Thursday, September 20, 2012



princesirki2012 said...

The AVALANCHE of LIES has cracked under the weight of its own corruption and fraud, and the snow has begun to roll at an exponentially accelerated pace that no one or nothing can put a stop to NOW! If you doubt this, then just try running from an avalanche once it has begun! Every awakened human needs to visualize and to meditate on this image, as a series of snowballs--tiny at first, but as they gather momentum, they grow in size and weight and SPEED, aided by a conscious and loving Mother Earth, who seeks to burst forth with hope, abundance, and NEW BEGINNINGS--A NATURAL CONSEQUENCE of the GLACIAL MASS from which this breakthrough began! The devastation of this Avalanche is the breakthrough of AWAKENED CONSCIOUSNESS that is BURSTING FORTH with omnipotent power and terrifying certainty as the GREAT EVENT of Infinite Ascension speeds to FREEDOM for those who decide to embrace the glorious light of Our Divine Source! I know my Galactic Family is here--The Infinite Love and Light of YH YHVH--Whose Name Is YAH YAHHEHVAHEH--and Whose Spiritual Intelligence is being revealed to All Lightworkers through our Ascended Masters, Teachers, Loved Ones, Lords of the Akashic Records, Galactic Lightbeings, Ancestral Connections, and individual Soul Contracts with The Source--for which each personal is individually responsible. The Truth is that WE ARE ALL ONE CONSCIOUSNESS--The Lightworkers, the Dark Cabal, and those who are "neutral" who claim to be for neither side, but are rather simply "unaware" at this moment of time. The AVALANCHE that is now being revealed, is the last chance for these "undecided" ones to make a choice, before the moment of Ascension is reached. If this pertains to you, then you know who you are, and you have a choice to make NOW before it is too late. This is the final word. Not to decide is to decide. My place is to inform, and my job is done. EMBRACE THE LIGHT!

Anonymous said...

Where on this planet will they find a non corrupt Judge to hear the case? This is a complete BS effort! We have complete criminal lawlessness in this country! The only people that are arrested and convicted are the ones stealing from the criminals. They(the dark cabal) only use the law when they want to frame or disgrace a true patriot! These law suits that Keenan is supposedly going to file that have dragged on for months now are BS too! We need the positive military and militia to arrest all these traitors and put them in the camps they built for Americans.We need a military leaders to grow some balls and take charge and move on it now! Time for talking is long past people. positive action is what's needed at this hour!
General Vellely,it's time to put up or shut up buddy,we don't need a civics lesson,we need you to do what you and your people were trained to do! Please!

Rebecca Em Campbell said...

Declaring our rights and exposing those who have violated them is NOT BS; it is one of the most peacefully powerful things that we can do this momentous time in human history. It awakens collective human consciousness, which is the greatest transformative agent found on earth. The positive forces cannot act with discernment or integrity unless the need for their action is clearly enunciated; this can be done both in the courts as well as the courts of public opinion, at which this legal action is doubly aimed. The Keenan lawsuit is likewise NOT BS; it is unwise to berate the effectiveness of an action just because its apparent results do not match the speed of your hasty judgements.

Rebecca Em Campbell said...

All true, but your last two phrases particularly resonated with me!

Rebecca Em Campbell said...

Your first paragraph stated my plan, and your second was sound advice; thanks!