Monday, July 20, 2015

HOT EXPLOSIVE Breaking News : Thomas Jefferson Remains in the Building

Monday   July 20, 2015
Thomas Jefferson Remains in the Building
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that the collapse in the price of world gold futures confirms that massive real asset deleveraging continues with the backdrop being a worldwide credit crunch linked to crooked bank proprietary derivative trading that has sucked all of the liquidity out of the worldwide financial markets.

Note:  The Greek crisis remains an enormous derivative virus, ask HSBC.

P.S.  We can now divulge that the alleged Tennessee terrorist Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez traveled to Jordan (which is governed by a monarchy) to meet with his 'handlers' British MI-6.

Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez was ordered to infiltrate ISIS through internet correspondence.

Reference:  Once again we repeat:  ISIS is a British Intelligence scripted mercenary army trained by British Blackwater and works directly with the TERRORIST government of Saudi Arabia to buy oil on the black market up to $20 below spot price and allow the Saudis and British Petroleum (BP) to sell the oil $30 to $35 above the price ISIS purchased the oil on the black market.

ISIS then receives a 25% commission on their black market activities paid directly at their accounts at the bank in Qatar by none other than Saudi Royal Family controlled U.S. Citibank.

P.P.S.  We can also report that the alleged Tennessee Islamic terrorist Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez was critical of the U.S. war on terror given he had read a lot of stories on the internet questioning the government's version of 9/11, including oped pieces from 9/11 victims' families who believe 9/11 was a 'Black Op' aka George W. BushFRAUD's Hitler-style Reichstag fire.

Question to DHS and FBI Division 5:  Are you now going to declare that 9/11 victims' families are domestic terrorists since they know the absolute truth about the 'Black Op'?

In closing, we are happy to report that the IMF, along with great French heroine Christine Lagarde and U.S. Treasury have now frozen all Austrian NAZI German Deutsche Bank money laundry accounts.

It is time.

source    source

"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government

allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue 'Black Ops' specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police,
an entity of the U.S. government itself." (2006)

~ Tom Heneghan, great American Patriot and International Intelligence Expert
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (1755) 
 ~ Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, great American Patriot

The Declaration of Independence
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

enhanced excerpt

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, 
it is their right, it is their duty,  to throw off such Government, and to prove new Guards for their future security. (1776)  ~ Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, great American Patriot, author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd U.S. President

The Feds want speed limiters and surveillance devices installed in every car, truck and bus



image credit: whitewraithe.wordpress

 Friday July 17 2015
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) called on commercial bus and truck manufacturers to install data recorders often referred to as "black box" recorders.

NTSB Chairman Christopher Hart said that despite “more than a decade of recommendations by the NTSB,” federal regulators at the U.S. Department of Transportation had not required them in large motor vehicles.  If you didn't know nearly every car manufactured after 2005 has a black box, the NHTSA has an entire page dedicated to Event Data Recorders.

According to the Sacramento Bee the American Bus Association (ABA) has expressed support for the installation of data recorders. Of course they support the NTSB's drive to surveil every bus, they receive $12 million in grants from DHS every year!

The ABA has received $300 million in grants from DHS since 2003. DHS calls it the "Over-The-Road Bus Security Grant Program"

"This program overseen by organizations in the Department of Homeland Security made available to private operators between ten and twelve million dollars a year for bus security grants."

But that's not all, they also receive $3 million a year in DHS grants called the "Intercity Bus Security Grant Program." "Since 2003 over $99 million in grants have been awarded to the motorcoach industry by DHS through the Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP)."

Click here, here & here to read about the ABA's close relationship with DHS.

The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) is working closely with DHS to implement speed limiter devices and tracking devices in every vehicle. Click, here, here & here to read about SAE's close relationship with DHS.

Ford's new S-Max car comes standard equipped with a speed limiter device.

The S-Max can read signs with its traffic sign recognition system and adjusts for speed accordingly. And it doesn't need to pull down the brake to slow down the car.

"The system does not apply the brakes but smoothly controls engine torque by electronically adjusting the amount of fuel delivered," the company said in a press release.

It's only a matter of time before speed limiter cars are the 'norm' in America!

Sean McNally, a spokesman for the American Trucking Associations (ATA), said that the industry trade group “supports the use of many technologies, including event data recorders, that can positively impact safety.”  There's that same tired old excuse, its for safety, believe us! It's for profit and surveillance.

Click here, here & here to read about the ATA's close relationship with DHS.

In the DOT's "Playing It Safe - NHTSA Update" they reveal how the government wants EVERY
vehicle to be connected wirelessly.

It's called the "U.S. DOT Connected Vehicle Program" it's a vehicle-to-vehicle wireless communication (tracking) system! Click here and here to get the latest news and updates about the program.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center has written numerous articles describing the privacy dangers of "connected cars".
Talking cars will tell the 'government' your speed and location:

The Drug Enforcement Administration is building a massive highway license-plate-camera program to spy on millions of innocent drivers  Traffic cameras everywhere are taking pictures of our license plates. And police can tap into that database, “putting a wealth of information in the hands of local officials who can track vehicles in real time on major roadways.”

Ford Global VP Jim Farley said last year “We know everyone who breaks the law, we know when you’re doing it. We have GPS in your car, so we know what you're doing. By the way, we don't supply that data to anyone," he told attendees.

Page 48 lists The NTSB's objectives:

- Gain user acceptance information from uninitiated drivers. In other words tell the public it's for their safety, over and over until they believe it.

- Estimate safety system effectiveness. In other words publish numerous B.S. independent studies claiming it will increase driver safety.

The ATA and Road Safe America petitioned our government to require the installation of speed limiting devices on heavy trucks. The "NHTSA published a grant notice on January 3, 2011 announcing our intention to propose a new FMVSS that would require the installation of speed limiting devices on heavy trucks."

It should come as no surprise that Road Safe America works with DHS. Click here & here to read more. FYI, Road Safe America founder Stephen Owings is the chairman of the Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee which has close ties to DHS, click here & here to find out more. Deb Owings is a Director of the Virginia Motorcoach Association which has close ties to DHS.

To find out more read "Homeland Security And The Trucking Industry" and "Safety Impacts of Speed Limiter Device Installations on Commercial Trucks and Buses".
Our government is spying on our cars:

the Iran nuclear deal




     This is but a short list of endless things I could list showing that the federal government has no moral conscience nor legal integrity.

     1. The federal government has broken many legal treaties with American Indians which it later did not honor any longer.

      2. The federal government did not honor its legal agreements made with the Southern States so they would agree to join with the Union and Found the United States of America as a nation bound by a commonly understood U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. When Governor Patrick Henry of Virginia raised a storm across the South not to ratify the U.S. Constitution or someday the federal government created by it would destroy the Southern way of life in the South, the writers of the U.S. Constitution sent oral word to the Southern States as an oral rider to the national contract called the U.S. Constitution that the federal government if created would never be used to destroy the Southern way of life in the South if the South would agree to join with the North in founding the federal government to be created by this U.S. Constitution. But for this oral rider added to the U.S. Constitution added by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, etc., the Southern States were not going to legally ratify the U.S. Constitution and instead found a separate nation composed of the Southern States of America.

       Also, since Virginia and I think Maryland, etc. also ceded land over to the federal union on the basis that the federal government would honor the U.S. Constitution as legally written and agreed to, and since Wash., D.C. broke its legal word to the South which was the major term required so the South would join the North in creating a common national federal government, and ceding land to the federal government such as the Western claims of Virginia to the Mississippi River which included Illinois, Indiana, Pittsburgh, PA founded as a Virginia colony by George Washington with the Virginia Militia, all these lands were ceded by Southern States to help create the federal union of States under the federal government being created then. As the federal government legally violated the terms of contract by which these Virginia lands, etc. were ceded to the federal government, all such lands under international contract law are supposed to be returned to the original State owners as the contract was broken and made void by the federal government that had been created by authority of the Northern and Southern States of America.

      When discussing how the federal government broke its legal agreement with the South in order to found the U.S. Republic under the legal terms for the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights, federal operators of Obama apparently leaped in to try and turn on erasing software to try and destroy this report after that. Attempted censorship does not change the history of law how the United States of America was founded and then the legal agreement with the Southern States was broken by the federal government. Okay, I was not going to add this legal note to this report, but Obama operators pushed me over the line here. The States of Illinois, Indiana, part of Pennsylvania including Pittsburgh legally belong once more to the State of Virginia and the citizens there may legally consider themselves to be citizens of the Confederate States of
America now if the South decides to become an independent nation again in all aspects instead of working to restore states' rights and other constitutional rights back to the people of the South so we may be one nation under constitutional government instead of a constitutional government in the South and a dictatorship under Obama in the North.

      The land claims of the South are far bigger than the federal government realizes. But I will not pursue that subject further at this time.

    3. Over 3,000 Blacks in the South owned Black slaves in the South around 1861 and it was a Black in the South who forced a court decision so that Blacks could be made slaves in the South and join his plantation that he had started. One source told me but I have not independently verified this yet that he had over 250 Black slaves on his plantation in Virginia before he was through. There is a memorial to him in Virginia as founder of Black slavery in America.

      It was Black tribes in Africa who conquered other Black tribes and sold them as slaves to ship owners who carried them over to the Thirteen Colonies and other lands as well. There were no White armies in Africa conquering Black tribes and then selling them off as Black slaves elsewhere. Muslim slave traders, Jewish slave traders, Yankee slave traders, etc. shipped and sold these Black slaves to a number of lands including Haiti, not just the Thirteen Colonies.

      And Union Army policy once they occupied the South starting in 1865, they let around 500,000 to 600,000 ex-Black slaves starve to death and a few freeze to death once "liberated" by the Union Army and then did not supply them food, etc. needed for survival as these just "freed" Black slaves did not know how to support themselves with jobs once taken off the plantations where they had lived before, fed and clothed them, took care of their medical needs, the vast majority of plantations were decent to live on, and a few were not Christian in environment where the vast majority were. Also, somewhere from 50,000 to 100,000 Blacks served in the Confederate Army as they considered the Confederate States of America to be their nation, not that of the North which also earlier had had its share of Black slaves also.

      Slavery was nearly over in the South. New agricultural equipment made slavery obsolete and slavery would have been over within 20-30 years maximum from 1865. Only Muslim nations kept Black slavery up to our times and still there are Black slaves in Muslim hands in Africa today.

      The Northern Government massively failed the Black population in America after 1865. If they had educated them right and boomed the economy by encouraging enough new industry and agriculture, there would be basically no Blacks living in a federal welfare state today, but all dignified by their own jobs or businesses and winning respect from all sides, there would be no racial issue in America today. The never stopping federal welfare state for the Blacks was an utter racial insult to the Blacks where the federal government was saying that the Blacks were an inferior race and so could never learn how to support themselves in life like the other races who all made it on their own until modern times.

4.    We have a new class of foreigners who are living on federal welfare paid for by the working people of America instead of finding the jobs and founding the businesses to make them self-sufficient in America. They are to be treated as federally rated "inferior races" unable to support themselves in life so are to be permanent welfare wards of the federal government for maybe hundreds of years into the future if the federal government under Obama has its way as a highly mismanaged national government run by cheap politics instead of sound business principles of good business management all sound nations respect and have their national governments practice in their nations.

5.     The famous movie "The Grapes Of Wrath" by John Steinbeck of the Depression era showed how millions of Americans had been made federal slaves by crashing of the national economy by the federal government. Wash., D.C.  let the hidden central bankers crash the prosperous stock market of America, pull out much of the operational money of America from the economy so they would crash the national economy where they could later pick up valuable national assets for even 10 cents per dollar of real value. The White folks in much of America lived in conditions even far worse than many of the Blacks ever had in America. Only World War II bounced the economy back and America grew as a national economy again until the bankers grew too greedy and bled the nation of so much money as to hold America back from most of the national growth that it should have experienced after World War II.

6.     Harry Truman deserves credit neither the Republicans nor Democrats ever gave to him. He saved the American economy after World War II by using an Americanized version of "The Inverted Inflation" first proposed by Bernard Baruch who was czar of the war industry of America in World War I under President Woodrow Wilson. The Nazis used Bernard Baruch's concept after Nazi Intelligence spotted it while studying how he set up the war industry of America for World War I. His tactic boomed Nazi Germany and made Hitler a super star to the German people as suddenly they had the fastest growing economy in the world. Later when Truman was shown how to do this in America by Bernard Baruch, he used it part way and this saved the American economy from crashing when the World War II war orders were over for American industry.

7.       I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe so know much of economic science censored from the universities of America and Europe to appease the evil elite who set up big wars for profit and power by running them behind the scenes, but don't want you to know who the evil puppet masters are behind the scenes. President John F. Kennedy was shot seven days after he said that he intended to expose who was really secretly running the government of America and deadly enemies of the American people. I once met one of the Rothschilds who boasted to me how he and banking allies of his were the secret government of America as the American people were "too stupid, too irresponsible, and too morally unfit to govern America," so he, the Rockefellers, etc. secretly ran America through Wash., D.C. as their front. President Richard Nixon after winning the White House called his good friend Dr. Richard Eby at Victorville, CA and told him that he had run for the White House with the intention of doing what was good for the American people. However, he soon found out that he was just a puppet and front man for secret sources behind the scenes who told him what to do from the White House. Dr. Eby told me of this phone call from President Nixon. He also told about this White House call to some friends of mine as well so there are plenty of witnesses to this testimony of President Richard Nixon who I met once as a novelty when in school. Nixon never knew about it but I even had a top source in the Federal Reserve who told me of the secret deal that he had to make with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve in Wash., D.C. He agreed to appoint to Secretary of the Treasury who they told him to and to appoint to the Federal Reserve who they told him to and they would let him run for the White House. He agreed and they told him that he could then run for President of America. I was not told this, but the Democratic candidate had to agree to the same thing such as I am sure that Obama also agreed to so he could also run for the White House. I think one upset occurred and Ronald Reagan slipped through their system with no deals with him. He got in by popular support and the Republican Establishment could not stop him. That may well be why C.I.A. set him up to be murdered as I was told by one or more sources later on. I had been to the hotel where he had been shot at in Wash., D.C. and this smells of a C.I.A. setup where security should have been so good there. I later had testimony from a White House Secret Service agent and a White House notary public how both had overheard at the White House how President Kennedy had been murdered by C.I.A. after the two banking brothers from New York City ordered C.I.A. to murder him. He had signed the Executive Orders to replace the Federal Reserve with U.S. Treasury Notes and that was his death sentence as well as saying that he would soon expose who was really secretly running the federal government from behind the scenes. 

Inline image 2    Image result for IMAGE QUOTE OF MILTON FRIEDMAN

8.       With all I know of Washington scandals, no wonder I had maybe up to 30 federal murder attempts on my life over the years. A Naval Intelligence officer from Annapolis, Maryland once called me "the loose cannon of American military intelligence." I was good at it, but no one could control me! Secret reason: I was honest and wanted the American people to know the truth. To be too honest in Wash., D.C. is like having bubonic plaque. You scare the daylights out of all the professional liars in Congress, federal agencies, etc. President Kennedy was shot when he wanted to be totally honest as a President of America. President Ronald Reagan was not supposed to be elected to the White House. He got in by popular support the power elite could not stop and so apparently they tried to shoot him in the White House later on when they fully knew that they could not control him. President Eisenhower was allowed in the White House and $40 million was spent by the Rockefellers to buy the Republican nomination for him even though he was honest as Sherman Adams was the Rockefeller front who could control General Eisenhower in the White House for them. Senator Robert Taft, "Mr. Conservative", was a good friend of my father and I heard the whole story what Senator Taft told my industrialist father in Chicago, Illinois.

9.      Folks, sometimes you have to search far and wide to find an honest man in your nation. I have the guts to be honest when so many who might know the truth do not have the guts to tell you the truth. It is rather dangerous to tell the American people the truth in a nation secretly governed by the evil power elite who do not want to be exposed hiding behind the scenes in America. When I met this Rothschild, he indicated that he and allies controlled the main news media of America in order to control you the American people by what they allowed you to hear or else be censored from you.

10.     Take my word for it. Pass my proposed Omni Law shown on my website and you have recaptured control of Wash., D.C. from the evil power elite who have Congress bought off and blackmailed off, federal agencies controlled by their boys as this Rothschild boasted to me how they ran federal agencies like a royal empire where different members of the secret government of America told the agencies assigned to them to rule over what policies to set up for the naïve, gullible American folks who trusted them. And they try to always have only their boy allowed in the White House so control who you are allowed to have as a candidate from either party. They just tried to smear the hell out of Donald Trump by censoring the ending of his statement on Senator McCain. They just got caught and forced to play the part of the recording that they had censored and never played to you the American people. They tried to smear him with their engineered lie created by skillful censoring of what Donald Trump really said. And key Republican leaders were in on this attempted engineered smear of Donald Trump by deliberately reporting incorrectly what he really said as they censored the end of his statement in order to smear him. Donald Trump is not perfect, but no one is as far as I know who runs for political office in America, but he is trying to be an honest candidate and shows intelligence. I respect that and he maybe has a touch of political bubonic plague like I do because I try to be too honest with the American people and tell them the truth the powerful evil are trying to hide from the American people in order to control them through censorship of the truth. They also use propaganda spin lines not based on the truth in order to try and control the thinking of the American people.

      Full name of my proposed Omni Law as shown on my website is "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America." My website is  My email is My mailing address for orders of our excellent health products, technical reports for home and business, and loan payments for my Omni Law Loan Program to help speed up passage of my proposed Omni Law in America is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. To people in other countries. After we win with passage of the Omni Law in America which gives the American people the legal right of national referendum over our present federal government in power but mass evading the terms of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights as they are not loyal to the founding principles of America of 1776 but corruption and treason instead, we will help patriots in other nations to win their nations back with their version of our Omni Law. Also, we will share our secrets how to boom their national economies like we will with America after the Omni Law is passed in America.

      Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that American Christian leader who is not ashamed to be a Christian leader in a nation the evil power elite are trying to trick into being an Antichrist nation instead of a Christian nation on earth. I know the Jesus Money system used 4 times in history and always the economy skyrockets for both labor and business! Also government gets very prosperous with this!

     Jesus told us how to set up a super booming local or national economy using the economic principles that He taught in the New Testament. But the eyes of the Christians were blinded and did not see what was directly in front of their eyes in the Bible. Code words tell how the system works. Used 4 times in history, no other system of economics can even remotely equal it in results. Used in France for 100 years with wild prosperity for all and then overthrown by the early banking interests who did not like for everyone to be so prosperous as the historians then wrote that a virtual golden age had descended on mankind where mankind basically solved all their problems in life. Wars went away, crime disappeared, men worked 6 hours a day 4 days a week, and then they had around 100 national festivals a year on top of attending church on Sundays. They were a very happy and contented people on earth living the way that Jesus taught mankind to live on earth by means of Jesus Money! And the wives could stay home to raise their kids the right way as God wanted them to! Businesses loved becoming so prosperous through the Jesus Money system. Everyone was blessed in society by living the life taught by the New Testament of Jesus Christ. The Muslims see this and maybe most Muslims will then become Christian converts because Christianity could deliver the results that the Muslim faith does not know how to create! The society blessed by God is also made super prosperous by God!

     How strange! I had to study the ancient European records on this from a German economist who was brilliant in economics but was an atheist back then. I was out to pick his brains of all his super economic answers but life did not let me later show him why he should also believe in God. I did go to the place in Europe where they built the memorial bridge to honor the "work money" as they called this later repeat of the medieval money system. They had such a boom of their economy they overnight went from being maybe the poorest village in their nation to maybe the most prosperous village in European history and all the mayors of that nation then voted to make this the new monetary system of their nation after seeing the results from it! It worked fast and spectacular! Once the Omni Law is passed, we have won America back from the evil now secretly governing it from hiding themselves from the public!)