Monday, September 3, 2012

Bullets Planted in Luggage of Ron Paul Delegate

video on this page

Kurt Nimmo
September 2, 2012
In the video below, Jackie Gloor, who worked as Ron Paul’s Texas coordinator and went to Tampa as a delegate last week, explains how she was set-up to be busted by the TSA. Gloor said her motel room was entered while she was away and bullets placed in her luggage. The bullets were later found by the TSA during a search at the airport. Gloor said she would have been arrested and probably charged with a felony if she had not mentioned that she works for Rep. Ron Paul.
There is no direct evidence the bullets were planted by Republican Party operatives, but considering the dirty tricks of the past – Karl Rove specialized in dirty tricks to sabotage the opposition – it is entirely legitimate to speculate that this was another nasty attack by the establishment to destroy any and all credible opposition to their Mafia-style crime and war syndicate.


I just received a call for help urgently needed in Gretna, Louisiana, which is in Plackermans Parish next to New Orleans.  They are still sitting in 4 feet of water after several days as a result of the storms and flooding.  These people are getting NO HELP.  FEMA is helping (or not) in New Orleans.  NO ONE is helping these people.  They have NO WATER or ICE.   They have no electricity or working sewers. 

Is there anyone close enough to their area to offer some assistance to them??  OR do you know anyone who can help them??  If so, let me know.  I have a contact there.  Or just go help them.

This is what we have to do as a Republic.  Help each other.  We do not want the government going in and taking over like they did the last time in New Orleans.  That was a catastrophe.  They confiscated everyone's guns when they needed them most.  This is when people are very vulnerable when they are cut off from everyone else with no ability to connect with others.  They had the national guard preventing boats and trucks full of people and help from going in.  We all know how unorganized the government is.  We need to be able to do this ourselves and help each other.  PLEASE either go over and help if you can.  Contact me if you know of other ways to assistance.

Thanks so much.


Black woman lawyer exposes Dem fraud to get BO elected

> Worth watching!!!!

This may be the bravest lawyer ever.

Black woman lawyer exposes Dem fraud to get BO elected
This young black woman has some incredibly important first person
observations. Please watch both of her videos.

Part II

Update from Cobra - About the Conferences and Cobra

Update from Cobra - About the Conferences and Cobra

Portal 2012
September 2, 2012

About the Conferences and Cobra
As soon as I posted about the conferences, some amazing synchronicities happened along with a strong reaction and attacks from the Cabal.

Apart from that, people also had many questions and concerns and I will address those in this post.

All information from the conferences will be given freely after the conferences through posts in this blog. We are also working on creating an audio webinar for at least some conferences to be available also.

The conferences are meant for those who wish to dedicate themselves more fully to the planetary liberation process and are also willing to put a considerable amount of energy into it.
The purpose of the non-disclosure agreements is only to protect my identity. Intel given at the conferences is not included in non-disclosure agreement and is to be shared and distributed freely.

There have been again some extremely hateful comments in my blog and I had to close the comment section again. Some people reacted extremely violently when I deleted their comments, saying "Cobra deletes anything that incriminates him, and the emails have been forwarded to my brother who is a serious fraud officer with the Metropolitan police." This is my private blog and I can delete anything I want, and why some people go ballistic about that is beyond my understanding. As I understand free speech, they can spill their hatred elsewhere and I can shape my blog in any way I want to, including deleting their comments.

Few courses of action remain open. Shall I leave all comments open in the name of »freedom of speech« to let some pople spill poison and threats here, posting comments with hatred and a purpose of destroying my work? Shall I keep deleting negative comments? To tell you the truth, I am tired of doing that as I have more important work to do. Shall I block the comments altogether? I am open to suggestions.

I would like people to learn non-violent communication. Those that would like to »expose me as a scam« are free to do so in their own blog and on other websites, but not here. For your information, if I deleted a comment, all replies to that comment were deleted automatically by Blogger. Also, my Blogger account has been broken into a few times and many times comments were deleted without my approval. People need to learn patience. I WILL address their concerns, but it may take a few days as I have an overload of work to do.

I will however address here some concerns that pople might have that are at the core of those hateful comments.

There has been a certain indvidual posting here, wanting to ruin and destroy my work. If he is of the Light, why does he want to destroy something beautiful? If he belongs to the Cabal, his actions are obvious. He is among those people that are violently against the conferences, saying that this is a scam taking other people's money. Are David Wilcock's conferences also a scam? And conferences of countless other dedicated Lightworkers around the world? Here nobody has been »tricked« or »forced« into buying a ticket. If anybody wants a refund, it will be gladly given.

There have been many speculations about my identity. Some people think I am Lady Dragon, some people think I am Ishtar Antares and there are wide speculations as to where I am coming from, ranging from China to Europe and South America.

I know both lady Dragon and Ishtar Antares and they are both good people. There is a lot of disinformation about the two circulating in the blogosphere. Lady Dragon has not been »arrested« and is not on »meth« as some people think. I actually spoke to her a week ago as she came back from a vacation. Ishtar Antares is not a »scammer that wants your ascended money«, nor is he »taking advantage from women mostly for sex« as it is written on a notorious disinfo site of the Former White Hat. As you probably know, money and sex related accusations are a standard tactic of the Cabal when it wants to discredit someone. I am in constant contact with Ishtar and he is very honest in his business dealings and one of the most sincere people towards women that I know. He graciously allowed me to use some of his intel for posts in my blog. He has written a book and I use some of intel from that book. Although most of that book is channeled material and I don't agree with all of it, it is of a very high quality and I would recommend it. You can order his book here:

It is also worth noticing that Former White hat sent threatening mails to both Lady Dragon and Ishtar Antares, stating that »If you wish to avoid further revealing about you, your past and family, you will back down from this silly Cobra bullshit. You will denunce on your website Drake as a fraud and insane old man who has been making everything up. Okay? FW Hat«

Drake is not a fraud, he is a good man fighting for the liberation of this planet. So is Benjamin Fulford, so is David Wilcock, so am I and so are many others. I don't agree totally with Drake and Wilcock, but I would support their fight for freedom with all my heart. I would suggest that all sincere people working towards the planetary liberation start supporting each other despite all personal differences and stop with personal attacks.

And again, the link to conferences is here:

And you can register here:


Posted by at

Sun Myung Moon dies at 92; Washington Times owner led the Unification Church

Sun Myung Moon dies at 92; Washington Times owner led the Unification Church

The Washington Post
By Emma Brown, Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, a self-professed messiah who claimed millions of religious followers in his Unification Church and sought to become a powerful voice in the American conservative movement through business interests that included the Washington Times, has died. He was 92.
The Washington Times reported that Mr. Moon died in South Korea early Monday morning (Sunday afternoon in Washington). Unification Church spokesman Ahn Ho-yeul told the Associated Press that Mr. Moon died at a church-owned hospital near his home in Gapyeong, northeast of Seoul. He had been under treatment for pneumonia.
To read the rest of this story and watch the video, visit

Big Sis buys yon bonny bagpipes and get overcharged in the process

By James Smith
2 Sept 2012
Just when you thought the madness at the Department Of Homeland Security could not get any worse, DHS, on behalf of Customs and Border Protection agency, requests the purchase of, and awards the purchase of 12 MacLellan Bagpipes made from African Blackwood.
Surely, these pipes will be used to sing Amazing Grace at the funerals of fallen agents. An appropriate use, no doubt.
But they were overcharged! Ya gotta love the Scots. They know a sucker when they see one, and Big Sis is…. Well, that can’t be confirmed.
As the Scottish proverb goes, “Never marry for money, ye can borrow it for cheaper”
Folks, you’ll love this.
The contract was awarded to MacLellan Bagpipes at a grand total of $27,060.00 for 12 pipes, which comes out to be $2,255 each.
But the Scots are in this for the money, as they should be.
Someone in DHS/CBP did not do their homework. The most expensive pipe sold by McLellan is $1,450. A difference of $805 each, or $9,660 for the dozen. They didn’t follow established policy and procedures and we get to pay TOO MUCH. Again!

Description: MacLellan Pipes
MacLellan Pipes
Let’s put this in perspective:
Amazon sells an Great Highland Bagpipe Starter Package (African Blackwood) for a mere $975. DHS could get 27 pipes and some change back for what they paid.
Henderson’s Pipes start at $1,199 and up to $1,499, and DHS could get 18-22 pipes for what they are paying for 12.
So McLellan Pipes, we hold no grudge against ye, but you’re over chargin’ the American folk, ana we’d like the cash back if ye don’t mind.

True Story what happened 41 years ago on the moon

41 years ago...Great Story - I did not know about this!!!
I had not heard of this before

Communion on the Moon

I love this. How many of you knew?   Too bad this type news doesn't travel as fast as bad.

Communion on the Moon: July 20, 1969

(This is an article by Eric Metaxas)

Forty years ago two human beings changed history by walking on  the surface of the moon. But what happened before Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong exited the Lunar Module is perhaps even more amazing, if only because so few people know about it. "I'm talking about the fact that Buzz Aldrin took communion on the surface of the moon. Some months after his return, he wrote about it in Guideposts magazine.

And a few years ago I had the privilege of meeting him myself. I asked him about it and he confirmed the story to me, and I wrote about it in my book Everything You Always Wanted to Know About God (But Were Afraid to Ask).

The background to the story is that Aldrin was an elder at his Presbyterian Church in Texas during this period in his life, and knowing that he would soon be doing something unprecedented in human history, he felt he should mark the occasion somehow, and he asked his minister to help him. And so the minister consecrated a communion wafer and a small vial of communion wine. And Buzz Aldrin took them with him out of the Earth's orbit and on to the surface of the moon.

He and Armstrong had only been on the lunar surface for a few minutes when Aldrin made the following public statement:  "This is the LM pilot. I'd like to take this opportunity to ask every person listening in, whoever and wherever they may be, to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his or her own way." He then ended radio communication and there, on the silent surface of the moon, 250,000 miles from home, he read a verse from the Gospel of John, and he took communion. Here is his own account of what happened:

"In the radio blackout, I opened the little plastic packages which contained the bread and the wine. I poured the wine into the chalice our  church had given me. In the one-sixth gravity of the moon, the wine slowly  curled and gracefully came up the side of the cup.
Then I read the Scripture, 'I am the vine, you are the branches. Whosoever abides in me will bring forth much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing.

I had intended to read my communion passage back to earth, but at the last minute [they] had requested that I not do this.  NASA was already embroiled in a legal battle with Madelyn Murray O'Hare, the celebrated opponent of religion, over the Apollo 8 crew reading from Genesis while orbiting the moon at
Christmas. I agreed reluctantly.

I ate the tiny Host and swallowed the wine. I gave thanks for the intelligence and spirit that had brought two young pilots to the Sea of Tranquility . It was interesting for me to think: the very first liquid ever poured on the moon, and the very first food eaten there, were the communion elements.

And of course, it's interesting to think that some of the first words spoken on the moon were the words of Jesus Christ, who made the Earth and the moon - and Who, in the immortal words of Dante, is Himself the
 "Love that moves the Sun and other stars."



Legal Advice from a Retired Judge turned Whistleblower

Date: Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 7:46 PM
Subject: Legal Advice from a Retired Judge turned Whistleblower

If you are a typical American Citizen; when you were born, the US Dept. of
Transportation took the original copy of your Certificate of Live Birth and
used it to post a $300,000 Bond in your Corporate Name ( Your name with
the spelling in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS..)..This money was Invested; and
if you are an older Adult; is a considerable amount of money...It is used by
Banks and Utility and Mortgage Companies to Pay Your Bills...Unknown to
you; So when these Entities send you a Statement  You likely just Pay it
In Effect - Paying TWICE for the same thing...For the Whole Story; Below
is the Report by a Retired Judge - turned Whistleblower:


As always, I wish ya'll (you and yours) a good day.

I have read the latest postings of Drake and on

I read some military officers were too ingrained and would fight to preserve the status quo. Secondly, I have read NATO forces may be here in the USA to try and fight for the cabal. Thirdly, I have read some in the military/intelligence/law enforcement may be sitting on the fence. Finally, we have the Secret Service protecting the fake, false, fraudulent President  whom was "chosen" by the Illuminati/Bush Nazi New World Order to destroy the economy of America, to be the "supposed closer" (Mariano Rivera) for their plans.

I am sending this email with the hope it may "enlighten" some of the above and convince them to fight for America. Mr. MacHaffie, you may post if you get clearance. In any event, I would appreciate both of you gentlemen forwarding to your contacts at the Pentagon. If the Pentagon feels this email would be beneficial, they may send to everyone.

I have been behind the scenes for four years fighting for you and everyone you love and I want absolutely nothing in return. All I want you to do is read this email and my Facebook page, William M Porter, Jr. It is for education, not networking.

For four years when I tell people the Federal Reserve is unconstitutional and the IRS is illegal and fraudulent, many simply shut down and refuse to believe. For those in the military, especialy those whom come from military families, I know of the mind control programs and that you have been trained for years if not your entire life to "respect rank" and "follow orders". I realize you have a big hurdle to clear, but for America's children I ask you to jump that hurdle. You are an American are you not? You do love America, do you not? You want her children to have the very best future, do you not?  

You may read my letter on the Facebook page and the many articles and watch a few videos. Here is a short note on what you will learn:
1.  The Federal Reserve, created in 1913, is an unconstitutional privately owned bank. Since all in DC took an oath to uphold the
     Constitution, this means they sold their souls to the big bankers (Rothschild/Rockefeller/JP Morgan/Goldman Sachs) over 100
2.  Also created in 1913, the sister corporation, the IRS. Our 16th Amendment was pased by Congress, but never ratified by the
     States and is thus illegal. Further, the IRS is a Puerto Rican Trust Fund for the private owners of the IRS. None of our tax dollars
     goes to America. Those in DC have allowed the private owners to steal our money for 100 years.
3.  Our Constitution states Congress is to declare war, not the President. This means the Emergency War Powers Act is in fact
4   Our Constitution states Congress can establish an Army, but the appropriations for that purpose are limited to two years. What
     does this mean?  The big bankers have pulled the strings of the political puppets to beat the drums of war, to fabricate 
      "terrorism". Makes you want to cry, doesn't it? I can't tell you how many times I've cried knowing these evil bastards sent our
      sons and even daughters, our babies, to die for a lie;
5.  NESARA/Farmers Case which held our country has been outside the Constitution since 1933, the Federal Reserve is
     unconstitutional and the income tax illegal. The NESARA Funds, $47 trillion, was to be distributed to the World beginning
     in 1985, but those in DC prevented the same;
6.  Benjamin Fulford discusses the Global Collateral Accounts, $371 trillion dollars. Under the Bretton Woods Agreement of
     1944, all non-aligned countries donated their gold to the Federal Reserve and DC with the promise the money would be used to
     build/rebuild the Earth and allow everyone to have prosperity. These funds have been stolen/hidden by the Federal Reserve 
     and DC for decades;
7.  John Williams and indicate our true unemployment is over 20%;
8.  Bix Weir talks of the total manipulation of the precious metals markets;
9.  Matt Thiabbe of The Rolling Stone has an excellent article on how Goldman Sachs has engineered all our recessions and
10. Dr. Paul Krugman indicates we are in a Depression and our democracy is under attack;
11. The Baltic Dry Index, which is a leading economic indicator, has absolutely collapsed;
12. Audit of Federal Reserve indicates $16 trillion was given to banks all around the world and we are to pay for that in the
       form of reduced services and increased taxes;
13. Operation Paperclip shows how the bankers and DC planned for the long term destruction of our economy and follows
       the same path as Hitler's communism;
14.  Article on the Bush CIA becoming the world's largest drug dealer;
15.  Article on Bush CIA and Israeli Mossad are responsible for 9/11;
16.  Article on Osama bin Laden is Bush CIA agent Tim Osman;
17.  Video of Norman Menita testifying before the 9/11 commission that VP Cheney gave the stand down order to our NORAD
        intercept jets on 9/11;
18.  Video of retired Supreme Commander Wesley Clark giving a speech that all the Mideast wars were being planned as far
       back as the 1970s;
19. Article on Nicola Tesla free energy device which has been hidden for 100 years;
20.  Article on Pentagon anti-gravity craft (Jetson's vehicle);
21. Mr Fulford indicates our Pentagon has 5000-6000 patents which have been hidden for "security reasons" and include
      miracle sonic healing cures;
22.Though not on the Facebook page, you may want to search "velocity of money on"  which shows the velocity of 
      money or the spending of a dollar over and over is below Depression levels; and
****23. Mr Fulford indicates the bankers and DC wanted the Israel-Iran War to be nuclear in nature and thus a mass extinction event
       while they were in underground bases or off world bases hidden from us. This will be confirmed by powerful US military
       leaders in the near future. Thankfully, our Pentagon, teamed with the military of China and Russia, did not allow this to happen.

      So, does anybody have any questions that the bankers and DC are trying to destroy the very country you love?
      Those evil bastards were willing to destroy the Earth and kill all of us; fry you and everyone you love like a piece of bacon.
      Were you invited to their party?  
      OR NOT?

You fight for the very people that have deprived all of the children of the World; we could have given all our children the perfect
world decades ago but for the evil bastards. You fight for the very people that wanted a nuclear WW3 which would destroy the World and most of her ciitizens, which includes you and everyone you love.


As a further note, if you do fight, then remember most of our military/intelligence/law enforcement know the truth and will be hunting you down. Further, we have millions in militias and tens of millions of hunters whom will be hunting you down. They all shoot and shoot very well. Just surrender. I don't want your children to be orphans, there are already too many.   

If you can't tell the very man you protect wants to destroy America and was willing to destroy the World and most of her citizens, then there is not much I can tell you.

Surely you know that the bankers and DC knew he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia. If not, Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Maricopa County, New Mexico has proven his short form birth certificate is a fake, that there is no long form in Hawaii as well as the fact his social security number or numbers belong to deceased individuals.

You surely know he is delaying the release of the revaluation of the currencies of 195 countries as well as the release of the NESARA Funds/Prosperity Packages/Global Settlement Funds. Enough money so that no American will ever be a debt slave to the privately owned and UNCONSTITUTIONAL Federal Reserve.

Please send this to your contacts in the Middle East. Maybe they can submit to El Jazeera. In any event, I would appreciate the Pentagon telling all in the Middle East prosperity for all and peace on Earth is right around the corner.    

May God Bless All
Bill Porter
Team Earth--Teammate Stars and Stripes     

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Constitution Course

 To register for our new online Constitution course, Constitution 201, please go to:

    Remember: Each lecture is pre-recorded and lasts approximately 40 minutes. Lectures and other study materials will be released by noon each Monday according to the schedule. Once released, they are available to view at your convenience. You will receive an email each week informing you that new material is available.

· To register for or view Constitution 101, which is archived and available on-demand, please go to:

· To log-in for either course, please go to: