Friday, August 24, 2012

Lucky Fluckey - RADM Eugene B Fluckey USN (ret) - One Medal of Honor, Four Navy Crosses

A little bit of inspiration from a Navy Reserve buddy.



Thirty-nine years ago, an Italian submarine was sold for a paltry $100,000 as scrap. The submarine, given to the Italian Navy in 1953 . . was originally the USS Barb . . an incredible veteran of World War II service . . with a heritage that should not have been melted away without any recognition. 
The U.S.S. Barb was a pioneer, paving the way for the first submarine to launch missiles and it flew a battle flag unlike that of any other ship. 

In addition to the Medal of Honor ribbon at the top of the flag identifying the heroism of its Captain, Commander Eugene 'Lucky' Fluckey. And the bottom border of the flag bore the image of a Japanese train locomotive. 
The U.S.S. Barb was indeed, the submarine that SANK A TRAIN ! 

July 18, 1945 In Patience Bay, off the coast of Karafuto, Japan .

It was after 4 A.M. and Commander Fluckey rubbed his eyes as he peered over the map spread before him. It was the twelfth war patrol of the Barb, the fifth under Commander Fluckey. He should have turned the submarine's command over to another skipper after four patrols, but had managed to strike a deal with Admiral Lockwood to make a fifth trip with the men he cared for like a father.
Of course, no one suspected when he had struck that deal prior to his fourth and should have been his final war patrol, that Commander Fluckey‘s success would be so great he would be awarded the Medal of Honor.

Commander Fluckey smiled as he remembered that patrol. Lucky Fluckey they called him. On January 8th the Barb had emerged victorious from a running two-hour night battle after sinking a large enemy ammunition ship. Two weeks later in Mamkwan Harbor he found the mother-lode... more than 30 enemy ships.

In only 5 fathoms (30 feet) of water his crew had unleashed the sub’s forward torpedoes, then turned and fired four from the stern. As he pushed the Barb to the full limit of its speed through the dangerous waters in a daring withdrawal to the open sea, he recorded eight direct hits on six enemy ships. 

What could possibly be left for the Commander to accomplish who, just three months earlier had been in Washington , DC to receive the Medal of Honor? He smiled to himself as he looked again at the map showing the rail line that ran along the enemy coastline.

Now his crew was buzzing excitedly about bagging a train!
The rail line itself wouldn't be a problem. A shore patrol could go ashore under cover of darkness to plant the explosives... one of the sub's 55-pound scuttling charges. But this early morning Lucky Fluckey and his officers were puzzling over how they could blow not only the rails, but also one of the frequent trains that shuttled supplies to equip the Japanese war machine. But no matter how crazy the idea might have sounded, the Barb's skipper would not risk the lives of his men. 
Thus the problem... how to detonate the explosives at the moment the train passed, without endangering the life of a shore party. 
If you don't search your brain looking for them, you'll never find them. And even then, sometimes they arrive in the most unusual fashion. Cruising slowly beneath the surface to evade the enemy plane now circling overhead, the monotony was broken with an exciting new idea : Instead of having a crewman on shore to trigger explosives to blow both rail and a passing train, why not let the train BLOW ITSELF up ? 
Billy Hatfield was excitedly explaining how he had cracked nuts on the railroad tracks as a kid, placing the nuts between two ties so the sagging of the rail under the weight of a train would break them open. "Just like cracking walnuts,"he explained. To complete the circuit [ detonating the 55-pound charge ] we hook in a micro switch... and mounted it between two ties, directly under the steel rail. 
" We don't set it off . . the TRAIN will." Not only did Hatfield have the plan, he wanted to go along with the volunteer shore party. 
After the solution was found, there was no shortage of volunteers; all that was needed was the proper weather... a little cloud cover to darken the moon for the sabotage mission ashore. 
Lucky Fluckey established his criteria for the volunteer party : 

[ 1 ] No married men would be included, except for Hatfield,
[ 2 ] The party would include members from each department,
[ 3 ] The opportunity would be split evenly between regular Navy and Navy Reserve sailors,
[ 4 ] At least half of the men had to have been Boy Scouts, experienced in handling medical emergencies and tuned into woods lore.

FINALLY, Lucky Fluckey would lead the saboteurs himself.

When the names of the 8 selected sailors was announced it was greeted with a mixture of excitement and disappointment.
Members of the submarine's demolition squad were: 
· Chief Gunners Mate Paul G. Saunders, USN; 
· Electricians Mate 3rd Class Billy R. Hatfield, USNR; 
· Signalman 2nd Class Francis N. Sevei, USNR; 
· Ships Cook 1st Class Lawrence W. Newland, USN; 
· Torpedomans Mate 3rd Class Edward W. Klingesmith, USNR; 
· Motor Machinists Mate 2nd Class James E. Richard, USN; 
· Motor Machinists Mate 1st Class John Markuson, USN; and 
· Lieutenant William M. Walker, USNR. 
Among the disappointed was Commander Fluckey who surrendered his opportunity at the insistence of his officers that as commander he belonged with the Barb, coupled with the threat from one that "I swear I'll send a message to ComSubPac if the Commander attempted to join the demolition shore party." 

In the meantime, there would be no harassing of Japanese shipping or shore operations by the Barb until the train mission had been accomplished. The crew would ' lay low' to prepare their equipment, practice and plan and wait for the weather.

July 22, 1945 Patience Bay [ Off the coast of Karafuto, Japan ]

Waiting in 30 feet of water in Patience Bay was wearing thin the patience of Commander Fluckey and his innovative crew. Everything was ready. In the four days the saboteurs had anxiously watched the skies for cloud cover, the inventive crew of the Barb had crafted and tested their micro switch.
When the need was proposed for a pick and shovel to bury the explosive charge and batteries, the Barb's engineers had cut up steel plates in the lower flats of an engine room, then bent and welded them to create the needed digging tools. 
The only things beyond their control were the weather.... and the limited time. Only five days remained in the Barb's patrol. 

Anxiously watching the skies, Commander Fluckey noticed plumes of cirrus clouds, then white stratus capping the mountain peaks ashore. A cloud cover was building to hide the three-quarters moon. So, this would be the night.

MIDNIGHT, July 23, 1945

The Barb had crept within 950 yards of the shoreline. If it was somehow seen from the shore it would probably be mistaken for a schooner or Japanese patrol boat. No one would suspect an American submarine so close to shore or in such shallow water.
Slowly the small boats were lowered to the water and the 8 saboteurs began paddling toward the enemy beach. Twenty-five minutes later they pulled the boats ashore and walked on the surface of the Japanese homeland. 
Stumbling through noisy waist-high grasses, crossing a highway and then into a 4-foot drainage ditch, the saboteurs made their way to the railroad tracks. Three men were posted as guards, Markuson assigned to examine a nearby water tower. The Barb's auxiliary man climbed the tower's ladder, then stopped in shock as he realized it was an enemy lookout tower . . . an OCCUPIED enemy lookout tower. 
Fortunately the Japanese sentry was peacefully sleeping. And Markuson was able to quietly withdraw to warn his raiding party. 

The news from Markuson caused the men digging the placement for the explosive charge to continue their work more quietly and slower. Twenty minutes later, the demolition holes had been carved by their crude tools and the explosives and batteries hidden beneath fresh soil.

During planning for the mission the saboteurs had been told that, with the explosives in place, all would retreat a safe distance while Hatfield made the final connection. BUT IF the sailor who had once cracked walnuts on the railroad tracks slipped or messed up during this final, dangerous procedure . . his would be the only life lost.
On this night it was the only order the sub's saboteurs refused to obey, and all of them peered anxiously over Hatfield’s shoulder to be sure he did it right. The men had come too far to be disappointed by a bungled switch installation. 
1:32 A.M. 
Watching from the deck of the submarine, Commander Fluckey allowed himself a sigh of relief as he noticed the flashlight signal from the beach announcing the departure of the shore party. Fluckey had daringly, but skillfully guided the Barb within 600 yards of the enemy beach sand. 
There was less than 6 feet of water beneath the sub's keel, but Fluckey wanted to be close in case trouble arose and a daring rescue of his bridge saboteurs became necessary. 

1:45 A.M.
The two boats carrying his saboteurs were only halfway back to the Barb when the sub's machine gunner yelled, ' CAPTAIN !' There's another train coming up the tracks! The Commander grabbed a megaphone and yelled through the night, "Paddle like the devil !", knowing full well that they wouldn't reach the Barb before the train hit the micro switch. 

1:47 A.M.
The darkness was shattered by brilliant light . . and the roar of the explosion ! 
The boilers of the locomotive blew, shattered pieces of the engine blowing 200 feet into the air. Behind it the railroad frieght cars accordioned into each other, bursting into flame and adding to the magnificent fireworks display. Five minutes later the saboteurs were lifted to the deck by their exuberant comrades as the Barb eased away . .. slipping back to the safety of the deep.
Moving at only two knots, it would be a while before the Barb was into waters deep enough to allow it to submerge. It was a moment to savor, the culmination of teamwork, ingenuity and daring by the Commander and all his crew. Lucky Fluckey's voice came over the intercom. "All hands below deck not absolutely needed to maneuver the ship have permission to come topside." He didn't have to repeat the invitation. 

Hatches sprang open as the proud sailors of the Barb gathered on her decks to proudly watch the distant fireworks display. Members of the sabotage team pose with the Ships flag (The train mission is noted at the center bottom of the flag) 

The Barb had sunk a Japanese TRAIN !

On August 2, 1945 the Barb arrived at Midway, her twelfth war patrol concluded. Meanwhile United States military commanders had pondered the prospect of an armed assault on the Japanese homeland. Military tacticians estimated such an invasion would cost more than a million American casualties.
Instead of such a costly armed offensive to end the war, on August 6th the B-29 bomber Enola Gay dropped a single atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima , Japan . A second such bomb, unleashed 4 days later on Nagasaki , Japan , caused Japan to agree to surrender terms on August 15th. 
On September 2, 1945 in Tokyo Harbor the documents ending the war in the Pacific were signed. 
The story of the saboteurs of the U.S.S. Barb is one of those unique, little known stories of World War II. It becomes increasingly important when one realizes that the [ 8 ] eight sailors who blew up the train near Kashiho, Japan conducted theONLY GROUND COMBAT OPERATION on the Japanese homeland during World War II. 

[ Footnote : Eugene Bennett Fluckey retired from the Navy as a Rear Admiral, and wore in addition to his Medal of Honor . . [ 4 ]FOUR Navy Crosses . . a record of heroic awards unmatched by any American in military history.]
In 1992, his own history of the U.S.S. Barb was published in the award winning book, THUNDER BELOW. Over the past several years proceeds from the sale of this exciting book have been used by Admiral Fluckey to provide free reunions for the men who served him aboard the Barb, and their wives. 

P.S. : He graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1935 . . lived to age 93 . ..
" There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people . . by the gradual . . silent encroachments . . made by those having political power . . than by violent and sudden usurpations." James Madison

Thursday, August 23, 2012


 "The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato of Greece, Famous Greek Philosopher
     "The Bible is the rock on which our Republic rests." - President Andrew Jackson
     "A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history." - Mahatma Gandhi of India. He was determined to drive the British out of India and gain national independence for India without having to fire a shot. He used moral force the same as I am using moral force to stop the planned military takeover of America by Obama without having to shed the blood of millions of Americans trying to resist the would-be tyrant Obama from taking over. The raising of the cause of the Confederate Government authority in America and appealing to Russian national interests to block foreign armies from backing Obama in his planned crushing of the American people are uses of moral force which is creating a panic button reaction in Wash., D.C. which don't know how to stop moral force from defeating them. Even Sir Winston Churchill once commented that moral force correctly done could force any government on earth to change its national policy without fighting it militarily. I thought the American people would like to win back freedom in America without having to have millions of Americans dying for freedom in America. Hence my document of August 22 putting Obama into a colossal jam from an angle he had never anticipated could happen to him.  This is the deadly application of moral force against the would-be tyrant Obama who wants to be dictator and mass murderer over Americans for life.
     "The Grand Chessboard" by Zbigniew Brzezinski, American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives, published 1997  by Basic Books is the equivalent of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler how to conquer all people on earth for the power elite (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.). American intelligence hit the panic button when I on my computer years ago I began a search where I could buy a copy of this book. I had false listings put on my computer by C.I.A. I assume was the federal source playing games with me. This book was listed as not published anymore. There were no copies of this left in America. And so on the false postings on my computer screen. I had a hunch. I got another computer elsewhere and without any problem was able to order a freshly printed copy of this and a used book version of this. American Intelligence knew I was on to their game how they were working with the power elite for the conquest of all nations on earth, all races, and then eliminating all mankind down to basically either 500 million left alive by them on earth or else even low as 200 million left alive on earth after Wash., D.C. through international tricks killed off nearly the whole human race on earth and even probably left no more than 50 million left alive in America. Their plans for Russia included totally collapsing Russia as a nation never to arise again. The vast majority of the Chinese people were to be mass killed by Wash., D.C. but through tricks the Chinese would not figure out. Most of the people in Europe were to be killed off but tricked so they did not figure out that Wash., D.C. was mass engineering the killing off of most of Europe. Africa was to be decimated. Central and Latin America were to be massacred of most of their population. Canada and Mexico were on the hit list to be decimated by policies outlined in this book. The power elite thought that by letting this book go public, it was too sophisticated and therefore too boring for the public ever to read or understand what it said. 
     U.S. Constitutition Article 111, Section 1: "The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior," That phrase can include either they uphold the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bills of Rights" as authority over their courts or else they are not displaying the good behavior to be a judge in either any federal court or else state court in America as the state judges are required by the U.S. Constitution to make the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights also binding law on their state courts. Congress can fire federal judges from their judicial position anytime they judge they no longer display integrity towards the U.S. Constitution or U.S. Bill of Rights. Once the Omni Law is passed, the 10 civil tribunes can also fire from federal appointment any federal judge who is smart aleck and disloyal to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. And copying ancient Roman legal authority for civil tribunes, our civil tribunes can order the immediate release from prison such as one woman medical doctor who dared cure the cancer patients and all sorts of other diseases Americans mass die from. I understand she had 27 federal criminal charges filed against her for successfully curing the sick from diseases that were killing her patients. Also, I will recommend that the 10 civil tribunes institute legal action to sue for damages from judges who falsely put her into federal prison for saving the lives of America from otherwise certain death. As Thomas Jefferson explained to President George Washington while Secretary of State, the highest law on earth was the law of survival and no human decreed laws could take away from mankind the God-given right to survival. 
      The key hidden reason for the demand that Wash., D.C. return the federally stolen $525,000 to me by August 25, 2012 was to test whether they seriously intended to mass murder the American people or not. If they returned the federally stolen $525,000 to me by August 25, 2012, then somewhere in that mountain of evil which is called Wash., D.C., there is still hidden some spark of human conscience towards the human race or not. If the money was not returned by August 25, 2012, then that meant that Wash., D.C. is totally run by extreme lunatics who have a savage hatred for the American people and all of mankind on earth. The original reason for the $525,000 as Washington knew was to be the minimum amount of money to start up my father's Vatican endorsed food process again to save the lives of countless millions of Americans and countless much larger numbers across the worlld. And because C.I.A. was telling foreign sources how to hit America with one nuclear bomb but with their lousy knowledge of some aspects of science, had told foreign sources how to kill off likely 300 million Americans and likely kill off all Canadians and Mexicans at the same time, but the dummies at C.I.A. didn't know this. I got the testimony of the two scientific experts in the world in this field and they indicated if this type nuclear explosion was detonated in America, it might not be stoppable and would end up killing off the entire human race on earth before it was over. Giving C.I.A. some warning back then, they backed off and no longer suggested foreign sources nuclear bomb America this way. C.I.A. wanted the incident that would panic the American people into accepting a C.I.A. engineered police state over America from Wash., D.C. If the $525,000 had not been stolen from me when it was, I was within weeks of closing the deal for the technology that could defuse this type of nuclear detonation and save 300 million Americans from dying a long drawn out death in incredible pain and then the rest of the human race also dying this death of long lasting, incredible pain deaths. I may be too late now or maybe not, but with part of the $525,000 if the scientific source is not dead yet from terminal cancer, I may be able still to get the technology that saves from likely certain death 300 million Americans. I therefore make the following suggestion that if I do not have returned by August 25, 2012 the federally stolen $525,000 which they threatened they would murder me if I tried to stop them from stealing this. They also threatened another businessman at the same time because they incorrectly thought he was working with me on this $525,000 fund with a separate $25,000 fund of his. He was threatened with federal murder also if he tried to resist this money from being stolen by them. And in a mock of us, they clearly identified they were federal operatives and in effect, "What the hell could we do about it?" was their mock in our faces. If the $525,000 is not returned to me by August 25, 2012 and also include an extra $25,000 I will turn over to the other federally stolen from victim of theirs, I legally call for the following action. All secret federal operatives assigned so far to try and block my drive to pass the Omni Law be arrested, charged with high treason to try to help kill off 300 million Americans by their actions, charged with attempted genocide against the American people, Canadian people, Mexican people, and up to the rest of mankind on earth and be executed under international law after being found guilty of mass genocide conspiracy under international law. Also, other federal sources in Wash., D.C. opposing the return of the federally stolen $525,000 be tracked down, arrested for high treason and conspiracy of genocide and then executed under national and international law. Pres. Ronald Reagan signed the Genocide Treaty for America so international law also applies here.
      One final point. Our movement has as much right to ask for financial backing from the public as the Democrats asking for support of their candidates and the Republicans asking for support of their candidates. And it is not considered arrogant as asserted towards me by these federal plants on the internet when I said I also had qualifications to help solve the problems of America if Obama or Mitt Romney are allowed and had dared assert they thought they had answers to solve the problems of America. It is to be judged by the same standards. If it is not arrogance for them to say they have answers to help America and it is now supposed to be arrogance to say I have answers that can help America, I suggest that Wash., D.C. call off this federally engineered smear campaign aimed at me before I get mad and start calling for endless arrest warrants for the planted federal operatives until we track down and send them all to meet their Maker after being found guilty of high treason and intended mass genocide by ruling of courts trying them for their lives. I am the wrong boy for your federal plants to mess with. I will see that you end up answering to the law when you commit criminal acts against me which you are among many other violations of law also violated the civil rights acts of America which say I can sue you for all you are worth and ask for criminal prosecution where you criminally violate my rights. Some people you don't push around! I used to have to knock out the daylights out of the big bully at any new school I went to and then all respec ted my rights after that. I always had this instinct that though I am a pacifist by nature, when reason won't work, then knock their teeth down their throats and they will finally get the message to respect my rights. Got the message?!!
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. Lazy federal con artists. My family name is clearly mentioned in the national publications I listed as publicizing my father's Vatican endorsed food process. How you try to con the public when you knew my name all the time. You try to deceive the people with your invented lies. Now I will watch you like a hawk and if I find you pulling more attempted tricks, when the Omni Law is passed in America, you will have the pleasure of facing me and 9 other civil tribunes of America. And we will teach you what we can do to traitors in federal employ of Wash., D.C.. Folks, if you want to see America delivered from the threat of Obama to militarily take over in America in planned October, 2012, it is smart to,send financial support for the Omni Law to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. And if needed, you can ask for a copy of the Omni Law from . And look at a quick copy of the Omni Law by putting in Omni Law in the search box at the upper left above the archive listings on Nesara News. And copies of my many other reports they posted by putting in Erasmus of America. I am using the old and honored tradition of Benjamin Franklin who had used a pen name and also Abraham Lincoln. American people, the ball is put back into your hands. Be like what the Bible says, "Let the weak now say I am strong." I have come to make the American people once more strong and independent where no tyrants in America may ever again take away or threaten their freedom in America.)

Oath Keepers to Rally in Support of Marine Veteran Brandon Raub, Victim of Soviet Style Pre-crime Detention

August 20th, 2012

Oath Keepers to Rally in Support of Marine Veteran Brandon Raub, Victim of Soviet Style Pre-crime Detention

Oath Keepers is coming to the aid of this young Marine veteran and our rallying cry will be “CHARGE HIM, OR RELEASE HIM.”  We cannot allow  “mental illness” designations to be used as a weapon against political dissidents in America.    See the below article by Brandon Smith for the disturbing facts regarding the use of mental health detention against Virginia Marine veteran Brandon Raub because of his constitutionally protected free speech on his Facebook page.  As Brandon Smith illustrates, this is exactly what the Soviet Union did to dissidents who dared to criticize the communist regime – they were labeled “insane” and carted off to mental wards.  Now it has begun here in America.  This is a blatant circumvention of constitutional criminal due process which is every bit as dangerous as being designated an “unlawful combatant” under the NDAA and taken away to a military brig for detention without charges.  How is this any different?  Mental health detention can be used in exactly the same way. This is an incredibly dangerous crossing of a critical line in the sand – the politicization of the mental health system, using it as a weapon against dissidents to punish them for their constitutionally protected political speech.   This case is the camel’s nose under the tent, and we need to stomp on it HARD, right now. And we will.
Brandon Raub has very competent local legal counsel provided by the Rutherford Institute.If you would like to donate to his legal defense, go to be sure to add a note that your donation is for the Raub case. Oath Keepers has offered to write an amicus brief if the Rutherford attorneys think it will help, but our primary goal is to compliment their legal efforts with as many boots on the ground as we can muster to go there in person and rally in outspoken support of this brother veteran. While the case is being tried in the legal courts, we will try it in the court of public opinion and bring as much public pressure to bear as possible. Last night, Oath Keepers leadership, including both national and Virginia Oath Keepers leaders, spoke with Attorney John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute and also with Brandon Raub’s Mother, Cathleen Thomas. We will be coordinating closely both with his legal team and with his family to support Brandon in any way possible.
Last night I interviewed Cathleen Thomas about her son’s ordeal.   Also on the interview was Oath Keepers Eastern U.S. Vice President Rand Cardwell (a Marine Scout-sniper veteran).   You can listen to that interview here:

Judge orders release of detained Marine veteran

Judge orders release of detained Marine veteran

Posted on: 12:43 pm, August 23, 2012, by  and updated on: 01:36pm, August 23, 2012
brandon raub

COMPLETE COVERAGE: Chesterfield Marine veteran detained over Facebook posts

HOPEWELL, Va. (WTVR) – A Hopewell circuit court judge has ordered that a Marine veteran detained over anti-government Facebook posts be released from a psychiatric hospital.
CBS 6 News’ Catie Beck said the judge dismissed the case Thursday against Brandon Raub. The judge said the original petition for Raub’s detention contained no facts. In other words, there was no information on why Raub was being held — and the judge deemed this violated his civil liberties. 
As a result, the judge ruled law enforcement has no grounds to hold Raub.
Beck said the judge is in the process of writing an order for Raub’s release. He is expected to be released from a the hospital in Salem, Virginia Thursday afternoon.
The decorated U.S. Marine veteran was questioned by FBI agents about his Facebook postings and then hauled away from his Chesterfield County home in handcuffs last Thursday.
CBS 6 checked his criminal history and found it to be clean. And Brandon Raub’s mother told CBS 6 News’ Mark Holmberg that her son he had no mental health history. [READ MORE: Mother of detained Marine vet says he’s a patriot, not a threat]
“He never was violent or psychotic or anything like that,” Cathleen Thomas told CBS 6. “There were just conversations we had back and forth, very deep.”

BONUS: Full text, Brandon Raub’s proclamation: Take our Republic back

Cell phone video shot by a friend that showed Raub being thrown to the ground and then put into a police car has gone viral on Youtube. His story, portrayed as a patriot whose free speech rights have been violated, has shot across the country.
A number of protestors gathered outside John Randolph Medical Center Monday, where Raub was being detained. Earlier this week, a judge approved a motion to transfer Raub to the Veterans Hospital in Salem.
The Rutherford Institute, a Charlottesville-based civil liberties group whose lawyers represented Raub, argued his arrest was was improper and unlawful. However, federal agents contend that Facebook posts made by Raub were “terrorist in nature.”
A former Marine who served two tours in Afghanistan with Raub told CBS 6 News’ Catie Beck Monday that Raub is a courageous and patriotic young man with showed no signs of posttraumatic stress disorder. Additionally, the man said he believes a mental evaluation would find Raub sane — and not someone who is capable of a terroristic threat.
Check back with for the latest updates on this developing story. Catie Beck will also have LIVE reports on CBS 6 News starting at  5 p.m. 



Do not think this is ONLY IN AMERICA where people are rewarded for not contributing to society . It is in all democracies where the have not's and those who do not want to work have control through the voting system.
Look at the European countries: they are dead in the water. They are bankrupt.
Democracy -- look at history --- can only last for a maximum of 300 years --- USA ideal is dead sometime before 2076,  but at the rate we are going, suggests that 2036 or before will be the END.

1. Only in America could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $40,000-a-plate campaign fund raising event.

2. Only in America could people claim that the government still discriminates against black 
Americans when we have a black President, a black Attorney General, and a federal workforce that is roughly 18% black when the black population is only 12%.

3. Only in America could we have had the two people most responsible for our tax code — Timothy Geithner, the head of the Treasury Department and Charles Rangel who once ran the Ways and Means Committee — turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

 4. Only in America can we have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the mediaprimarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash..

5. Only in America would we make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege while we discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just become American citizens.

6. Only in America could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country’s Constitution be thought of as “extremists.”

7. Only in America could you need to present a driver’s license to cash a check or buy alcohol, 
but not to vote.

 8. Only in America could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of what a company that manufactures sports shoes and apparel (Nike) makes.

9. Only in America could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a trillion dollars more than it has per year for total spending ($7 million PER MINUTE), and complain that it doesn’t have nearly enough money.

10. Only in America could the rich people who pay 86% of all income taxes be accused of not paying their “fair share” by people who don’t pay any income taxes at all.