Main Entry: | mob rule |
Part of Speech: | n |
Definition: |
Mob rule may refer to: Ochlocracy, a government by mob or a mass of people Mafia or otherwise criminal control of people and groups Mob Rule, a PC game released on ...
(from an informed reader)
Are we approaching a Presidential Dictatorship? You decide! The Senate must confirm appointments made by every President. This retains the Senate’s authority. It holds confirmation hearings. That was then. This is now. The Senate decided that it’s just too much trouble. It wanted out. So, the Senate persuaded the House to go along with a joint surrender to the President. It exempted 170 appointments from any hearings. If the President wants these people to run the bureaucracies — which cannot be fired — that’s his business. No more advice. Universal consent. The name of the law is the "Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011". We all want more efficiency, right? We don’t want to see the Senate bogged down, right? The Senate passed the bill 79-20, in June 2011. The House passed it by 261-116 last month. Obama signed it on August 10. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York explains what this means. “This landmark bipartisan agreement strikes the right balance between getting important positions in the government filled quickly and preserving the Senate’s ‘advice and consent’ role. It isn’t often that Congress voluntarily takes steps to curb its own power. But for the good of our democracy, the Senate must become more efficient. This reform bill will help to break the gridlock that has dominated the Senate, allowing both parties to focus on driving an agenda designed to create jobs and reduce the deficit.” I feel so much better now. The Senate will become more efficient. It will be able to pass more laws. Then the executive agencies will implement them with more pages in the Federal Register. It published only 83,000 pages in 2011. This new law will help reduce the legislative logjam. We will get far more pages in the future. “Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual... Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.” John Hancock ![]() V.K.D. WritesAugust 23, 2012If the Civil Government of the united States checked the records of the contracted "U.S. Federal Government" is under Contract to We the People.. Don't believe it!? Read: [Constitution for the United States of America][1] We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article. I. Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Section. 2.The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature. V.K.D. Hope you noticed it did not say "The U.S. Federal Government in order to ~" More on the Subject Index | Bill of Rights | Additional Amendments | Printer friendly version V.K.D. The first SEVEN (VII) Articles set up the format for setting up Trade Representatives for the newly formed nine and later thirteen colonies as to the form of governments representing the constituents (People) of these new colonies in the conducting International Trade and Commerce.. Once agreed to and adopted the Representatives of the People came to the hard realization if they did not make provisions to protect the People of the Colonies they themselves had the tools at hand to become as equally corrupt, despotic and oppressive than the Crown and Crown Corporations from whence they had freed themselves from atrocities such as stated in the Declaration of Independence thereby these newly formed Colonies under "self governance" were no better, than the Crown Corporations of the Kings and Queens of Europe from which the new found freedoms were won. Once this realization of the need for the protecting of the People.. Whereas and Whereby the representatives came to realize the desperate need to protect the People, urged by William Penn's barbed statements "A ruled without a Godhead will be ruled by Tyrants!" after long deliberation in 1789-90-91 the representatives came to the conclusion and set into Law of the Land the First Set of Amendments to the newly formed Constitution for the United States of America to wit; [Bill of Rights]PREAMBLE The conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as further extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution."V.K.D. Not so long ago we had a couple of presidents of the US Federal Corporation (not to be confused with the U.S. Contracted Federal Government of WE the People) who felt as though "the Constitution is nothing but a G#% Damned piece of paper" .. Well folks! That "piece of paper" is what all duly (constitutionally) elected public representatives of WE the People in offices of Public Trust took an 'oath' (just as I myself and so many, many others) to "Uphold, Protect and Defend, Against All Parties, Foreign and Domestic".. Unfortunately with these presidents grabbing unlimited powers while operating without full cabinets.. have without exception (Hope you ladies and gentlemen at the U.S. Justice Dept. are reading this and those ladies and gentlemen who's branch of service in 1790 followed right along with the Constitution and Bill of Rights) committed willful, wanton, malicious acts of sedition and Treason against the We the People and this very nation its-self whereas and whereby in doing so these presidents with the party playing of the "Corporate" US (notice no dots between the U and S?) House and Senate, allowing a dozen or so representatives on the House Floor to conduct the business of this nation when the "House has adjourned for the day".. but these individuals just keep on making and passing laws foreign to the Duly Constituted Structure set forth in the Constitution i.e. LAW "for" the United States of America.. The operation of the Executive Branch is spelled out as to the mandatory requirements of ALL OFFICES being filled before the president can act or function in and on the behalf of the Sovereign Civil Governments (you know.. those fools out there in the states of the Union the federal government pays no attention to) being those who Contracted with the federal government to conduct affairs of Trade and Commerce as set forth in those SEVEN Articles. V.K.D. 7/28/05. VKD RESPONDS WITH PERSONAL THOUGHTS I've spent many a day since the senseless torture and ultimate murder of my husband by these busters, thinking about how these scum-bags got control and became so powerful. See: and I believe the answer lies in the fact that while all of us were following the American Dream and raising our children to be God Fearing, Self Respecting, Law Abiding members of our Lawful, Ordered Society of We, the People; We trusted our leaders to run our Federal Government as prescribed by LAW i.e. SEVEN ARTICLES OF CONSTITUTION (SEVEN ARTICLES OF LAW) by our fore fathers. While we were trusting the Feds to do THE RIGHT THING, mobsters and gangsters, crooks, thieves, scum-bags and the lowest form of our Civilized Society crept into our Offices of Public Trust and commenced making and passing Rules and Regulations, Unconstitutional laws, Despotic laws in direct conflict with the SEVEN ARTICLES OF LAW prescribed in THE CONSTITUTION COMPACT with the Federals. When the BILL OF RIGHTS was put into full force and effect, effective December 15, 1791, the Preamble reflected the Purpose and Intent of government and self governance in these simple words: "The conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution." Today..these individuals, sitting in Offices of Public Trust, are guilty of the betrayal of public trust, culpable violation of the constitution, graft, corruption, bribery, financial terrorism, sedition (when two or more conspire to overthrow the Civil Government (We, the People) of the United States), accompanied with Willful, Malicious, Wanton, Open Treason, in Careless Disregard for All Law and Rights of We, the People as prescribed and set forth by our fore-fathers. Not many have had the advantage of studying and getting to know the Original Purpose and intent of the Founding Fathers, such as I. I am sharing it with you from THE ORIGINAL and you can find the first 100 or so pages (more are being scanned in for you. we will have them up as soon as we can) at . Hopefully you will scan these off and study them.. Pass them on to Senator Robert Byrd also..Let him know the Constitution as she was intended is up, and alive and well.. This current problem We, the People are experiencing with our Fed Govt. is no different than what is going on in the Philippines. You will find very interesting reading at . There is a direct parallel going on here, and by gollies WE, the People had best begin to grab hold of the working end of the HANDLE on our BILL OF RIGHTS and those SEVEN ARTICLES OF LAW the feds are bound to by Oath of Office. I spent many a day looking out over the Ohio River..thinking about this..., and am thoroughly convinced I am right. While we were doing our duties as Good Americans.. these busters tried to take down the Constitution-Law... Well! She's back up for all to see..and to study. GUARD HER CAREFULLY! V.K.D. I have often stated in my response to these presidents, who openly state slanderous remarks about the Constitution/Law, who act for themselves and not for We the People, such as in these articles: As 'push comes closer to shove' we find grassroots pressure being applied to the U.S. House of Reps who have from all appearances discovered "They drank too damned much of the Potomac Water"..when they passed Repugnant, Despotic, Un-Constitutional Laws designed to deprive all of We, the People of ALL Rights as guaranteed and declared inviolable in the Bill of Rights, which was put in to full force and effect December 15, 1791. The PREAMBLE to The BILL OF RIGHTS, as provided in the FIRST TEN AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, Effective December 15, 1791 reads as follows, to wit: "Articles in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the Original Constitution. read more and then there was/is that 'redacted' proposal for the constitution and what it was intended to be~ DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1786 -1870 DERIVED FROM THE RECORDS, MANUSCRIPTS, AND ROLLS DEPOSITED IN THE BUREAU OF ROLLS AND LIBRARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE 31579 Volume I WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF STATE 1894 WORK IN PROGRESS FIRST TWO HUNDRED LINKS TO PAGES ARE (Posted 7.20.05) |
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