Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta


July 22, 2015            
John Sidney McCain III, Patriot or Traitor
Gordon Duff, More looking into the Hanoi songbird...
The Fine or the Crude Art of Window Dressing - Hypocrisy at its Best
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Interview with the US Campaign to End Anti-Semitism
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Pat Gualtieri, Vietnam Vet and Long-Time Producer Dies
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Iran's Jewish Community Leader: Netanyahu Is "Narcissistic" and "Delusional"
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AmeriTrust Corporation, Inc. - vs - Canton de Vaud (Lausanne), Switzerland




1. United Nations Contract No. 4  - USDollars Five Trillion, 
2. Deputy White House Counsel, Vincent Foster, Jr,
3. Credit-Worthy Prime Bank Guarantees  [ PBG ],
4. FGI Fiduciarie- Conseil  /  P2 MASONIC LODGE,
5. AmeriTrust ( Suisse ) Societe - Geneve, Switzerland,
6. Children's Defense Fund ( USDollars 250 Million ),
7. L. H. Finance [ Mossah ],
8. Union Bank of Switzerland [ UBS] ,
9. AmeriTrust / Humewood [ CIA ] Contract,

10. U. S. National Security Violations,
11. State of Wisconsin - Department of Revenue,
12. Vienna Convention Violations,
13. U. S. President William Jefferson Clinton,
14. U.S. Vice President Albert Gore, Jr.,
15. State of Israel - Ministry of Internal Affairs,
16. The Honorable, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin,
17. Somali Central Bank,
18. Freddie Woodruff, CIA,
19. New Republic / USA Financial Group, GES.m.b.H. [AUSTRIA],
20. Aneko Credit Pte Limited [ Singapore ],
21. De-Stabilization of the Soviet Union [ U.S.S.R. ],
22. Fusion Bomb Development - Surveillance,
23. AFGHAN / USSR - General Dynamics Stinger Missiles,
24. Red Mercury [ RM2020 ],
25. T. A. Trace Lab Analysis - Morges, Switzerland,
26. Meccanotechnia Industries [ Fiat - Valsella (Italia),
27. " BLUE MOON " Drug Trafficing " to USA,
28. U.S. Secret Service - Bangkok, Thailand,
29. Thieves World ( Simon & Schuster, N. Y. ),
30. Boland Amendment Violations ( Iran - Contra ),
31. Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA),
32. MX Mobile Missile Programme ( Jackson, Miss, USA),
33. U.S.S.R. MIG 29 FULCRUM Maintenance Manuals,
34. Motorola ( Singapore ) SECTEL - IRAN Operations,
35. Yongbyon, No. Korea Nuclear Operations, involving George 
      Soros  / VIOLA TRADING LIMITED ( Andras Szasz - Budapest),
36. Kuwait Dinar FOREX Trading Programme,
37. Chase Manhatten / Citibank ( Operation : Chaselet ),
38. Title 18, United States Code - Section 1201 ( Chapter 55 -
39. United States Congressional Powers simply IGNORED,
43. U.S. Department of State - Chief of Protocol,
44. Constitution of the United States Continuing Direct Violations,
45. Due Process and Equal Protection,
46. and so much more, as outlined in " WANTA! Black Swan,
      White Hat ." 

Thank you for truly caring for Our Great Nation _ America -  Land of the Free and Our Constitutional Republic, Forever and A Day .....
Take Care .... Lee

Reconnaissance On The Red List Or ISIS?


Are  These  Kiowa  Warriors Doing  Reconnaissance  On  The  Red  List  Or  ISIS? 


July 21, 2015
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

An All News Pipeline reader named Vikki living in a non-Jade Helm state recently sent us the photographs seen above and at the bottom of the story showing us a US Army helicopter that the video below from Military Times calls 'the eyes and the ears of the US Army' above her home in America. Vikki tells us below that these choppers have been in her area a lot in the last few weeks and felt like Americans needed to know what's going on in our own backyards.

Easily identified by the E.T.-like bulbous globe called a 'Mast Mounted Site (MMS)' that sits atop its' rotors, the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior's primary mission is playing an 'advanced scout attack' role, its' 'periscope' able to capture on video and in infrared just about anything within a five mile radius according to the 1st video below, an excellent video that shares the capabilities of these choppers.

kiowa4.jpg kiowa3.jpg

From the Military Analysis Network

The OH-58D Kiowa Warrior is a two-place single engine armed reconnaissance helicopter. The OH-58D's highly accurate navigation system permits precise target location that can be handed-off to other engagement systems. The OH-58D has an infrared thermal imaging capability and can display night vision goggle flight reference symbology. It's laser designator/laser rangefinder can provide autonomous designation for laser-guided precision weapons. Air-to-Air Stinger (ATAS) issiles provide the Kiowa Warrior with protection against threat aircraft. The primary mission of the Kiowa Warrior is armed reconnaissance in air cavalry troops and light attack companies. In addition, the Kiowa Warrior may be called upon to participate in the following missions or tasks:
  • Joint Air Attack (JAAT) operations
  • Air combat
  • Limited attack operations
  • Artillery target designation. (Much more below)

While our reader informs us that she is likely on the 'red list' as a law-abiding American Christian who supports the US Constitution and everything that made America great, she also tells us how this encounter made her feel and told us that this isn't the 1st time that she's been seeing the 'eyes and ears' of the US Army over her house.:

"These helicopters have been in the area a lot the past few weeks, it looks as if they are doing some sort of grid patterns over homes in the area. All different hours of the day and night

As the first helicopter flew directly over our home, they spun the helicopter around nose first at us and just hovered. Sorta seemed like an aggressive maneuver. Was surprising but then just sorta ticked me off!  As to me, I have the right to take photos of anything flying over my house! Our son stated "man I wish we would have been taking video when they did that!"
Regarding if there is a "red list" do I think I am on it, have no idea if I am or not. But would not surprise me as I'm not one that agrees with what is happening at all!
My family believes in God, we do not believe in "global warming", one world government etc..  We believe as Americans in the Constitutional rights of Americans and that we have the right to stand and if need be fight for our rights!"
Due to the fact that All News Pipeline has strong reason to believe that some of what we are now witnessing across America now may be in preparation for attacks within the US by the radicalists ISIS and our desire to make sure that we do not jeopardize any ongoing efforts by the US Military to eradicate the scum, we will not be publishing the location that these helicopters were seen so that, if this is an operation to eliminate ISIS, can continue unabated.

We also see the recent attacks in Tennessee as a call for all Americans to unite against our common enemy, radicalists of any religious/political persuasion, who seek to do harm to innocent Americans in uniform or out of uniform. Our reader shares.:

I agree with you completely in regards to the fact if they are looking for ISIS scum more power to them, but I just am not 100% sure that is what they are doing, especially being they did similar just a month ago with these helicopters, therefor I felt this needed to be out there for others to know.

What this event in Tennessee has also taught us is that Americans have had enough and if our government will not step up to protect our defenseless military offices in America, Americans will. The 2nd video below shows us true American heroes who are stepping up to the plate when the govt won't. As active police officer 'Steve' says in the video, America has 3 lines of defense...the military, law enforcement, and the American people. The American people are now stepping up to protect the military. We salute them! In the 3rd video below, a mega-viral ripping of our commander-in-chief by Tomi Lahren on the One America News Network that has already gotten over 2.4 million hits in just days, we get 'red, white & blue and unfiltered final thoughts' on the slaughter of 5 US Service members by 'another Mohammad' that all Americans should listen to.

While we are unable to confirm what the mission of these Kiowa Warriors are, the American people should take great solace that the-near 100% majority of these young men and women in the US Military services are on the American people's sides. However, as Chuck Norris clearly pointed out about Jade Helm 15, Americans are concerned that the people giving the orders to these men and women may not have Americans best interests in mind. Let's all hope that Mr. Obama is as concerned about ISIS's intentions in America as most Americans, law enforcement and the US Military are.  

"Concerned Texans and Americans are in no way calling into question our brave and courageous men and women in uniform. They are merely following orders. What’s under question are those who are pulling the strings at the top of Jade Helm 15 back in Washington. The U.S. government says, “It’s just a training exercise.” But I’m not sure the term “just” has any reference to reality when the government uses it."





ISA_ The EuroZone Deficit Sinners whose incompetence makes The Hellenic Republic of Greece look like " Snow White " by comparison

Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta~

John Ward posted: "EUROZONE BULLIES HOIST BY THEIR OWN FACADE The original Maastricht Treaty set out a very clear debt-to-gdp ceiling of 60% for 'emu' (later the eurozone) as a whole. Today the eurozone reveals a debt to gdp percentage at 93%. More than 50% over the lim"

REVEALED….the eurozone deficit sinners whose incompetence makes Greece look like Snow White by comparison


The original Maastricht Treaty set out a very clear debt-to-gdp ceiling of 60% for ’emu’ (later the eurozone) as a whole.
Today the eurozone reveals a debt to gdp percentage at 93%. More than 50% over the limit.
But feast your eyes on this stat: The 2015 Q1 eurozone debt just leapt to €9.4 TRILLION.
Or put another way, more than 26 times bigger than the total Greek debt at 12.45pm today 22nd July 2015 – which stood at just over €357bn.
Take note of these equally irrefutable facts:
1.There are 19 nations in the eurozone, but Greek debt is only one twenty-sixth of it.
2. The eurozone got to this brilliant debt result without the ‘aid’ of any ‘bailouts’. Greece is about to get its third, and during the first two its debt/gdp ratio went UP.
Greece’s debt to gdp ratio when Prime Minister Papandreou formally requested help from the EU on 23rd April 2010 was 129.7%. Today, it stands at 177% of gdp. Some bailout, eh?
There is but one simple conclusion to draw from this, based on the maths outlined above: Greece would’ve been better off without “help” from the eurozone, for the simple reason that those in charge of the eurozone couldn’t hit a barn with a blunderbuss….let alone keep within deficit targets.
Consider: the guideline set for emu States’ debt/gdp ratios was 60%. This chart shows how the main eurozoners fared last year (2014):
ezonerstableWell good gracious me, look at that.
Just 2.3% of the eurozone’s total economy stuck to the Maastricht rules. Those who didn’t included Schäuble’s Germany, Hollande’s France, Dijesslbleom’s Netherlands, Verhofstadt’s Belgium and Rajoy’s Spain.
So for not sticking to the rules as a State bringing 1.3% of gdp to the table, Greece’s independence has been beaten to a pulp by those States who broke all the rules as well…but represent 51.7% of eurozone gdp.
I didn’t include Italy in the 51.7% hypocritical sanctimony sector, because on the whole the Italians have been understanding about the Greek position. But the Mario Draghi whose ECB dramatically worsened Greek debt sustainability via blackmail over the last three weeks hails from Italy…a country whose gdp risk factor is exactly nine times that of Greece.
Mario Draghi is also the QE-er who plans to add €1.1 trillion of eurozone spend on an alleged form of economic stimulation that has now been tried 19 times around the World…and never once stimulated anything beyond stock market share prices and banker bonuses.
Is it time for Yanis Varoufakis to take a job at the IMF….and demand 100% 24/7 access to its offices and books prior to building a class action case against Jean-Claude Trichet for the encouragement of odious debt?
If that seems like a melodramatic question, then think on this: from 2006 to 2009, Greek gdp leapt from €250bn to €350bn, during which Trichet’s ECB actively encouraged the PASOK government to borrow in order to invest in infrastructure….using explosive growth as collateral.