Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Americans Have a Choice On How the Nation Will Die

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We have a choice on how we die as a nation.
We have a choice on how we die as a nation.
Nations are like people, they have a character, a personality and a persona. They either have resilience and can bounce back from adversity, or they do not. They either have courage or they cower in the corner because they are weak and timid in the face of danger. And like with the two men, when countries face the same challenges, one country may thrive and the other country takes a dive.
This article is about the story of a tale of two countries. One has stared into the belly of the beast and has survived. The other country is in the process of being devoured by the same beast but is totally unaware of the ultimate and fatal fate that awaits most of its anesthetized citizens who are drunk and distracted on TV, video games, drugs, consumerism, etc.

Who Am I?

This country was on the brink of economic Armageddon and the government, on behalf of the banksters who had hijacked the government, attempted to steal everything they could before they purposely were going to collapse the system. Goldman Sachs and Wall Street were the central players behind the threat. Yet, the brave and intelligent people of this country found a way to not be taken down by the most corrupt and evil forces on the planet, namely the Wall Street bankers. This country has taken corrective measures, in the face of overwhelming adversity and prosperity is returning to this its citizens. In other words, these brave citizens may be the only people on the face of the earth who have successfully stared down the globalists and are defeating them. This country has tremendous national character and resolve. Who am I?
If you think it is the United States, put your hands down, your answer is incorrect. The answer is Iceland.

The 2008 World’s Economic Meltdown Began In Iceland

iceland flagAmerica is ready to enter into the final economic disaster zone. Iceland has already been there and their journey was inspired and controlled by Goldman Sachs and fellow Wall Street banksters. Iceland’s journey down the path to economic Armageddon actually began in the late 1990s and early 2000s, when Iceland’s Prime Minister David Oddsson, began to do the bidding of Wall Street bankers and instituted a set of  Reagan-style policies and privatization. According to author, Roger Boyes, as he documents the world’s descent into economic tyranny in his best-selling book, Meltdown Iceland, the fix was in and Wall Street began to financially obliterate Iceland after plundering its hard assets.
Under the globalists from Wall Street, the banking sector grew rapidly, propelled by borrowed money. Icelanders could access credit easily in just the same manner as pre-2008 crash America. Iceland had its own devastating housing bubble as housing prices escalated exponentially and consumption skyrocketed. In order to attract international currency investments, Iceland raised its interest rates to 15% and the same devastating consequences which befell America was visited upon Iceland. In 2003-2004, prices on the Iceland stock market increased 900% before crashing.America, are you nervous yet?
Iceland’s bubble was no different than any other economic bubble. By 2006, what I call the heroin effect kicked in and the average Icelander was 300% wealthier than in 2003, but hopelessly in debt. Iceland was experiencing a 1929 pre-crash America as well as the symptoms of our impending crash in 2013. The citizens were seduced by easy money and acted as if they were addicted to heroin. Meanwhile, the government, banking and corporate debt grew out of control until the time to pay up finally arrived.
By 2008 Iceland’s banks collapsed, it was time for Icelanders to pay for their extravagant ways and 50,000 of its people’s savings were wiped out. Keep in mind that Iceland only has a population of 300,000. If those same numbers were to be visited upon America, we would be looking 50 million Americans having their savings wiped out.  Let me ask the same question that I always ask at this point. Do you now understand why DHS has purchased 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition to go with 2700 armored personnel carriers? Do you now understand why Jade Helm exists. When the economy collapses, perhaps as early as the fall of 2015, Jade Helm and their international partners will be in place to restore order, a New World Order. 
From where I sit, the people of Iceland have more courage in their little finger than America has in its entire being. Iceland’s financial failure forced its government to resign or be removed, and it also caused citizens to re-evaluate the merits of their reckless spending, borrowing and consumption. Just how did Iceland do it?
Iceland’s President Olafur Ragnar Grimmson was interviewed in 2013 at the World Economic Forum in Davos on why Iceland has enjoyed such a strong recovery after it’s complete financial collapse in 2008, while the rest of the West is still mired in debt, poverty and hopelessness to go with empty promises of an economic recovery.
When asked whether Iceland’s policy of letting the banks fail would have worked in the rest of Europe, Grimsson stated:
“… Why are the banks considered to be the holy churches of the modern economy? Why are private banks not like airlines and telecommunication companies and allowed to go bankrupt if they have been run in an irresponsible way? The theory that you have to bail-out banks is a theory that you allow bankers enjoy for their own profit their success, and then let ordinary people bear their failure through taxes and austerity. People in enlightened democracies are not going to accept that in the long run. …“

Imagine that, let the banks fail! Let the criminal bankers take the same risk as any other business venture. Can we imagine Obama ever speaking this way in public?
And nearly seven years later, where is Iceland at today? They have jailed the criminal bankers within their country. If they could get their hands on Goldman Sachs officials they would. They impeached and convicted corrupt politicians who were in league with Wall Street, many of which are serving prison sentences. Iceland made its way to a full economic recovery while still saying no to the corrupt Goldman Sachs influences in Europe. Iceland is saying no to the Bank of International Settlements. Iceland is a beacon of hope for the rest of the G20 nations including the United States.
Architect of the Bail Outs, Former Goldman Sachs and Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson
Architect of the Bail Outs, Former Goldman Sachs and Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson
Do you remember this former Secretary of Treasury and former Goldman Sachs head, a total criminal, Hank Paulson, who threatened Congress with martial law if Congress did not hand over the nation’s money, both present and future, to Wall Street? Don’t remember? The event(s) was called a “bail-out”. Does that ring a bell?

Damage Control Analysis

Both countries, faced economic ruin. However, but only one country has prevailed. Going on seven years after the Wall Street bailouts, where is America at today? Well, we are nowhere near where Iceland is at today. Let’s look at a few numbers
Under the Obama administration, the national debt has doubled as it races by the $18 trillion mark. It would now take a whopping $170,000+ per taxpayer to cover the debt. In a moment the $18 trillion dollar debt will seem like a bargain for what lies ahead.
Under Obama, taxpayers are covering $2 billion dollars per day in jobless benefits and other forms of welfare and that number is escalating dramatically. The Big Three in health care coverage, Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare, are adding $1 trillion dollars per year to the deficit. Social Security is adding $1 trillion dollars per year to the deficit.
It should now become clear why Obamacare has a set of eugenics based treatment exclusions which will significantly lower the Social Security deficit due to the planned kill off of the elderly in this country through age exclusions.
The elective wars of occupation are costing the country $700 billion per year. And the debt interest is presently at $1 billion dollars per day. Federal pensions are on the verge of breaking the system. The Civil Service Retirement System has once again accounted for the majority of that unfunded liability. The Civil Service Retirement System debt grew from $634 billion dollars in fiscal year,2010 to over $741 billion dollars in fiscal year 2011, according to the Office of Personnel Management’s Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund.
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew Is Planning to Steal Selected Federal Retirement Account
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew Is Moving to Steal Selected Federal Retirement Accounts
Not to worry, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is robbing Peter to pay Paul as he is raiding Federal retirement programs to cover the failure of not increasing the debt ceiling. Lew announced that the government was taking the unprecedented action of avoiding governmental default through last summer by including tapping into and suspending investments into the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and halting the daily reinvestment of the government securities (G) fund, the most stable offering in the Thrift Savings Plan‘s portfolio. This is all being done as we continue to fund the bailouts. How much of the bailout money has Goldman Sachs paid back?
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is one of the criminal rat pack that have destroyed this country and now Obama has put him in charge of the Treasury Department. As I previously reported, while Lew was employed at Citigroup, he oversaw 113 tax evading accounts in Cayman Island banks.  Based upon Lew’s resume, his proclivity for losing money, (i.e. the hedge funds for Citigroup where he lost almost $600 million dollars), one can only assume that is why Obama has appointed Lew to finish the job which will leave you and I with nothing. In Iceland, they imprisoned their bums. In the corrupt, criminal empire of America, these gangsters get promoted.
You people of young adult and middle age, don’t take a deep breath just yet. It is not just the elderly that has to worry. You people in your 30’s, 40’s and 50’s people need to very worried about your children’s future. Under Obama, three million more children live below the poverty line. College expense is going up 8 times faster than inflation and almost all jobs being produced to day pay less than $30,000 per year.

Now For the Really Big Numbers

It is a fact that our government’s Social Security liability will soon be as big as the national debt. The present unfunded liability of Social Security is presently $8.6 trillion, but that is deceptive because the shortfall quickly balloons to $20.5 trillion. The unfunded prescription Medicare liability for seniors is $24.8 trillion dollars. Zero Hedge places the Medicare debt at $99 trillion dollars. The unfunded drug liability for seniors is $24.1 trillion dollars.
It is very easy to understand why Lew is going after federal retirements. The Federal Employees Retirement System is reporting a $20.1 billion unfunded liability.
Even more telling is our gross debt to GDP figures. The ratio is a staggering 143%. If you thought that $17 trillion dollars in debt was horrific in 2013, wait until 2015 when the amount is predicted, for this year, to approach 25 trillion in total US national debt. And the numbers get even more frightening. The total US Unfunded Liabilities are estimated at $144 trillion, roughly $1.2 million per taxpayer.
To summarize, the average net assets for an average U.S. citizen are $300,000. The net liability of the U.S. government, shared among its citizens, amounts to almost four times that amount or about $1.6 million per person. And the government’s debt is growing at $1 million every 45 seconds. To cover its annual deficit, it is printing $1 trillion a year of currency that is not backed by any asset except the Petrodollar and that practice is being threatened by China, Russia and India buying Iranian oil in gold. 

Is It Too Late?

The key to getting the right answer is to ask the right questions. It is not so much a case of it being too late. It is more a case of character, discipline and knowledge. As I have said before, Iceland knows how the world of economics works, Americans know how American Idol works. In other words, I see nothing in our country, at the present moment, which is suggestive of the fact that we have the collective knowledge to understand what is happening to us, so we can accept the sacrifices which would be needed to make a corrective course change as they did in Iceland. I see nothing in our country which is suggestive of the fact that we have the discipline that Icelanders demonstrated in order to pay the price to overcome the banksters and the economic woes that would follow their demise. After all, we have $200 trillion dollars in credit card debt. So much for American discipline. And as far as character goes, American TV, in prime time, is an abomination in the eyes of God with regard to hedonistic sexual practices implied or demonstrated on TV. America, through its media has embraced every form of perversion known to man. I see nothing in our collective character which suggests that we can duplicate the Icelanders.

Preparing to rid America of useless eaters.
Preparing to rid America of useless eaters.
When the economic poop hits the proverbial fan, Americans, out of options, out of food, out of any life-sustaining resources, will take to the streets and be met by whom? They will be met by (come’on say it with me now) “DHS and their 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored personnel carriers.” And now we see Jade Helm and its international counterpart, TRIDENT EXPOSURE which are both preparing to pounce on any people who dare revolt to what is coming. And what is coming?


We could have done what Iceland did, but we did not. Now, we have a choice on how we die as a nation.
However, there a few things that one can do to have a softer landing after the globalists complete the job of stealing your stocks, your 401K’s, your pensions and your bank accounts. 
At one time, I thought that the globalists were going to collapse the economy this summer/fall. now I am not so sure. Americans still have assets in the banks and the bones of these accounts have not yet been picked dry. I think we will see bail-ins before the collapse and imposition of martial law. This would explain why last November, the G20 declared your bank account to be the property of the bank after the deposit is made.
If the globalists try to impose bail-ins and more bail-outs, America needs to do what Iceland did. Say no, or die trying. We may not survive America, but at least we have a choice on how we will die. We must not give in to the coming bail-ins. Spend your bank account down and do it now! Do not let this nation die while letting these criminal bankers confiscate on penny of your earnings. Choose your destiny and legacy America. We can go down with the same vigor that we showed as a nation on July 4th over 230 years ago. Bail-ins and Jade Helm be damned!


Multimillionaire doctor who plunged hundreds of patients into bankruptcy by falsely diagnosing cancer and giving them unnecessary chemo is jailed for 45 YEARS

  • Dr Farid Fata gave 533 patients excessive and grueling cancer treatments
  • He then billed insurance firms, scamming millions of dollars in the process
  • Victims, some of whom did not actually have cancer, had health wrecked
  • Sustained brittle bones and fried organs, with one losing both of his legs
  • Some patients lost their homes and jobs, and were forced into bankruptcy 
  • On Friday, Fata broke down in court as he was imprisoned for 45 years
  • The 50-year-old oncologist, from Detroit, Michigan, admitted: 'I misused my talents and permitted this sin to enter me because of power and greed'
  • Judge deemed multi-million-dollar scam 'a horrific series of criminal acts'
  • Oncologist's time in federal prison could be shortened with good behavior
Imprisoned: Dr Farid Fata (pictured) - who netted millions of dollars by putting more than 500 patients through unnecessary cancer treatments and then billing their insurers - has been sentenced to 45 years in prison
Imprisoned: Dr Farid Fata (pictured) - who netted 
millions of dollars by putting more than 500 patients 
through unnecessary cancer treatments and then 
billing their insurers - has been sentenced to 45 years in prison
A doctor who netted millions of dollars by putting more than 500 patients through unnecessary and grueling cancer treatments and then billing insurers has been sentenced to 45 years in prison.
Dr Farid Fata, who worked in suburban Detroit, Michigan, poisoned around 550 victims - many of whom did not actually have cancer - by giving them excessive chemotherapy and other treatments.
His actions wrecked his patients' health, with many sustaining chronic health problems such as brittle bones and fried organs. Other victims lost their homes and jobs, and were forced into bankruptcy.
On Friday, Fata broke down in court as he was sentenced to more than four decades in prison for what the judge described as a 'huge, horrific series of criminal acts' that had affected hundreds. 
The doctor had remained stone-faced earlier in the week as his former patients had appeared in court to detail the shocking consequences of being put through unnecessary chemotherapy.

But during his sentencing, Fata - whose business, Michigan Hematology Oncology, had many upscale offices in the area - repeatedly broke down in loud sobs as he begged for mercy.
Speaking publicly for the first time since he was arrested in August 2013, the oncologist said: 'I misused my talents, yes, and permitted this sin to enter me because of power and greed.'
He added: 'My quest for power is self-destructive.'

Fata, who turned and apologized to his victims in the courtroom, admitted his patients had knocked on his door 'seeking compassion and care', but he had 'failed them', according to NBC News.
Sentencing Fata, U.S. District Judge Paul Borman said the 50-year-old defendant had 'shut down whatever compassion he had as a doctor and switched it to making money'.
Fata pleaded guilty last year to fraud, money laundering and conspiracy. 
Because he did not strike a deal with prosecutors, Borman had needed much of the week to hear details about the treatments. Patients and relatives had hired a bus to get to court to watch.
Emotional: Geraldine Parkin, 54, of Davison, Michigan, whose husband, Tim, is still alive after being over-treated by Dr. Fata, hugs Cheryl Blades (center), of Waterford, whose mother, Nancy LaFrance, died of lung cancer. Blades' daughter  Jessica, 25, is also pictured, after yesterday's sentencing hearing
Relived victims: Geraldine Parkin, (left), 54, of Davison, Michigan, whose husband, Tim, is still alive after being over treated by Dr. Fata, hugs Cheryl Blades, (center), whose mother, Nancy LaFrance, died of lung cancer. Blades daughter and LaFrance's granddaughter, Jessica Blades, (right), 25, both of Waterford, also cries
Comfort: Cheryl Blades, (left), of Waterford, hugs a lady who asked not to be named. She was treated by Fata while she was pregnant twice, and is still treated for an unknown condition
Comfort: Cheryl Blades, (left), of Waterford, hugs a lady who asked not to be identified after the sentencing. The lady was treated by Fata while she was pregnant twice and is still treated for an unknown condition
Melinda Tolar, of Oxford, holds a picture of her father, Stanton Richard Lamb, who died under Fata's care
Fury: Melinda Tolar, of Oxford, holds a picture of her father, Stanton Richard Lamb, who died while be treated by Fata without cancer
This unidentified patient or relative told reporters on Friday that the doctor's sentence 'just wasn't enough'
Tearful: Fata poisoned around 550 victims - many of whom did not actually have cancer - by giving them excessive chemotherapy and other treatments. Above, this woman, either a victim of Fata or a relative of a patient, wept as she told reporters outside court on Friday that the doctor's sentence 'just wasn't enough'
This victim said she was 'disappointed' by U.S. District Judge Paul Borman's ruling. Former patients and their loved ones dressed in yellow for the sentencing on Friday in a show of solidarity.
Unhappy: Former patients and their loved ones dressed in yellow for the sentencing on Friday in a show of solidarity. Above, a female victim said she was 'disappointed' by U.S. District Judge Paul Borman's ruling
'He preyed on our trust, our exhaustion, our fears,' said Ellen Piligiam, whose late father, a doctor, was administered powerful drugs he didn't need for a tumor in his shoulder.
Federal prosecutor Catherine Dick had asked for a 175-year prison sentence. 'It is not mob justice. It is appropriate for this crime,' the prosecutor told the judge, referring to the extraordinary request.
However, Fata's defense team had sought 25 years for the disgraced doctor, saying he had been abandoned by his family - who are no longer in the U.S. - and had not been visited since his arrest.
Outside court, many former patients were disappointed with the punishment, deeming it too short.
'Prosecutors did a fantastic job - and he got 45 years. It's a lifetime sentence for the rest of us,' said Monica Flagg, 53, who was treated for cancer before doctors examining a broken leg found she had no cancer. 'What about all the grave markers out there that all the victims' families have to look at?
Cancer specialist Dr Fata owned Michigan Hematology Oncology (pictured) in Detroit 
Office: On Friday, Fata, who owned Michigan Hematology Oncology (pictured) in Detroit, Michigan, broke down in court as he was sentenced to more than four decades in prison for a 'huge, horrific series of criminal acts'
Liz Lupo, meanwhile, held a picture of her mother, Marianne Lupo, who died in 2007 at age 62. 
She believes Fata's treatments hastened her death. 'It's not justice at all,' Lupo said.
Another woman tearfully told 'It just wasn't enough.' 
The government identified 553 victims of Fata's crimes, including one man who lost both of his legs due to excessive treatment. Meanwhile, Medicare and insurance firms paid out millions.
Fata's clinic, Michigan Hematology Oncology, had seven offices in the Detroit area and a related business that performed tests to look for cancer. Testifying for the government, two experts from Harvard medical school said they were troubled after looking at a small portion of patient files.
The court heard Fata administered 'stunning' doses of a powerful, expensive drug to his patients, exposing them to life-threatening infections. According to Dr Dan Longo, a Harvard medical professor, a drug called Rituximab can weaken the immune system if overused on patients.
Victims and their families walk out from the court after their testimony was heard on Monday
Testimony: The doctor had remained stone-faced earlier in the week as his former patients had appeared in court to detail the shocking consequences of being put through unnecessary chemotherapy. Above, victims and their families walk across the street from the court after testimony was heard in the case on Monday
Terry Spurlock, from Holly, Michigan, and his wife Nikii outside court on Monday. He was among the patients fleeced out of their money by Fata
Ex-patient: Terry Spurlock (right), from Holly, Michigan, speaks with his wife Nikii outside federal court on Monday. Mr Spurlock was among the 553 patients who were fleeced out of their money by Fata
It's typically given eight times for aggressive lymphoma. 
One patient got it 94 times. Another got it 76 times. 
There were more than 9,000 unnecessary infusions or injections.
'There is an aggressive approach to treating cancer,' said Dr Longo.
'This was beyond. This was over the top. It's a stunning number of injections of that drug.'
According to federal prosecutors, Dr. Fata, of Oakland Township, 'systematically defrauded Medicare by submitting false claims for services that were medically unnecessary.' He apparently defrauded the federally funded healthcare program out of roughly $35million over a two-year period.
Emotional: Ellen Piligian speaks about her father, a former patient of  Fata, outside federal court on Monday
Emotional: Ellen Piligian speaks about her father, a former patient of Fata, outside federal court on Monday
Angela Swante, an oncology nurse who spent time at one of Fata's clinics, said she first complained to investigators about the doctor's wrongdoings as early as 2010
Concern: Following Fata's 2013 arrest, Angela Swantek (pictured), an oncology nurse who spent time at one of Fata's clinics, said she first complained to investigators about the doctor's wrongdoings as early as 2010
Following Fata's 2013 arrest, Angela Swantek, an oncology nurse who spent time at one of Fata's clinics, said she first complained to investigators about the doctor's wrongdoings as early as 2010.
'I don't know how he's gotten away with it for this long,' she told ABC News.
'I was disgusted. I got in the car, I was still sitting in the parking lot and I was truly almost in tears just because of what I saw and how patients were getting their chemotherapy.' 
Fata will get credit for about two years served in custody since his arrest in 2013. 
His stay in the federal prison system also could be shortened with good behavior.

Bundy Ranch A message to the U S Military - MEGHAN SPEAKS OUT !!

John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And POWs



Image result for quote of Communist founder of NAACP   Image result for quote of Communist founder of NAACP    Image result for Stalin on using sex, drugs to destroy America with

      Years ago I worked for one of the three top newspapers in America. One day in the office I worked in, the mail boy to take things to the editor was sick and I was asked if I could take some items upstairs dropped off for the editor to read. It was no big deal and I got in the elevator to go up to the editor's office. One report was apparently dropped off by a reporter and not sent in the mail as I recall was the confidential NAACP Plan For The Winning Of America or title something like that. I looked at it and suddenly decided to take a long time to reach the office of the editor. I read the entire report which was a number of pages. I did not have a copier available or I would have copied it there before delivering to the editor the copy dropped off to him by a reporter who somehow got the secret NAACP plan for the political takeover of America.

    This is a highly capsule form of the Black plan for the takeover of the federal government, the elimination of the White Race in America, and making America as radical a nation as such as the Soviet Union then as the objectives stood for were Communist for America.

    They said that the South was already legally beaten by laws, etc. from Wash., D.C. However, they would pretend that the South was not beaten and badly victimizing the Blacks in the South. They would use the South as "the whipping boy" to get laws and policies passed aimed for the North, not South.  The real goal was the people of the North to be broken up by federal civil rights laws, not the South declared by them already beaten by the NAACP legal strategy.

     So long as the people of the North did not realize that the laws and policies of the NAACP were now  aimed at the people of the North, not South, they would not care what was passed as law and policy by Wash., D.C. So long as the NAACP pretended and tricked the people of the North into thinking the laws and policies were for the South and not knowing they were really for the North, the people of the North would not really care what happened to the people of the South. The real targets were Detroit, Chicago, and other big cities across the North where they wanted broken up neighborhoods which were still ethnic European or other nationalities in America.

      The NAACP would have the Black vote in America to be a bloc vote of maybe 10% or whatever to decide all the important elections of whether Democrat or Republican won the election for Congress, White House, state elections, etc. The White Race would divide between Republican and Democratic in vote. By using a Black bloc of maybe 10% or so of the population could swing the elections, not the majority vote of 90% or so of the Whites and kindred races in America not voting by race, but by national issues. The Blacks would keep electing radicals to Congress, etc. until the whole government was radical in law and policy regardless which party was in power at the moment.

       They would maintain a propaganda front so anyone who dared criticize a Black leader was automatically a "racist" and it didn't count if the critic thought some stands of a Black leader were radical or counter to the best interests of America as a nation and economy. They would push "Politically Correct" in America until it controlled American culture and no one could ever openly criticize anything done by Blacks or stood for by Blacks.

     They would demonize the White Race until no one dared stand up for interests of the White Race after that. They would freely push Black culture in America while unofficially outlawing White culture in America.

    Their final two goals to achieve in America as I recall were to totally radicalize the national government to what appeared to me to be a genuine Communist government in America in policy and law. And to systemically push for interracial marriage between Black and White until there was no  White Race left in America. They had a new name for this race mixed of Black and former White, but I forget what name they gave to this new American race that they were going to create biologically by mass marriage of Black and White in America until only a hybrid race of the two races totally mixed together biologically would be called the American Race then.

     Many moves of the NAACP today look like they are using their old tactic of making the South the "Whipping Boy" politically, but the real target is the North to be totally politically captured by the NAACP in their planned political strategy where freedom of speech and the press and political beliefs is no longer allowed or exists in the North which includes all of America then in reality. This tactic is to be used to crush all opposition to the NAACP which was very Communist in goals from what I saw in their secret national report I had access to years ago while working for this top newspaper in America.

    I organized a very secret and very successful military intelligence group and operation when in Wash., D.C. many years ago. I had spent eleven calendar years in military academies and people had confidence in me in this type military operation. Frankly, I was very good at it and surprised even myself at times how totally I cracked the Soviet spy ring and the Communist Party operations in America. I had talented people working with me and I was no amateur myself.

        To the Communists their psychological warfare plan to destroy and take over America with was destroy the two R's in America. This was to destroy the religious beliefs of the American people  and to destroy the racial identities of the American people where they had no pride left in the race or culture their forefathers had come from. The Communists said that once you destroyed the two R's of Race and Religion in the American people, they would be jellyfishs and have no real beliefs left and would be easy targets to win with Communist propaganda after that turning all Americans into Communists as they had lost all their earlier beliefs which governed their lives in America.

Image result for Stalin on using sex, drugs to destroy America with   Image result for quote of Communist founder of NAACP

   The Communists set up fronts in America under the KGB which was more political to win nations to Communism than straight spying to learn the secrets of nations they wanted to defeat and take over with Communism. Pass our Omni Law and we can block Communist front groups from winning final control in America. In a Pentagon intelligence report of years ago, Obama was named in Moscow years ago to be the picked Communist to take over America from within. Being Black would help him win the White House by being backed by such as the NAACP since he was Black (1/8th Black, one half Jewish White and the rest Arab in ancestry according to a Black radio talk host who researched his family background). And the race card would be played with the Whites that they were anti-Black if they didn't vote for him for the White House. It was irrelevant that he was unqualified to be President of America as his educational background did not teach him the fields he needed to be President of America and know what he was doing. 

     Our proposed Omni Law shown on our website gives the American people the legal right of referendum to make laws and policies or cancel laws and policies they want to rule over Wash., D.C. as binding national law when Congress, White House, etc. has no interest in passing or cancelling the national laws and policies wanted by the American people. Only passage of the Omni law will restore control over the federal government back to the American people who have had the national government hijacked from them by con artists in national politics in Congress, White House, etc. The American people are ruled over peons and virtual slaves, not citizens now, at this stage under the current concept of federal law pushed by Wash., D.C. today.

      Full name of my proposed Omni Law as shown on my website is "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America." My website is  My email is My mailing address for orders of our excellent health products, technical reports for home and business, and loan payments for my Omni Law Loan Program to help speed up passage of my proposed Omni Law in America is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. If unable to order the fastest way through our website, then use our mailing address as shown above for any payments and orders.

     A message to people in other nations: After we win the passage of the Omni Law in America which gives the American people the legal right of national referendum over our present federal government in power but mass evading the terms of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights as they are not loyal to the founding principles of America of 1776 but corruption and treason instead, we will help patriots in other nations to win their nations back. They can use their version of our Omni Law for their nation. Also, we will share our secrets how to boom their national economies like we will with America after the Omni Law is passed in America.

      Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that American Christian leader who is not ashamed to be a Christian leader in a nation the evil power elite are trying to trick into being an Antichrist nation instead of a Christian nation on earth. I know the Jesus Money system used 4 times in history and always the economy skyrockets for both labor and business! Also government gets very prosperous with this!

     Jesus told us how to set up a super booming local or national economy using the economic principles that He taught in the New Testament. But the eyes of the Christians were blinded and did not see what was directly in front of their eyes in the Bible. Code words tell how the system works. Used 4 times in history, no other system of economics can even remotely equal it in results. Used in France for 100 years with wild prosperity for all and then overthrown by the early banking interests who did not like for everyone to be so prosperous as the historians then wrote that a virtual golden age had descended on mankind where mankind basically solved all their problems in life. Wars went away, crime disappeared, men worked 6 hours a day 4 days a week, and then they had around 100 national festivals a year on top of attending church on Sundays. They were a very happy and contented people on earth living the way that Jesus taught mankind to live on earth by means of Jesus Money! And the wives could stay home to raise their kids the right way as God wanted them to! Businesses loved becoming so prosperous through the Jesus Money system. Everyone was blessed in society by living the life taught by the New Testament of Jesus Christ. The Muslims see this and maybe most Muslims will then become Christian converts because Christianity could deliver the results that the Muslim faith does not know how to create! The society blessed by God is also made super prosperous by God!

   Image result for quote of Communist founder of NAACP     Image result for quote of Communist founder of NAACP

Margaret Higgins Sanger (September 14, 1879 – September 6, 1966) was an American birth control activist, sex educator, and nurse. In 1921, Sanger founded the American Birth Control League, which later became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. In New York City, she organized the first birth control clinic staffed by all-female doctors, as well as a clinic in Harlem with an entirely African-American staff. In 1929.


     I do not agree with exterminating races such as Margaret Sanger proposed above. However those who advocated or advocate this type policy should be publicly exposed such as Margaret Sanger shown above. I first heard of her hatred of the Black race when Pat Robertson quoted the above quote or similar quote long ago on his Christian TV show to show her hatred for the Black race in America and wanting to exterminate them. - Erasmus Of America

      P.S. No one in Wash., D.C. either party seems to care but several attorneys took Obama's claimed birth certificate and showed it loaded with fraud which any court would recognize as so obvious. Obama covered himself well with bluff with a forged birth certificate, but he was for real born in Kenya, was legally a British subject due to his father, and later was a naturalized citizen of Indonesia. I have a hunch that he never bothered to become a naturalized citizen of America and was recorded at a political meeting before he ran for the White House saying that he was born in Kenya and thought foreigners should have all the identical rights as native born Americans if they moved to America. Also, one attorney who is the daughter of the famous movie star John Wayne also showed that his social security no. belonged to a foreigner who moved to America and was born I think in 1892. The foreigner died in Hawaii and he got the social security of this man once he died in Hawaii. Also, Obama paid for some of his college expenses with loans as a foreign exchange student to America. Excuse me but isn't he supposed to be removed from the White House by Congress according to the U.S. Constitution or else is everyone so corrupt in Wash., D.C. that there are no honest members of Congress in Wash., D.C.? Vice President Joe Biden is next in line if he is removed from the White House, so no problem of succession of leadership. I am no supporter of Joe Biden, but the U.S. Constitution dictates how the succession to the White House operates in a situation like this! Since Obama does not believe in obeying the U.S. Constitution in what he does by Executive Orders, etc., he automatically has to be removed from office unless Congress is all bought off, blackmailed, or otherwise neutralized so they no longer support and obey the U.S. Constitution as the national law of America and binding on the federal government and all citizens of America.
     Pass this report around and break the hold of the corrupt and traitors in or over Wash., D.C.

Trespassing For Being On Public Property

We The People, Sheriffs, and Larry Klayman,

Maybe you people need to wake up and see that a Government being a Corporation is not just to be in standing with the Financial Laws to conduct business, as the Owners of these corporations at the very top are the City of London, the Vatican, and the Rothschilds, and thus the Law Enforcement can treat you as a Felon for Trespassing on ANY Government Property.
There are more and more videos that I have seen that come to the point that just for being on Public Property is a Crime of Trespassing, even if you were doing mandatory business required in a Public Government building.
Officers have told people that they cannot be on even Public Property as the property is owned by the City, County, or State which are Corporations and thus they are Private Corporations, like the Federal Reserve, as none of the Governments are Public Corporations.
Wait till Martial Law is put in place and ALL Public Government buildings will be illegal to enter.
One video I saw people were having a picnic in a park for which they allowed everyone to join in, but the Officers told them they must have a permit, and the text on the video also stated that if you want to have a picnic then you also need $1 Million in insurance to be on their Property, and you must give the city 30 days notice, but the Officers finally left after the people stood their ground for the harassment.
One city a man was filming and the Officer came and threatened him with an arrest if he didn't leave from a sidewalk in front of a McDonalds, but the Officer said the city Ordinance does not allow more than 4 people to join together in public, so this man could not stop and talk with 4 people.
However, I see it that in due time if the Government does not want you out in Public then you cannot leave your home, but even with a paid off home you are trespassing as the State has the proper Title and you just have a copy, as there have already been videos of people arrested for trespassing on their own property.
In the near future it could be happening that Officers can have you arrested for going shopping to buy food as the store is Private Property, and a Judge can mandate you cannot meet with anyone for them to give you anything, and thus the Government has tortured you to 'Starvation to Death.'
Some of these Constitutional rights you think you have or by US Supreme Court decisions have been ignored by some Officers as their local Ordinances supersede those higher ranking items, and you must take it to court to speak with a Judge on it, so fees to the court and Profiteering to them.

But first I would like to mention in this first video is that a MSM news reporter was stopped and treated as a felon, with the cameraman coming out as well, and the last Officer ordering the camera off, yet in the end it comes out that nearly a year later that ALL NINE cameras on the police vehicles were inoperable or not running, which is not possible, so in violation of Federal Laws, yet that they are NOT required to comply with per their Corporation policies.

The employee, Earl Sampson, in the lower video shows that he was putting out the trash from his employer, but the officer follows him back in and makes an arrest for just being at work.
When the charges are continually dropped yet the officers are still showing up to make an arrest, even for 60 times as they know him, then that is blatant harassment, and it may have been that Sampson refused to plead guilty for a crime he did not commit.

Police brutality on a US news channel you decide
Uploaded on Jan 17, 2011

Here's another video showing the local police (i.e. prince george police) have learned nothing
Pretty much nothing happened to these police afterwards. They eventually agreed to a minor settlement and then blew it off. (i.e. never made good on the settlement)

Man Arrested 60+ Times For Trespassing At His Own Job
Published on Nov 23, 2013

"A Florida convenience store owner is preparing to file a federal civil rights lawsuit against local police after collecting more than two dozen videos detailing what he describes as regular harassment by officers against both customers and his employees.

The Miami Herald reported that since installing cameras at his store in June 2012, 207 Quickstop owner Alex Saleh has amassed footage of Miami Gardens police arresting people for trespassing despite them having permission to be at the store, as well as conducting searches without a warrant and in at least one instance, reporting a trespassing arrest saying one of Saleh's employees was loitering outside the business when video of the arrest showed him being taken into custody while he was working inside.

The employee, Earl Sampson, has reportedly been put in jail 56 times, searched more than 100 times and questioned more than 250 times over the past four years, despite Saleh informing police on several occasions that he worked at the establishment."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.


Spaghetti with Avocado Sauce & check out HOW TO CUT AN AVOCADO & more !!

Spaghetti with Avocado Sauce Erin McDowell
Aren’t avocados the best? We love them mashed into guacamole, blended into a smoothie and whipped into a salad dressing. In this recipe, we take our love for avocados to the next level by turning the beloved fruit into a pasta sauce. (Cue singing angels.) This sauce is rich but totally virtuous, and the whole meal takes just 30 minutes to prepare.
Makes 6 to 8 servings
Start to Finish: 30 minutes


12 ounces spaghetti
2 avocados--halved, pitted and peeled
1 garlic clove, smashed
1 bunch scallions, roughly chopped
Juice of 1 lemon
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
½ cup chopped parsley, for garnish


1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the spaghetti and cook until al dente, 6 to 8 minutes.
2. While the pasta cooks, make the sauce: In the bowl of a food processor, pulse the avocados, garlic, scallions, lemon juice and olive oil until smooth.
3. When the pasta is tender, reserve ½ cup of the cooking water, then drain the pasta. Add the reserved water to the avocado mixture and process until smooth.
4. Add the sauce to the pasta and toss to coat. Season with salt and pepper. To serve, portion the pasta onto plates and garnish with parsley.

Using Hand Sanitizer Causes You To Absorb 10,000% More Emasculation Chemicals That Feminize Men

Using Hand Sanitizer
Causes You To Absorb 10,000% More
Emasculation Chemicals
That Feminize Men


** Inserted note:  They now have hand sanitizers in schools, stores etc..
  Could these also be in those "wet wipes" they have at  the front door of
  Walmarts  & other stores ?? The plot thickens !!
  Men had better start reading labels.  We've just learned that STEVIA
  ( a natural sweetener ) MAKES MEN STERILE..

** WOMEN: you aren't off the hook either : This causes birth defects,
    cancer, immune problems, diabetes , obesity & HEART DISEASE

How to solve problem: 1. WEARS GLOVES when shopping anywhere.
                                         2. wash hands often ( without their anti- bacterial
                                             soap )
                                         3. Can your own food in glass jars - stop buying
                                            anything in a can.
                                        4. Learn how to make your own healthy soaps and
                                         5. read labels and do MUCH  MORE RESEARCH

July 17 2015 | From: NaturalNews

Hand sanitizer causes the skin to absorb 100 times more of the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA),  according to a study conducted
by researchers  from the University of Missouri
and published in the
journal PLOS ONE.

IBPA exposure came from handling receipts printed on thermal paper, the
kind  typically issued by cash registers.
( your cash register receipts )

Research had previously shown that hand sanitizers cause the skin to absorb higher levels of chemicals, but this had not previously been demonstrated with BPA.

"Our research found that large amounts of BPA can be transferred to your hands and then to the food you hold and eat as well as be absorbed through your skin,"
lead author Frederick vom Saal said.

Levels high enough to cause disease

Much attention has focused in recent years on the dangers of BPA, which in
addition to receipts is also found in clear, hard plastics and in the linings
of food and beverage cans.

"BPA exhibits hormone-like properties and has been proven to cause reproductive defects in fetuses, infants, children and adults as well as cancer, metabolic and immune problems in rodents,"
vom Saal said.

"BPA from thermal papers will be absorbed into your blood rapidly; at those levels, many diseases such as diabetes and disorders such as obesity increase as well."
BPA has also been linked to heart disease and infertility.

In the new study, participants were told to handle receipt paper for various lengths
of time. Some of the participants used hand sanitizer before handling the paper, and some ate French fries by hand after touching the paper. BPA levels in the participants' blood, skin and urine were measured before and after each intervention.

The researchers found that handling receipt paper for 45 seconds caused BPA levels on the skin to rise to 581 µg; 40 percent of this occurred in just the first
2 seconds. After about 4 minutes, skin levels had fallen by 27 percent,
probably as the chemical was absorbed into the body. *

Ninety minutes after handling receipts, the average participant had blood and
urine levels of 20 mg BPA/g creatinine, levels that have been previously associated with increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The
levels seen are also considered high enough to increase the risk of developmental abnormalities in children.

Participants who had previously used hand sanitizer had blood and urine levels
100 times higher than those who had not used the chemicals. BPA levels
increased more in women than in men, although the reason for this is unknown.

Drop toxic hand sanitizer!

The findings are particularly worrisome for people who handle receipts
all day at work, the researchers said.

"Store and fast food receipts, airline tickets, ATM receipts and other thermal papers all use massive amounts of BPA on the surface of the paper as a print developer,"
vom Saal said.

"The problem is, we as consumers have hand sanitizers, hand creams, soaps and sunscreens on our hands that drastically alter the absorption rate of the BPA found on these receipts."

The researchers noted that people who handle receipts and then eat food
actually get exposed to BPA twice: some through the skin, and then some by
mouth. Therefore, the researchers recommend not eating immediately after handling
thermal receipts. Best of all, they said, would be to avoid BPA altogether.

Hand sanitizer has also previously been linked to other health problems, including endocrine disruption, immune dysfunction and cancer. Studies have also shown that it contributes to the evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and creates bacterial imbalance on the skin - possibly even increasing users' risk
of infection.

* Inserted Note: we live in a man made toxic world... wasn't that way in the beginning..  we just had to fend off wild
animals with sticks ! LOL
Now the dangers are "sneaky" dangers "unseen and unrecognizable."
It's up to you to "TAKE CHARGE"  and avoid these dangers and to change
BACK to NORMAL and NATURAL things on ALL fronts.
No wonder such people as HENRY FORD and other notables ALWAYS WORE


How to Eat Well on a Budget

Advice from a free e-book

How to Eat Well on a Budget


IF you are trying to figure out what to buy..for long term...can to keep long term
read this..  I went through each recipe and wrote down every item necessary to
make anything... then separate it into titles:  root vegetables, fruit,  spices, etc.
Now  you have a working list. 

Next: Figure out if you are going to try to go " non-gmo"  "organic" or "take what
you can find or afford" -- you now have a plan.  Base that around "no electricity"
and "how you intend to cook" using a  small propane stove, charcoal grill,
rocket stove,  etc..  Then shop by phone to get "availability and prices"
Example:  for non-gmo and organic ask for specific items.. like flour - types of
flour -- sizes and prices... This way instead of searching shelves in every store
and reading labels.. each store can tell you.. do not forget to call those small places
like Asian stores.. sometimes they are the best deals.

After you have that figured out.. you can map out "canning" and "storing in
containers" to get an idea of how many - what size, and how many oxygenators
you will need to keep your flour etc. fresh and not 'go bad' while in storage

Start shopping on the net and by phone for those.

Then start buying... plan what you intend to do first:  Can MEAT?  then BUY meat
and start canning..  NEXT: Can veggies?   Buy veggies and start canning.
Day by day, you have a plan and it won't take long to get it all done.

This PDF booklet is full of delicious simple recipes that can be affordable.. depending
on how you make your purchases..  For canned goods etc. that you purchase check
expiration dates BEFORE buying..  Buy those with the longest term expiration dates.


It’s a common misconception that eating wholesome, healthy and delicious food has to cost a fortune.
Leanne Brown, in her excellent cookbook Good and Cheap, which is totally free and downloadable as a PDF, effectively dispels that rumor.

All of Brown’s recipes--like veggie jambalaya and whole-wheat cheddar-jalapeño scones--
are based on what would be affordable on food stamps. That comes out to $4.19 a day.

(Perhaps a certain someone over at GOOP would’ve had more success with the SNAP Challenge if she’d read this first…)
Plus, the book is chock-full of helpful tips, like how much kale to buy so that you don’t end up throwing out half of it.
Whether you live alone, are on a budget or just spend way too much money at the supermarket, Good and Cheap is worth a read.


Read more: How to Eat Well on a Budget | Food | PureWow National
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Please help Ron Hayes, He really needs it

We have a long time reader that contributes to Nesaranews who is in need of help so he don't loose his feet due to medical issues. If anyone can help, please do so. I posted the article and web page link that contains a PayPal donation button on the left side of this blog under the chatbox. Visit his page.

Thanks for the kindness!


Type 2 diabetes, once known as adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic condition that affects the way your body metabolizes sugar (glucose), your body's important source of fuel.
Unfortunately, this is what I have and it has plagued me for I am faced with the outcome of losing one or both of my feet. At 71 years young, I'm sure you can understand what a horrible thing this would be for me.
Living on limited income has made it that much more difficult to deal with, and I pray that this is going to be my Godsend to get some much needed treatment and relief.

Project By
Ronald Hayes