mole' thing after was not seen as a way forward, to quickly launch the planet and it's
peoples into it's future. Much is sitting on the shelf and ready to go. Since 1984, the rafter folks have been busy bringing all of this 'change' into fruition, right down on the ground. Many years before that, the 'need" was seen, and acted upon so, the storing away began, the saving up for the rainy day, so to speak.

 The calm has come, the chatter has quit, I think some told them all to shut up and anyone that is talking is full of horse manure, doing a cover story for all the silence and people's need to for feed back all the time. It's like when my dad was driving and silent, he'd veer of the road into an ice cream place. No warning. Everything in your little world suddenly exploded in great joy, as it dawned on you what just happened. I feel something similar is taking place. I go to my forth child thing, you get a feel for things in the house before the other children do...Mostly because you're nosy and everyone is always telling you to shut up or go away, yea, like they got something to hide...lololo....I Must know! The best I could ever tell you things were in place for this or that. These 'pre-emptive' strikes they have done across the planet, did what was intended, caught everybody off guard. Clearly an 'Art of War' move on the planetary chess board.

 From now on, all will happen like dominoes falling. This is orderly, reaction to it will most likely not be. How did you act when you got sent to your room? Just because we're talking about grown folks, doesn't mean they don't act like spoiled brats, privately. They have acted like bullies, but bullies don't know what to do, when someone 'buys' one of their 'wolf tickets', they usually cry on the way home. Like Cart Man on South Park. We will do what we know to do, the time has come, the injustices will be conquered, we will have clean air and water, we will learn there is no lack, and that there is plenty for everyone. Politics will be a thing of the past. The need to argue about anything will end. These are the marks of an advanced, civilization. Think about it...well you have plenty of time to consider your navel when this happens. It'll take a moment to stop conjuring something in your minds that's 'wrong', ridding the mind of the goblins and ghosts. I don't know if there's anything else that needs done before the 'great flip', the money is already moving. By now, every world leader knows it by now, if I know it why wouldn't they know. I understand Mr Putin got the, 'no we're beating the swords into plowshares' speech and finally signed onto the big picture. The old grey mare ain't what she used to be.

 I think I'm done, I suppose this next week will determine that. Stop thinking, you are entering a 5 start trust, listen to what you're told, don't bother taking internet advice about anything right now, the world has never been here before, so why not read the manual first, before assuming anything? The answer to stopping wars is, control the money, see no profit in it. Trying to get control of countries' resources for profit, will no longer fly out here in the big world is over. Everybody 'profits', now.

Take care. See ya out there.

Love and Kisses;


Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 11-Mar-2012 17:31:31

Hi, Folks -
Found at
3-11-2012 Intel Guru DinarWishes I dont have a clue as to what is the reason we havent seen this...I know we are close but, by design we are not supposed to know it all...Im really surprised we know as much as we do...I wish I could say it is all over but alas I cant...Im missing a piece of the Puzzle we may never get...But, post RV we really wont care...Will we???


3-11-2012 Intel Guru Bluwolf it is out of any countries hands and it has been for awhile...people just think that Iraq is the only one to rv and they are wrong, this is a rv of 195 countries and they are in the banking system now and there is no going back,, one will see it until the cycle ends in the USA. We are there, waiting for process to filter and go live.

3-11-2012 Intel Guru Jonnywg the past few days are as close as it gets... today brings us promise...we expect little intel today but this Sunday could be an important it happens, the team here will provide the info...we were told that the bugs and glitches were almost completely resolved, completely as it is wrapping it up...It is believed uploading to forex was in opens at 5pm est today.

If I Were the Devil: Paul Harvey (Warning for a Nation)

Do you remember the famous ABC radio news commentator Paul Harvey?
Millions of Americans listened to his programs which were broadcast over 1,200 radio stations nationwide.
The following commentary was broadcast 47 years ago.... April 3, 1965.
This video is less than 3 minutes.
Notice especially what he said in 7 seconds, from 1:57 to 2:04 in the broadcast. 

Intel from Contact 2 THIS IS A MUST LISTEN


This is from last year but well worth it!!!

Fountain Of Youth discovered by 70 yr old woman

Ron Paul gets first win in Virgin Islands

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Ron Paul gets first win in Virgin Islands
Posted By: Sacred_Scientist [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 11-Mar-2012 10:58:41

Ron Paul gets first win in Virgin Islands but all news agencies report Romney
Ron Paul 29% 112
Mitt Romney 26% 101
Rick Santorum 6% 23
Newt Gingrich 5% 18
"Uncommitted"??? 34% 130
These are the official results from the Virgin Islands GOP, yet AP and therefore most major mainstream news organizations that receive information from them are reporting that somehow Mitt Romney has just won the contest in the Virgin Islands.