Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Quickening

The Quickening

Messenger Victoria M. Reynolds

A message from The Elohim of Freedom

August 16, 2011

“You as humanity are entering the Golden Age, a time of peace and plentitude. Note that this truly miraculous transition cannot take place without some pain as all transitions are painful. There are those who believe the ascension will happen in an instant, a quickening. And in the mind of the universe it happens in a flash. On earth it is a process of moving from what was into what will be. It is not unlike the metamorphosis of the butterfly as all that is old must completely breakdown and fall away before the new can manifest. There is a bright and beautiful future for humanity. The angels are rejoicing that so many of you have woken up to your work and purpose as the protective cocoon for humanity as the breakdown and transition occur. Holding your people in the energy of love and light will allow this transition to occur smoothly and with lessened pain. The melting away of the old way in all things has begun. As you watch governments crumble, churches fail, criminal business default and fear based enterprises fall apart, know that this is part of the process. This is the melting away as truth prevails. This is all necessary for your individual and collective freedom. You have earned this. You have proven ready in your collective evolution. The breakdown has already begun and the truth coming into the light. You see it in the eye opening cases of abuse in religion. You see it in the unconcealed greed of your banking organizations. You see it in the deception of your governments. The technology that was created to control the people has backfired and become a tool for the people to find the truth and create their collective freedom. You are at the forefront of a mass extinction of an old way of being and heralding in a mass evolution. The Age of Aquarius is the bringing forth of the of the Divine Feminine as she rises from the waters and depths of the earth. The upheaval of the Mother Earth as she herself transforms into greater potential will cause pain for those who do not love her. Love her as any child loves its mother. Respect her and understand the transition she is facing. She is giving birth to a new way of being and you are all ascending together as one. Those who are unwilling to accept the new way or fight against it will be lost. You are coming into a time of sustainability, prosperity and global community. It is a time of sharing of all the goods and services for the betterment and behalf of the whole. A return to labor of love not held captive by fear and greed."

Victoria - The Elohim of Freedom
Channelled by Victoria M. Reynolds 8/2/11



Message from the Pleiadians

Message from the Pleiadians

Messenger Greg Giles


Time is over for now. Slip thine garnishments away; they are no longer called for in your duty. You have embarked on a journey through the halls of duality, but these passageways are no longer required for you. Wings of glory beckon you to soar high into the skies. Leaving behind you now are the lessons learned that have made you the learned soul you are today. Cherish these forays into the lower dimensions as a child would cherish summers swimming in the local pond or playing in the fields with friends. Your journey is to start anew with excitement and surprises waiting around every corner. Be as excited as a child, for you are in the eyes of the creator. You are His children, you are loved, protected, and nurtured, and all your experiences throughout His wonderful garden have been for your education and upliftment. Ready yourself now for the most grand of voyages into new lands that suit your new areas of learning and growth. Enjoy these last few days of summer, a new season beckons you to begin a new journey boundless by its limitations for you. You have learned much. Pack up your school books now and board the last buses home. Your family awaits with open arms and hearts. We are your Star Family. See you soon.




The Rumor Mill News Reading Room


Posted By: ipia
Date: Wednesday, 17-Aug-2011 10:31:35

Rick Perry has recently spoken of treasonous acts of Bernanke and others. This is certain validation of the phrase "it takes one to know one." Many Texans are painfully aware of the many treasonous actions of Rick Perry. Whether it is the selling of state assests to corporate and foreign insiders, the ongoing effort to establish the Chinese-Mexican Trans Texas Corridor and toll roads, the theft of tax revenues of the state of Texas, or the attempt to have every girl in Texas vaccinated by one of his favorite vaccine companies, Perry has kept the interests of his fellow Bilderbergers ahead of the welfare of Texans for over 20 years.

Perry's initial work for global warming with Al Gore is being allowed to be discussed in the press in order to hide a greater treason. Karl Rove recruited him to run as Texas Commissioner of Agriculture in order to defeat Jim Hightower, who had instituted the Texas organic farmers certification program. At the time this was the most rigorous program in the nation and it later became the model for the present USDA program. Had the Texas program continued, organic agriculture would have become dominant in Texas and Genetically Modified crops would have been labelled in the supermarket, which would have been the kiss of death. The agrideath corporations were in extreme panic and desperately sought out someone who would be a useful idiot to become Commissioner of Agriculture, hopefully cancelling the Texas organic program. Using Rove's techniques Perry was elected and Hightower was thrown out.

If Hightower would have had another term of office then it is likely Genetically Modified crops would not have been grown or sold in Texas. The onging crime of placing deadly GMO food on America's dinnertable was greatly aided by Rick Perry.


A woman of extraordinary courage and vision is under attack

Dear Fellow Conservative,

A woman of extraordinary courage and vision is under attack.

Pamela Geller, who was awarded last year by the Freedom Center for her courage in the war against tyranny, is the target of a $10 million intimidation lawsuit designed to silence, once and for all, one of America's most vibrant voices speaking out in defense of the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of all people.

And it's all because she rushed to the defense of a young girl in fear for her life.

In July 2009, a seventeen-year-old girl named Rifqa Bary ran away from her home in Ohio, saying that her father threatened to kill her upon discovering that she had converted from Islam to Christianity. There followed a bitter custody battle: Rifqa fought hard to stay out of her parents' home while the Islamic supremacists such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) did all they could to force her to go back. Due in large part to Pamela Geller's efforts, the Islamic supremacists lost, and Rifqa remained free and able to exercise her freedom of conscience. But now the losers are determined to exact revenge upon the freedom fighter who protected Rifqa from harm.

Omar Tarazi, the lawyer for the parents of Rifqa Bary, is suing Pamela for ten million dollars for libel, for things she wrote in good faith about the case at her acclaimed and award-winning blog The great lawyer David Yerushalmi is representing Pamela Geller in this frivolous lawsuit, and he is generously donating his time and expertise pro bono. Nonetheless, Pamela's ancillary legal expenses relating to this suit are spiraling. The Freedom Center has offered to help raise the funds needed for her legal defense. That means we need to raise a minimum of $30,000 in the next 48 hours to cover the first set of legal fees. Will you help us?

Please follow this link right away to make a generous tax-deductible contribution to the Freedom Center Legal Defense Fund, so we can continue to support Pamela.

The Left and its Islamic supremacist allies are waging a full-throttle campaign against the freedom of speech. This campaign takes many forms: obscene and unfounded charges of "Islamophobia" and "hate speech," demonization and character assassination in the mainstream media, and — in this case — legal intimidation. The objective is always the same: to silence activists like Pamela Geller who dare to tell the truth about the Islamic threat to the West. This push will only become stronger now in the aftermath of the tragedy in Norway, for which Pamela has been unfairly blamed. In the eyes of the Left and the Islamic supremacists, Pamela has committed Orwellian "thought crime," and for that she must be punished.

But Pamela Geller will not be deterred. She is publishing a new book for grassroots activists, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. She is traveling to Israel in August to dedicate the Aqsa Parvez Memorial Grove for victims of honor killing — the first-ever recognition by anyone in the West that this practice is wrong and that freedom-lovers intend to resist it. She is also planning another rally for freedom at Ground Zero this September 11, after holding two rallies there attended by tens of thousands last year. She will continue to fight for justice and human rights in the court of public opinion and in the actual courtroom where this outrageous lawfare attack is being mounted.

The Freedom Center will not allow the Left and the Islamic supremacists to stigmatize truth-tellers like Pamela as "Islamophobes." That's why I'm asking you to help us build up our legal defense fund for the witch-hunt against Pamela Geller. So will you stand with the Freedom Center to support Pamela by making an immediate donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to our legal defense fund?

If the Left and its Islamic allies succeed in silencing this heroic advocate for freedom, they will have won a tremendous victory in their ongoing campaign to outlaw all criticism of Islam, and thereby render us mute and defenseless in the face of the advancing jihad.

They must not succeed. And with your support, they will not.


David Horowitz
President & Founder

P.S. The Freedom Center's Legal Defense Fund is footing Pamela Geller's legal fees, and I urgently need your help to raise $30,000 in the next 48 hours to cover the first bill. Will you help us out by making an immediate tax-deductible contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more?

Things Are Not As They Seem.....

This one speaks for itself!

Things Are Not As They Seem.....

I don't often send out things beyond the realm of economics, but I'm making an exception for this obvious fraud perpetrated by Fox News (and I admit it is my usually-preferred news station if I must watch MSM). Please be sure to read down to the end. There's something big Americans need to realize....RIGHT NOW:
Breaking: Fox News ignores and pulls post-debate poll that Ron Paul WINS

Posted on August 12, 2011
*Taken from Wake Up 1776 .
The Fox News commentator tells everyone who just got done watching the Republican Presidential debate in Iowa to go on and vote. So then Hannity comes on and brings his hired propagandist Frank Luntz and then interviews several candidates except Ron Paul. I don't even remember Hannity showing a video clip of Ron Paul during the entire show.
The announcement of the poll results was supposed to be done during the hour long Hannity post-debate show. The entire show was a propaganda piece saying nice things about everyone but Ron Paul.
Well, it turns out Ron Paul won the poll handily. He won it by several thousand votes. Here is a screenshot and a breakdown of the poll results shortly after 12 am ET (after Hannity's show concluded).

1st Place: Paul with 7,796 votes
2nd Place: Gingrich with 4,751 votes
3rd Place: Cain with 2,425 votes
4th Place: Romney (the supposed front-runner) with 1,870 votes
5th Place: Bachmann (the other so-called front-runner) with 1,818 votes
6th Place: Santorum with 835 votes
7th Place: Huntsman with 303 votes
Last Place: Pawlenty with 250 votes
Here is a state breakdown of the poll. Ron Paul takes almost every state in the union except Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, Georgia, and Mississippi.

Shortly after Hannity's show, Fox News pulled the poll off their website:

It was somewhere in the yellow area before it was pulled down.
So what does this mean? This means that Ron Paul got over 7,000 votes in less than an hour from all 50 states from an audience that is mostly conservative that watched Fox News. It also shows that he almost doubled the 2nd place contender's votes. It also shows he won Iowa - the main purpose for the Iowa debate and an early primary state. It shows that Fox News is scared and that Frank Luntz is a liar. It shows that Ron Paul has a real good shot at winning this election.
THE MORAL OF THE STORY: If you think this hasn't been done before with other candidates, you'd be mistaken. Our perception is being manipulated, which has a severe consequence at the polls. By giving the perception that Romney is the 'favorite' to win, people make a choice not to 'throw their vote away' and vote for the advertised 'frontrunner.' In reality, I have not met a TRUE conservative that supports Romney. Actually, point in fact, I haven't met anyone who is a true conservative that doesn't think that Romney is a disgusting, lying snake. But how many votes will he get if people are made to believe he's the 'only one who can win?' Think about it. How many presidents have been elected this way? Do you need to ask why we keep repeatedly ending up with filth in office; with people who betray their constituents and their country? If I had a dime for every person I have talked to that said, "I really believe in Ron Paul and what he says, but he just can't win." I'd be independently wealthy. Well, this just proved all those people dead wrong - and by a wide margin. You also might want to ask yourself, exactly who is behind this manipulation of people's perception of Romney and what is in it for them.

How about for once people vote their conscience and not who the government-controlled media pushed us to vote for? Stop being sheeple. Your country's very survival depends upon it.

“The Constitution is not an instrument
for the government to restrain the people;
it is an instrument for the people to restrain
the government - lest it come to dominate
our lives and interests”.
-- Patrick Henry

White Hat Report #28 - Message to Washington, D.C. ~ GET THE HELL OUT!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

- White Hat Report #28 - Message to Washington, D.C. ~ GET THE HELL OUT!

Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 17-Aug-2011 07:07:31

August 16, 2011 - WHITE HATS REPORT #28

THE TROPOS AFFAIR: The Theft & Demise of America

For many months The White Hats have been reporting on numerous aspects of how America has been ripped off by its former and current leaders. Readers have been informed of how it has occurred and how it continues to occur … in some cases, in real time as it is happening.

With each and every report we are slowly starting to reach more of a readership worldwide. Our reports are being taken very seriously and the tough questions are starting to be asked of our current leaders on all levels from “the inside”. In many cases, most of us have been directly lied to in a way that took us off the track temporarily ... for us the process is complex to take the perpetrators down. What isn’t complex is what our fellow Americans and numerous others in the world are asking. It’s not a complex question and the answer is really very simple:


What the people of the World should know is that everything on earth is completed by the hand of a person, a “fingerprint” that is traceable to the originator. In our case, not only do we have the originators of the concept but the actual thieves, the leaders condoning and underwriting the theft, the bankers and the offenders at the Federal Reserve and other related agencies. We also have the people that have profited from the theft of the money AND to this day controlling the enterprise. More simply put, we have FOLLOWED THE MONEY to many interesting and unbelievable places!

One of the situations we have reported on is Tropos. Tropos and their lawyers, having a combined superior understanding of the banking industry with all of the rules set up by the very people that have stolen the funds, have the answers. Tropos, and others associated with them, have documented their position thoroughly with additional correspondence to the following individuals:

* George W. Bush, President of the United States of America Dated: 05/11/2006

* Mr. Richard K. Delmar, Counsel to the Inspector General, Unites States Treasury Dated: 08/05/2007

* George W. Bush, President of the United States of America Dated: 07/17/2006

* Henry M. Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, United States of America Dated: 07/08/2006

* Henry M. Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, United States of America Dated: 07/17/2006

* George W. Bush, President of the United States of America Dated: 09/12/2006

After the elections, a proposal to resolve this matter was provided to Mr. Tony Podesta (brother of Mr. John Podesta, who headed the Obama-Biden transition team). There was a flurry of action and a true desire to resolve this matter, but the parties were advised they would have to wait until the new Obama administration was fully seated and a new Administration was in control.

Vice President Joseph Biden was requested to handle the affair by Obama and significant named private parties. He made promises. Then, he was paid off and he went silent. He accepted money placed in foreign offshore bank accounts for his sole financial benefit to ignore and keep quiet on the Tropos matter. Let’s understand that this is the second most important leader in the free world elected to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Now, he is involved with a conspiracy by his participation in the cover up. Is this Treason … not so humorously, not one agency in the United States is willing to confront the issue even with all of the files we maintain. The same goes for Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner. Geithner is the very person who personally directed the theft of the funds as the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Read more:

Message from SaLuSa, August 17, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

Message from SaLuSa, August 17, 2011 by Mike Quinsey

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 17-Aug-2011 06:46:16

SaLuSa, August 17, 2011

There is nothing that you cannot achieve with your collective consciousness. However it must be directed and focused on your intent, if it is to be manifested through your creative power. Currently you are raising your levels in seeking an end to the old systems of control. That is helping speed up the changes, and the energy for change cannot be denied. It means that you have taken a positive approach and risen above the fear laden prophecies that are being made about your future. There are a number of reasons that lead people to fearful conclusions, and deliberate disinformation is by far the more prevalent. The present campaign is directed against First Contact by inferring we come as conquerors and destroyers. With a logical approach it would become clear that if we were, we could have taken you over many years ago when you would have been unable to offer resistance. Instead your history will correctly show that we of the Galactic Federation, have on many occasions offered to bring peace to the world, and that it has been turned down by your leaders. We cannot speak for other visitors to Earth, but we do know that some have harbored thoughts of taking over your world.

The Galactic Federation is comprised of civilizations of ascended Beings carrying the status of Masters. They are spiritually evolved and their energy is of Love and Light, with the intent of spreading it far and wide. We act on the Divine orders that direct our activities, and we are committed to helping civilizations such as yours. You can understand your position at this time, and know that you are on the verge of a momentous leap in your evolution. We are here to travel with you, and even beyond as you make your way through the next level of dimensions. Nothing will be allowed to interfere with your progress, and it is our responsibility to ensure you safely achieve Ascension.

Our advice to you is to ignore any suggestion of an attempt to take over your world, as it will not happen. Also be assured that we are fully aware of the plan of the dark Ones to stage a false attack, and we will make sure that it fails. That much authority is given to us, and it would have been prevented even if a real attack was intended. Our fleets number thousands upon thousands of craft and we would not stand by and allow your precious Earth to be violated. It is not in the plan for the end-times, as you have earnt the right to ascend and your freewill choice will be honored. The dark Ones can only go so far where you karma is concerned, before we stop them in their tracks. That is easy enough for us with our advanced technology, and not a drop of blood would be shed. You will not have to put up with the activities of the dark Ones much longer, as their days are numbered.

Our allies are gaining more confidence in confronting those who are against Ascension and would stop its progress. The power is now with them and their demands for an end to covert actions are soon to bear fruit. The issue may have to be forced through, and they are fully prepared for all situations. Our allies are now to be found in every country, and it is an organization that now wields immense power. Both Disclosure and First Contact are being pushed forward to achieve the final thrust that will bring them into being. Be assured that we are doing all we can to cross that last bridge that will bring victory.

You may have noted that you have not been beset with catastrophes of a physical nature, in spite of the ancient prophecies for this period of time. We have been able to control such issues, but certain Earth changes will have to take place as part of the cleansing. Whatever happens know that we are working behind the scenes to keep damage and death to a minimum, and we will do all we can to warn you in advance of any major event. However, where your waterways and seas have been polluted, cleansing is a relatively easy task for us and will be completed in next to no time. It is your land pollution that presents more of a problem, but even so it is well within our capabilities. Whatever inconvenience you have to experience, it will be short lived and we will use our vast knowledge of your needs to ensure you are looked after.

Dear Ones, the restless Earth and the restless population are feeling the changing energies, and they are unsettling. However, they will settle down as the lower energies are gradually transmuted, and you will find that you draw the calming higher energies to yourselves. You will effectively lift yourselves out of the lower ones, and there is no reason why they should ever again be attracted by you. Behind all that is happening the Law of Attraction is at work, and why you are now well past the time of continually attracting them. In fact, there has never been a better opportunity to raise up your vibrations. From outside of your Earth the higher energies continue to bathe it in Light, and many of you are sufficiently evolved to draw them into yourselves. We see that as a wonderful achievement, and such individual souls are acting as beacons of Light for others.

From the rioting and other acts of defiance against the authorities, you are seeing how unsettling the changing times can be. There is a sense of knowing that the fabric of society is collapsing, but very few understand that it must happen if you are to go forward. The future therefore looks bleak, whereas it is full of promise that will establish a new society that will be reflect the Love and Light growing upon Earth. You are the Children Of God, so how else could it be as you are fully capable of bringing your real self that is your Godself into being. You are not your body but a glorious Being of Light seeking the pathway back to the higher realms, your true home.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and come to give assurances that you are so loved and part of the great family of Light that awaits your return. Very few of you are privileged to know your true background, and where you came from to take part in duality. That will change before long, and many of you will have the chance to meet those who wait for a family reunion with you. You have come from many different civilizations, to give of your own particular skills and knowledge to uplift those lost souls upon Earth. Your journey is all but over, and the celebrations are about to begin.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

Nothing Will Remain the Same

P. O. Box 499
Silverthorne, Colorado 80498

Nothing Will Remain the Same

August 15, 2011

Believe on Me. Place your belief in Me. Hold fast to nothing else, for in the shaking all will crumble and fall. Institutions you trusted will be no more. Nothing will remain the same, so look to Me and live in Me. You will live well.

Nothing else matters now. Invest in Me and you will reap riches of eternal value. Time spent with Me will return growth that abounds. "Make hay while the sun shines." In other words, use this time of intense grace to seek Me, seek My heart, in order to live wisely and well. You will be rewarded and not disappointed.

Victory and Vindication

August 5, 2011

I AM with you. I go before you. I am your rear guard. I protect and watch over you as you face innumerable odds, as David did in battle, as Joshua did in battle. For the battle ensues. The time of victory is come, and the Lord your God, the Captain of the Host, goes before you to fight for you and to vindicate you as My faithful, tested and purified people.

What will I not do for you in this hour? Expect victory. Believe for victory, for I AM your Victory, says the Lord, the Lord of Hosts, who is your Jesus.

A Momentous Time in the Kingdom

July 29, 2011

Go into the world in peace. Rejoice, for I have it all in hand. Be assured, oh, be convinced, that I AM God. I will never falter or fail you.
Now go forward on the paths I have directed you to, for obedience is like gold to Me, a great treasure. Obey Me, obey My word, and thus demonstrate your love for Me.
I am calling you, My people, to a momentous time in the history of the kingdom. We will talk about this time for all eternity. Turn away from frivolity and all distractions now and turn entirely to Me.
Great things are poised to happen. Get into position, that is, absolute right standing with me, that you may participate fully in what is coming, the time when God makes Himself real to the earth. Amen.

Johnnie's Testimony to his Fireman Father

I wrote this commentary above the FIREMAN posting so not to take away from that beautiful tear jerking "True Story"

My deceased Pop was Lt. Jack MacHaffie who served 30 years with the New York City Fire Department. He was a Blessing to our world, saved and comforted hundreds of lives in that crazy place called the Bronx.

I remembered the tears when you lost fellow fireman in the fires. But you all stood together doing a heroic job.

The "True Story" below showed the heart of the 'honorable' profession of Fireman.

And I can attest to this by watching my father's career of mercy to mankind.

GOD Bless all Fire Men & Ladies,

Pop, Lt. Jack MacHaffie - Miss You & Mom, June - Love Ya!

John MacHaffie - your proud son

You are not going to believe this because I sure don't! I went to the gym and saw a big strong but elderly man working out with a NYC Bronx Fireman's t shirt on. Here in Florida --- curious I went over and chatted with him. Bob C worked with my dad - Engine 46 in the Bronx. We swapped stories and I was stunned. He was born the same year as myself and about 5 miles in the Bronx. Now what are the odds of this happening? WOW!

Thank You Pop

Thank You LORD!

FIREMAN and a Child's dying wish!

Tell me this one doesn't put life in perspective.

In Phoenix , Arizona , a
26-year-old mother stared down at her 6 year old son, who was
Dying of terminal leukemia.

Although her heart was filled with sadness, she also had a
Strong feeling of

Like any parent, she wanted her son to grow up and fulfill all
his dreams. Now that was no longer possible.

The leukemia would see to that. But she still wanted her son's
dream to come true.

She took her son's hand and asked,

'Billy, did you ever think about what you wanted
to be once you grew up ?

Did you ever dream and wish what you would do with your life ?'

Mommy, 'I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up.'

Mom smiled back and said, 'Let's see if we can make your wish
come true.'

Later that day she went to her local fire Department in Phoenix , Arizona
, where she met
Bob, who had a heart as big as Phoenix .

She explained her son's final wish and asked if it might be
possible to give her 6 year-old son a ride around the block on a fire engine.

Fireman Bob said, 'Look, we can do better than that. If you'll
have your son ready at seven o'clock Wednesday morning, we'll
him an honorary Fireman for the whole day. He can come down to the fire station, eat with us, go out on all the fire calls, the whole nine yards !

And if you'll give us his sizes, we'll get a real fire uniform
for him, with a real fire hat - not a toy
one with the emblem of the
Phoenix Fire Department on it, a yellow slicker like we wear
and rubber boots.'

'They're all manufactured right here in Phoenix , so we can get them fast.'

Three days later Fireman Bob picked up Billy,

dressed him in his uniform and escorted him from his hospital
bed to the waiting hook and ladder truck.

Billy got to sit on the back of the truck and help steer it
back to the fire station. He was in heaven.

There were three fire calls in Phoenix that day and Billy
got to go out on all three calls.

He rode in the different fire engines, the Paramedic's' van,
even the fire chief's car.
He was
also videotaped for the local news program.

Having his dream come true,

with all the love and attention that was lavished upon him, so
deeply touched Billy, that he lived three months longer than
any doctor thought possible.

One night all of his vital signs began to drop dramatically and
the head nurse, who believed

in the hospice concept - that no one should die alone, began to
call the family members to the hospital.

Then she remembered the day Billy had spent as a Fireman, so
she called the Fire Chief and

asked if it would be possible to send a fireman in uniform to
the hospital to be with Billy as he made his transition..

The chief replied, 'We can do better than that. We'll be there in five minutes. Will you please do me a favor ?

When you hear the sirens screaming and see the lights flashing,
will you announce over the PA system that there is not a fire? 'It's the department coming to see one of its finest members one more time. And will you open the window to his room?

About five minutes later a

hook and ladder truck arrived at the hospital and extended its
ladder up to Billy's third floor open window --------

16 fire-fighters climbed up the ladder into Billy's room!

With his mother's permission, they hugged him and held him and
told him how much they LOVED him.

With his dying breath, Billy looked up at the fire chief and
said, 'Chief, am I really a fireman now?'

'Billy, you are, and The Head Chief,

Jesus, is holding your hand,' the chief said.

With those words, Billy smiled and said, 'I know, He's been
holding my hand all day, and the angels have been

He closed his eyes one last time.

My instructions were to send this to at least four people that
I wanted God to bless and I picked you.

Please pass this
along to people
you want to be
touched &blessed.

This story is powerful and there is nothing attached.

PLEASE do not break this pattern; Uplifting stories are one of
the best gifts we receive. There is no cost, but a lot of
rewards, so let's

continue to uplift one another~

True Story

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Now you shall leap over them

Steamboat Springs, Colorado

August 16, 2011

“You are My ministers of the new covenant. The enemy has brought many obstacles and hindrances against you. Do you see the very thing I have called you to, the enemy opposes, but I tell you now you shall leap over them and what was once an obstacle will take you to the next level. I am bringing you strength to overcome. I have placed in you My words of truth and life to overcome. By My Grace you shall prevail over the enemy of your soul.”

2 Cor. 3:4-6 And we have such trust through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Ps. 144:1 Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle—

2 Samuel 22:30 For by You I can run against a troop; By my God I can leap over a wall.

Joel 3:9-10 Proclaim this among the nations: “ Prepare for war! Wake up the mighty men, Let all the men of war draw near, Let them come up. Beat your plowshares into swords And your pruning hooks into spears; Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’”

Joel 2:11a The LORD gives voice before His army, For His camp is very great; For strong is the One who executes His word. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Eph 6:10-13 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 16-Aug-2011 21:36:23

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

3 Lamat, 1 Uo, 8 Manik

Selamat Jarin! We return with another report concerning your world! At present, we are tracking a number of individual unit commanders who are summarily defying the series of recent agreements, signed by a majority of your globe's nations, and a special amended codicil that was ratified by the American government only last week! These groups of the military are on the verge of being neutralized by our special defense force. The peace of your world is being temporarily threatened. We have sent warnings to these various rogue groups and given them a date for their deactivation. We expect full compliance and a swift return to the condition pro ante. Several major governments sent similar warnings to these groups once this situation was made known to them. When this state of affairs is resolved, we fully intend to begin the rapid distribution of your prosperity funds and formal announcements by your new governments. The road to disclosure has hit only a small bump. Your prosperity and your new economic system are still on target for completion by the divine schedule decreed by Heaven and Lord Surea.

We are watching our Earth allies and seeing to it that those selected for major cabinet appointments in the new "caretaker" governance are ready and fully apprised of what is expected of them. A number of special Agarthan envoys are now evaluating how these new governances are to function during the first week of their operation. Every chosen administration has a series of tasks to complete. These include: announcements, special orders and a series of procedures that are to pump monies quickly into the "starved" economies of your globe. The first authorized moves of this new governance are intended to relieve the immense debt pressure on your world and get under control the "casino-like" atmosphere that has produced an exponential yearly increase in global debt ratios. The debt needs to be dismissed and a sound series of budgetary rules put into place that can truly evaluate how well each aspect of your various national governments operates. The crucial point is to shift from a "bottom line" to a more humane "spiritual line".

Right now, conditions on your world favor change. Although the dark cabal has been in control of your limited consciousness realm for nearly 13 millennia, their unrelenting iron grip has greatly diminished. We are watching how well our Earth allies and their Inner Earth cousins work together to establish the world that your new growing consciousness deserves. We have, of course, used our vast technological superiority to move this along when necessary. It is important that most of this special "work" be done by those who were born on your planet and know the true and vital nature of what they are accomplishing. Removing the immense degree of negativity from your reality is best done by those who have experienced it in one way or another. Another point to be made is that it has been way too long since the peoples of Inner and surface Earth cooperated as one. We are overseeing this process and it brings great joy to our hearts. The joyful prophesies of Heaven are indeed coming true. The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Disclosure is the principal event that will formally change your world. When we appear on your screens and are heard all over your planet, the reality in which you have lived since childhood will become unalterably different. The many myths about who you are, together with the quasi-scientific beliefs about your origins, will be quickly put to rest. You then will discover your true spiritual origins and your magnificent place in the cosmos. First contact is about a massive transformation of your reality, and of you. This procedure will come about in a series of rapid shocks that we and the Agarthans have discussed long and hard with your Ascended Masters. These talks led us to plan a series of special broadcasts that we intend to begin once disclosure is public knowledge. These messages need to be given in a way that brings this shocking information to you clearly and comfortingly. You will experience a state of joy and some confusion when the vast governmental agenda is revealed. We need to be gentle and to use these moments to prepare you for first contact.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! At present, we have forced a series of rogue military groups to stand down as ordered by the heads of state of a number of affected nations. These military units were threatening not only to defy the various agreements that had set the stage for new governance, but also to delay and force a sudden change in the way this new governance was to be implemented. Our Agarthan brothers and sisters were able to obtain their surrender and end any possibilities posed by this event. We are now preparing to move swiftly to the delivery mode, and to set a date for the first new government announcements that will put an end to the current global debt crisis and introduce the new monetary system to your world. Once these economic and monetary reforms are under way, these governments intend to begin the formal disclosure process. This will start with a special news conference given by the new American President.

This news conference is extremely critical. It will introduce the Galactic Federation and Inner Earth to the people of your world. Evidence and top-secret files will be revealed at the beginning of this news conference. This opening will set the stage for similar news events to be held in other parts of your world. Disclosure will be announced with a general call for global cooperation and for the forthcoming release of a wealth of advanced technologies. The world is to go beyond conflict and prepare herself to welcome our Inner Earth and space families. Among these press events will be various spiritual phenomena that we, your Ascended Masters, fully intend to manifest on your world. This new reality is an experience of consciousness and of spirit: both need to be discussed equally. These educative programs will be only the beginning of events that lead up to first contact!

First contact is the next major watershed for your reality. It opens up the pathways that will lead to full consciousness and a full retrieval of information about your origins and your divine destiny. Our sacred task as your Ascended Masters is to be both provider and prototype for you. Heaven has set forth a process that is to return you to your full potential selves. This process is fundamentally divided into two stages: pre-first contact and post-first contact. These stages are also the times when the dark will begin to recede and no longer be viable in your reality. The moment in your history is coming when the old perceptions lose their power over you, and when our counseling and wisdom will at last become a strong and visible part of how you view your world. The Age of the Light and of enlightenment has arrived!

Today, we have continued our dialogue with you regarding consciousness and first contact. Your realm is in the process of shifting. The fading of the dark has begun in earnest. You are to be welcomed back into the fold of galactic humanity. At last, the moment for this grand celebration is upon us! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Nothing Will Remain the Same

P. O. Box 499
Silverthorne, Colorado 80498

Nothing Will Remain the Same

August 15, 2011

Believe on Me. Place your belief in Me. Hold fast to nothing else, for in the shaking all will crumble and fall. Institutions you trusted will be no more. Nothing will remain the same, so look to Me and live in Me. You will live well.

Nothing else matters now. Invest in Me and you will reap riches of eternal value. Time spent with Me will return growth that abounds. "Make hay while the sun shines." In other words, use this time of intense grace to seek Me, seek My heart, in order to live wisely and well. You will be rewarded and not disappointed.

Sheldan Nidle Interview - 7-12

Hi John, check this out.

Really great interview. Amazing interview with Sheldan Nidle about Forgiveness of Debt, the New Financial System, Disclosure, etc. from July 12. He was apparently on yesterday but the archived file isn't up yet. Very important. I recommend all listen to this.

The One - Ron Paul Video