Thursday, August 23, 2012


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 23-Aug-2012 13:36:29

Bill Murphy- ‘JP Morgan Is FINISHED! JPM Silver Scandal Will Rival LIBOR!’
AltInvestors has released an EXPLOSIVE interview with GATA’s Bill Murphy. Murphy has previously stated several of his best sources have advised him gold and silver will make massive bull moves in August, and will soon set new all-time highs.
Murphy went a step further today stating that ‘JP Morgan and their silver short positions is going to be a scandal rivaling the LIBOR manipulation scandal- it’s so focused, LIBOR involves so many companies, this is JP MORGAN!
They’re in BIG TROUBLE, and when silver takes out $30 it’s probably going to go to $40 or $50 and it could do it fairly quickly‘.
Murphy went on to say ‘the Gold Cartel and JP Morgan are starting to lose control of their manipulation of these low prices. Morgan’s position is going to be exposed, they don’t have the metal to keep the prices down here!‘
Muphy continued: ‘This thing is gonna blow up. Whether it’s a Madoff or an Enron, you never know when the thing’s gonna blow. I stated previously that in August the launch would start. The launch has started.
There is going to be a JP Morgan silver scandal to rival LIBOR. They’ve been caught. There are whistle-blowers that are going to do a Madoff on them. This thing is going to explode, it’s going to be sensational, and MEGA!‘


By Chuck Baldwin
August 16, 2012
This weekend, I will be a speaker at the giant "PAUL Festival" taking place in Tampa, Florida. Some of the most notable liberty-minded constitutionalists in the country will also be speaking. It is going to be quite a gathering. See the Paul Festival website here.
With the PAUL Festival fresh on my mind, I am reminded of a column written by Juan Williams at Before referencing Mr. Williams' fine column, it should be no surprise to readers of this column of my undying respect and support for the man who has inspired the PAUL Festival (and so much more): Congressman Ron Paul of Texas.
In 2008, I actively campaigned for Dr. Paul's Presidential campaign in South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, and Iowa. I have written numerous columns in support of the man I call The Greatest Congressman In US History. I have spoken on the same platform with Congressman Paul on more than one occasion and consider him a true American statesman.
I was deeply honored when Dr. Paul endorsed me in 2008 after John McCain had won the GOP primary and I had become the Constitution Party candidate for President. Do I agree with Dr. Paul on every issue? Of course not. No two people are going to agree on everything. However, taken on the whole, Ron Paul has done more for the cause of liberty and constitutional government than any man in the 20th Century. In fact, as Juan Williams observes, America has now entered "The age of Ron Paul."
Williams writes, "Now he [Ron Paul] will leave the national political scene quietly, although he probably had a hand in getting a coveted convention speech slot for his son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky).
"Sen. Paul may give his dad a final shout out from the podium.
"Ron Paul deserves more.
"In presidential debates, and until his last days in Congress, Paul has continued to stir revolution in the Republican Party by fighting the GOP establishment."
Williams concludes his column saying, "As he leaves the political scene, there is no doubt that cranky Ron Paul has made his mark on American politics.
"We will be living in the age of Ron Paul for many years to come."
I believe Williams is spot on! Despite the fact that Ron Paul will not be the GOP nominee for President, despite the fact that he has been ignored, impugned, denigrated, and maligned by the national press corps, religious conservatives, and even his own party leadership, Dr. Paul is the one man whose influence will be felt long after he--and his detractors--have left the land of the living. Why? Because Dr. Paul's consistent theme has been liberty, and liberty is bigger than any government scheme, policy, or program ever invented!
Think of it: Ron Paul was the only veteran running for President from either major party, and he was the only candidate against military adventurism and foreign interventionism. Ron Paul is a devout Christian, and he was the only candidate who recognized that political freedom must be granted to all men and that neither the hearts of men, nor their morals, can be changed via government dictation. The "Religious Right" often accused him of not being "pro-life," yet Ron Paul was the only man running for President who had delivered over 4,000 babies and never performed a single abortion, and who wisely understood that the surest and quickest way to save the lives of unborn babies was not to rely on Supreme Court appointments, but to use the checks and balances granted to Congress by the Constitution under Article. III. Section. 2. Accordingly, he sponsored and re-sponsored the Sanctity of Life Act (which the GOP leadership constantly ignored).
In truth, Ron Paul's indefatigable efforts to promote liberty, peace, and sound money principles have not even come close to reaching their zenith. The aforementioned PAUL Festival in Tampa this weekend will be more about the principles that Ron Paul has promoted for his entire political career than about Ron Paul the man. In fact, when one thinks about Ron Paul, he or she really isn't thinking about a man; he or she is thinking about an idea. It is a truism to say that Ron Paul is bigger than Ron Paul. The ideas that Dr. Paul has championed will continue to swell well into the 21st Century. The PAUL Festival just might signal the unofficial beginning of "the age of Ron Paul."
While some are trying to use Dr. Paul's name and reputation to advance their own personal agendas, there are millions of Americans who have gravitated to the message he preaches, and, who now having tasted the sweet nectar of liberty, will never again be content to drink from the cup of oppression--no matter who is serving it!
Another thing about Ron Paul that has made him the iconic figure for liberty that he has become is his unwillingness to compromise. He isn't called "Dr. No" on Capitol Hill for nothing!
For nearly a quarter of a century, Ron Paul cast vote after vote against unconstitutional bills--even when his was the only "No" vote recorded. He is probably the only congressman in US history who returned every paycheck he received back to the taxpayers. Even when he was campaigning for President, he refused to accept Secret Service protection, because of what it cost taxpayers.

Ron Paul was truly untouchable. He could not be bullied or bribed. He stood on principle regardless of the consequences. For example, he was still feeling the wrath of establishment republicans (and denunciation from the mainstream media) during this year's Presidential campaign for endorsing me for President back in 2008. Was he not sagacious enough to not see that coming? Of course he was; and he did it anyway, because his conscious would not let him endorse the neocon RINO John McCain.

Michelle's entourage

Subject: Michelle's entourage
If this is true, it is disgraceful.

I hope it's not true, it makes me painfully sick! This reminds me of the Obama's family vacation to India that reportedly cost US taxpayers 200 MILLION dollars a day with the entourage he took with him. At a time when millions of US citizens are having a hard time just feeding their families! How could the lowest of the low justify that behavior....????? If the stories are true, they should be tried in court and put in jail for abuse of the system. PERIOD

The guy Chris Hedges seems to nail Obama 100%. He seems to be one of the few that is not afraid of being labeled racist for telling-it-as-it-is with Obama. After reading some of Hedges columns, I have a bad feeling all these stories are true..... BALHHH

I wonder if this is true... 


Your money at work!
Wow, what a compassionate person!
Why don't they show this on the TV news???
"In my own life, in my own small way, I have tried to give back to this country that has given me so much," she said.
"See, that's why I left a job at a big law firm for a career in public service, "....
Michelle Obama
No, Michele Obama does not get paid to serve as the First Lady, and she doesn't perform any official duties. But, this hasn't deterred her from hiring an unprecedented number of staffers, to cater to her every whim, and to satisfy her every request, in the midst of the Great Recession.

Just think, Mary Lincoln was taken to task for purchasing China for the White House, during the Civil War. And, Mamie Eisenhower had to shell out the salary for her personal secretary, from her husband's salary.

Total Personal Staff members for other first ladies, paid by taxpayers:

Mamie Eisenhower: One-- paid for personally, out of the President's salary.
Jackie Kennedy: One
Roseline Carter: One
Barbara Bush: One
Hilary Clinton: Three
Laura Bush: One

Michele Obama: Twenty-two

How things have changed! If you're one of the tens of millions of Americans facing certain destitution, earning less than subsistence wages, stocking the shelves at Wal-Mart, or serving up McDonald cheeseburgers, prepare to scream, and then come to realize that the benefit package for these servants of Mrs. Michelle are the same as members of the national security, and defense departments, and the bill for these assorted lackeys is paid by YOU, John Q. Public:

Michele Obama's personal staff:

One.. $172,200 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
Two.. $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President, and Director of Policy And Projects For The First Lady)
Three.. $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President, and White House Social Secretary for Mrs. Obama)
Four.. $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President, And Director of Communications for the First Lady)
Five.. $100,000 - Winter, Melissa (Special Assistant to the President, and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
Six.. $90,000 - Medina, David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
Seven.. $84,000 - Lilyveld, Catherine M. (Director, and Press Secretary, to the First Lady)
Eight.. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling, and Advance for the First Lady)
Nine.. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady)
Ten.. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn (Deputy Director, and Deputy Social Secretary)
Eleven.. $64,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B. (Deputy Director, and Deputy Social Secretary)
Twelve.. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling, and Events Coordinator For The First Lady)
Thirteen.. $60,000 - Fitz, Alan O. (Deputy Director of Advance, and Trip Director For the First Lady)
Fourteen.. $57,500 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant, and Personal Aide to the First Lady)
Fifteen... $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director, and Deputy Press Secretary To The First Lady)
Sixteen.. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling, and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)
Seventeen.. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)
Eighteen.. $43,000 - Tubman, Samanth a (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
Nineteen.. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
Twenty.. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
Twenty-One... $35,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
Twenty-Two.. $35,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)
(Total $1,591,200 in annual salaries)

There has NEVER been anyone in the White House, at any time, who has created such an army of staffers, whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady's social life.

One wonders why she needs so much help, at taxpayer expense.

Note: This does not include makeup artist Ingrid Grimes-Miles, 49, and "First Hairstylist" Johnny Wright, 31, both of whom traveled aboard Air Force One to Europe.
Copyright 2009 Canada Free

Yes, I know, The Canadian Free Press had to publish this, perhaps because America no longer has a free press, and the USA media is too scared that they might be considered racist, or suffer at the hands of Obama.
Why doesn’t someone in Congress blow the whistle on the Obama’s extravagance, and prompt an investigation? What a sorry lot we have in D.C.!!

Jean Haines – A Further Analysis On Neil’s (Keenan) Claim In Response

Jean Haines – A Further Analysis On Neil’s (Keenan) Claim In Response

This piece seems to back up Neil’s claim in his response to “Blankfein.”
Neil wrote: “What we must all realize, though, is that the BIS, IMF and the WORLD BANK are all one and the same: all Globalists. Upon being appointed to the Head of the IMF, Christine Legarde did come forth and put a stop to the laundering of funds within the IMF, so the mirroring of Global Accounts has stopped there.”
Raúl Ilargi Meijer wrote: “A rise based on expectations of other Eurozone nations, notably Germany, basically putting up the health of their own economies as collateral to inspire confidence in ECB sovereign bond purchases.  Now, you can play this game for a while, no reason to doubt that. But I would personally think we’ve finished playing out that particular “while” a long time ago and running. Whatever remains now is but a wager. As in: the entire Eurozone has turned into a casino.”
They’re both saying something very similar in concept.
Neil wrote:  “On the other hand, Europe needs the money so badly that in most cases they are afraid to ask such a tough question—and they take the illegal funds! Well, the funds have been shut off, and if the BIS allows them to continue to mirror the Accounts, we will come after them.”
Raúl Ilargi Meijer wrote:  “In the case of Europe, the EU’s national governments, Germany’s first of all, refuse to tackle the debt issue, when it comes to Italy and Spain, because it would threaten their own respective banks.”
The “Lame Stream Media” has become acutely aware of what is going on—how the overlords are intimidating helpless nations with their fraud and theft.
Neil wrote:  “You have used illegal funds, and you have paid Debt with illegal funds. The Global Accounts are filled with your phony Euro Notes that you use to pay off the Leased Gold.  Yes, Lloyd, we have many of them, and what would you do if we were to walk into Draghi tomorrow and claim they be validated? What would happen to your show? It would simply shut down—unless you actually found a few shekels to pay them off.  Then again if you pay off a couple of Euros, you would have to pay off the Trillions of Euros you printed to pay your debt.”
Raúl Ilargi Meijer wrote:  “The latest line is that they do it to “stabilize the currency”. Which is fine in itself, or so I guess, only we would like to know how long they would plan to stabilize it for (two weeks doesn’t seem to cut it). And that issue is not addressed.  Ever.  Hence, we are left to conclude that there is no effort to deal with the debt, there’s not even an attempt to do it. Mario Draghi is merely trying to lift a corner of the magic flying finance carpet, so Spain can be allowed to sweep its true debt burden under it, out of our sight.  And a carpet can hide quite a bit of dead dust for quite some time, as you know if you’ve ever tried the approach. The thing about debt, though, is that it’s not dead dust.  Debt lives. It’s alive. It’s almost organic. Debt festers and ferments under that carpet, it requires interest and principal payments, and it grows if these payments are not made.”
“… no effort to deal with the debt.”  These people understand that the money is coming from somewhere and it isn’t from the economies of the countries attempting to enforce the European Union’s agenda.  It’s coming from “thin air” –Neil exposes them that they’re issuing money based on “mirror accounts” (I’m told an invention of Henry Kissinger) that associates their worthless fiat currency with accounts (Global Accounts) backed by GOLD they don’t own!
So, friends, can you see how it’s all coming together now?  This article was published in the Business Insider. After 19 months and as many “plans” that never produced the “Big Bazooka,” who do YOU think wealthy investors are listening to now? From the obvious signs that investors are taking their money OUT of the equity markets and stuffing it all in commodities, I would think they’re listening to the likes of Neil and Raúl. Wouldn’t you agree?
Again, my thanks to M!

PS – A simplistic explanation of how Mirror Accounting works:
Mirror accounting is used in European countries that require changes in inventory to be immediately reflected in the income statement. With mirror tables, you can combine the creation of balance sheet inventory entries with the creation of related entries to income statement accounts by associating a pair of source accounts with a pair of mirror accounts.
Mirror accounting only applies to inventory (IC) transactions. Whenever an inventory transaction creates a general ledger (GL) entry for a specified combination of source accounts, the system automatically creates GL entries
to the related mirror accounts:

Debit Source Account 1
Credit Source Account 2

Credit Mirror Account 1
Debit Mirror Account 2

Here’s how it works: You check out “a fund’s holdings,” moves and performance on a mirroring “service’s” operational site (Black Screen). If you like what you see, you give the “service” permission to execute the same trades in your brokerage account in the same proportions that the fund makes. So if the fund receives a percentage of wealth to its portfolio in, say, GOLD, the service will “buy” (with funny-money) the same percentage position for you in your account (an electronic or “paper” {FIAT} transaction). For this privilege, you pay a fee based on the amount of money you invest with the “service” to follow “the fund.”
As an example: Through an normal accounting transaction, the Dragon Family moves 200 tones of GOLD into their “Gold Inventory” in their “Global Account.” You like what you see so you have the “service” credit your account with an electronic transaction of equal value. Get it? Of course, YOUR transaction is simply an ASCII Octal Code “represents” the real wealth sitting in the vault of the Dragon Family and recorded in their General Ledger as an entry representing their GOLD Inventory. It may also be an equivalent “representation” issued in paper Eurodollars (FIAT money). (e.g., 4 Quad-Trillion Pounds credited to “Spiritual White Boy”).
So,  you can see … it’s a sham! link to original article

"The Biggest Game InTown" about the Government CAFR wealth shell game

Released on Google video: 12/25/08 - PLEASE POST - PUBLISH - COPY - AND PLAY FOR OTHERS

Five days after release there were 850,049 VIEWS WORLDWIDE as of 12/30/08 - Estimated VIEWS as of 09/11/2011 WORLDWIDE: Over 7 Million VIEWS! 

"The Biggest Game in Town" video was produced distributed only on VHS tapes. It was put up for internet access on December 25th 2008.

The documentary gets the cognitive thinking clicking and was annotated on the lower script line with 2009 information.

This was the first CAFR1 video that got the ball rolling for international disclosure of the CAFR (local government's - Annual Financial Report) of which was the biggest shell game played in government finance. Selectively created budget reports "for the year" were presented to the population and the CAFR never a mention being that it showed the true wealth held (developed over decades) and complete gross income (investment; Tax; and Enterprise)

Government promotes annual "Budget Reports" and at the same time virtually not a peep as to their Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) 

Do a Google search on CAFR

A complete AUDIT of international holdings and trading activity is URGENTLY needed to see the "NET" results of the market manipulations that took place since September 2001 to present...... Will this happen? Not as long as the foxes maintain regulation over the hen house! 


Learn quickly... have no doubts about it, final ownership of our country by the corporate government syndicate or by the people is at stake here.

The BLACK-OUT continues from our government, the syndicated media, controlled education, and both primary political parties.. DUE TO THE MONEY AND CONTROL INVOLVED!

Please Support CAFR1 -

Neil Keenan says, “Blankfein, we’re coming for you!”. August 22, 2012

Neil Keenan’s Exclusive and Explosive post: Neil Keenan says, “Blankfein, we’re coming for you!”. August 22, 2012 . . . please help it to go viral . . .

I’m in close contact with Neil, and today he published this article on my blog, 2012 What’s the ‘real’ truth?. I thought you might be interested. Hugs, ~Jean
Article link: 
Neil Keenan says, “Blankfein, we’re coming for you!”, August 22, 2012
Neil Keenan read the article I recently posted called GOLDMAN: It’s Time To Bet On A Big Comeback In Europe – :) and decided to respond to it. ~J
- This is absolutely the most absurd statement ever made by any banking official! Bet on Europe to come back big, he says! Well, there is some truth to his words, but the banksters just don’t get it yet: Yes, Europe is going to come back big, but this is going to happen because it is soon going to shed this horrible European Union/Commission! A Commission run by Communists, Socialists and most especially Globalists. An Organization that believes it controls Europe and its purse strings, when in fact they have illegally been using the Collateral Accounts (Global Funds) to finance Europe. All any nation has to do is just ask these banksters if the money is legitimate—is it clean—and they will falter!
On the other hand, Europe needs the money so badly that in most cases they are afraid to ask such a tough question, and so they take the illegal funds! Well, the funds have been shut off, and if the BIS allows them to continue to mirror the Accounts, we will come after them. The EU Commissioners realize we are watching them, and they know what they have done to destroy our world by working with the Cabal. What we must all realize, though, is that the BIS, IMF and the WORLD BANK are all one and the same: all Globalists. Upon being appointed to the Head of the IMF, Christine Legarde did come forth and put a stop to the laundering of funds within the IMF, so the mirroring of Global Accounts has stopped there. Christine is doing a great job of frustrating the Globalists, but remember, she is also managing to save her own skin in the process.
Let me get to the meat, and that means you, Blankfein. You have played your Globalist Games long enough, and it is time for people to know that Goldman Sachs is literally attempting to take over Europe. You have illegally put in Monti as Prime Minister of Italy and Papedemos as Prime Minster of Greece, and to top it off, you have Mario Draghi as head of the European Central Bank. You are even looking to make more undemocratic, illegal appointments with which the people of the concerned nations have no say, no vote, and this cannot be permitted to continue. You have used illegal funds, and you have paid Debt with illegal funds. The Global Accounts are filled with your phony Euro Notes that you use to pay off the Leased Gold. Yes, Lloyd, we have many of them, and what would you do if we were to walk into Draghi tomorrow and claim they be validated? What would happen to your show? It would simply shut down—unless you actually found a few shekels to pay them off. Then again if you pay off a couple of Euros, you would have to pay off the Trillions of Euros you printed to pay your debt. All phony!!!!! And, the fact is, you can’t do it! You can’t pay off any debts— not anymore!
You have deceived the Global Accounts long enough and have not paid your debts properly, and I am coming for you shortly. You can expect us! Soon we will be knocking on your door, and you will be arrested—despite having your attorney present with you at all times. Lloyd, you have made a mess of it. It is over and you will all pay. Count your blessings that you are still free, but breathe the smell of liberty while you can, because soon you will get what you reaped—a long time in prison. It is difficult for me to imagine how we, the people, have allowed you to be free so long, but maybe enough of us have now opened our eyes to actually put you away.
Yes, Europe is ready to rebound, this fact is for sure—and they will—just as soon as they shed themselves from the Goldman Sachs-Bilderberg albatross! Europe will rebound and begin once again to use the old currency denominations we are all so familiar with. Mr. Rothschilds’ dream of this European Union has failed, and it is best for him to get out while he can. It is a situation where the phony money is going to come back and bite the Nations that printed it—instead of innocent people. Believe me, I have seen the Euros the Treasury Departments have used to pay their debts, and they are no more valuable than toilet paper—well, no, actually, toilet paper has more value!
(Photos of these totally useless payments will be published here on a daily, on-going basis.)  Some of what you will see is real and some is not. It is how they print and pack it. They pay by printing phony and real money, but the Holders have no idea of what is real or not, so they do their best not to pay at all. They are nearly all Frauds. The pictures I am sharing are some of the bundles in the bunkers. There is so much more. No one has any idea without monetization if these funds are real or not. The result is that the Global Accounts do not actually know if anyone ever paid. It is one massive FRAUD and an audit and review must be done to establish what is real—and what is not. We are bringing a Bank to Indonesia to deal with this and do an accurate accounting, and upon completion we must decide who to prosecute for Fraud.
There is an old saying and it applies here perfectly: “In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king”. Well, this might have been correct at one time, but now people are opening their eyes and their target is YOU!!!! Run-Lloyd-Run! Yes, Run, Lloyd, run—and keep on running.


Main Entry:  
mob rule
Part of Speech:
 control or government by a gang, often of violent criminals; also called ochlocracy
Mob rule may refer to: Ochlocracy, a government by mob or a mass of people Mafia or otherwise criminal control of people and groups Mob Rule, a PC game released on ...


(from an informed reader)

Are we approaching a Presidential Dictatorship? You decide!

The Senate must confirm appointments made by every President. This retains the Senate’s authority. It holds confirmation hearings. That was then. This is now.

The Senate decided that it’s just too much trouble. It wanted out. So, the Senate persuaded the House to go along with a joint surrender to the President. It exempted 170 appointments from any hearings. If the President wants these people to run the bureaucracies — which cannot be fired — that’s his business. No more advice. Universal consent.

The name of the law is the "Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011".

We all want more efficiency, right? We don’t want to see the Senate bogged down, right? The Senate passed the bill 79-20, in June 2011. The House passed it by 261-116 last month. Obama signed it on August 10. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York explains what this means.
“This landmark bipartisan agreement strikes the right balance between getting important positions in the government filled quickly and preserving the Senate’s ‘advice and consent’ role. It isn’t often that Congress voluntarily takes steps to curb its own power. But for the good of our democracy, the Senate must become more efficient. This reform bill will help to break the gridlock that has dominated the Senate, allowing both parties to focus on driving an agenda designed to create jobs and reduce the deficit.”
I feel so much better now. The Senate will become more efficient. It will be able to pass more laws. Then the executive agencies will implement them with more pages in the Federal Register. It published only 83,000 pages in 2011. This new law will help reduce the legislative logjam. We will get far more pages in the future.
Continue Reading on

WTFU America!!! ..........Jerry
“Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual...
Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God,
nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.”
John Hancock


V.K.D. Writes

August 23, 2012

If the Civil Government of the united States checked the records of the contracted "U.S. Federal Government" is under Contract to We the People.. Don't believe it!? Read: [Constitution for the United States of America][1]

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Article. I.

Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Section. 2.The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.
V.K.D. Hope you noticed it did not say "The U.S. Federal Government in order to ~"
More on the Subject
Index | Bill of Rights | Additional Amendments | Printer friendly version
V.K.D. The first SEVEN (VII) Articles set up the format for setting up Trade Representatives for the newly formed nine and later thirteen colonies as to the form of governments representing the constituents (People) of these new colonies in the conducting International Trade and Commerce.. Once agreed to and adopted the Representatives of the People came to the hard realization if they did not make provisions to protect the People of the Colonies they themselves had the tools at hand to become as equally corrupt, despotic and oppressive than the Crown and Crown Corporations from whence they had freed themselves from atrocities such as stated in the Declaration of Independence thereby these newly formed Colonies under "self governance" were no better, than the Crown Corporations of the Kings and Queens of Europe from which the new found freedoms were won. Once this realization of the need for the protecting of the People.. Whereas and Whereby the representatives came to realize the desperate need to protect the People, urged by William Penn's barbed statements "A ruled without a Godhead will be ruled by Tyrants!" after long deliberation in 1789-90-91 the representatives came to the conclusion and set into Law of the Land the First Set of Amendments to the newly formed Constitution for the United States of America to wit;

[Bill of Rights]

The conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as further extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution."
V.K.D. Not so long ago we had a couple of presidents of the US Federal Corporation (not to be confused with the U.S. Contracted Federal Government of WE the People) who felt as though "the Constitution is nothing but a G#% Damned piece of paper" ..
Well folks! That "piece of paper" is what all duly (constitutionally) elected public representatives of WE the People in offices of Public Trust took an 'oath' (just as I myself and so many, many others) to "Uphold, Protect and Defend, Against All Parties, Foreign and Domestic"..
Unfortunately with these presidents grabbing unlimited powers while operating without full cabinets.. have without exception (Hope you ladies and gentlemen at the U.S. Justice Dept. are reading this and those ladies and gentlemen who's branch of service in 1790 followed right along with the Constitution and Bill of Rights) committed willful, wanton, malicious acts of sedition and Treason against the We the People and this very nation its-self whereas and whereby in doing so these presidents with the party playing of the "Corporate" US (notice no dots between the U and S?) House and Senate, allowing a dozen or so representatives on the House Floor to conduct the business of this nation when the "House has adjourned for the day".. but these individuals just keep on making and passing laws foreign to the Duly Constituted Structure set forth in the Constitution i.e. LAW "for" the United States of America..

The operation of the Executive Branch is spelled out as to the mandatory requirements of ALL OFFICES being filled before the president can act or function in and on the behalf of the Sovereign Civil Governments (you know.. those fools out there in the states of the Union the federal government pays no attention to) being those who Contracted with the federal government to conduct affairs of Trade and Commerce as set forth in those SEVEN Articles.

I've spent many a day since the senseless torture and ultimate murder of my husband by these busters, thinking about how these scum-bags got control and became so powerful. See: and
I believe the answer lies in the fact that while all of us were following the American Dream and raising our children to be God Fearing, Self Respecting, Law Abiding members of our Lawful, Ordered Society of We, the People; We trusted our leaders to run our Federal Government as prescribed by LAW i.e. SEVEN ARTICLES OF CONSTITUTION (SEVEN ARTICLES OF LAW) by our fore fathers.

While we were trusting the Feds to do THE RIGHT THING, mobsters and gangsters, crooks, thieves, scum-bags and the lowest form of our Civilized Society crept into our Offices of Public Trust and commenced making and passing Rules and Regulations, Unconstitutional laws, Despotic laws in direct conflict with the SEVEN ARTICLES OF LAW prescribed in THE CONSTITUTION COMPACT with the Federals.

When the BILL OF RIGHTS was put into full force and effect, effective December 15, 1791, the Preamble reflected the Purpose and Intent of government and self governance in these simple words:
"The conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution."
Today..these individuals, sitting in Offices of Public Trust, are guilty of the betrayal of public trust, culpable violation of the constitution, graft, corruption, bribery, financial terrorism, sedition (when two or more conspire to overthrow the Civil Government (We, the People) of the United States), accompanied with Willful, Malicious, Wanton, Open Treason, in Careless Disregard for All Law and Rights of We, the People as prescribed and set forth by our fore-fathers.
Not many have had the advantage of studying and getting to know the Original Purpose and intent of the Founding Fathers, such as I. I am sharing it with you from THE ORIGINAL and you can find the first 100 or so pages (more are being scanned in for you. we will have them up as soon as we can) at .

Hopefully you will scan these off and study them.. Pass them on to Senator Robert Byrd also..Let him know the Constitution as she was intended is up, and alive and well..

This current problem We, the People are experiencing with our Fed Govt. is no different than what is going on in the Philippines. You will find very interesting reading at . There is a direct parallel going on here, and by gollies WE, the People had best begin to grab hold of the working end of the HANDLE on our BILL OF RIGHTS and those SEVEN ARTICLES OF LAW the feds are bound to by Oath of Office.

I spent many a day looking out over the Ohio River..thinking about this..., and am thoroughly convinced I am right.

While we were doing our duties as Good Americans.. these busters tried to take down the Constitution-Law... Well! She's back up for all to see..and to study. GUARD HER CAREFULLY!

I have often stated in my response to these presidents, who openly state slanderous remarks about the Constitution/Law, who act for themselves and not for We the People, such as in these articles:
As 'push comes closer to shove' we find grassroots pressure being applied to the U.S. House of Reps who have from all appearances discovered "They drank too damned much of the Potomac Water"..when they passed Repugnant, Despotic, Un-Constitutional Laws designed to deprive all of We, the People of ALL Rights as guaranteed and declared inviolable in the Bill of Rights, which was put in to full force and effect December 15, 1791.

The PREAMBLE to The BILL OF RIGHTS, as provided in the FIRST TEN AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, Effective December 15, 1791 reads as follows, to wit:
"Articles in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the Original Constitution. read more
and then there was/is that 'redacted' proposal for the constitution and what it was intended to be~

1786 -1870



Volume I



(Posted 7.20.05)

Endtime Evolution

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Picture: Beam me up. Planetary evacuation. Planetary exodus.

"The Spiritual Hierarchy of the Solar System has concluded that Man has reached that point in his spiritual awakening when a fuller revelation of the closing portion of the Divine Plan for Earth may be revealed to him.

This light is not a new thing. Glimmers have appeared here and there through many at different points in time. Yet broadly speaking, it has not been a known thing either. Or perhaps it has appeared in distorted form. It has not been stressed or particularly emphasized by us until this generation. There are many present, even within the folds of New Age concepts, who will cry that these things must not be spoken of. Yet where will they be when the word is needed to comfort the hearts of millions, when the sky is darkened with spacecraft, come to lift them to safety?

So we must have our nucleus of messengers with the stamina and the courage to dare to get the message to the people of Earth, that this hour will come, and that when it does, there will be help ready in the skies to care for them! We do not involve ourselves with the dogmas of Earth or crystallizations of the doctrines of Men. If our alerting messages or warnings or any portion thereof seems to be at odds with accepted traditional interpretations of things, then let tradition update its information by returning to direct contact with the Celestial Government of this Solar System!

Souls of Divine Illumination will not be overcome with fear because of a foreknowledge of coming events, but will, rather, be filled with a joyous confidence in the Heavenly Father and take refuge in His shadow until these calamities be passed. This, then, is your refuge from the storm, your shadow from the heat. With these revelations we share with you some of the details involved in the Father's Protective Presence and the means with which it will be manifested in the crisis hour for the children of God. It is well to trust in the general principle that, 'come what may, God will take care of me.' It is even more comforting to be apprised of His method and His Plan for doing so. Many have long walked by faith, believing but not seeing. This faith now finds its fruit within this body of practical revelation as it applies to the physical octave.

In the darkest hour that can come for this planet, when its very existence would be destroyed were it not for the intervention of the Father's Hand, the millions who have dared to trust in Him when they had no other evidence other than their own faith, will be rewarded openly by being lifted into His Ark of Safety. As a hen gathereth her chicks under her wings, this Ark provided will be the great armadas of floating cities that orbit the Earth on their Mission of Mercy!

All of the units of Heaven have laboured together on this great Plan, counselled together and served earnestly to bring to consummation the greatest rescue of souls, of all time. The beloved sons and daughters of God will be hidden under our wings until the planet Earth is once more habitable. Then that which has been 'plucked up' shall be 'planted again,' and the Earth shall bring forth beautiful fruit in the Father's Name, within the cleansed and purified vibrations of a new Heaven and a New Earth. Do not despair that others are not telling the story. The world has not been ready to hear. Many, at least, are close to the facts, though they know it not. But once again, through this means, we who guard your World now tell unto Man that which is before him. Let him choose wisely his response to the Plan.

I am 
Kuthumi, World Teacher of this Solar System under the auspices of the Great Central Sun Government.” More from Kuthumi here.

“We have many, many ships that are going through your atmosphere at all times; and now and then, here and there, we are helping more people to experience sightings of the ships, and some are being taken for trips. There is more of this type of activity, but it is just incidental. We are looking forward to the time when we can land in great numbers. We cannot land as long as too many Earth beings have fear. The condition of your feeling world is our test to tell whether or not we should bring in the ships in large numbers and land, before the serious cataclysmic activities on Earth may come about.

We can test the feeling world of Humankind, and judge exactly the level of its development. At the present time the percentage of your people who have more fear than we would want to cause, is about six percent. Now the question is, how low must that percent register before we could take a chance on landing in large numbers? We feel that if it goes down below three percent, we can land in quite large numbers. We would experiment with it, if the number got down to that point. However, the percentage has not been lowering very much, so we hope there will be an improvement.

There are more people in certain areas who would allow fear, and in this regard, your United States is a little bit lower than some of the other places because of experience and more publicity about UFOs, but you are still not down to three percent.

We have been preventing your Earth from going into a flip on its axis, which would change the positions of your polar regions by displacing your equator. Such a displacement cataclysm would practically wipe out most of the life on Planet Earth; and if we needed to do this, we would just withdraw the help which we have been giving, to hold your World in its orbit. Should it become necessary to withdraw our help, your planet would go into the flip on its axis, which in turn would soon end wars of any kind, and wash and cleanse the whole of Earth and begin its final purification.

If that happened, it would only be a matter of minutes - an hour at the most -during which we can pick up the persons to be saved. There are almost 13,000,000 (thirteen million) Space Ships close to your Earth now. Most are still in the finer dimension, so you do not see them. However, we can shift into another dimension which would be closer to your Third Dimension - close enough so we could pick up all of you beloved, precious ones in your physical bodies, and save those of you who would be proper to populate the Earth in the New Age, when you will have 'Heaven on Earth.'

Work on your feeling world so that you are always at peace. Do not become disturbed. A disturbed climate would be dangerous if suddenly this activity of Earth's flip on the axis took place. Do not let anything in to disturb you. If someone started an atomic war, or earthquakes, hurricanes or any violence of that nature appeared, your inner disturbance and fear would endanger you. Without fear, you are protected by the Light which you have drawn about you, and the greater Light which you continue to draw.

Sad to relate, as the energies are stepped up and frequencies increased, the evil forces are more active. They are in their last throes, as it were, and some of them are getting desperate. They feel that they may not be able to accomplish their mission in controlling others to promote undesirable deeds. Their desperation has caused them to step up evil happenings, and the evil is receiving more publicity.”

Monka (Protector of Planet Earth and Earth representative on the Great Council of the Ashtar Space Command. An ascended human based in the higher dimensions of Saturn.)