Thursday, July 2, 2015

JADE HELM 15 UPDATE MEMO Outlines Obama To Use Force Against Citizens



Obama To Use Force

Against Citizens

US Embassy Removes July 4 Celebration Out of Respect for Islam

This is a story you have to see to believe.
At the US embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, American delegates celebrated the fourth of July one month early out of respect for the upcoming Ramadan month, which will begin on June 17 and last for one month.
From American Thinker:
In a mind-boggling gesture of official US Government dhimmitude, the US Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia celebrated our sacred Independence Day holiday on June 4, so as to avoid any conflict with the month-long Ramadan celebration.
If you think any Islamic countries – there are 57 of them (not counting ISIS) that count themselves officially Islamic – will move their DC embassy’s celebration of Ramadan to accommodate our Independence holiday, I have some bridges to sell you. …

Officially, embassies are the national territory of the country being represented, not of the host country. So there is no need to accommodate local sensibilities in celebrating our most sacred national holiday. …
This is a moment of national dhimmitude and deep shame.
There’s more on the story from Jakarta Post via Pamela Geller and Jihad Watch:
The United States Embassy enjoyed its annual 4th of July celebration on Thursday, June 4, one month early, in order to respect the upcoming Ramadhan month, which will begin on June 17 and last for one month.
US Ambassador to Indonesia Robert O. Blake and US Ambassador to ASEAN Nina Hachigian presided over the festivities, which involved brass band renditions of the Star-Spangled Banner and the Indonesian national anthem, Indonesia Raya.

 Blake explained that the theme of the event leaned toward “green” development, which supported the US’ focus on building and promoting a green economy and more environmentally sustainable development.
He also praised Indonesia’s performance as a fully functioning democracy, aiming for further collaboration between the two countries in the years to come.
“The US will continue to support Indonesia in the future through its democratic achievements. Democracy is an American value which we have championed since [the country’s birth in] 1776,” Blake told the crowd during the festivities at his residence near Taman Suropati, Central Jakarta, on Thursday.
He added that moving the 4th of July celebrations to June 4 was one done out of respect for the upcoming Ramadhan month, which will last from June 17 to July 17. …
Conservatives keep asking if Islamic countries would ever return the favor by changing their calendar to accommodate US and western tradition. By doing so, conservatives hope to point out the hypocrisy of the recent move.

The Silent $21Trillion Jubilee That No One Even Noticed ~ The Ambassador To Red Dragon Family ~

The Silent $21Trillion Jubilee

That No One Even Noticed

~ The Ambassador To Red Dragon Family ~


Published on Jun 30, 2015
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!!! WOW!! Death squinted Rockefeller, Rothschild, Primakov World Zionism shocked: June 24, David Rockefeller died June 25 fell "into a coma" Jacob Rothschild, and on June 26 he died "the king of the Jews" Yevgeny Primakov

Lee Wanta

4. and the other " Puppet Masters "

Article : Death squinted Rockefeller, Rothschild, Primakov JULY 1, 2015 views - 2,014      17 comments.    PUBLISHED: BRAHMAN
World Zionism shocked: June 24, David Rockefeller died June 25 fell "into a coma" Jacob Rothschild, and on June 26 he died "the king of the Jews" Yevgeny Primakov . The first two were noted million deaths in the world. Last More recently he demanded that the President of Russia to "return" to help the Crimea and  Donbas prohibited.
These messages come in the last hours and days.
Some observers call it the death "zmeёvnika-snakehood." But before his death, is still far away, and the right would take these "philanthropists" parasites on the body of fatliquors civilization.
To sustain life in a dying body of the main Zionist had to cut the heart in six people! At the end of April 2015 99-year-old American billionaire David Rockefeller for the sixth time heart transplant, according to World News Daily Report.
"Every time I get a new heart, it's like a breath of life rolled over my body" - Rockefeller gloated.


Смерть скосила Рокфеллера, Ротшильда, Примакова

Мировой сионизм в шоке: 24 июня умер Дэвид Рокфеллер, 25 июня впал «в кому» Джейкоб Ротшильд, а 26 июня умер «царь иудейский» Евгений Примаков. Два первых отметились миллионами смертей на Земле. Последний ещё недавно требовал от Президента России «вернуть» Крым и запрещал помогать Донбассу.
Такие сообщения приходят в последние часы и дни.
Некоторые наблюдатели называют это гибелью «змеёвника». Но до гибели ещё далеко, и правильней будет считать этих «филантропов» паразитами, жирующими на теле цивилизации.
Для поддержания жизни в умирающем теле главного сиониста пришлось вырезать сердца у шестерых человек! В конце апреля 2015 года 99-летнему американскому миллиардеру Дэвиду Рокфеллеру в шестой раз пересадили сердце, сообщает World News Daily Report.
«Каждый раз, когда я получаю новое сердце, это как дуновение жизни прокатывается по моему телу», – злорадствовал Рокфеллер.
Сколько людей пришлось разобрать на части, чтобы поддержать жизнь одного сионистского старика? Помимо шести пересадок сердца, ему дважды пересаживали почки – в 1988 и 2004 годах. И ещё кое-что «по мелочи»…
Впервые смерть пришла за Рокфеллером в 1976 году, но тогда он откупился от неё чужой смертью, в первый раз забрав себе сердце покойного. Но на седьмой раз Смерть всё же смогла одолеть почти бессмертного еврея.
Ещё некоторое время назад СМИ, захлёбываясь в плебейском экстазе, сообщали, что Джейкоб Ротшильд разрушает Европу на спор: «Ротшильд через инвестиционный фонд RIT Capital, главой правления которого он является, занял позицию против Евро» (CNBC). Ротшильд обещал разрушить Европу до апреля 2013 года. Всё немного затянулось, но спор он, похоже, выиграет. Хотя и посмертно…
А Европа – люди, страны, старинные цивилизации – этот спор проиграют, даже не зная о нём. Сионисты просто сотрут европейцев с лица Земли, а из земли заселят африканцами и арабами, с последними во Франции уже идёт гражданская война.
С руки покойного Ротшильда кормится и главный Гитлер современности – президент Украины Пётр Порошенко. Так, год назадПорошенко осуществил продажу своих активов через инвестиционную компанию «Ротшильд» (ИТАР-ТАСС).
Чем ответил Ротшильду за такую благодать Порошенко? Тем, что Украина сегодня является концлагерем и лидером по поставке «донорских» органов. А как же без Донбасса? Ведь для поддержания жизни одного только Ротшильда потребовалось разобрать на части 8 человек!
Корифеи политики и спецслужб помнят Дартмутские встречи (конференции) 70 – 80-х годов. Участвовали только две страны. На этих российско-американских тренингах американские военные «гибридной» войны давали непосредственные установки российской пятой колонне, как в СССР построить «гражданское общество» и, собственно, разрушить СССР.
Финансировали встречи фонды Форда и Кеттерлинга (США) и советский фонд мира и Институт США (позже Институт США и Канады) АН СССР. Среди участников были главный русофоб современности и человек, лично виновный в развале СССР. Збигнев Бжезинский, главный сионист Дэвид Рокфеллер, а также «иудейский царь» Евгений Примаков.
«Что касается Дартмутских встреч, то они регулярно проводились для того, чтобы обговаривать и сближать подходы двух супердержав по вопросам сокращения вооружений, поисков выхода из различных международных конфликтов, создания условий для экономического сотрудничества. Особую роль в организации таких встреч играли два института – ИМЭМО и ИСКАН с нашей стороны, у американцев – группа политологов, отставных руководящих деятелей из госдепартамента, Пентагона, администрации, ЦРУ, действующих банкиров, бизнесменов. Долгое время американскую группу возглавлял Дэвид Рокфеллер, с которым у меня сложились очень теплые отношения», – откровенничал Примаков.
Вот список дартмутских конференций:
  • Dartmouth I – Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, October 29-November 4 1960
  • Dartmouth II – Нижняя Ореанда, Крым, СССР, 21-28 мая 1961 года May 21-28, 1961
  • Dartmouth III – Andover, Massachusetts, USA, October 21-27, 1962
  • Dartmouth IV – Ленинград, СССР, 21-31 июля 1964 года
  • Dartmouth V – Rye, New York, USA January 13-18, 1969
  • Dartmouth VI – Киев, Украина, СССР, 12-16 июля 1971 года
  • Dartmouth VII – Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, December 2-7, 1972
  • Dartmouth VIII – Тбилиси, Грузия, СССР, 21-24 апреля 1974 года
  • Dartmouth IX – Москва, СССР, 3-5 июня 1975 года
  • Dartmouth X – Rio Rico, Arizona, USA, April 30-May 2, 1976
  • Dartmouth XI – Юрмала, Латвия, СССР, 8-13 июля 1977 года
  • Dartmouth XII – Williamsburgh, Virginia, USA, May 3-7, 1979
  • Dartmouth Leadership Conference – Bellagio, Italy, May 22-26, 1980
  • Dartmouth XIII – Москва, СССР, 16-19 ноября 1981 года
  • Dartmouth XIV – Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, May 14-17, 1984
  • Dartmouth XV – Баку, Азербайджан, СССР, 13-17 мая 1986 года
  • Dartmouth XVI – Austin, Texas, USA, April 25-29, 1989[15]
  • Dartmouth XVII – Ленинград, СССР, 22-27 июля 1990 года
Конференции закончились аккурат перед государственным демократическим переворотом, и сегодня мы пожинаем плоды такого сближения и таких тёплых отношений.
«В Тбилиси Рокфеллер пользовался особой популярностью. Тэд Кеннеди, который одновременно с нашей группой был в столице Грузии, жаловался, что стоило ему появиться на улице, как все вокруг кричали: “Привет Рокфеллеру!”», – вспоминает Примаков.
Да, ещё недавно Рокфеллер сам раскатывал по советским странам, в которых потом, как инфекции, вспыхнули «цветные революции», а сегодня старушка Нуланд раскатывает по протоптанным им тропам и раздаёт «печеньки» – как Мальчишам Плохишам из известной сказки.
В Большой советской энциклопедии дано такое определение: сионизм – наиболее реакционная разновидность еврейского национализма; 30-я сессия Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН (ноябрь 1975) квалифицировала сионизм как форму расизма и расовой дискриминации.
Сегодня сионизм пытаются обелить, но чёрного козла не отмоешь добела. И политологи знают, что государственной идеологией США является воинствующий сионизм. В частности, в своём материале Н. Андреева сообщает: «Современный сионизм – это крайне националистическая, расистская идеология, это политика и практика, выражающие интересы крупной еврейской буржуазии, тесно связанной с монополистической буржуазией империалистических государств. Основное содержание современного сионизма – воинствующий шовинизм, расизм, антикоммунизм и антисоветизм, установка на завоевание мирового господства и утверждение т.н. Нового Мирового порядка».
Один из опытнейших политиков современности – Фидель Кастро – отметил, что в конце Второй мировой войны, которую вели народы против фашизма, возникла новая власть, овладевшая миром и навязавшая нынешний абсолютистский и жесткий порядок.
Далее Андреева расшифровывает: «Параллельное тайное правительство высшего уровня, или реальная, параллельная власть, её “элитное ядро” – это еврейские банкиры и промышленники, входящие в состав 60 семейств, управляющих США, открыто находится на Капитолийском холме на виду в Белом доме, Конгрессе США на Даунинг Стрит 10. Это – слуги Мирового правительства и Нового Мирового Порядка, это абсолютно тайное общество, состоящее из представителей неприкосновенного правящего класса, в число которых входят также королева Англиикоролева Нидерландовкоролева Дании и королевские семьи Европы».
Это битва за Мировой престол. И, как иллюстрация участия королевы Дании: взрывчатка для теракта в аэропорт «Домодедово» была доставлена на двух автомобилях посольства Дании – Volkswagen Golf с номерным знаком 010 D 130 77 и Volvo XC70 с номером 010 D 111 77. Об этом газета «Президент» сообщала зимой 2011 года.
Представители этой параллельной власти в разных комбинациях входят в Комитет 300, в Римский клуб, в Бильдербергский клуб. А перед бойней на Украине был создан ещё и Европейский еврейский парламент – структура, заменяющая собой Парламент Европы, и развязавшая и финансирующая геноцид на Украине. Председателем Европейского еврейского парламента является известный преступник Игорь Коломойский.
К Комитету 300 относятся НАТО, ЦРУ и МОССАД.
Почему Евгения Примакова похоронили с воинскими почестями? Он был гражданским человеком, и ему эти почести не положены. Но… Примаков был воином тьмы, воином Рокфеллера, той собакой, через которую хвост мирового сионизма продолжал вилять всем миром. За это и воинские почести.
Принадлежащий Ротшильдам Центральный Банк России, несмотря на название, по Конституции России не принадлежит нашей стране. Именно ЦБ обокрал население России в декабре 2014 года. ЦБ занимает особое место в мире, там сосредоточены огромные средства мировых сионистских кланов, награбленные у всего мира, из которых и идёт финансирование всех военных операций США, Евросоюза и Израиля…
Некоторые считают, что России необходимо выйти из-под Рокфеллерско-Ротшильдовской оккупации и распрощаться с кланомРомановых (к которому принадлежал и Примаков). Другие считают, что России необходимо расторгнуть договор с МВФ. А тех, кто подписал вашингтонские соглашения 8 сентября 1977 года, положившие начало развалу СССР, объявить государственными преступниками и привлечь к ответственности.
Неизвестно, какие именно меры следует принять, но сегодня решается судьба цивилизации. При таких ставках мир не может больше допустить, чтобы Ротшильды, Рокфеллеры и Романовы паразитировали на целых странах, стравливали их народы,опустошая их экономики.
Некоторые аналитики, следящие за этой ситуацией, вспоминают слова разнообразных пророков, которые предсказывали, что очищение мира от сионистской чумы начнётся с череды смертей главных столпов сионизма.
И вот сегодня три столпа срублены…
Андрей Тюняев, главный редактор газеты «Президент»

Illuminati Wife Tells All

Illuminati Wife Tells All

How The TPP Came From The U.N and Agenda 21


Published on Jun 30, 2015

In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews whistleblower and research Richard Grove of Richard describes how he whistle blowed and how the TPP really comes from the agenda of secret societies.




With the Fourth of July just around the corner, Americans are prepping for fireworks and barbeques to celebrate their Independence Day. But according to a recent survey, many in the US are open to the idea of just leaving the country and permanently living abroad.

TransferWise, a UK-based money transfer service, surveyed 2,090 American adults between May 15 and 19 consisting of both native-born and foreign-born US residents. 

The respondents were asked about their long-term residency plans. The results reveal a surprising new finding about Americans’ attachment to their nation,  namely that "Despite the BBQs and fireworks, many Americans are feeling less patriotic this Fourth of July than you might expect."

More than a third of respondents, at 35%, said they would consider leaving the US and live in a foreign country, with 14% adding that they would be open to doing so within the next five years.

The percentages increase significantly for America’s younger generations, those between the ages of 18-34, usually identified as belonging to the so-called millennial generation. A whopping 55% of millennials said they would consider expatriation. They said that higher salaries would factor into their decision to relocate.

Sixty-five percent of those surveyed also noted that given the "right reasons" they would also consider expatriation. The reasons cited include better quality of life, lower cost of living, and new experiences.

A whopping 85% of respondents also noted that the US needs to make itself more appealing, with the majority, at 58%, saying more affordable health care was needed.
Others suggested lower taxes and improved education.
As for those who wished to remain in the US, 58% cited romantic and family ties as their reason for staying. A not-so-close second, at 22%, said they would stay for the democratic society, with only 13% citing good job prospects, and 2% staying for low taxes.

The new data correlates with the substantial increase of American expatriates in recent years. According to data from the US State Department, the number of US citizens living abroad has more than doubled in the past fifteen years, with a recorded 4.1 million expatriates in 1999 and 8.7 million this year.

The number of Americans renouncing their citizenship has also seen a significant increase, though not as substantial as that of those who are choosing to expatriate. The 'Department of Treasury' puts that number at 2,417 on 2014 — a 14% increase from 2013. An additional 1,336 renounced their citizenship in just the first quarter of 2014.

('The Department of Treasury' has been for 100 years a sister private corporation of the criminal private corporation USA in Wash DC and the private criminal corporation, 'The Federal Reserve'  - it is NOT the Treasury of our nation Republic. So it is our enemy within that has quoted these figures for you.)

One TRILLION Dollar Lawsuit Filed Against MSM For “Staging Sandy Hook Massacre”

2 July A.D. 2015

That the facts about Sandy Hook are being documented and laid at the feet of the controlled media is terrific!  Congratulations to all who are at the head of that effort.  This nation may not realize, yet, the benefit of this effort.

In a bit more distant perspective than expressed by the author of the piece below, let's just say that this suit has an expectation of being big.

Not that this author's perspective is going to change the outcome one iota, the details of this author's perspective will be withheld until there's something official from the judiciary.  Early analytical thoughts include a focus on actual damages to the party(ies) plaintiff and liability in the named parties.  News media, generally, is exactly as Rush Limbaugh describes his program, namely daily "entertainment" programs.  At least Rush doesn't try to say otherwise. And, the official reports out of "government" lie to us all the time.  The "news" reports, regarding what is covered and what is not covered, are all lies, all the time, more of the "omission" type, but as Dan Blather ran into, sometimes of the "commission" type, as well. What they focus on (look who found a new and unusual way to die today "circus" reports) and what the people really need to know are so distant as to be on different planets.  The fact that the controlled media is lying to us (about everything, typically by omission) plus a couple of bucks can afford one of the smaller cups of fancy coffee available these days.

There may be more parties Defendant, and if so, we can focus on the source as distinguished from the messenger.  (Is it the media's problem that they, too, were lied to?)

Proving the lies is a huge part of this litigation effort, and that there's an effort to take the matter into the crucible of judicial fact-finding is also huge.  There is now an official, public Record of "the rest of the story" for this one. Whatever happens judicially, it's a landmark effort intending to prove that the "news" is fully controlled and therefore isn't trustworthy.  That's been an effort of many for several decades now.  It's an effort to "fix" the media by a means that at least stands a chance of reaching that part of the citizenry who are not yet up to the level of critical review of things so as to evaluate what they're "hearing/seeing" via the "news" programming.  It's a statement by that Plaintiff and all who have contributed toward the exposing of the reality in that matter, of being sick and tired of being lied to by "government" via its yip-yip yellow lap dog, the controlled media.  It's a position that speaks for millions and millions of us.

God speed with this one.

P.S.  While there may be a judicial remedy, the rock-solid solution to the lying-media problem is the traditional market solution.  If we'd get a boycott going of the nature and duration of what "we" did regarding Exxon and the oil spill in ALASKA, they'd be out of business (eventually; the very deep pockets propping up that effort at the moment might not even "feel" the effects of such a boycott).  Fundamentally, because they've become mouthpieces for the "official governmental version" of whatever, we know just to stop reading/listening to them. As the liars and government-uber-alles view propagandists are sent packing from the marketplace, legit news-people, who don't consider themselves "journalists" (and entertainers) but actual news-people, who already exist, will fill the information-flow gap.  It'll be a diet change on the "food for thought" part of life, and therefore a gradual but steady modification is the best plan.  In other words, based on yet one more tremendously well-researched and exposed example of the reality of controlled media, we come to terms with the fork in the road of trying to "fix" the "Beast" and its minions or change ourselves. (Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.)  Over only one of these do we really have any material and meaningful control.  Change is uncomfortable and inconvenient, and this "Beast" system is depending heavily on our lack of desire to change this particular informational diet that they've got us on.  In the exact same way they can't compel us to use the "funny money," they can't compel us to "consume" their propaganda, which they call "news," either.

Harmon L. Taylor

Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas

ZeroHedge Frontrunning: July 02

Frontrunning: July 02

  • Chinese stocks tumble again, ignoring Beijing's blandishments (Read More)
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Why do we celebrate a holiday that is fake?

Independence day July 4th was to celebrate America's independence from what????

Show me something that America has for independence. Last time I looked, Britain has overtaken America with their B.A.R. card holding title of nobility agents infesting pretty much the entire Federal and local system as a private corporation that also happens to be bankrupt.

We fought those scumbags in 1776, and 1812. Now it looks like they have won on the governmental and law battlefields by using stealth and hidden agendas. What the hell happened?? Did our grandparents and great grandparents turn a blind eye?

As far as I am concerned, it's time to lock and load! And I am NOT talking firecrackers!!

Paedophelia and the Brutal Cover Up – Psychopathy At Large


Jul 1, 2015

by Zen Gardner

Hardly anything gets me more upset than the in-your-face paedophelia issue: the disgustingly obvious truth of it, the massive cover up and denial, and most of all the prosecution and abuse by authorities of the very victims of these crimes. In any other universe these people would be cared for, lovingly listened to, and protected.
Today? It’s the bizarro world of muzzle and kill the good people and let the devils run amok.
And this issue is not just paedophelia. This covers even more taboo subjects the cowardly public refuses to pursue. That’s the most outrageous and mind-bending aspect of this whole swept under the carpet issue. We’re also talking satanic ritual abuse, supposedly human creatures actually performing sexual and torturous blood sacrificial rituals on innocent children, as well as others.  Routine rape and other forms of physical abuse are merely lower level forms, yet just as horrific, of these same demonic abuses.
That this phenomenon that has gone on for centuries and continues full throttle into today’s world is something the world is apparently not prepared to accept – and therefore complicit in – is only sealing humanity’s own fate if it doesn’t wake up and decide to stand up against it.
The situation in the UK is ripe for further exposure. There are so many known creeps coming to the fore just ripe to be fully prosecuted. Valiant people have worked hard to expose this issue including David Icke and many others for years. The public is listening and it’s having a profound effect.
May many more arise to tear down the walls of cover up and deceit and lay into these bastards in the highest levels of power with everything in them!

If That’s Not Enough, Look at the Vatican

What more obvious and in your face example can you have than dirty, perverted old, and young, men disguised as “conduits to god” sexually abusing young people? It’s so common it’s become a joke.
Where’s the joke in that? Where the hell is common sense justice and stopping these perverse maniacs from preying on innocent children?
No – humanity is washed over with waves of pacifying propaganda minimizing the issue with just a dab of outrage to keep it believable. Damn. If you’re not outraged you’re not fucking paying attention!
Literally “cloaked” in garbs of deceit and presupposed authority these dirty minions from hell have been doing this for ages. And the outrage? Ask the billions of Catholics who maintain their dystopian loyalty to this cult of abuse. Where the hell are they? Transfixed in religious dogma and blind subservience.
But the Catholic Church is not only one vector of such ritual abuse. Research for yourself, the connections meet up with any and every organization or so-called religious or secret institution. Rampant abuse is at work as we speak.
It’s dark and very insane. And costing lives, often dying in abject agony. When will humanity wake the hell up?

The Ingrained Abuse System

Missing children and misplaced or supposedly dead babies and disappearing youngsters are rampant statistics yet no one questions why. Governments don’t care or it would be a center issue instead of marginalized on milk cartons, once upon a time,  and off beat news stories, if anything at all.
This is what we’re up against.
The cover up is as plain as day yet few seem to sit up and take serious notice. Hence the reference to our current dystopia, a place where up is down and right is wrong and nothing of moral value matters. We’re descending into just such a pit as we speak.

But It Doesn’t Need to be So

Real people care. They love, they have heartfelt concerns. The narrative humanity is being handed by these massive discrepancies not being addressed is simply a ploy, an old one in fact, of convincing the masses that what they think they are concerned about really isn’t a problem.
Controlling psychopaths having their way with a complicit humanity. Absolute self destructive insanity.
There’s not much more I can say on this, except the following video. If this doesn’t rip your guts open in outrage and disdain for our current fully corrupt system I don’t know what will.

Please, be a voice for truth and sanity. Make your conscious, loving and caring presence known for the sake of the suffering. Speak up and make a difference. Our future and that of our children and fellow humans is at stake.

Concentration Camps Disguised As Shopping Malls Being Built Everywhere


Wednesday, July 1, 2015 4:05

In the video below you’ll see there are a whole new strain of shopping malls opening up just in time for the Christmas Seasona time that is not expected for things to be good here in the United States. The most obvious notable changes to this new design of shopping malls is the multiple “Guard Towers” built in along with narrow ways of entry and exit meaning that once they are closed off and the towers are manned… good luck! 

Coming in October of 2015, all across the country, happy American shoppers will see a whole slew of new shopping malls opening just in time for the Christmas shopping season. Interestingly enough, and possibly just by ‘coincidence’, EVERY one of these shopping malls that will be opening in October of 2015 has characteristics of FEMA concentration camps including guard towers overlooking the properties and several of them LOOKING just like fortresses!


The story by Chris Tucker at the Central Kitsap Reporter begins: “The massive walls at the Trails at Silverdale construction site loom over the surrounding area as if it were a modern-day hilltop fortress.” Trails at Silverdale in the state of Washington will be opening in October of 2015. Trails at Silverdale can be seen in the picture seen at top right of story. Situated on 18 acres on a hill overlooking everything, Trails at Silverdale will include ‘soldier pile’ and ‘lock and load’ retaining walls and be the future home of 24 tenants.
According to the ABC Action News video below, excitement runs high for the upcoming October 2015 opening of the Wesley Chapel outlet mall in Pasco, Florida, however, there are ‘concerns’. We learn here that officials have yet to announce what retailers will be inhabiting these 100+ ‘stores’ and, after being emailed a tip by an ANP reader that this mall (seen picture top left and below right) looks almost like it could be a prison, we decided to take a look into how many more ‘malls’ across America are scheduled to be opened in October of 2015 and wanted to see what these malls will look like. To say that we found a disturbing pattern would be an understatement.


Following up on a recent story on ANP called “Commercial Camouflage: Converting Shopping Malls Into FEMA Camps With Guard Towers Right In Front Of Our Faces? Obama Authorizes Slave Labor On American Soil” in which we told you about the Marana Spectrum outlet mall which is supposed to be opening in October of 2015 but as of yet, had no anchor stores signed up, we have found AT LEAST 5 new malls opening in October of 2015 with several more new ones having recently opened and other opening this summer and exactly WHY each one of them has characteristics of FEMA incarceration camps or fortresses has not yet been answered. If they suddenly needed to transform these ‘malls’ into a ‘security state’ apparatus, it likely could be accomplished without too much fuss and bother.


From massive and nearly impenatrable lock and load walls to massive prison towers overlooking the mall grounds, these towers certainly are being used for the national security state, likely housing cameras surveilling and recording everything surrounding them. Take a look at almost any of the new malls across the country and they already have them, as if this was planned out long ago. We know that the national security state loves to have lookouts on high, watching everything, are these towers in new malls for the same reason, able to be transformed into prison guard towers in a blink of an eye?


Joining Wesley Chapel outlets in Florida, the Trails at Silverdale in Washington, and the Marana Spectrum in Arizona for October 2015 openings will be the Outlets at San Clemente, California and the Outlets at Little Rock, Arkansas while the Outlets at Gloucester in New Jersey, the Grand Rapids Tanger Outlets in Michigan, and the Outlets at Foxwoods in Connecticut will each open this summer or early fall and all have some of the same characteristics we’ve seen.


While it is quite likely that these new shopping malls will ONLY be used as shopping malls, if everything goes south with the economy and Jade Helm 15 and what comes after actually are for the roundup of those whom the terrorists in Washington DC feel pose a threat to their continued raping and pillaging of America, we know from this Intellihub story that FEMA, under authorization from the Department of Defense, has plans to use abandoned shopping malls to house a massive influx of humanity from south of the border. Imagine them needing to incarceration a hundred million Americans. From Intellihub.:

Shockingly, under DoD authorization, FEMA is also planning to use abandon or unused department stores, shopping malls, and warehouses as camps to accommodate the mass human influx from South America.
Before now it was only a conspiracy theory that large box stores like Wal-Mart’s would potentially be used as FEMA camps.
some speculate the White House may have already activated REX84, also known as Readiness Exercise 1984, under protocol or Executive Order, which was put into place during the Regan Administration in the event a mass influx from the southern border were to occur.
Moreover, I myself (Shepard Ambellas) speculate that the “influx” facade may be the actual White House/DoD protocol for rolling out full-blown concentration camps for use on American citizens during coming civil unrest, paralleling the collapsing U.S. dollar.
The bottom line is that the White House simply would not start manning full-on concentration camps without a good cover story that most of the sheeple in this country could buy. In fact, this all follows lockstep with the Obama Administrations plan as the U.S. government has already been caught red-handed shipping in the migrants via bus. All of this to provide a cover story, hiding the true reason the camps are being activated for — those who will resist.


U.S. on 'high alert' for Independence Day events - GUESS WHAT USA AGENCIES ARE PLANNING THESE ATTACKS?????


Report: FBI Agents Telling Friends & Family to ‘Avoid July 4 Celebrations’
Report: FBI Agents Telling Friends & Family to 'Avoid July 4 Celebrations'                                  
by Paul Joseph Watson | July 1, 2015

Following warnings by the (CORPORATION DEFUNCT BANKRUPT CRIMINAL) federal 'government' that 'terrorists' may be planning to attack Independence Day events, FBI agents are reportedly telling friends and family members to avoid major July 4 celebrations.

Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft cites an “inside source” who told him that, “FBI agents are telling their friends and family members to avoid “official celebrations.”

Hoft also claims that the FBI has canceled vacation for all its agents for the duration of the weekend.

Earlier this week, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI issued alerts to local law enforcement and urged Americans to “remain vigilant” for this weekend’s July 4 events

Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell also said Monday that he “wouldn’t be surprised” if there’s a terrorist attack during the 4th of July weekend.
“This one really resonates with me for two reasons,” Morell said. “One is there’s been about 50 people in the last 12 months who have been arrested in the United States for being radicalized by ISIS, wanting to go fight there or wanting to conduct an attack here, so there’s a lot of people out there who are seeing themselves as aligned with ISIS, number one.”

“Number two, you have this ISIS call to arms during Ramadan,” Morell said. “We are right in the middle of Ramadan, call to arms, conduct attacks against our enemies, so I’m worried about this one.”

(OK America - let's analyze this - (1) FBI, CIA and DHS are all in on ISIS - ISIS is a criminal USA corporation creation - so OF COURSE they are receiving 'inside source intel'!!! They are manufacturing that 'intel' for their own purposes!  (2) The criminal cabal running the criminal fraudulent USA now defunct corporation 'government' runs/funds ISI - probably with black ops funds and help from Soros  (3) They thrive on producing FEAR among the American population  (4) They are working diligently to get a racial civil war going in this nation, setting up multiple racial false flag operations in past three years, to produce 'terror' via blacks and muslims against the American people  (5) They want the American people to BEG them to establish martial law and gun confiscation.  OF COURSE THEY WILL PRODUCE TERROR IN THIS NATION OVER JULY 4TH - EXPECT IT - BE PREPARED AND KILL THE BASTARDS THAT COME AGAINST YOU!  THEY WANT A WAR - GIVE IT TO THEM - TAKE THEM OUT FIRST!)

Fox News also reported that the FBI is setting up command centers in all of its 56 field offices across the country to monitor potential terror threats.

ISIS supporters (include the FBI, CIA, DHS and USA corporation as ISIS 'supporters') have recently intensified their social media propaganda campaign with almost 100,000 tweets a day urging mass murder. (Folks, do you GET THE PICTURE YET???)

The 'warnings' follow deadly attacks by ISIS last week in Tunisia, France and Kuwait that killed scores of people.


Drug-Releasing Microchip Implants

Deal Reached: Wireless Remote Drug-Releasing Microchip Implants On The Assembly Line

Tuesday, June 30, 2015
By Heather Callaghan

A pharma company with generic drugs meets michrochip and biotech in a marriage of implantable devices that are shockingly close to the finish line of commercialization.
Deals were made. Money exchanged. Development in process - this is actually going to happen.

Is this the next phase of
The Singularity? The complete bypassing of pills, injections - things that one actively chooses and takes - to a passive acceptance of remote controlled wireless chips quietly and somehow pumping substance for up to 16 years? Or is it more public relations for the long-time push for the coming ''brain chip''?

But first to roll out will probably be the wirelessly controlled birth-control implanted device backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (ANYONE WHO AGREES TO THIS ONE IS A CANDIDATE FOR EXTERMINATION FOR SURE)
Rob Matheson of TechSwarm reports:
...Earlier this month, MIT spinout Microchips Biotech partnered with a pharmaceutical giant to commercialize its wirelessly controlled, implantable, microchip-based devices that store and release drugs inside the body over many years. 
Invented by Microchips Biotech co-founders Michael Cima, the David H. Koch Professor of Engineering, and Robert Langer, the David H. Koch Institute Professor, the microchips consist of hundreds of pinhead-sized reservoirs, each capped with a metal membrane, that store tiny doses of therapeutics or chemicals. An electric current delivered by the device removes the membrane, releasing a single dose... (For those who are not aware, the chemtrails as well as water and some foods contain nano-particles that have their own 'brains'. They search the body for their counterparts and connect together. Some produce morgellons - a horrendous man made bioweapon that causes misery to the point of committing suicide. These electric current chips can receive and obey 'kill' orders. Research these for yourself if you don't believe this.)
Now Microchips Biotech will begin co-developing microchips with Teva Pharmaceutical, the world’s largest producer of generic drugs, to treat specific diseases with licensing potential for other products. Teva paid $35 million up front with additional milestone payments as the device goes through clinical trials before it hits the shelves. (DON'T AGREE TO ACCEPT THESE CHIPS!  THEY WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU!)