Saturday, August 18, 2012

His Small Still Voice

DENEEN G. MATTHEWSIndianapolis, Indiana

His Small Still Voice

Aug 18 2012

"Sound the alarm for the trumpet blows, The trumpet is sounding, the ram's horn is blowing, yet my people turn a deaf ear.

My wonders shall be as a landmark of My coming. Many shall turn away and fall by the wayside, but many shall return to Me in this hour. Greater am I than any entity that would oppose Me and My will.

The hour strikes twelve (12) and time is up. The winds of adversity are blowing to release judgments across the land. My House shall be judged first. Who will be found standing?

The shakings have begun, yet many continue on unawares. Hear the voice of the Father as I speak: My will shall be accomplished in the earth according to My plan; according to My blueprint. Any structures built that are not in accordance with the pattern in heaven, in My throne room, shall be destroyed. I come to measure and inspect. What shall I find? Will you be found worthy of blessing or rebuke?

The glory of the LORD shall arise upon those I have chosen to be as Light in this dark and dying world. They shall shine brightly and be My display. They shall represent what the kingdom "really" looks like. they shall walk uprightly and they shall speak the sound that resounds from heaven. They shall come into agreement with My word and it shall manifest according to My will, says the LORD."

Joel 2:1 "Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand:"

Home Depot Customer

My friends, I give you . .

This picture is real and was taken by a Transportation
Supervisor for a company that delivers building materials
for 84 Lumber. When he saw it in the parking lot of IHOP,
he went to buy a camera to take pictures.

The car is still running, as can be witnessed by the exhaust.

The driver finally came back after the police were called,
and was found crouched behind the rear of the car, attempting
to cut the twine around the load! Luckily, the police stopped him
and had the load removed.

The materials were loaded at Home Depot. Their store manager

said they made the customer sign a waiver.

While the plywood and 2X4s are fairly obvious, what you can't see

is the back seat, which contains -- are you ready for this? --
10 bags of concrete @ 80 lbs. each!

They estimated the load weight at 3000 lbs. Both back tires exploded,

the wheels bent and the rear shocks were driven through the floorboard.
And to top it off, He had an 

Obama/ Biden bumper sticker.

And these people VOTE & REPRODUCE!

                                       They walk among us !

Against All Flags - FULL MOVIE - Maureen O'Hara, Errol Flynn - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAUREEN O'HARA! PHOTO

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Against All Flags - FULL MOVIE - Maureen O'Hara, Errol Flynn - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAUREEN O'HARA! PHOTO
Posted By: Infoeditor [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 18-Aug-2012 19:50:41

August 18, 2012 Maureen O'Hara's Birthday was just yesterday.
Against All Flags - FULL MOVIE - Maureen O'Hara, Errol Flynn - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAUREEN O'HARA! PHOTO
Lovely Maureen O'Hara just had a birthday August 17th, so this pirate epic film of hers seems fitting enough to suggest a viewing. HERE'S WISHING A SLIGHTLY BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MAUREEN!
Actress-singer Maureen O'Hara has worked with many of the most famous actors over the years, has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 7004 Hollywood Blvd, and has done a great body of work which undoubtedly has thrilled the hearts of countless millions of viewers. A big thanks to Maureen for all her wonderful performances.
Some of her many accomplishments and awards can be viewed at:
Here's a public domain photo of red-haired Maureen O'Hara, undoubtedly considered one of the prettiest ladies in history

Disney Developing ‘Physical Face Cloning’

Disney Developing ‘Physical Face Cloning’

August 18, 2012
Scientists employed by the Walt Disney Company have developed technology that allows them to replicate, with near perfect accuracy, the very versatile human face.
Documents posted on the official Disney Research website details plans for what they refer to as physical face cloning.
“We propose a complete process for designing, simulating and fabricating synthetic skin for an animatronics character that mimics the face of a given subject and its expressions,” the document states.
Scientists and researchers based in a Zürich lab were motivated by the idea of translating the company’s ability to create realisticvirtual worlds – seen, for example, in movies released by Disney-
owned Pixar – into tangible actuality.
We are naturally intrigued by the prospect of creating virtual humans in the likeness of ourselves – and it is not far-fetched to say that this is also a driving force for computer graphics research,” the document noted in its introduction. “While the latter strives to photorealistically [sic] create human characters on a computer screen, animatronics aims at creating physical robot characters that move and look like real humans.”
The multi-step process begins with a three-dimensional scan to assess the detailed topography of a human face. Measurements that catalog minute details such as facial hairs are taken and entered into a virtual rendering of the model’s visage.
Scientists then take the image from virtual to physical, using a carefully developed synthetic skin made of silicone placed on an animatronic head to complete the model. During their experiments, researchers let the completed head sit for seven days at room temperature.
“Our experimental validation shows that using this process provides a principled way to design soft-tissue animatronic features,” the document concludes. ”We believe that our computationally guided process for designing and fabricating animatronic characters will serve as a blueprint for how future robots with soft tissue should be built.”
Disney hopes to use the technology in their theme parks once it is further developed to work past its initial limitations, including at Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, the website Motherboard reports.

Homeland Security Blew Millions, Still Can’t Protect Its Buildings

Homeland Security Blew Millions, Still Can’t Protect Its Buildings

July 25, 2012

After the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the government realized it had a problem. There were no minimum security standards or an inspection regime for the thousands of federal facilities sprawled across the country. So it developed a plan, accelerated after 9/11, to test federal buildings and other sites for potential vulnerabilities. To carry out the tests, the government deployed a web-enabled software program that cost millions and failed to work. Now the program’s replacement may be even worse.
According to a report from the Government Accountability Office, the Department of Homeland Security’s police and security agency is preparing to adopt a new software tool for inspections, but one that can’t accurately measure security risks. The Federal Protective Service (FPS) also doesn’t know the extent of its inspection backlog because its data is unreliable. There are federal facilities that seemingly haven’t been inspected in years. The FPS “continues to face challenges in overseeing its approximately 12,500 contract guards,” according to the report (.pdf). And before the agency adopts the new tool, it’s using a temporary program that can hardly inspect at all.
The new tool is called the Modified Infrastructure Survey Tool, or Mist. Inspectors are currently being trained with the software, which guides inspectors through tests designed to expose security risks while examining federal buildings. A test could be as simple as checking the windows. If the windows are not made of blast-resistant glass designed to lessen the impact of an improvised explosive device, Mist takes note of it and provides recommendations. After running through a series of similar tests, inspectors upload the test data over the web into a centralized database. The FPS hopes to begin using it in actual inspections by September, after developing it at a cost of $5 million.
Mist seems to work well enough on a single building. But according to the report, Mist has a major vulnerability: It isn’t designed to compare security risks between federal facilities.
Instead, all facilities within the same security level (there are four levels, corresponding to size and number of employees) “are assumed to have the same security risk, regardless of their location.” Mist might notice the windows, but will see a vulnerable federal building in Washington as no more vulnerable than a remote facility of comparable size somewhere out in the boonies. This, according to the report, “provides limited assurance that the most critical risks at federal facilities across the country are being prioritized and mitigated.”
Mist also doesn’t factor the potential consequences of an “adverse event” like a terrorist attack. Without factoring consequences, the report says, the agency cannot effectively figure out the security risks. Or, rather, what to do about them. Mist may be able to determine some potential vulnerabilities, but without analyzing what might happen if those vulnerabilities are exploited in an attack, tenants “may not be able to make fully informed decisions” about where to put their resources.
It’s not intended to be permanent, though. Mist is actually an interim tool after the government’s previous tool also failed to work.
The failed system, called the Risk Assessment and Management Program (or Ramp), was supposed to be simple — albeit with an inflated $35 million price tag over the $21 million originally planned. Like Mist, Ramp was designed to be the primary software used to test federal buildings for vulnerabilities. List Mist, it also guided inspectors through the a series of tests before uploading the results into a database. But Ramp was, erm, unreliable.
Recorded inspections of guard posts “disappeared” from Ramp’s database “without explanation.” The software couldn’t connect to Ramp’s servers when operated in remote areas. Inspectors had no way of verifying if training and certification information from contractors was legit. At least one guard post, the report notes, duplicated paperwork for previous tests in order to spoof inspectors. The agency dumped Ramp last month. In the meantime, the FPS is using another interim system before it adopts Mist. You heard that correctly. The FPS is using an interim system before it adopts another interim system. And this one does zippo.
Currently, the interim system “will not allow FPS to generate post inspection reports, and does not include a way for FPS inspectors to check guard training and certification data during a post inspection,” according to the report. Thus, “it is now more difficult for FPS to verify that guards on post are trained and certified and that inspectors are conducting guard post inspections as required.” This follows security lapses including a bag of explosives mistakenly placed in the lost and found at a federal building in Detroit, 22 guns stolen from a federal building in Atlanta by a contract guard and a dead body discovered at a facility in Kansas City months after the person died.
Mist seems to fix the problems of inspecting contractors, which is an improvement. It’s certainly better than the stop-gap that stop nothing. But if it can’t prioritize where risks should be reduced, then it’s no better — possibly worse — than Ramp. But what this really means is that nearly 11 years after 9/11, and more than 17 years after the Oklahoma City bombing, the federal government still can’t figure out how to protect its buildings.

Rockefeller’s Depopulation Dreams

Rockefeller’s Depopulation Dreams Published by Foundation Linked to Mass Graves

By Shepard Ambellas
July 19, 2012
What is most interesting about the eugenics based Rockefeller Foundation’s ideology (an ideology which shined brightly in a recent 2010 publication) is the fact that it essentially forecasts future events but claims that it is not a forecast in anyway, thus leaving the doors wide open for the possibility of staged future events.
Please keep in mind that the scenarios in this report are stories, not forecasts, and the plausibility of a scenario does not hinge on the occurrence of any particular detail.
The following few pages are excerpted from the Rockefeller Foundation publication, Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.
The meat of it starts with an introduction into future scenarios and reads;
The scenarios that follow are not meant to be exhaustive—rather, they are designed to be both plausible and provocative, to engage your imagination while also raising new questions for you about what that future might look and feel like.
Each scenario tells a story of how the world, and in particular the developing world, might progress over the next 15 to 20 years, with an emphasis on those elements relating to the use of different technologies and the interaction of these technologies with the lives of the poor and vulnerable.
Accompanying each scenario is a range of elements that aspire to further illuminate life, technology, and philanthropy in that world. These include:
  • A timeline of possible headlines and emblematic events unfolding during the period of the scenario
  • Short descriptions of what technologies and technology trends we might see
  • Initial observations on the changing role of philanthropy in that world, highlighting opportunities and challenges that philanthropic organizations would face and what their operating environment might be like
  • A “day in the life” sketch of a person living and working in that world
Please keep in mind that the scenarios in this report are stories, not forecasts, and the plausibility of a scenario does not hinge on the occurrence of any particular detail.
In the scenario titled “Clever Together,” for example, “a consortium of nations, NGOs [non- governmental organizations], and companies establish the Global Technology Assessment Office”—a detail meant to symbolize how a high degree of international coordination and adaptation might lead to the formation of a body that anticipates technology’s potential societal implications.
That detail, along with dozens of others in each scenario, is there to give you a more tangible “feel” for the world described in the scenario. Please consider names, dates, and other such specifics in each scenario as proxies for types of events, not as necessary conditions for any particular scenario to unfold.
We now invite you to immerse yourself in each future world and consider four different visions for the evolution of technology and international development to 2030.
The prelude to the writing is ominous in nature alone, eluding to 4 different visions of the potential future.
The scenarios start out rather interesting, I was actually glued to the authors writings as a pandemic in 2012 is detailed as one of the scenarios wiping out 8 million people in the first 8 months of release.
It’s almost as if David Rockefeller himself wrote the text based on one of his own sick fantasies.
The excerpt reads;
A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback
In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain—originating from wild geese—was extremely virulent and deadly.
Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults.
The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.
The pandemic blanketed the planet—though disproportionate numbers died in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols. But even in developed countries, containment was a challenge.
The United States’s initial policy of “strongly discouraging” citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but across borders. However, a few countries did fare better—China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post- pandemic recovery.
Africa, Asia, and Central America appear to be in Rockefeller’s dreams as he and others such as Henry Kissinger openly admit they want to depopulate the third world.
The excerpt continues to go on about China’s preparation for such a virus;
China’s government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets.
Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems—from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty—leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.
What is alarming about this is that all of the preparation and staging that took place to achieve pandemic preparedness on a massive scale nationwide and worldwide scale is leading up to something. But what?
Mass graves were prepared worldwide to be used in the event of a future impending doomsday scenario.
In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) along with others instrumental in the scam, actually achieved pandemic 6 martial law in the United States, secretively suspending the constitution and allowing for the fast tracking of poisonous vaccines to be released to the general populace.
This is where the Rockefeller publication starts to get even more interesting. I was glued to this next part which reads;
At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty—and their privacy—to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit.
In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests. In many developed countries, enforced cooperation with a suite of new regulations and agreements slowly but steadily restored both order and, importantly, economic growth.
This is literally the blueprint for the globalists, ablueprint for their New World Order which unfortunately is coming into view just like George H.W. Bush stated during his presidency.
The next few paragraphs of the publication dovetail into current times as terror rhetoric is at a peak, reading;
Across the developing world, however, the story was different—and much more variable. Top-down authority took different forms in different countries, hinging largely on the capacity, caliber, and intentions of their leaders. In countries with strong and thoughtful leaders, citizens’ overall economic status and quality of life increased. In India, for example, air quality drastically improved after 2016, when the government outlawed high- emitting vehicles.
In Ghana, the introduction of ambitious government programs to improve basic infrastructure and ensure the availability of clean water for all her people led to a sharp decline in water-borne diseases. But more authoritarian leadership worked less well—and in some cases tragically—in countries run by irresponsible elites who used their increased power to pursue their own interests at the expense of their citizens.
There were other downsides, as the rise of virulent nationalism created new hazards: spectators at the 2018 World Cup, for example, wore bulletproof vests that sported a patch of their national flag. Strong technology regulations stifled innovation, kept costs high, and curbed adoption. In the developing world, access to “approved” technologies increased but beyond that remained limited: the locus of technology innovation was largely in the developed world, leaving many developing countries on the receiving end of technologies that others consider “best” for them.
Some “IT IS POSSIBLE TO DISCIPLINE AND CONTROL SOME SOCIETIES FOR SOME TIME, BUT NOT THE WHOLE WORLD ALL THE TIME.” – GK Bhat, TARU Leading Edge, India governments found this patronizing and refused to distribute computers and other technologies that they scoffed at as “second hand.” Meanwhile, developing countries with more resources and better capacity began to innovate internally to fill these gaps on their own.
Meanwhile, in the developed world, the presence of so many top-down rules and norms greatly inhibited entrepreneurial activity. Scientists and innovators were often told by governments what research lines to pursue and were guided mostly toward projects that would make money (e.g., market-driven product development) or were “sure bets” (e.g., fundamental research), leaving more risky or innovative research areas largely untapped.
Well-off countries and monopolistic companies with big research and development budgets still made significant advances, but the IP behind their breakthroughs remained locked behind strict national or corporate protection.
Russia and India imposed stringent domestic standards for supervising and certifying encryption-related products and their suppliers—a category that in reality meant all IT innovations. The U.S. and EU struck back with retaliatory national standards, throwing a wrench in the development and diffusion of technology globally.
Especially in the developing world, acting in one’s national self-interest often meant seeking practical alliances that fit with those interests—whether it was gaining access to needed resources or banding together in order to achieve economic growth.
In South America and Africa, regional and sub-regional alliances became more structured. Kenya doubled its trade with southern and eastern Africa, as new partnerships grew within the continent. China’s investment in Africa expanded as the bargain of new jobs and infrastructure in exchange for access to key minerals or food exports proved agreeable to many governments.
Cross-border ties proliferated in the form of official security aid. While the deployment of foreign security teams was welcomed in some of the most dire failed states, one-size-fits-all solutions yielded few positive results.
By 2025, people seemed to be growing weary of so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them.
Wherever national interests clashed with individual interests, there was conflict. Sporadic pushback became increasingly organized and coordinated, as disaffected youth and people who had seen their status and opportunities slip away—largely in developing countries—incited civil unrest. In 2026, protestors in Nigeria brought down the government, fed up with the entrenched cronyism and corruption.
Even those who liked the greater stability and predictability of this world began to grow uncomfortable and constrained by so many tight rules and by the strictness of national boundaries. The feeling lingered that sooner or later, something would inevitably upset the neat order that the world’s governments had worked so hard to establish.

UK Austerity For The Disabled! Tax Relief For Goldman Sachs

UK Austerity For The Disabled! Tax Relief For Goldman Sachs

A short documentary that shows the real cost of cuts forced on all of us so that Banks and financial giants like Goldman Sachs may experience Tax relief.

Our current economic system and the Government that's propping it up is nothing more than perverse!

We all suffer, some more than others so that an elite few may prosper. Globally we have Governments by the Bankers, for the Bankers, against the people. They show no remorse, experience no empathy and feel only apathy.

More Documentation – Keenan by Drake

New post on ANMilitia

More Documentation – Keenan

by Drake
     More documentation :
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Neil Keenan
To: 'Drake Bailey'
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2012 2:26 PM
Subject: FW:

Blue Book established the blood lines.  Queen E and Bill C are in it…Most of the Royal Families are in it.  They have kept the money amongst the families from the very beginning.

Drake | August 18, 2012 at 3:59 pm | Categories: News | URL:

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10 nuclear events in 10 days - New Paridigm does not like old energy..

10 nuclear events in 10 days - New Paridigm does not like old energy...

18 August 2012

10 nuclear events in 10 days

 – AUGUST 18, 2012

We had 10 different nuclear events reported in just 10 days. Below is a list of them with date and short description.


(1) August 8, 2012 – Doel 3 nuclear reactor, Doel Nuclear Power Station - Shutdown
Doel 3 nuclear reactor at Doel Nuclear Power Station in Belgium was shut down on August 8, 2012 under the suspicion that one of its components might be cracked. “We have found anomalies,” said Karina De Beule, spokesman for the ACFN, the federal agency for nuclear control.
Doel 3 reactor will be shutdown until at least the end of August, but it is possible that the reactor could be shut down for good.
The station is located in the most densely populated area of all nuclear power stations in Europe, with 9 million inhabitants within a radius of 75 kilometres (47 miles). Construction of this plant started in 1969 and commission started in 1975. More info here.


(2) August 12, 2012 – Maryland, Calvert Cliffs – Shutdown
Operators of the Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant in Southern Maryland have shut down one of the two reactors there because a control rod unexpectedly dropped into the reactor core, causing a reduction in power generation, a plant spokesman said Monday.
The 793-MW unit was shut after a leak was identified Aug. 12. Since July, the NRC has been monitoring a gradual increase of unidentified leakage at the reactor and sought safety assurances from Entergy on those leaks.
(3) August 12, 2012 - Connecticut, Millstone Power Station – Shutdown
Connecticut’s nuclear power plant shut one of two units on Sunday because seawater used to cool down the plant is too warm. More info here.
(4) August 12, 2012 - Michigan, Palisades – Shutdown
Palisades is shut down because of a leak of coolant from the control rods. It’s supposedly fixed now but the NRC is bringing in three more inspectors.
(5) August 14, 2012 - Minnesota, Prairie Island – Shutdown 
One of the two nuclear generators at the Prairie Island plant was shut down because its emergency diesel generators suffered exhaust leaks.
(6) August 14, 2012 - Minnesota, Monticello – Shutdown
The Monticello nuclear plant’s single generating unit, which had been operating at 10 percent capacity since last weekend, was shut down because of a leaking pipe inside the plant’s concrete containment structure, the company said.
(7) August 16, 2012 – Michigan, Fermi – Loss of data
At approximately 14:58 EDT, a portion of the Fermi 2 Integrated Plant Computer System (IPCS) failed. This resulted in a loss of approximately 60 percent of data on the Safety Parameters Display System (SPDS). More info here.


(8) August 16, 2012 – Tihange 2 nuclear reactor, Tihange Nuclear Power Station – Shutdown
Belgium has halted the 1,008-megawatt Tihange 2 reactor, as it has the same pressure vessel as Doel 3 at Doel Nuclear Power Station.
“I would like to remind that Doel 3 and Tihange 2 have been halted and do not represent any danger for the population, the workers and the environment,” Willy De Roovere, head of the FANC regulator agency.
(9) August 16, 2012 – No. 4 reactor turbine building,  Fukushima No. 1 - Radioactive water leakage
Tokyo Electric Power Co. discovered possibly highly radioactive water on the first floor of the No. 4 reactor turbine building at its disaster-crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant on Tuesday morning. The company believes the water leaked from a pipe that is transferring highly radioactive water from the basement of the No. 3 reactor’s turbine building. More info here.


(10) August 18, 2012 – East Lothian – Torness nuclear power station – Fire
Fire crews were called to Torness nuclear power station in East Lothian early yesterday after a blaze broke out. The plant’s on-site fire team dealt with the incident, which involved lagging on a pipe catching alight at 12:25am. Managers insisted there was no risk to the public during the incident at the plant, operated by French firm EDF Energy.

Sources: EDIS,

Like Magic/? 3 Amazing Tricks

Watch the whole thing as there are three "tricks"

Click below 