Wednesday, August 15, 2012

History Lesson on Your Social Security Card

History Lesson on Your Social Security Card

Just in case some of you young whippersnappers (& some older ones) didn't know this.
It's easy to check out, if you don't believe it. Be sure and show it to your family
and friends. They need a little history lesson on what's what and it doesn't matter
whether you are Democrat or Republican. Facts are Facts.

Social Security Cards up until the 1980s expressly stated the number and
card were not to be used for identification purposes.
Since nearly everyone in the
United States now has a number, it became convenient to use it anyway and the
message, NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION, was removed.

An old Social Security card with the "NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION"message.

Our Social Security
Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social
Security (FICA) Program. He promised:

1.) That participation in the Program would be
Completely voluntary,

No longer Voluntary

2.) That the participants would only have to pay
1% of the first $1,400 of their annual
Incomes into the Program

Now 7.65%

on the first $90,000

3.) That the money the participants elected to put
into the Program would be deductible from
their income for tax purposes each year,

No longer tax deductible

4.) That the money the participants put into the
independent 'Trust Fund'
rather than into the
general operating fund, and therefore, would
only be used to fund the Social Security
Retirement Program, and no other
Government program, and,

Under Johnson the money was moved to

The General Fund and Spent

5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed
as income.

Under Clinton & Gore

Up to 85% of your Social Security can be Taxed

Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are
now receiving a Social Security check every month --
and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of
the money we
paid to the Federal government to 'put
away' --
you may be interested in the following:

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----

Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the
independent 'Trust Fund' and put it into the
general fund so that Congress could spend it?

A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically
controlled House and Senate.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --

Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax
deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?

A: The Democratic Party.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----

Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social
Security annuities?

A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the
'tie-breaking' deciding vote
as President of the
Senate, while he was Vice President of the US

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Q: Which Political Party decided to start
giving annuity payments to immigrants?


A: That's right!

Jimmy Carter
and the Democratic Party.

Immigrants moved into this country,
and at age 65,
began to receive Social Security payments! The
Democratic Party gave these payments to them,
even though they never paid a dime into it!

------------ -- ------------ --------- ----- ------------ --------- ---------

Then, after violating the original contract (FICA),
the Democrats turn around and tell you that the Republicans want
to take your Social Security away!

And the worst part about it is uninformed citizens believe it!

If enough people receive this, maybe a seed of
awareness will be planted and maybe changes will

But it's worth a try.
How many people can YOU send this to?

When the IRS change-over to take place --- 8/30 to 9/4

Hi John,

I went to the IRS site to request a copy of a previous ta filing and her is what was posted when I clicked the request.

This application will be unavailable beginning approximately 1:00 a.m. EST on Thursday, August 30, 2012 until approximately 12:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday, September 4, 2012, due to an annual power outage and electrical upgrades. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Annual Power Outage?????  Wow,how stupid do they think we are????  This might be a clue to when the system change-over is going to take place.  And surprise, it is a long holiday weekend!

NSA contaminates channelled messages

NSA contaminates channelled messages

Posted on August 13, 2012 

GFP: Given that all that have been following this and other sites already know that we're watched, infiltrated and that some are being intentionally manipulated to disguise, confuse and let down, we also all know how and where to find the Truth. As Truth cannot be manipulated in any way, as it is our True Essence, as it is Love. And Love gives a feeling that cannot be manipulated in any artificial way. As Love is our Home, and when we go inside and listen to it... we simply Know if we care to discern.
And Love are also those trying to manipulate us in order to "forget to remember". Thus we will not forget this. We will not forget that even those unaware and even those on the "other side" are One with Love and thus One with Us=All=God. They will eventually re-member too... and we can help them by sending them Pure Love for their TrueSelf.

Thanks to fellow traveler Joan Bird for the pointer to this post. Are we surprised? Hardly. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I presume this means that channelled messages are being viewed, increasingly, as a threat to the cabal.
This post also reminds everybody to stay on our toes. Just because a message is “channelled” doesn’t mean it’s “true” (in 3D or any other D) or that it’s sourced from an extra- or inter-dimensional intelligence. It could just be subconscious wishful thinking on the part of the channeler; or parts of it could be. Or it could be deliberate fear porn. For example, from the NSA — and who knows what other alphabet agency and/or black ops — twisting info into disinfo, even (especially?) from “channelled” sources.
BTW: Just who are the “Bearers of Light”? 

(L) NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland (R) The world’s biggest spy center is being built for the NSA
in Bluffdale, Utah. Other large and well-known NSA facilities are in Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii and Texas.

NSA creates bogus channeled messages

August 5, 2012
Battles for control can be fought on many fronts.  Specifically, we would like to shine light on a little known battlefield within the vastness of Internet communications.
In an effort to exert maximum control over the flow of information regarding government involvement with extraterrestrial beings, there is an ongoing disinformation effort which needs to be exposed.
The National Security Agency (NSA) and its mighty fingers of control are fully aware of the plethora of channeled messages being posted on the Internet.  NSA data show that such channelings are being read by ever-growing numbers of people.  Therefore, the NSA has been responsible for distributing disinformation through channeled messages.
In some cases, distorted information is being beamed into the minds of established or well-recognized channels.  In other cases, illusions of newer channelers have been created and promoted throughout the vast network of the World Wide Web. Through these efforts, fear is magnified.
Seemingly contradictory information also is being disseminated.  Because of this, many channelers’ prophesies fail to come to fruition.  In this way, it is hoped that the influence of channelers will be undermined and therefore truth from true channelers will be dismissed.
True channelers are unflinchingly aligned with the Divine Energy of Creation and daily ask for that protection so that only truth comes through their messages.
It is a challenge today for the readers of channeled messages to distinguish nuggets of gold from fool’s gold.  This requires that the readers of channeled messages ask for Divine protection and discernment so they may distinguish truth from the deliberate barrage of disinformation.
This is a joint communique from the Bearers of Light
who have come to Earth on a rescue mission.
EDITOR’S NOTE: According to Wired Magazine as well as other sources, the new NSA facility in Utah will be connected with established listening posts throughout the world.  The facility will essentially be a bottomless storage of everyone’s personal data since birth including content from private emails, phone calls, Internet searches and purchases.  This information quickly can be pulled up, as accurately demonstrated by Tim McGee the computer guru on the popular television show “NCIS.”



By: Devvy
August 15, 2012
The Internet has been burning up about the "Comeback Team" after Willard Romney announced his VP choice as Paul Ryan. Star of conservatives because of his "leadership" in heralding "smaller government" and Ryan's much touted efforts to solve America's financial crisis. Sounds good - until you read the label.
The problem with those who think Paul Ryan has solutions is they don't even know the how the problem got started and neither do reporters or journalistswho write this type of flashy trash:
"Ronald Reagan famously challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall!” Mitt Romney has just challenged President Obama to “Show us your plan!” Mr. Obama has painted this presidential election as a stark choice; in choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate, GOP contender Mitt Romney has answered in kind. While Reagan pushed Gorbachev to free his country, Romney will now push Mr. Obama to address our nation's fiscal abscess -- something the president has resolutely refused to do.
"Paul Ryan is the nation's premier budget wonk; he understands better than anyone that the looming fiscal cliff is nothing compared to the chasm that lies further down the road. He has studied the future, and he has a plan. Nothing could be more important. Without a clear program for reducing our deficits, our social safety net will unravel and our investments in our future – in schools, in infrastructure, in defense -- will wither."
As Dr. Edwin Vieira wrote in one of his scholarly columns in 2005:
"Contrary to a widespread belief, socialism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe did not collapse because of the clever geostrategic maneuvers of the Reagan Administration. Neither did the East Bloc break up because its leaders were incompetents who put into practice the wrong plans. Particular politicians and policies--East or West--had next to nothing to do with it....
"Economic theory also teaches that any scheme of fiat currency and fractional-reserve central banking is just as inherently flawed, incapable of permanent existence, and inevitably doomed to disaster as all-around, full-blown socialism, because fractional-reserve central banking systematically subverts the free market's structure of prices through expansion of currency and credit--which results in redistribution of wealth, misallocation of scarce capital, and collapse in either depression or hyperinflation followed by depression. This is no new insight. The problems fractional-reserve banking causes were widely discussed in the 1800s; and the whole subject of political versus free-market money was exhaustively examined by Ludwig von Mises, in his treatise The Theory of Money and Credit, first published in the 1920s. (Probably the best book on this subject now available for the average reader is Murray Rothbard's The Mystery of Banking.) But, throughout the Western world during the 1900s and even unto the present moment, the political elite, high finance and big business, and their hired intelligentsiia have generally ignored these problems--doubtlessly because irredeemable currency and fractional-reserve central banking have served their short-term interests, and the costs of the system have always been paid by picking the pockets of the common man."
Paul Ryan's budget is another Band Aid because he, like Romney, either don't seem to understand the problem with fiat currency or they know where the butter comes from for their bread. Both of them are polished salesman and what they're selling you is not in your best interests. Slick PR techniques and the usual buzz words meant to appeal to those who don't understand the problem, but are so desperate for the solution. Paul Ryan did not support Ron Paul's critical bill in 2007 - H.R.2755 - Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Not one member of Congress became a cosponsor because they need the unconstitutional "Federal" Reserve candy store to continue their toxic spending for endless wars, unconstitutional cabinets and agencies. That alone should tell you all you need to know about the "Comeback Team."
Paul Ryan's budget does not eliminate a single unconstitutional cabinet (Department of Education, EPA, HHS, SBA and hundreds of agencies like USAID), illegal spending for foreign aid, payments to the International Monetary Fund and other foreign entanglements. "Smaller government" is nothing but a slogan to keep the party's base and entice independents who are so desperate, they will support their own destruction. As the great military tactician, Sun Tzu said: You destroy your enemy while making them think it's a good idea. Paul Ryan's budget fits the bill perfectly.
I'm sorry to say that conservatives who support the "comeback team" are supporting the continued destruction of this republic.
Please, before you send off that nasty email, I know exactly what you're going to write: Do you want Obama reelected? Of course not. Barry Soetoro aka Obama was not eligible in 2008, therefore no one had the right to vote for him. The same massive con job is alive and well today. Soetoro still isn't constitutionally eligible and no one has the right to vote for him. Due to the utter cowardice of every member of Congress, judges and elected officials, one of the greatest fraud in our history will continue and Hussein will be on the ballot. I know Ron Paul's faithful supporters are still working to see him shock the world and get the nomination for the Republican Party at their convention later this month.
I simply believe people should read the label before they buy the product so they aren't disappointed down the line. Start putting their time and efforts at the state level instead of going back to sleep hoping Romney and Ryan will somehow pull off a miracle regarding our dead economy and what's coming at us like a high speed train.
Let's examine Paul Ryan's voting record. I'll start with his consistent votes to destroy the Bill of Rights:
Voted to create the Department of (Fatherland) Homeland Security which includes the TSA molestation administration. Last December he voted for the National Defense Authorization Act, one I misjudged as not so dangerous, but later learned is no different than the old Soviet Union with their gulags. Ryan voted against an amendment to remove the provisions that allows for American citizens to be picked up on U.S. soil and held indefinitely without charges being filed.
Voted YES on extending the PATRIOT Act's roving wiretaps
Voted NO on requiring FISA warrants for wiretaps in US, but not abroad
Voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant
Voted YES on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight
Voted YES on federalizing rules for driver licenses to hinder terrorists
Ryan's reputation as someone who is gung ho for "smaller government" is shattered by his voting record:
Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending
Voted YES on the TARP bailouts
Voted YES on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler
Watch TARP Republican Paul Ryan Begging Congress To Vote For The Bailout (short video)
Voted YES on providing $70 million for Section 8 Housing vouchers
Voted YES on extending unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks
Voted YES on Head Start Act
Every one of those is 100% unconstitutional.
Congress had ZERO constitutional authority to steal the fruits of our labor for any of them. Paul Ryan wouldn't know what the U.S. Constitution says if James Madison stood in front of him and read it word for word.
Ryan voted for the No Child Left Behind failure. Another unconstitutional program stealing the fruits of your labor. The "Federal" Department of Education is unconstitutional, but I don't see Ryan calling to abolish it and turn education back to the states where it constitutionally belongs.
Another globalist who has voted for every job killing treaty since he's been in Congress. Rock star Ryan supports the communist United Nations with the sweat of your labor.
Supports the vile World Trade Organization
Voted YES on promoting free trade with Peru
Voted YES on implementing CAFTA, Central America Free Trade
Voted YES on implementing US-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Voted YES on implementing US-Singapore free trade agreement
Voted YES on implementing free trade agreement with Chile
Voted NO on withdrawing from the WTO
He voted NO on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment. Hospitals and schools are magnets for illegals who steal the fruits of our labor, yet Ryan wants to protect them. The same illegals who hold an estimated 11.5 MILLION jobs that belong to Americans.
To his credit, Paul Ryan, has always voted to protect unborn babies. We know Romney was in favor of and supported killing unborn babies until he decided to run for president. Romney supports sodomy (think AIDS) and all the "lavender" diseases sodomites suffer from and spread around. Romney says sexual deviants should be allowed in the Boy Scouts -a prime target rich environment for sexual deviants to prey upon. It appears Ryan does not support the propaganda about "gay rights".
Like Romney, Paul Ryan is a firm supporter of America invading non threatening countries and punishing their populations. War is business and business has boomed for over a decade thanks to "conservatives" like Paul Ryan:
Voted NO on removing US armed forces from Afghanistan
Voted NO on investigating Bush impeachment for lying about Iraq
Voted NO on redeploying US troops out of Iraq starting in 90 days
Voted YES on declaring Iraq part of War on Terror with no exit date
Voted YES on approving removal of Saddam & valiant service of US troops
Voted YES on authorizing military force in Iraq
Strengthen sanctions on Syria & assist democratic transition
No contact & enforce sanctions on Iran until threat is gone
Boycott & sanctions against Iran for terrorism & nukes
So, what do we do? The Internet is full of opinions that everyone should stay at home and not vote. Boycott the election in November!!! Putting side the presidential slot, there are other offices on the ballot in November that directly affect you at the local level. Candidates for your state house (very important), local ballot measures, bond measures and sometimes constitutional amendments to your state constitution. Staying home and not voting hurts you and your family, so get out and vote.
As for the presidential race, unless there some miracle happens, Soetoro will be illegally on the ballot in all 50 states. Of course, you can write in Mickey Mouse. You can write in Ron Paul. That's your choice, but think long and hard about this time around. I have and the whole thing turns my stomach.
I know there is huge opposition to Romney because he is a Mormon, which many Christians believe is a cult. Religion evokes some of the most heated debates in America. Everyone has an opinion. I know people of the Mormon faith who I like and respect. We get along just fine even though I don't support their choice. It's called religious freedom, one of the most important freedoms we enjoy. Many people have never done any research on Mormonism; you can go to their web site here. An opposing view is here; an interview with a former Mormon is here.
I don't know which religion gets the most hate mail in my email box, Mormons, Catholics or people of the Jewish faith. Paul Ryan is Roman Catholic. He's married with three children, and like Romney (thankfully), there doesn't appear to be any Monica Lewinsky's or other messy things Soetoro's minions can make big headlines with over the next few months.
The big PR machine is in full swing with headlines like "Ryan energizes GOP base." Only for those who have no understanding of how the problem with "big spending" started, how it was made possible or the only solution. Desperate people who want to hope the cure for America's economic problems will be addressed by Willard and Paul. No, they won't. It will be more Band Aids because the solutions are never even mentioned.
Hope is fine. We all hope things are going to get better in the future, but not with the same Outlaw Congress getting reelected this November (except for maybe a few seats in the Senate) and not with the "comeback team." Our major focus has to be the states to checkmate the tyranny coming out of Washington, DC and dry up "federal" programs by refusing money thrown at your state house. In January we have to lean on our state legislatures like a one ton elephant.
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You can vote for the "comeback team," but don't expect anything to change except the deck chairs on the Titanic. In November, tens of millions of GOP voters will hold their nose and vote for what's offered them because there is no choice. Again. I guess the only way to take the bitter medicine is this: A vote for Willard Romney is a vote against the Marxist impostor president.You're not voting to support Romney or Paul Ryan's sales pitch, you're voting to keep the usurper out of office for a second illegal term.
Of course, with rampant vote fraud, we have no idea who has been getting lawfully elected for decades, either for president or Congress. It will be no different this time around. Illegals, tainted voting rolls and electronic machines and scanners will be a major part of the "final count."
Not a pretty picture, but the same one conservatives box themselves into every four years.
1- A short must watch video on Romney so you won't be disappointed
2- Read this column. Pass it along to everyone you know. The internal links are so important in understanding the problem with fiat currency
3- RomneyCare now funding FREE abortions - thanks to Willard
4- Romney would sell his soul for a vote. That's why he panders to sexual deviants.
5- Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint Movement - con man?
6- Joseph Smith's arrest records
7- Joseph Smith's NY arrest records

DHS Classifies New Ammo Purchases Following Controversy

DHS Classifies New Ammo Purchases Following Controversy

Federal agency blacks out amount of bullets being bought
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
The Department of Homeland Security has redacted information relating to the quantity of bullets it is buying following a controversy concerning the agency’s purchase of over a billion rounds of ammo, which many fear is a sign the federal government is preparing for civil unrest in the United States.

Despite the fact that documents are only supposed to be redacted if authorized by Congress or for national security reasons, a solicitation posted on the FedBizOpps website yesterday concerning ammunition purchases made by the DHS on behalf of Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) contains numerous blacked out sections.
The classified portions of the document include references to the amount of 223 62 and 223 64 grain ammunition being purchased.
The solicitation explains how the contract put out by the DHS to purchase the ammunition was not subject to “full and open competition,” a process justified by what the DHS claims was an “unusual and compelling urgency” to acquire the bullets, noting that there is a shortage of bullets which is threatening a situation which could cause “substantial safety issues for the government” should law enforcement officials not be adequately armed.
The Department of Homeland Security’s decision to black out sections of the document, including the number of bullets being purchased, is likely to be related to a massive controversy which has snowballed over the last few weeks pertaining to concerns as to why the federal agency has purchased well over a billion rounds of bullets over the last 6 months alone.
The DHS’ decision back in March to purchase of 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets that are designed to expand upon entry and cause maximum organ damage prompted questions as to why the federal agency required such powerful bullets and in such large quantities merely for training purposes.
This was followed up by a more recent order for a further 750 million rounds of assorted ammunition, including bullets that can penetrate walls.
Given the fact that the DHS is also acquiring riot gear in preparation for civil unrest which could take place at the upcoming DNC, RNC and presidential inauguration, the purchase of ammunition in such massive numbers has stoked fears that the federal government could be preparing to use force against the American people.

This screenshot illustrates how the DHS has blacked out information pertaining to the amount of bullets being purchased.
The trigger for this could be an economic collapse that causes angry Americans to flood the streets similar to scenes witnessed across Europe over the last two years.
As Mike Adams writes, “The U.S. government clearly sees the writing on the wall. What lays ahead for America is a day of unbearable reckoning. The financial collapse will wipe out savings accounts, pensions, investment funds and equities of the working class, all across the nation. Imagine bank accounts being reset to zero, “bank holidays” enforced at gunpoint. That will unleash a wave of violent protests, social chaos and even talk of revolution. The government will almost certainly respond with a declaration of Martial Law, the rolling out of highway checkpoints, and before long, the use of live ammo on unruly protesters.”
The Social Security Administration has also recently purchased a large quantity of hollow point bullets, potentially signaling that authorities fear welfare riots could occur if benefit payments cannot be made. The NOAA also recently purchased 46,000 rounds of hollow point ammunition.
The DHS’ decision to censor information related to bullet purchases for immigration authorities could also be an attempt to assuage concerns that the agency is expecting to have to resort to force to deal with a mass influx of immigrants from Mexico.
Back in December, Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano directed ICE to prepare for a substantial inundation of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.
During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, it was revealed that the federal government had established a contingency program under the pretext of a mass influx of immigrants called Rex 84. The program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats.”
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.



Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Hollow Point Bullets


Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Hollow Point Bullets

Preparing for civil unrest? Ammunition to be delivered to 41 locations across U.S.
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
First it was the Department of Homeland Security, then it was the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and now the Social Security Administration is set to purchase 174,000 rounds of hollow point bullets that will be delivered to 41 locations across the country.

A solicitation posted by the SSA on the FedBizOpps website asks for contractors to supply 174,000 rounds of “.357 Sig 125 grain bonded jacketed hollow point pistol ammunition.”
An online ammunition retailer describes the bullets as suitable “for peak performance rivaling and sometimes surpassing handloads in many guns,” noting that the ammo is “a great personal defense bullet.”
The synopsis to the solicitation adds that the ammunition is to be shipped to 41 locations within 60 days of purchase. A separate spreadsheet lists those locations, which include the Social Security headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland as well as major cities across the country including Los Angeles, Detroit, Oklahoma City, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Denver, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Seattle.
Hollow point bullets are designed to expand as they enter the body, causing maximum damage by tearing apart internal organs.
It’s not outlandish to suggest that the Social Security Administration is purchasing the bullets as part of preparations for civil unrest. Social security welfare is estimated to keep around 40 per cent of senior citizens out of poverty. Should the tap run dry in the aftermath of an economic collapse which the Federal Reserve has already told top banks to prepare for, domestic disorder could ensue if people are refused their benefits.
Indeed, earlier this year the Department of Homeland Security ran a drill called Operation Shield which included turning the entrance of a Florida Social Security office into a checkpoint manned by Federal Protective Service officers armed with semiautomatic rifles.
“With their blue and white SUVs circled around the Main Street office, at least one official was posted on the door with a semiautomatic rifle, randomly checking identifications. And other officers, some with K-9s, sifted through the building,” reported the Daily Commercial.
A rash of solicitations by federal agencies for hollow point bullets in recent months has stoked fears that the government is preparing for civil unrest caused by a financial collapse on a scale similar or even larger to scenes already witnessed in Europe over the last two years.
As we reported yesterday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has put out a contract for 46,000 rounds of hollow point bullets along with 500 paper targets.
Despite initially asking the bullets to be delivered to the National Weather Service, NOAA claimed this was a “clerical error” and insisted the ammunition was being sent to the Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement. Why powerful hollow point bullets that are designed to tear apart internal organs are needed for practice shooting at paper targets has not been explained.
Back in March, Homeland Security purchased 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets that are designed to expand upon entry and cause maximum organ damage, prompting questions as to why the DHS needed such a large amount of powerful bullets merely for training purposes.
This was followed by another DHS solicitation asking for a further 750 million rounds of assorted bullets, including 357 mag rounds that are able to penetrate walls.
The DHS recently put out an order for riot gear in preparation for the upcoming DNC, RNC and presidential inauguration. The U.S. Army is also busy buying similar equipment.
The DHS also recently purchased a number of bullet-proof checkpoint booths that include ‘stop and go’ lights.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

Article printed from Infowars:
Copyright © 2010 Infowars. All rights reserved.


"Labor and God will sweat with you!" - St. Joan of Arc
When you show God that you care, then God will show you that He cares!" - Christian Proverb
"Let the soldiers fight, and God will give them the victory!" - St. Joan of Arc
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." - Hosea 4:6
"An elephant: A mouse built to government specifications." - traditional folk wisdom
"The power to do something for you is the power to do something to you." - Ayn Rand
"I have sworn an oath on the altar of God Almighty...eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man." - Thomas Jefferson
"In order to govern men wisely, leave them alone." - Lao Tzu
"All Laws Which Are Repugnant To The Constitution Are Null And Void." - Marbury vs. Madison 5 U.S. 137, 174, 176
"No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it." 16 Am Jur 2d Sec. 177, late AM Jur 2d Sec. 256
The early Webster defined a Republic as:  "...a state or nation in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens..."
Thomas Jefferson, 1798: "...and that whensoever the general Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void and of no force;..."
The Federalist Paper No. 78 by Alexander Hamilton who called for the Constitutional Constitution which wrote the U.S. Constitution: " No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid."
"In other words, the Constitution ought to be preferred to the statute, the intention of the people to the intention of their agents."
"The courts of justice are to be considered as the bulwarks of a limited Constitution against legislative encroachments,"
Federalist Paper No. 46 by James Madison "the Father of the U.S. Constitution": "The federal and Stte governments are in fact but different agents and trustees of the people."

     William Blackstone's "Commentaries On The Laws Of England" which was considered "The Law Bible" of Thomas Jefferson  and the other Founding Fathersof America, "And therefore the principal view of human laws is, or ought always to be, to explain, protect, and enforce such rights as are absolute (God-given rights as defined by British and American Law of 1776)."
The Whigs of the American Revolution believed that all law must be based upon teachings and authority of the Bible. And God-given rights of man were higher law for America than any law ever decreed by national or local government. The Tories of the Thirteen Colonies did not believe this and their hold over the courts in the Thirteen Colonies was broken when the Whigs such as Thomas Jefferson, etc. pushed hard all law on earth must submit to the supreme authority of God as shown by the God-given rights of mankind on earth. For Tories who did not see the validity of this legal argument, soon were converted when entire towns tarred and feathers Tory judges and drove them out of town on open wagons drawn by horses. Soon, all the judges in the Thirteen Colonies now agreed with the American people that all Americans had legal God-given rights under all law in existence. This is a bit of censored history I dug out from books published shortly after the American Revolution when they used to teach this in the schools and showed pictures of judges who got the tar and feather treatment and mocked by the people as they drove them out of their towns and cities. By perhaps nicer methods but still firm, it is time to teach again our judges both federal and state to obey the U.S. Constitution as written or else face the legal Wrath of the American People who will demand of all legal sources in America that their God-given rights will be upheld by all law, not mocked by all law in America.
     Reference notes on Erasmus of America. Only one man in America has the Vatican endorsed trade secret food process that will decide for all mankind on earth whether the human race will live or else die on earth by apparently fast coming biological collapse of the human race if their diet is not corrected soon by God-given foods such as my father discovered. It was by the blessing of God in a secret accident that showed it was possible and then my father by engineering common sense figured out how to make an industrial food process with this gift of God to my family. Our great food discovery is that prophesied and promised by God to mankind in Exodus 23:25. A godly people will be given this for their health and length of years on earth. A wicked people before God will not be given this but as promised in the Old Testament, their Staff of Life (wheat, etc.) will be broken and they will not obtain health nor strength from it as the Curse of God will come upon a people hating God and flaunting their evil ways before God trying to mock God with their wickedness as a people. America is not right with God now and so often, how can you tell the difference between a Christian and a pagan in America today? Too many Christians act, vote, and think identical to the evil spirits in their nation. They have the name, but not the heart of Jesus within them! And this con will not be accepted by God as real Christianity!
     In May, 1943, Fortune Magazine wrote up this food process of my father as "potentially a nutritional revolution." They also wrote up how paid off corruption in Wash., D.C. was being used to try and block this from reaching the American and world market. In the February, 1957 issue of the Catholic Digest was the article "Real Bread Is Back!" by James C. G,.Conniff. In thar article, it publicized Pope Pius XII considered this so important to end starvation and malnutrition in the world, that he personally contacted 25,000 Catholic priests in the world and told them that it was their moral duty to publicize this to everyone they could across the world. The same article reported how the Soviet Union had a standing offer of $5 million as a downpayment for world rights to this offered to my father. I know the whole message that Joseph Stalin sent to my father. Stalin admitted that captured Nazi scientific reports on this great food discovery when tested in Nazi Germany showed this to be the greatest food discovery in human history. And Stalin admitted that his advisers told him if the Soviet Union got the secret to this food process, then they could win the entire world to Communism by solving the food problems of all nations on earth. He said much more, but I will not repeat here what all Stalin said. My father met with the F.B.I. as I recall in 1950 and told them much or all what the Soviet spy ring transmitted to my father from Stalin trying to persuade him to let the Communists buy world rights from my father. The Communists also told my father how they would later win America to Communism so he might as well sell to them regardless as they could not be stopped from later winning power over America. Obama is the final move to make America a Communist nation. His tactics are exactly what Stalin told my father would win America to Communism by Black racial politics as Obama uses to divide and conquer America politically. The Catholic Digest in its earlier July, 1951 article "Our Broken Staff Of Life" reported how lab rats fed our "enriched white bread" and other skeleton foods we eat as standard diet eventually collapsed all health in the rats and they developed the same sicknesse and diseases as the human race eating the same foods. Lab rats fed truly natural foods such as my father supplied with the  healthiest bread ever milled by modern man skyrocketed in health and became the super rats in health of rats tested.
     Not in the article, but when Nazi scientists tested my father's super health bread on German students, the scientists reported to Hitler that this turned ordinary German students into geniuses, super healthy, and if this was added to the permanent diet of Germany, then the German Race would for real become the master race of the earth. Hitler got wildly excited over this. Also, Stalin when he later read the captured Nazi scientific reports on this. But my father would not support the Nazis and so refused to deal with them and sell them his great trade secret how this super health bread was created. The Vatican also gave a good write-up on this in their semi-official world newspaper L'Observatore Romano in 1956 in an article by W. Persegati writing on behalf of Pope Pius XII. Separately, Pope Pius XII wrote his strongest endorsement on this saying this was potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ nearly 2,000 years ago. But Wash., D.C. as a barbarian government destroyed all the records left me by my father, letters from the Vatican, prominent scientists, labo reports from universities, etc. Wash., D.C. gave it their best shot to suppress this forever from the human race on earth. President Truman after leaving the White House told my father that he would have backed it from the White House but representatives from the food industry lied to him that this was of no value to American health. As President Truman commented about when he finally learned the truth about this food discovery, "I didn't think they would have the nerve to lie to the President of the United States!" A U.S. Senator from Illinois off the record told my father told how $20 million in bribes was paid to members of Congress and to heads of federal agencies to not back this since a prior federal health law if enforced would have forced all commercial modern mills in America to automatically have to license under my father otherwise or otherwise be closed down by federal law. The head of the U.S. Patent Office told my father that his staff had been paid off to not issue a patent on this process. When he found out, he ordered the U.S. Patent Office to issue an immediate patent on it. It was patented in 44 nations. However, my father never told how to make the unique equipment for this process or else the patent could not work for engineers. My father never lost control of the technology to his food process. I approved of what my father did and will never make public the trade secrets to this which are unique. Engineers could never duplicate my father's results. My father never corrected errors taught in milling engineering.
      When I told the Obama Administration to return $525,000 stolen from me by federal operatives who made the mistake of also stealing $25,000 from another businessman who they incorrectly thought was connected to me and threatened both of us with federal murder if we tried to stop this federal robbery of our business funds, this established multiple witnesses under law.  Wash., D.C. policy continued undr Obama was to suppress this Vatican endorsed food process until doomsday as they never wanted the American people or people of the world to get this Exodus 23:25 bread of God which could potentially give them good health and a long life for maybe up to all of mankind on earth. Obama's answer from the White House was likely what he thought was a funny joke. I had a federal murder attempt on my life as confirmed by witnesses. This was the Obama answer to my legal demand that my federally stolen $525,000 be returned to me and immediately as I needed it to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process for the health of mankind and to establish a mighty new industry in America which would skyrocket the American economy and potentially create millions of new jobs for America as I had intended for America to be the world supplier for this super food to 7 billion people on earth. Thought I have reported various times in national reports about this federal theft of $525,000, it makes clear the intensely evil character of Obama that he never ordered C.I.A. which apparently was the federal agency using their dirty tricks to return this federally stolen $525,000 to me. If I had not been sharp, I would have been murdered by the Obama ordered federal murder attempt on my life. No one else in Wash., D.C. had any reason to order a federal murder on me except Obama who I demanded that he see this stolen $525,000 was returned to me and promptly. And you mean that some Americans are dumb enough to want to vote for the man in the White House who wants to wipe out the entire American race by continued suppression of this Vatican endorsed food process of my father?
     My industrialist father had sent me to military academies for eleven calendar years and everyone in military intelligence in Wash., D.C. knows who is the only man in America who spent eleven calendar years in military academies. That is my calling card in military intelligence. I have had and still do have many secret, well placed friends all over America. I protect their identities well from wrong parties. One of my military moles today supplied me a massive report on Obama's plans to seize national power and crush the American people forever and end America forever as a nation indepedent from foreign control and occupation. He plans to have a select group pretend to try and assassinate him. This will be used by federal operatives to stir up a race war between Blacks and Whites. Once the nation is in turmoil, he will declare martial law and special military forces he has secretly prepared will kill off potentially even all military veterans in America. As stated, the new military are to replace the old military in America. He is afraid of the veterans because of their training and he knows that he can't control them. To create a better cover for his massive military buildup to smash the American people with once he is ready, he had two civilian federal agencies order within the last six months at least 1.8 billion bullets for the rifles of his mercenary soldiers he plans to use to crush the American people forever. I was given also many other details how the Obama plan works to seize control of America and make it Soviet America as the Communists will totally control Wash., D.C. through Obama once he does this.
     I am letting out the Obama secret that will maybe put backbone in millions of Americans to fight a civil war against Obama if things go this far. Also, Obama is trying to crash the economy of America is why banks all over America have been secretly contacted to prepare for the crash of the American economy (but secretly engineered by Obama who will pretend innocense to collapsing America as a nation). Police units across America have been secretly organized to work with the Obama military as our national Gestapo once Obama crashes the American economy.
      I am no coward, but civil war is an ugly thing for America to win. Even if the good win, it will likely take years to rebuild the American economy into anything worth living under. God blessed me with lots of cunning and a good technical education to back up what I offer the American people to head off this pending planned civil war in America engineered and triggered off by Obama. I was trained militarily under the U.S. Army and have this wild background in military intelligence which I took to like a duck to water. No excuse why this can't be done. Have Congress appoint me a 5 star U.S. Army General. After all, Israeli Intelligence offered me years ago the rank of Colonel with the Israeli Army if I would join with them and leave America. Separately, I took the defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies who was trained to train the top military commanders of the Soviet Union and had him train me the same as a Soviet general in nuclear warfare Soviet-style which Moscow still uses today as the basis for their many plans how to annihilate America if nuclear war breaks out between America and Russia. I am already better trained to stop Russia from nuclear attacking America than anyone else alive in America. And the Russians are far more clever than the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon give them credit for. I have tried to warn the Pentagon how deadly is the Russian threat, but the Pentagon is too conceited and arrogant thinking they know everything already. The Russians intend to take this Pentagon arrogance and use it to trick American defenses into the sudden annihilation of America by methods of nuclear attack the Pentagon is not anticipating. And our traitor C.I.A. years ago leaked out to foreign intelligence services the best way they judged to annihilate America with one nuclear bomb. I plugged that colossal security leak, but I am afraid too late to prevent Russia and China from picking up this angle to annihilate America with. There is one defense against it but I am the only military brain in America who knows how to set it up. So suddenly make me a 5 star general with the U.S. Army. I am very smart in military technology, military tactics, military intelligence, etc. but also under federal law, if Obama makes one move to set up his intended military takeover of America, I am the only man in America then with the authority to order his arrest for high treason, put him on trial, and after his conviction have him executed for high treason by a military firing squad. End of conspiracy. Americans live in a free nation, not Soviet America then. Once I know the American people are safe, I swiftly retire from this and my main interest is to build my Camelot Project as fast as I can. I believe in this project overwhelmingly as the best answer for America for now and far into the future. My heart is there, not in having to stop a conspiracy of high treason which just wastes my time from more important things, but I am the only person who knows how to totally block Obama and his scheme for total military dictatorship over America. Americans are weak on strategy. Tremendously brilliant to pass my Omni Law as fast as possible. I can also get the rank of a 5 star general through the Omni Law by national referendum. Once I have the authority, I can order the immediate arrest of Obama for high treason and any military or others connected with the Obama conspiracy to totally overthrow the U.S. Constitution and make Obama the Communist dictator of Soviet America for life.
     Time is very short. Obama hopes to be the new military dictator of America before the November election can occur. People you need to move fast. Send this report by email to all Americans and as fast as possible. Push hard for state legislatures to immediately vote for passage of the Omni Law before our highly corrupt U.S. Congress does. If enough states vote fast enough, Congress either like lightning votes for and returns the Omni Law for a proposed constitutional amendment to the states for ratification or else the states have a constitutional convention to pass the Omni Law by vote of the states or else vote to abolish (fire) the present government of America and set up a new constitutional government for the American people. Let me be chairman if things go this far which I hope not. I will see the One World Government crowd is frozen out of this and we have an honest new proposed national constitution that would make George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc. proud of.
      This is not the hour for excessive modesty. If the economy suddenly crashes, have Congress or the state legislatures suddenly make me the Economic Czar of America. I have been written up as "The Einstein of American Economy." I am very good at national economics. I don't like the man but Hitler used an idea originally suggested by Barnard Baruch for America but the Nazis listened and the Americans did not. I can stop overnight any economic crash with the Bernard Baruch trick and as soon as we stabilize things, I will proceed to set up the Jesus Money System used 4 times in history and the best monetary system ever seen in human history. No amateurs from Congress. The right moves have to be done fast if the American economy crashed by Obama can be saved from permanent national crash. Like Cincinnati of ancient Rome, I will briefly do what is necessary to save the economy of America and then back to my Camelot Project which I am totally committed to.
     Enough said. You can read the Omni Law on Nesara News. Look it up in their search box at the top left side where the archive of reports are listed. Put in Omni Law to read and copy it. Other reports of mine can be read by putting in Erasmus Of America into their searchbox. Or send an email to and request a copy of the Omni Law sent to you. Finances are always needed for anything political in a nation. Financial backing can be made by check, etc. made out to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . This is not the hour to stall and wait for God to do your job for you. Unless I am all wrong, the entire reason for the Bible from God is so we will develop character before God in this life. What character we develop here we will take with us to either live with God forever or else be damned by a disgusted God to hell instead. I cheated. I died once as a young man, bargained for my life with the Lord, and was given my life back. Talking with other people who died as witnessed by medicine, we all pretty much know the same things about death. I happen to love God for reasons many of you might not understand. But even if I did not, it is colossally dumb to reject the love of God in this life. You want God to be your friend and you part of His family for eternity, not to be thrown away as an evil soul who would stink up Heaven like a sewer rat if God would let you stay there forever. 
     Okay, pass along this report to everyone in America, help financially if you can as "late October" as I was informed today is when Obama wants to take over America. Of course if all America knows first, it is hard to outwit an nation knowing the tricks Obama plans to pull on America. Ask, why has Obama repeatedly blocked the revaluation of foreign currencies which would have been the antidote to the economic crash Obama is trying to engineer for America? Our news media is heavily censored or else you would know that America, Europe, etc. have been scheduled since maybe June of 2011 to have their economies restart and become far more prosperous and one name seems to keep blocking it. Obama is the hidden rat hidden behind the walls of Washington secrecy.
     I think President F.D.R. did make one very shrewd comment to the American people, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Stand up, start doing what needs to be done, and we can make the would-be military takeover of America disappear like a bad dream that could have become reality, but we blocked it from happening. I know law well is why I suggested the flanking move of briefly making me a 5 star general. I can arrest Obama then the second he tries anything! And have the boy shot for high treason!
        Yours for America, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. Didn't seek what is about to happen. Logic said what had to be done to save America. I have given you the right, sound answer for America! God bless you and America! If we turn to God for wisdom and support, we will win in this clash of the American people against organized evil in America!)

Jon McNaughton - Patriot Artist

Picture: Wake up America by Jon McNaughton.
More information about these last two images can be found on Jon McNaughton's website here and here.