Friday, August 31, 2012

"Can Prayer Save America"

Will cater "Can Prayer Save America"
Sept. 21-22
Pastors, below is the link where you will find the 1-1/2 min. Video to promote Can Prayer Save America Conference in your churches.
Have you seen the billboard in Wichita on Hwy 135?
Will all others put this video up on your Facebook?
This prayer conference will change the face of prayer in your life
And the life of your church and our nation!
Like me on FacebookFollow me on TwitterView my profile on LinkedIn

2016Yesterday my husband and I went to the theater to see this documentary at 1 o'clock on a Monday afternoon. To our amazement it was sold out! The theater said it has been this way since it started on Friday. At 4 o'clock we entered a packed theater because we bought our tickets at 1. It was an amazing work by Dinesh D'Souza. It is accurate and there was new information. I pray that you will be able to see this before it is gone. What they shared about what to expect if he's
Re-elected is alarming and chilling.
Christians!!! Arise!!! We have the largest voting block in the nation, we simply have to pray, register & vote!
Politicians can't possibly save America...but the Lord Jesus Christ can and He will work through a repentant, vibrant and powerful body, his BRIDE!!!
Come to Can Prayer Save America and learn to stand in the gap!

Can Prayer Save America Conference!
(workshop subjects to be announced this week)
Hotel Information for Conference
North Rock Suites 316- 634-2303 $69.99 plus tax
(across from Braum's)
Towne Place Suites 316-631-3773 Jed - manager $74.00 plus tax
(corner of 29th & Webb, across from Courtyard by Marriott)
Courtyard by Marriott 316- 636-4600 $86.00 plus tax
(corner of 29th & Webb)
You will find a PDF for flyers to promote this in your community
Can Prayer
Sept. 21-22
Central Christian Church
Wichita, Ks.
29th & Rock Road
Friday 7p.m. - Saturday 9a.m.- 3 p.m.
Politicians can't possibly save America...but the Lord Jesus Christ can and He will work through a repentant, vibrant and powerful body...His Bride!!!
Dave ButtsKeynote Speaker - Dave Butts
Chairman of America's National Prayer Committee
Dave is connected with almost anything in the nation that has to do with prayer. One Cry America, National Day of Prayer, and is the author of many books.
Earl Pickard
Teaching on "The Israel Connection"Earl Pickard
Earl currently serves as an Executive Member of America's National Prayer Committee. He is currently helping develop a prayerand study center in Israel.
Go to for more info. And to register $30. Cost includes lunch!
All NDP Leaders there will be a special breakfast for you on Saturday with Dave at 7 a.m.
CSN- Inform, Connect Mobilize

Real estate market reality check

Buying a home is the
biggest financial
commitment most people
will make in their

So why is the news
media telling everyone
the real estate crisis
is over.

Censored market data
for everyone, owners
and renters alike.


- Brasscheck

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DIY Home remedies and old wives cures using baking soda

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

DIY Home remedies and old wives cures using baking soda
Posted By: LilliHart
Date: Friday, 31-Aug-2012 09:38:39

In a world awash with pharmaceutical drugs for everything from dandruff to toenail fungus, it's refreshing to have do-it-yourself home remedies and trusted old wives cures to heal a wide range of ailments. Baking soda is a staple in most homes and is useful for cooking, cleaning and in many home remedies. Although it's safe when used as directed, baking soda can cause side effects. Read the warning section below and check with your healthcare practitioner before using baking soda home remedies.
Learn more: 



By: Devvy
August 31, 2012

Jobs and the economy are at the top of the list for the upcoming election. Those who count the votes will decide who wins. Between illegal aliens voting, electronic machines, scanners, tainted voting rolls and cheaters, we won't know who actually won from the top down. Again. Of course, Soetoro/Obama has no legal right to be on the ballot, but since every member of Congress is a gutless coward, as well as Georgia's Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, and cowardly judges, the same fraud could happen again this November as did four years ago: an illegitimate candidate "wins" the presidential election.
If you've spent the time researching who is behind the curtain and how the dirty game is played, it doesn't matter to the global ruling elite which candidate from the two "major" parties wins. Only those who can be controlled make it to the top for decades. A sad, sad thing for us, our children and grand children.
I know that is negative, but people have got to open their eyes. “For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and to provide for it.” -Patrick Henry
There is no reason for high unemployment in this country. A nation rich in human and natural resources has been destroyed by Congress after Congress after Congress and signed on by presidents for nearly 100 years.
I watched about three minutes of Gov. Chris Christie's speech the other night at the GOP convention on tv. The poster boy for gluttony and sloth, who protects illegal aliens in his state who steal jobs that belong to the people of New Jersey. Christie's get tough, we're taking back America sounds great. I saw the same orchestrated "show" in 2008, when I attended the GOP convention up in St. Paul, Minnesota. But, in reality, it's just more of the same because solutions are never even discussed. Certainly not by the impostor president and not by Williard Romney or Paul Ryan.
A large block of voters are too young to remember when the real destruction of good paying jobs started. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement aka No American Factories Taking Applications), CAFTA and a dozen job killing treaties over the past 17 years has gutted our most important job sectors: agriculture, manufacturing and industrial. Let's not leave out the big one: GATT/WTO. Full page ad, New York Times, April 15, 1994:
"1944. Bretton Woods: The IMF and the World Bank. 1945. San Francisco: The United Nations. 1994, Marrakech: The World Trade Organization. History knows where it's going. The final act of the Uruguay the WTO, the third pillar of the New World Order, along with the UN and the IMF."
Paul Ryan, as well as Speaker of the House, John Boehner, voted to keep the US in that damnable treaty.
Yet, election after election, all I hear is "create jobs" from voters, but not one word about demanding a candidate or incumbent pledge to get us out of all those treaties and bring the jobs home.
America used to be a producing nation. We produced, we kept the wealth. Since NAFTA and every "free" treaty passed since then, you now pay a foreign worker the fruits of your labor for a job you once had or would like to have from manufacturing to engineering. They keep the gold while you live hand to mouth. America has become a service oriented, entertainment based economy and that is one of the major reasons our economy is on life support.
Every time you buy made in a foreign country - especially communist China -your consumer dollar goes to keep someone employed in another country. "Free" trade has cost this nation more than 8 MILLION good paying jobs, and yet, the American people continue to send the same incumbents who destroyed their jobs right back to Congress to continue down the path to ruin. When you go shopping, tell retailers you want Made in America and walk out. They will get the message. Take a stand for American workers.
Of course, another big problem is lack of qualified workers to fill jobs in our three most important job sectors, but that's another column. A sad one to be sure.
I highly recommend people shop local; keep the money in your community. Support farmers markets and craft fairs where you buy made in America by talented Americans.
The other component is employers are not hiring because many of them see what's coming and have to hoard their cash to stay in business. Can you blame them? They also don't know what's coming out of the Outlaw Congress week after week in regulations that kill their businesses. The Outlaw Congress has no constitutional authority to dictate to private businesses how to do their business, what health insurance they must carry for employees and a million other things.
Whose fault is it? Why the long time incumbent who will get voted back into office in November. The same insanity over and over and over.
The Big Daddy
Unless a person fully understands the evil of fiat currency, they will continue to cheer on the Willard Romney's in the political world. The unconstitutional "Federal" Reserve is the head of the beast and it is what grabbed my attention over two decades ago. Once I began researching, I was sickened and horrified by what I was learning. The impostor in the White House has and will never utter the words Abolish the Fed and neither will Willard or Paul Ryan. They talk only of more Band Aids that will not create jobs.
There is speculation as to whether or not Willard, if elected, will keep the inept "Helicopter" Ben Bernanke as head of the "Fed". So, you see, the solution is ignored while we slide down the razor blade into poverty. On September 29, 1993, my Project on Winning Economic Reform (all the great people who went to Washington, DC that day to support it is a wonderful memory) submitted over 1.7 million petition signatures to abolish the "Fed" and the IRS. Nineteen years ago next month. Nothing has changed except the Congressionally created "national" debt went from $4,387,836,063,260.07 to $15,978,918,589,911.74 in unpayable debt. So, you see, it doesn't matter if a Democrat or Republican is in the White House or which party controls Congress. They're all crooks and thieves, simple as that.
Until the American people take the time to fully understand how the magical money machine works (the "Fed"), they will continue cheering on their own destruction.
There's a lot of talk about the "national" debt created by the Outlaw Congress. But, it's tens of millions of Americans who demand the outlaws in the U.S. Congress violate the U.S. Constitution by stealing the fruits of your labor to give to them in one form of government check or another. Every penny is borrowed from the privately owned "Federal" Reserve. The fruits of our labor are stolen to pay the interest for all the reckless and immoral spending longer than I've been alive.
Unless Americans become educated about inflation, deflation and depressions and how the "Federal" Reserve causes it, they will continue cheering on Band Aid pushers like Soetoro, Romney, Ryan, Bush, Pelosi, Rubio, Reid; the list is endless.
Everything about the "Fed" is evil. The continued devaluing of the dollar is what's killing this country. George Ure summed it up last week on his web site, Urban Survival:
"One reason for the surge in gold prices this week: The Fed is sounding in the FOMC minutes like they are open to another quantitative easing of the money supply. In other words, they are likely to print more money - and this watering down of paper money's purchasing power is what makes it seem like prices are going up.
"The truth - and not very well taught in politically-correct schooling these days - is that prices don't really go up - so much as there's just more and more paper chasing the same goods and services so it takes more paper.
"How much more paper? Well, since the Fed got into the business of renting America its paper money, back in 1913, what used to cost $1-dollar now costs $23.52. Which is why in 1913 a steak dinner was $1 and today it's about $23-$24 for the same thing.
"Plain as I can tell you: A dollar is only worth 4.2517 percent of what it was in 1913. Almost 96% of its purchasing power has been watered down by too many paper dollars floating around. But without that kind of accounting, what government services would you like to do without...since that's largely made possible by deficit spending and the fine art of "making up money."
Which is why I have sounded like a broken record for the past 15 years or so about putting most of your assets into gold. Yes, food, guns and ammunition are critical, but for folks blessed with large savings and 401(k)s, they need to get out of worthless paper.
Sadly, it's too far gone. What's coming at us like a freight train cannot be stopped. If people thought 2008 was bad, they had better prepare themselves. All the campaign promises in the world cannot stop the charge to the edge of the cliff because we're going over. Listen to a man whose extensive credentials and accuracy are well known in the financial world:
"I am a successful small businessman and a patriot who loves America and always sees its greatness. I am also an optimistic, positive thinker who always sees the glass half full. But not this time. This time we are in such deep trouble, the only solution is a radical restructuring of the politicians, the economy, and the way we view personal responsibility versus government handouts. If those changes don't come then we are facing a long decline and the eventual end of America."
Back in September 2004, like so many others, I warned what was coming:Ignore Danger Signs of the Coming Financial Catastrophe At Your Own Risk
In 2005, Dr. Edwin Vieira, warned people: Are Monetary & Banking Crises Inevitable in the Near Future?
Well, we all know what happened and it's not over by a long shot.
The changes won't be coming because the banking cartel owns Congress and the White House, right along side the communist Chinese. It is why I wrote the working paper for our state legislature (and yours) for a constitutional money bill. Americans must get out of denial. Your favorite candidate for president or Congress is NOT going to do what should have been done decades ago: Abolish the unconstitutional "Federal" Reserve Banking System. That's why the states must pass a bill in the 2013 session or they will regret it.
In my column with that working paper are several links towards the bottom.Take the time to read them and the working paper so you understand the problem. Armed with knowledge and the solution, you can then continue pounding on your state representative and senator to get the bill passed. Then put the pressure on your governor to sign it. It takes boots on the ground, not calling talk radio, watching Hannity or some other cable talk show.
If you think this is all hyperbole or paranoia, just take a look at the debt states find themselves drowning in:
Aug 28 (Reuters) - "America's 50 state governments owe $4.19 trillion, including outstanding bonds, unfunded pension commitments and budget gaps, according to a new report. At $617.6 billion, California had by far the biggest total debt, more than twice the total of No. 2, New York, with $300.1 billion owed, according to State Budget Solutions, a research and non-partisan advocacy group.
"Texas, with $287 billion owed, New Jersey, with $282.4 billion, and Illinois, with $271.1 billion, ranked next among states with the biggest total debt, according to State Budget Solutions. Vermont had the smallest debt load at $5.85 billion. The annual study said state governments had benefited in the last year from smaller budget gaps and reductions in loans taken from the federal government during the worst of the Great Recession to pay unemployment claims. Those trends helped reduce total debt, which includes medical insurance due retired government workers, from last year's $4.24 trillion of total debts owed by the 50 states, according to State Budget Solutions.
"Our states are in trouble and no amount of budget gimmicks, political posturing or hiding bills will fix the massive debt that they face," said Bob Williams, president of State Budget Solutions. "Drastic reforms, innovations and political courage are needed to put our states back on the road to fiscal survival."
I live in Texas. Thank you, Governor Ricky Perry. The guy who was in the early running for president. Of course, it's our state legislature's fault, but Perry signed the budgets and pension commitments. My state legislature and yours had better pass a constitutional money bill. If they don't, it will be doubly painful next year and at least through 2015, if not longer.

The only jobs Willard or God forbid, if the impostor president "wins", will be government jobs. I highly recommend this excellent piece by Lawrence Reed:Great Myths of the Great Depression. If you can't read it now, book mark and read over the weekend. Reed does an outstanding job explaining what happened during the "great" depression. It is the blue print the impostor president, Soetoro/Obama and his rotten, corrupt administration have followed to a T. They just changed the names of the programs, but it is history painfully repeating.

For Romney or Soetoro to say they are going to create jobs, the only legal way they can is to use the bully pulpit to get Congress to abolish the "Fed", get out of the aforementioned treaties, overturn the thousands of regulations killing businesses across this country and abolish unconstitutional cabinets and agencies and all unconstitutional spending like foreign aid and the hundreds of billions stolen from you and me to the UN, the IMF and World Bank. Think that will happen?It will also validate what I just said about government jobs. The only jobs a lawfully elected president has the authority to create come via legislation from Congress: Support staff for constitutional agencies and cabinets, the courts and military. Period.

Your TWEED RING is showing !

Rogue Army Propaganda Mob Bans Veterans Today
Who is Looking Down the Barrel?
Defense Media Activity, a Command at Ft. Meade, Censors Veterans Today for Political Expose
Monday, August 27th, 2012 | Posted by Gordon Duff
Veterans Today learned last night that the Defense Media Activity is censoring Veterans Today from military bases because of an article involving illegal political contributions tying Mitt Romney to the “blood diamond” trade, illegal foreign contributions and wide dealings with organized crime.
The article, Foreign Cash Disqualifies Romney from Presidential Bid, went viral on the internet. General Odierno, the man who tried to order troops into our cities to quell “Occupation” demonstrators, ordered this attack on Veterans Today, according to Pentagon sources.
The military fed us information on Romney because they are afraid we may be pushed into a conflict in the Persian Gulf and the other minor issue, General Dempsey is a favorite of ours and is now Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Now the Army has Obama and Panetta doing exactly what the best of our officer corps has wanted, General Dempsey has a total free hand.
Dempsey is clearly running the show, taking the lead in our dealings with his counterparts around the world, one of those rare times when the right commander is in the right place at the right time.
This, however, is the problem for those who depend on a weakened US. Where Obama may have bent to political pressure or lacked a base of power, Dempsey is totally in command and backed 100%.
This has made him a target, Netanyahu finds him impossible to manipulate and Romney has been directed to fire Dempsey at all costs. After leaving Tel Aviv last week, Dempsey was subjected to an assassination attempt credited to the Taliban but nobody takes that seriously.
They [Taliban] respect Dempsey and have expressed belief that his advice will bring about a more rapid and lasting end to conflict in Afghanistan.
Romney is closely tied with Israeli Likudists and is said to have promised a US invasion of Iran, without support of the UN or any allies, if elected.
Up to 60 million in illegal cash was collected in Israel and London, much in secret meetings with banksters, the diamond trade racketeers, Russian “oligarchs” or “laundered” through supporters who traveled with Romney.
The international drug trade not only sent representatives but their leaders were actually traveling with Romney on his jet.
Since this time, Veterans Today has been under, initially, sophisticated “hack attacks” with individual editors subjected to attempts at sophisticated computer intrusions.
If the Army, or the nutty right wing version believes it can censor the truth by abusing its power, if it thinks it can silence freedom, let it try. I wish you good luck with that. Were I with the gang at Ft. Meade, I would have left this alone. You guys are in over your heads.
GOP blames Ron Paul supporters for loss to Obama
Submitted by hayek on Tue, 08/28/2012 – 17:16
Ron Paul 2012
I have heard that if the GOP loses to Obama they will blame the Ron Paul supporters, what I can’t figure out is why?
Ron Paul attracted independents, traditional conservatives and turned activists out to the GOP en mass. The pushed conservative values and turned many democrats into the party. They gave the GOP all the leverage they need to defeat Obama.
Yet when these supporters showed up, they isolated them, mocked them, marginalized them, and disenfranchised them of their hard won votes within the GOP primaries. Then they have the audacity to tell Ron Paul supporters that now they want our votes?
All the GOP would have to do, to keep a lot of traditional conservative Paul advocates in the party and engaged in the fight against Obama is, show a little respect. Let them have the delegate seats they earned, let them vote for their candidate…and let the process work.
That would mean, everyone would feel welcome and many would want to see the party that endorses their hopes for a better future.
If the GOP loses, it is not the fault of Ron Paul, it is the fault of Mitt Romney and the RNC rejecting millions of new and returning Republican voters, many of whom are intelligent young hardworking activists or experienced and savvy political voters. All of whom though came to or back to the GOP because of a glimpse of the possibility of liberty.
The Romney camp can’t expect support when it says in no uncertain terms, “Your vision of liberty whilst the GOP is under our control is a delusion…but come vote for me”
Allow me to succinctly describe the bad decisions made by the GOP from the precinct to national levels in their effort to broaden the GOP base:
Epic fail.

John Loftus: America's Nazi Secret

Former US government prosecutor and  
author, John Loftus retells a history of  
almost unimaginable corruption.        

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That's how we grow. Thanks.

Alexandra Bruce
Publisher, Forbidden Knowledge TV 
Daily Videos from the Edges of Science

Another NWO, Bullshit Control control plow, in the ground . Repaeal NAFTA and GAATT; We were much better off without those agreements.

Another NWO, Bullshit Control control plow, in the ground .
   Repeal NAFTA and GAATT; We were much better off without those agreements. 

We, the transnational corporations and the ruling elites are on the verge of a wonderful new dawn that will bring us immense power and untold wealth.
We have been secretly negotiating a new agreement called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) with the United States Australia, Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam and are nearing completing the final details of this agreement. We have had 600 of our best corporate lobbyists providing input and have successfully excluded Congress, our own corporate media, and the general public from the negotiations. Once implemented, this agreement will hard code corporate dominance over sovereign governments into international law that will supercede any federal, state, or local laws of any member country. This agreement will grant new corporate privileges and rights, while limiting governments and protective regulations. This agreement will far exceed anything we have been able to achieve with NAFTA, CAFTA, or any other free trade agreement.
 The details contained in this agreement will result in total corporate global governance . In this new system the role of elected  governments will be to serve as subservient agents for our interests. The institutions under governments such as the armies, police, and courts will also serve our interests, while being financed by the taxpayers of that country. The status of the member states will be locked-in,  similar to countries once they are inside the Eurozone.
In the past, we had to deal with environmental regulations, financial regulations, worker safety regulations and other issues have always brought down the profits that we worked so hard to earn and are rightfully ours. Once this agreement passes, these regulations will actually have the potential of increasing our wealth. Some of the provisions in this agreement include the establishment of corporate controlled tribunals to be administered by 3 attorneys with no conflict of interest limitations. These 3 attorney tribunals, which will be controlled by us, will have the power to order sovereign governments to use taxpayer money to pay us and our agents for any environmental or regulatory costs that our transnational corporations expended to meet local standards. We can literally expect to have long term taxpayer revenue streams that will flow into our coffers. At the very least, many existing laws would need to be rewritten and no new regulatory laws could be passed.
With this wonderful new agreement, governments that tried to pass regulations such as limits on the financial industry using risky bets such as derivatives would have the burden of proof to defend such regulations in a tribunal system controlled by us, and staffed by our lawyers and judges. The judges in these tribunals could order the government to use  taxpayers' money to pay damages should one of our transnational corporations prevail in one of these "private courts". In the past, we have received over $350 million of taxpayer money under the NAFTA style deals, because of zoning laws, toxic bans, timber rules and other regulations. It is our expectation that this figure will be dwarfed by future payments. This TPP agreement is like NAFTA on steroids. These tribunals setup by this TPP agreement will have binding corporate guarantees with both trade and cash sanctions. These cash sanctions would also effectively transfer taxpayer money to transnational corporate coffers.  Can you imagine how much money we will have flowing into our pockets as we challenge regulations within our own private court system forcing governments to pay for our lost profits or to eliminate them?




No Catholic events – No Baptist events – No Methodist events
But they are having a Muslim Prayer Service.
Lots of articles on the internet, here is just one.


Obama Has Stolen $5.3 Trillion From Our Children In Order To Make Himself Look Good

Obama Has Stolen $5.3 Trillion From Our Children In Order To Make Himself Look Good

Barack Obama has destroyed the future of America in order to improve his chances of winning the next election.
Under Obama, 5.3 trillion dollars has been ruthlessly stolen from our children and our grandchildren.  That money has been used to pump up the debt-fueled false prosperity that we have been experiencing.
When the U.S. government borrows money that it does not have from someone else (such as China) and spends that money into the economy it is going to make our economic numbers look better.
Even if the government spends that money on incredibly stupid things, it still gets into the hands of average Americans who in turn spend that money on food, gas, clothes, etc.
If we were to go back and take that extra 5.3 trillion dollars out of the U.S. economy, I guarantee you that we would be in a rip-roaring depression right now.  We would look a lot like Greece at this point.
For several years Greece has been raising taxes and cutting government spending in an attempt to balance the budget and these austerity measures have resulted in an unemployment rate of over 23 percent and an economy that has contracted by close to 25 percent.
Most Americans don’t want to go through pain like that so they are okay with continuing to financially rape our children and our grandchildren.  Just imagine how you would feel if your parents died tomorrow and you found out that they had left you with a million dollar debt that you were legally obligated to pay off.
How would you feel, knowing that you had just been sold into debt slavery for the rest of your life?  Well, that is how our children and our grandchildren are going to feel.
We are destroying the greatest economic machine the world has ever seen, we are accumulating the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the planet, and the coming economic collapse that we have caused is going to wipe out the promising future that our children and our grandchildren were supposed to have.
If they get the chance, future generations of Americans will curse us bitterly and will spit on our graves.  What we are doing to our children and our grandchildren is the kind of stuff that horror movies are made of.  You should be ashamed of yourself America.
The federal budget deficit for 2012 will be larger than the entire U.S. national debt was 30 years ago.  In 1982 Ronald Reagan was in the White House and the U.S. national debt was considered to be a tremendous national crisis.  But somehow we have allowed our national debt to grow from about a trillion dollars back then to approximately $16,000,000,000,000 today.
By the end of Obama’s first term, the U.S. national debt will have grown more than it did from the time that George Washington became president to the time that George W. Bush became president.
That is hard to believe.
Obama is going to outdo all the presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton in just one term.
At this point, the U.S. national debt is more than 22 times larger than it was when Jimmy Carter became president.
This has allowed us to enjoy a standard of living far beyond what we deserved to.  We have stolen from the future to make the present more pleasant.
But hardly anybody wants the party to end.  Especially not our Congress critters – they are living like kings and queens at our expense.  Our “representatives” in Washington D.C. love to give speeches about being “financially responsible”, but most of them never take any serious action about the debt because the way things are working now has been incredibly good to them.
And the truth is that both political parties have been responsible.  In 2010, Republicans took control of the House of Representatives with a clear mandate to get government spending under control.  Not a single penny of government money can be spent without their permission.  But since they took control, the U.S. national debt has increased by another 1.8 trillion dollars.
At this point, this current Congress (controlled by both Republicans and Democrats) has added more to the national debt than the first 97 Congresses combined.
We expect this kind of nonsense from the Democrats, but the Republicans are supposed to know better.
Of course our entire financial system is designed to permanently entrap our federal government in an endless spiral of debt, but neither political party ever talks about that.
Sadly, the U.S. national debt is now more than 5000 times larger than it was when the Federal Reserve was first created.
But we never hear about the link between the Federal Reserve and our national debt from either political party or on the mainstream news.
So most Americans do not even realize that our system is designed to create government debt.
It is absolutely disgusting.
We say that we care about our kids, and yet we are passing down a $16,000,000,000,000 debt to them.
Talk about child abuse.
Most people have a really hard time grasping how much money 16 trillion dollars actually is.
If right this moment you went out and started spending one dollar every single second, it would take you more than 31,000 years to spend one trillion dollars.
And it would take you more than half a million years to spend 16 trillion dollars.
This is a debt that is impossible to pay back.  Just look at how it has exploded over the past 40 years….
In a previous article I discussed the distressing rate at which our debt is growing….
It took more than 200 years for the U.S. national debt to reach 1 trillion dollars.  In 1986, the U.S. national debt reached 2 trillion dollars.  In 1992, the U.S. national debt reached 4 trillion dollars.  In 2005, the U.S. national debt doubled again and reached 8 trillion dollars.  Now the U.S. national debt is about to cross the 16 trillion dollar mark.  How long can this kind of exponential growth go on?
If we can’t even slow down the growth of our debt, how do we ever expect to repay a single penny?
The sad truth is that we aren’t ever going to start paying down our debt.  We have gotten to the point where if we take our foot off the debt accelerator we plunge directly into a depression and the entire system collapses.  It is like a really sick version of the movie “Speed”.
Where is Keanu Reeves when you need him?
Since Barack Obama entered the White House, he has approved a whole host of measures that have been good for the economy in the short-term.  TARP, the stimulus packages, the auto industry bailout and the payroll tax cut are just a few examples.
Barack Obama has wanted to do everything he possibly can to stimulate the economy in the short-term so that he can win again in 2012.
But what about the future?
Barack Obama could not care less about the future.  He is just like so many of our other politicians.  He is blinded by selfish ambition.
Since Barack Obama became president, the U.S. national debt has increased by an average of more than $64,000 per taxpayer.
Are you willing to write a check for your share?
Oh, let’s just pass this horrific debt on to our children, right?
The path that we are on as a nation cannot go on too much longer.  The truth is that we are headed for financial oblivion.
A recently revised IMF policy paper entitled “An Analysis of U.S. Fiscal and Generational Imbalances: Who Will Pay and How?” projects that U.S. government debt will rise to about 400 percent of GDP by the year 2050.
Of course we will never get to the point.  Our financial system will collapse long before then.
Sadly, the United States already has more government debt per capita than Greece, Portugal, Italy, Ireland or Spain does.
So why are we not like Greece or Spain yet?
Well, it is because we are still able to borrow huge piles of money very, very cheaply.
But at some point that will come to an end, and when it does the consequences are going to be nightmarish.
Historically, the interest rate on 10 year U.S. Treasuries has averaged 6.68 percent.  If the average rate of interest on U.S. debt rose to that level today, we would be payingmore than a trillion dollars a year just in interest on the national debt.
And when you consider our future unfunded liabilities things get even more frightening.
According to Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff, the “fiscal gap” is “the present value difference between projected future spending and revenue”.  His calculations have led him to the conclusion that the United States is facing a fiscal gap of 222 trillion dollars.
And this gap is rising at a breathtaking pace.
The following is an excerpt from a recent article co-authored by Kotlikoff….
In 2007, the first year the CBO produced the Alternative Fiscal Scenario, the gap, by our reckoning, stood at $175 trillion. By 2009, when the CBO began reporting the AFS annually, the gap was $184 trillion. In 2010, it was $202 trillion, followed by $211 trillion in 2011 and $222 trillion in 2012.
But if we interrupt this debt cycle we immediately go into a depression.
We are a debt addict that will die without more debt.
Meanwhile, our national ability to produce wealth is going down the toilet.
All over the country businesses are shutting down, factories are being closed and millions of jobs are being sent overseas.
As I wrote about the other day, American families are steadily getting poorer.  The middle class is shrinking and the tax base is shriveling up.
Many Americans end up flat broke at the end of their lives these days.  In fact, one study found that nearly half of all retirees end up with $10,000 or less when they die.
So where is all of the money for servicing this gigantic national debt going to come from?
Even if Bill Gates gave every single penny of his fortune to the U.S. government, it would only cover the U.S. budget deficit for 15 days.
So what is the solution?
If we keep spending money like this we are doomed, but if we stop spending money like this we are doomed.
And debt is not just a problem that the federal government is facing.
Posted below is a chart that shows the growth of all forms of debt in the United States over the past several decades.  40 years ago, there was less than 2 trillion dollars of total debt owed in the United States.  Now there is nearly 55 trillion dollars of debt owed.  This generation has destroyed the future and has set the stage for an unprecedented economic collapse.  Shame on you America….