Sunday, August 26, 2012

RNC offers Ron Paul "Conditional" Speech Slot...Ron Essentially Tells Them To Pound Sand....

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

RNC offers Ron Paul "Conditional" Speech Slot...Ron Essentially Tells Them To Pound Sand....
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 26-Aug-2012 22:27:21

On the 'new' eve of the Republican Convention, it appears all is not well in the Romney-Ryan ranks. In what is quite a stunning admission, though not entirely surprising given his outspoken desire for a change to the status quo, the NY Times is reporting that Ron Paul does not fully endorse Romney for President. Mr. Paul, said convention planners had offered him an opportunity to speak under two conditions: that he deliver remarks vetted by the Romney campaign, and that he give a full-fledged endorsement of Mr. Romney. He declined. "It wouldn't be my speech," Mr. Paul said. "That would undo everything I’ve done in the last 30 years. I don’t fully endorse him for president."
Whether this is Paul playing an admirable 'long-game' and/or standing by his libertarian roots (or angry at his apparent marginalization) is unclear but one thing is for sure; with the dominance of 'young' voters (seeking 'change'?) behind Ron Paul relative to 'old' voters with Romney, this rebuff will not help in the fight against TOTUS. As BigStory reports, Paul is telling his supporters to stand firm because "we will become the tent eventually!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just when I thought I couldn't love Ron Paul any more, he goes and does this. After marginalizing Libertarians and, hence, a substantial chunk of the conservative youth (who aren't watching CNN), the GOP is realizing that they need them to win. That's what this conditional invitation was all about. Did they really think they could 'buy' one of the last few GOOD politicians left? Morons.

I've said this for almost a year (after Ron Paul said that he wasn't seeking re-election to his Congressional seat): Ron Paul will not get the GOP nomination and will instead run as an independent candidate. And I look forward to that.

For it is only from the position of an Independent that Ron Paul can finally cast light on how corrupt both parties have been. How both parties regularly reneg on campaign promises and end up worsening every problem they swore to improve. How these parties are not different enough that we'll ever get the results we are promised during the campaign season. How both of these parties are controlled by a self-proclaimed elite through campaign financing (and many other means) who are only interested in promoting their own self-serving agenda.

THAT's a message that will resonate with voters (during this very divisive campaign season) on both sides of the political spectrum and can give RP a shot at the Presidency. But he can only get that very real message out to the public as an Independent candidate who has nothing to lose.

What is necessary for a third party to win an election such as this is being able to get the formerly disenfranchised or disinterested to actually vote and to proclaim a message that appeals to both liberal and conservative voters. Where third parties have gone wrong is when they are more like one party than the other, because they just end up sealing the victory for the other guy.

If America wakes up (which they're bound to do before year's end from what I understand) then Ron Paul will be the only real choice they could have. I just hope that they are woken up by Election Day.