Thursday, July 16, 2015

Navy Seal Explains "The Big Event"






I’m going to explain the big BIG event as condensed and as clear as possible. This is a subject that is very complicated and leads to an infinite number of questions. This is a loaded question I was hoping to put off as long as possible. 
There are events within events and this is very complex. I will provide basic key events and information, in layman’s terms, that will help those who choose to travel down the rabbit hole, to do so and research what I provide on their own.
For a number of years this event has been shown to us in movies, example Melancholia, and other mediums.  If you do the research, you will find them. This, associated with the combination of dead scientists, astronomers and bankers, is the biggest cover up secret in world history.
Many people believe asteroids will kick off a foreseen world calamity. Many have had dreams and visions of asteroids hitting the earth and hitting the oceans, triggering off massive tsunamis and devastating earthquakes. In all probability, what they have dreamed and seen are correct, but there is a prelude, an event that begins all of this.
In Revelation 8:8 we read a mountain of fire is thrown into the sea, a mountain, not something from outer space, clearly a mountain, or it would describe something from outer space. If this mountain is of fire, that indicates a volcanic mountain, something from earth. Asteroids is something that would come shortly after, sporadically for a period of time and increasing substantially later during what is referred to in the Bible as “God’s Wrath.” You don’t want to be here for that.
Every several hundreds or thousands of years a planetary system enters earth’s orbital plane.  When it does, it causes the earth to tilt or rotate several degrees off its axis. When this occurs, it causes changes in the earth’s magnetosphere, ecosystem and overall planet environment.
Much of this event is depicted at several locations around the globe on cave walls with artifacts, etc.  so it has clearly happened before (Noah’s Flood). The calculated time for this planet and its accompanying moons and other planets to enter earth’s atmosphere is now, within the next few years, and I am being very conservative with this estimated time.
The 'government' actually calculates it to be here/visible at the end of this year, and the effects being felt by the end of the first quarter of next year. This is why you are seeing all the pre-staging of equipment.
Also, this is why you see CERN ramping up its activity. They actually believe if they alter time, they can hold things off or even possibly divert the event.
Unfortunately, they’re going to make things much worse, adding a spicy sprinkling of hell creatures running around, a result from CERN opening the pit of hell. CERN is what I believe to be the key spoken about in the Bible.
In addition, CERN is being used to do other things, all extremely evil, but that is for another discussion.

Continuing, world governments have known about this big big event for a very long time, and they have calculated, what they believe to be the correct preparation time for this event. Before the event, the world powers/military’s monitoring systems, evaluation programs, joint logistic networks and currency exchange systems must all be connected up to a certain level before the planetary system enters earth’s atmosphere.
This is the reason for the historical military exercises around the globe, emergence of the AIIB, BRICS, CHIPS, massive seed banks, state size underground storage facilities and unprecedented amount of FEMA installations. The powers-that-be are scared to death!
In addition, public control (martial law-via fanned civil unrest) must be implemented and working before the event so when the first pass by of the planetary system occurs, creating total chaos, there is a manageable cohesive system in place to operate from after the destruction, and this is the New World Order just as you have seen/heard about over the past many years.
So, world governments are actually going to use 'the event' to usher in The New World Order/world management system.
It won’t go as everyone has agreed upon or predicted. There will be a lot of backstabbing and advantage taken of one another going on. Again, another subject in itself.
So, what is 'the big event'?  A planet and it's accompanying moons, planets and debris entering our atmosphere and creating massive destruction and chaos. This is the ultimate reason for all the preparations, civil changes and world restructuring.
Would I believe me if I was someone who has never studied this, or been a part of this or seen certain things occur first hand?
The 'Horned' Planet - Nibiru
The ‘Horned’ Planet – Nibiru
The ultimate, and most important, answer to all your questions is this: Have you accepted Jesus Christ of Nazareth as your Lord and Savior? Repent and Believe that Jesus Loves you!
Hope this helps,

CERN sees the “Pentaquark” for the first time

NOTE: Amazing that this recent 'find' turns out to be in the shape of a pentagram - satanic - which matches the concerns of most researching CERN that it is dangerous and could bring catastrophic events upon this planet/oo


7/16/2015 — CERN sees the “Pentaquark” for the first time

by Michael Janitch
The LHC (large hadron collider) at CERN has made a new discovery.
They have observed a "pentaquark" for the first time.
First.. the actual diagram from CERN .. (left is the assembled 3D "pentaquark" taking the shape of a pentagram - right is the sub-components of the particle(s)

pentaquark-head-640x353.jpg [ 33.19 KiB | Viewed 4 times ]
More on Pentaquarks:
"A pentaquark is a hypothetical type of subatomic particle consisting of four quarks and one antiquark bound together.
As quarks have a baryon number of +13, and antiquarks of −13, it would have a total baryon number of 1, thus being classified as an exotic baryon. By contrast, regular baryons (or 'triquarks')—which also have a total baryon number of 1—consist of three quarks. The name pentaquark was coined by Harry J. Lipkin in 1987,[1] although the possibility of five-quark particles was identified as early as 1964 when Murray Gell-Mann first postulated the existence of quarks.[2] Although predicted for decades, pentaquarks have proved surprisingly difficult to discover, and some physicists were beginning to suspect that an unknown law of nature forbids their production.[3]
The first claim of pentaquark discovery was recorded at LEPS in Japan in 2003, and several experiments in the mid-2000s also reported discoveries of other pentaquark states.[4] However, others were not able to replicate the LEPS results, and the other pentaquark discoveries were not accepted because of poor data and statistical analysis.[5] On 13 July 2015, the LHCb collaboration at CERN reported results consistent with pentaquark states in the decay of bottom Lambda baryons (Λ0
Here are just a few diagrams to show the overall makeup of a "pentaquark".
:) Loving the shapes we're seeing here - undeniable fingerprints of synchronicity :) -- quite frankly.. I'm not shocked to see pentagrams and pyramids associated with CERN.

Judge Anna Maria Riezinger explains the JOHN QUINCY ADAMS bank account!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Judge Anna is an acquaintance of mine, I promised Judge Anna I would get this out far and wide. Please share this information. To order her comic book the link is below, it's 60% off with this link, however we want "YOU" to share the information. The world needs this information, we need to change the way we do business in order to survive.

I just received my first copy (comic book )  from Judge Anna Maria Riezinger. “WOW” I can’t believe what I’m reading, Judge Anna puts it all out there doesn’t hold anything back. Judge Anna has written  this in layman’s terms "comic book" form so that even a high school kid will get it. This is just a couple of highlights she talks about.
1.The “Internal Revenue Service, Inc” is hired as an accounting service to keep track of credit accruing in the account of JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, an estate trust created by the UNITED STATES (INC.) under the laws of the Washington DC Municipal Government (an independent, international City-State). The associated nine-digit Master Account Number is used as Employer Number written like this *123456789* representing the credit side of the account.
2.The “IRS (INC)” is hired to perform the billing service of the governmental services corporation and keep track of the debt accruing against the account of JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, using the Master Account Number as a Taxpayer Identification Number written like this: “ 123-45-6789” and representing the debt side of the account.
3. You, the living man Called ‘John Quincy Adams” are presumed to be voluntary Withholding Agent responsible for keeping these accounts balanced, but you are never told anything about this job or how to do it, so you “mistakenly” pay the bill owed by JOHN QUINCY ADAMS out of your own pocket.
4. Mortgage Fraud ---- Section 103 (b)(E)(2) of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980, Public Law 96-221 admits that “in the United States, neither Paper currency nor deposits have value as commodities .Intrinsically, a dollar bill is a piece of paper and deposits are merely book entries.”
5. Generally Accepted Accounting Procedure (GAAP) defines all such “deposits” as bank liabilities; however, the bank provably NEVER pays these liabilities.
6. So the bank never actually “loans” anything of equitable value and contributes nothing but a minor accounting service when they set up a mortgage.
7. Additionally, FDIC Rules prevent banks from loaning their own assets or the assets of their depositors---- proving again that the banks do not and cannot provide value—for –value and have no valid security interest.

This takes the cake, I didn’t know this happened, as far as I’m concerned they have the wrong people in jail, this is why. THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY—You might think that the vast white collar crime perpetuated against the American’s, Brits, Canadians, Australians, and Europeans counts as “the crime of the century”, but fraud and coercion, extortion and even imprisonment and murder of individuals pales when compared to the crimes perpetuated by recent Bush and potentially, Barack Obama. Under bush’s auspices we suffered an obvious False Flag attack against the World Trade center and the murder of thousands of innocent Americans and people from around the world who happened to be present on September 11, 2001----- but that is still not the “crime of the century” The crime of the century is the deliberate pollution of Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and large portions of North Africa with American nuclear waste. The perpetrators took what they called “spent” nuclear waste materials from storage in underground salt mines in the western United States and packed it into artillery shell casings which they exploded all over the Middle east And North Africa. George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and Harry Reid are fundamentally responsible for pollution that will maim and kill innocent people in these countries for the next 60,000 years.

You can order copies of Anna’s book with Black and White interior via AMAZON at   UseDiscount Code A9RV5KUN for a discount of 60% off plus shipping.

Thanks Diane

1 comment:

  1. question does judge anna have an email?

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

4 Simple Questions


Here are 4 Simple questions from a reputable attorney ..........
Are  there ANY logical answers ???? You be the judge...... Here's what I would like to know.   If the TRUTH ever comes out, and it is decided that Obama was never eligible to be president, what happens to all the laws he signed into being and all the executive orders?  Should they all be null and void?   Here are 4 Simple questions from a reputable attorney...............   This really should get your "gray matter" to churning, even if you are an Obama fan.   I wouldn't want YOUR hero to be made out to be a liar, would you?   For all you "anti-Fox News" folks, none of this information came from Fox. All of it can be verified from legitimate sources (Wikipedia, the Kapiolani hospital website itself, and a good history book, as noted herein). It is very easy for someone to check out.   4 Simple Questions .....   1. Back in 1961 people of color were called 'Negroes'.  So how can the Obama 'birth certificate' state he is "African-American" when the term wasn't even used at that time?   2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961 and lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. No big deal, Right? At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama's father was born in "Kenya, East  Africa".   This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth. How could Obama's father have been born in a country that did not yet Exist?  Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate". (check it below)
  3. On the Birth Certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital". This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home", Respectively. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978 ? (CHECK IT BELOW)
( )   Why hasn't this been discussed in the major media ?   4. Perhaps a clue comes from Obama's book on his father. He states how proud he is of his father fighting in WW II.  I'm not a math genius, so I may need some help from you.  Barack Obama's "birth certificate" says his father was 25 years old in 1961 when Obama was born.  That should have put his father's date of birth approximately 1936-if my math holds (Honest! I did that without a calculator!!!) Now we need a non-revised history book-one that hasn't been altered to satisfy the author's goals-to verify that WW II was basically between 1939 and 1945. Just how many 3 year olds fight in Wars? Even in the latest stages of WW II his father wouldn't have been more than 9 years old. Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a liar, or simply chooses to alter the facts to satisfy his imagination or political purposes?   Very truly yours, RICHARD R. SILVERLIEB Attorney at Law 354 Eisenhower Parkway Livingston, NJ 07039   "A pen in the hand of this president is far more dangerous than a gun in the hands of 200 million law-abiding citizens."

Aliens don’t make contact because we lack intelligence

In the next two videos a short interview with Sky News and Former MOD UFO investigator Nick Pope on the UFO phenomenon and a summary of an interview with MSNBC host Chris Hayes and astrophysicist and Cosmos host Neil DeGrasse who said that our definition of intelligence might greatly differ from the views of advanced extraterrestrials beings.
DeGrasse told to MSNBC host Hayes: “My great fear is that we’ve in fact been visited by intelligent aliens, but they chose not to make contact, on the conclusion that there’s no sign of intelligent life on Earth.”
“One reason it’s presumptuous for humans to act like they’re the arbiters of intelligence, is the possibility that planets much older than ours are already sending us messages in a format that, while basic to them, is incomprehensible by our current standards.
“How is that for measures of intelligence?”‘

Another Critical Event Coming In September!

Another Critical Event Coming In September!

One You’ve Not Heard Before That Will Impact You Greatly…

Wednesday, July 15, 2015 10:35
By Lisa Haven  
A few days ago I put out a report claiming that there were 12 major events that would happen before the end of September, however upon further investigation, there is yet one more critical event that could be added to the list and one you’ve likely have not yet heard.   
Come this September the UN Security Council is expected to vote on a UN resolution that will establish a Palestinian state. France is already working on a proposal that would give the UN Council recognition to the Palestinians. According to Pravada.Ru Reports 
“The resolution would declare that a divided Jerusalem is the capital of both Israel and a Palestinian state. In addition, the new document would set the 1967 borders as the baseline for future negotiations to establish the final borders between the two nations.”  
Considering 136 countries already recognize Palestine as a state, it’s likely France, on September 15th session of the UN General Assembly, will submit the resolution for a vote. If this resolution is approved it could have huge ramifications on us all.   
The only thing standing in their way is President Barack Obama but that’s likely to change. According to Debka files
“…Obama is reported exclusively by our sources to have given the hitherto withheld green light to European governments to file a UN Security Council motion proclaiming an independent Palestinian state.” 

Why Is This Important?  
There’s two ways this could play out. First bible prophecy specifies in the book of Revelation that the Antichrist will sign a seven year peace treaty with Israel:  
Daniel 9:27, “And he [the Antichrist] shall enter into a strong and firm covenant with many for one week [seven years].”  
It is this seven year “peace” treaty that will mark the beginning of the tribulation period. Could it be that France’s proposed deal hitting the UN in September will eventually lead to the seven year treaty signed by the Antichrist? After all if this is accepted by the UN Council then it will be brought before Israel and Palestinian authorities. Then Israel will either be forced to receive the proposal, or go to war.  
Which brings me to the other way this could play out. Israel could deny the UN resolution and as a result, war would break out against Israel and UN Countries. Either way we are living in the scary times prophesied in the bible…
Per the video, here is the official list of twelve events—now thirteen—that will happen on or before the end of September: 
1. NORAD reopens Cheyenne Mountain after years of closure due to worries about an EMP attack
2. US Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in all 50 states
3. Star of Bethlehem appears on June 30th 
4. Talisman Saber Starts 
5. Pope Francis declares his desire to build a World Government and a New World Order 
6. The Temple Institute announces their plan to farm raise Red Heifer’s a precursor to the Building of the Temple. 
7. New York Stock Exchange crashes, United Airlines halts, Wall Street journalist site and Chinese Market Shutdown 
8. Jade Helm begins July 15th 
9. Shemitah Year 
10. Jubilee year
11. Blood moon Tetrad Concludes September 28th   
12. UN hosts their Agenda 21 Meeting Sustainable Development for the Entire Planet (September 25-27) Pope Will Travel to New York and address Congress & attend the meeting
13. The coming UN Proposal to make Palestine a state. 
For More Information See: 
September Resolution: 
France Draft:
Palestinian State:

Today Is the First Day of the Great American Purge

CSS Offical-New-Logo2

 On March 27, under the auspices of DHS, Special Operations forces practiced political dissident extraction drills in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I took this as a personal declaration of war against the American people.

On March 27, under the auspices of DHS, Special Operations forces practiced political dissident extraction drills in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I took this as a personal declaration of war against the American people.
Today, is the first “official” day of Jade Helm. This is beginning of the Great American Purge.
Since mid-March, I have written over 100 articles, have done 85 interviews and I have also interviewed such notables as Steve Quayle, John B. Wells, Paul Martin, Doug Hagmann and former Army Special Operations Officer, Scott Bennett. and it now time to to recap what I have learned in this time.

What the Obama Administration Tried to Make Us Believe

For the past three years, I stated that a precipitous false flag operation(s) would take down the American economy necessitating the need for martial law. However, I have always been quick to point out that martial law was merely a means to obliterate the Constitution so the American people would be powerless to refuse to fight in the megabankers final war of economic and political unification as well as having that war to serve as an instrument of depopulation.
When it comes to Jade Helm 15, the administration and their disinformation minions would have us believe that the entire sum of the operation would involve less than 1,200 personnel and only take place in seven states. By the end of March, those who were honestly reporting on Jade Helm knew that both of these statements were a lie.

Jade Helm was only supposed to be in 7 states.  Jade

Helm was only supposed to be in 7 states. Please note that millions of Americans were declared to be “hostile” in the map announcing the formation of the drill as Texas, Utah and part of Southern California were declared to be hostile to some unidentified entity that would warrant the largest martial law drill in the history of the country.

Also on March 27, we witnessed waiting white vans designed to transport these (actors) political dissidents to their new residences at the nearby FEMA camps. These van have also been seen traveling through select neighborhoods through out the country. This political extraction drilll, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. exposed to two lies: (1) Jade Helm was not supposed to start until July 15 and (2) Jade Helm was only in 7 states. Florida was not on the original Jade Helm maps and documents.

Also on March 27, we witnessed waiting white vans designed to transport these (actors) political dissidents to their new residences at the nearby FEMA camps. These van have also been seen traveling through select neighborhoods through out the country. This political extraction drill, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. exposed to two lies: (1) Jade Helm was not supposed to start until July 15 and (2) Jade Helm was only in 7 states. Florida was not on the original Jade Helm maps and documents. It was on March 27, 2015, that I knew that America had a big problem and reported that fact on the Fox News Kate Dalley Show and to a Houston radio station on that date.

The Composition of the Jade Helm Forces

When I discovered that Special Forces from every branch of the military were involved in Jade Helm along with conventional units, such as the 82nd Airborne, it sent chills up my spine. First, I learned from my sources that this is the first time that conventional military forces have trained in an interactive manner with Special Forces.  This revelation opened up the floodgates and I heard from former Navy Seals, Army Rangers, etc., who were now very concerned about Jade Helm, when before they thought this was just another conspiracy theory.

ARSOF extraction forces approach.

ARSOF extraction forces approach.
The presence of the Jade Helm divergent forces speaks to:
1. Extraction or assassination of political dissidents (a hallmark function of Special Operations forces).
2. The imposition of martial law.




Walmart Complicity Exposed

walmart  high cost of low price

There is a pseudo-journalist with ulterior motives from Big Spring, Texas who would have the public believe the laughable tale that Jade Helm is only in 7 states and less than 1,200 personnel are involved in the entire drill and that nothing, whatsoever is suspicious is going on at the Walmarts that were allegedly closed for plumbing problems. Yet, I was fortunate enough to have on the ground observers and reporters, such as Marlon Brock, also from Big Spring, TX., who brought another level of integrity and accuracy to the reporting on the duplicitous involvement of Walmart’s involvement in Jade Helm.
Marlon sent me a number of stunning photographs from the Midland, Texas Walmart. Remember, Walmart was only supposed to be closed for six months for plumbing problems. Marlon Brock exposed how far along the fixing solving of these plumbing problems have progressed.

I would guess that in the Midland, Texas Walmart that they solve their plumbing problems by hauling all of the shelves from store off the property. Strange way to fix plumbing isn't it?

I would guess that in the Midland, Texas Walmart that they solve their plumbing problems by hauling all of the shelves from the  store off the property. Strange way to fix plumbing isn’t it?
  Marlon Brock also exposed the existence of the under the radar private security firm, who has done work for DHS, which was providing security at the Walmart in Midland. Must be pretty important plumbing.

One can clearly see "Central Defense" on the vehicle.

One can clearly see “Central Defense” on the vehicle providing security at the Midland, Texas Walmart.
I also had an insider come forward who was working inside of the Midland Walmart who said they were installing TSA types of security measure and they were changing the ventilation system. Again, Marlon Brock caught the work on the ventilation system from the roof.

Since when do you fix plumbing from the roof?

Since when do you fix plumbing from the roof?
Pseudo-journalists aside, with ulterior motives, people from the same community have very grave concerns about Jade Helm and for very good reason. Look at the following images.

This is what martial law looks like and the media in Big Spring, Texas captured this important moment in history.

This is what martial law looks like and the media in Big Spring, Texas captured this important moment in history.
Even the locals in Big Spring, Texas are highly concerned as they chastised their County officials and city council for taking DHS/DOD payoffs to allow their communities to be abused in the upcoming months.

Citizen discontent over Jade Helm.

Citizen discontent over Jade Helm.
Even the governor of Texas got involved on the people’s side as he promised to monitor Jade Helm for signs of abusing the constitutional liberties of the people of Texas.

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas National Guard to monitor a joint U.S. Special Forces training taking place in Texas, prompting outrage from some in his own party. Did you see this story on Fox and Friends? Eric Gay/AP

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas National Guard to monitor a joint U.S. Special Forces training taking place in Texas, prompting outrage from some in his own party. Did you see this story on Fox and Friends?
Eric Gay/AP

Jade Helm, Or Its Successor, Will Lead to the Breakup of the United States

In a stunning discovery, it was quickly made known that the Jade Helm map was an identical match for a MECHA and their proposed breakup of the United States by giving away seven states and expelling all people from a European background in something called Reconquista de Aztlan.

Take note of the seven states connected to the announcement of the Jade Helm drill.

Take note of the seven states connected to the announcement of the Jade Helm drill.

 Note the identical match between Jade Helm and the propsed Aztlan map.

 Note the identical match between Jade Helm and the proposed Aztlan map.

 ISIS Has Become Our New Neighbor


 ISIS base camp, eight miles from El Paso Texas. Source: Judicial Watch.

ISIS base camp, eight miles from El Paso Texas. Source: Judicial Watch.
Long before the July 4th revelation that ISIS had a presence in all 50 states, thanks to Obama’s border policies, Judicial Watch discovered official documents which clearly showed that ISIS is maintaining a base camp eight miles from El Paso, TX. The implications are far-reaching and ominous.
It looked like discoveries such as the ISIS base camp. and the potential threat to American targets such as the PANTEX nuclear facility led to the deployment of these missiles designed to bring down low-flying aircraft on suicide missions.

These are high resolution photos of the SAM missiles, that many say do not exist. These missiles are located 45 miles southeast of Lubbock, TX and were originally photographed by Texas resident, Travis Kuenstler.  These photos will soon be back in the news at The Common Sense Show, as we have just learned that this represents World War III preparations and the countering of the ISIS threat on or southern border.

These are high resolution photos of the SAM missiles, that many say do not exist. These missiles are located 45 miles southeast of Lubbock, TX and were originally photographed by Texas resident, Travis Kuenstler. These photos will soon be back in the news at The Common Sense Show, as we have just learned that this represents World War III preparations and the countering of the ISIS threat on or southern border.

Unprecedented and Massive Troop Movements Around the USA In the Past Four Months

Not a day goes by that I do not receive photos from citizen reporters who are concerned about the scope and size of the military movements going on across this country. From low flying helicopters to massive trains carrying military equipment to drills (Ft. Carson) involving record numbers of troops are constant in their occurrence and the scope of the operation.

Fort Carson has been emptied out as the troops and equipment have been rolled out across Pinon Canyon destroying the land of private ranchers.

Fort Carson has been emptied out as the troops and equipment have been rolled out across Pinon Canyon destroying the land of private ranchers.

This picture and the one above it depict Russian soldiers at Ft. Carson. The Russians and other foreign troops (e.g. Germans, Canadians, Danes) are part of Jade Helm. They are here to carry out the mission should American troops stand down.

Speaking of Ft. Carson, this picture and the one above it depict Russian soldiers at Ft. Carson. The Russians and other foreign troops (e.g. Germans, Canadians, Danes) are part of Jade Helm. They are here to carry out the mission should American troops stand down.

No Shortage of FEMA Camp Facilities Connected to Jade Helm

Throughout the four month investigation into Jade Helm an unmistakable and very disturbing development began to surface. DHS and FEMA have no shortage of facilities to house American dissidents in what Bill Ayers, the man who launched Obama’s political career, called re-education camps.

From the air, the guard towers stick out like a sore thumb. The Twin Peaks Marana mall. The only thing missing is customers.

From the air, the guard towers stick out like a sore thumb. The Twin Peaks Marana mall. The only thing missing is customers. Speaking of customers, please note the desolate area the mall was constructed in. Where will the customers come from? They will come from the ranks of the enemies of the state (i.e. former Ron Paul supporters, constitutionalists, Libertarians, Bible-believing Christians, Second Amendment supporters (see the MIAC report).
We discovered that some schools have some very unique security features and would make ideal detention facilities.

Why would anyone send their child to school in this detention facility?

Why would anyone send their child to school in this detention facility?

A Denver Metropolitan school complete with a Marana mall type of guard tower.
A Denver Metropolitan school complete with a Marana mall type of guard tower.

These schools kind of look like this Nazi concentration camp.
These schools kind of look like this Nazi concentration camp.

And the sheeple's children are being conditioned. In thee bus evacuation drills, where will they take the children?
And the sheeple’s children are being conditioned. In thee bus evacuation drills, where will they take the children?
And if you go to a sporting even of a major league sport, keep in mind, this is what you are likely to see.

The conditioning of the sheep.

The conditioning of the sheep.

Will Jade Helm 15 Go Live?

Nobody in the Independent Media can answer that question for sure. However, what can say for certain is that this administration is not allocating these kinds of resources, both in men and material, if some version, future or present, was not seriously being planned for. So yes, we will see these activities carried out on American soil unless we can convince our troops to stand down and not carry out illegal orders to act with vengeance toward the American people.

seaworld-military discount

Yesterday, my family went to Sea World. One of the remarkable things that I saw was the honor that the theme park bestowed upon the active duty military and veterans in attendance. I grew up in a military family and have decided bias in favor of our troops. They are willing to do what most of us do not have the courage or ability to do. Americans may detest our foreign policy, but overwhelmingly, we love our military. To any active duty military I say this to you. Your country loves you and respects you. Do not betray our trust. When the time comes, say NO to any illegal order that would put your fellow Americans in jeopardy. If you do so, you will find the American people will stand with you. We live in very perilous times. We need to be united. As has been said before, we either hang together, or we will surely hang separately.

Terrifying Anonymous Message - Red Code - June 2015


Published on Jun 6, 2015
You have to watch this!
Something big is going to happen!
This is the latest Anonymous message for the public.

 The concerns expressed in the message are terrifying.



These Oklahoma Citizens Just Welcomed Obama To Town In A Way He’s Sure To Hate

Ahead of Barack Obama’s arrival at Durant High School for a planned speech Wednesday, a number of local Oklahomans seized the opportunity to share a direct message with the president. Joined by protesters from other states, like Texan Trey Johnson, the group flew Confederate flags in an effort to show that their support for the banner is not rooted in racism.
“It is about history,” one female protester told reporters. “It’s not about racism at all because both black men as well as white men stood side by side. They fought together for the beliefs that they believed in.”
Images of the protest soon began appearing across social media platforms.
Tulsa World chronicled some of the local Twitter reaction to the protest, revealing it to be overwhelmingly negative.
Protesters were described as “a—holes” and “idiots,” with one critic threatening to move in the wake of the demonstration. Proponents of the flag, however, were not deterred.
“We’re not gonna stand down from our heritage,” Johnson said. “You know, this flag’s not racist. And I know a lot of people think it is; but it’s really not. It’s just a southern thing – that’s it.”
Stephanie Edge described the gathering as “a rally for the battle flag,” adding that it “is not a protest.”
Another participant, Alyssa Pollack, sympathized with those who associate the flag with oppression; however, she concluded that soldiers of many races died fighting under it and that it should be remembered.
Should the Confederate flag be avoided in modern America? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism – Equipping You With The Truth
