Saturday, September 15, 2012

Global Apocalypse Linked To French Alps Family Massacre

September 15, 2012
Global Apocalypse Linked To French Alps Family Massacre
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A chilling Federal Security Services (FSB) report on the 6 September massacre of British-Iraqi scientist Saad Al-Hilli and his family near Chevaline in the Haute-Savoie department of the Rhône-Alpes region of eastern France (bordering both Switzerland and Italy) circulating in the Kremlin today warns that these killings are “substantially linked” to a potentially imminent global apocalypse.
According to this report, Saad Al-Hilli [photo with death vehicle 2nd left], his dentist wife Iqbal, his Swedish-Iraqi mother-in-law Suhaila, and French cyclist Sylvain Mollier were all executed with two bullets to the head from a single weapon indentified by French police as a 7.65mm sub-machinegun they said probably was a Czech-made Skorpion vz.61.
Surviving this massacre, this report continues, were Al-Hilli’s two daughters, seven-year-old Zaina (Zainab), who was savagely beaten and shot in the shoulder, and four-year-old Zeena who survived unharmed by hiding for hours under the legs of her dead mother. Western news media reports state that Zaina, who was awakened from a medically-induced coma this Sunday past, was returned to the UK yesterday.
As a top research scientist with Surrey Satellites Technology Limited (SSTL), this report says, Al-Hilli was put under surveillance by Britain’s Special Branch police forces in 2003 after the outbreak of war in Iraq, and as, also, confirmed by Philip Murphy, a neighbour of Al-Hilli in Claygate, Surrey, who was quoted as saying these internal UK spies used his driveway during the war to monitor Hilli's house, but which Whitehall sources denied to the Guardian News Service saying there was no sign of a UK intelligence service interest in Hilli: “He wasn't on their radar.”
This FSB report, however, states that Al-Hilli was, indeed, under surveillance by elements of the British Royal Air Force Police (RAFP) up to the final moments of this shocking massacre, one of whose agents, indentified as former RAF officer Brett Martin, was the first person to alert French authorities and stated that while he was on his daily cycle from his nearby holiday home, he first saw the Al-Hilli's seven-year-old daughter Zaina “stumbling around and moaning”.
A man named only as Philippe D by the French press said he and two friends were driving up the isolated Alpine track when they met Martin cycling down the hill. Speaking for the first time to France’s Le Parisien newspaper, Philippe said: “He tried to explain to me in broken French that something had happened further up the road” and then lead Philippe and his friends to the small woodland parking area where Saad al-Hilli, 50, wife Iqbal, 47, her mother Suhaila, 74, and French cyclist Sylvain Mollier, 45, were all shot dead.
To why Al-Hilli and his family fled from Britain without notice to anyone, this report continues, was his planning on getting to Moscow to with secret documents he had taken from his employer SSTL he described to his “contact” as being “the most damaging for our world anyone has ever seen”.
Important to note, this report says, is that the “contact” being used by Al-Hilli to secret himself and his family to Moscow, where they would be protected, was not a member of any Russian intelligence service, but was a “known” intermediary who had worked with Kremlin officers in the past.
This FSB account is, apparently, supported by two Dutch tourists staying at the campsite Al-Hilli and his family were, also, in and who said: “We were told they planned to stay all week but they left suddenly after two days. The father left the site in his car alone four or five times each day. He went out for 20 or 30 minutes each time. The first time we thought he was going to the shops but it was very odd to go out so often.” The Dutch pair added that although nobody visited the family, they did notice an unusually smartly dressed man at the campsite who appeared “to come from the Balkans.”
In describing the massacre itself, this FSB report states that Al-Hilli’s vehicle was stopped by an unknown number of gunman who then dragged his seven-year-old daughter Zaina from it and began beating her while demanding information from Al Hilli on the whereabouts of the secret documents he had in his possession. Once that information was obtained, this report continues, Zaina was thrown to the ground and shot with the bullet missing her head by mere millimeters and wounding her in the shoulder, after which the remaining victims were summarily executed, including the French cyclist who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  
Interesting to note are reports in the British press stating that Al-Hilli’s home in Claygate had to be searched by an Army bomb squad before it could be entered into by the police, but who officials said afterwards nothing had been found.
To the secret information Al-Hilli was attempting to get to Moscow, this FSB report says, was directly related to the research he did for Sir Martin Sweeting, the Executive Chairman and founder of SSTL, who pioneered the concept of rapid-response, low-cost and highly-capable small satellites utilizing modern terrestrial COTS devices to “change the economics of space”.
SSTL scientists, including Al-Hilli, working with their counterparts at National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, and the University of Sannio, Italy, in 2009 successfully exploited signals of opportunity from GPS satellites to measure the directional roughness of the sea surface from space, and even more importantly, this FSB report says, were able to gauge the speed of how fast our Earth’s poles were moving.
So important was this breakthrough that this past week (12 September) the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Space Systems award for the Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC) was given to SSTL and Sir Martin Sweeting for “being an unprecedented example of international cooperation in the application of space systems to the mitigation of human suffering.”
Most critical to note, however, this FSB report warns, is that data gained from SSTL’s disaster monitoring multi-satellite system was used by the US to alter the dramatic shifting of our Earth’s poles, and as we can read, in part, from one report in this happening:
To what the exact contents of the secret documents Al-Hilli had in his possession were this report does not speculate on, other than to note that they were of such proportion to not only have this honored scientist sacrifice his and his families life to release them to the world, and, also, of such fear to the West they cared not whom they killed to protect them, even little children.
September 15, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BYand GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]


To Bankrupt Our Great Nation _ America, is Totally Insane....

                                  " In God We Trust "

This statement will be on every email that I send out from now on,
because I do not want Our Individual Right to say it to go away ....
forever and a day.

L'ambassadeur Lee E Wanta  




By. V.K. Durham, CEO

History oftentimes repeats its-self as we are becoming painfully aware.
The  never happy "Crown" of England.. again goes after the fledgling American Colonies.. The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Great Britain over British violations of U.S. maritime rights.
snip continued:
Four different sources, each completely independent, gave me the exact same information about these bonds -- and what they looked like -- in a two-week period.
Three out of the four sources -- Neil Keenan, Udo Pelkowski and "Unwanted Publicity Intelligence" -- provided pictures of the bonds. They were all nearly identical.
David Hutlzer and his son Mackie very likely gave their lives for us to see the bonds from the Unwanted Publicity website.
Unwanted Publicity website states: quote: 1875 New York international financial investment trading merchant house of HOBSON HURTADO & COMPANY ( later known in 2004 as J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. ) acted as U.S. foreign "Financial Agents of Peru" signing 3,600 bearer bonds entitled "Certificate Of Indebtedness Of Peru" ( see below ) that were engraved & printed by the NATIONAL BANK-NOTE CO. ( est. 1859 New York ) promising $1,000 in 1875 U.S. gold coins ( presumably $20 dollar U.S. gold pieces ) plus a minimum of 7% interest rate of return for each investor bondholder. [end quote]
VKD: As the Duly Constituted Holder/Owner; I have asked Paul at UPI to correct obvious errors in quoting the terms and conditions of those BRITISH INSTRUMENTS of JP MORGAN/WR GRACE/ROTHSCHILD BANKING.. Nothing has been corrected todate.
However; Something in that statement only the "American Bond Holder/Owner" would know.. such as and I quote: 1875 New York international financial investment trading merchant house of HOBSON HURTADO & COMPANY ( later known in 2004 as J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. ) acted as U.S. foreign "Financial Agents of Peru" signing 3,600 bearer bonds entitled "Certificate Of Indebtedness Of Peru" ( see below ) that were engraved & printed by the NATIONAL BANK-NOTE CO. ( est. 1859 New York )".. Lets stop this nonsense right here.. Those 3,600 bearer bonds refered to are those bonds issued between 1862 and 1872.. which the ENGLISH BOND HOLDERS, JP MORGAN, WR GRACE, ROTHSCHILD BANKING forclosed on in 1899's Bank of International Settlements awarding the "60 year receivership to WR Grace"..
AMERICAN OWNER/HOLDER "Due Dilligence".. can be read at: 1856. The Guano Act was passed by Act of Congress.
Due Dilligence continues:
The Duly Constituted Sovereign Bonus 3392 "One time only provisions was Duly Authorized, Duly Constituted by the Peruvian Legislature April 14-27, 1875 thereby Granting the Constitutional Authority to the President of Peru to enter into the "One Time Only Bonus 3392 Commodity Contract" which indicates the amount of Certificates sold in New York, New York by the merchant house of HOBSON HURTADO & COMPANY , deceptively incorporated by JP MORGAN Dec. 2004.. to attempt to cover the greatest swindle involving a 'hostage taking' of global banking, financial and economic fraud since the Crash of the Merchants of Veince in 1340 in attempts of ONE WORLD CURRENCY of a ONE WORLD FINANCIAL GOVERNMENT.
VKD. September 15, 2012.  Disturbing information off the net .. quote:
It is generally known that Prince Bandar was one of Al-Qaeda’s chief financiers but he should not be made the scapegoat. He acted merely as an executioner for the tyrants who control the CIA, Wall Street, and the White House. The sin of creating Al-Qaeda belongs to the CIA alone.
“The idea that Bandar is turning towards an alliance with Pakistan in order to defend Saudi Arabia against the U.S. is a kind of strategic revolution. Up to now, Saudi Arabia has relied on the United States for security. But now the people around Bandar see, obviously, that Obama is the main threat, that the U.S. regime, the CIA, the NED [National Endowment for Democracy], are the main threat to the internal security of Saudi Arabia. So they’re looking for an option. Now once you say Pakistan, of course, you’re also saying nuclear weapons. You can say in a certain way it’s quite possible that Bandar has arranged that Saudi Arabia is now under the Pakistani nuclear umbrella.
This is quite a new thing in world affairs. These are two countries, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, who have been under the US yoke, totally dominated by the US, bombed in the case of Pakistan, who are trying to make a jailbreak.” [You can hear the quote starting at the 2:45 mark to the 3:40 mark]. end quote] source: Washington’s Dark History of Double-Crossing Its Allies [read more: Did Washington Kill Its Favourite Saudi Prince, Bandar ...  Saman Mohammadi August 1, 2012. Following unofficial reports by Voltaire Network that Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia was assassinated on July 26, analysts ..
As those involved with DESTRUCTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA'S MONEY SYSTEM through a bogus OITC backed with false claims, false leins, illegal hypothication of other peoples properties, identity theft, forgery, murder, which was perpertrated by three former presidents, their children, Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the kingdom’s former ambassador to the United States, involved in a power struggle between members of the Saudi royal family has been common as power is shared among some 200 princes out of the estimated 7000 family members. Prince Bandar known as Bandar Bush because of his close relations with former US President George W Bush, the prince is son of Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz. (Bandar now deceased).
Gunther Russbacher's widow, Rayelan Russbacher-Allen (Owner of RMNews) writes:
From his home in California, Russbacher orchestrated the transfer of the Philippine gold, code named White Robe, to Austria.
Col. Gunther Russbacher passed.  His papers etc were left with his widow, Rayelan.
While progressing on this NEW GOLDEN AGE.. another Col. involved with the Marco's "Philippine Gold" was tortured and murdered, his signature forged, a false notary 4 years after his death notarizing the very instruments Prince Bandar, G.W. Bush, Petro Dollars, British Mint used to create hell and havoc in the Mid East as Iraq, Lybia, Egypt, Palestine etc were systematically destroyed with those instruments backed only by the forged signature of a dead man, notarized 4 years after his murder.  See:
As anyone can see.. there is one humongous obstacle to this NEW GOLDEN AGE of the little princes and presidents kids.. and it's an old 76 year old woman who's FAMILY TRUST [with new trustees] holds the final keys to the rise and/or fall of this NEW GOLDEN AGE.. DOCUMENTATION/VALIDATION OF
Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 Documents of Recorded Record
As one can clearly see... the MO of murdering the former key individuals operating under the Executive Authority of OSS and CIA were terminated.  The moneys promised for those individuals for their efforts as Private Contractors.. for retirement of themselves, co workers and families.. ? 
I don't know about Russbacher's.. but I do know the CI-Ltd Accounts held by my murdered husband are held in Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087.. which an attempt was made to access those accounts by wanna be kings and queen.. which failed miserably.
These miserable individuals are left no choice but to lead the world to believe the DEATH NOTICE of CEO, DURHAM which would allow them to continue with the FARCE of forcing the world to live on DEAD DEBT.. not Credit.
September 15, 2012.  NOTE. VKD: September 7th, 2012 an equally deplorable situation which equates to the following sentence was the Notice of Death of Vina Katherine Durham aka V.K. Durham, CEO Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 posted on Rumor Mill News.   Former RMN Agent "watcher51445": Vina Katherine Durham died today - 5 Sept of heart failure. More details later .  Posted By: Bob Date: Friday, 7-Sep-2012 02:46:21
September 15, 2012.  Once again you are reminded of the necessity to bring THE NAZI GOLD back into existence due to the obvious shortage of AU and AG aka gold and silver.  Read the following:


September 15, 2012.  Also, before the sham goes much further,  further read: Hitler's Third Reich and World War II in the News is a daily edited review of WWII articles - including German WW2 militaria - providing thought-provoking collection of hand-picked WW2 information.

Nazi gold & Hidden WWII treasures

[VKD: Everyone conviently avoids the issue of a murder of an individual TPB murdered, forged his signature 4 years after his death, notarized that signature... then proceeded on their merry way with Councin on Foreign Relations and Executive Blessings/Diplomatic Immunity using black and white copies of this Prime Bank Instrument on The UST Gray Screen further, formerly identified and known as Sovereign Certificate of Indebtedness of Peru. No. 181. May 1, 1875, but used by JP MORGAN, BANK OF AMERICA, COMEX, PETRO DOLLAR GROUP-BRITISH MINT, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS touted to the Global Banking, Financing and Economic Industry by the CLINTON Program of Restructuring the Global Monetary System in his speech to CFR [ as "Bonus Certificate 3392-181"] See: and Both directly connected to the following. Clinton CFR Speech - Sept. 14, 1998 - APFN Clinton CFR Speech - Sept. 14, 1998 "If a President of the United States ever lied to the American people he should resign."-- Bill Clinton, in 1974 while running for ...
snip: "Unwanted Publicity Intelligence" writes: U.S. financial history records from a Civil War era business deal involving a significant amount of U.S. gold coins - believed stolen from the "Confederate States Of America" Central Bank in Richmond, Virginia - that was moved out of America by Junius Spencer Morgan (aka) J.S. Morgan and his partner William R. Grace ( W.R. GRACE & COMPANY ) whom negatively impacted the market price of U.S. gold when deposited into the BANK OF ENGLAND, but when those gold coins were returned to the United States Junius Spencer Morgan (aka) J.S. Morgan and his investment partner William R. Grace ( W.R. GRACE & COMPANY ) made hundreds of millions of dollars and then began manipulating a foreign trade investment deal between America and Peru through their own New York based international financial trading investment merchant agents DABNEY MORGAN & CO., HOBSON HURTADO & CO., a contractor PERUVIAN CORPORATION LIMITED, and consignee UNITED STATES GUANO CO. that saw to the international distribution of thousands of $1,000 in U.S. gold coins promised "Certificate Of Indebtedness Of Peru" bearer bonds plus interest sold to thousands of private investors whom became involved with Peru guano export trade with the United States.
They did not do this willingly. They appear to have been murdered -- to threaten me into abandoning this investigation.
All this did is inspire me to do a much, much more thorough job than I had already planned.
The leaders who received these chests of bonds were explicitly instructed to bury them underground -- where they could never be found or stolen without explicit instructions.
As a result, the chests and the bonds often look quite rough by the time they are dug up out of the ground.
Furthermore, the Federal Reserve made sure to include deliberate errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation, so that if anyone ever did steal the bonds, they could be written off as fakes.
VKD: Here is where MAJOR JORDAN'S DIARYS CH. 12 COMES INTO PLAY. H. Dexter White was a Communist in the White House.. check it out for yourselves.. then you will understand how all these MORGANTHAU came into existence alleged to be in these "chests of bonds".. The Plan to DESTROY the U.S. OF A. through Financial Espionage, Financial Warfare was going on back years ago and just recently came to head in this BANKING, FINANCING, ECONOMIC CRISIS around the world.
NATION BUSTERS were the 1934 "MORGANTHAUS" identified in Major Jordan's Diaries which a Congressional Hearing in Regards to H. Dexter White's involvement with COMMUNIST "overthrow" of the U.S. of A. was in process but, H. Dexter White had a heart attack and died before The House and Senate could complete the Investigation and have the Hearing.
on to
Early in January 2012, Bloomberg News published an article asserting that any and all such pictures of Federal Reserve bonds are fakes. This article was released just as we were finishing our investigation -- and the timing was suspect to say the least.
One of the Federal Reserve bond chests we saw in Section Four had what appears to be a Microsoft Windows Arial font on the top. This obviously posed another problem.
After I released Section Four of this investigation, Keith Scott revealed to me that the Federal Reserve has continued issuing 1934-series bonds straight through to the present day.
Slight design changes in the chest, therefore, are perfectly reasonable -- and may even help convince people the bonds are counterfeit if they ever get exposed to the public.
The reason why these bonds are still being issued is simple. As the price of gold increases, the original owners of the gold have demanded that more bonds be printed -- to match the full value of their "deposits."
This is perhaps the single biggest reason why there has been such an incredible effort to depress the price of gold. This has been well-documented by the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee at
Kevin M. Warsh, a former member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, came forward on January 26, 2012 with explosive new information -- at the Stanford University Institute for Economic Policy Research.
Warsh revealed that the price of gold is rigorously controlled by central banks. If the legitimate demand for gold was reflected in its current price, it would almost certainly be much higher.
Central banks are now so heavily influencing asset prices that investors are unable to ascertain market values, former Federal Reserve Board of Governors member Kevin M. Warsh told the Stanford University Institute for Economic Policy Research tonight.
This influence is especially evident, Warsh said, with the Fed's purchase of government bonds, which has made it impossible for investors to use bond prices to learn anything about markets. [MORE:
We are investigating Financial Tyranny -- on a global scale -- and what we have just learned in the previous four sections is shocking.
80 percent of the world's wealth appears to be earned by a "core" of 1,318 corporations, which in turn are being controlled by only 147 companies. 75 percent of these companies are financial institutions -- and the top companies on the list are the Federal Reserve banks.
read more.. marvelous article

"New Tomorrow" has put together the most succinct and well documented history of the golden road and how we got to where we are now financially that I have ever read.

Part 1 and 2 are complete and are very in depth with tons of links to supporting documents- a long read, but well well worth the time.

Part 1 can be read HERE

Part 2 can be read HERE
The Federal Reserve is NOT printing more money. They have not printed money since 2009, and haven't printed even a single bill to replace the old and tattered bills since 2010. You can't print anything if you don't have printing presses or paper. QE3 is not what it seems nor what is being reported in the media.

The Off-Ledger Occult Economy & the Global Collateral Accounts

The Off-Ledger Occult Economy & the Global Collateral Accounts

This story is not mine but comes to me from a good friend, patriot, and oathkeeper Billy M. Jr. at

This is an absolutely brilliant piece that brings out a lot that has not yet been discussed, and makes you realize just how deep these rabbit holes are! (seemingly bottomless) READ MORE

Jamie Dimon's Devil Business

Watch the full Keiser Report E341 here:

In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss Jamie Dimon's collateral transformation desk feeding the multitude of banksters with five quadrillion in infinitely leveraged toxic derivatives and two Treasury bills of a bankrupt nation. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Joshua Mellors of about financial suicides and the government and banking policies that cause it.

Follow Max Keiser on Twitter:

Watch all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-current)

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End Voter Fraud Now!

End Voter Fraud Now!

Dear RedState Reader,
The political establishment says "there's no such thing as voter fraud."
But they're lying, and I can prove it.

My name is James O'Keefe, and a few months ago my organization, Project Veritas, released a report about potential voter fraud in North Carolina. At the time, we were criticized and censored by the media, but we were right to be concerned. Last week, independent investigators presented the North Carolina Board of Elections with a list of 30,000 RESIDENTS who died between
2002 and 2012 - but are STILL registered to vote.

. . . That's 30,000 opportunities for voter fraud in a state that President Obama won by just 14,000 votes in 2008!

You can help Project Veritas fight back and protect our elections before it's too late.

Just go to [1] and sign our open letter to Attorney General Eric Holder TODAY. ( [2])

All year long, Project Veritas has been exposing the potential for massive voter fraud from New Hampshire to Minnesota to North Carolina through our undercover investigations, but Eric Holder and other establishment politicians continue to deny the danger.

Even worse, the Justice Department has actively tried to block states like Florida, Pennsylvania and Texas from taking steps to protect their own elections.

I thought that Eric Holder might realize what's at stake when our investigators were offered HIS BALLOT in Washington, D.C. But even though he was called before Congress to explain what happened, he still hasn't gotten the message.

So this time Project Veritas is sending him a message he can't ignore. Our goal is to collect 1,000,000 signatures to show Eric Holder that the American people are united against voter fraud.

He needs to know that we won't just sit back and watch while individuals working for corrupt groups like ACORN break the law.

The truth is that the vast majority of Americans over 64 percent now consider voter fraud to be a problem, and the Attorney General works for us. It's time for him to do his job.
In the meantime, we'll keep doing what we do best.

Since January, Project Veritas and our investigations have been credited with helping to change election laws in several states, including New Hampshire and Virginia.

Ever since we took down ACORN, the political establishment has tried to censor our work and demonize me personally at every opportunity. That's why your signature and financial support are so critical.

Individuals like you who want to know the truth are the only thing that keeps us going literally!
Please act today, we don't have much time left.

Yours for the Truth,

James O'Keefe
Founder, Project Veritas 

Not Drake… by Drake

Drake posted: "Don't thank Drake for this, because he didn't say would have appeared here first:"

New post on ANMilitia

Not Drake…

by Drake
Don't thank Drake for this, because he didn't say would have appeared here first:
Drake | September 15, 2012 at 7:28 am | Categories: News | URL:

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A statement by our United States Military by Drake

Drake posted: "       A statement by our United States Military: [youtube=]        IF you feel the same spread this to ev"

New post on ANMilitia

A statement by our United States Military

by Drake
      A statement by our United States Military:
       IF you feel the same spread this to every PATRIOT you know.
Drake | September 1, 2012 at 4:47 pm | Categories: News | URL:

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Hidden ORIGINAL 13th Amendment , 1812, Real Evidence

Proof by Certification by State Archives of N.H. that in 1812, at least 6 states had ratified the ANTI-LAWYER Amendment. Basically preventing anyone who had a BAR membership, accepted a title of Nobility form foreign King, Prince, Power from even being a US Citizen, much less holding any OFFICE . This has been hidden since Pres. Abe Lincoln erroneously named the ANTI-Slavery amendment the "13th", when actually that one from the Civil War was the 14th ratified amendment.


LINDA MARSHALLCharlottesville, Virginia

September 14, 2012
"For My people have come through the "Days of Awe", that determinations have been made in the courts of heaven, where my watchers and anointed ones, have petitioned heaven for earth. And these are the days for the destiny of nations. For I have appointed this season, as a season of mercy but also a time of justice, where My chosen ones have cried out to heaven, that measures of justice and judgment are being released . For it is a day of Decision, where there will be a measure of correction on those who have had a season to repent but would not. " For this decision is by the decree of the watchers, and the sentence by the word of the holy ones, in order that the living may know, That the Most High rules the kingdom of men, gives it to ever He will, and sets over it the lowest of men." (Daniel 4:17).

These are the days of reversals, suddenlies, and extreme changes. I have heard the cries of those whose hearts and faces have been directed toward My throne room, and their cries for both mercy and justice have come up to My hearing. These are times where those of humility will be raised up and those who have continued to exalt themselves will be made low. "Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is fading like a flower, which is at the head of every verdant valley.... Behold, the Lord has a mighty and strong one, like a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, like a flood of mighty waters overflowing, who will bring down to the earth with (His) hand, the crown of pride.... But also, in this day, "the Lord of Host will be for a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty , to the remnant of His people, For the spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, And strength to those who turn back the enemy at the gate.." (Isaiah 28:1-2, 5-6)

For the days ahead are days where a measure of rebellion will be dealt with , but also where there will be great release, and a new direction for many. For as My people have entered into a New Year, many shall experience My blessing and favor. Still there will be some, even in high places of authority, who will be faced with consequences for their failure to seek Me, to hear My voice, although I spoken to them, and to know Me as I truly am: The God who endures forever with mercy , but also the one who rules with righteousness and justice. And as My chosen ones have declared some things, so now they shall be established. " For you shall declare a thing and it shall be established for you, that light shall shine on all your ways. " ( Job 22:28). Their voices shall be like a trumpet and these will be the days of returning to the Lord, and a release of heavens decrees upon the earth. So come up My people, and set your face before Me. Commune with Me. Let Me see your face and hear your voice. For though there will be days of trouble and crisis upon the land , I am the God that keeps His promises and whose love endures forever . I am inclining My ear to hear, ALL who would call upon My name in mercy and truth this day, says the Lord God Almighty. 


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 15-Sep-2012 03:52:13

The single most damning video you will ever see.
This video, made by the U.S. Navy Seals and others armed forces officers and intelligence agents, will hopefully cost Obama his second term in office.
It’s just incredible how effective this video is in convincing TRUE Americans that Obama is seriously harming this country. History will judge him negatively for his terrible treasonous acts.
Just an incredibly powerful video!
Senior CIA, FBI, military and many other U.S. government intelligence officials describe for the viewer how Obama has compromised U.S. national secrets and the very serious consequence of those actions.
And, what’s worse, he did it all for political gain so he could win a second and undoubtedly disastrous term in office!
PLEASE, view this and stop this traitor from spending one more single second as president of this/our great country!!!
Click below.
The single most damning video you will ever see.

Fed Judge issues a permanent injunction against indefinite detention of U.S. Citizens without trial (NDAA) ,, a victory for the Constitution ,, and against O

A federal judge has ruled against President Obama’s NDAA appeal issuing permanent injunction against the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without trial.

After a long fought legal battle journalists and activists have won a major battle against one of the most totalitarian pieces of legislation in the history of the United States.
The legislation formally known as the National Defense Authorization Action has several constitutional trampling provisions.
The most outrageous of those provisions allowed the United States government to place U.S. citizens in jail indefinitely without ever filing charges, providing access to a lawyer or even allowing those thrown in CIA torture prisons the opportunity to defend themselves against the allegations they are being detained.
That section of the NDAA has now been permanently blocked after a federal judge issued a final injunction banning the used of the indefinite detention provision in the so-called “homeland battlefield” bill.
The authority to do so was given because the bill gives the President the authority to conduct military operations in any country in the world, including inside the United States, to fight the so-called war on terror with the need for congressional approval to do so which is effectively a suspension of Posse Comitatus.
Back in January Journalist Chris Hedges filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration to fight the totalitarian powers given in the declaration of World War 3 known as the NDAA.
Given the fact the bill presented a clear and present danger to the US Constitution Hedges was joined by a coalition of activists and journalist.
Those journalist filed shocking briefs in the lawsuit detailing how the NDAA was being using to silence political dissent and journalism critical of the US government.
Per standard procedure the corporate media remained silent after not being given a press release from the government to parrot as the case went to trial.
Instead the Pentagon simply engaged in a psychological warfare operation on the internet which was the only place the lawsuit was being discussed which attempt to discredit proponents of the lawsuits as wing nut conspiracy theorists.
After the case was heard Obama revealed in court those conspiracy theorists were right and Obama planned on using the NDAA in the exact manner patriotic Americans feared it would be used – to detain American citizens in military detention indefinitely without charge or a trial.
As such US Judge Katherine Forrest ruled the NDAA provisions unconstitutionall and issued a temporary injunction prohibiting the use of NDAA military detention against American citizens.
Obama then openly defied the ruling claiming the ban on NDAA detention applied only to the plaintiff’s in the lawsuit.
Judge Forrest then issued another ruling clarifying the protection applies to all US citizens pending a final ruling.
Judge Forest even issued a follow-up warning stating she would find the Obama administration in contempt it had not complied with her previous ruling.
Obama appealed and fought back every step of the way failing to provide legal arguments beyond the vectors of national security secrecy and executive primacy in regard to foreign policy.
At the same time Obama refused to even assert that journalists would not be subject to the NDAA simply for their reporting while also refusing to define what actions constituted providing direct or indirect support for associated forces or who those associated forces were.
Obama appealed claiming the government had the right to determine as they see fit without judicial oversight while working under the cover of secrecy granted by national security through which the government could pick and choose U.S. citizens to detain without trial.
As Zero Hedge reports Obama’s appeals simply didn’t hold muster and as such Judge Forrest has issued a permanent injunction against the provision:
Back in January, Pulitzer winning journalist Chris Hedges sued President Obama and the recently passed National Defense Authorization Act, specifically challenging the legality of the Authorization for Use of Military Force or, the provision that authorizes military detention for people deemed to have “substantially supported” al Qaeda, the Taliban or “associated forces.” Hedges called the president’s action allowing indefinite detention, which was signed into law with little opposition from either party “unforgivable, unconstitutional and exceedingly dangerous.” He attacked point blank the civil rights farce that is the neverending “war on terror” conducted by both parties, targetting whom exactly is unclear, but certainly attaining ever more intense retaliation from foreigners such as the furious attacks against the US consulates in Egypt and Libya. He asked  “why do U.S. citizens now need to be specifically singled out for military detention and denial of due process when under the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force the president can apparently find the legal cover to serve as judge, jury and executioner to assassinate U.S. citizens.” A few months later, in May, U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest ruled in favor of a temporary injunction blocking the enforcement of the authorization for military detention. Today, the war againt the true totalitarian terror won a decisive battle, when in a 112-opinion, Judge Forrest turned the temporary injunction, following an appeal by the totalitarian government from August 6, into a permanent one.
From Reuters:
The permanent injunction prevents the U.S. government from enforcing a portion of Section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act’s “Homeland Battlefield” provisions.

The opinion stems from a January lawsuit filed by former New York Times war correspondent and Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges and others. The plaintiffs said they had no assurance that their writing and advocacy activities would not fall under the scope of the provision.

Government attorneys argued that the executive branch is entitled to latitude when it comes to cases of national security and that the law is neither too broad nor overly vague.

“This court does not disagree with the principle that the president has primacy in foreign affairs,” the judge said, but that she was not convinced by government arguments.

“The government has not stated that such conduct – which, by analogy, covers any writing, journalistic and associational activities that involve al Qaeda, the Taliban or whomever is deemed “associated forces” – does not fall within § 1021(b)(2).”