Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Aliens don’t make contact because we lack intelligence

In the next two videos a short interview with Sky News and Former MOD UFO investigator Nick Pope on the UFO phenomenon and a summary of an interview with MSNBC host Chris Hayes and astrophysicist and Cosmos host Neil DeGrasse who said that our definition of intelligence might greatly differ from the views of advanced extraterrestrials beings.
DeGrasse told to MSNBC host Hayes: “My great fear is that we’ve in fact been visited by intelligent aliens, but they chose not to make contact, on the conclusion that there’s no sign of intelligent life on Earth.”
“One reason it’s presumptuous for humans to act like they’re the arbiters of intelligence, is the possibility that planets much older than ours are already sending us messages in a format that, while basic to them, is incomprehensible by our current standards.
“How is that for measures of intelligence?”‘


Anonymous said...

Been visited by aliens? How about the fact that there has been aliens among us since day one, still is and will continue to be so. The reason why the stupid masses haven't a clue is because they don't give a shit because they choose to remain stupid and ignorant and especially apathetic.

Jim said...

The 'aliens' assumed control of our solar system as we approached our transition date claiming to be of assistance. They contributed endless and conflicting channeled posts and haven't done anything for the common man much less make good on one promise. Now they are threatening to set off huge earthquakes and possibly allow a comet to hit Earth. We are not stupid, think about it.