Monday, August 13, 2012

American police now “Israeli-DHS trained,” precursor to dictatorship

True US History
American police now “Israeli-DHS trained,” precursor to dictatorship
By Gordon Duff
Aug 11, 2012 - 10:21:57 PM
American police now “Israeli-DHS trained,” precursor to dictatorship
Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:7PM GMT

Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:7PM GMT
By Gordon Duff
The door to this foreign influence in America was thrown open by the Department of Homeland Security and, in particular, Michael Chertoff, an Israeli citizen who was, in particular, most instrumental as former Director of DHS in implementing policies challenged as unconstitutional, policies the new “Israeli trained” American police are tasked with stopping opposition to."
Slowly, every police department in the United States, at the behest of the Department of Homeland Security, is being trained by Israeli groups.

As part of this training, there is an increased move to use of military uniforms, armored vehicles, heavy weapons, illegal surveillance, lying to the people, press and courts and systematic interference in the electoral system.

They are becoming “Israeli.”

“Israelization” of American police is a simple process:

- Total militarization of police, military tactics, utter disrespect for civil law, the constitution, civil liberties, freedom of speech and the unbridled growth of centralized power under unlimited corruption; government by money and organized crime.

- Systematic suppression of dissent

- Systematic use of intimidation to control the electoral process at every level of government

- Seamless coordination with military and “internationalist” groups to prepare for mass internment of sectors of the population, numbering in the millions

- Coordinated use of full military power including but not limited to bombing, strafing, heavy artillery and summary executions, the same methods Israel uses on a daily basis

- Even more control of the press, based on the Israeli model, with two “controlled” views, on pro-government and the second, “controlled opposition.”

It is absolutely necessary to differentiate between Israeli companies and those working tied to quasi-governmental organized crime in America. It is also necessary that citizenry, in particular Americans of Jewish background, recognize that a systematic campaign of controlled and revised history and, more seriously, orchestrated “incidents” are coordinated with groups misrepresenting themselves as defending the Jewish people.

These groups, several come to mind, are, in actuality, Israeli “psyops” groups that actually work on an active basis with terrorists. What are we saying?

90% of terrorism, worldwide, including many of the mass killing incidents, all show a pattern of involvement by intelligence organizations. Almost all “terror threats” and “staged announcements” are traced to groups tied directly to the same people who show up at our door with the “cure” to a disease they themselves create.

“While in Abuja, Nigeria, 3 weeks before the attack on the national police station, I met with Chief of Security Gordon Obua, a close friend and told him this:

“We have identified the Headquarters of the National Police as a potential target. It has an unguarded gate and parking facility and is close to the presidential palace. We predict that a car bomb will be exploded there, followed by one other bombing attack.

At these attacks, you will be approached by a security company that will offer you, not only protection by a massive bribe.”

The meeting was in the presidential suite of the Transcon Hilton in Abuja, witnessed by my legal team.
The attack as described happened exactly 3 weeks later and the company that came with a suitcase of cash and a promise to turn Abuja, a beautiful city into “Fortress Abuja” is among those now training American police.

The same group is also suspected in the bombing of a Christian Church in Alexandria, Egypt, on January 1, 2011, another car bomb. Similarly, recent bombings in Cameroon, Kenya and Tanzania have the same “fingerprints.”

The same group “ran” the Detroit “Crotch Bomber.”

The Israeli handlers who worked with Abdullah Mohamed in Yemen and walking him onto a plane to the US with a bomb, no ticket, no passport and no visa, as witnessed by two Detroit area lawyers, Kurt and Lori Haskell, also train American police.

We see this over and over, police, government and terrorists, all the same thing.

Of course, few Americans are aware that the “spokesman” for the group called “al Qaeda” is actually an American named Adam Perlman whose grandfather helped found the ADL (Anti-Defamation League)

To some, terrorism is a business, and like a tire store that leaves nails in the road nearby, some “counter-terrorism” companies have more experience in building car bombs than finding them.

Why America?
Israeli security companies, primarily made up of active Mossad and former Israeli military members, began working across Africa. Israeli expertise in wiretapping on behalf of ruling parties was what opened the door. Their expertise, as shown in Britain by the Murdoch/News of the World scandals, is excellent.

They were even able to wiretap the 3 prime ministers, members of the royal family, heads of police and national security agencies, key members of legislative bodies and a hand full of celebrities. The equipment for this costs millions, can only be brought into the country by diplomatic pouch and its use is considered espionage as it foments broad unregulated and unauthorized wiretapping, totally unaccountable.

Hundreds of such units are with America police departments, as advised by the Department of Homeland Security, to keep track of group they feel require observation, despite recent court rulings that have overturned FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) as unconstitutional.

Among the groups watched are veteran’s organizations, the Tea Party, Christian, Muslim and Jewish religious groups, labor unions, professional organizations and members of government, police officers and members of Federal law enforcement and anti-drug organizations.

Former American military, even the crippled and maimed, now head every “terror watch list.”


The truth is, America has a long reputation for corrupt police organizations. Every few years there is, in every major city, an investigation with the police commissioner and many senior officers imprisoned.

At one point, Bernie Kerik, nominee for head of the Department of Homeland Security and Police Commissioner of the City of New York
had actually served as Minister of the Interior of Iraq under the interim US government that ran that country after the 2003 invasion.

Kerik is in prison, originally charged with 16 felonies, some committed while running Iraq and facing a 142 year sentence and millions in fines. In a plea deal, Kerik is only serving 4 years. Kerik, prior to becoming police commissioner, Minister of the Interior of Iraq and nearly taking over the operation of the largest agency in the United States was New York mayor Rudy Giuliani’s driver.
Every major American city and most smaller departments, and there are thousands, are being “retrained,” not to fight corruption but being armed for civil war, trained to work directly with military personnel to police America in accordance with unpublished policies mistakenly announced by Army head, General Odierno, as published in his article for the Council on Foreign Relations in the May/June edition of Foreign Affairs:

“Where appropriate we will also dedicate active-duty forces, especially those with niche skills and equipment, to provide civilian officials with a robust set of reliable and rapid response options.”

As for the Department of Homeland Security, spearheading the Israeli takeover of America’s police, David Rittgers of the Cato Institute has noted:

“A long line of fusion center and DHS reports labeling broad swaths of the public as a threat to national security. The North Texas Fusion System labeled Muslim lobbyists as a potential threat; a DHS analyst in Wisconsin thought both pro- and anti-abortion activists were worrisome; a Pennsylvania homeland security contractor watched environmental activists, Tea Party groups, and a Second Amendment rally; the Maryland State Police put anti-death penalty and anti-war activists in a federal terrorism database; a fusion center in Missouri thought that all third-party voters and Ron Paul supporters were a threat....”

Wikipedia quotes the following on the quality of management and personnel at DHS, a national scandal in itself:

“In July 2006, the Office of Personnel Management conducted a survey of federal employees in all 36 federal agencies on job satisfaction and how they felt their respective agency was headed. DHS was last or near to last in every category including;

- 33rd on the talent management index

- 35th on the leadership and knowledge management index

- 36th on the job satisfaction index

- 36th on the results-oriented performance culture index

The low scores were attributed to major concerns about basic supervision, management and leadership within the agency. Examples from the survey reveal most concerns are about promotion and pay increase based on merit, dealing with poor performance, rewarding creativity and innovation, leadership generating high levels of motivation in the workforce, recognition for doing a good job, lack of satisfaction with various component policies and procedures and lack of information about what is going on with the organization.”

Creating the perfect police state

The visible face of the totalitarian takeover of America is candidate Mitt Romney, sworn to start a world war for Israel, his backers, Sheldon Adelson, gambling boss of Las Vegas and China, the Koch Brothers and the Israel lobby, said to control America’s congress, certainly 100% of the Republican Party.

Gasoline pricing manipulation through terrorism

Gasoline pricing in the world is run by the Koch Brothers who manage the futures market. Fuel prices are unrelated to oil costs but rather manipulated to serve political interests of two Israeli-American billionaires with extremist views.

During the past two weeks, there have been multiple “accidents” in refineries and with pipelines. These have, in fact been terror attacks, cutting refinery output in the US significantly, blocking oil pipelines from the Middle East and inside the US.

None of this, and it is terrorism, has been reported. There is only one cause and that is tied to who benefits from economic problems in an election year, this being Mitt Romney and the Likudist faction in Israel that is advocating war with Iran, not fought by Israel but by the United States, of course.


As with the mass shootings, be they Columbine years ago, Gabby Giffords at Tucson or so many others, the anthrax attacks now tied to our own government to the DC sniper, police and federal authorities have given out false press notices, sometimes showed up at crime scenes long after normal response times or may well have been complicit.

Nearly every terrorist act that supposedly occurs in the US involves law enforcement recruiting terrorists or carefully removing key suspects who were actually police officers involved.

The Oklahoma City bombing had several suspects disappear. The Detroit airport bombing attempt had witnesses report multiple arrests but no trials.

9/11 had nearly arrested, 2 on the George Washington Bridge who set off a truck bomb but disappeared the next day, people we suspect of being tied to law enforcement or “training groups” that are, in reality terrorists.

Terrorism is law enforcement

What careful analysis indicates is that the groups that are training our police are, if not exactly the same, are closely related to groups suspected of being terrorists themselves, providing support for terrorists in Africa and the Middle East.

Should our new police cars say?

“Protect and Serve
Trained by Terrorists
Big Brother is Watching”

[Colour fonts and bolding added.].

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Millions of Gallons of Raw Sewage Pumped Towards Manhattan

Millions of Gallons of Raw Sewage Pumped Towards Manhattan
August 12, 2012

A broken pipeline is forcing millions of gallons of raw sewage in New York to bypass a treatment facility and instead be sent right into the Hudson River — and just in time for the Big Apple’s first ever Ironman triathlon!
For the fourth time in only two years, a pipe that carries an average of 3 million gallons of sewage has broken in Tarrytown, NY, forcing county workers to send the waste not to treatment facilities in the Empire State but instead right into a river in nearby Sleepy Hollow.
From there the sewage is draining directly into the Hudson River, where only 25 miles downstream the tributary’s waves wash by downtown Manhattan.
New York City is expected to host its first annual Ironman competition tomorrow,a contest that consists of a 26.2 mile run, a 112 mile bike ride and a 2.4 mile swim.
As it stands right now though, participants will be truly put through the test, to say the least — authorities say they will dilute the contaminated water with doses of chlorine, but otherwise the triathletes will be trying to swim through millions of gallons of, well, shit.
Workers in Tarry Town are scheduled to replace the damaged 20-foot-long, 30-inch-wide segment of the pipe causing the problem on Friday, but meanwhile millions of gallons are being continuously pumped into the Hudson.
Although a round of chlorine is being added to the runoff to attempt to disinfect the river, WABC reports that the contest’s organizers will arrange to have the river tested before the competition is underway.
“Obviously the safety of the athlete has to come first,” organizer Shane Facteau tells the network.
Some athletes, though, seem to think it’s no big deal.
“I’m from the Jersey shore,” Michael Halfacre adds to WABC, “so I’ve been swimming in New York’s garbage my whole life.”
In the meantime, officials have advised against swimming in select parts of the river north of New York.
This article originally appeared on RT

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 13, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 13, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 13-Aug-2012 06:36:20

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 13, 2012
The Olympics have closed without any incident although the dark Ones had other ideas. A great spectacle that proved to be an occasion when nations were brought together, has bonded people and proved that as a species you can live side by side in peace. The positive energy generated has linked with the Light all around the world, and moved you another step forward nearer to Ascension. With a period of intense Light about to commence, it will build upon what already exists and your levels of consciousness will noticeably expand. Dear Ones you are clearly on the way to Ascension and the only person who can stop your progress is you. As you are becoming immune to the lower energies, we see a glorious path ahead taking you straight to the next dimension. There is no reason to look back as there is so much to look forward to.
Regardless of what happens around you bear in mind that your own progress continues to go forward, and nothing will stop you reaching Ascension. However, we have our responsibilities to you, and are hastening various actions that will put in place the bridge that will carry you into the New Age. There are certain goals that we have such as Disclosure, that will create the conditions that are necessary for us to lift you up. For the present we have to bide our time as with all such life changing revelations, it is always necessary to take the most appropriate opportunity to go ahead. However, we will confirm again, that any delay in the announcement of Disclosure will not hold back your progress.
We made an appearance at the Olympics albeit it was nothing extraordinary bearing in mind how frequently we are now seen in your skies. Full Disclosure will in fact be the last straw for the Illuminati, as it will reveal the great extent to which they have carried out their cover-up, even to the depth of getting rid of people who have threatened to give up their secrets. Furthermore, it links in with their own development of Space Craft which would also become common knowledge. When it becomes known it will bring about the most astonishing revelations about their Space Program, and the immense secrecy that has meant that you have been denied the results of their trips to the Moon and Mars.
As the truth comes out it will also force the Government and Military authorities to come clean about their frequent contact with ET's, while denying to you that they have ever been made. For example the real facts about the Roswell crash have become general knowledge, but you still know little about what happened to the ET's that were involved. So Disclosure is such an important issue we do not take it too lightly to say the least, and when we hold back from our intentions, it is with very good reasons. The whole matter is one that has reached into so many areas of your life. Back engineering of crashed craft has in many ways benefited you, but conversely it has been secretly developed for use against you through military applications. There is also the misuse of your countries wealth to fund extraordinarily secret massive projects, mostly to increase the power of the Illuminati and their control over you.
We are still taking matters into our own hands, but perhaps you will now understand what is involved and that it is no small matter for us or any high official to announce Disclosure. It will put an end to black operations that have often been directed at other countries, with a view to causing dissent and civil war. These are the weapons of those who care little for you and your lives, having an agenda to reduce the world population. This evil has penetrated deeply within your society and the truth cannot be kept secret for much longer. The end of tyranny and those responsible looms large, and we and our allies are working exceptionally hard to bring a successful conclusion to our intent to bring the truth out.
The difference now and for the period leading up to the present is that we were pressing for an official announcement of Disclosure. We rightly believed that it would carry more weight than if it came from us, and we still prefer that course of action. After all you know we are here with you, and bit by bit paths are opening that are leading to Disclosure which is inevitable in view of the pressure being applied on your Leaders. So we ask that you allow events to occur as they are best revealed in a way that will benefit all people. There obviously comes a point where certain facts have to be brought out, and if some people are unprepared for them it will not be for the want of trying to get them ready. The whole process of enlightenment about us and our presence has been going on for many years, and virtually all of you have grown up through the Space Age and become familiar with it.
As the truth of your reality dawns upon people they will seek answers, and it is where the Lightworkers can excel by explaining what is happening. Even for those already enlightened there are sources of even greater knowledge, and these are emerging now. If you are ready for them, you can be assured that your Guides will arrange that you are in some way led to them. They are as you might say, your unsung heroes seeking no recognition for their service to you. If however you do have an awareness of their presence, they do appreciate an acknowledgment of what they have done for you. In life you have what you call so many coincidences that prove beneficial to you. They are inevitably behind them, and sometimes they involve a matter of life or death. However, we must not forget that your Angels also look after you, and if necessary can perform "miracles" if that is what is required.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that our activities have brought you to a relatively peaceful period in your lives. We intend that it shall continue in that way, and eventually we will take action to ensure that permanent peace is established upon Earth. We wish to remove those aspects of your lives that will have no place in the higher dimensions. That forms part of the cleansing that has already commenced and will get into full swing very soon. All the Galactic Federation of Light needs is co-operation from your authorities so that our work is officially recognized. That could be the first part of Disclosure that will allow us a greater contact with you that we still intend to pursue.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


How the Rockefellers, The FDA & Your Tax Subsidies Have Prevented a Cure for Cancer *video*

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's Billsbest: How the Rockefellers, The FDA & Your Tax Subsidies Have Prevented a Cure for Cancer *video*
Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 13-Aug-2012 00:47:22
For more on how these tax-exempt foundations have corrupted our country with money gifted from us go here.
The Rockefellers, The FDA & The Cancer Industry

Sunday, August 12, 2012



Hello God, I called tonight
To talk a little while
I need a friend who'll listen
To my anxiety and trials.

You see, I can't quite make it
Through a day just on my own...
I need your love to guide me,
So I'll never feel alone.

I want to ask you please to keep,
My family safe and sound.
Come and fill their lives with confidence
For whatever fate they're bound.

Give me faith, dear God, to face
Each hour throughout the day,
And not to worry over things
I can't change in any way.

I thank you God, for being home
And listening to my call,
For giving me such good advice
When I stumble and fall..  !!!!!!!

Your number, God, is the only one
That answers every time.
I never get a busy signal,
Never had to pay a dime.
So thank you, God, for listening
To my troubles and my sorrow.
Good night, God, I love You, too,
And I'll call again tomorrow!
P.S.  Please bless all my friends and family too.

Send this to all your friends and family. Anyone that you love and care about. Let them know God is there for them.

California Court Victim needs help -------- HELP ANYONE!

I spent 430 days falsely incarcerated for two misdemeanors without due process in the state of California. I been having force council against my will. Apposed to be defending me the Public Defender filed a 1370 and I ended up on a state hospital. A few months back I had to bail as no one could help me move the legal strings. Most of what I say is not on the record as every time I bring inconvenient laws & not sign there unconstitutional farreta warning they adjourn court & start over after force council warns that should I not shut up a second 1370 would be filed.

I remained mute this July, 6 though I have warned that I do not consent nor agree. I am having jury trial and what they do is, as soon as I bring up constitutional law or claim common law jurisdiction they kick you out of court and continue without you. Farreta warning strips you out of all your right and you can't even appeal. The court officials are trying to hide they failed to answer counterclaim therefore they defaulted back in July of last year, I got all documents that prove there deliberate disregard to laws..

Countless motions have been sent asking the judge to answer documents as to prevent dishonor & they will not respond even though they are notarized & served by notary public.. They are afraid that I will expose there crime therefore all my appearances are done without witnesses and in close quarters... My friend that help me while in custody got mugged that he feared for his life and as a result he bounced on me. I need lawless America join me this August 15 & 20.

I am willing donate to other criminal court victims if my case gets exposed & we manage to place liens as they defaulted on a counterclaim.. Please help me, I am not insane as to be put on a mental hospital and drugged as they have warned me that will happen... Please contact me at

thank you

Bankster Fraud Has Driven 100 Million Into Poverty, Killing Many

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Bankster Fraud Has Driven 100 Million Into Poverty, Killing Many
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 12-Aug-2012 21:21:51

Source: Zero Hedge
Fraud caused the Great Depression and the current financial crisis, and the economy will never recover until fraud is prosecuted.
Fraud is the business model adopted by the giant banks. See this.
The Obama administration has made it official policy not to prosecute fraud. Indeed, the “watchdogs” in D.C. are so corrupt that they are as easily bribed as a policeman in a third world banana republic.
The mouthpieces in Wall Street and D.C. pretend that financial fraud (like Libor) is a “victimless crime“.
But the World Bank notes that the financial crisis – you know, the one caused by financial fraud – has driven between 64 and 100 million people into destitution.
Some estimate the figure to be much higher. For example, one 2009 study estimated that 140 million people would be driven into poverty in Asia alone.
AP reported in 2009:
The global financial crisis has pushed the ranks of the hungry to a record 1 billion people … United Nations food officials said Friday in Rome.
This is not just a matter of having less money for entertainment or luxury goods. Increased poverty leads to an earlier death.
As the Los Angeles times notes:
Poverty appears to trump smoking, obesity and education as a health burden, potentially causing a loss of 8.2 years of perfect health.
This is not an abstract concept.
A lot of kids will die due to Wall Street fraud:
The global financial crisis sweeping through Wall Street and the European banking sector will touch the lives of the world’s most vulnerable, pushing millions into deeper poverty and leading to the deaths of thousands of children, according to a new United Nations study.
The report highlighted the prospect of an increase of between 200,000 and 400,000 in infant mortality and that child malnutrition, already rising, will be one of the main drivers of higher child death rates.
While developing countries will be hardest hit, increased poverty and hunger are hitting the U.S., Britain and other first world countries are as well. The inability of the newly-poor to pay to heat their homes also kills.
Paul Moore – former Head of Risk at HBOS – says that the financial crisis has resulted in the greatest humanitarian crisis since WWII.
Moore says that we are witnessing a “financial holocaust” brought on by the banksters … with huge numbers of potential deaths in the works unless we fundamentally change the system.

Look To The Skies Tonight At The Olympics

Hello All:
                      Not sure if this is every where or just at the Olympics. They do not say what time it will be either. Although I would think it would be early shortly after dark if it happens every where.
                                       God Bless  Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart   

Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2012 22:52:29 +0000

Subject: [New post] Amuna Ra Message 8-12-12… “Look to the Skies Tonight”
kauilapele posted: " Having just received this message via Luísa Vasconcellos, I read this and feel it is essential to post now. Each may use their Higher Discernment regarding this, as dates have been conveyed before, but no matter what, the disclosure scenario, whatever "

New post on Kauilapele's Blog

Amuna Ra Message 8-12-12… “Look to the Skies Tonight”

Having just received this message via Luísa Vasconcellos, I read this and feel it is essential to post now. Each may use their Higher Discernment regarding this, as dates have been conveyed before, but no matter what, the disclosure scenario, whatever that might be, may still be kept surrounded with the Higher Light, no matter what happens today.
As I understand, the Olympics closing ceremony should be proceeding as I post this.
THE STAR COUNCILS OF LIGHT: Oh Amuna Ra, we are awaiting you to dictate the message of 12 August 2012. We wish you to disseminate this very widely with dear Luisa's [Vasconcellos] help.
Dearest Lightworkers, look to the skies this evening for we wish to show ourselves to you. It may be in an unexpected way for many of you. Remember our words to you in the past days and weeks, and remark the subtle differences in your surroundings. But look to the skies on this night, dear one, and you will notice what we show to you. Be aware of your finer feelings, our channel is experiencing a mounting excitement, though she has no thoughts in her mind. She is full of joy and anticipation of she knows not what. She has not speculated, and has kept herself busy in order not to become too excited. We wish that such an open mind may be more widespread amongst you. We can speak easily through a clear and empty mind, for when we speak it is filled only with our thoughts which are transmitted easily and clearly into words for you to read. We ask dear Amuna Ra, however, to centre herself in the Peace of her Heart as she teaches others to do, so her fingers may not stumble over the keys in her eagerness to write our words… (I did so!)
Now, dear ones, to our announcement for you this glorious evening. Look to the skies over the great Olympic Stadium for we wish to partake in your most famous Games. Look to the skies with open minds, and welcoming hearts, for we wish to approach you, dear ones. We wish you to know us now, and co-operate with us for the future of your dear planet. We wish to share our technological achievements with you to solve many of the pressing problems of your world, and we wish you to work alongside us. We have been very busy behind the scenes clearing the way for this great revelation of our coming, and we wish you to know us on this night.
There will be many reactions to our disclosure of our presence amongst you earth beings, and your calmness and steadiness are much needed to reassure those who may at first feel fear. We need your unconditional love and your unconditional trust, we need you to send your Light and your Love to us in welcome. This forms a shining chalice into which we may descend, and enables our approach to be made easier. Do this for us, dear ones, let the Light of your Love shine out from your hearts in welcome – and look to the skies!
The Star Councils of Light, 12 August 2012, through Amuna Ra
kauilapele | 2012/08/12 at 12:52 | Categories: ascension | URL:

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Johnnie's Support Of Drake And Erasmus

This post is written to go on record in support of Drake and also Erasmus.

Both are true patriots who are connected to the real deal. Their intel conforms with my own.

Just reading the intel postings of both men --- I am honored to have them posting on this blog.

GOD is leading them both.

GOD Bless Them.


John MacHaffie  HIS humble servant


     I am committed to a political agenda. Anyone who engages in major political activities is always committed to a political agenda. Okay, what is my political agenda? It is ultimately much bigger than the political shopping list I will give here, but this gives the political flavor what I am aiming for and committed to. First of all I seriously believe that
America must for real honor God or else this nation will have no real future to it. I do not know why, but God seems to smile on me. Back in 1990, a Seneca Police Officer had been savagely smashed in a car accident and I knew him well and also my wife knew him  as we all attended the same church then. My wife had been the main church organist at this church for a number of years then and I was known as the one who constantly talked in the church that we needed to return to the first recorded teachings and Apostolic Constitution of Christianity as clearly recorded in the first writings of Christianity for 400 years after Christ and the Apostles. I kept putting out national reports defending Christianity from its critics in America. I had those who wrote to me from across America strongly backing what I said and put out. Okay, what happened to the Seneca police officer. He was rushed to the hospital to save his life. The local hospital told the wife of his partner on the police force that he would not live through the day. And if somehow he lived, he would be paralyzed for life. Everything in his body was smashed to pieces. She worked for the local newspaper so called for her husband to find out the truth how bad was the injuries he suffered. As friends of his, we were told of his huge amount of injuries and he was expected to die that day or else be paralyzed for life. My wife organized a circle of church members to pray that he did not die and would somehow be healed by God of these massive deadly injuries. I separately felt the inspiration of the Lord I was supposed to pray for him. Jesus would give me his life if I did and heal him. I prayed for him and apparently a few minutes later he was suddenly healed of everything. The shocked hospital could not believe it when he dressed himself and started walking out of the hospital with no injuries left on him. I announced to my wife with the faith of the centurian Jesus praised as having the greatest faith of anyone in Israel that he was now healed and would live. The dumbfounded chief surgeon who knew L.B. well mumbled to him as he walked out of the hospital, "I don't understand this!" L.B. later came to my store and told me and my wife that he knew that he had been healed by an incredible Miracle of God. Our church was electrified with this Miracle of God. I later understood that Jesus did this Miracle of God to let the American people know that Jesus Christ personally backed me when I later would come out with the proposed Omni Law to restore true freedom to the American people and under Bible economics restore the American people and nation to God-blessed national prosperity. Okay, if Jesus backs me, what Christians refuse their backing to my Omni Law? It restores freedom and prosperity to America and gives America a bright new future instead of pending national destruction under Obama and his secret Communist co-conspirators in Wash., D.C. The enemies of Christ may foam at their mouths in rage that God actually interfered in American politics and showed who God was backing - Obama or me! That is the punch line, like it or not!
     I said the above about my background solely to show where morally I am coming from in personal character. One of the Rothschilds once met with me and tried to recruit me to join the "Secret Government of America" as he called his clique of international bankers who run America and not the American people. He talked too much and I learned secrets of how this "Secret Government of America" works and even the Right Wing does not know all the tricks they pull on the American people to keep them controlled and governed by the international bankers instead of the people ruling America. I think Ronald Reagan broke through their power structure and became President despite their usual control of the American people. He did as best he could against colossal corruption engineered by them in Wash., D.C. and in our news media which is corrupt as all hell and Dr. Goebbels of Nazi Germany would have been very  proud of them if they had worked for him in Nazi Germany instead of America. President Reagan tried to be too honest is why I assume that C.I.A. set up the attempted murder of Pres. Reagan in Wash., D.C. I had gone when living in Wash., D.C. to the  hotel where he was shot at and for security not to be good there smells of an obvious setup to murder him. He did engineer the collapse of the Soviet Union and Soviet Empire which delayed until now the intended takeover of America by the Communists who according to the Gen. Pike plan of I think in 1873 was supposed to occur much earlier than 2012. When I lived in Wash., D.C. a notary public from the White House testified to three of us from my intelligence group how C.I.A. set up the murder of Pres. Kennedy and she figured she would be killed as she overheard at the White House of the 26 witnesses who contacted the F.B.I. to testify that C.I.A. had engineered the murder of Pres. Kennedy and their names were then turned over to C.I.A. who murdered all 26 witnesses with arranged "natural deaths," plane crashes, etc. which is usual as C.I.A. murder tactics. Also, she got heart failure when she walked into the Oval Office and President Lyndon Johnson was talking to the two Rockefeller brothers in New York City who ordered C.I.A. to set up the murder of Pres. Kennedy. She did not know it but a Secret Service agent from the White House had secretly confirmed to my intelligence group that the Secret Service had taped the call of President Johnson to the Rockefellers brothers in New York when he said in usual Texas dialect, "Don't shoot me boys! I am your man!" And Mickey Mouse amateurs claim I was not a deadly ace in military intelligence! You must be living in lulu land of fantastyland if you think I was an amateur in military intelligence. Also, the Naval Doctor at Bethesda Naval Hospital who was at the Pres. Kennedy autopsy was later murdered by C.I.A. in the usual "C.I.A. staged murder to look like a suicide." He had photos showing that Pres. Kennedy was shot from the front and not from the rear which made the whole Warren Report on the assassination of Pres. Kennedy a well organized fraud by American intelligence to give the public the fraudulent story of how Pres. Kennedy was murdered. C.I.A. took the photos from the autopsy from his house after crushing his hand to make him talk where he had hid these photos showing that Wash., D.C. was lying through its teeth  about how Pres. Kennedy was murdered. Before she died, Jackie Kennedy did say that she thought that her husband had been murdered by a secret Washington conspiracy. I and my intelligence group received several threats not to investigate the Pres. Kennedy assassination or we would be destroyed by special elements in Wash., D.C. We were known to be honest, smart, and deadly in military intelligence affairs. Lee Harvey Oswald was honest when he said he was a "Patsy" and shot before he could tell how he and Jack Ruby had jointly been recruited by C.I.A. as part of the planted story engineered by C.I.A. that the Washington elite were confident that the gullible, naive American public would believe if Washington insiders told them that this was the true story how Pres. Kennedy was assassinated. A hit man from the Mafia told my intelligence group how the Mafia had obtained photos of J. Edgar Hoover in homosexual affairs and then paid him off to cover for the Mafia by tipping him off on rigged horse races what horses to bet on and J. Edgar. Hoover made heavy money this way. C.I.A. later obtained these Mafia photos on J. Edgar Hoover and blackmailed J. Edgar Hoover with these so he would use the F.B.I. to sabotage their investigation into the murder of Pres. Kennedy and put out the phony C.I.A. story how Pres. Kennedy was shot. The F.B.I. also turned over to C.I.A. the names of the 26 witnesses who trusted the F.B.I. and told them how C.I.A. murdered Pres. Kennedy. The C.I.A. then murdered these 26 witnesses fingered by the F.B.I. as informants against C.I.A. Gerald Ford for services rendered on the Warren Commission Report was later made Pres. of America. The notary public from the White House was later rewarded for having heard too much at the White House by disappearing from Wash., D.C. and disappeared forever afterwards into the afterlife apparently sent her by C.I.A. Okay, critics, do you still think I am a Mickey Mouse amateur in military intelligence. I was never connected with C.I.A. and the Joint Chiefs of Staff asked me to do independent military intelligence work for the national security of America and I was actually dumb enough to be a patriot and be honest in military intelligence which Wash., D.C. intensely frowns upon honesty instead of dishonesty when serving the national interests of America.
     This Rothschild  met with me after his front a Lt. Col. of the U.S. Air Force asked me to meet with his principal that this colonel was the front for. He said to me that he checked me out through the U.S. Justice Dept. before deciding to meet with me. He said the U.S. Justice Dept. said I was a real maverick in military intelligence, but very good at it. And if I once said I had the answer, then you could be sure I had the answer I said I did. After hearing that, this Rothschild decided to meet with me instead of attending the birthday party for his daughter scheduled at the same time. 
     Okay, to counter the usual psychological warfare con on the gullible, naive American people as your enemies in government think the American people are, a plumber in business for 20 years at the same location will have on his business card the number of years doing this work to show you that he is qualified to do plumbing services for you. The painter will tell you on his business card how many years he has been doing painting. The carpenter the same or any other independent contractor doing services for the public. This is not conceit or arrogance on their part, just letting you know that they are professionals in their field so you will want to use them in the field they are professional in. I am identical. I am just listing some proof that I have the professional skills you the American people need to solve some serious national problems you have. Now you have to also understand that much of military intelligence is not just going after military secrets of other nations though that is important also. As the very shrewdly produced "The KGB Connections" on dvd shows by interviews with former spy heads, etc. for the KGB through around 1980, the main function of the KGB worldwide was not spying on foreign military secrets though that was  important also. Their main function was to politically subvert the Western nations and governments and America was their main target. While still alive, Gus Hall, head of the Communist Party in America, gave away to Communists varous hints that although Communism had lost national power in the former Soviet Union, the KGB setup in America was still intact. It would win national power in America, then Communist America would win Russia back to Communism. My national reports just flushed out the still intact KGB political organization in America. When "Comrade" Girty, secret head of the Soviet spy ring in America, got flushed out by my Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse, we found out about the 100 top Communist leaders in America called in Communist codename as "The 100 Columns." This included around 30 leaders inside government including 6 members of the U.S. Congress, 5 of whom were apparent homosexuals. Comrade Henderson was head of the 920 Communist recruited homosexuals of Wash., D.C. who were the secret murder squad of the Communists. When they won national power, they were to kill off all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon, Director of F.B.I., Director of C.I.A. (the Communists themselves did not trust traitors in Wash., D.C. willing to betray their own nation), almost all members of Congress were to be murdered by them, and the list goes on and on. We got the testimony of Comrade Henderson on the Washington murder list by using one of our homosexuals in our military intelligence operation who was still a very loyal American and told us how he had been repeatedly raped by his father when a small boy and this turned him into a homosexual. He did not approve of this life style, but could not shake it off. But he was a loyal American as well as the one other homosexual we had in our intelligence group. Not all homosexuals are disloyal Americans. The problem was through sex, too many of them were easily recruited to become Communists or the planned future murder squad to kill off most Wash., officials and all federal employees who would not submit to their authority once they won or seized national power in America. Later, in 1973, through C.I.A., as one of the recruiters for the C.I.A. underground army told me thinking I was a highly skilled military pro for them, they had successfully recruited over 100,000 student radicals, ex-felons and professional soldiers of fortune to seize and hold control of America once C.I.A. seized national power over Wash., D.C. I found out their security system and sunk their plan to seize control of America. I guess I suffered maybe 16 quick in order federal murder attempts after I blew the cover for the intended C.I.A. seizure of power over America. A medical doctor whose uncle was a top C.I.A. official confessed on his deathbed that he was one of the C.I.A. officials who had planned the assassination of Pres. Kennedy. I still have somewhere in my files the signed legal statement from this doctor from Wash., D.C. on C.I.A. murdering Pres. Kennedy and later had the "Phoenix Project" which was the C.I.A. codename for the planned C.I.A. military coup in America. I stopped the intended C.I.A. military takeover of America and this enraged C.I.A. which tried all these murder attempts on me for blocking their intended military takeover. They had promised C.I.A. traitors with a paradise of sexual pleasure in America, all the drugs they wanted, great wealth stolen from the American people, and all sorts of other bribes to all the corrupt in C.I.A. Although I was told by a secret committee of 50 in Wash., D.C. opposing the C.I.A. that they rated me the deadliest critic of C.I.A. in America,I still think some in C.I.A. are still honest and patriots and maybe do not know of the corrupt branches of C.I.A. I understand it was the Asian Dept. of C.I.A. which planned the assassination of Pres. Kennedy. Two intelligence personnel from U.S. Army Intelligence and U.S. Naval Intelligence testified to my intelligence group of reading the super secret C.I.A. report where they proudly boasted of having murdered Pres., Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King,, and Robert Kennedy "for political control over America" by C.I.A.  The next time any intelligence operatives try to challenge whether I am good at military intelligence or not, I may release 50 top scandals of Wash., D.C. and bring down the entire government in collapse of national confidence in Wash., D.C. Learn your lesson. Not smart to try and smear me in military intelligence. Next time I may tell all the secret federal programs for population control in America and many of these tactics are outlawed as mass murder under U.S. law and under the Genocide Treaty Pres. Ronald Reagan signed. I would suggest at this time that C.I.A. cannot be trusted to be loyal to America as an intelligence agency. I suggest the C.I.A. be disbanded nationally and any good branches of intelligence in it be transferred to branches of Pentagon intelligence such as U.S. Naval Intelligence, etc. Even C.I.A. does not know this, but I know where the secret C.I.A. files exist listing what C.I.A. personnel were used to assassinate Pres. Kennedy. I am good at cracking the security of enemies of America!
      Only by passage of the Omni Law (the Omnibus Civil Rights Act for America)  can this large nest of traitors in Wash., D.C. be cleaned out. It is time to shovel the manure out of Wash., D.C. and make Wash., D.C. a clean stables again for the American people. As one of the U.S. Army Intelligence officers from World War II used to comment, "Washington, D.C. views the American people as mushrooms. You keep them in the dark and feed them lots of bullshit!"
      Once the Omni Law is passed, we can submit to national referendum our master plan for the giant rebirth of free enterprise and skyrocket the economy of America. The people decide if they like what we propose for the nation or not. I was referred to by one of the most prestigious international organizations as "The Einstein of American Economics." You want a pro or colossal amateur and deadly Communist amateur as Obama is dumb enough to believe that Communism is the economic answer for the world to help you set up smart programs to create a giant rebirth of the American economy. Under the Omni Law I will have a good list of smart to brilliant free enterprise economists with me to suggest our united economic plan for the fast restart of the American economy and then giant super growth of the American economy. I am a strong team player and I want general consensus of all or almost all to any plan before we propose it to you under the Omni Law authority. I am no fool in national economics myself but I want to only propose what makes good common sense to our team of top economists in America. As the Bible teaches, "There is wisdom in the counsel of many!"  
      Whenever I deal with intelligent to brillaint people and need the right man for any important job, I ask who judges they think they can do this job right, check out if they show the brains to do the job right or not, and I strongly believe in appointing the right man (or woman) for the right job to be done. I trust no person who has no self-confidence in their ability in some field. If they don't have any faith in themselves as they know themselves far better than me, I trust their mistrust of themself and so will not appoint them to that important position to be used to solve the problems of America. I am good in national economics and I know it. I have no monopoly on brains but the smart among the economists always respect and trust me strongly after talking with me. Not I, but WE understand the problem jointly and see the right or best answers JOINTLY! If I don't make sense to others, then time to shut up and see who has the right or best answer for a key problem we have. As my mother said many years ago and I think a brilliant comment on national leadership, "A good leader is a good evaluator!"
      If a gal tells me she bakes the best apple pie in America, I am glad to be the guinea pig to eat her pie and see if she is as good as she claims. If she is that good, I will with pleasure endorse her to the whole nation. If she fails and bakes a mediocre pie, then I feel sorry for her as she is engaged in self-deption. Well, folks, taste my economic pie and see if it is as good as I claim I can bake for you in national economics. If you like my economic pie and it satisfies your taste in national economics, then praise me if you like me. If you think my economic pie stinks in taste meaning national results, then don't buy my economic pie again and try some other cook you think can bake you a better economic pie for America!
     I want to make public my list of 25 economic teachings in the Bible that has skyrocketed national economies when used correctly and will help skyrocket the American economy also once used. But when the enemies of Christianity are so vocal to state their attacks on Christian teachings and Christians so weak and apathetic to support Christian leaders when God finally sends them a leader who can win for Jesus and the Bible, I cannot weaken my political drive by showing all the Bible teachings in national economics that have already worked in history. Your weakness as Christians forces me to serve only milk and not meat as Jesus called it in Christian economic teachings. When the Christians show me they have now the manhood to stand up now for Christ and the Bible, then I can release all the key economic teachings of Jesus and the Bible and not give the enemies angles to try and smear the teachings of Jesus and the Bible that have already worked.I have publicized the national character of the ancient Roman people because they made the greatest Christians ever seen in history as descendants of the Tribe of Dan. Some of the Danites moved from Israel and founded the ancient City of Troy. And some moved to Greece as Sparta admitted to the Temple at Jerusalem when they found the ancient records on this. The Romans proudly boasted they descended from the Trojan Race. And the Trojan Race descended from the Tribe of Dan. Their armor and that of Greece were very Danite in design and origin. This fulfills the ancient prophecy of Genesis that the Tribe of Dan would rule over his brethren Tribes of Israel. The Romans as descendants of Dan fulflled this prophecy of Genesis. I find all the prophecies are always with extreme accuracy. It is just the sloppy Christian scholars who fail to check history enough and find out how all the prophecies of the Bible so far have been accurately fulfilled in history. By the way, the Genesis prophecy on the Jews of the Tribe of Judah is that they would put their foot to the throat of their enemies which is quite true. You don't put down the Jews for long! They will end up on top when enemies want to wipe out the Jews. And the Jews have enough nucler weapons to easily wipe out the whole Middle East many times over. Not smart to push the Jews too hard in the Middle East. When in Israel many years ago, Israeli Intelligence surprised me by meeting with me and told me they would have given me honor guards at their military bases if I had let them know I was coming to Israel. And they offered me a starting rank of colonel with the Israeli Army if I would join with them. They also shared with me all their nuclear plans how to totally wipe out all Muslim nations in the Middle East wanting to start a war with Israel or wipe out the Jews in the Middle East. My advice to Muslim nations in the Middle East. Better cool it with all your plans of "holy war" to wipe out all the Jews. If you push them too far, Islam may collapse in the world when the Jews wipe out all the Muslims in the Middle East. Peace is far better wisdom in the Middle East than fanatical wars of religion by crackpot fanatics in the Muslim faith.
      Read my proposed Omni Law to be passed by the American people in 2012. This is equivalent to the Magna Carta of England in guaranteeing the rights of the English people or the U.S. Bill of Rights to protect the legal rights of Americans against tyranny in law from Wash., D.C. This breaks the Communist conspiracy of Obama to wipe out the Middle Class in America, bankrupt the American economy shortly after his second term in office, and by collapse of the American economy force the American people to accept a Communist economy and government over America. I have spied like the Wrath of God on Obama and that boy is the most evil leader America has eve had in power. He is a fanatical Muslim, a fanatical Communist,and he is bought and paid for by the secret Satanist society of the Illuminati who want to make Lucifer(Satan) "god" of America and the world. I understand their latest figures are to kill off all humans on earth except for 500 million to be allowed to live after Obama gives the Illuminati world power with his planned one world government.
      Read my proposed Omni Law on Nesara News. Look up their search engine box on the top of the archive listing on the left side. Write in Omni Law and read it. Or write in Erasmus of America and read a number of reports Nesara News has posted coming from me. Or send direct a request for a copy of the Omni Law from This also puts you on our list to be eligible to later move to our Camelot Project after we build it and will probably be the nicest place to live at on the face of the earth. Also, we build it and we will likely offer even millions of new jobs for workers and for leaders in industries and other projects of ours. We have a powerful answer how to solve the droughts of America,but first let's build this Camelot Project which is the cornerstone of my plan to establish a huge new industrial base to America. And financial backing for passage of the Omni Law is always welcome! Send any checks, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. We pass the Omni Law and we expect to easily repay back all money sent to us to help pass the Omni Law. And if you read our reports, see how we might shock you with giant additional money because you supported us when it counted.
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name briefly. It rattles the enemies of Christianity that I use this pen name briefly for now. When I show the real reason why I played the name game, the public will approve and think very smart! But can't let the cat out of the bag too so