Friday, October 14, 2011

The Galactics

Submitted by Patti - Thanks again


Some Insights Written from 1994 -2004 Regarding
Benevolent ET's Assisting Earth

Nasty ET's Shenanigans

Galactic History

Can Be Found On This Website
Defending Sacred Ground - The Andromedan Compendium

Maintaining Impeccability
This whole project involving the work of Alex Collier has been more than a year in the planning, and has taken literally hundreds of hours to accomplish.
Every effort has been made to capture the essence of the message that is being brought to us, in that we may make use of it for self-empowerment and for planetary evolution. In order to preserve that message, with its commentary, in an intact form, we have now copyrighted the material in this book.
The release of this book in 1997, it is hoped, will assist the process of planetary change in a positive and progressive way.
You are encouraged to buy this book, and not to copy it, as a significant portion of the profit goes to support
Letters from Andromeda.
For those who are impeccable in this way, we thank you for your support and encouragement.

SO, WHERE ARE WE NOW ? - Galactic Interventions & Solar System Changes

Some Reportedly Current Updates can be found here:

Andromeda Council: Molecular & Cellular Transformation to a 4D Earth

by Alfred Lambremont Webre, Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
September 30, 2011 -

This is the 3rd article in a series of articles on information of the Andromeda Council, a reported galactic governance council composed of selected star system representatives that carry out governance and development functions in a selected areas of our populated and organized galaxy and universe.
ED. NOTE: CAVEAT LECTOR - The opinions expressed in this article by interviewees are solely those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this reporter or Thank you.
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre released Sept. 30, 2011 a self-described representative of the Andromeda Council, a reported galactic governance council whose membership consists of star systems and includes representation from the galactic governance council of our Milky Way Galaxy, discussed the purported timing and nature of a transformation via dimensional shift of our Sol solar system from a 3rd dimension to a 4th dimensional state, along with key aspects of life on a 4th dimensional Earth.

Continue reading on

Composite of News Links from Around the World

Submitted by Patti - Thanks

Subject: IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK - Composite of News Links from Around the World & Galaxy

COMPOSITE of Informative and Interesting News Articles  - go to the links for the full story.

Canada required to arrest George W. Bush

October 12, 2011
Criminals must be arrested, even U.S. President, even if Americans condone human rights abuses: World's largest human rights group Amnesty International weighs in with heaviest stand yet

Edit Draft
Iceland Declares Independence from International Banks
Pennsylvania's state capital Harrisburg has declared bankruptcy, according to a court …
Pennsylvania's state capital Harrisburg has declared bankruptcy, according to a court filing seen Wednesday, a rare move that raised the specter of a string of local government defaults.

Hundreds of brave dentists speak out
against water fluoridation
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer


 Some Health and Safety issues on these Low – Energy Light Bulbs

Blackberry problems spread to US

How Stupid Do The "Bad Guys" Think We Are?

--- On Tue, 10/11/11, Bix Weir <> wrote:

So I got off a plane today, turned on the news and a huge story about Iran ordering an assassination of a Saudi official on US soil. CNN was tromping out all the regular mouthpieces talking about how the US needs to look at this as an act of war...ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

This is a blatant attempt at shifting the focus from the TRUE criminals. The "Bad Guys" are on the ropes and this is the best they can do?

WEAK!!! (...if not embarassing how totally transparent this attempt is.)

Meanwhile the Good Guys are going right for the jugular of the banking cabal. They are so weak right now that a TINY country like Slovakia can destroy the entire European monetary system with one little vote...

Slovakia Rejects Expansion of Euro Zone Bailout Fund
"Today we saved more than 300 billion euros for the European taxpayers that would have been used to bail out banks," said Parliament Speaker Richard Sulik, who led Parliament's opposition to the expansion of the bailout fund.

The TRUTH is breaking out all over the world!!!

Don't buy the FALSE ATTEMPTS of the Bad Guys to drag us into a war to SAVE THEMSELVES!

Watch for a VERY BIG announcement coming out of Europe this Saturday
with the chaos to begin next week.
We have arrived!!!

Bix Weir

ALSO - Interview with 'road to roota' Bix Weir -
 3 parts totaling approx 45 mins.

Listen to this from the road to roota with Bix Weir called “after the crash”
Uber-Vultures: The Billionaires Who Would Pick Our President 
By Greg Palast - Truthout
Tuesday, Oct 11, 2011

British Banks Face Collapse

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

Sunday October 9, 2011

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the recent credit downgrade of 12 major British bank, including Royal Bank of Scotland, is just a precursor to the possible collapse of the entire British financial structure.

Royal bank of Scotland, along with UBS of Switzerland, have been fingered by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Court of Settlements (ICS located in Belgium) for violating the terms of the Basel II European Union capitalization requirements in regards to derivative trading.

Both Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS have TRILLIONS of dollar-denominated counterfeit derivatives tied to an attempt to suppress the price of gold and silver.

We can now divulge a direct tie in between the Royal Bank of Scotland, UBS of Switzerland, Bank of America and J. P. Morgan Chase.

At this hour, the IMF and the International Court of Settlements have frozen the proprietary trading accounts of both the Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS of Switzerland.

P.S. The IMF and ICS proprietary trading freeze on both RBS and UBS coincides with a desperate attempt by the British Chancellor of the Exchequer to bail out the derivative holdings of these bankrupt British banks.

Just last Friday the British Chancellor of the Exchequer ordered the printing of billions of pound sterling with all this currency directed to bail out Royal Bank of Scotland.

Yes, folks, the derivative meltdown has begun!

P.P.S. Word is out that there is no real division between France and Germany. Over this weekend German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy discussed keeping the structure of the European Union, but simultaneously opening the door to end the EURO currency as a unit of exchange.

Word is out that both the French and the Germans have ordered their banks to print billions of francs and marks, then abolish the EURO and then back the francs and marks with gold.

This will allow France and Germany to write off the EURO derivative debt tied to Greece and other European Union nations like Spain and Portugal.

The question, folks, is: Guess who is then holding the bag, none other than British owned J. P. Morgan.

P.P.P.S. We want to continue to encourage total revolutionary mode in America, not only to occupy Wall Street, but also occupy the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media centers and then, of course, occupy Washington D.C. itself.

Do not be fooled by bank stooge, alleged President Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro. He is a former CIA asset who worked for George Herbert Walker Bush in Indonesia in the 1980s.

Obama is totally controlled by criminal banking interests with his bag man being none other than the Mayor of Chicago, Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emmanuel.

Message to Republican House majority leader Eric Cantor: Cease and desist!

Cantor has criticized the Occupy Wall Street movement. Guess who the biggest financial contributor to Eric Cantor is: None other than the criminal banking interests, like J. P. Morgan Chase that have destroyed the U.S. economy.

Israeli Mossad agent Cantor talks to J. P. Morgan's CEO Jamie Dimon on a daily basis to get his marching orders.

Message to Republican presidential candidate, member of the church of satanic of latter days saints, Mitt Romney: Cease and desist, and shut up!

Romney is completely controlled by Bank of America, Citibank, J. P. Morgan Chase and Mellon Bank of New York. Romney's former company, Bain Capital, participated with the aforementioned banks in massive criminal derivative trading for over fifteen (15) years! Romney, who likes to make jokes about year 2000 duly elected president Albert Gore Jr., actually corresponds with his 'handler' CIA mafia godfather George Herbert Walker Bush on a weekly basis.

Soon the joke will be on you, punk Romney. I hear Current TV is going to expose your financial derivative double dealing involving none other than Royal Bank of Scotland. It is obvious, folks, we don't need these bank dicks in charge of the United States

The Corporation Nation Master (2010) - Full Length

The Corporation Nation Master (2010) - Full Length *****
Part 1
[link to]
Part 2
[link to]

The Corporation Nation is the United States of America, U.S. Incorporated.
The United States is comprised of over 185,000 incorporated state, county, city, town, municipality, district, councils, school district, pension fund, enterprise operation, lottery, alcohol monopoly, and many other private and for-profit corporations, which have mistakenly been called our "representative government".
The hidden wealth and investment totals for all of these "collective" 185,000 corporations (governments), when added together, equate to well over 100 trillion dollars, over 26 trillion in just pension fund investment assets.
A trillion dollars is a million, million.
With these investments, the government owns controlling ownership interest in all Fortune 500 companies, most major domestic and international companies, and most of everything you see around you. Malls, mini-malls, strip-malls, golf courses, movie theaters, etc...
Federal lands include about 87% of all state land, 97% of Utah land, 95% of Nevada, etc...
This is all easily verifiable by looking at the general accounting system of government, as required by federal law, called the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, or CAFR.
"The Corporation Nation" documentary proves all of this without a shadow of a doubt.
It is free, it will never be for sale, and needs to be seen by all Americans.
Within this documentary is the governments own admission of corporate governance and fascism. It will not only astound you, but it will also answer just about every question you ever had with regards to the question of why...
...why is every law and every bill passed in the legislature unconstitutional?
...why has the government deregulated all industries and allowed monopolies and corporate tyranny?
...why can banks charge as much interest as they want, despite state laws against usury?
...why was the "Obama-Care" health care bill passed, and who really profits from it?
...why is our infrastructure and land being sold off to private and foreign corporations?
All of these questions will be stunningly clear once you have watched this movie. And with the information you will now possess, you will never again be left to wonder why anything happens in government...
Because you will see firsthand that government owns the corporations that it regulates through stock investment.
Government votes for each corporation's board of directors.
Government votes on whether each company should merge with or acquire other corporations.
Government is the corporations, by controlling stock ownership.
Please watch The Corporation Nation, pass it on, download the film, make copies, and pass them out to everyone you can. For this is the only issue any of us should be focused on...
For this is the root of corporate fascism in America.

-Clint Richardson- (less info)

Sibel Edmonds claims the Three Branches of Government are in collusion.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Sibel Edmonds claims the Three Branches of Government are in collusion.
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Friday, 14-Oct-2011 04:10:48
In 1787 leaders of the states gathered to write the Constitution -- a set of principles that told how the new nation would be governed.

The leaders of the states wanted a strong and fair national government. But they also wanted to protect individual freedoms and prevent the government from abusing its power. They believed they could do this by having three separate branches of government: the executive, the legislative and the judicial.
Let's listen to FBI whistleblowing legend Sibel Edmonds' latest interview about the exact magnitude of her evidence against Corporate Global Government and how these three essential branches of Government are in fact in collusion with corporate-war interests.
Sibel Edmonds new interview...

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey / 14-October-2011

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey / 14-October-2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 14-Oct-2011 03:53:14

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey / 14-October-2011
You may wonder at times why different sources of channeling sometimes come up with their own dates for expected events, and yet do not dispute those that are given by others that are different to theirs. Although there is generally a reluctance to give dates anyway, occasionally circumstances dictate that a firm date can be acknowledged, say such as one that has been divinely given. The reason for this is that there are different time lines that exist for most events, meaning that more than one outcome is possible, so the ultimate "correct" date for you is partly dependent upon your choice. Therefore we would be reluctant to deny someone else's choice, as we could affect the outcome by doing so and that would be deemed interference. So as many dates are being given for almost all important events, we would suggest you focus on the one that satisfies your understanding.
Financial happenings still fill the headlines, and at each turn it seems that matters get worse rather than better. We cannot say that we are surprised, as efforts are directed at keeping the old systems going, rather than approaching the problems from a completely new direction. The underlying reason for the meltdown is understood by some people, but they are not necessarily in a position to influence what happens. The sweeping changes that are required will only happen when it is acknowledged that the old ways are no longer workable. That is something we are assisting our allies to bring about as soon as possible. The amount of co-operation we are getting in the different countries is encouraging, and it will reach a point when there will be a vast majority that will support the necessary changes, and then they will go ahead.
The dark Ones are no longer in any doubt that we mean business, and their defeat is simply a matter of time. The Lighted Ones are patient, and realize that providing the right time is chosen to apply the coup de grace there will be a relatively smooth transition from the old to the new. With the energy and consciousness levels on Earth continually growing, there can be no doubt that the changes are imminent. We could talk of weeks rather than months, and that shows our own confidence in the future. However, we would rather you used your own intuition, as you would be surprised how often it is able to pick up the truth. In some ways the exact dates are not so important, as when an event is close to manifesting you will be aware of it anyway.
At present we busy ourselves in keeping a constant eye on earthly occurrences, whether man-made or natural to ensure nothing gets out of hand. We are in your skies for various reasons, and regularly attend to clearing the Chem Trails, and balancing your weather patterns so as to maintain the seasons. In the longer term they will moderate and become more temperate, and once ascended will no longer be a necessary factor for food production. The dimensional changes will eventually be so far reaching that conditions will remain constant. Indeed, in your finer body you will not be subject to the ravages of time, illnesses or any disabling factor. Ascension as you now understand it, is ongoing and is only just beginning with the closing of the cycle of Duality.
As much as we try to convey what the future holds for you, words really fail us at times. To understand the beauty, harmony and balance of the higher dimensions you have to be there, and how can one really describe the way in which the energy caresses you and makes you feel so wonderful. Tiredness is something that you experience on Earth as your physical body becomes drained of its energy, yet in the higher dimensions that never occurs as you are continually drawing from the energies around you. All those earthly problems connected with having a physical body do not exist at all. However, we jump ahead, but all of these changes await you in due course.
For the older people amongst you that are ascending it will mean much more, because as happens when you pass on from death into the Astral Levels, you will quickly be able to "think" yourself into a younger body free of the effect of old age. You can gradually put together a picture of what it will be like to ascend, and perhaps the most useful gain is the ability to "talk" with anyone by telepathy regardless of distance. It is experienced by you at times without your realization, when it seems like your own voice talking to you. Another gadget that will make life so much easier will be a voice translator, enabling you to listen to any language as though it was in your own. Some of our technology is so advanced it is considered by you as only a possibility, because you do not have the knowledge yet to do it for yourself. That is where we will enable you to make a quantum leap forward, and will introduce you to our level of existence.
We keep talking about the exciting times ahead, and considering they will release you from your bondage that has to be so. However, it is not just that as you are replacing one life experience with another that is far superior. It is one that you left behind you eons of time ago, to experience time and space in Duality. You have truly earnt the right to move out of it, and as a civilization have at last succeeded in overcoming the pull of the lower energies. It has taken you a long time, but all that will be forgotten quite quickly as you put it behind you and enjoy your new life.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and would mention that some of our smaller Mothercraft are being positioned a bit closer to Earth, allowing us to reach you with our scout craft more speedily. The need to track your dark Ones and their activities is vital in these closing stages leading to their removal. This way we can prevent them from attempting a major incident to delay the end of their time. We believe that they are sufficiently disempowered to prevent one, but remain vigilant and focused on our responsibilities to you. We have guided you and protected you for many, many years and it is greatly satisfying for us to know that we have helped you reach your goal. We have looked upon you as our family, and never been far away at any time. Soon we will be even closer, until First Contact when we shall truly be amongst you. I leave you with the thought that if you have chosen to ascend, it matters not whether you are on Earth to experience it, you will still do so. Every soul has the choice to make, and before very long all will fully understand its significance.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Staten Island, NY

October 13, 2011
Throughout the bible we see the Lord using people who were rejected, despised and outcasts to do spectacular exploits for the
Kingdom of God. Some of you feel disqualified or insecure in what the Lord has called you to do but He wants to use every one of us in an extraordinary way.

The Lord says, I have gifted you and called you to do great exploits. I have created each one of you for a unique purpose and placed My anointing on your life. I have redeemed and chosen each one of you with My mark of approval. I strategically designed each one of you to be different from the others. I will use that which I placed in your hand. Don't try to emulate the calling of someone else but imitate their life by following their blameless lifestyle and holy way of living. Clothe yourselves in robes of righteousness. I have given you the personality and the temperament to be just as you are and to do all that you were called to do.

As you spend time with Me, I will reveal My secrets to you and you will learn how to recognize divine appointments. I will not deny you any good thing as you desire the spiritual gifts which are freely given. As you hunger after righteousness and study to show yourself approved, you will receive the wisdom and revelation that you've longed for.

When you recognize who you are In Me, and the blessings that I have bestowed upon your life, you will walk through the storms that come so abruptly with the resilience to bend without breaking. What you thought was sent to destroy you, will catapult you into the next phase of your life as you walk in obedience and resist discouragement. I will overthrow the tactics of the enemies plans. Allow My word to become a reality in your life. As you submit your life to Me and walk in humility, you will walk into the extraordinary things that I have provided for you says the Lord.

Exodus 4: 10
Then Moses said to the Lord, "Oh my Lord I am not eloquent, neither before or since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue". So the Lord said to him, "Who made mans mouth? or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing or the blind? Have not I, the Lord? now therefore go and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say." But
he said "Oh Lord please send by the hand of whomever else you may send.

1 Samuel 17: 37
Moreover David said, "The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." and Saul said to David, "Go and the Lord be with you!"

Daniel 11:32b
But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.

Young people forget that we old people had a career before we retired..

You just have to appreciate this one... 
Young people forget that we old people had a career before we retired......
Charley, a new retiree-greeter at Wal-Mart, just couldn't seem to get to work on time.
Every day he was 5, 10, 15 minutes late. But he was a good worker, really tidy, clean-shaven, sharp-minded, a real credit to the company and obviously demonstrating their "Older Person Friendly" policies.
One day the boss called him into the office for a talk.
"Charley, I have to tell you, I like your work ethic, you do a bang-up job when you finally get here; but your being late so often is quite bothersome."
"Yes, I know boss, and I am working on it."
"Well good, you are a team player. That's what I like to hear.”
“Yes sir, I understand your concern and I’ll try harder.”
Seeming puzzled, the manager went on to comment, “It's odd though your coming in late. I know you're retired from the Armed Forces. What did they say to you there if you showed up in the morning so late and so often?"
The old man looked down at the floor, then smiled. He chuckled quietly, cocked his head to the side and then said with a grin, "They usually saluted and said, ‘Good morning, Admiral, can I get you your coffee, sir?’ " 
One of the best stories ever...!!!!