Thursday, September 20, 2012

Larken Rose - Hour 1 - The Government Con

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Larken Rose - Hour 1 - The Government Con
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 20-Sep-2012 12:23:56

Larken Rose is known for debunking the most dangerous superstition, government. He is a Voluntaryist/Anarchist and a tax protester, as well as an author of several books. He has a podcast radio program airing every Sunday called "Outside the Cage." Much of what Larken Rose does to promote the concepts of self-ownership and a voluntary society, writing articles, giving talks, making videos, he does for free. Larken will explain the myth of the necessity of government. We’ll talk about how people have been programmed to believe in the authority of government and the monstrous results thereafter. In the second hour, Larken continues to explain how governments must cloak their actions in an aura of moral legitimacy in order to sustain their power. He further demystifies the government superstition and exposes tyranny, murder, lies and violence. Larken says we need freedom, not democracy. We’ll talk about what the world would look like without government. The hour ends on the political future of the USA and the ripple effect.


Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 09:51:38 -0400
From my skype intel friend:

On 9/19/12, at 8:21 PM, xxxxxx wrote:

> [7:20 PM] XXXXXX:

<<< 8:56 PM xxxxxx: I just got a call....Iraq out of Chapter 7 .. 2 days ago. Tomorrow AM Iraq will be welcomed into the WTO (World Trade Organization) and they have to have a tradeable currency. My friend had emailed earlier: It RV'd this AM at 3am at public rate of $15.00 and said Shabibi and Madam Wu held it until they could meet at the UN today to finalize some things, was told they got it done, and we should get the RV any time from now until midnight tonight.  Another friend had told me: I was told Madam Wu and Shabibi are meeting in NY today.

Benjamin Fulford Audio Update 9/14

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Benjamin Fulford Audio Update 9/14
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 20-Sep-2012 11:11:41


U.S. Loses $475 Mil in Oil for Afghan Army

The Judicial Watch Blog

U.S. Loses $475 Mil in Oil for Afghan Army

September 18, 2012 |
On the heels of a scathing report documenting exorbitant waste and fraud in the U.S. government’s Iraq reconstruction program, a new federal audit reveals that nearly half a billion dollars in oil destined for the Afghan National Army has vanished.

How do you lose $475 million worth of oil? That is the question posed to the Department of Defense (DOD) by the Special Investigator General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). It will likely never be answered because the DOD has improperly shredded records that could solve the mystery, according to the SIGAR. Those that were spared from the shredder are so poorly kept that little can be made of them.

Here is what the special Afghan reconstruction watchdog concludes in a report issued earlier this month; that the DOD agency in charge of tracking the lost oil “does not have accurate or supportable information on how much U.S. funds are needed for [Army] fuel, where and how the fuel is actually used, or how much fuel has been lost or stolen.”

Run out of Kabul, the Afghan fuel program has received north of $1 billion since 2007 and most of the cash has been provided by Uncle Sam. In 2012 alone $429 million went to the program and by 2014 funding is scheduled to be raised to a whopping $555 million, the SIGAR reveals. At the very least the investigator general suggests freezing current funding levels until the Pentagon makes improvements in its inept accounting and fuel-tracking system.

The DOD has promised to implement a new fuel database and to track invoices better, though the improper destruction of records was not addressed. This is a big joke considering the ongoing and well-documented corruption that has plagued the U.S. reconstruction effort in Afghanistan. Just a few months ago, in its quarterly report to Congress, SIGAR warns about stolen money and fuel, writing that “corruption remains a major threat to the reconstruction effort.”

Iraq is a similar story. Audit after audit has exposed that America’s costly Iraq reconstruction projects are rife with waste, fraud and abuse. The spending is so out of control, that the government has lost track of a large portion of the money, according to the special watchdog assigned to keep track of the never-ending scandal, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR).

In its latest audit over the summer, the SIGIR reveals that at least $6 to $8 billion, earmarked for Iraq reconstruction, has been lost to fraud and waste. In all, Congress appropriated a whopping $51.4 billion to help the country recover from the war by, among other things, training local police, building schools, hospitals and transportation systems, but much of the money has literally vanished.

The funds were allocated to the DOD, the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Tens of billions of dollars have been spent so far and there seems to be no end in sight to the rampant abuse of taxpayer money. There have been lucrative contracts that never got finished, weapons and sophisticated communication equipment that can’t be accounted for and an unused police housing camp with an Olympic-sized pool and lavish trailers, among other things.


Attention Dinarians!

I have been paying $15 a month to PTR ( ) since January - all for nothing. I have tried for months to get 'unsubscribed' so they would quit robbing my debit card - but to no avail. (If you belong, just TRY to find a way to unsubscribe!) Finally, I got hold of someone who said it was confirmed that I was free of them - but then I was charged again... and again.

The only way I could shake these leeches was to go to my bank and cancel my debit card. You can imagine how painful the whole thing has been: paying out nearly $150 for nothing but the chance to get hot air from Tony & Dan, spending many frustrating & stressful hours trying to get relief, then having to cancel my debit card. As with most scams, it's so easy to join - and all but impossible to get out.

Months ago when I emailed them, they sent back a sarcastic email which, of course, blamed the whole problem on me. But con artists often work through deception & intimidation - just as they do at PTR. I'm sure I will hear more accusatory threats from them again - but you can bet your bottom dollar I will never see any of my money back from these hucksters!

Also, they have now 'gone silent' and won't even let their garbage be posted on Dinar Recaps (probably doing everyone a favor anyway). I happen to know someone personally in Sacramento who knows Tony - and the report about him is not good at all.

So I would suggest either a) don't ever join, b) warn others, or c) get out before they suck you dry. $15 a month isn't that bad a loss, but just imagine how many people they have talked into joining their empty program (For example, $15 x 1,000 = $15,000 a month - for nothing!).

Here is their phone number if you need to contact them (very hard to find on their website - on purpose, I am sure!): 1-877-817-8008.


Best Regards -





Go to

Special Thanks to Marilyn Barnewall and the folks at for including SoldierHugs in the publishing of this great work and biography of Lee Emil Wanta. Please tune in tomorrow night Sept. 20th,2012 at 5pm PST to BLOG TALK RADIO, where the Marilyn Barnewall and the team of Global News and Views will discuss this new book that will be published here on SoldierHugs as well.

FROM: Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall

DATE: September 19, 2012



I am very excited about the prospect of publishing on your Web site my “in process” book about Leo/Lee Emil Wanta, America’s most successful intelligence operative who served as President Ronald Reagan’s personal Intelligence Coordinator.


As I have discussed with you on your radio broadcasts on numerous occasions, I believe we are on a short path to ruin as a nation. When Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced Quantitative Easing III, it became very apparent to me that one of two things will happen and happen fairly soon: 1) The funds he intends to invest in those worthless mortgage-backed derivatives created from 2005 until the present time – the ones that should have bankrupted the too big to jail banksters on Wall Street long ago – will further depreciate the dollar and we will soon have rampant inflation. Or, 2) The bottom will fall from under the markets as the world recognizes the worthless mortgage-backed derivatives for what they are and the economy will contract severely, causing prices to fall, banks to fail, etc. Neither is a good scenario.

If I go the usual publishing route with the Lee Wanta book, it will take at least 18 months to get it into print. I don’t think we have 18 months… and if people have this information available to them, it could make a big difference in our economic future. Most people are unaware of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols… funds that would put an immediate $1.575 trillion in America’s treasury, over $200 billion in the treasury of the State of Virginia, and would be used to build a national high-speed railway that would create an immediate 2,000,000 (that’s two million) well-paying jobs with full benefits for workers. Lee also has plans to use his funds to train our veteran’s as they return from service in the Middle East. He wants to help them by helping America re-establish its manufacturing base and will train tradesmen, some of whom will further their educations and learn how to produce basic plumbing, electrical, carpentry and other tools needed by tradesmen… tools Made in America!

Your readers will find the Introduction and Chapter One contain personal information about how Ambassador Wanta and I met and how I ended up being his official biographer… it certainly was not a planned event at my end. Beyond that, the book explains how Lee Wanta created the largest fortune ever created by one human being – yes, much greater than George Soros has ever even thought of (and he didn’t create his fortune… the Communist Party of Hungary sent him into the world with Party funds when they realized the Soviet Union was going to fall): $27.5 trillion.

The book explains how Ambassador Wanta ended up being Reagan’s “boots on the ground” guy to bring down the Soviet Union Ruble (SUR) and how he created that fortune. I explain how $23 trillion of those funds were given directly to the American

people by Ambassador Wanta – and then how the funds were stolen from the people by “agent provocateurs,” as Wanta calls them.

So I want to tell the story and I want to tell it fast because we are running out of time – and I don’t want to wait the usual 18 months for publication of a print book. I’ve had enough of them published and I understand the process. And, as the old saying goes, “Been there, done that.” I don’t need a book to hold in my hand to know that I’ve created something worth reading… something that gives people information that may enable them to save their nation. Better late than never just doesn’t apply here.

Too, publishing the book online gives me some wonderful alternatives that are otherwise unavailable to authors: Primarily, I can place links in the text that will give readers access to documents that prove the story being told is real life, not fiction. Your readers will know that what they are reading is the absolute truth gathered from four years of very hard research work and it comes from court transcripts, letters to and from people like President George H.W. Bush, President Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles, and many others. Field reports sent by Wanta to intelligence officials – and to the President of the United States – were found and documents were provided by the Reagan Library.

I’m scrambling like crazy trying to find the documents to link to the manuscript so your readers will have the best possible information available… but I hope to have Chapters One and Two in your hands by Thursday, September 20, 2012. I promise you this: Readers won’t just learn of the life of Leo/Lee Emil Wanta by reading this book. They will learn of the perfidy and corruption in our government and how it has been, in a very calculated way, implemented in small steps to get us to where we are now: End Game.

I’m sending the Introduction along with this explanation so you can publish the two together. Next will come Chapters One and Two… I’m sending them together because Chapter One is quite different from the rest of the book and I don’t want people to think the rest of the book will be like that particular chapter. Chapter Two jumps right into the explanation of what President Ronald Reagan’s Task Force planned and how Reagan put into play the things intelligence operative Leo Emil Wanta needed to successfully ruin the Soviet Union Ruble and bring down the Iron Curtain, ending the Cold War.

I’ll be interested to hear reader comments… maybe they can help me think of a good name for it (I haven’t done that yet). I’m thinking of END GAME FOR THE $27.5 TRILLION MAN, LEO EMIL WANTA.


/s/ Marilyn M. Barnewall


Bumper Sticker For The Day

You might like this.  

I saw a bumper sticker the other day.

I rather vote for a Mormon
,than to vote for a Moron

Ten-part report raises questions about narrative of Obama's early life

Ten-part report raises questions about narrative of Obama's early life
“In 2003, only a third of students recommended his courses. It went steadily down in the last five or six years that he was there. He was among the lowest-ranked professors."
Published September 20, 2012
This photo released by Obama for America shows Barack Obama teaching at the University of Chicago Law School.
                                     (Diagramming Saul Alinsky concepts from “Rule for Radicals”)

Neighborhood activist: "They (Obama and Valerie Jarrett) were never interested in poor people. They would sell poor people a bill of goods"
(Note: In interview on September 20 on the Chris Plante Show on WMAL, Executive Editor Mark Tapscott discussed the exclusive neighborhood in which Obama lived in Jakarta, Indonesia, as well as his legal representation of a slum landlord who had illegally evicted the poor residents of a slum building in Chicago in below-zero degree winter weather. Obama’s representation of the accused landlord resulted in a $50 fine for the landlord, according to Tapscott.)

A newly published report raises questions about some established narratives in the early life of President Obama, suggesting the president's upbringing was one of privilege and not hardship. 
The Washington Examiner published a 10-part reportDescription: detailing Obama's path to the White House. Some of the information appears to conflict with the narratives the Obamas and the Democratic Party have pushed, most recently at the party's convention in Charlotte. 
At the convention, Michelle Obama said they "were both raised by families who didn't have much in the way of money or material possessions." 
Examiner Executive Editor Mark Tapscott questioned that.   
"I'm sure he had a difficult childhood given the circumstances with his parents, but from a financial standpoint and social standpoint and so forth , it was not an underprivileged childhood," Tapscott said. 
The Examiner reports that the Indonesian neighborhood, Menteng, where Obama's mother and step-father raised the young Barry Soetoro was the most exclusive in Jakarta. 
Later sent to live with his grandparents in Hawaii where his grandmother was a bank vice president, Obama attended the exclusive Punahoe school. He later went on to Columbia University and Harvard Law School. 
In his first job as a Chicago community organizer, Obama rejected more lucrative offers. 
But while he worked in the city's impoverished Southside, he lived in exclusive Hyde Park. 
Of his 12 years as a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School, Time Magazine said in 2008: "Within a few years he had become a rock star professor with hordes of devoted students."  But student evaluations obtained by the Examiner tell a different story. In 2003, only a third of students recommended his courses. 
"It went steadily down in the last five or six years that he was there. He was among the lowest-ranked professors," Tapscott said. 
Nor did the future president leave any record of scholarly writings, while similarly credentialed colleagues had a prolific presence in law journals. 
"He showed up to class, he gave his lectures and he was gone," Tapscott said. 
The Examiner found sharp contrasts between Obama's memory of his legal work, and the record of it. 
In "Dreams From My Father," he wrote: "In my legal practice, I work mostly with churches and community groups, men and women who quietly built grocery stores and health clinics in the inner city, and housing for the poor." 
But a document filed with the Illinois Secretary of State shows the young lawyer represented some well-heeled clients. In one case, he represented a politically connected preacher and real estate developer, Bishop Arthur Brazier, who had failed to provide heating and running water to 15 apartments in the dead of winter.  Obama's client had all the tenants forcibly removed from the building, yet paid only a $50 fine under Obama's legal counsel. 
For all of his critics on the right, community organizer Obama left many colleagues on the left disheartened, by allegedly selling out to the Chicago establishment. 
The late radical journalist Robert Fitch, who specialized in urban politics, said: "What we see is that the Chicago core of the Obama Coalition is made of blacks who've moved up by moving poor blacks out." 
D'Anna Carter, a neighborhood activist, singled out the president's closest aid, Valerie Jarrett, for criticism. Jarrett was CEO of Habitat Co., a low-income real estate firm that made millions of dollars in part by leveraging federal programs like the Low Income Housing Tax Credit with subprime lending to poor people.   
"They were never interested in poor people. They would sell poor people a bill of goods," Carter said. 
Some argue that President Obama won office on his strength as a reformer - he did vow to "fundamentally transform America." But the Examiner found as a state senator he rejected overtures to reform the Chicago machine. 
"He made it pretty clear he wasn't interested in risk-taking or challenging the Chicago machine's lock on a lot of mechanics of government in Cook County in Chicago," said one frustrated former colleague, former state Sen. Steve Rauschenberger. 
Mayor Richard J Daley -- the last of the big city bosses -- built that machine by rewarding allies with patronage positions. Today, Obama's choice of aides suggests an unbreakable bond to that machine. Closest aide Valerie Jarrett, campaign adviser David Axelrod, and former chiefs of staff Rahm Emanuel and Bill Daley all cut their political teeth in the Daley machine. 
The legendary Chicago Tribune writer Mike Royko once penned this advice to mayoral candidate Richard M. Daley, the son of the big city boss: "Reward your friends and punish your enemies." It is a phrase the president once used to describe how Latinos should think about elections. 
In a 2010 interview, Obama urged Latinos to say: "We're gonna punish our enemies and reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us."   
To that end, The Examiner says 31 Obama campaign bundlers received clean-energy loans and grants totaling more than $16 billion. The auto bailout favored the United Auto Workers -- over secured creditors -- and eight of the 10 states getting the most contracts from the stimulus program were heavily Democratic.

Reader BS: "Seems Poof Is All Wet."

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader BS: "Seems Poof Is All Wet."
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 19-Sep-2012 19:38:38

(Thanks, B. :)
Just more confusion. I think Poof was directing folks to the "Part 1" and "Part 2" links in the removingtheshackles article (which lead to another site with some pretty comprehensive material on how we came to be in the current state of affairs) and not to the remarks made by removingtheshackles, further down the page.
For one thing Poof has never yet said "prosperity packages are rolling out very quickly right now" - I have no idea where removingtheshackles got that idea or the information for some other statements made on that page.
Keenan said, "Loved the history lesson." Perhaps he was referring to the "Part 1" and "Part 2" links that I think Poof was directing us to. (?)
Reader BS writes and sends us:
Not for nothing Hobie, Poof has been leading people on for years. Apparently here's Neil Keenan's response to Poof's Sunday update. Let the chips fall where they may. From Drakes Site:
Neil Keenan?s response to some of the statements made by a recent article
Posted on September 19, 2012
Thank you to one of my readers, NT, who picked this up at Removing the Shackles. I don?t know who it was who sent the article there to Neil, but here is his response. (You don?t need to have read the article to understand his words.) He sets the facts straight.
There was a Link in the Poof report yesterday titled Removing the Shackles here??>
I sent this to Neil Keenen and here is his response to that article.
[3:34:22 AM] Neil Keenan: You can answer Removing the Shackles with this JJ and say it is from me. No problem.
[3:36:14 AM] Neil Keenan: NEIL kEENAN said?
The prosperity packages are rolling out very very quickly right now- and we are looking for a magic number to trigger the event we are waiting for? This is not going to happen so stop playing with the people.
The World Global Settlements have been launched and that money is already on it?s way around the world? This is not true at all. It cannot be touched as you perceive it either.
The Wanta Reagan Mitterrand Protocol/Funds have been released? This will never be released seeing it was stolen money from the Global Accounts used to destroy the USSR?s economy by the above mentioned. These funds are now safely resting in the Global Accounts where they belong.
The Soekarno funds are Not part of the WGS and have not yet been released? The Soekarno Funds are part of the Global accounts seeing they are Dragon Family and Heritage Foundation just to name a few and are registered in the BIS. As for the Soekarno Foundation that is a different story and their mandate expired in 1998 but it is possible to find ways to get the funds owed to them by the West to the tune of over 4 Trillion USD.
Loved the history lesson and much of what you say is true. Overall knowing what I know already I loved it and it helped tremendously with what I am doing. Take care and feel free to contact me whenever you wish.
Neil Keenan