Sunday, September 16, 2012

Obama Destabilized the Middle East on Purpose

Why do we have any Muslims in Homeland Security?  Does it make sense?

September 16, 2012

Obama Destabilized the Middle East on Purpose

On Fox News Wednesday night, both Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity were full of self-congratulatory comments about how they had easily seen the Muslim Brotherhood problem with the "Arab Spring," and how could Obama have failed to see it? Duh. Of course, our State Department and White House knew that the Muslim Brotherhood would be taking over Egypt. It was obvious to any reasonably informed ordinary citizen.
The same debate we've seen over Obama's destruction of the American economy has already begun over his Middle East policy. Did Obama hand Egypt over to jihadis, and is he giving a green light to nuclear Iran, because of incompetence or his leftist ideology?
John Hinderacker over at writes:
You could call his actions in the region incoherent, except that it's worse than that, especially if you take into account his hostility toward Israel. If a consistent principle can be deduced, it is that Obama wants to avoid doing anything that might advance U.S. interests. Maybe that's the answer, or maybe he just doesn't care enough to formulate a real policy. Be that as it may, one thing is clear: but for Obama's feckless participation in the overthrow of Egypt's and Libya's governments, yesterday's events would not have happened.
The answer, of course, is both incompetence and ideology. Muddle-headed ideologues of the left, such as our president, want America to be brought down to size. They truly believe that violent jihadi hate-groups can be tamed by appeasement, because the evil parties are Israel and America. So Obama helps depose Mubarak and Gaddafi, knowing they will be replaced by Islamic supremacists. He tells Israel they are on their own, we didn't really mean it about being allies. He blocks attempts to prevent a nuclear Iran, even by economic sanctions, because he doesn't like American shows of force and thinks we can live with a nuclear Iran. We lived with a nuclear Soviet Union, didn't we? Are we against Arabs, that we think they shouldn't have nuclear weapons, too? It sounds like a joke, but it isn't.
Incompetence was also in full force this 9/11. The attacks in Egypt and Libya were preventable. Why weren't our embassies and consulates in the Middle East properly protected? Why are fifty Marines sent in after the fact? Why didn't we have intelligence in advance? When the mob was gathering outside the Cairo embassy, the frightened staff issued an apology. What is wrong with our diplomatic corps if that was their response? Clinton should have gotten on the phone to the Muslim Brotherhood President Morsi and explained to him what would happen if he didn't protect our embassy. The rent-a-riot, inflamed purposefully by publicizing an obscure anti-Mohammed video, should have been stopped before they got anywhere close to our embassy.
When the embassy did issue their pathetic attempt at appeasement, and reissue it after our flag was torn down, Obama should have made a strong statement immediately, one that indicated that there are repercussions for attacking America. Instead, he allowed the apology to stand (for nine hours) until Romney condemned it. Desecrations of our flag didn't get the president's attention, but electoral politics did.
Obama's incompetence is an outgrowth of a broadly based Democrat ideology that wants us to believe that the war on terror was a stupid Bush idea. They accuse Republicans of exaggerating the jihadi threat. They smear any public figure who is concerned about the global Islamist war with the label "Islamophobe."
Obama, along with many liberal Democrats, believes that American strength is immoral. We shouldn't impose our views on other nations. So when the Muslim Brotherhood made its move last year, using the "Facebook revolution" as cover (and a very transparent cover it was), we abandoned Mubarak and told the Egyptian military to stand aside. We purposefully let the Middle East's oldest terror organization take over the Middle East's most populous country.
The Muslim Brotherhood is considered the father of the jihadi movement. It was adopted by Adolf Hitler under the Third Reich and grew from a languishing 10,000 members to a million strong by the end of World War II -- Hitler's permanent legacy for world destruction. Yet our president and State Department believe in embracing the Brothers as modernizing moderates.
The Brothers started the modern jihadi movement, complete with a genocidal program against Jews. In the words of Matthias Kuntzel, "[t]he significance of the Brotherhood to Islamism is comparable to that of the Bolshevik Party to communism: It was and remains to this day the ideological reference point and organizational core for all later Islamist groups, including al-Qaeda and Hamas."
Mubarak was the reason there have been no attacks by Arab states on Israel for thirty years. The 1979 Camp David accords neutralized Egypt as a player in the Arab war against Israel. To protect his own life and power, Mubarak kept the Muslim Brothers of Egypt under control. In return, Egypt has been receiving a billion and a half dollars a year -- payoff money from the United States. Egypt didn't agree to a friendly peace, and it wasn't a democracy, but in terms of Middle East geopolitics, supporting Mubarak was a critical success factor.
Obama and Hillary threw all that away with their embrace of the Arab Spring. It could have gone differently. We could have spoken out in support of Mubarak, showing the world that we are trustworthy allies. Instead, we abandoned a crucial ally when the mob howled. We could have told the Egyptian military that they had better make sure the Muslim Brothers don't take over the country. Instead, we told them to step aside and usher the Brothers into power.
Hillary's State Department proclaimed that the Muslim Brothers had become moderates. Anyone having a flashback to the Carter era, when all the liberals knew that the Ayatollah Khomeini would be a partner for peace?
The Obama Doctrine on the Middle East was hinted at in the president's 2009 Cairo speech, during a Middle East tour in which Obama did not visit Israel. Obama apologized for our war on terror. "The fear and anger" after 9/11 "led us to act contrary to our ideals," he told the Egyptian crowd. In a speech in France, Obama declared that America must make deep cuts in our nuclear arsenal, because otherwise we don't have "the moral authority to say to Iran, don't develop a nuclear weapon."
President Obama fought Congress tooth and nail on imposing economic sanctions against Iran this year -- already too little, too late. According to vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, the White House did everything they could to stop Congress from requiring sanctions, and then they used the waiver provision to gut them. There is no benign explanation for this. Left-wing anti-colonialists -- and our president is one -- think Iran will use its nuclear weapons responsibly.
One of the most chilling visuals in 2016: Obama's America is a map of the world's nuclear arsenals. Obama has already cut our nuclear warhead arsenal from 5,000 to 1,500 (in an "arms treaty" that allowed Russia to increase its arsenal). He has asked the Pentagon to report to him on reducing our nuclear warheads to 300. That's about the same number as France. Pakistan has 110 nuclear weapons. Obama, it seems, believes in equality in national defense, as well as in class warfare.
In July, five conservative congressmen, including Michele Bachmann, expressed alarm over evidence that the Muslim Brotherhood has succeeded in placing operatives in key positions throughout the Obama administration. In Bachman's words, State Department polices "appear to be a result of influence operations conducted by individuals and organizations associated with the Muslim Brotherhood." Instead of backing up Bachmann, our Republican leadership joined in Democrat attacks on her.
The policies Bachmann listed are not trivial. The Obama/Clinton team defied a congressional resolution to hold up our 1.5 billion dollars to Egypt until we knew they were still allies. Paying off Mubarak made sense. Handing billions to a Muslim Brotherhood Egypt, not so much. Do you think Egyptian President Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, would have allowed a mob to attack our embassy if these funds were in play?
Congressman Bachman is concerned, based on Frank Gaffney's analysis, that our Department of Homeland Security may have eight Muslim Brotherhood members in key advisory roles, including the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)'s Working Group, which is responsible for training homeland security agents. The CVE will be using federal Homeland Security funds to funnel money to Muslim Brotherhood organizations in the United States, in the name of a "community-oriented policing approach." The Homeland Security Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties has established the policy of protecting "terrorism-precursor activities" as "cultural behaviors."
Congressman Bachmann questioned why the DHS official lexicon equates jihadi extremists with "Christian patriots" and "Constitutionlists." She asked about Huma Abedin, Hillary's closest adviser at State, who formerly worked for a Brotherhood organization, founded and funded by Abdullah Naseef, who also finances al-Qaeda. There is no question that Abedin helps Clinton formulate U.S. Middle East policy.
The sorry list goes on and on. (For more details, see Frank Gaffney's "The Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama Administration.")
The point here is not only that the Muslim Brotherhood is influencing American foreign policy. The arrow points in both directions: the Obama/Clinton policy of tolerating and even promoting the power of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is the same policy that promotes their front groups in America. It is the liberal idiocy that our enemies are friends, and our friends enemies.
Obama has signaled clearly and repeatedly that America no longer has Israel's back. He could not have done anything more effective to sabotage negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians than his public pressure on Israel to declare unilaterally they will withdraw to their 1948 borders. Obama bypassed congressional limits on aid to the Palestinian Authority after their alliance with Hamas, putting $200 million into the hands of one of the most vicious and dangerous terror groups in the Middle East. And he has signaled to the Iranians that Israel is on its own. Then there are the personal but well-publicized snubs to the Israeli prime minister, and the open mike revelations of Obama's contempt and dislike for Bibi. Obama has time to go on the Letterman show in New York next week, but he refuses to meet with Netanyahu, as the go/no go decision on bombing Iran stares Israel in the face.
Abandoning Israel invites war. But in Obama's mind, he is promoting fairness. He thinks Israel is the problem. He thinks that harming Israel will win America friends among Arabs. He thinks he is pressuring the Israelis to stop being bad guys.
Obama is purposefully harming American interests, but he thinks it will turn out okay. He attacks the American economy and free-enterprise system, and he thinks it will turn out okay. He attacks our energy industry, and he thinks it will turn out okay. He attacks the rule of law and our Constitution, and he thinks it will turn out okay. He undermines the hard-won stability of Egypt and thinks it will turn out okay. We have a president who thinks American national security interests, power, and prosperity are the problem. Then, when it's a broken mess, he's surprised, and he asks for more time to do more of the same. Obama is the problem.
The Middle East is a harsh taskmaster. It is no place for an aging schoolboy leftist like our president. In the real world, stupid ideas such as the one dominant in Obama's administration, that jihadis really want peace -- such ideas have very bloody consequences. The tragic deaths of our diplomats in Libya are only the beginning. Iran looms over us all.

Bombshell!! ~ FDIC Sues The Big Banks For Massive Securities Fraud

Bombshell!! ~ FDIC Sues The Big Banks For Massive Securities Fraud

~ 16 September 2012

It’s been a while since I’ve dropped a BOMBSHELL….I’ve frankly been a bit per-occupied with several more important things.
But the documentation of the biggest crime spree ever perpetrated on a nation continues to be rolled out….and it continues to be ignored by EVERYONE IN THIS ENTIRE NATION!
I can only pound on the indictment of insurance fraud documented in the 49 State Attorney General Sellout.  The press refuses to report on how we’ve all been sold out by the government that serves the banks…but I digress.  No one cares about that anymore.
The FDIC, (that’s the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) just filed suit against the big banks alleging in very specific terms A MASSIVE SCHEME TO LIE, CHEAT, STEAL AND DEFRAUD.  You’d think this kind of thing might warrant a story or two in the national press…but then again, they’ve got far more important things to report on. Well, don’t count on The Press to actually report on anything meaningful anymore.
A big hat tip to my friend April Charney who pointed this out to me and much thanks to the Sarasota Council of Neighborhood Associations for inviting me to speak tonight…..anywhoo, just read the allegations in the complaints: (and then ask yourself why no mainstream media will report on any of this):
This is an action for damages caused by violation of the Texas Securities Act
(TSA) and the Securities Act of 1933 (1933 Act) by the defendants. As alleged in detail below, defendants issued, underwrote, or sold eight securities known as “certificates,” which were backed by collateral pools of residential mortgage loans. Guaranty Bank (Guaranty) paid approximately $1.5 billion for the eight certificates. When they issued, underwrote, or sold the certificates, the defendants made numerous statements of material fact about the certificates and, in particular, about the credit quality of the mortgage loans that backed them. Many of those statements were untrue. Moreover, the defendants omitted to state many material facts that were necessary in order to make their statements not misleading. For example, the defendants made untrue statements or omitted important information about such material facts as the loan-to-value ratios of the mortgage loans, the extent to which appraisals of the properties that secured the
loans were performed in compliance with professional appraisal standards, the number of borrowers who did not live in the houses that secured their loans (that is, the number of properties that were not primary residences), and the extent to which the entities that made the loans disregarded their own standards in doing so.
This is an action for damages caused by violation of the Texas Securities Act (TSA) and the Securities Act of 1933 (1933 Act) by the defendants. As alleged in detail below,
defendants issued, underwrote, or sold eight securities known as “certificates,” which were backed by collateral pools of residential mortgage loans. Guaranty Bank (Guaranty) paid approximately $1.5 billion for the eight certificates. When they issued, underwrote, or sold the certificates, the defendants made numerous statements of material fact about the certificates and, in particular, about the credit quality of the mortgage loans that backed them. Many of those statements were untrue. Moreover, the defendants omitted to state many material facts that were necessary in order to make their statements not misleading. For example, the defendants made untrue statements or omitted important information about such material facts as the loan-to-value ratios of the mortgage loans, the extent to which appraisals of the properties that secured the loans were performed in compliance with professional appraisal standards, the number of borrowers who did not live in the houses that secured their loans (that is, the number of properties that were not primary residences), and the extent to which the entities that made the loans disregarded their own standards in doing so.

"THE ROOM" As written by a 17 Year Old Boy

As written by a 17 Year Old Boy

This is excellent and really gets you thinking about what will happen in Heaven. 17-year-old Brian Moore had only a short time to write something for a class.
The subject was What Heaven Was Like. "I wowed 'em," he later told his father, Bruce .It's a killer. It's the bomb It's the best thing I ever wrote."
It also turned out to be the last.

Brian Moore died May 27, 1997, the day after Memorial Day.
He was driving home from a friend's house when his car went off Bulen-Pierce Road in Pickaway County and struck a utility pole.
He emerged from the wreck unharmed but stepped on a downed power line and was electrocuted.
Brian's parents had forgotten about the essay when a cousin found it while cleaning out the teenager's locker at Teays Valley High School in Pickaway County .

Brian had been dead only hours, but his parents desperately wanted every piece of his life near them, notes from classmates and teachers, and his homework.
Only two months before, he had handwritten the essay. But it was only after Brian's death that Beth and Bruce Moore realized that their son had described his view of Heaven.

It makes such an impact that people want to share it. "You feel like you are there," Mr. Moore said.

The Moore 's framed a copy of Brian's essay and hung it among the family portraits in the living room.
"I think God used him to make a point. I think we were meant to find it and make something out of it," Mrs. Moore said of the essay.
She and her husband want to share their son's vision of life after death.
"I'm happy for Brian.
I know he's in Heaven.
I know I'll see him."

Here is Brian's essay entitled:

In that place between wakefulness and dreams, I found myself in the room.
There were no distinguishing features except for the one wall covered with small index card files.
They were like the ones in libraries that list titles by author or subject in alphabetical order.
But these files, which stretched from floor to ceiling and seemingly endless in either direction, had very different headings.
As I drew near the wall of files, the first to catch my attention was one that read "Girls I Have Liked."
I opened it and began flipping through the cards.
I quickly shut it, shocked to realize that I recognized the names written on each one.
And then without being told, I knew exactly where I was.
This lifeless room with its small files was a crude catalog system for my life.
Here were written the actions of my every moment, big and small, in a detail my memory couldn't match.
A sense of wonder and curiosity, coupled with horror, stirred within me as I began randomly opening files and exploring their content.
Some brought joy and sweet memories; others a sense of shame and regret so intense that I would look over my shoulder to see if anyone was watching.

A file named " Friends" was next to one marked " Friends I Have Betrayed."
The titles ranged from the mundane to the outright weird.
" Books I Have Read," " Lies I Have Told," " Comfort I have Given," " Jokes I Have Laughed At."

Some were almost hilarious in their exactness: "Things I've Yelled at My Brothers."
Others I couldn't laugh at: "Things I Have Done in My Anger", "
Things I Have Muttered Under My Breath at My Parents."
I never ceased to be surprised by the contents.
Often there were many more cards than expected.
Sometimes fewer than I hoped.
I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the life I had lived.

Could it be possible that I had the time in my years to fill each of these thousands or even millions of cards?
But each card confirmed this truth.
Each was written in my own handwriting.
Each signed with my signature.

When I pulled out the file marked "TV Shows I Have Watched," I realized the files grew to contain their contents..
The cards were packed tightly and yet after two or three yards, I hadn't found the end of the file.
I shut it, shamed, not so much by the quality of shows but more by the vast time I knew that file represented.
When I came to a file marked "Lustful Thoughts," I felt a chill run through my body.
I pulled the file out only an inch, not willing to test its size, and drew out a card.
I shuddered at its detailed content.
I felt sick to think that such a moment had been recorded.
An almost animal rage broke on me.

One thought dominated my mind: No one must ever see these cards!
No one must ever see this room!
I have to destroy them!"
In insane frenzy I yanked the file out.
Its size didn't matter now.
I had to empty it and burn the cards.
But as I took it at one end and began pounding it on the floor, I could not dislodge a single card.
I became desperate and pulled out a card, only to find it as strong as steel when I tried to tear it.
Defeated and utterly helpless, I returned the file to its slot.
Leaning my forehead against the wall, I let out a long, self-pitying sigh.

And then I saw it.
The title bore "People I Have Shared the Gospel With."
The handle was brighter than those around it, newer, almost unused.
I pulled on its handle and a small box not more than three inches long fell into my hands.
I could count the cards it contained on one hand.
And then the tears came.
I began to weep.
Sobs so deep that they hurt.
They started in my stomach and shook through me.
I fell on my knees and cried.
I cried out of shame, from the overwhelming shame of it all.
The rows of file shelves swirled in my tear-filled eyes.
No one must ever, ever know of this room.
I must lock it up and hide the key.
But then as I pushed away the tears, I saw Him.

No, please not Him.
Not here.
Oh, anyone but Jesus.
I watched helplessly as He began to open the files and read the cards.
I couldn't bear to watch His response.
And in the moments I could bring myself to look at His face, I saw a sorrow deeper than my own.
He seemed to intuitively go to the worst boxes.
Why did He have to read every one?
Finally He turned and looked at me from across the room.
He looked at me with pity in His eyes.
But this was a pity that didn't anger me.
I dropped my head, covered my face with my hands and began to cry again.
He walked over and put His arm around me.
He could have said so many things.
But He didn't say a word.
He just cried with me.

Then He got up and walked back to the wall of files.
Starting at one end of the room, He took out a file and, one by one, began to sign His name over mine on each card.
"No!" I shouted rushing to Him.
All I could find to say was "No, no," as I pulled the card from Him.
His name shouldn't be on these cards.
But there it was, written in red so rich, so dark, and so alive.
The name of Jesus covered mine.
It was written with His blood.
He gently took the card back He smiled a sad smile and began to sign the cards.
I don't think I'll ever understand how He did it so quickly, but the next instant it seemed I heard Him close the last file and walk back to my side.
He placed His hand on my shoulder and said, "It is finished."

I stood up, and He led me out of the room.
There was no lock on its door.
There were still cards to be written.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

If you feel the same way forward it to as many people as you can so the love of Jesus will touch their lives also.
My "People I Shared the Gospel With" file just got bigger, how about yours?


You don't have to share this with anybody, no one will know whether you did or not, but you will know and so will He.

God Blesses Us Everyday,
It's Up To Us To Notice!!!

HAARP Zeroes In On Southern Cal: “Significant Change Is Expected”

Someone needs to put an end to this nonsense and the chemtrails..... 3 trained guys could take out this haarp base...
HAARP Zeroes In On Southern Cal: “Significant Change Is Expected”
Sunday, September 16, 2012 13:51
% of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.

According to, when any HAARP Magnitude Frequency Readings go between Magnitude 6 and Magnitude 9, significant change is expected. Anything over M7 is rare and special attention must be directed when readings go seven and higher. Currently in Southern California, the HAARP magnitude frequency reading is 7.1.

What are ‘they’ now preparing for; a ‘severe weather event’ or a massive Earthquake? is a real-time sensor network from over 22 sensors placed at volunteer residences across the United States. The sensors can detect the HAARP frequency on the ionosphere.

Wavelengths -
Shortwaves indicate near events, a high short spike usually means a short term major event is about to happen in that area.
Longwaves and steady increases usually mean a large scale change is developing in the area that will effect a large area’s upper level jet stream.

Magnitude System - This project has developed a way to measure the magnitude of change in the ionosphere due to HAARP. The scale is from 1 to 10. Zero to One magnitudes are pretty normal while anything over five would be considered moderate and possibly significant, which can alter a weather pattern.

Published by StopCorporateAmerica

Radio Waves strong enough to cause earthquakes controlled by U.S. Army
It’s the largest ionospheric heater in the world. Capable of heating a 1000 square kilometer area of the ionosphere to over 50,000 degrees. It’s also a phased array. Which means it’s steer-able and those waves can be directed to a selected target area. What they have found is that by sending radio frequency energy up and focusing it, as they do with these kinds of instruments, it causes a heating effect. And that heating literally lifts the ionosphere within a 30 mile diameter area therein changing localized pressure systems or perhaps the route of jet streams. Moving a jet stream is a phenomenal event in terms of man being able to do this. The problem is we cannot model the system adequately. Long term consequences of atmospheric heating are unknown. Changing weather in one place can have a devastating downstream effect. H.A.A.R.P. admits to manipulating weather.




This is a heartwarming video.  Hope you enjoy it.



The downward spiral of the cabal

~ The downward spiral of the cabal,~

A general Comment and overview from SaS concerning the downward spiral of the cabal, September 16, 2012

There are two aspects of this controversy that many, in the Lame Stream Media, have overlooked. As this issue is “revealed” to us, there are two classical poles of contention, on the one hand you have “The West” with all of its many alliances and undisclosed, private compacts engaged in “business as usual.” From this perspective, we observe that political elements of each regime continue to fascinate us with their abject stupidity and amoral depravity. Banks continue to rape and pillage their own people as well as those of their client states. War is ruthlessly raged against a defenseless and undescribable body politic with little in the way of tools and tactics that can be deployed against the machinery of conquest other than their own fragile bodies. Disinformation is spread like a fetid salve upon the wounds of public awareness.

On the other hand, a tsunami of opposition and courageous resistance is building against these interlopers. There are 196 countries in the world today. Of those 196, we read that some 140 nations have begun to follow the “Non-aligned” movement. Of the 56 remaining countries, some 30 nations seek neutrality, leaving the infamous “G20 to argue the fate of the world amongst themselves. Of that group, the countries aligning themselves in opposition to the NWO such as Russia and China are gathering a host of worried subordinates to their influence. This leaves roughly the “G5 (The United States, the U.K., France, Germany, and Italy) to do most of the dirty work of the Cabal. These countries have been cut off from the currency exchanges and are now being isolated from the commercial trade markets. Granted, my observations are crudely categorized and I’ve little in the way of verifiable references to underwrite my assertions but, I am certain that most of you can see the same thing that I’m seeing in the way of “patterns of development."

The United Nations is wholly owned by the Global Crime Consortium and represents their interests in securing hegemony and world domination. Most of you, I think, will agree to the veracity of this assertion. Given this obvious fact, what do you suppose was the effect the meeting of the non-aligned nations had upon this Global Crime Consortium? Why abject terror, of course. The meeting did far more damage to the NWO folks than meets the eye. It went even farther in its scope and purpose than just moving Iran into the light as a victim of contrived circumstances. It not only offers some protection to Iran as a major player on the International stage, but that meeting of the non-aligned nations signaled the beginning of the end of the influence and efficacy (if indeed it ever had these aspects) of the United Nations–BLOW NUMBER ONE. It also endorsed a common commercial trade strategy that would permit its participating nations to employ to circumnavigate all these idiotic “free trade” agreements negotiated by cabalistas over the years. These agreements are not free in that they ultimately award control of the signatory’s national gross domestic product to … yes, the same G5 bullies that have been consuming vast quantities of the world’s limited resources (for free) for the last several decades now.

The Non-aligned movement is a “shot across the bow” of the cabal’s one remaining dreadnaught of coercive influence: International Trade. Let me give you an example of how it works. You’ve all read Ben’s columns wherein he would often explain how Japan shipped all that product to the U.S. in exchange for U.S. dollars. Saudi Arabia was coerced into agreeing to a similar “trade agreement.” So were many South American nations, African nations and many of the nations of Indochina, Australia, and New Zealand.

Given the fact that the Federal Reserve has held the interest rate for banks borrowing money from it (the Prime Rate) at Zero (0) percent, what does that make the U.S. Dollar worth on currency exchanges throughout the world? That right! You guessed it! Zero. China took the first bold move to permit non-aligned nations to engage a completely different financial exchange paradigm that is based on real value instead of “perceived” value. There will be other programs in the near future that drive more nails into the coffin of the NWO. So, you see, the meeting of the Non-aligned Nations in Iran was something very much bigger than a “breadbox.” It was the beginning of the end of “This System of Things.” From there on out, everything that the NWO attempts will be frustrated because the balance of all the illegitimately accumulated wealth that they now have in their possession will be jeopardized by any insane, outrageous, or contentious action on their part. Their wealth exists primarily as electronic figures in a system of automated management unique to just the countries that they control. As their influence continues to evaporate, the resources required for them to maintain their dominance and hegemony will dissipate as well.

They’re all in trouble now and they know it. They can threaten and flex their rotting hulk of a military machine all they want. Their resources cannot be replenished so they would have to fight any war that they wanted to start with only those resources that they have in their inventory. Without the ability to replenish those resources (for free through the currency exchanges) they’re toast… or, to put it the way I think Poofness would put it: “They’re the grass and the Non-aligned movement is the damned lawn mower!

Love and Light,


Massive European Pyramids Discovered

Subject: Massive European Pyramids Discovered
Date: Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dr. Sam Osmanogich will be presenting his  
research and evidence about the existence  
of a large pyramid complex in Bosnia at three  
upcoming conferences in the US.

See below more more information. 
Video: 4 1/2 minute long

Poofness - 9-16-12 Revals in Offing and other stuff

Subject: Revals in Offing and other stuff
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2012 16:01:23 -0400

Two Tickets To Paradise lyrics

Got a surprise especially for you,
Something that both of us have always wanted to do.
We've waited so long, waited so long.
We've waited so long, waited so long.

I'm gonna take you on a trip so far from here,
I've got two tickets in my pocket, now baby, we're gonna disappear.
We've waited so long, waited so long.
We've waited so long, waited so long.

I've got two tickets to paradise,
Won't you pack your bags, we'll leave tonight,
I've got two tickets to paradise,
[ From:]
I've got two tickets to paradise.


I'm gonna take you on a trip so far from here,
I've got two tickets in my pocket, now baby, we're gonna disappear.
We've waited so long, waited so long.
We've waited so long, waited so long.

I've got two tickets to paradise,
Won't you pack your bags, we'll leave tonight,
I've got two tickets to paradise,
I've got two tickets to paradise.

Greetings and Salutations;

Not much to say, that already hasn't been said. The messengers on the internet have been banging away, shouting the blues of a changing world, where no one can figure out who the good guys and bad guys are, just 'opinions'. So I'm going to post some links so you make some inform decisions as your pockets get filled and you pass thru the door way into the future;

Now here's the blow to the fed system and fiat money;

Bernanke can't print anymore because the owners of the fed had the plates melted down in china a couple years ago. Look at the dollar you have in your pocket, I defy you to find anything with date beyond 2010. The military knows this because they helped have all those printing presses taken apart around the world. and the machines melted down.

Didn't MK tell many of you, there'd be blood on the streets when this finally happened? Well don't get your hair on fire now, as you see it happen. This is when you need calm resolve and a clear mind. Go to the sea or up in the mountains and let it all come together in clarity, the path you choose to walk as the new world manifests all around you. Even folks that know exactly what's up in this world are tripping on themselves. What to do when the old world is disappearing and it can't be recreated? Do a false flag like what just happen in the middle east and try and get the war mongering neocons back in office and try to get another war started. As eisenhower said as he left office all those years ago..'beware of the military industrial complex'. You're watching them work ya right now, screaming..Patriotism!

The stuff is flying in the atmosphere and no one is escaping the angst. Everyone has been warned but many try to make it different than what it is, the speeding up of the vibration of the earth.This earth is going somewhere and it's being masked by energetic veils that are like holograms, soon it's part and all humanity will see. You'll look up and see two suns in the sky and we'll no longer be on the edge of the milky way.

That's enough of that, stick a fork in me and plate me, I'm done.
Have fun, see you later, out there in the new system of things.

Love and Kisses,



I have paid attention to Linsey Williams for some time now. Thus far, all of his predictions - which are based upon what the insider elite have told him - have come to pass - usually the very month he predicts them. Last year, he said the elite plan on crashing the worldwide economy by this October & starting WWIII in the Middle East. With the Arab Spring more furious than ever and all the banking/bailout tricks going on, it looks like we are right on course. The information below is, I believe, vital...   JAN

The Brics are NOW called - BRIICS ... meaning = Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China, & South Africa ... more are on their way!! China & Russia signed a deal on Sept 6th which is HUGE as Russia agreed to sell unlimited supply of OIL to China & the KEY is to do this WITHOUT the Petro-Dollar (USD).... there are over 20 other countries looking to do the same.... many believe it is to Break the back of the Oil Cartel of Petro-Dollar...

End of an empire? Huge shift in economics Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:29 pm (PDT). Dollar no longer primary oil currency as China begins to sell oil using Yuan.

[Precious] shasta7 yes I read that..someone wanted to know who the 5 countries were....It is big trouble now

[shasta7] Precious ... yup ... Indonesia is the NEWest member... lol

[Precious] shasta7 things are really brewing now

[shasta7] Precious YES... it is just a matter of time... most countries around the world are scrambling to get rid of their US Bonds...

[shasta7]  I believe the Dollar value will start crashing... the PTB are in deperate mode... & have no answers... as the fiat system is accellerating at an alarming pace... The Fed Res is shooting blanks... notice no one has heard from Timothy Geithner??? Very odd...... don't ya think!!!

[shasta7] BUT... because of hyper-inflation... the prices could sky-rocket... to $150-$200 a barrel

[newshound] Yes that is after the bomb shell he let loose, I think this will make Americans take a look at how we can pull together and make use of all the blessings that the Lord has given us to use. This will not come without some painfull situations. When we stop passing out $$$ to all these other countries and help our own people we can make our politicians answer to the people again.

[Precious] shasta7 did you listen to Lindsey Williams?

[Precious] he predicted gas oil to 150-200 barrel and says the US tricks the ME and that the mideast will have disruptions like we are seeing now....hmmm

[shasta7] Isn't he the guy connected to Alaska oil companies...

[Precious] he was a pastor for the Elite

[Precious] yes he flew up there and also told about the Bakkon oil find

[shasta7] Precious ... ok I know of him... he released some secrets...

[Precious] yes..all coming true as he said he was told from the elite.

[Precious] We have more oil than the entire world put together if we would use that Alaska find

[shasta7] Lindsey Williams:
"The most significant day in the history of the American dollar, since its inception, happened on Thursday, Sept. 6. On that day, something took place that is going to affect your life, your family, your dinner table more than you can possibly imagine." "On Thursday, Sept. 6... just a few days ago, China made the official announcement. China said on that day, our banking system is ready, all of our communication systems are ready, all of the transfer systems are ready, and as of that day, Thursday, Sept. 6, any nation in the world that wishes from this point on, to buy, sell, or trade crude oil, can do using the Chinese currency, not the American dollar. - Interview with Natty Bumpo on the Just Measures Radio network, Sept. 11<

[shasta7] This announcement by China is one of the most significant sea changes in the global economic and monetary systems, but was barely reported on due to its announcement taking place during the Democratic convention last week. The ramifications of this new action are vast, and could very well be the catalyst that brings down the dollar as the global reserve currency, and change the entire landscape of how the world purchases energy. Ironically, since Sept. 6, the U.S. dollar has fallen from 81.467 on the index  > to today's price of 79.73. While analysts will focus on actions taking place in the Eurozone, and expected easing signals from the Federal Reserve on Thursday regarding the fall of the dollar, it is not coincidence that the dollar began to lose strength on the very day of China's announcement.

Since China is not a natural oil producing nation, the question most people will ask is how will the Asian economic power get enough oil to affect dollar hegemony? That question was also answered by Lindsey Williams when he pointed out a new trade agreement that was signed on Sept. 7 between China and Russia .   in which the Russian Federation agreed to sell oil to China in any and all amounts they desired. Lindsey Williams: "This has never happened in the history of crude oil. Since crude oil became the motivating force behind our (U.S.) entire economy, and everything in our lives revolves around crude oil. And since crude oil became the motivating factor behind our economy... never, ever has crude oil been sold, bought, traded, in any country in the world, without using the American dollar."

[Precious] that also means Iran can trade in yuan and avoid the sanctions

[Precious] so far they have kept this out of the news here

[shasta7] "Crude oil is the standard currency of the world. Not the Yen, not the Pound, not the Dollar. More money is transferred around the world in crude oil than in any other product." "On Friday, Sept. 7, Russia announced, that as of today, we will supply China with all of the crude oil that they need, no matter how much they want... there is no limit. And Russia will not sell or trade this crude oil to China using the American dollar." -Interview with Natty Bumpo on the Just Measures Radio network, Sept. 11<  
These duo actions by the two most powerful adversaries of the U.S. economy and empire, have now joined in to make a move to attack the primary economic stronghold that keeps America as the most powerful economic superpower. Once the majority of the world begins to bypass the dollar, and purchase oil in other currencies, then the full weight of our debt and diminished manufacturing structure will come crashing down on the American people.

[unicorn] it seems to me that this is the beginning of the NEW WORLD ORDER

everyone should google youtube Secret of OZ............tells how the PTB came into control............and how the banks steal our money. it is one hour and what an education....based on the Wizard of Oz story.  it is really really good and gets better every minute you listen

New Tomorrow and important Updates ----- Global settlements, etc.

I have to send my friend Aaron from Soldier Hugs a HUGE thank you for sending me the link to this article:
"New Tomorrow" has put together the most succinct and well documented history of the golden road and how we got to where we are now financially that I have ever read.  Sorry David, but this article even outstrips your "Financial Tyranny" articles.

Part 1 and 2 are complete and are very in depth with tons of links to supporting documents- a long read, but well well worth the time.

Part 1 can be read HERE
Part 2 can be read HERE
I will post a section of Part 2 that deals with our current situation in regards to the collateral accounts and the Gold bonds that are part of the Keenan suit, but first I want to give an update on several things I've spoken about in the past few weeks.

We've always known that those in the positions of being decision makers and power movers have been liberally spraying smoke screens and at times spreading outright lies to keep people off balance and confused.  The implementation of the new financial system and the release of the World Global Settlements and various other funds, and the Global Currency Revaluation has been kept under the heaviest blanket of secrecy imaginable and they don't want to give anyone the ability to "KNOW" when it's all going to happen.  In the past week we've had this lesson driven home as we've realized that several of those whom we thought were working with us, were in fact withholding vital information.

Regardless of the questionable sources, our own personal sources have confirmation of very vital information.  We are extremely excited about our current situation and where we all stand.

The prosperity packages are rolling out very very quickly right now- and we are looking for a magic number to trigger the event we are waiting for.

The World Global Settlements have been launched and that money is already on it's way around the world.

The Wanta Reagan Mitterrand Protocol/Funds have been released.

The Soekarno funds are Not part of the WGS and have not yet been released.

I'm currently working confirmation that mortgages in the US are being paid off and trying to get clarification of which program/funds are involved. 

"Casper's" latest report  was a huge pile of disinfo and lies. I've suspected that he's is a disinformation specialist for a while, and this report absolutely confirms it.  A few facts mixed with a whole lot of bull crap.

The Federal Reserve is NOT printing more money.   They have not printed money since 2009, and haven't printed even a single bill to replace the old and tattered bills since 2010.  You can't print anything if you don't have printing presses or paper. QE3 is not what it seems nor what is being reported in the media.

Kerry from Project Camelot posted THIS yesterday:

I am being told there are at least 3 confirmations of something going on off the coast of San Francisco, involving US Navy Ships and an unknown number of Chinese vessels.  I am being told this involves the arrest of possibly around 600 bankers.. who may be being held in a US ship... under arrest by the Hague.  The arrests are being carried out by the U.S. military.At this time, regardless of the fact that i have more data I am being asked by at least one source not to go into any more detail than that.  Apparently there are a number of operations going on at this time.At least one source has suggested that this may actually be a cover operation for something more far reaching.
 This week I had two separate sources pass me this information as well.

Regardless of the people out there bashing Drake and his messages, the arrests are taking place- quietly- and as soon as a certain financial event takes place, we will hear much more on this topic. 

I know that the vast majority of people are unwilling, or incapable, of believing in something they can't see or hear in the media.  It takes a leap of faith to put your hope on something unseen...

...but that's where we are at right now.  I can tell you some of what I know is happening, the rest is a leap that is a combination of faith, hope, and following your inner voice that deep inside tells you that change is here.