Sunday, February 24, 2013

Guess Who?

Army Ranger Surprise
You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw who they were talking about...I had no idea....wait till you see who it is.   What a simple but most sincere and moving acceptance speech.  Loved his recommendation for all our politicos.
Many people may have forgotten about his time in the U.S. Army. He is the son of an Air Force General, an accomplished Golden Gloves boxer, he graduated from Pomona College with a B.S. degree, and then became a Rhodes Scholar from Oxford University.

He joined the U.S. Army at the prompting of his father. After graduating from Officer Candidate School he attended and graduated from both Army Airborne and Ranger training in the very top of each class. He was selected for  U.S. Army Special Forces Training but refused so that he could attend pilot training where he earned his wings, and became an accomplished helicopter (gun ship) pilot, and achieved the rank of Captain.

He was about to be promoted to the rank of Major, and appointed to teach at West Point when he resigned his commission from the Army to go into music and acting. You can tell in this video that his time in the military means a lot to him. I won't give away who it is. You should just watch.
I bet you will be surprised!


Powerful Message

A solid strategy and action plan to get nation back on track. 

Published on Feb 23, 2013
It is time to now win the battle for Glass-Steagall. The crimes of bailout, QE, and environmentalism are at the end of their possible existence.

Knock Knock Tick Tock...It's NOT Over...

Knock Knock Tick Tock...It's NOT Over...
Posted By: Valiant [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 23-Feb-2013 13:15:03
I would like to start by Thanking Raye for making that earlier post.
It was a really hard thing for me to do considering the information I was given…
I was so torn to quickly warn everyone…
But then I was also afraid of defeating the purpose of this event.
I contacted Raye in the hopes that her intervention would help decide the best thing.
Ultimately as you know, premonitions should aim to protect, heal, even prevent disasters…
As I hope this did.

I apologize for not making the post myself,
But you must understand…this more than just some little vision or chancy intuition.
You see, I was contacted with this information from an inside source.
That is to say, a source inside one of the governments. Without giving away too much
Details, I will just briefly explain that this real person astral projected into my dreams to warn
Me. I couldn’t see his face, he kept himself cloaked, but he spoke desperately and urgently.
He said not to trust the news, that they were lying. That this information would not, and will not
Ever reach the public.

Apparently a JUDGEMENT FROM SPACE was issued…
I don’t know by whom, but I can only guess…And this is a very serious warning. It’s real and not made up. Asteroids are being sent. They are trying to send a message…
There is no more reasoning, no more forgiveness, or time.
Big Brother, you refuse to cooperate and screw with the natural order of things…
You try to control the weather…
You prevented the volcanoes from blowing…
You screwed around with time itself…
You think you can do anything you want with your abuse of technology.

All I know is, that this time you crossed a BIG LINE…And that it’s NOT over.
More Asteroids will come, will be sent…and will continue to come until the desired
Result is achieved…They intend to do this before you can poison the rest of the universe
With your stubbornness and tactics…
They compared this ‘cleansing’ to Sodom and Gomorrah…
And the primary target is Washington, D.C.

This is what I was told, not made up. And I have no idea if they are targeting other places as well. All I know is what I’ve said so far.
Big Brother, I don’t know when this will come to pass, but I know it won’t be long.
I just wish you weren’t so arrogant with our Alien brothers and sisters…
And I never would have thought that my very own country was one of their biggest challenges.
It really is upsetting. And it really is happening.

That same night, I was also contacted by a tall blond man in a silvery blue uniform, I can only guess his Alien Race…From his ship, in what appeared to be a viewing room…He showed me a 3-d progressive holographic projection of The Earth as it underwent upcoming changes.
The images shown to me reminded me of something Edgar Cayce described in his predictions of coming Earth Changes…only worse by far.
There were much higher water levels…I can’t even begin to describe…
Now I know why the mer-people contacted me, and keep projecting images of WATER to me over and over again. The time is near.
My best guess is that as the last of the realities finally merge into one…
All of these things will come to pass at once. Overwhelming, for sure. They are only a few remaining realities yet to merge, and they’re struggling because
They are so different from ours…Think of it like blending Oil and Water…
Just imagine from this comparison alone what the final result will be when this is all done…
I think I get sicker every day thinking about it.

And I just wanted to let everyone know that my Artwork still has power, it can still bring peace and protection in this time…Especially when so many paranormal forces and inter-dimensional forces are at play here waiting for the big event to take place. My artwork still continues to
Surprise even me, so I know it can still help you.

Also, HOPE still REMAINS with the Heroes that will rise out of this chaos…
These events will activate the dormant genes inside special people, and
Sleepers will AWAKEN.
So PLEASE don’t lose your faith, especially now. We all need it now more than ever.

Dear Mr. Spacemen, I realize your purpose in all of this…But you have to realize that there are a lot of innocent people that will be victimized by those asteroids. So Know This…Yes, our governments rule the people, but they don’t represent the values of all of us…There is a lot of potential here and many worth saving…
You know what is in my head…You’ve violated my memories enough to view the angel…
And you know there are Others…Time still has a lot yet to reveal…
I understand that quick and harsh judgements must be made to stop the abuse going on by our world powers…But remember us little guys too. So consider your actions carefully.
Perhaps choose representatives of mankind to work with rather than our world powers…
And choose representatives of your own…New world powers must be set in order for sure, but they should not have to come at such a cost as this devastation will create.

I know more asteroids are coming…
And I know what you want to do…
Just remember I’m willing to do my best to help make things better any way I can…
I started this to save a life…And that hasn’t changed.
Choose your representatives now.

That’s all for now.


Posted By: Patriotlad [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 23-Feb-2013 16:00:40

Article By Devorah Lauter, Paris. and found on the Telegraph of the U.K. -- 4:15PM GMT 16 Dec 2012

Sylvain Mollier, 45, was shot seven times and killed on September 5, near [ or ] in an isolated clearing by Lake Annecy, in the French Alps, along with three members of the al-Hilli family.

Two of the al-Hilli children survived, with the youngest, four-year-old Zeena, found hiding under her mother's body.
Though prosecutors have said no stone was being left unturned in the still unsolved investigation, the focus has remained on the al-Hilli family, and whether they were victims of an inheritance-related dispute, as opposed to the "forgotten" cyclist.
According to reports, Mr. Mollier, a divorced father of two, was also involved in "a bitter dispute" over a £1.1m inheritance belonging to Claire Schutz, his partner 16 years his junior, and the mother of their child born just three months before the killings.
Ms. Schultz's family reportedly disapproved of the way Mr. Mollier was living off of his partner's money. Nearly a year before the shootings, Ms. Schutz reportedly inherited the ownership of the Schutz Morange Pharmacy in Grignon, from her parents, valued at £1.1m.
But Ms Schutz' family was reportedly increasingly concerned about Mr Mollier's potential claims over the money.
Prior to the killings, Mr Mollier also arranged to take time off work at a nuclear metal works factory, Cezus, for what French media described as paternity leave, but was also reportedly expected to last three years.
"Sylvain came from a down-to-earth family but had growing claims on Claire's fortune. This was something Claire's family was not happy about," a source on the local council, where Ms Schutz' father Thierry served for two years, told The Sunday Times.
"They were particularly concerned about Sylvain's spending. There was a bitter dispute over what was going on and this got worse when Sylvain took three years off to effectively live off Claire's money."
Eric Maillaud, state prosecutor in charge of the investigation, has confirmed tensions existed between the Schutz family and Mr. Mollier, but he dismissed them: "they were not something I particularly wanted to make public. The family is entitled to their private life."
Mr. Maillaud has long held that, "there is no possible reason to imagine [ Mr. Mollier.] is for whatever reason directly implicated in his death. He seems to have been at the wrong place at the wrong time."
Perhaps what actually happened is that the Al Hilli family were the ones at the absolute wrong place. A search of articles about the finances of the Al Hilli clan also leaves some unanswered questions, as does the close proximity of these murders to the border with Switzerland.

How "education" dumbs kids down

Subject: How "education" dumbs kids down


He won New York City
"Teacher of the Year" three
years in a row.

Then he quit and became
a fierce critic of public



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Montana votes 20-0 in favor of anti-NDAA bill

Montana votes 20-0 in favor of anti-NDAA bill

Activist Post

The anti-NDAA movement continues to gain traction. There is still much more work to be done as part of Operation Homeland Liberty, but People's Blog for The Constitution highlights the latest development we can add to the victory column in Montana's step toward resisting federal intrusion.
By a vote of 20-0, a bill that bans cooperation with federal agents over the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has just passed the Montana House Judiciary Committee. Known as HB 522, the bill would also require the state’s attorney general to report any attempts by federal officials who try to enforce the NDAA. HB 522 is now one step closer to becoming law.



HOLLOW Earth Call REPLAY 2/23

SATURDAY - February 23, 2013

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Tones we are using for elimination of radioactive contamination  Played on iTunes Visualizer

....and the WORD went forth...the vibration...the light


Explanation under the youtube video


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Obama Caught in Bald Faced Lie!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Obama Caught in Bald Faced Lie!
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 23-Feb-2013 18:19:02

The sequester, a multi-billion dollar package of spending cuts, was designed never to come into force. It is a measure of the political estrangement in Washington that it looks certain to do so.
The idea was that the cuts would be so devastating to domestic spending favored by Democrats and defense spending beloved of Republicans that they would have no choice but to get together on a deal to cut the deficit.
I am no fan of Faux news or Greta but this clip does have merit.

From the video, it is clear that the sequester cuts were a product of the White House. It is also clear that Obama continues to get away with a bald-faced lie that the idea was something Congress proposed.
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Linda Moulton Howe: Bigfoot DNA Update - The Deepening Mystery, The Staggering Possibilities

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Linda Moulton Howe: Bigfoot DNA Update - The Deepening Mystery, The Staggering Possibilities
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 23-Feb-2013 17:25:14

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Genetic researcher Melba Ketchum has sequenced bigfoot DNA with staggering and highly controversial results. Here Linda Moulton Howe interviews her and reports on her results, and on the controversies surrounding them.
This is the first of a number of programs on bigfoot that Dreamland will be presenting this year, as the baseline of evidence builds from witness sightings, the occasional photo or video, to physical traces and now possible DNA evidence.
This program contains highly controversial material. It is about scientific findings that lie outside the expectations of the scientific community, but nevertheless have been completed at a high level of finish.
Don't miss the powerful insights and important information presented here and nowhere else.
Linda Moulton Howe's website is
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