Saturday, July 18, 2015

DARPA Artificial Intelligence Software Carves Up American Cities into Combat Zones

In the video below, you’ll find out what DARPA, one of the most frightening agencies on earth, has been up to with one of it’s larger projects. DARPA's’S new project called Combat Zones That See (CTS) project aims to “track everything that moves” within a city through a massive network of surveillance cameras linked to a centralized computer system. If you haven’t already read my posts on how the big government leviathan is using artificial intelligence for everything from Operation Jade Helm, where “Jade” actually IS the artificial intelligence that is running the operation, to Facebook’s plans… I suggest you take a look at them to help understand just how big a threat this is!
DARPA’s new computer software supporting the CTS is capable of automatically identifying vehicles and provides instant alerts after detecting a vehicle with a license plate on a watch list. The software is also able to analyze the video footage and to distinguish ´normal´ from ´abnormal´ behavior, as well as to discover links between ´places, subjects and times of activity´ and to identify patterns.


DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is:
… an independent agency of the United States Department of Defense (DOD) that focuses on developing cutting edge technology to ensure that the United States remains ahead of its enemies. The organization has contributed a number of technologies to the United States military and the world in general, including the groundwork for the Internet. Many of the workings of this agency are kept concealed from the public, in the interests of keeping its technology under wraps so that it is not exploited by other nations.
The agency was founded in 1958, after the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first satellite. The United States government realized that it needed a small, mobile, independent research organization if it wanted to meet threats to American security quickly and decisively. Initially, the agency was called the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), and it focused on aerospace research and threats to national security such as nuclear testing by other nations.
By 1972, the organization’s mission had evolved, and the government had added “Defense” to the title, turning it into DARPA. It began to focus on looking forward into the future, working on highly experimental technology in small, focused groups. This system continues to be used by the agency today, with it focusing on goal-oriented projects that are intended to improve America’s military and defense systems.
DARPA has a number of divisions that are divided into smaller teams focusing on a variety of issues. Information technology is an important part of its research, for example, as are tools that are used on the battlefield, such as drones, armored vehicles, and communications jamming equipment. The agency also focuses on the threat of weapons of mass destruction, and it counters emerging threats to American security and information awareness. It has many small but very dedicated groups of active researchers and experiments, who may work together for up to five years developing a project and delivering a prototype.
Because DARPA technology is used to protect national security and make the United States more effective militarily, it is largely classified. It is also extremely advanced, since the organization focuses on technological superiority. Periodically, information about agency projects does reach the public, but the details are usually deliberately obscured. Civilians, for example, might be aware that it is working on a cloaking device for camouflaging soldiers, but they will not be aware of the mechanics of the system.
In the second video, Dave Acton expands on DARPA’S new, “Anti-Human, Anti-Christ, Anti-World, Anti-Love, or whatever you want to call it” project. Bottom line: This is NOT good AT ALL. This all makes George Orwell’s 1984 look like child’s play.


Ten years ago DARPA started funding the Combat Zones That See (CTS) project, which aims to ´track everything that moves´ within a city through a massive network of surveillance cameras linked to a centralized computer system. Groundbreaking artificial intelligence software is being used in the project to identify and track all movement within cities, which constitutes Big Brother as a reality. The computer software supporting the CTS is capable of automatically identifying vehicles and provides instant alerts after detecting a vehicle with a license plate on a watch list. The software is also able to analyze the video footage and to distinguish ´normal´ from ´abnormal´ behavior, as well as to discover links between ´places, subjects and times of activity´ and to identify patterns. With the use of this software, the CTS constitute the world´s first multi-camera surveillance system which is capable of automatically analyzing video footage.

DR WILLIAM MOUNT - Benjamin Fulford Speaks

Benjamin Fulford Speaks

For those of you who do not know Benjamin Fulford he is a guy who is trying his best to help stabilize this planet so we do not have a Nuclear WW3. He is in the arena fighting for a Free America and a stabilized world economy.

(((Please pray that those who stole Benjamin's money are immediately and completely immobilized for life until they return it to him with interest seven times pressed down and over flowing)))

Following is their latest article. If you are a reporter it is paramount you read his newsletters to help get a feel of what is going on around the world - perhaps even subscribe to his news service.

Benjamin Fulford - July 13, 2015: Full scale cyber war erupts in wake of Greek default, Pentagon takes on Khazarian mafia

The Greek default has triggered major cyber and information warfare that raged across the world last week. The warfare involved banks, defense firms, major stock markets, telecommunications firms and more. 

For example, the July 8th cyber-attack that shut down the New York Stock Exchange, the Wall Street Journal, United Airlines and several mobile phone companies was retaliation for an American attack on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, according to Chinese and Pentagon sources. “This was just a dry run,” the Pentagon sources said.

The Greek default essentially bankrupted the IMF, the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve Board, even though the officials of these agencies are still ignoring this elephant in their room and pretending it is not so. However, the reason they are ignoring a Greek No vote and threatening the Greek government with violence unless they loot Greece to save them is because they simply do not have the money needed to keep Greece or themselves going. As we will discuss further later down, the Greek situation is rapidly morphing into full scale revolution.

In any case, the bankruptcy of these institutions was followed by the formal $200 billion start of the BRICS bank and BRICS financial stabilization fund. The BRICS invited Greece to join them but, of course, the BRICS bank is not about to bail out the criminal Western banks that looted Greece, it will only help the Greek people.

The Khazarian controllers of the Federal Reserve Board, angered by the BRICS bank, were the instigators of the attack on the Chinese stock markets, pentagon sources say. This burst a bubble, leading to a 40% decline in Chinese stocks before the government intervened and suspended most stock trading. The Chinese counter-attack shut down the New York Stock Exchange etc. This was then, according to pentagon sources, followed by weather warfare as a major typhoon was sent crashing directly into Shanghai, forcing the evacuation of a million people. 

The Pentagon summoned Khazarian house slave acting-president Obama on Monday to tell him they have just upped upgraded their military relations with Vietnam “to a strategic level.” In other words, the Vietnamese will work with the Americans to hold back the Chinese. Despite rhetoric against Russia, the Pentagon is already working with the Russians to make sure China keeps in line, the sources said. Obama was told in no uncertain terms that he was to stop “poking the bear” and to concentrate on the main enemy, which is the Khazarian mafia, and the potential enemy, which is China.

There is now an informal truce between the Pentagon and the Chinese because the Chinese stopped building up military facilities in the South China Sea. The Pentagon and the Chinese are now concentrating on the real enemy which is the Khazarian mob. As a part of a campaign to discredit the Khazarians, Obama was forced to admit publicly that his government (the Khazarian controlled state department faction) was “training ISIL (ISIS).” Obama Slips Up: “We’re Training ISIL” 

This was part of the major ongoing Pentagon campaign against Israel and the Khazarian mob. In another part of this, Pentagon and agency hackers released a video, that has gone viral, showing the filming of a fake ISIS beheading.

Khazarian war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu of Israel also had his private phones hacked to release information he was directly involved in the ISIS terror campaign. Even more deadly for Netanyahu’s criminal regime was a hacking of Israeli military systems that disabled Israeli patriot missile defenses. News stories have talked about German patriot missile batteries being hacked.

However, it is the hacking of the Israeli systems that left that country completely exposed to Iranian and other missiles. The message is very clear: “stop your regional trouble-making or else be destroyed.”

In addition to this, the Saudi Arabian regime is, with Pentagon arm twisting, continuing to purge all Bush and Israeli agents out of power. Long term foreign minister Saud Al Faisal, his brother Tikri, Intelligence Chief Bandar Bush and many more are being cut as that frantic regime tries to change its stripes in order to survive. They are trying desperately to prevent a complete American alignment with Iran that would leave them without any real protector in the Middle East. In other words, they fear bloody revolution which is why so many Saudi princes have already abandoned that country. The Saudis and other Gulf monarchies have been buying and stashing away all the silver they can get their hands on so that they can keep some of their fortunes in the event of a regime change and subsequent freeze of their bank accounts. Here you can see a chart showing how oil is being converted into silver. 

Also, JP Morgan and Citibank have engaged in a massive selling of silver futures (ie paper silver) in order to drive down the price. The result has been that the paper price of silver has plunged even as the US mint has run out of silver coins. 

In other words, these mega-banks are losing the ability to use their super-computers to control the price of real world goods like silver.

This move into commodities by the big Rockefeller and Bush banks comes as the Khazarian banking system faces unprecedented attack. Goldman Sachs, for example, has been exposed as a criminal organization by the Greek Debt Truth Commission.

This group has shown that Goldman Sachs and other banks fraudulently inflated Greek government debt numbers by doing such things as creating fake losses by hospitals. The fraudulent Greek debt is now being used as a tool to loot real Greek assets like islands, ports, utilities etc. According to British MI5 intelligence, former Goldman Sachs employee and now European Central Bank Governor Mario Draghi was the mastermind behind this Greek looting plan. We can thus understand why former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis would publicly refer to Goldman Sachs as a life-sucking vampire. Yanis Varoufakis on Rothschild’s Goldman Sachs. 

The situation has become such that even if the entire Greek parliament and their families are threatened with death by the Khazarians, the latest opinion polls show close to 80% of the Greek people will not accept any failure by the Greek parliament to respect their No vote to the EU gangsters.

The Pentagon sources say the Greek drachmas are already in use and that a Greek exit from the Euro was inevitable. What is now coming is bank failures caused by credit default swaps (ie guarantees that Greece would not default), the sources say.

There is also more big trouble coming for JP Morgan, according to the Pentagon sources. They say JP Morgan has sold twice as many US government bonds as were actually issued. In other words, they sold fraudulent US government bonds in order to keep themselves afloat, the sources say. 

There is further trouble brewing for the Bush/Rockefeller Japanese slave government. Last week a secret ruling committee of the Japanese government rejected a White Dragon Society proposal to set up a future planning agency with a budget of $7 trillion. They could not start the new agency because of “Freemason and illuminati interference,” according to a Japanese royal family source.

However, the Japanese government is being presented with water-proof documentation that it owes 30 trillion of dollars for looted Manchu gold, according to Chinese sources. The Japanese tried to postpone settling its gold debt until the autumn but they are being pressed to act before then, the sources said. Forcing the Japanese to pay this debt would bankrupt the Rockefeller, Bush secret controllers of the Japanese slave regime. That is why slave Prime Minister Abe is being sent on an emergency begging mission to China in September.

On a final note, a Russian agent contacted with WDS last week and provided detailed information about exactly how the Ukrainian “Maidan” revolution really took place. The agent infiltrated the Maidan revolt by showing up pretending to be a student. He was told to go to a US State Department run front organization where young protesters were given free food and shelter and paid 25 euros per day. In addition to this, according to the agent, “we were given all the free drugs we wanted.” He said the Maidan protesters consisted almost entirely of stoned youth between the ages of 17 and 25. So there you have it, the US State Department handing out drugs and money to overthrow a democratically elected regime.

This same Khazarian rogue Washington DC regime has been found to be hacking into computers and planting kiddie porn. This explains why so many whistleblowers and other “trouble makers” have been fraudulently arrested for having child pornography.

What do you do about a government that pushes illegal drugs, finances terrorism, uses kiddie porn and other tricks to arrest innocent people and steals money from 99% of the population? The answer is clear, we need a revolution. The revolution may have already started in Greece, the cradle of democracy. We need to make sure it spreads until the heart of world darkness, Washington DC, is cleansed and the Republic of the United States of America is restored. This will remove the world’s leading cause of terrorism, war and mayhem. 

Clocks In Heaven. Forwarded By Erasmus Of America - JULY 18, 2015 - 11:38 A.M.

 Clocks In Heaven. Forwarded By Erasmus Of America - JULY 18, 2015

 Image result for clocks in heaven joke   Image result for clocks in heaven joke

A Man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, "What are all those  clocks?"

St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move."

"Oh," said the man, "whose clock is that?

"That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a  lie."

"Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"

St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."

"Where's Hillary Clinton's clock?" asked the man.

And St. Peter replied "Hillary's clock is in Jesus's office.
He's using it as a ceiling fan."

      I have put out many serious national reports due to the problems facing America today. It does not hurt sometime to take a brief humor break to release something comical instead. I do stand for passage of my proposed Omni Law shown on my website. Full name "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America" creating the biggest joke that Wash., D.C. has ever heard that the American people be given the legal right of national referendum over the federal government. They must roar with laughter at the idea that the government is supposed to be the servant of the American people rather than attempted master over the peon American people who are supposed to have no legal rights in America under the current federal concept of law for the American people.
      My website is  Email is  Mailing address for orders and payments not sent through the website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make check, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether products or else loan money for our Omni Law Loan Program to help speed up passage of the Omni Law into passage as a constitutional amendment. My latest joke for Washington, D.C. is a trick way to increase national wages by maybe 20% without costing the employers anything and costing the government nothing in new taxes to have set up under the Omni Law. And this will not create inflation in America. And my joke for the big jokers in Congress and the White House, guess how I can create this big joke of 20% increase in national wages average which is no joke in the end and does not create inflation in the process contrary to Obama's brainstorm to skyrocket hyperinflation in America which sounds like an increase in wages but ends up through hyperinflation reducing the real wages of the American people and lowering profits in business?
      I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe and just spotted a new way to create this wage increase for workers and increases profits for businesses as well without setting off inflation or hyperinflation in America in the process. Well, maybe the laugh is on the politicians for a change instead of the American people who were promised "Change" before, but the one promising this forgot to tell the American people that the change would be downward, not upward in direction for the  American people! So the joke ended up on the American people! Washington style of humor on the American people! Are you laughing now along with Obama? Oh, our Obama clowns you call federal operatives just showed up and desperately trying to stop this report by bouncing the letters around I am typing! They have a great sense of humor with criminal acts like this! Laugh with them as they think it is a big joke to block the American people from seeing the truth in print if they can!
       Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that American maverick leader who has a bag of jokes including that he knows how to set up the Jesus Money system used with wild success 4 times in history to skyrocket prosperity for both workers and businesses until our nasty banker clowns overthrew it 4 times in history. They thought it a bad joke to see all the people prosperous and employed and business so loaded with profits instead of losses that they smiled all day long while open for business.
     How the letters bounce around with the clown hacking tricks of the federal clowns who apparently are not laughing as this report is written! Sorry I wasn't able to make them laugh with this report! When the Omni Law is passed, then I show America how Jesus Money has worked with wild success 4 times in history and even got endorsed by Albert Einstein (censored for daring to show such an act of integrity in modern society! They didn't laugh at his endorsement! Others who were  brilliant economists and other brilliant people endorsed this, but the joke is on our corrupt! When they censored the allowed history that the American people were allowed to study or not, they censored the information from also themselves how Jesus Money has worked such as 100 years of non-stop super prosperity for France which was not any Dark Ages in France when everyone got rich off of Jesus Money as taught in the New Testament of the Bible! The joke of the wicked in power is censorship of the truth from the people they wish to rule over as tyrants of the nation. I have had typed letters fly all over this report as federal clowns try to turn this national report into a federal joke with their hacking tricks! American people, have the last laugh on the federal clowns assigned by Obama to try and block release of reports like this to the American people. Pass this report around to all of America and the laughs of the federal clowns of Obama will be turned into tears as the old Bible teaching proves true that "The Truth Will Make The People Free!")
Image result for clocks in heaven joke   Image result for clocks in heaven joke  



Concealed Carry Permits Skyrocket



Study  Shows  More  Guns - Less  Crime

Eva Decesare
Free Thought Project
July 18, 2015

According to a recent study by the Crime Prevention Research Center, the 'election' of Barrack Obama may have played a significant part in reducing crime in the U.S. – but not in a way he is likely to brag about. In short, the 'election' of Obama, a very vocal advocate of “gun control, has persuaded more and more Americans that they should keep and bear arms themselves and that has, in turn, led to significantly lower crime rates.

Each year from 1999 to 2007, a little under a quarter of a million new permits were issued to Americans, allowing them to legally carry concealed firearms. In the four years after that, during Obama’s first term, the rate of new permits being issued more than tripled, and has continued to grow since then. In 2007, about 4.6 million Americans already had concealed-carry permits. Now that number is over 12.8 million, with more new permits being issued to women and minorities than to white males.

That’s a lot of average citizens carrying guns, and these numbers don’t even include those who live in the eight states where one can legally carry a concealed firearm without a permit.

Meanwhile, gun sales have continued to rise since Obama took office. Around 14 million guns were purchased in the U.S. between 2008 and 2011 and over 20 million were purchased between 2012 and 2013 – around five million of those being sold to first-time gun buyers.

So what has been the effect on crime? Advocates of gun control have long insisted that arming average citizens would lead to bloody mayhem and chaos in the streets. However, while the number of Americans carrying firearms has soared, murder rates have fallen by a full 25%, from 5.6 down to 4.2 per 100,000 people, according to the Crime Prevention Research Center study.

As Larry Keene, senior vice president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, says,
“It puts the lie to the myth promulgated by anti-gun individuals that somehow more law-abiding citizens carrying guns will lead to more crime.”
But some advocates of public disarmament remain clinging to their illogical assertion that more legally-obtained guns mean more violent gun crime. The Violence Policy Center still insists that average citizens with guns “are a threat to public safety,” and that “all too often, private citizens use their concealed handguns to take lives, not to save them.” To support that claim, they point to a total of 561 incidents in which permit holders shot and killed a total of 743 people.

How many of those were justified acts of self-defense? The Center was not specific (shocker), but said that a “tiny fraction of these cases [were] ever ruled to be in self-defense.”

Of course, advocates of gun control such as Obama and the Violence Policy Center never advocate that agents of government be disarmed. However, maybe they should due to the fact that the recent study also shows that average citizens who possess carry permits commit crime at a far lower rate than police officers do.

According to Edward Stringham, although official statistics have historically been scant, we now know that police killed 1,100 Americans in 2014 and 476 Americans in the first five months of 2015. Given that America has roughly 765,000 sworn police officers, that means the police-against-citizen kill rate is more than 145 per 100,000.
That means that police kill more than 30 times that of the average citizen. 

In Florida and Texas, for example, permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies one-sixth as often as police are, despite how rarely violent police actually get prosecuted for the crimes they commit.

In the battle of ideas, the gun-grabbers are losing badly. In a Gallup poll in 2000, 35% of those polled thought that owning a gun made their home safer. By 2014, 63% thought so. And a Pew Research poll in 2014 confirmed that a majority of Americans believe that preserving the right of people to own guns is more important than the government trying to control gun ownership.
“The public increasingly understands that gun control is a failed social experiment, and it doesn’t work,” explains Larry Keene. “All gun control ever does is infringe upon the rights of the law-abiding citizens and does nothing to stop criminals from illegally acquiring firearms, and it doesn’t stop them from misusing them in crime.
Ironically, what seems to increase gun sales the fastest is politicians calling for “gun control.” Furthermore, when police prove daily that they not only choose not to protect the people but actually pose a threat to the people, it’s no wonder more and more Americans are making it their personal responsibility to defend themselves, their families and their fellow citizens. As that mindset continues to spread, violent crime will continue to decrease.

In the meantime, however, we’ll just sit by and watch while attempts to strip citizens of their means of protection blows up directly in the faces of the politicians trying to make that happen.



How to Beat the State, the Bureaucrats, and the IRS


There is no need for government schools. In fact, government (public) schools are our nation’s biggest enemy. They are liberalism’s false churches with their own priesthood and sacred texts. Education is where the power is. Government schools feed the law schools, and the law schools feed Congress and the courts. The State gives its seal of approval and disapproval on who will teach and what will be taught.

By disrupting the supply line, the machine grinding out statist clones and puppets that love Big Brother ceases to function. At this point in time there is no one to stop us from leaving the government schools.

Unfortunately, too many Americans, many of them pastors, love government education.

The cycle of indoctrination continues every year as a new class of students enters liberalism’s churches at the front door and another class graduates to attend liberalism’s seminaries at the back door – the State-run colleges.

And they do this with our own money. We supply the rope that the State is using to hang us.

By abandoning the government schools the State no longer has control over the hearts and minds of millions of future citizens.

If you are not willing to make a small sacrifice now – the education of your own children and paying for that education in time and money – then you are not ready to fight an ideological and cultural war. The price you will pay later will be much higher. Now is the time to act. Now is the time to starve the Beast.

Everything is in place to educate your own children. If you belong to a church, the six days a week the church is vacant can double as a school. Then there’s always teaching your children at home. There are online curricula, pre-packaged curricula, and any number of free online courses available through groups like Khan Academy. School co-ops are also available. The internet is your gateway to an unregulated, non-government education for the ages.

Do you feel inadequate? Join the club. There are millions of parents who felt the same way. Again, help is just a few clicks away.

Remember, we are at war! Sacrifices and improvising are necessary. Tom Hanks' character in Saving Private Ryan introduced his squad to “sticky bombs” to blow up German tanks. When you control the education of your children, you will be preparing them for a hostile environment. They will be in demand because they will be self-disciplined, well taught, and know how to do things.

What about churches? The time may be coming when Christians adopt a third-century model for church community. No buildings. No incorporation. No tax deductions. Nobody to sue. Dr. Gary North explains where we may need to head:

“‘A spectre is haunting Communism. It is the spectre of churches without buildings.’

“If there were a Christian Karl Marx today, his Manifesto of Third World Christianity could begin with these words.

“In 1973, in his last years, Mao's persecution had reduced the number of Protestants in China to something in the range of 3 million people. The estimate today is 120 million [Chinese Christians]. No one knows. This is a good thing. If the state cannot count them, it cannot persecute them.

“Chinese Protestants have adopted a strategy used in the late Roman Empire. They are worshiping in homes and secret buildings. They stay on the move. In short: the churches do not have 9-digit zip codes.

“The same strategy was used under the Soviet Empire before it collapsed in late 1991.

“The same strategy has worked in the tribal states of the post-European empire world in sub-Sahara Africa.

“The same system is working in Latin America, to the dismay of the bureaucrats.

“This has received little attention in the West, because this strategy relies on invisibility. The West's intellectuals suffer from a myth of modernism: ‘If bureaucrats cannot count something, it cannot be important. If it cannot be computerized, it cannot be socially relevant.’ Call it the NSA's blind spot. Call it the IRS's nightmare.

“The strategy is simple to describe: no permanent real estate. There are no permanent church buildings.

“If you can't find it, you cannot tax it. If you cannot find it, you cannot regulate it. If you cannot find it, you cannot subsidize it. If you cannot tax it or regulate it or subsidize it, the state cannot suppress it. It's simple. And it is working, just as it worked from Nero to Diocletian.

“There is a book that touches on this peripherally: Philip Jenkins' The Next Christendom (Oxford University Press). It has received little attention from the humanists or the Christians in the West. They do not think it is important, because anything that cannot be taxed, regulated, or subsidized is too far outside the comprehension of ether Western bureaucrats or Western Christians.

“Christendom means Christian civilization. The home church movement launches the church in a hostile environment. “Eventually, it comes out of the shadows. Eventually, it becomes respectable. Eventually, it can afford church buildings. 

This is the moment of truth. Can it possess influence without possessing political power? Political power seems to be the nemesis of the church. Yet churches must speak to issues like infanticide, which they did in the Roman Empire. How can any institution speak truth to power, yet not become corrupted by power? 

This has been the conundrum facing the church for almost two millennia.”

It's well worth your time to read the rest of Dr. North's article "Beating the State: Third Century Christianity in the Third World Today."

If there were tens of millions of Christians that would follow this strategy, in very little time the bureaucrats would be caught off guard. These tens of millions of Christians would be too large of a group to control.

Over the weekend I attended a meeting with a number of high profile Christian leaders. During our day-long discussion, one of the participants told the story of a pastor meeting with Willie Brown. Brown served over 30 years in the California State Assembly as a liberal Democrat, spending 15 years as its speaker, and later served as the 41st mayor of San Francisco. When the pastor confronted Brown on a particular issue, Brown said the following: “You aren’t organized. You don’t stay together. You don’t vote.” In a word, he wasn’t a threat.

Lincoln on the Same-Sex Marriage Decision

July 18, 2015

Supporters of the Obergefell v Hodges decision have been declaring with nervous frequency that same-sex marriage is now “the law of the land.” The message is: The matter is closed, the conversation’s over. This is the future. Get used to it.

But this need not be the case. In his haste to get his social revolution on the road, Justice Anthony Kennedy forgot to hitch the cart of his agenda to the Constitutional horse. As a consequence, no one is obligated to get on board.

For at least the last half century, the Supreme Court has been willfully creative in its reading and application of the constitutional text. Roe v Wade is only the most infamous example. But Obergefell is an interpretive balloon disappearing into the blue beyond. Chief Justice John Roberts does not mince words:
If you are among the many Americans -- of whatever sexual orientation -- who favor expanding same-sex marriage, by all means celebrate today’s decision. Celebrate the achievement of a desired goal. Celebrate the opportunity for a new expression of commitment to a partner. Celebrate the availability of new benefits. But do not celebrate the Constitution. It had nothing to do with it.
It is thus “indefensible as a matter of constitutional law.” The Court has dropped even the pretense of applying the words of the fundamental law, of allowing the people to govern themselves through the law they have consented to obey.

Justice Antonin Scalia, with characteristic flair, laments that, “The Supreme Court of the United States has descended from the disciplined legal reasoning of John Marshall and Joseph Story to the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie.” He implies that with this decision, America, behind its elective processes for lesser offices like president and senator, has become an oligarchy, a form of tyranny. “A system of government that makes the People subordinate to a committee of nine unelected lawyers does not deserve to be called a democracy.”

Without that connection to civil law, and most fundamentally to the Constitution, the justices of the Supreme Court have no authority. Their authority does not proceed from any qualities they bring to their office -- wisdom, compassion, the common touch -- but strictly from the law they labor to interpret and apply. They speak for the law or they speak only as private citizens.

In 1857, Abraham Lincoln argued that some decisions of the court, like the notorious slave decision, Dred Scott v Sandford, carry less weight than others beyond their significance for the case at hand. A decision is more authoritative if it is not split but carries “the unanimous concurrence of the judges.” Whereas Dred Scott was a 7-2 vote, Obergefell could muster only five of the court’s nine votes. 

By contrast, when the high court decided the landmark segregation case, Brown vs Board of Education (1954), they so crafted the decision as to gain the assent of all nine justices in the interest of maximizing the force of their voice on the matter and minimizing social division in its wake. Not only does Obergefell speak only for the barest majority on the court, but in their dissent, written by the Chief Justice himself, the four justices of the minority express their objections in the strongest possible terms.

A decision is stronger again if is “in accordance with legal public expectation, and with the steady practice of the departments throughout our history,” and has been “affirmed and re-affirmed through a course of years,” i.e., if it has been repeatedly confirmed by subsequent decisions. None of this is true of Obergefell’s assertions. The sitting president announced his support for the cause only three years ago, six months before his re-election to a second term, and he was the first president to do so.

Conversely, the weight of a decision is diminished by obvious bias in the matter. In this case, two of the justices, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Elena Kagan, have officiated at same-sex weddings. A decision also compromises itself insofar as it relies “on assumed historical [or scientific] facts which are not really true.” In this respect, Obergefell’s dependence on social science and psychology in place of legal reasoning reduces its authority.

In his sixth debate with Senator Stephen Douglas in 1858, Lincoln argued that though Dred Scott was legally binding as far as Mr. Scott was concerned, on account of the decision’s many weaknesses it carried no political weight, be it on Congress in making laws, on the president in the conduct of his administration, or on voters in the assessment they make of candidates for office. 

Lincoln restated this principle in his First Inaugural Address in 1861. He held that accepting every decision in a case between two parties as establishing irrevocably “the policy of the Government upon vital questions affecting the whole people” would be tantamount to relinquishing responsibility for self-government to “that eminent tribunal.” Decisions of revolutionary social import do not spring from a single case, as though by spontaneous generation, except for a subservient people.

The Taney court in 1857 needed a lesson in judicial restraint, humility under the law, and what it means for a free people to govern itself. The Kennedy majority needs the same lesson today. They need to face consequences for just making stuff up.

If state and local governments -- what Reformation era political theorists called lesser magistrates who are equally responsible to God for defending the liberty of their people -- think the Supreme Court has ruled not from the law but from the private opinions of five of its members (as four of them including the Chief Justice says they did), then are they are under any obligation to comply? President Lincoln says 'no', and Chief Justice Roberts seems to imply the same.

D.C. Innes is Associate Professor of Politics at The King’s College, New York City and co-author of Left, Right, and Christ: Evangelical Faith in Politics.



Statewide fishing closures enacted in Pacific Northwest — “We’ve never had to do anything like this” — “Very alarming” 

"Mass die-offs linked to 'disease outbreak' — Nearly 100% infection rate in some areas — Rotting gills, distended bellies"


NOAA:  "It’s a ‘head scratcher’" 

Published: July 17th, 2015 at 2:26 pm ET by

NHK, Jul. 16, 2015 (emphasis added): Radioactive water from Fukushima plant escapes — The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has found that radioactive water has overflowed from a drainage channel, spilling into the sea. This is due to heavy rain… samples taken from the channel about 2 hours later contained 830 becquerels per liter of radioactive cesium [and] 1,100 becquerels of beta-ray emitting radioactive substances. An approaching typhoon has been bringing intermittent heavy rain around the plant. The utility suspects that the rain has washed away mud and soil that also contains radioactive materials. It also presumes the amount of rainwater has exceeded the pump’s capacity. The leak was continuing as of 5 PM. But the firm says it cannot stop the spill anytime soon…
NHK, Jul 16, 2015: Severe tropical storm Nangka is bringing strong winds and torrential rainfall to wide areas… As of 5 AM Friday, about 360,000 people from 9 prefectures were advised to find alternate shelter…  The meteorological agency warns of further torrential rainfall, landslides and flooding, as well as tidal waves.
NHK transcript excerpts, Jul 16, 2015: In some areas more than 500 mm of rain has been reported since Thursday… The severe tropical storm remains large and intense… Officials at the Japan Meteorological Agency warn of further torrential rain throughout the nation.
Kyodo, Jul 16, 2015: Typhoon Nangka was described as particularly slow-moving, the kind of storm that can wreak most damage… On Thursday parts of the country were already suffering from heavy rain, with Kawauchi village in Fukushima Prefecture recording 77.5 mm per hour [over 3 inches/hr] in the morning…
Watch NHK’s Japanese broadcast about the radioactive spill here 


Earthquake and Volcano Threat for USA Increases

 Projected division in half of the USA as a result of the next quake along the New Madrid faultline

Press Release 3-2015 9:00 AM EDT
Monday, June 8, 2015

In a rare letter to Mr. Craig Fugate, the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC), has disclosed that we are about to enter a potentially catastrophic period of record earthquakes and volcanic eruptions throughout the United States.

The letter was signed by SSRC President, Mr. John Casey, and delivered to FEMA headquarters in Washington, D.C. today. In the letter, Mr. Casey outlines how the ongoing dramatic reduction in the Sun’s energy output will not only plunge the world into a decades-long cold epoch, but at the same time bring record geophysical devastation in monster earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. 

These cold climate periods called “solar hibernations” or “solar minimums” are well known phenomena in the solar physics community. The SSRC has done important pioneering work in the field of solar- climate modeling and has established itself as a leader in climate prediction and the study of these hibernations of the Sun.

Citing new research included in the SSRC’s semi-annual Global Climate Status Report (GCSR) to come out on Wednesday, the letter to FEMA’s Craig Fugate contained an important warning for all major earthquake fault zones and volcanically active areas. The research focuses especially on the increased threat for the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) between St. Louis and Memphis.

This new threat information is contained in one of several papers in the June 10 edition of the GCSR paper authored by Mr. Casey and Dr. Dong Choi, Director of Research for the International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center (IEVPC). The paper shows that the NMSZ is due for another calamitous quake between 2017 and 2038. Dr. Choi and Casey show that for four times in a row since the year 1450, a major quake strikes the NMSZ when the Sun has gone into a hibernation phase. 

This scientific revelation is what Choi and Casey believes solves the puzzle of when the next major quake will strike the area. Geologists have studied the NMSZ for many years using traditional approaches. Casey and Choi say it is the combined research from the fields of solar physics and geology that provides the best opportunity to date to estimate when the next devastating NMSZ earthquake will strike. Other scientists agree with their opinion.

For this singular reason Dr. Choi and Mr. Casey have strongly recommended to FEMA Administrator Fugate that all high risk earthquake fault zones and areas with a history of volcanic eruptions in the USA take immediate precautions to mitigate what they describe as a “period of unparalleled geophysical lethality and destruction.”

Mr. Casey adds, “The very strong correlation between these solar minimums and the incidence of catastrophic earthquakes worldwide is an impressive display of how interconnected we all are to our natural world and the cycles of the Sun. It would be foolhardy to ignore, in particular, the history of major earthquakes in the NMSZ and the fact that at the bottom of every solar hibernation for the past 600 years that area has seen devastating earthquakes ranging from M6.8 to M8.0.

While we address the New Madrid risk in this press release and in the June 10, 2016 Global Climate Status Report, the coincidence of major earthquakes with solar minimums is not limited to just that area of the US. That is why our letter to Administrator Fugate was a nationwide alert. The ~M9.0 Cascadia quake and tsunami of 1700 was at the bottom of the coldest solar hibernation period which was called the Maunder Minimum. The Great San Francisco quake of 1906 was at the bottom of another solar low point - the ‘Centennial’ Minimum as it is called at the SSRC. This strong association of solar activity and the worst earthquakes and volcanic eruptions could represent the ‘missing link’ for geophysical disaster prediction.”

Dr. Choi (Australia) also supports Casey’s opinion by saying, “The extensive research done in this area is clear in its implications. When the solar minimums arrive, the worst recorded earthquakes and volcanic eruptions strike. The last solar minimum, for example, saw the largest series of earthquakes in human history in the NMSZ and the largest recorded volcanic eruption at Mt. Tambora in Indonesia. These events occurred within a few years of each other during the coldest period in the Sun’s last hibernation in the early 1800’s.”

Space and Science Research Corporation 
P.O. Box 607841 
Orlando, FL 32860 
(407) 667-4757

C E R N the Opening of the Abyss?


Published on May 6, 2015
C E R N the Opening of the Abyss? .......

2015 is being called the International year of Light (LUCIFER MEANS LIGHT BEARER)
2015 also sees thousands of scientists reactivate CERN, the Large Hadron Collider in an attempt to explore the origins of the Universe, Dark matter, Anti-matter, Extra Dimensions, Black holes etc.
Revelation 9 - And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit......
This video examines the possibility that CERN could lead to the fulfilment of prophetic events spoken of in Revelation chapter 9, the unlocking and opening of the abyss where demons are loosed on the earth.

Main preacher through out the video speaking is CHARLES LAWSON
Please note in fairness to Pastor Charles Lawson - some theories or views expressed in this video may not be necessarily shared by him. 

For more sermons with Charles Lawson please visit




Published:  July 8 2015