Monday, March 26, 2012

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: Over 200 Senior Bankers Arrested Last Week as New Financial System Goes Online

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: Over 200 Senior Bankers Arrested Last Week as New Financial System Goes Online
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 26-Mar-2012 10:41:10

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis
The new financial system is online now and abundant financing is either already or soon to be made available, according to dragon family representatives. The final take down of the criminal cabal has also begun in earnest with over 200 senior bankers arrested and 450 resigned last week alone, these sources say. Japan is also now doing the final paperwork needed to set up an international economic planning agency with an initial funding facility of $10 trillion or about 200 times what the World Bank lends every year, according to Japanese government sources. There will be some sort of announcement about this and other things on Tuesday evening, March 27th, 2012 Japan Standard Time according to illuminati and White Dragon Society sources. The arrest of some very high profile individuals is imminent.

More Dinar Talk

cashinqueen] so are we assuming that with the summit starting tomorrow 27th will show us an rv today... or have they decided to show up with toliet paper LOL

[eleanor] Iraq needs a new currency,(LDs), with a higher value,(close to $1 as there used to using the US dollar), they also talk about dropping three zeroes(constantly), maybe the reason for .86, but they also need about $4.00 to support their budget(however they've been surviving on a tenth of a penny for over 8 years). The PTB have caused the banks here and abroad a great deal of money to prepare for this RV,yet only one Power in this universe knows what's going on. Just how smart are we?

cashinqueen] Showing up with currency worth toilet paper at a prominent event 
[jubalation] cashinqueen can you imagine such an important event with NO toilet paper? Huh? lol lo

[chiefapostle] lauelei gm Maliki has signed off and Shabibi made the RV (in country) announcement yesterday.We are waiting on the US to say it is live to the Banks. This is according to intel they have some confirmation and waiting on some more. This is still considered a rumor. 
[go-go-rv] chiefapostle or just intel?
Cheifapostle: Both

chiefapostle] go to cap1 or ptr forum it is there and i think recap the rest i heard on cc's yesterday. all is well. we must believe. it's too late for them to reschedule 
and the summit starts tomorrow. we must not doubt now there is not another date!

[go-go-rv] chiefapostle i pray they can't stop the RV from showing today

Bald Eagle] worldhope I would say that the time to announce it would be upon the 
opening of the meeting, since all these Countries own tons of the Dinar, they 
would be being paid nicely for being there! JMO

[Bald Eagle] Friends, please think about this. We are in an investment of Global 
Proportions. We are not a pivotal part of this EXCEPT that we have too much 
information. We are being fed bad data by the Govt. to keep everyone off 
balance. Sooo don't expect much,, other than an RV which is great! IMO

[Moonchild29] the problem is that the RV should have happened long ago.

[USAREMENTOR] Moonchild29 : you have to remember this RV morphed into a global re-alignment...

trex] The one good thing about delays, the rate we hear keeps going higher the langer we wait

jwaynec] I am with FWB on this it will be today/tomorrow as this is like a battleplan for all this to fall into place and the timing is perfect.

qf1]* FOLKS, no matter how loudly one proclaims the 'RV' is here. No matter who 
says, 'it can't go past this event or time' --- NOBODY knows when this is going 
to hit ... PERIOD! Are we closer? Yep, because time keeps moving forward. Can 
anyone predict the hour (or even the day)? Guesses at best.

[qf1] nbr3bagshotrow --- well, it isn't that 'sources' don't know -- it's that then 
the people take that info and try to predict a date, time and rate ... not smart 
when the target is missed everyday - multiple times per day. It is hard to hit a 
butterfly from 1000 yards away with a pellet gun. 

[qf1]** Just remember folks ... NOBODY knows the exact hour or probably even the exact day this RI/RV shall happen. We make 'best' guess assesments based on info we obtain. Please stay grounded and don't let anyone steal your joy! It is hard to hit a butterfly at a 1000yrds with a B-B gun. :)

generals64] Hey, i am still excited about the whole thing...I still believe it is real....I 
just want to go to the "Creative Writing Class" with some of the other guys/gals...

[mimi3] generals64 Are you still hearing shabb's made the announcement?
[generals64] mimi3 :...I';ve never heard any difference....

[generals64] mimi3 :...I was told EARLY this morning it would happen before 8:30 this morning....Hmmmm??????

[mimi3] I heard itfrom another source too!! one as educated as you!!
[mimi3] 2morrow is the summit !! that gives me real hope

eleanor] generals64 How do you really feel this morning. Do you feel you've been lied to or misinformed all along?

[generals64] I don't feel like I have been lied to as i think that most (notice most) of the intel providers are just repeating what they hear.... the people...Okie for 
instance hear from someone who supposedly knows....Our sources...same way...they only thing I don;t do nor does the people we work repeat what is floating in the GURU world.....

The Portal - The Hessdalen Lights Phenomenon

New Whistleblower Emerges at JPMorgan Chase.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

New Whistleblower Emerges at JPMorgan Chase.
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 26-Mar-2012 07:54:05

Source: Alcin Bramerton
New whistleblower emerges at JPMorgan Chase.
JPMC actively involved in manipulation of LIBOR and precious metals futures.
JPMC hid client assets from MF Global. Greece holds hidden derivatives in excess of $1 trillion to which JPMC is a substantial counterparty.
Cascading global credit event imminent.
The following letter was originally posted on the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission website in the public comments section.
From: Z A N
Organization: JPMorgan Chase
Comment No: 57019
Date: 3/14/2012
Dear CFTC Staff,
Hello, I am a current JPMorgan Chase employee. This is an open letter to all commissioners and regulators.
I am emailing you today b/c I know of insider information that will be damning at best for JPMorgan Chase.
I have decided to play the role of whistleblower b/c I no longer have faith and belief that what we are doing for society is bringing value to people.
I am now under the opinion that we are actually putting hard working Americans unaware of what lays ahead at extreme market risk.
This risk is unnecessary and will lead to wide-scale market collapse if not handled properly.
With the release of Mr. Smith's open letter to Goldman, I too would like to set the record straight for JPM as well.
I have seen the disruptive behavior of superiors and no longer can say that I look up to employees at the ED/MD level here at JPM.
Their smug exuberance and arrogance permeates the air just as pungently as rotting vegetables.
They all know too well of the backdoor crony connections they share intimately with elected officials and with other institutions.
It is apparent in everything they do, from the meager attempts to manipulate LIBOR, therefore controlling how almost all derivatives are priced to the inherit and fraudulent commodities manipulation.
They too may have one day stood for something in the past in the client-employee relationship. Does anyone in today's market really care about the protection of their client?
From the ruthless and scandalous treatment of MF Global client asset funds to the excessive bonuses paid by companies with burgeoning liabilities.
Yes, we at JPMorgan that are in the know are fearful of a cascading credit event being triggered in Greece as they have hidden derivatives in excess of $1 Trillion USD.
We at JPMorgan own enough of these through counterparty risk and outright prop trading that our entire IB EDG space could be annihilated within a few short days.
The last ten years has been market by inflexion point after inflexion point with the most notable coming in 2008 after the acquisition of Bear Stearns.
I wish to remain anonymous as of now as fear of termination mounts from what I am about to reveal.
Robert Gottlieb is not my real name; however he is a trader that is involved in a lawsuit for manipulative trading while working with JPMorgan Chase.
He was acquired during our Bear Stearns acquisition and is known to be the notorious person shorting in the silver future market from his trading space, along with Blythe Masters, his IB Global boss.
However, with that said, we are manipulating the silver futures market and playing a smaller (but still massively manipulative) role in manipulating the gold futures market.
We have a little over a 25% (give or take a percentage) position in the short market for silver futures and by your definition this denotes a larger position than for speculative purposes or for hedging and is beyond the line of manipulation.
On a side note, I do not work directly with accounts that would have been directly impacted by the MF Global fiasco but I have heard through other colleagues that we have involvement in the hiding of client assets from MF Global.
This is another fraudulent effort on our part and constitutes theft.
I urge you to forward that part of the investigation on to the respective authorities.
There is something else that you may find strange. During month-end December, we were all told by our managers that this was going to be a dismal year in terms of earnings and that we should not expect any bonuses or pay raises.
Then come mid-late January it is made known that everyone received a pay raise and/or bonus, which is interesting b/c just a few weeks ago we were told that this was not likely and expected to be paid nothing in addition to base salary.
January is right around the time we started increasing our short positions quite significantly again and this most recent crash in gold and silver during Bernanke's speech on February 29th is of notable importance, as we along with 4 other major institutions, orchestrated the violent $100 drop in Gold and subsequent drops in silver.
As regulators of the free people of this country, I ask you to uphold the most important job in the world right now.
That job is judge and overseer of all that is justice in the most sensitive of commodity markets. There are many middle-income people that invest in the physical assets of silver, gold, as well as mining stocks that are being financially impacted in a negative way b/c of our unscrupulous shorts in the precious metals commodity sector.
If you read the COT with intent you will find that commercials (even though we have no business being in the commercial sector, which should be reserved for companies that truly produce the metal) are net short by a long shot in not only silver, but gold.
It is rather surprising that what should be well known liabilities on our balance sheet have not erupted into wider scale scrutinization.
I call all honest and courageous JPMorgan employees to step up and fight the cronyism and wide-scale manipulation by reporting the truth.
We are only helping reality come to light therefore allowing a real valuation of our banking industry which will give investors a chance to properly adjust without being totally wiped out.
I will be contacting a lawyer shortly about this matter, as I believe no other whistleblower at JPMorgan has come forward yet.
Our deepest secrets lie within the hands of honest employees and can be revealed through honest regulators that are willing to take a look inside one of America's best kept secrets.
Please do not allow this to turn into another Enron.
Kind Regards,
The 1st Whistleblower of Many
More background here (16.03.12),
here (15.03.12)
and here (15.03.12).

This Blog now approaching 9 Million viewers drive byes!

WOW - don't know how to express this. A one man effort with a heart and plenty of support by yourself --- just speechless now. Headed for 9 million hits. Geeeeeeeeeeeee!

Thank You All.

Thank You LORD

John MacHaffie


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The Video the Pentagon doesn't want you to see!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

lest we forget: The Video the Pentagon doesn't want you to see!
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 26-Mar-2012 04:28:01


Message from Montague Keen - March 23, 2012

Message from Montague Keen - March 23, 2012

Message from Montague Keen - March 23, 2012
The Great Awakening is happening. You see evidence of this every day now. Your oppressors are anxiously searching for new ways to keep mankind under control. Though they have technology that is far superior to anything known to ordinary people, it does not matter what they try, it will fail. 2012 sees the end of their reign of terror and abuse of mankind. Evidence of how TV is used to control the information is being researched. People are shocked when they see for themselves the extent of this control. Everything, from the moment you were born, has been carefully designed to control your mind and your life. Those bloodlines have a lot to answer for: they stole all that was yours by right. The ancient knowledge that was hidden will be returned to you. We are finding ways to guide you to it.
The Vatican colluded with the banksters and so a great deal is hidden there. It is because of this that your world is in turmoil. The evil they unleashed on your world is responsible for all the wars, famines and suffering. Because they controlled your minds, it was easy to control everything else. You are all brainwashed, some to a lesser degree than others. Religions were created for this very purpose. You have only to look around you to see how successful this has been.
As people are beginning to see through all this and they look at those that they were encouraged to laugh at and ridicule, they now see these people in a new light. They see them as the brave souls that they are. They stood for truth. It is indeed a brave soul who stands up for truth in your world today. Join them and assist them in spreading the word of truth. Look deep into your own soul for the real truth. You will find it there. It has always been there, but because you have been controlled and not given the skills to find it for yourselves, you allowed others to tell you what to think and what to do. You bought into a monitory system that is so corrupt that it has made slaves of you, ever since.
Help is on its way. You can see, each evening before the stars come out, the space ships, all ready and waiting for the opportunity to come to your rescue. It is very reassuring for you to be able to actually see that they are there. They will not abandon you. They are familiar with everything on Earth: how it works and how to replace all that has been removed to prevent you from developing as you should have done.
My dear, this weekend, you will learn of the importance of Sacred Geometry. How it is used in mind-control in your everyday lives. The Cabal took all that was good and misused it for their own advantage. It is time to take back what is yours. Connect with your higher self. Take control of your own lives. Connect only with what is good and wholesome. There are countries in your world which control every thought and action of their people. These poor people have never known freedom. They live and die without ever knowing what life on Earth could be and should be.
You – yes, all of you – are the freedom fighters who will free mankind. This, you happily chose to carry out, before you returned to Earth. Sadly, you will have to endure many more FALSE FLAG scenarios. All these are carried out to create fear and to confuse. They even kill their own when they think they can profit from it or gain sympathy for their so-called plight. They have done it many times and will continue to do it as long as it pays dividends. They want your world, every inch of it. They only want enough of you in order to maintain it in the fashion that they desire. They have tried to ‘con’ you into accepting this; now they are prepared to take it by force. How many times have you heard popes, presidents and prime ministers say, "When we have our New World Order, and we will!" They are so sure of themselves that they believed you would meekly accept that they know best. They actually believed that 1% could bully, brainwash and cajole the other 99% into acquiescing. Well, mankind is not prepared to act as sheep anymore. The people are remembering who they are and that this planet is theirs. It does not belong to the Cabal.
It is time for the Cabal to leave planet Earth and for mankind to live in peace.
We are preventing and exposing as much as we can. It is a team effort on this side of life also. Together, we will defeat the Cabal. The advantage that we have is that we see and hear everything. We read their thoughts and we know their plans the moment they are thought of. They cannot hide from us.
You will be busy this weekend, learning about Sacred Geometry. It is very interesting, my dear, and most beneficial to understand and use at all times. I will be there, enjoying it with you. It is very important ancient knowledge that needs to be understood and used by all.
We have much to do. So let's get on with it. Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 26-Mar-2012 02:16:24

Hi, Folks -
Thanks to Reader W. for this link to the updated list of resignations:

Military Insider says Troops are moving into Position to Begin Mass Arrests of Cabal (Audio)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Military Insider says Troops are moving into Position to Begin Mass Arrests of Cabal (Audio)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 25-Mar-2012 23:53:03
Military Insider says Troops are moving into Position to Begin Mass Arrests of Cabal (Audio)
Short clip: (15 min)
5/12 Drake Addresses the U.S. Military on MASS Arrests of the Dark Elite - YouTube
Full version: (1 hr 46 min)
MAKE THIS VIRAL! Freedom Reigns-Mass Arrests for the cabal - YouTube