Monday, June 22, 2015

Strange White Vans Following And Attempting To Kidnap People In Multiple Cities And States


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

More reports are being investigated by authorities of strange white vans following people, and in searching for information on the latest reports we found that this has been occurring for years in multiple states and cities, and yet authorities call these cases unrelated.

The most recent reports have come from multiple counties in Tennessee, including Loudon,  Monroe and Cumberland according Local 8 News from June 19, 2015:

That's when she saw the man get into a white Dodge Sprinter van and drive away.

We called all three departments that received complaints. None of them have identified the suspects, but based on descriptions of the vans and the drivers, they don't think the cases are related.

In each case, there weren't any laws broken, but Vonore City Police say they are trying to find the man to get more information.

Kirkland says the man who she thinks was following her is between 40 and 50 years old and about 6'2".


On June 10, 2015, the same station reported the county of Cumberland incidents:

Law enforcement across Cumberland County is on the lookout for a suspicious white van that has been seen several times following people.

Cumberland County Community Resource Officer, Gary Howard, said the van has been spotted several times throughout the county following people and driving suspiciously.

On one occasion, a boy was walking home and the van was reported to have driven past the boy several times. On another occasion, a white van pulled up to a local business, a man got out and started asking a woman several personal questions before finally driving away.

The authorities see no relation in these cases, but looking at the larger picture after doing some searching we see that strange white van incidents have been occurring in multiple states for years, another recent report coming on June 10, 2015, from Bexar County in Texas, where local law enforcement has sent out an alert warning people of a "man in a white van" following teenage girls on the street, the report describing two incidents in the same day:

The first report came from a teenager walking down the street in the 11000 block of Creek Crown.

"She said a guy in a van was following her so, she decided to snap a picture of the van," said James Keith with the Bexar County Sheriff's Office. "The driver of the van ended up taking off. He didn't make contact with her, he didn't talk to her, nothing like that, but she thought it was suspicious. She went home and told one of her parents." 

Two hours later, Keith said a 12-year-old girl reported that she was walking in the 10000 of Raven Field when she first noticed a van behind her. 
She said it eventually pulled up right next to her, but when the driver rolled down the window, she screamed and ran.

In January 2015, Plano,Texas, a man in a white van attempted to kidnap a 9-year-old boy, first offering him ride, then getting out of his van and attempting to grab him.

In March 2014, police were searching for a man in a white van in relation to a kidnapping attempt of a 5-year-old child, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

In March 2014, police in Reddington, Connecticut, were also searching for a man in a white van who went after a teenage girl and coincidentally, the report indicates "the same thing happened in three other towns," with police telling parents to be on the lookout.

In July 2014, Wyoming, Minnesota, KMSP-TV reported that "Two girls were apparently in the front yard of a house when two men in their 30s pulled up in the van. One of the men motioned for a girl to come closer to the vehicle, at which point an adult came out of the house and the van sped away." That van was reportedly white as well.

In August 2014, Jacksonville Florida news reported "suspicious white van spotted 3 times near school bus stops," where the driver was following teenagers and in one case reportedly stopped and took photographs.

August 2014, Chicago news reported of an 11-year old girl that escaped a kidnapping attempt claiming their was another girl "duct-taped" in the white van the man was driving.

In September 2014, Reynoldsburg, Ohio had reports about "a number of community members reported seeing white cargo vans canvassing the area."

In September 2014,  Iowa news reported on four attempted kidnappings in separate incidents in multiple counties.

In October 2014, Port Clinton Ohio, police put out a "white van alert" after a man followed "a pair of juveniles throughout Port Clinton."

In October 2014, Jefferson County, Georgia, two attempted kidnappings were reported by a man in a white van.

In March 2013, in Mount Pleasant South Carolina, police were on alert for a man in a white van who was "following and taking pictures of children," with police telling WCBD-TV they had also "received reports of residents seeing the van in many neighborhoods."

In December 2013, the LOCAL 15 reported from Mobile County, Alabama, "A new report of a white van is causing people to be on their guard.This past weekend some homeowners reported four people in a white van were scouring the neighborhood claiming to be with a carpet cleaning business. Soon after, car alarms went off. Now another homeowner just across the Mississippi state line has had a similar encounter, this time she was able to get pictures of the white van and its occupants. Our dog started barking sure enough at a white van with four individuals, said Marcus Hennis in a phone interview with Local 15.Marcus Hennis wife saw a white van with four occupants hanging out in her yard. They were lingering around back so she went to the door they said they were with a carpet cleaning business, said Marcus Hennis. The Hennis live right across the Mississippi-Alabama state line off Moffett Road, 15 minutes from where people in Semmes reported the suspicious van. Marcus says his wife remembered the story from our newscast so she immediately became suspicious. After she pressed for more information they eventually just left, said Hennis.The Mobile County Sheriffs Office is getting copies of pictures Hennis took of the van. Theres no evidence right now the van in the pictures is the one other neighbors reported seeing." (Shown in the first video below)

In March 2012, MLive reported from Jackson, Michigan, that "After multiple incidents of a man in a white van reportedly taking photos of or lingering around children, Jackson County Sheriff Steve Rand is encouraging people to call 911 and report any similar suspicious activity."

As an interesting side note, we also found that incidents of white vans targeting women and children have also been reported in other countries, such as Canada and the UK.  In Sri Lanka, "white van stories" have been connected to mysterious disappearances since  before 2013. (Shown in the second video below)

Are these and many more found just by utilizing a search engine truly unrelated? Do perverts and kidnappers all have some sort of manual which leads them all to buying and using "white vans"? Or is something far more sinister occurring?

For example, the NYT has connected "white vans" to cases of sex trafficking. Tampa Bay Times has connected them to human trafficking. WGBH in Boston has also connected them to human trafficking.

According to Equality Now, At least 20.9 million adults and children are bought and sold worldwide into commercial sexual servitude, forced labor and bonded labor; About 2 million children are exploited every year in the global commercial sex trade; Almost 6 in 10 identified trafficking survivors were trafficked for sexual exploitation and; Women and girls make up 98% of victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation.

One has to wonder why these events, specifically reporting "white vans" are always reported as separate events without law enforcement or the MSM even mentioning the possibility of an organizational connection to something far more sinister than just random incidents totally unrelated?





Exploding Pond In Canada Is 'Vision Of Hell' As Methane Erupts From Ground Miles From US Border


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Photos, videos and email tips can be mailed to

In the absolutely amazing 1st and 2nd videos below, we see a pond on a golf course in Canada exploding in gas bubbles in a scene that looks more like a volcano preparing to erupt than something we'd expect to be seeing at the 2nd hole. The Winnipeg Sun said it "looked like a vision from hell, if hell was a golf course" and as we quickly learn here in the 2nd video, a news program about the 1st video, we're witnessing methane bubbling up out of the ground, just the latest such eruption around the planet, as we quickly race towards hell on Earth.

After watching these videos, ANP urges you to read the warnings given to us by Dane Wigington in his new story called "Planetary Meltdown From Formerly Frozen Methane, If You Are Not Alarmed, You Should Be" and as shared in the 3rd video below called "Extinction Level Arctic Methane Releases Caused By Geoengineering." What we are witnessing here is unprecedented and if we're not alarmed, we learn real quickly we definitely need to be! Much more below videos.

According to Dane Wigington, our planet is changing at such a blinding speed that before long, it will no longer be able to support life. He tells us bluntly that we are on the edge of extinction: If there is not a complete course correction in regard to human activity, total near term global extinction is a mathematical certainty. ANP published a story yesterday called "Elite Call Humanity 'The Walking Dead' As They Warn 'The Next Great Extinction Is Here' Before Running Off To Their Bunkers." Maybe Paul Ehrlich of Stanford U knows more than we give him credit for when he tells us our time here is running out.

Susan Duclos recently published a story on ANP in which she warned that our planet Earth is becoming increasingly unstable with a massive uptick in earthquakes and 'violent' volcanic activity across the world. We need to understand that all of the events we're witnessing across the planet are clearly connected. As we learn from Wigington if we're paying attention, our planet is in total meltdown and the ongoing global geoengineering programs are making the situation WORSE, not better. We're told: "Methane is releasing at an ever increasing rate from lake and sea beds around the globe, especially in the Arctic."

We can now add Canada, and only MILES away from the US border, to the locations where methane is now bubbling up - and completely out of human control as the state of emergency they declared there proves. The chart below is mind numbing. The video below the chart is absolutely sobering. The pictures below that video are quite thought provoking and show us in more visual images exactly what we're now dealing with here now and why we're so in danger.

Atmospheric methane is virtually skyrocketing past pre-industrial levels. As methane releases, it fuels "climate feedback loops" that trigger even more methane release.


The exploding pond at the Indian Hills Golf Course in Lambton Shores, Ontario, Canada is on Lake Huron and is only 25+ miles from the US border in Michigan as seen in this Google Earth screenshot bottom right.


Wigington tells us that our 'industrialized/militarized civilization' has  no regard for the natural world, nor does it care for the 'miraculous life support systems' of our amazing planet Earth and our once-thriving biosphere. In a race to fix what we've destroyed, geoengineering is blowing up in our faces and actually quickening what we're watching unfold.

"There is one form of anthropogenic activity that stands out above all others as the epitome of human insanity, climate engineering."

Imagine if the pond in Canada erupting now in methane was covered in ice; is this what it would look like? As we see in the 2nd image below, we could catch it on fire!



These mysterious holes in Siberia were also caused by massive methane releases.


Elite Call Humanity 'The Walking Dead' As They Warn 'The Next Great Extinction Is Here' Before Running Off To Their Bunkers

pepb.jpeg paul-ehrlich-1968-population-bomb-356.jpg paul-ehrlich.jpg

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Stanford University professor Paul Ehrlich, along with experts from Princeton and Berkely, recently issued a warning to the world; the next great extinction is here and humanity is likely to die out with it. Calling human beings 'essentially the walking dead', we can hear Ehrlich tell us of humanity's destiny in the 1st video below from Stanford University as they officially tell us the 6th great extinction has arrived. Back in 2012, Ehrlich, the author of "The Population Bomb," warned that 'population shrinkage' would be necessary and told of a need for billions of people FEWER on the planet than were on the planet then. Depopulation.

NEW ON ANP! Exploding Pond In Canada Is 'Vision Of Hell' As Methane Erupts From Ground Miles From US Border

Back in June of 2010, Saudi Arabian Prince Turki bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud warned his country's royal family to flee prior to a military coup or revolution overthrows them; his warning also left a dire message to the US, Israel and the UK: "Do not fool yourself by relying on the United States or Britian or Israel, because they will not survive the loss."

Entire country's, economic and political experts and other players on the world stage are increasingly warning of the coming of World War 3 and the skyrocketing potential of a coming economic armageddon. George Soros told us just weeks ago that it's 'no exaggeration that China-US on threshold of World War 3'. Russian President Vladimir Putin just announced an addition of 40 ICBM's to Russia's nuclear arsenal. Military drills are being held worldwide with NATO and its allies holding massive drills simultaneously in at least 4 locations across the planet while China warns the entire world that World War 3 is 'inevitable' unless the US butts out of politics in the South China Sea. In Europe there's a race against time to save Greece from economic collapse while 'Dr. Doom' Nouriel Roubini tells us about the 'liquidity time bomb' that will surely trigger the next global financial collapse. This story on Boston's WCVB is simply called "Ron Paul's Apocalypse Is Now."
Ron Paul warned that a currency crisis "of epic proportions" would arrive soon and prophesied that life in America was "guaranteed to end in disaster" as "a total breakdown of the stock market" would lead to "civil unrest" and "authoritarian clampdowns."


In the brand new video (2nd below), Alex Jones issues what he calls a 'total emergency alert' and warns us that the elite are now 'evacuating'. Why would the elite suddenly jump this sinking ship like rats? All News Pipeline has published several stories recently in which we've warned of what we are watching across America that back up Alex Jones' warning.:

On December 7th, 2014, Susan Duclos published a story called "Doomsday Lair! Elite Bug-Out Underground Bunkers And Cities Prepared For Major Catastrophe - The Elite Will Survive, Will We?" In that story, Susan told us about tons of missing food, government stockpiling of ammunition and weapons and missing gold and money and shared with us proof of where it was all likely going. On March 30th, 2015 she followed up with "Doomsday Underground Command Centers: US Builds Bunkers To Protect Elite, Russia Builds Them To Protect The People - What Is Wrong With This Picture?" in which she detailed Russia's decision to build doomsday bunkers to protect their people while here in America, the bunkers are solely for the government and the 'elite'. Days ago, I published a story documenting that the global elite were on the run, many of them likely to their bunkers, preparing for what THEY know is coming that most of the rest of America is clueless about.

Surely these elitists are well aware of what Stanford's Ehrlich gets into in this video; the end is near. While ANP must point out to you that Ehrlich is the same Paul Ehrlich who is calling for 'depopulation', arguing that the world needs to get down to 2 billion people for optimal lives of the survivors, we have to remind you that that would mean BILLIONS of people dying off before that is accomplished. Ehrlich calls it politely 'population shrinkage'. Even that can't sugar coat what Ehrlich and the  elite are calling for: genocide. It'll likely happen while they're holed up in their bunkers, hoping beyond hope that they aren't one day flooded out or caved in by the remaining survivors on the outside.

In the 3rd and 4th videos below from David Vose he tells us WHY World War 3 is likely to occur by 2016 and breaks down the depopulation agenda for us in much more detail. Why would the elite want millions or even billions of less human beings on the face of the Earth in the near future than there are now? What would these same elitists do to go about bringing their desired population numbers to fruition?

Photos, videos and email tips can be mailed to




World Peace With Debt Forgiveness or More Gun Drills?

We The People, Sheriffs, and Larry Klayman,

How many of these gun drills, bombing drills, or planes flying into building drills actually become real events to take control of the people?
These are called False Flags to the people, which the government supporters call Conspiracy Theories.
This 'Active Shooter Drill' video shows that the Charleston Shooting was scheduled back in February for between 6/15 and 6/19, and the actual shooting was 6/17.

Now look at the lower videos with Tracy Davison speaking with Dan Lutz and M1 with the Global Debt Forgiveness & Prosperity for which M1 is giving out $1 Quintillion (UBS 920,000,000,000,000,000.00) to the World, to clear both the Government's Debts and the People's Debts.
Take your time to look at these videos with M1 and see that We The People can receive these funds of $6 Million most likely on an ATM card and then $600 per child and $1,200 per adult monthly payments.
Yes, M1 is pushing for this to have World Peace and hopefully no more Corporation Government's Wars for Profits.
There are eleven videos for Interview with M1, so it will be about 90 minutes, and M1 is also willing to speak with the Cabal if they do not accept the Debt Payment Gift.
Davison and M1 also speak about the secret agreement JFK and President Soekarno had where we should have been receiving this Debt Forgiveness back in 1963.
Now for you people that have access to sources with the government leadership then you should find out how We The People can get access to these funds ASAP as well as pushing our US government to accept the Debt payoff by August 17, 2015, as M1 has a BANK INDONESIA Certificate with several World Leader's signatures shown at 10:30 on the "Public Statement By Tracy Davison" video.
The one problem I could see is that THE UNITED STATES, INC. will not accept the Debt Payment Gift, but will go for the loan with interest payments which in turn the people would have to pay possibly $1 Million per year in taxes, as this Clear the Debt Payment is Income for all residents, yet the elite and government officials will be exempt (318 Million Americans x $1 Million per year = $318 Trillion USA elite Revenue).
Maybe you should just push for the We The People that are associated with the rumored USA Republic return, for which those names on the BANK INDONESIA Certificate were all Corporation Officials, to then come forward with our True Republic government and Debt payoffs.

Charleston Shooting Hoax Was a Confirmed Active Shooter Drill (Redsilverj)
Published on Jun 21, 2015

Charleston Shooting: Liberals Call for Disarming All White People
"Let's just take away the white people's guns"
 by Paul Joseph Watson | June 18, 2015
Liberals reacted to the tragic shooting at an Episcopal Church in Charleston last night by calling for an immediate gun ban in order to disarm all white people.

Primary website for Tracy Davison videos:
60 Second Millionaire TV - M1 Show

60 News Flash
Published on Jun 10, 2015

60 News Flash Update!
Published on Jun 12, 2015

Tracy Davison - 60 Second Millionaire TV - "Public Statement By Tracy Davison" - 6/19/15

Interview w/ M1 - 01
click on the 'More videos' below the comments to then go to the other videos if they are not on the right.


Geomagnetic Storm Warning: June 22-23

Space Weather News for June 22, 2015

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WARNING: A CME is heading directly for Earth, and it is expected to sweep up one or more lesser CMEs before it reaches our planet on June 22nd.  The combined impact is likely to spark polar geomagnetic storms and high-latitude auroras.   Visit for more information and updates.

AURORA ALERTS:  Don't sleep through the auroras.  Get a phone call when geomagnetic storms are underway.  Space weather alerts are available from (text) and (voice).


Bush, Rothschild prosecutions, new disclosures, Greece, all signs of accelerating cabal take down
Posted by benjamin

June 22, 2015
There are rapidly accelerating indications the Khazarian crime syndicate that illegally seized power in the United States and many European countries is being systematically dismantled. A New York appeals court, for example, has ruled that officials who served during the George W. Bush, Jr. regime can be sued and can face criminal charges. That opens the way for the mass jailing of the perpetrators of the 911 mass murder incident.
Another sign is that a French judge has ordered one of the most senior members of the Rothschild family, Baron David de Rothschild, to be questioned by police on fraud charges.
Also, the killing of J.P Morgan (Bush) bankers has reached a new height with the “sudden death” of their Vice Chairman and high powered deal maker Jimmy Lee. More than a dozen JP Morgan bankers have died suddenly recently and it is clear somebody is following a trail. Rest assured that trail leads to the Bush/Clinton crime family.
Meanwhile, there is a growing consensus the Greek crisis is coming to a head soon and massive withdrawals of Euros from Greek banks show that at the street level people know a Greek default is inevitable. However, a formal Greek default would start a domino effect that would topple Germany, France and the rest of the Euro zone before eventually reaching the United States. For that reason the Greek government knows that the EU central bank, the IMF and their Fed bosses will not pull the plug on them but will instead buy time with various accounting tricks. That is why Greece’s Economy Minister made confident predictions about the Greek debt crisis in Moscow last week after meeting with Russian officials.
Despite all the fudged numbers and smoke and mirrors coming out of Western governments, the Western financial system (the Federal Reserve Board) is already bankrupt. The Fed’s corporate subsidiary, the United States of America Corporation headed by “acting president” Barack Obama has been issuing fake financial data for years now to create the appearance all is well. Recently, for example, their total debt numbers have stayed frozen at $18.11 trillion since March 16th, over 100 days.
The White Dragon Foundation also received new confirmation the Fed has been bankrupt for a lot longer than that. Some senior Asian bankers who met with Alan Greenspan (when he was head of the Fed) and with then United States President Al Gore to ask about Manchurian gold the Federal Reserve was obligated to return to them were told by Greenspan that the Fed could not pay back the gold they owed them “because they had none.”
Greenspan also said the Fed could not pay them trillions of dollars of cash instead because “that would bankrupt the government.” Instead, the bankers said, they were offered a “master trader license.” After they left the Federal Reserve Building in New York, they went to a Starbucks for coffee. While they were having coffee, their car exploded. They immediately took a subway to the airport and caught the next available flight to the Philippines.
They then went to see the head of Interpol in Europe. The head of Interpol took them to see the P2 Freemasons who run the Vatican. The P2 explained to them there would be a coup d’etat in the United States followed by an invasion of Iraq “because that was how the system worked.” They thought these people were crazy until September 11th, 2001.
These Asians still have their legitimate claims against the Fed and the Feds will not be allowed to bomb their way out this time. The current public faces of the Fed cabal are puppet president Obama and Fed Chair Janet Yellen.
Since they also cannot pay the money they owe the Asians, the Asians and their BRICS allies have been busily building an alternative financial system. The new BRICS bank is expected now to open on July 7th while the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is also moving ahead.

This move is being accompanies by major cyber warfare. A lot of it is being reported in the corporate media in the form of stories about data being stolen on all United States Federal employees etc.
However, plentiful anecdotal evidence suggests the real cyber-warfare is taking place between world financial networks. A senior banker at the cabal-supported Asian Development Bank in Manila was worried about his United States dollar bank account inside the United States so he asked for the money to be transferred to his bank in the Philippines. The Philippine bank told him they could not make the transfer because the cabal-controlled SWIFT international financial transactions system “was not working.”
This writer also experienced some trouble when trying to pay his VISA bill at an ATM. I was told I needed to contact a human representative. I went to a VISA processing office and the clerk put my card into their ATM. The bill that appeared was way bigger than my real bill and the clerk told me to ignore it and not to worry about it but just pay the amount on my paper bill. She explained they were having “system adjustments.” A funny thing also happened when this writer asked for financial details from the Paypal internet transaction system. Paypal sent me detailed financial data belonging to an entirely different person. When asked why they would send me the wrong person’s private transaction data they explained “they were having system troubles.”
This is all anecdotal but the fact that most of the over 50 bankers who have recently died suddenly and mysteriously were IT experts shows that financial cyber-warfare is moving out of cyberspace.
The fact is the Western financial IT system has created hundreds of trillions, if not quadrillions, quintillions or more dollars and Euros that have no basis in reality. At the end of the day, analogue reality is going to win and that is why the BRICS alliance with their control of commodities and manufacturing, are winning. The Pentagon is also winning because they actually control men with weapons who are willing to fight if necessary.
The people who are losing are the Khazarian mob. The fact that Bush/Clinton house-slave Barack Obama is being pressured to release the 28 pages about Saudi Arabia redacted from the official 9/11 report shows the Saudi’s are the next Khazarian dominoes to fall.
Newly-installed Saudi King Salman sent his son to Russia last week to offer the Russians complete control of the global oil market in exchange inter-continental ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons, according to Pentagon officials. He returned empty handed. The Saudis have the nuclear weapons the Israelis gave them but they cannot fire them much further than Yemen. That means they cannot use nuclear blackmail to prevent the ongoing takedown of that odious regime by Pentagon White Hats and their regional allies.
The Nazi regime installed by the Khazarians in the Ukraine is also freaking out now that their patrons are clearly losing the battle for the planet earth. According to Sputnik News (a possible agency front) Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko asked the Ukrainian Constitutional Court to rule that the overthrow of his predecessor Viktor Yanukovich was unconstitutional.
In other words, a key participant in the illegal Khazarian coup against his predecessor is suddenly criticizing the coup. The best advice we can give Poroshenko is to tell him to forget about trying to suck up to the Russians and find a deep hole to hide in instead.
However, there is unlikely to be anywhere on this planet, or even in this universe, for the Khazarian Satanists like Poroshenko to hide in anymore.
The collapse of their global debt slavery regime is accelerating and their immunity from prosecution for mass murder is evaporating along with their funny money.
The British, the Swiss, the Germans, the French, and the Vatican have already abandoned the Khazarians and allied with the WDS and BRICS alliance.
Pope Francis recently confirmed this change by issuing an encyclical calling for almost exactly what the WDS has been calling for, a massive campaign to end poverty, and stop environmental destruction. The global warming part of his talk was out of touch with reality but clearly the Pope’s heart is in the right place. Negotiations between the Vatican and the WDS are ongoing and friendly. The same is true of the British, the French, and the Germans.

Regime change is also coming to Japan. There is a lot about that we cannot report at the moment but clearly the puppet regime here is on its last legs. The last dominoes to fall will be Washington, D.C., Israel, and New York.
We do not like to put specific dates on when this will happen but we do note that the IMF has postponed a meeting to decide how to proceed without the United States until September. We note that a year of jubilee (Debt forgiveness as described in the Holy Bible) has been predicted by the Vatican, religious Jews, and many others to start on September 13th, 2015. September 13th this year falls on a Sunday so the last trading day before that will be September 11th. Remember, remember, the 11th of September. Also remember the blood moon on September 28th.

This amazing canopy melds nature and technology into something awesome!

This amazing canopy melds nature
and technology into something awesome!


Additional Videos I found....

How to "farm" algea

EcoLogicStudio in London has designed an Urban Algae Canopy, which produces
the same amount of oxygen daily as a forest of 40,000 square meters.
This cutting-edge technology was unveiled this week at Expo Milano 2015 Future
Food District.

The prototype is the world’s first bio-digital canopy, integrating micro-algal cultures
and real time digital cultivation protocols within a unique architectural cladding system.

Once completed, the Urban Algae Canopy will produce the oxygen equivalent of four hectares of woodland and up to 150kg of biomass per day, 60% of which are natural vegetal proteins.

Designers say: “In EcoLogicStudio we believe that it is now time to overcome the segregation between technology and nature typical of the mechanical age, to embrace
a systemic understanding of architecture. In this prototype the boundaries between the material, spatial and technological dimensions have been carefully articulated to
achieve efficiency, resilience and beauty.” 

Awakening To The Truth: You’ve Felt It Your Entire Life

June 21, 2015 by Sophie McAdam

If this sounds like you, pass it along and wake someone else up...


If you haven’t seen this short video by Collective Evolution (entitled You’ve felt it
your entire life),  it’s well worth watching (and sharing). With Morpheus‘s message
to Neo making a powerful voice-over, the video uses a montage of clips from films
like The Matrix, Into the Wild and cult classic They Live to illustrate a few (difficult)
truths about the society we live in.

Contrasting some beautiful shots of nature with some ugly shots of our violence
towards it, this video has a powerful message. Morpheus says it better than anyone

“You’ve felt it your entire life. There’s something wrong with the world.
You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.
The Matrix is everywhere.

It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out
your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. Like everyone else you were born into
bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.”

It doesn’t have to be this way, the film tells us. There is so much more to life than consumerism, mainstream culture and media lies, environmental devastation, working in jobs we hate until we die, eating junk food and spending more time on social media than we do speaking to our friends and family. This is a real-life matrix. But all of us have the power to take the red pill, offer it to others, and make choices to change our lives- and
the lives of those around us- for the better.

This article (Awakening To The Truth: You’ve Felt It Your Entire Life) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and
comment from reader:

Gene Landrum · Top Commenter · Oregon State University
Its, possible but unknown, that the Human Race, has been 'studying' 'Signs' in Nature since the beginning of time, as
to 'what we are'? and the Why we are? The 'ancient human's' now extinct, failed! Then the 'Homo Erectus' followed by
the 'Homo Sapiens Sapiens' learned to 'adapt' but now are writing down their 'findings' of what they 'think' 'What we are
and Why we are'? Yet, as this Article' explains, we still don't know! My opinion! Quantum Theory of Everything, is the
closest to-date, of coming up with a 'Empirical Scientific' answer to those 'two questions' and validates the Science
of Theology! 2015

Read More:

Powerful Film: What Have Governments Really Done?

June 22, 2015 by Sophie McAdam

A powerful clip from the documentary Engines of Domination

MUST WATCH:<<this is Soooo True !

The melody used in this video is essentially a happy, folky tune that initially makes you think of apple pie and 1950s baseball stars. But the footage of governments beating citizens, killing foreign ‘enemies’, and destroying the planet makes a strong contrast to the upbeat rhythm of the song.

The lyrics are also loaded with a snarky dig at our current political system and those who govern over (rather than alongside) the rest of us. It criticizes the hierarchical pyramid structure and asks: What have governments actually done for us?

This is a clip from the 2014 documentary
What Governments Have Done: Political Power And The Human Emergency
by Mark Corske and Lifting The Veil.

Domination: ‘A tool for making tools of human beings.’

This article (Powerful Film: What Have Governments Really Done?) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and
Mark Corske · Taos, New Mexico
The documentary's title is actually Engines of Domination :). It and many related videos available at the EnginesofDomination YouTube channel >>