forward to all your Catholic friends.
Food for thought...
The Catholic Church is the oldest Christian
religion in the world.
When the Catholic Church
was founded, there were no hospitals. Today, one out of five people in this
country receive their medical care at a Catholic hospital.
When the Catholic Church was founded, there
were no schools. Today, the Catholic Church teaches 3 million students a day,
in more than 250 Catholic
Colleges and
Universities, in its more
than 1200 Catholic High Schools and its more than 5000
Catholic grade schools.
Every day, the Catholic
Church feeds, clothes, shelters and educates more people than any other
organization in the world.
The new Obama Health
Mandate could end all this and the tax payers would have to make up the loss.
Also, all Catholic
adoption services would come to an end. A Human disaster.
There are more than 77
million Catholics in this country. It takes
an estimated 50 million
Catholic votes to elect a president. I am asking all of you to go to the polls
and be united in replacing our present president with a president that will
respect the Catholic Church, all Christians, and all Religions besides Islam.
Mr President, you said,
"The USA is not a Christian Nation".
You are wrong we are a
Christian Nation founded on Judeo-Christian values allowing all religions in America to
Worship & Practice Freely.
Oh, by the way:
Have you ever been to a Muslim hospital?
Have you heard a Muslim orchestra?
Have you seen a Muslim band march in a parade?
Have you witnessed a Muslim charity?
Have you seen Muslims, shaking hands with Muslim Girl
Have you seen a Muslim Candy Striper?
Have you seen a Muslim do anything that contributes
positively to the American way of life ????
Lets see... The Unam Santum trust...Placed the whole earth under a trust of ownership by the POPES.
Romanis Pontifex...1st Testamentary Deed & Will & 1st Crown over Land
Aeterni regis...2nd testamentary Deed & Will & 2nd Crown of People as Permanent Slaves
Convocation...3rd Testamentary Deed & Will & 3rd Crown over Soul
The above are the Papal Bulls that rule us today.
Oh and heres my fav... Papal Bulls on human skin...
Original source and concept of Papal Bulls
The claim that Papal Bulls are named after the bulla of ancient Roman documents is a complete absurdity - they are dedications to the Dark Lord or Ba'al Satan to whom the Roman Cult dedicate their works in secret.
The use of human skin is a fundamental prerequisite for a Papal Bull to have power as this is a concept of necromancy inherited through the Rabbi of Venice, the successors of the Sarmatians, themselves the successors of the Scythians and Tarsus, the successors of Mari and the amurru, the city founded itself from exiles of Ur.
The Latin word vellum from vellus means not only a fleece or hide but also “human” skin, indicating that at the Roman times the meaning of this form of writing material was still known.
In fact it was the Roman Cult itself through the formation of the College of Abbreviators that create the word "Parchment" to describe the fundamental form for legitimate Papal Bulls- “parchment” meaning parca = one of the three fates - the fate of death, h = letter of binding and ment/mentis = mind, thought, intention, intellect or in other words “mind/soul bound to the fate of death”.
Official Papal Method for creating Vellum/Parchment for Bulls
The awful ritual of murdering children for using their skin for Papal Bulls and other Spells was first outlined in the Grimoire of Pope Honorius III at the beginning of the 13th Century. But instead of explicitly using the word "human child", the word "kid" is used. Today, the word kids is accepted as a word for children.
The same ritual appears as standard procedure in subsequent Grimoires of black magic published by the Popes and the introduction to the specifics of the ritual may be viewed in Arthur Edward Waite's Book of Ceremonial Magic Pg 171:
Concerning the Victim of the Art
Take your kid (child); place it on a block with the throat turned upward, so that it may be easier for you to cut it; be ready with your knife, and cut the throat with a single stroke, pronouncing the name o the Spirit whom you wish to invoke. For example, say: "I slay thee, N. (name of child) in the name and to the honor of N. (name of spirit)". Have a care that two blows not be needed, but let it die at the first; then skin with the knife and while skinning it make the following Invocation...
Oh yeah the history begs to be exposed never mind killing children to get their skin off the backs of children to get their spells of the ground in a Papal Bull that is just so holy.
This is not to attack Christianity this is to expose what some people thought Jesus would have them do .
If you are catholic dont just pass this over do your research dont let someone praise the accomplishments of beginning the bloodiest rule on earth.
As far as Muslims are concerned they never set up a monster such as this? I know they have fought this monster throughout their history and as of now still to no avail unless you count Obama. That was pretty sneaky.
I am not singing the praises of either I am mearly pointing out our part in this mess.
The above poster is further a disinformation campaign against God Jesus Christ and His True Church; that person is making you believe the the Vatican and Church are one entity with one agenda. This is not true. The Church in the Vatican is Christ's victory over the elite's ancient Satanic Vatican and Rome, for God Christ Jesus forced the prostration of the Roman empire, and ever since Christ took over the Rome and the world, the elite have been trying to destroy and remove the Church and the Godhead of Christ Jesus, but have FAILED so many times, and until now. It has now come to the time that every Christian's faith through Tribulation, and the above post is a sign of the times, disinformation used to remove Christians from the True Church, making them heretics, and putting them into the dangerous road of further heresy, then into apostasy, and then perdition. There is ONLY one True Church, the Catholic Church, and ONLY ONE GOD: JESUS CHRIST. Whoever says opposite IS A LYING AGENT OF SATAN, THAT DOES NOT DESERVE YOUR TIME AND ENERGY. Message to the above poster: soon God Christ Jesus will Return with Judgement, and if you don't get down on your knees and repent to Lord God Jesus Christ, you will fry in hell with the rest of the masons, Jews, Muslims, pagans, apostates, and followers of Lucifer and Satan.
Wow what ever happened to accountability? the the role we played in all this. We did not educate ourselves and were very reluctant given the church witchunts that turned into our court systems today. No one said Jesus wasnt Lord but I did say that we are no less accountable because God's law was broken and we have the ourselves to thank for that, with a little help from the educational process that this church provided, not to teach us to think for ourselves, but to learn how to be workers in corporations that are now destroying this worlds economy and would like nothing more than to have outright slavery and not have to treat humanity with dignity and respect. He who covers a multitude of sin indeed but at some point the sin can not be covered because the seeds of sin will blossom and find you and me out my brother. Someone has got to bring some reason to this madness. Look at histories results, is this not what the unam sanctum was all about? a small elite owning the world and its people? The results say that this is the case. Just because you broadcast that you are holy and being disinfo'd on does not change the results of what happened long ago because these are the results of today so do not tell me , brother, that the vatican and the church are two different entities, they may be on paper but not at heart because the results speak for themselves. By the way A house divided against itself can not stand.We understand it in spirit and get to see it played out on the church seen. As to your charge that this is an attack on Christ,... this is the expose' Christ spoke of for the last days of the Church on earth and true Christians recognise their errors and try to make recompense for them.
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