Monday, August 27, 2012

Financial Reality Check plus Updated Reports

BREAKING NEWS: Financial Reality Check plus Updated Reports

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American and European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media propaganda of massive deceptive illusions

Financial Reality CheckTom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertSunday August 26, 2012

UNITED States of America - Today we are going to discuss the need for the equity market to be significantly lower in order for Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke to step in with his munificence (laugh out loud).

Critically, this is less about the absolute level of the S&P 500 (so anyone expecting the Fed Chairman to step in with the S&P 500 within a few percent of multi year high is dreaming) but, as Barry Knapp from Barclays Bank notes additional monetary stimulus is a function of both inflationary and deflationary expectation (as opposed to a shallow drop in the S&P 500).

Right now there is a level balance between inflationary and deflationary expectation. It is the risk of deflation that will trigger a policy reaction.

Current conditions are not even close to levels that have warranted additional stimulus in the past, which we estimate to be a 2% 5Y5Y forward inflation break even rates. In order for that level to be triggered based on the post crisis relations between equities and inflation expectations the S&P 500 trailing earnings yield would need to rise over 8.2% implying an S&P 500 level 1200.

Tracking inflationary and deflationary expectations is critical to any new QE hope, and for now, there is none on the horizon no matter how much everyone clammers for it.

P.S. We can now divulge that Bundesbank president Jens Weidmann has told Der Spiegel magazine that he will veto any new ECB bond purchasing program. Weidmann believes any alleged new stimulus aka writing new derivatives to replace old derivatives has becomes a drug addition for certain European banks.

We can now report that Weidmann is working closely with both the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the U.S. Inspector General on a program of worldwide bank reconsolidation and recollateralizaton.

P.P.S. This all dovetails to both the Chinese and Japanese central banks who are currently in the process of buying U.S. dollars. The Chinese and Japanese need this U.S. currency to fund their vendor financing as to issues letter of credit.
P.P.P.S. The Attorney General of New York (where is Eric Holder?) is compiling new evidence linking Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and HSBC of London to using the proceeds from their Iranian money laundry program to boost the price of both the stock and commodity markets (create asset bubbles).

Note: As we reported in previous intelligence briefings, this money laundry operation was all part of a ponzi scheme that would allow private investors aka crooked banks and hedge funds to bypass the German Bundesbank and give the National Bank of Greece a short term bridge loan aka bail out.

In closing, I want to alert the American People that U.S. banks are still allowed to borrow against money market funds and use the personal savings of average Americans as margin to engage in proprietary trading.

Question: Where is your money market fund? Is it in crude oil futures or, is it at the National Bank of Greece?

Hello CFTC, NFA, SEC and FDIC!
* * * UPDATED REPORT * * *
We can now divulge that Dutch bank ABN AMRO was to be used as the clearing house for the Greek asset bubble ponzi scheme with a tie in to the Central Bank of Austria.

At this hour the Dutch Premier now opposes any Greek bail out.

* * * UPDATED REPORT #2 * * *

The U.S. Inspector General, along with IMF President Christine Lagarde and German Bundesbank President Jen Weidmann, have told U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and current Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke and former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan:


The aforementioned parties have told Geithner, Bernanke and Greenspan to stop writing derivatives on U.S. Taxpayers' money that does not belong to them.

Note: Current alleged U.S. pResident Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro is using Geithner to offer bribes to the National Bank of Greece to delay their exit from the European Union until after the November election.

Bloomberg News continues to lie and spin on the behalf of their crooked bank benefactors. A Bloomberg News stooge reporter out of Asia just reported that China needed to boost exports by adding new stimulus.

That, of course, is BULLSHIT!

As we have reported, China and Japan are actually buying U.S. dollars so they can issue letters of credit to fund their vendor financing after Geithner, Bernanke and Greenspan, along with crooked banks and hedge funds, went out of control in an attempt to attack the U.S. dollar to do a money laundry bail out of the National Bank of Greece.

Further note: Massive illegal electronic front running to continues tonight in all financial markets with the front running being orchestrated by the crooked hedge funds and banks.

Message from Tolec 8-21-12…”The Hard Reality and a Difficult Truth” [Part 1]

Message from Tolec 8-21-12…”The Hard Reality and a Difficult Truth” [Part 1]

Posted on by kauilapele
I chose to split this article by Tolec into two parts. It contains a message from the Andromeda Council about what is, and has been occurring on this planet. I feel this may be helpful to some who are new to this information. I also felt a great Force for Light in this message.
While you are reading this, you may listen to Dakote, by Tolec on Native American flute (with effects and mastering by Kp).
by Tolec, Andromeda Council, Tuesday, August 21, 2012
I always do my best to provide informative Andromeda Council news reports, or updates, that are insightful, exact, concise & detailed. This is the first news report that has its own dedicated web page. I believe the below information will be highly valuable to you because it directly relates to the current clean-up process of what Earth people many times mistakenly believe to be the human ‘bad guys’ of ‘Cabal’ / ‘Illuminati power structure. Why did I say “mistakenly believe” in reference to these beings? Because a great many of them are not human. The hard reality and a difficult truth is… they are in fact… Reptilian. So please, read on.
The final clean-up of the Reptilian controlled & operated – ‘Cabal’ / ‘Illuminati’.
As of recently, today, and into the foreseeable future until the job is finished, I want you to know there are coordinated teams of very sensitive, highly trained & highly efficient people, off planet people, 3D extraterrestrials and 4D & 5D interdimensionals, from aligned benevolent, ‘the good guys’, star systems of the Andromeda Council including: Antares, Procyon, Tau Ceti, Vega, and others, that are quietly working together to take out and remove as fast as possible –
all remaining Reptilians, especially those fake, imposter, &/or cloned hybrid human looking, human appearing Reptilians –
that operate, direct & control all levels of the ‘Cabal’ & ‘Illuminati’, including the upper level leadership, that have been and are today controlling so many aspects of our global society… as I describe in the lower section of this paper called, “The complete infiltration, infestation, corruption & control of our global society”.
Why are benevolent extraterrestrial & interdimensional people able to step in and help remove Reptilians, this pervasive, hostile menace to Earth humans?
There are many reasons. These are the same reasons that it was right for the people of Procyon to take out & destroy the various Draco & Hydra Reptilian underground & undersea bases.
First of all, Reptilians, though they erroneously believe it to be true, they are not the “… rightful masters of this planet & this universe.” They do not own us. We are not supposed to be their slaves, we are not supposed to be their chattel; and we are not cattle, even though they treat us as such. We are a sentient, thinking, intelligent species… with a heart, soul & spiritual essence at our core. We are great beings of light. This is who we are. And Earth is our planet.
Further, the best reason that what people correctly believe to be a Universal law, a “Prime Directive”, that governs the extent to which a more advanced extraterrestrial &/or interdimensional race cannot directly intervene in the affairs of the people of a developing world… it does not apply to this situation on Earth because many years ago Reptilians came to this planet, were inappropriately worshiped as “gods”, and changed the course of our natural development. They still dominate and control us today. And yet, this is not their planet.
One of the worst parts of this experience for us is that it’s so pervasive, and so subversive, 99% of the time we don’t even know who these controllers are that operate in the ‘dark’ creating more & more negative circumstances, scenarios and laws to restrict and control our lives, which continue to severely reduce our inherent sovereign freedoms… down to nothing. This is absolutely wrong. And it must stop.
Well, they are not “gods”. They are life forms that simply happen to vibrate at a higher dimensional frequency, though it is the lower end of the 4th dimension or density. This is not their planet. And they certainly do not have our best interests at heart.
These evil Reptilians, by their own choosing, have had their way with the people of Earth, treating Earth humans as a slave race & natural resource, long enough. And enough is enough. It is time they leave our planet for good –
so that we humans of Earth can reestablish our inherent sovereignty as global citizens, develop new systems of living & thriving that are truly good for us, utilize clean new technologies that already exist, so that we can eliminate hunger, poverty & famine; and so that we can prepare and more easily experience the transition & transformation of this planet… into becoming a higher dimensional world.
Again, their time has come. The clean-up of these Reptilians is on-going, right now, with the writing of this article. And it will continue until they and their negative control and influence is removed from this planet.
We of Earth, the true global sovereign citizens of this planet, have a right to exist on our world… as free sovereign people. Not to be enslaved by a race of beings who would use us as economic slaves, & consume us as a natural resource. No longer. This is our planet. It is time for them to go. And go they shall.
In closing.
I recently received the below comment from a young man in Hungary. He said to me and I want to share it with all of you,
“… I want change, I want a liberated world, I want truth. There is no price I wouldn’t give. Even the highest of price. With all my love and respect to every nation, and every family member outside of Earth, thank you.”
Wodakote, “peace”, from the planet Dakote as a special member of the Andromeda Council. Wodakote to all humans of Earth.
It is our time to live free, sovereign and in peace.
Andromeda Council
Copyright 2012. Tolec and the Andromeda Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Message from Tolec 8-21-12…”The Hard Reality and a Difficult Truth” [Part 2] “Background about the Reptilians”

Posted on by kauilapele
Who doesn’t want to know even more about the reptilians! Well, here is the second half of the 8-21-12 article by Tolec, which gives background into the “reptilians” and how they got to where they have been. Again, as in Part 1, I feel there is a lot of helpful information here. And…
While you are reading this, you may listen to Kaehalei, by Tolec on Native American flute (with effects and mastering by Kp).
note: for those people who are new, or novices, to the overall topic of “Reptilians”, who they are, how they got into top positions of power & leadership on planet Earth, you may very well want to read the below. ps. either way, please be sure to read the below section called: “What is a Reptilian?”
Background information, the Reptilian side of the ‘Cabal’ / ‘Illuminati’ power structure.
For those of you following & paying attention to all of the Draco & Hydra Reptilian underground & undersea bases around planet Earth that have been taken out &/or destroyed by members of the Andromeda Council, resulting in the removal of tens of thousands of Reptilians, soldiers and workers of various types, from their underground facilities & undersea bases, from the planet Earth, including the late March 2012 taking, clearing out & clean-up of the final Reptilian undersea base whereby 2,000+ of the highest ranking Reptilian ‘Cabal’ / ‘Illuminati officials & their military officers, including many of whom we would consider to be their generals;
these Reptilian beings were removed by the people of the Procyon star system of the Andromeda Council, and sent to the primary Andromeda Council biosphere for trial in a War Crimes Tribunal for their crimes against humanity. The actions of the Procyon people in doing this resulted in, to the greatest degree, the ‘cutting off of the head of the snake’, the ‘directorate’, the bosses & masters if you will of the total overall Reptilian ‘Cabal’ / ‘Illuminati power structure. Yes, Reptilian controlled power structure… over the people of Earth.
To learn the details of some of the bases the Andromeda Council has taken out, you can find these news reports on the “Archived Interviews” page of the Andromeda Council web site: .
What should also be especially insightful is the report titled: “Reptilian Agenda – Milky Way Galaxy Catastrophe, Year 2370” which details the overall goal of these specific malevolent Reptilian races, which also includes those from Orion & Sirius B, to completely take over all human inhabited planets in the Milky Way galaxy, not only Earth, but all human inhabited planets – and to ‘Reptilianize’ these planets.
The complete infiltration, infestation, corruption & control of our global society.
It may, or may not, come as a surprise to you that there is complete infiltration & infestation, and therefore total control & corruption at the top tier of Earth’s global society, citizenry & institutions, directing & controlling everything below, at the top tiers of governments, military & intelligence, industries & business, especially: oil {gasoline & all petroleum derived fuel products}, energy/electricity/power, gold, ‘money’ {continuous creation of debt – fiat currency based on fractional reserve banking, capital markets, central banks… all aspects of banking, the various stock & commodities trading markets, etc.}, water, transportation, defense [contractors], news, entertainment {movies, television, video games}, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, crop & food production… and the list goes on;
Whereby certain leaders at the highest levels of all of these areas of our global society, of all of these institutions – people who look or appear to be human, are not. Again, they are in fact – Reptilian
[note: The above material in this specific section regarding - 'The complete infiltration...society' - is only meant to be a summary. David Icke has done a great job for years covering the exhaustive many details, and layers of details, of exactly who, what, when, where & how the infiltration, infestation & control of our global society by these Reptilian beings has happened. You may want to read some of his books.]
How this all started… how Reptilians came into power.

At minimum, thousands of years ago, these Draco, Hydra, Orion and Sirius B Reptilians initially came to Earth and were worshipped as “gods”. They took control at the highest levels of human society, initiated and developed many institutions… to control & enslave Earth humans. There are many visual examples and records of these past Reptilians influencing many cultures, one of which is the Maya. Further, Reptilians control & enslave Earth humans today, at your continued peril and suffering, in virtually every aspect of your lives.
The Draco & Hydra Reptilians that have been on Earth have lived predominantly in underground & undersea bases. The Orion & Sirius B Reptilians, these are ones that Earth people are likely to have briefly seen, and mistaken as humans, but with whom most people have only had limited daily interaction. And yet they are pervasive in all aspects of our society.
What is a Reptilian?
Now, please understand, in their natural state, these Reptilians are lower vibrational, 4th dimensional beings. They are of spirit, of fine essence matter, as compared to being organic with skin, muscles, tendons, blood & bones like Earth humans. Like any other higher vibratory dimensional life form, these Reptilians have natural abilities that allow them to be able to form and manifest, to create – a physical 3D organic body. So therefore understand, their mental, their psychic power is extraordinary, off the charts, based on what people of Earth would understand at this time.
But something happens to these Reptilians that people call “shape shifting”. If by chance you happen to watch a seemingly human person who is “shape shifting”, changing form in front of your eyes, from human to a Reptilian and back to a human again, when this happens what you are seeing is the following:
a 4th dimensional Reptilian using its 4D, 4th dimensional, natural abilities, manifesting/creating a 3D physical Reptilian body… and projecting a human holographic image… over its 3rd dimensional manifested physical Reptilian body. It is a holographic projection. And, it takes energy on the part of a Reptilian to hold this human projected form. With regard to “shape shifting”, what you are watching is its momentary drop in energy.
And, worse yet, when a 4th dimensional Reptilian steps down their vibration to manifest a 3rd dimensional organic body – their natural, original 3D form from millennia ago begins to manifest its most natural urges. An example: think of a vicious meat-eating dinosaur of Earth times past. Their sense of smell & taste are extraordinarily strong, same things with these Reptilians. And, when in the process of creating fear in humans which Reptilians have done on a perpetual basis, or creating fear in any mammalian being, a natural enzyme the human body creates & releases when it goes into a state of fear… this enzyme enhanced blood is like a drug that literally gives these Reptilians an enormous ‘high’. Ergo the use of alleged ‘satanic’ rituals you may have heard about. These rituals have been simply used as the best possible way to terrorize people… to have their bodies generate & release this enzyme… which creates a drug like ‘high’ effect of fear-enhanced blood for Reptilians, whenever they are in a 3D organic form and they feed & ingest it. No more, no less. Almost unbelievable. But yes, it’s real. And yes, it’s sick.
There are also telltale signs about these beings that occasionally give them away including the look & shape of what should be a human eyeball… specifically the iris and pupil… that often times literally looks Reptilian, because it is.
Also know that Reptilians are known throughout the universe as master geneticists. Over millennia, they have literally genetically created ‘new’ races of beings from blending their original organic Reptilian DNA, with conquered races of other people, including human(oids) from various planets.
When Reptilians create these hybrid beings, these hybrid organic 3D people have intelligence, but likely no soul or spiritual essence. Many of them are not created through procreation and are not born in the normal birth process; but are rather typically created in a lab, in a petri dish, they are then ‘grown’ over a period of time in a nutrient solution, and become fully formed blended reptilian/human(oid) beings at ‘birth’.
Reptilian geneticists, using technology, then download specific information into their hybrid brains over & over again to keep these hybrid workers productive. This is why they are blended reptilian/human(oid) hybrids, but not Earth humans.
About this section on Reptilians, whether they are 4th dimensional Reptilians, projecting a human holographic form, or like the above, are 3D organic ‘blended’ beings of mixed races – they are Reptilians… that look human. Not necessarily Earth human, but they look human. However, make no mistake, they are still – Reptilians.
And these four (4) Reptilian races, Draco, Hydra, Orion & Sirius B, they are typically very intelligent, and have chosen to be: ruthless, self-centered, self-serving, vicious, arrogant, mean, and have no ethics or morals at all. They will kill without a moments notice. Everything they do, all of the decisions & actions they have made & taken over thousands of years on our planet Earth… is to their benefit, to support their species and goals. No other reasons. None.
Reptilians – domination & control of Earth’s human populace.
Their goal is and always has been: domination, enslavement & control. Directing and managing the human race to best serve them… with us as a slave race and as a natural resource for them.
How have they instituted this domination & control? By basing the totality of Earth people’s lives around: economics, money, earning a living. Think of your monthly mortgage, or rent, & utilities. This is absolutely a system of enslavement. This is just one method of control.
How else have they instituted this control? Infiltration and abuse of power at the highest levels of governments & the military. What emotional ‘lever’ have they used to institute this control? Fear.
Fear through the media news outlets promoting the idea of starting, or considering to start, a war;
Fear through the starting of wars and killing of innocent people;
Fear through initiating & promoting through the media news outlets the idea of possible “false flag” terrorism events;
Fear through actually instigating and/or producing “false flag” events that kill hundreds or thousands of people, and worse;
further enhancing that fear by creating & ‘passing’ laws which restrict individual human sovereign rights & freedoms;
perpetually instilling fear in people by beaming highly agitating, low energy electronic & sonic frequencies to a variety of locations & populations around the planet… that is until the Procyon people of the Andromeda Council destroyed their Reptilian undersea bases & frequency transmitter beacons; and the list goes on and pervades almost every aspect of our society.
It is time to end this global fear based control and influence on the human beings of this planet, our planet, Earth.
It is time for us to be free once more.
Copyright 2012. Tolec and the Andromeda Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Poison on the Platter ..... documentary on GMO's

Hi John,

Just when I think I understand GMO's.... along comes this... We need to take care of the Bastards that are making this .... Really good documentary on GMO..... All should see.....

Galactic Federation of Light Ship over Brazil - July 2011

Beautiful Galactic Federation of Light ship over Brazil - July 2011
Much skepticism from people thinking its some LED toy, but this is real deal. !
Confirmed by Greg Giles (Video on his website)
I am a Starseed, incarnate of the Indigo Ray & channel for the Galactic Federation and my Star Family from the Ashtar Command, an 11th dimensional Osequeq collective from the Star System Tauri C; Amanda, Arisa, Rona, Jella, Morgana, Sophia, Germana, Capella, Jackie, Romana, Angela, Patricia, Anthony, Gifta, Maria, Mercula, Pierca, Ramulete, Augusta, Chevron, Thomas. I have incarnated at this time on assignment to advance my education and assist this planet and its people in their time of ascension to a higher dimensional existence.

Also confirmed by my "Alpha Centauri A" (Great Star Union of Centaurus) Team of the Ashtar Galactic Command =D

Love & Light

Message from Montague Keen - August 26, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - August 26, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 27-Aug-2012 00:14:35

Message from Montague Keen - August 26, 2012
Veronica, my dear, the results of our efforts to prevent World War III are becoming more obvious every day. The Cabal has become quite desperate. People are speaking out and revealing what the Cabal has done to destroy and control humanity. Some can no longer cope with the guilt of what they were forced to do, when under the control of the Cabal. Many were put into situations where satanic abuse was made acceptable. They foolishly indulged, not knowing that it was all being recorded, and would be used against them to force these so-called 'respectable' people to obey the Cabal or be ruined by exposure. This formula has worked for generations and it continues to this day. They are made to believe that they belong to an "exclusive club". They make the sign of Lucifer to show that they are happy to belong to it. They see themselves as superior to the lesser, expendable, mortals.
Humanity cannot be lied to so easily, now. It is so good to see how many are awake to reality. They now see clearly when they are being lied to. The cleverest forgers and falsifiers are no longer safe from exposure and discovery as truth and light progress, regardless of the Cabal, which is now exposed for the first time, thus exposing the evil plot. Mankind is waking up to this great fraud and is beginning to see clearly those who have betrayed you and knowingly handed you over to your oppressors. They are guilty of falsifying your world's history and substituting a tissue of LIES that they have carefully guarded. The secret of this fraud is now being realized.
It is Ireland and the Irish people who have suffered most and continue to suffer to this day because of this fraud. The ancient Irish, who happily settled in other countries, and shared their great knowledge, have been wiped from your history books. In those times, man knew what he was capable of. People were fearless, confident in who they were. It took a lot for the Vatican to destroy and control the Irish people. Now that the truth is laid before them, they can see clearly what was done to them, and to all mankind, as a result. Everyone on the planet has suffered as a result of what was done then.
It is now time to right that wrong. It is amazing that this fraud could escape for so long without discovery. The propaganda, used in order to create a false impression of everything, was carefully planned and carried out. Do not look to those you were led to believe were your superiors, for guidance. It is up to each and every one of you to take responsibility. Seek the truth for yourself. You have been so badly treated and abused to gratify the greed of the Cabal.
You now have evidence of many bankers being arrested and forced to answer for their deeds, but it is not in your press or on your TV. Ask why this information is being kept from you. This is but one example of the control system that you have accepted until now. You deserve the truth. Take back your power. Together, you are unbeatable!
It gives us great joy to see you come together, sharing knowledge and supporting each other, through the last stages of the Transition. I wish we could share our plans, but it is important that we keep them secret for now. You have all come through so much, and some have been severely tested at times. You have stood firm, knowing that the truth will set you free. Everything will be put right in your world and peace restored. Humanity will live together in harmony, as in ancient times. What you have lived through will be seen as the Dark Ages.
Laughter creates wonderful energy. It is the greatest medicine. You will not find fear where there is laughter. A family which laughs together, stays together. You are all part of a great team. It does not matter which country you live in, you are all one in your efforts to remove the control of the Cabal forever. Many owe their lives to you, because you were brave enough to expose the Cabal's plans for the London Olympics. They could not carry out their plans to kill thousands of innocent people. This is how effective you are. You will succeed, never doubt that. Ignore the barriers that will undoubtedly be placed before you, to make you feel foolish for believing that the truth will triumph over evil. It takes a strong character to stand up for what he believes in, irrespective of the efforts of the Cabal to entrap him. Remember who you are and why you are on Earth at this time.
Soon, one of the great control systems will fall. Then, the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. Remember, my dear, when I first passed to Spirit, and I told you this, you doubted then, that this could possibly happen. Now, you know without doubt, it is only a matter of time before it will crumble. It will be consumed without trace and disappear from the face of the Earth; its reign of terror, over at last. It was responsible for much of what was evil and corrupt. Death and destruction were its building blocks and its greed knew no bounds. Only those who are still in an hypnotic state choose to remain ignorant of the truth, and soon, it will become obvious even to them. Now you will have to face the terrible truth of what was done to humanity, in order to keep you in a state of ignorance. You will be amazed when you see what your efforts bring about. The future is yours. Enjoy the adventure !
Things are moving fast and it is hard to keep up with everything. You can only do your best, as you always do, but I need you to take time to rest, also.
Be prepared, my love. Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

List of Republican Budget Cuts.....WOW YOU WON'TBELIEVE THIS !!!!!!!...

Notice S.S. and the military are NOT on this list.

These are all the programs that the new Republican House has proposed cutting. Read to the end.
* Corporation for Public Broadcasting Subsidy -- $445 million annual savings.
* Save America 's Treasures Program -- $25 million annual savings.
* International Fund for Ireland -- $17 million annual savings.
* Legal Services Corporation -- $420 million annual savings.
* National Endowment for the Arts -- $167.5 million annual savings.
* National Endowment for the Humanities -- $167.5 million annual savings.
* Hope VI Program -- $250 million annual savings.
* Amtrak Subsidies -- $1.565 billion annual savings.
* Eliminate duplicating education programs -- H.R. 2274 (in last Congress), authored by Rep. McKeon, eliminates 68 at a savings of $1.3 billion annually.
* U.S. Trade Development Agency -- $55 million annual savings.
* Woodrow Wilson Center Subsidy -- $20 million annual savings.
* Cut in half funding for congressional printing and binding -- $47 million annual savings.
* John C. Stennis Center Subsidy -- $430,000 annual savings.
* Community Development Fund -- $4.5 billion annual savings.
* Heritage Area Grants and Statutory Aid -- $24 million annual savings.
* Cut Federal Travel Budget in Half -- $7.5 billion annual savings
* Trim Federal Vehicle Budget by 20% -- $600 million annual savings.
* Essential Air Service -- $150 million annual savings.
* Technology Innovation Program -- $70 million annual savings.
* Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program -- $125 million annual savings.
* Department of Energy Grants to States for Weatherization -- $530 million annual savings.
* Beach Replenishment -- $95 million annual savings.
* New Starts Transit -- $2 billion annual savings.
* Exchange Programs for Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Their Historical Trading Partners in Massachusetts -- $9 million annual savings
* Intercity and High Speed Rail Grants -- $2.5 billion annual savings.
* Title X Family Planning -- $318 million annual savings.
* Appalachian Regional Commission -- $76 million annual savings.
* Economic Development Administration -- $293 million annual savings.
* Programs under the National and Community Services Act -- $1.15 billion annual savings.
* Applied Research at Department of Energy -- $1.27 billion annual savings.
* Freedom CAR and Fuel Partnership -- $200 million annual savings.
* Energy Star Program -- $52 million annual savings.
* Economic Assistance to Egypt -- $250 million annually.
* U.S. Agency for International Development -- $1.39 billion annual savings.
* General Assistance to District of Columbia -- $210 million annual savings.
* Subsidy for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority -- $150 million annual savings.
* Presidential Campaign Fund -- $775 million savings over ten years.
* No funding for federal office space acquisition -- $864 million annual savings.
* End prohibitions on competitive sourcing of government services.
* Repeal the Davis-Bacon Act -- More than $1 billion annually.
* IRS Direct Deposit: Require the IRS to deposit fees for some services it offers (such as processing payment plans for taxpayers) to the Treasury, instead of allowing it to remain as part of its budget -- $1.8 billion savings over ten years.
* Require collection of unpaid taxes by federal employees -- $1 billion total savings. WHAT IS THIS ABOUT?
* Prohibit taxpayer funded union activities by federal employees -- $1.2 billion savings over ten years.
* Sell excess federal properties the government does not make use of -- $15 billion total savings.
* Eliminate death gratuity for Members of Congress.WHAT???
* Eliminate Mohair Subsidies -- $1 million annual savings.
* Eliminate taxpayer subsidies to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- $12.5 million annual savingsWELL... ISN'T THAT SPECIAL?
* Eliminate Market Access Program -- $200 million annual savings.
* USDA Sugar Program -- $14 million annual savings.
* Subsidy to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) -- $93 million annual savings.
* Eliminate the National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program -- $56.2 million annual savings.
* Eliminate fund for Obamacare administrative costs -- $900 million savings.
* Ready to Learn TV Program -- $27 million savings.
* HUD Ph.D. Program.
* Deficit Reduction Check-Off Act.
* TOTAL SAVINGS: $2.5 Trillion over Ten Years

My question is, what is all this junk doing in the budget in the first place?
Send to everyone you know. 

Cobra Directed Message

Sunday, August 26, 2012

R13/7 complete. L0 radius: 2.0m.

Omega Pandora POS to surface stable, compression grid activated LOGN5.2

Sunday, August 26, 2012

RNC offers Ron Paul "Conditional" Speech Slot...Ron Essentially Tells Them To Pound Sand....

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

RNC offers Ron Paul "Conditional" Speech Slot...Ron Essentially Tells Them To Pound Sand....
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 26-Aug-2012 22:27:21

On the 'new' eve of the Republican Convention, it appears all is not well in the Romney-Ryan ranks. In what is quite a stunning admission, though not entirely surprising given his outspoken desire for a change to the status quo, the NY Times is reporting that Ron Paul does not fully endorse Romney for President. Mr. Paul, said convention planners had offered him an opportunity to speak under two conditions: that he deliver remarks vetted by the Romney campaign, and that he give a full-fledged endorsement of Mr. Romney. He declined. "It wouldn't be my speech," Mr. Paul said. "That would undo everything I’ve done in the last 30 years. I don’t fully endorse him for president."
Whether this is Paul playing an admirable 'long-game' and/or standing by his libertarian roots (or angry at his apparent marginalization) is unclear but one thing is for sure; with the dominance of 'young' voters (seeking 'change'?) behind Ron Paul relative to 'old' voters with Romney, this rebuff will not help in the fight against TOTUS. As BigStory reports, Paul is telling his supporters to stand firm because "we will become the tent eventually!"