Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"The Secret Gov is attempting to clamp down the lid on Pandora's Box.."

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Kerry Cassidy: "The Secret Gov is attempting to clamp down the lid on Pandora's Box.."
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 27-Mar-2012 12:50:02

March 27, 2012
Click here for the Democracy Now Report
This report dated May 18th comes of no surprise to those of us who deal with whistleblowers from above top secret however it is notable in that it brings into focus how a crackdown on revealing truth about violations within standard Matrix government also reveals a corresponding crackdown on all whistleblowers. It is obvious that any attempt to prosecute whistleblowers from black projects (top secret and above) would simply reveal that such projects exist and this they cannot have.
Place this report next to the recent lawsuit against Bill Brockbrader and Wolf radio and it immediately becomes clear that this may even be some attempt on the part of the Matrix government (by that I mean the surface government not to be confused with the REAL SECRET GOV operating with impunity without regard to protocols that demand representing the "People") to cross the line without appearing to do so. Again, as mentioned below in my statement "CAMELOT'S STAND ON THE MATTER" (see March 23) this attempt to prosecute a whistleblower by attempting to prove his above top secret unit (SEAL Team Nine) does not exist is an exercise in futility on their part.
This brings one around to the GARY McKINNON case where the government, again Matrix gov, crosses the line into the Secret Gov and does their bidding without quite knowing what they are supposed to do... and McKinnon, sadly, following the advice of counsel fell back on a defense of "aspergers's syndrome" for his defense tactic when taking the high road and emphasizing what he REALLY FOUND which was clear evidence of A SECRET SPACE PROGRAM that included off-world fleet to fleet transfers of materials and lists of officers apparently assigned OFF-PLANET.. that line of defense WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH MORE LIKELY TO GET HIS CASE DROPPED simply because in prosecuting they force the issue of revealing the above top secret world they so desire to KEEP SECRET. You see the problem?
So herein is the dilemma that whistleblowers coming forward now face and that the Secret Gov must handle because once a person becomes public it is not so easy to simply 'knock them off'. Indeed what recourse do they have? The Secret Gov must act without revealing its true nature or mission and that requires of course, using the Matrix gov patsy's to do their bidding without knowing what or why they are doing what they are doing! An interesting quandary.
The bottom line here is two-fold:
1. The truth is coming out as part of the WAVE OF AWAKENING that is in part being stimulated by the incoming energies to our solar system and corresponding repair of DNA taking place in humanity's genome. This is happening simultaneously, that is the awareness reaching the hearts and minds while their DNA repairs itself in a sea of energy that even HAARP and chemstrails and bad food and water cannot contain...
2. The Secret Gov is attempting to clamp down the lid on Pandora's Box all the tighter while desperately trying to keep their very existence SECRET. Not an easy task.
Where is this leading? Well to a CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS where on the one hand the Secret Gov/Secret Space program ROGUE WORLD is fast colliding with the MUNDANE MATRIX GOV/ PROGRAMMED SHEEPLE contingent who are waking up at an astounding rate and no longer willing to be "managed"...
Watch as this cross-over begins in earnest because it is starting to happen NOW. This IS THE CONVERGENCE of TIMELINES.. this is where the Earth entity and Humanity as One BEGIN TO COME INTO SELF REALIZATION. As this happens and the chakras of Earth and Humanity open and CONNECT... resulting in a gradual but permanent state of enlightenment also known as "Ascension".
It is however important to note that this awakening and corresponding MERGE is not going to come easily or without pain to both sides... The force of resistance increases with respect to the FORCE OF CHANGE... and some sparks and the sound of things smashing together is unavoidable as long as the force of status quo refuses to acknowledge it's shadow self also known as "the light". This will be accomplished regardless of their preference. However note it may take longer and look like the dark side is prevailing for longer than one would wish simply because they are going to fight so hard against it.
More at Kerry's Blog

Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 27-Mar-2012 03:45:04

Hi, Folks -
Found at dinarguru.com - discernment is advised:
3-26-2012 Intel Guru BWM An RV is a change in the EXCHANGEABLE RATE of a currency allowing you to trade in a currency for a value in a different currency...as of this moment, my banker (at a big 4 bank) has NOT seen a verifiable change in the value of the Iraqi dinar...but we wait.

3-26-2012 Intel Guru Bulldog75 Everything has the earmarks of an RV. When we see the rates at the banks we will say we are there, until then we are still in the process. We are getting reports from select banks that the rate is live on the front screens. No official rate post until the UST allows banks to have an official rate post.

3-26-2012 Intel Guru Footforward I expected the rate to be high, but not nearly as high as it will be...we will have plenty of time to get to the bank, longer than I expected. Is there a guarantee it will show in the morning - no, I wouldn't stick my neck out, but everything is looking good. Rates were showing in different parts of the country last week...it was a test. Rates are showing at banks all over the world...different rates. All banks will receive the actual rate at one time when ready.


Remember This In November

"What you permit, you promote." 
The per person Medicare Part B insurance premium will increase from the present monthly fee of $96.40, rising to: $104.20 in 2012; $120.20 in 2013; And $247.00 in 2014. These are provisions incorporated in the Obamacare legislation, purposely delayed so as not to 'confuse' the 2012 re-election campaigns. Send this to all seniors that you know, so they will know who's throwing them under the bus. In the mean time, Congress has had two pay raises !!!


Beware dangerous new advice to use daily aspirin to prevent cancer

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Beware dangerous new advice to use daily aspirin to prevent cancer
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 27-Mar-2012 02:14:02

(NaturalNews) Before anyone jumps on the latest mainstream media bandwagon and begins taking daily aspirin to prevent cancer, there are several strong reasons to hesitate. To begin with, the study which produced the media storm was flawed and the claimed benefits are highly questionable.
The new aspirin study was conducted by Professor Peter Rothwell at the Stroke Prevention Research Unit at Oxford University. According to the study, taking an aspirin a day could reduce your risk of cancer within three years after beginning the therapy. Only two years earlier, Professor Rothwell published a previous study which suggested that protective benefits would be seen only after 10 years of daily aspirin use.
The new findings are actually just a re-analysis of about 90 previously published studies. For unexplained reasons, the new analysis failed to look at several major US trials which failed to find any protective benefit from aspirin. Also, the average dose of aspirin in the studies which were examined was far above the recommended "safe" dose of 75 mg.
Professor Rothwell appears to have come full circle regarding aspirin. In 2007 he published a study which found that aspirin was a major cause of stroke in the elderly and had caused a sevenfold increase in strokes over the past twenty five years among elderly patients. At the time, he warned that aspirin could soon replace high blood pressure as the leading cause of stroke among the elderly.
Notably, Professor Rothwell has received honoraria for serving on advisory boards, clinical trial committees and giving talks from some pharmaceutical companies with an interest in anti-platelet agents, including Bayer, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Sanofi-BMS and Servier.
For the rest of this article:

Some recent GFL craft sightings ***LOOK*** here is your proof! (short videos)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Some recent GFL craft sightings ***LOOK*** here is your proof! (short videos)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 27-Mar-2012 02:17:34
Some recent GFL craft sightings ***LOOK*** here is your proof!
"Many of you can see us for yourselves and take as much photographic and video evidence as you wish. We of the Ashtar Command are joining with our brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light in allowing more sightings of our ships, as well as much clearer sightings, to act as icebreakers to our presence in your world. Our command is also here in great numbers, and we have ships stationed above many different parts of your planet. Ours is a Mission of Love. We The Alliance for Peace"
1. UFO Sighting - Himalayas - 03/25/2012 - YouTube
Ashtar Command & Galactic Federation of Light Ships
2. UFO mothership releasing fleet of spheres, ufo fleets - YouTube
Ashtar Command Lightship Over Germany 3/23/12
3. ufo spacecraft over germany 03.2012 evaluation of the video - YouTube
Galactic Federation of Light Mother Ship Over New York City, U.S. 03/22/2012
Just days after the Galactic Federation of Light advised they would now increase the number and quality of the sightings of their ships, this mother ship was captured on video orbiting over New York City in the middle of the day. At the end of this video, you will see a small scout ship drop from the mother ship.
4. UFO Sighting - New York City, USA - 03/22/2012 - YouTube
Amazing Footage of Ashtar Command Lightships in Spain
5. Raw Video Footage amazing frog face Ufos Courtesy Santiago Martinez Ufo hunter SPAIN - YouTube

Monday, March 26, 2012

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 26, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 26, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 26-Mar-2012 19:58:01

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 26, 2012
In some ways we would say that our mission nears completion, as we approach a time when all of the work put in to release you from the control of the Illuminati is showing results. It is for you the end of the cycle of duality, and for us simply the means of clearing the way for the commencement of a new cycle. It will be a new beginning and follow a continuation of the raising up of your consciousness levels, to allow you to ascend to even higher levels. We too will be sharing those times with you and are very much a part of your future. We are assisting you to eventually become Galactic Beings, and that will be by you rightfully reclaiming your place with us.
What you have now is not your true reality, but one you have created over millennia of time since you dropped down from the higher dimensions. Not a single soul was forced to do so, and each and every one of you freely volunteered for the experience. You did so with complete faith knowing that however much you strayed from the Light, there would be a time when you would be called back and helped to do so. That time is of course now, and in a short time you will know for certainty that you are firmly on the path to Ascension, and that nothing can stand in its way or delay it. Can you not sense the difference already in the energies around you, as they have become more of the Light and so uplifting. Those of fear have been subdued, and when you obtain confirmation of the extent of the arrests and resignations of the dark Ones, that will also help you to live more peacefully.
The freedom that has been denied you for so long is returning, and you will be in no doubt that the old paradigm has been destroyed. The new one is already taking its place and bringing you a new hope and belief in a wonderful future. Some of you have glimpsed it and it has inspired you and changed your outlook on life. It is so different to what you have now that words seem inadequate to describe it, and one notable aspect is the feeling of love that comes at you from all directions. If you have ever experienced such an energy it is likely to have only been a momentary experience, whereas in the higher dimensions it is continually present. You have an expression that "it is love that makes the world go around" and you do not realize how true it is. Indeed it is the lack of love that has torn your Earth apart and made you feel detached from your godself. Love energy is the most powerful one of all, and could change your circumstances in a flash if you were all able to come together in this way. Many of you have experienced what love can do, particularly where it is used to heal. It can transmute the lower vibrations, and that is why you are often asked to send love to those who are of the dark Cabal.
Think upon these things and when you feel that you want to help Mankind, send out love to those who are clearly in need. The results may not be instantaneous but be assured that it helps even if they take time to be seen. The Light can be built upon such as when you use it to protect yourself. If you are not already a beacon of Light, practice seeing yourself as one and you will surely create it around you. You will also find that you will attract other souls of a like kind, as they will sense your higher vibrations. Imagine if everyone around you was of the Light, and you will begin to get a feel of what it is like to be in the higher dimensions. Do not limit your expectations as to what Ascension means to you, as it will set you free from all of the conflicts and problems that beset you now on Earth. In the future you will want for absolutely nothing, and you will find that the Creator has provided for you in every conceivable way.
So Dear Ones, be determined to ride out whatever comes your way between now and Ascension. Do not let anything get you down as whatever happens it will be short lived. If you suffer losses they will be more than made up to you, and remember that you cannot take anything with you into the higher vibrations unless it is compatible with them. That is why no soul can force its way into them, and will automatically find itself at its correct and corresponding level. Understand that you all progress at your own speed, and have had equal opportunities to choose the path to Ascension. So please do not upset yourself should a near loved one choose differently to you, and honor their freewill choice. Loved ones are never far away, and you will always be able to meet again.
Get ready to enjoy yourselves and feel free to express your feelings, as once the changes come out and you see the benefits you will be ecstatic. Celebrations will be the order of the day, and believe us when we say that we shall organize some memorable events and take part in them. Joy and happiness are getting nearer and will carry you all of the way to Ascension. There are difficult periods still to go through, but nothing will last very long and if it creates new needs we will be on hand to help you. We already work behind the scenes and will be pleased when our activities can be more open. Our priority at present is stopping the warring factions from coming to blows, and we have no doubt that we can prevent any attempts at starting another war. You will be appalled and no doubt angry, when you learn of how many times the dark Ones have tried to start another one in the Middle East. We will not dwell upon such unpleasant things, but you need to know who has worked against you over many, many years, often in the guise of working for you.
We continue to closely monitor Mother Earth as there are physical changes happening, and some areas are more prone to them than others. We are not allowed to stop those that are necessary, but will do all we can to alleviate any harm to you and keep extensive damage to a minimum. Conditions could well have been horrendous if the dark Ones had their way, but we have stopped their plans to induce catastrophes to reduce the population of Earth. We know many of you cannot comprehend that anyone could fall to that extent, but with the almost total loss of Light such souls have lost any feelings of compassion.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you who have given a hand in spreading not just these, but many messages from sources of Light. They have uplifted so many people, and prepared them for Ascension. God bless you all.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.

Fulford Financial Announcement Tuesday Evening Japanese Standard Time 3-27-12

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis
The new financial system is online now and abundant financing is either already or soon to be made available, according to dragon family representatives. The final take down of the criminal cabal has also begun in earnest with over 200 senior bankers arrested and 450 resigned last week alone, these sources say.
Japan is also now doing the final paperwork needed to set up an international economic planning agency with an initial funding facility of $10 trillion or about 200 times what the World Bank lends every year, according to Japanese government sources. 

There will be some sort of announcement about this and other things on Tuesday evening, March 27th, 2012 Japan Standard Time according to illuminati and White Dragon Society sources. 

The arrest of some very high profile individuals is imminent. 

One step closer to "Beam me up, Scotty": Particle-Wave Duality demonstrated in molecules made of 100+ atoms.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

One step closer to "Beam me up, Scotty": Particle-Wave Duality demonstrated in molecules made of 100+ atoms.
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 26-Mar-2012 12:58:18

You seem to be made of solid matter and be in a specific location, right? (OK, at least, most of the time?) But you also have a wave nature, like a beam of light. This is not obvious on the scale of everyday objects, except perhaps in the case of certain paranormal phenomena.
But scientists have now observed wave-like interference patterns for the largest objects ever, molecules containing over 100 atoms. After passing streams of the molecules though two narrow slits close together, there are regions on the other side where the molecules alternately exist and don't exist:
See this article:
The original research paper is here:

Mainstream Print News Appears To Be On The Brink Of Collapse

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Mainstream Print News Appears To Be On The Brink Of Collapse
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 26-Mar-2012 13:42:35

Newspaper readership collapsing as people turn to alternative news for truthful reporting
Traditional, mainstream print news appears to be on the brink of collapse as more and more people turn to independent, primarily online news sources for information. A recent report from Financial Times explains how, from almost every angle, print newspapers are taking a major hit, not only with declines in readership, but also in flailing advertising revenues.
Last year, the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism put out its The State of the News Media 2011 report which found that more Americans now get their news from online sources rather than from print sources (http://www.technolog.msnbc.msn.com). And even though traditional newspapers are increasingly making the migration online, they are still losing $7 in print ads for every dollar in online ads they gain.
News outlets that began online rather than in print seem to be faring just fine, on the other hand, as their advertising and other revenue sources were natively designed for the online environment to begin with. But for traditional mainstream news outlets that began in print, many of which are now owned by corporate conglomerates, the situation is dire.
The controlled media is being exposed as a fraud on every front
However, it is not simply that print is becoming "out of style" so much as it is that print news is largely controlled news, which an increasing number of Americans are growing to distrust. More than half of all Americans, in fact, have indicated that they do not trust the mainstream media to report fair, accurate, and balanced news, which is why many of them have turned to alternative news sources like NaturalNews and InfoWars for independent, full-disclosure coverage of current events (http://www.naturalnews.com/033667_mainstream_media_public_trust.html).
Read more:http://www.naturalnews.com/035350_newspaper_circulation_collapse.html

Over 200 senior bankers arrested last week as new financial system goes online

Over 200 senior bankers arrested last week as new financial system goes online
by Benjamin Fulford, 3-26-12

The new financial system is online now and abundant financing is either already or soon to be made available, according to dragon family representatives. The final take down of the criminal cabal has also begun in earnest with over 200 senior bankers arrested and 450 resigned last week alone, these sources say. Japan is also now doing the final paperwork needed to set up an international economic planning agency with an initial funding facility of $10 trillion or about 200 times what the World Bank lends every year, according to Japanese government sources. There will be some sort of announcement about this and other things on Tuesday evening, March 27th, 2012 Japan Standard Time according to illuminati and White Dragon Society sources. The arrest of some very high profile individuals is imminent.
The general structure of the financial cabal and its top leaders has also now been mapped to some extent. For example, the Rothschild family dynasty leaders have been identified. The Swiss branch of the family is run by David de Rothschild in Geneva, the French branch by Guy de Rothschild, the German branch by Rothschild family member and Hitler daughter Angelina Merkel and the British branch by Evelyn de Rothschild.
In the US, JP Morgan is a Rothschild front.
The Rockefeller family syndicate uses Goldman Sachs and Citibank as its major financial fronts. Bank of America is a front for the Italian black nobility behind the Vatican and the mafia, run in part by Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the former black pope. Pope malevolent the 16th is also a senior member of this satanic group.
The Nazi faction is run by Fuhrer George Bush Senior with Ben Bernanke acting as Deputy Fuhrer. Their chemical and pharmaceutical mass murder division is run by the Du Pont family.
The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is now in Africa forcing families at gunpoint to accept the sterilization by vaccine of their daughters. In North America, Japan and elsewhere the mass sterilization by vaccine is taking place under the guise of protecting girls against cervical cancer. Message to Bill Gates: your company and foundation are going to be confiscated and you are going to spend the rest of your life making restitution.
The United States government has been so compromised by these and other cabal families and their foundation fronts that the upcoming US Presidential “election,” is nothing more than a power struggle between the Chicago mob and their front man Mitt Romney versus the Bush Texas illegal drug mafia and their guy Jeb Bush.
Hopefully the new financial system, once it is fully implemented, will pull the plug on the entire farcical show and Americans will be able to choose their own leaders based on true information provided by free media. For now though, electronically rigged elections and corporate propaganda provide sham democracy for dumbed down and drugged up Americans.
However, a look at the pentagon budget for this upcoming year shows they have dedicated plenty of resources to financing reserve troop units inside the United States. This does not mean they are preparing to put average Americans into FEMA camps as feared by many. To the contrary, they are preparing for a mass round up of cabal agents and proxies, according to pentagon and CIA sources.
There was a clear indication of change on March 20th, when instead of having the cabal scheduled earthquake hit Tokyo, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake hit Oaxaca, Mexico exactly when President Obama’s daughter was vacationing there. Furthermore, this earthquake was advertised in advance through pamphlets distributed locally. This is a clear sign the bad guys no longer play the HAARP.
Another sign of change was the public rebuke of Obama, Clinton and cabal controlled media outlets when the official Chinese government news site, Xinhua stated that North Korea was not on the agenda of the 50 nation nuclear security summit taking place in Soeul [Seoul], Korea this week. The cabal propaganda media has been carrying a fake story about nuclear danger from North Korea even though that country has already announced it will cease nuclear weapons development.
The secret agenda behind this 50 nation summit is an attempt to steal 200 tons of gold that is in South Korean warehouses. That theft is not going to be allowed to go ahead so the cabalists will leave the summit empty handed.
There was also plenty of speculation about a coup d’etat in China last week. All that happened was that a Maoist cabal agent Bo Xilai was removed from power after one of his henchmen was discovered taking instructions from the US consulate in Chongqing, according to MI6 sources. China is still on course for a stable and harmonious regime change-over later this year, according to White Dragon Society sources. The talk of a Maoist coup d’etat was wishful cabalist thinking fanned by cabalist media outlets.
Speaking about fake stories, the “White Hats” group on the internet, consisting of Bush agent Mike Cotrell and Hawaii resident Danny Gammage, has been spewing out laughable libel (such as this writer is a clone).
More damagingly, they managed to fool Lord Blackheath of the UK Upper House of Parliament with a fake story about $15 trillion that he raised in Parliamentary session. The House of Lords is now going to summon a White Dragon Society ally to testify about what is really going on in the financial wars.
The London financial district is headed for further purges and the talk is that Lord Sassoon is headed for a big fall. The investigation may even extend to the UK Royal family, European CIA sources say.
In Japan, meanwhile, the status quo is expected to remain on hold until the March 31st end of the fiscal year because of overwhelming workloads in the bureaucracy and the parliament. After March 31st, there will be concrete negotiations taking place involving the Finance Ministry, Bank of Japan, Prime Minister’s office and Royal Household Agency aimed at setting up a new international economic planning agency.
The Japanese self-defense forces and bureaucracy are also planning a major purge of cabalist puppets in the Japanese Parliament, banks, corporations and media.
Overall, things are looking very good. However, unless we see these senior cabalists on world TV confessing to their crimes, we must not be complacent. Until this financial war is over, keep your powder dry and stay alert.
