Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mass Atty General Sues 5 major banks and MERS for Mortgage Fraud

Coakley sues major US banks over foreclosures

12/01/2011 11:40 AM

Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley said today that she has filed suit against five major US banks for allegations related to mortgage fraud and unlawful property seizures.
Coakley said she will hold a press conference at 1 p.m. today to detail the suit against Bank of America Corp., Wells Fargo & Co., JPMorgan Chase & Co, Citi, and Ally Financial.
The suit, filed in Suffolk Superior Court, also names the private company Mortgage Electronic Registration System Inc. and its parent, MERSCORP Inc., as defendants, according to the attorney general’s office.
“The AG’s lawsuit seeks accountability for the banks’ unlawful and deceptive conduct in the foreclosure process, including unlawful foreclosures, false documentation and robo-signing, MERS, and deceptive practices related to loan modifications,’’ the news release from Coakley’s office said.
The suit comes a month after Coakley’s announcement that she was no longer confident that settlement negotiations between a group of US lenders and a multistate alliance of attorneys general would be successful. The negotiations began last year following concerns about fraud and sloppy paperwork in lenders’ foreclosure efforts.
Lew Finfer, executive director of the nonprofit Massachusetts Communities Action Network that works with troubled homeowners, praised Coakley’s action, saying it will help tens of thousands of homeowners struggling to save their properties.
“We commend Attorney General Coakley for stepping up and leading as the first AG in the country to move so strongly on this,’’ Finfer said. He said the suit “gives her a hammer to either compel more serious negotiations toward a good settlement or she can proceed with the lawsuit and hopefully win a strong decision anyway.”
Jenifer McKim can be reached at

A Website full of pedal-powered do it yourself tools, for farm and home ...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

For Soveriegns only -- or wanna be's:: A Website full of pedal-powered do it yourself tools, for farm and home ...
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Thursday, 1-Dec-2011 13:56:29

The below is a really neat website, full of PROVEN designs, drawings and material lists for human powered devices of many kinds.. Shown are designs for devices built from scratch and could accommodate a large number of detachable tools. These included kitchen aids (such as an egg beater, can opener, nut chopper, food grinder, fish skinner, meat and cheese slicer and a cherry pitter), farm machinery (including an irrigation water pump, feather plucker, potato digger, corn sheller, grain cleaner, rice polisher and oatmeal roller) and more general tools (like a wheel grinder, stone polisher, drill, wood carver and battery charger).

TomHennagan: Federal Reserve Commits TREASON and Japan vs China

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

TomHennagan: Federal Reserve Commits TREASON and Japan vs China
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Thursday, 1-Dec-2011 07:45:19

Federal Reserve Commits TREASON and Japan vs China
Part 1 of 3
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertWednesday November 30, 2011
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the conspiratorial privately-owned U.S. Federal Reserve, along with criminal elements at the European Central Bank (ECB) completed today the greatest PONZI SCHEME in history of world finance (as you recall we warned you last night, folks, that they were about to do this).
What took place was the direct bail out of bankrupt Bank of America, bankrupt Citibank and bankrupt Bank of New York Mellon.
As reported last night, bankrupt Bank of America owed over $40 BILLION in bad derivative bets to both French bank Societe Generale and German Deutsche Bank.

"The coordinated swap line bailout by the Federal Reserve Bank of Canada...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

George Washington's Blog: "The coordinated swap line bailout by the Federal Reserve Bank of Canada....
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 1-Dec-2011 05:08:57

Thank you DA
30 November 2011 - George Washington's Blog: "The coordinated swap line bailout by the Federal Reserve Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the Swiss National Bank- and China's reduction of reserve requirements by .5% - shows desperation. The confidence and trust is gone. Every major bank in the world is insolvent, whether it be in the U.S., Europe or China. These Central Banks are owned and controlled by the very banks they are bailing out. They are telling you they have it under control. They do not. They have lost control. The debt is too great and will destroy the economic system of the world. This is a last ditch effort by those in power to grab the last vestiges of middle class wealth. The stock market will soar today, benefiting bankers, politicians, and the 1%. They have solved nothing. The debt remains. The debt will not be paid."
It surely can't come as a surprise that in this tragic times, somebody has put an effort in explaining the difference between the state and the mafia, which can be found on the Internet by Googling "10 Reasons Why The Mafia Is Better Than The State". Have you ever dared to imagine how your life and business would have been like if the state and the mafia would not interfere in it?
Alternative Currency: Sovereign Money In Sovereign Accounts Of Sovereign Men

Q & A from the Andromedan Council

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Q & A from the Andromedan Council
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 1-Dec-2011 02:04:09

Q & A from the Andromedan Council
Are they still scheduled to land & visit with us this autumn?
ANSWER: Yes, they are still scheduled to meet & visit with us. This will happen. And yes, now that our solar system & planet Earth has begun to enter this expanse of 4th dimensional energy beginning 11.11.11 it becomes increasingly easier for them to visit with us.
However, as you have recently learned, they are right now highly focused on their efforts to take out the remaining underground & undersea reptilian bases. The two most critical ones, the undersea base in the Gulf of Aden, and now the undersea base in the East China Sea have been destroyed. However, other less critical ones still remain around the globe that need to be dealt with, and removed. It is a top priority that these bases be taken out... to ensure the long term safety & freedom of all humans on this planet. And the people from the Procyon system are doing their best to wrap up this job as fast as humanly possible. This is one of their top goals.
Though please understand, I fully realize the process of waiting is difficult for us... as we all want to meet our space 'brothers', 'sisters', and 'cousins' as soon as possible. However, in their hearts, minds & souls, the safety & freedom of ALL Earth people is their number one priority... even before they take time to visit with us. Securing our safety and freedom comes first. Therefore, at this moment in time I do not know exactly when they will finally introduce themselves to us by walking among us out in the open and speaking with us. I do know they are committed to doing this. They will do it. And they will do it as soon as it is safe for everyone involved.
Please tell me how I can be assured of being contacted by people in Andromeda Council flagged scout craft. I would very much like to talk to them, to see how I could be helpful in this effort.
ANSWER: they plan to land quietly and visit quietly with people in suburban cities, towns, parks, and the like. Simply have it in your consciousness, in your thoughts, that you want to meet & speak with them. This is all it will take. They will be open to your questions, and answer as many as possible. (See page 3. of this Andromeda Council web site, "Contact" for more detailed information including which country they will visit, in order of priority, and how visitation will occur.)
Would you please tell me the reason for all of the various ships going into and coming out of our sun?
ANSWER: Your sun is a portal, a stargate. All other suns of the same classification as your sun... they are also 'natural' stargates. In order for a ship to enter into your sun as a portal or stargate each ship must do a few things: it must change their frequency to match the vibratory rate of the sun, it must be attuned to a 4th dimensional vibratory frequency & rate, it must also input into their ship's navigation system the sun's unique signature code - each major celestial body has one, this signature identification code is much like what you on Earth call a - GPS location code.
Andromeda Council affiliated planets, their biospheres/ships are monitoring and policing the entry of all ships into your sun very closely, as close as humanly possible. Over time, some malevolent beings have escaped Earth using the sun as a portal, as a stargate to get close to their home world, though this is a very, very small percentage. Comparatively, most of the ships entering your sun are either Andromeda Council affiliated members, or they belong to aligned benevolent people who have a good relationship with the member planets of the Andromeda Council. Also know, your sun is being watched & monitored very closely for those ships attempting to return from the other side of the stargate, to Earth space, attempting to use your sun as a re-entry portal. Know that Andromeda Council flagged biospheres/ships, and their scout craft, will ensure any malevolent beings are not allowed back into Earth space. The clean-up of Earth must and will continue with forward progress. This is all part of Earth's evolution, its destiny to become a 4th dimensional world.
Who are the people flying these ships, where do they come from?
ANSWER: The people flying many of the various ships come from, at minimum, the following planets: Namo, Hieina, Topaki, Nunk, Iarga, Ummo, Acart. There are many, many others however. There are at minimum over 100 extraterrestrial races over time that have observed or visited your world, and continue to do so. At present, people from planets who wish to visit your world who have a formal relationship with the Andromeda Council, they must follow all benevolent, necessary, appropriate protocols.
Why are we seeing so many of these ships at this time?
ANSWER: It is because of the transition your solar system & planet is making after eons of time, you are becoming a 4th dimensional life force, 4th dimensional beings. Some have said it is about Earth stepping up to the vibration of the 'heavens'. As someone else on Earth recently said, "... it's the story of the millennium". Again, why: it's the first time a whole planet of people will evolve into becoming 4th dimensional beings... without needing to have their bodies 'die' first. This is not necessary. This is exactly the reason why so many people on the various Andromeda Council biospheres, and all other higher dimensional worlds, are so happy about this particular evolution of human kind. It's an unprecedented evolutionary step, millions of people evolving at once. And they get to see all of their relatives on Earth once again after such a long time. It's a great story, and a very positive story. A reason for celebration.
What about our sun, what about the intensity & frequency of all of these solar flares?
ANSWER: Solar flares, also known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs), they are occurring with high frequency right now because our whole solar system is 'heating up', in a manner of speaking, due to the increasing amount of 4th dimensional energy we are being exposed to... as we continue to enter the galactic equatorial plane zone with its 'black hole' which has a tremendous amount of very highly magnetic, energetic, agitated & erratic particles whipping around the outside edge of this black hole affecting your sun. This super heated plasma from the sun highly accelerates the speed of protons, neutrons & electrons. And, if large CMEs reach Earth they can cause electro magnetic pulse (EMP) waves which can easily knock out satellites in Earth space, and localized power grids over a wide area... depending on which part of the planet it they hit. I broadly address this topic on the first page of the web site. This is the reason for the increased number of CME's, this galactic equatorial plane zone affecting the sun's magnetic resonance.
What about Tekoma the brown dwarf & Nihohia its accompanying planet? They haven't arrived yet.
ANSWER: Due to the buffeting effect on Earth's solar system as it continues to move into the galactic equatorial plane zone region, and the magnetic energies in the center of a black hole at the center of this area already affecting your planet - the arrival of both Tekoma the brown dwarf, and Nihohia its accompanying planet, are being considerably slowed by our biospheres to reduce as much as possible the potential disruptive tectonic & volcanic reactions on your planet. As with the removal of the reptilian underground & undersea bases, it is our first priority that you on planet Earth are safe, as safe as possible. And this means we need to slow things down as much as possible, including these celestial bodies, to reduce the risk of damage to your planet... as much as we possibly can.
We are not exactly sure when they will arrive to your solar system. However, know that Tekoma & Nihohia are on their way to your solar system. They will arrive when the moment is right. And, Tekoma will take its place as an added, new, much smaller & not nearly as bright second sun, and its accompanying planet Nihohia will join it as a new planet in your solar system. You will have some warm, peaceful & friendly new neighbors.
When Tekoma as a brown dwarf, about the size of the Uranus is - first seen - in the skies over Earth it will appear to be about the size of a U.S coin, a "quarter", and Nihohia, its planet, about the actual size of planet Pluto, it will appear to be smaller, about the size of another U.S. coin, approximately the size of a "dime". When Tekoma finally settles into orbit close to Venus it will appear to be about the size of a new pencil eraser head. Nihohia will appear to be about the size of a small dot right next to it.
What about the cause & effect of Tekoma and Nihohia coming into our solar system. Considering Tekoma is a dense brown dwarf star its gravitational field should be much stronger than any of the inner planets. The tidal forces involved would in theory be enormous.​ Being much closer to the Sun I would think that it would induce a noticeable wobble in the Sun's axis of rotation which in turn would affect all the other planets. Not to mention Tekoma's effect on Venus and Earth. What does the Andromeda Council say about any of these potential cause &effects?
ANSWER: Your observations are noted. When they first arrive and pass by Earth expect to feel somewhat of a rumbling on your planet surface. This will be all. However, the magnetic output, as well as the gravitational forces put out by your solar system's sun are so enormous and strong - the sun will in effect provide any orbital & settling corrections to Tekoma, Nihohia... and any of the current inner planets of your solar system. Yes, SOL, your sun will take care of this matter quite handily. Again, keep in mind, a number of Andromeda Council flagged biospheres, star ships, will be actively projecting 'force fields' to envelop & buffer Planet Earth to minimize & mitigate as much as possible geological disruptions to your planet. They will be doing the same for the other planets potentially affected.
Will there be any forthcoming and/or formal communication from the Andromeda Council to Earth when it [the arrival of Tekoma & Nihohia] happens? In my opinion it would be behoove them to make some sort of formal appearance to unambiguously state what is indeed taking place and why.
ANSWER: As to your first question, forthcoming communication will be 'broadcast' to the minds of people who are open, interested, curious, and want to know. This will most likely be in the form of dreams and/or brief visual images during their dream state. For the few Earth people who are telepathic, a telepathic message will be sent out. As to your statement about, "... it would behoove them to make some sort of formal appearance to unambiguously state what is indeed taking place and why". I will address this statement in two parts: a.) I expect them to make a formal appearance, at the right moment in time. b.) they have already stated what is taking place and why. You can read all about the "what" & "why" on page one, the "Home" page of this web site. However, I will focus on this particular issue, and restate it simply and directly for you:
The "what" is that your solar system is going through an evolution, a celectial upgrade if you will... which includes many cosmic events. One of these cosmic events is that the brown dwarf Tekoma and its accompanying planet Nihohia are about to arrive in your solar system. The "why", specifically about Tekoma & Nihohia's arrival, is a two-fold answer: 1.) it is the destiny of your solar system to become a binary star solar system, which will happen with the arrival of Tekoma. 2.) it is the destiny of both these celestial bodies, Tekoma & Nihohia, and the people of Nihohia, to come to your solar system, after traveling the cosmos for upwards of 100,000 years, and establish a permanent home here. As a highly evolved, very peaceful loving people, they too will make the transition from being (just like Earth people) a 3rd dimensional race, to becoming a 4th dimensional race. Virtually everything in this whole solar system will vibrate as 4D, fourth dimensional life. It is likely there will also be new areas, small 'pockets' of 5D, fifth dimensional life as well. Eventually Earth will vibrate at a 5D, fifth dimensional rate.
How we can prepare for any possible upcoming [Earth] changes, so we can make it through any possible difficulties. Include where to go, what to buy, etc.
ANSWER: If you want to plan for any rough days ahead, it seems to make good sense to prepare and purchase some basic things like the following items: if you/your family have a couple of cars, turn-in/trade-in the oldest car in for a used 4-wheel drive, 4 door off-road vehicle, or simply a used truck...older is better, they have far less electronics, one w/out an internal computer is best; turn-in/trade-in an amount of cash currency you’re comfortable with - and secure a bunch of silver coins - keep them ready, they are far more affordable than gold. Precious metal, gold & silver, coins have been used over thousands of years. Because precious metals always have intrinsic value, they are always considered as real “money”. Purchase a tent & sleeping bags; purchase canned & freeze dried food; purchase at least (4) ten gallon jugs to hold clean drinking water, buy a portable water filter system that screens out germs, bacteria, protozoa including giardia and others which are deadly to the human body. You can research & purchase some of these items over the web. Some of these items you can simply go to stores to buy. The last few you can purchase in an outdoor camping store.
How will Earth people change as we become new 4D humans... once 2014 begins?
ANSWER: The most important thing to realize is that the transformation, the transition from 3D to 4D, from being a 3D person to being a 4D person… will be a smooth, ‘seamless’, painless, process. This experience will be a simple transformation of cellular structure, from the slower, more dense, heavier, existing 3D vibratory rate body you have today – to a higher, faster, lighter, 4D vibratory rate. You will have a body that is taller, literally lighter in terms of mass, weight & density... about one tenth (1/10) of what you weigh now.
Keep in mind, your body’s molecular cellular structure will actually change. Think crystal based molecules. Your existing 3D cell walls will transmute into being crystalline based. Your 4D body, the cellular structure of your 4D body, will be based on crystalline molecules. No longer carbon based, but crystal based. Within the core, the center of each cell, it will be infused with light. Your 4D bodies will really be... very translucent. This is a natural 4th dimensional, 4th density state.
Everyone will be relatively tall & slim in stature. This is simply the nature of having a body composed of crystalline cellular structure. You will also be 'lighter' in terms of... being infused with light. Not opaque like you are today, not completely translucent, but very translucent.
Your children will transform as well. But in terms of age appearance, they will continue to develop as young children, into young adults, only now along the adjusted, normal, 'time line' of thousands of years for 4th dimensional people.
For most adults who choose to remain on Earth during this time of change, you will look approximately in the 32 to 35 year old age range. In terms of height, for a comparison, an average 3D male today at 5’10”… the equivalent 4th dimensional male will be about 7ft tall, this is the average height for a 4D man. A 5’ 5” to 5’ 6” 3D Earth woman will likely be about 6’ 2” living a 4D life. An average 4D Earth man will weigh in Earth terms about: 10 to 15 pounds. An average 4D Earth woman will weigh about: 5 to 7 pounds. Everyone will be relatively trim, tall, slim in stature. Again, this is simply due to the nature of having a body composed of crystalline cellular structure.
In terms of overall health, 4D Earth humans will be healthy, very healthy, full of light. With your solar system and Earth's migration into the 4th dimensional zone of space, 3D diseases will all be literally eradicated.
If we are this healthy, and with the eradication of 3D Earth diseases, how long will we live as 4D Earth humans?
ANSWER: You will like this answer. Typically, as you currently measure time on Earth, human beings living a 4D life spend a minimum of 6,000 years - to - a maximum of around 10,000 years... living a 4th dimensional life. Also understand, there are 12 octaves of awareness & learning in each dimension, from the 4D, fourth dimension on up. There is a lot to experience. Please keep in mind, the use of these numbers in years is to give you at least an approximation based on how Earth people measure time today. However, also keep in mind, the way you currently measure time on Earth – this will change once Earth becomes a completely 4D planet. Watching, measuring, experiencing time... this will virtually go away. Plan for this to completely come into effect by January 2014. In any case, you will live very, very long lives... before you move on to the 5D, fifth dimension.
We understand the complete curing of physical health. But again, what about people with autism, retardation, syndromes, people who are mentally ill?
ANSWER: I certainly understand the seriousness of this issue. The 'medical/healthcare' team on the primary biosphere who will help, assist & counsel people who are having a difficult time adjusting to the differences of 4th dimensional life; well, in addition, what we would consider either severe psychiatric, deep emotional issues, shock or trauma; or people with autism, retardation, syndromes, varying degrees of mental illness, people with these afflictions who you are rightfully concerned about, they have the ability to chose (or a responsible party can choose for them), to heal their fine matter consciousness, this thing we call 'the mind' where these issues are lodged. Please understand this is literally: a spiritual vibratory issue. And the 'medical/healthcare' team on the primary biosphere, or any of the other 11 Andromeda Council flagged biospheres stationed in Earth's solar system, these teams can use various resonating sonic frequencies & techniques to attenuate, adjust & correct the 'dysfunctions' and repair the broken pathways of the fine matter 'wiring' of these peoples minds. There are a variety of modalities that can be used in combination... to help cure these people. They are curable. It will take some counseling, a little extra care & gentle attention after the 'medical' work, the atunements are done & completed. But these people, like everyone else, they too... will be fine.
If our current bodies are transforming into new 4D bodies, and you have said that 3D Earth diseases will be eradicated, what about those of us with bad or missing teeth, various syndromes, muscular dystrophy, ALS, cerebral palsy, or those people with mental illness; those of us who are back from the various Gulf Wars and Afghanistan with missing hands, fingers, arms, legs? What about all of us?
ANSWER: From the Chief Medical Officer of the Andromeda Council biosphere, she says, "Many people have asked this kind of question. Yes. The transformation of your 3D body into a 4D body will eradicate the existing illnesses and all dis-eases; and your bodies including birth defects, various syndromes, your loss of limbs, bad or missing teeth, malfunctioning hearing or defective eyes, and old age - all of these will all be remedied. Again, remember, you are being transformed. You will have a full, complete, healthy body."
OK. So, back to the 5D. What do you mean we move on to 5D, onto the fifth dimension... when do we die?
ANSWER: No no, you misunderstand. That's the point. You don't die. Remember, time doesn't exist from the 4D, fourth dimension, on upward. You don't experience time. And people, Earth people living a 4D life do not die. A person can choose by really extraordinary circumstances to be “extinguished”, but this is very, very rare. When a 4D person gets to the point when he/she is 6,000 -10,000 'years old', when he/she feels they've learned enough & contributed enough to society, when the moment is right for them, they simply choose to move on, and transition to 5D, the fifth dimension, a slightly higher frequency of vibratory awareness. For a new set of challenges, a new set of learning experiences. It is a transition, a change in vibration. This transition from 4D, the fourth, to 5D, the fifth, is simply about into a higher vibration and capabilities… when the moment is right for him/her. Further, the actual capabilities one has once he/she become a 5D, a fifth dimensional human, are only a couple of degrees enhanced above the upper capabilities of 4D, the fourth dimension. In any case, moving on from one dimension to the next is only about having many experiences, learning many many things, and then making a simple choice to move on, to change. You do not die.
FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Enjoy - no truer observation has been written

This is so eloquent in its brevity while painting a perfect picture of the whole situation. Every member of Congress should have this emblazoned above the inside of their office door.

“Witnessing the Republicans and
the Democrats bicker over the U.S. debt is like watching two drunks argue over a bar bill on the Titanic.”

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - November 30, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - November 30, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 30-Nov-2011 10:46:25

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - November 30, 2011
As the saying goes, keep on keeping on, and let nothing distract you from your chosen path. Only you alone truly know what is needed to propel you forward, and exactly where you have set your goals. Normally you would be quite happy to progress at your own speed, and certainly no pressure is exerted upon you to do otherwise. However, it must be understood that Ascension is so near that if you desire to seize this opportunity to get out of the 3rd. dimension, you do need to ensure you know what is needed of you. As we have so often mentioned it is your intent that is so important, because as soon as you send out that energy it attracts similar energy, and strengthens yours that opens up the pathway to Ascension. It is about raising your vibration by bringing more Light into your life, and sharing it through positive thoughts and actions.
Do not concern yourself if your path is different to others, as there is more than one way to reach Ascension. Indeed there are time lines that cover every possible combination of possibilities. If you have exercised your choice there can be no wrong way, otherwise freedom of choice would be pointless. You are the creators of your own future whether you realize it or not, which is why you are told that you have created your present reality. That does not mean it cannot be changed, because you have done just that by standing on your own two feet and refusing to bow down any longer to the dark Ones. It is true that we and many other Beings of Light are helping you, but we only do so when you have taken the first steps yourselves. You point the way, and we will place more signposts along it so that you do not loose your sense of direction.
The times you are in are wonderful, because you have made it quite clear that you want nothing more to do with the mentality that focuses on war and confrontation. You are quite positive in demanding world peace and if your present leaders are unable to respond, you are not prepared to see them just step down but insist that new leaders that can do so are appointed in their place. Dear Ones, such leaders are amongst you and when we have removed the obstacles and opposition to them, they will lead you to the peaceful and happy era that you not only seek but deserve. There are now a great majority of people in the world that pray for peace, but not at any cost but through peaceful negotiation. Such prayers are being answered by Beings of Light from the highest realms, and they support us in our work by empowering us to help you to achieve lasting peace on Earth.
There is much that needs achieving before you reach the end of 2012, and this is where we will play a major part. You have to move quickly from the set up that has been maintained by the Illuminati, one that has kept you under their control. They have sought to create situations that make you more and more reliant on them. In so doing they have done everything in their power to stop you advancing into the New Age, as that would have made you more independent of them. However, their power has now been greatly reduced and will continue to do so until we can remove them from positions of authority and influence. Already many of their secret bases have been dismantled and disabled so that they are permanently out of use.
Matters are progressing well although by your perception may not see it that way. It is a mammoth task to reach the point where we can allow our allies to step into power. Fear not, as we are so near to putting an end to the interference in your lives. Duality was of course giving equal opportunity to either the Light or dark to take charge, and until recently the dark Ones were the dominant force. That is no longer the case and through our allies we seek to use the power of the Light to remove the negative energies that remain on Earth. The Light can be subdued but never defeated by the dark Ones, and the truth is that the Light will always be victorious. Do not confuse the coming activities of Mother Earth with negative events, as the cleansing she is involved in is a series of positive actions that shall lead to the Earth being restored. When there are physical eruptions or movements of the Earth, some souls will leave but that is by choice.
Your world affairs are dominated by the financial crisis, but we see the outcome as helping remove members of the Illuminati who have not only monopolized monetary policies, but manipulated them to their advantage. Some of the biggest crimes against humanity are in this connection. Your money has been stolen either directly or indirectly, and lined the pockets of those who have set themselves at the top of the pyramid. The wealth of the world will be taken back and fairly distributed, and all shall enjoy a satisfactory life where you no longer have poverty or slavery.
You may have noticed an ever increasing number of sources putting out messages about the coming period. Be selective and allow your intuition to work for you, and hold onto your beliefs until you have good cause to change them. As we have said there are many paths to Ascension, but also some that simply take souls on a continuing journey in this present dimension as they have no desire to do otherwise. Leave them to follow their chosen path, as it will provide exactly what they need to progress. It is no one else's place to convince them otherwise, but be assured that they cannot have been on Earth without learning many useful lessons. These will serve them well at some future time, and if they are souls that you relate to now, you may wish to stay linked with them as a Guide.
You sometimes talk of thanking your lucky stars for the good things in life, and you may not realize how near to the truth you are. When you look up into the night sky you are looking at the suns of many solar systems. Each sun is the abode of extremely high Beings of Light, and they stream the Light into your Universe. You can think of them as Gods that in turn link with the Great Central Sun, and act as conduits to spread the energies everywhere, thus lifting up the lower vibrations. It is an ongoing process that is gradually enabling all life to return to the Source. Remember, that All Is One and everything has its being in the energy of the whole.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish to convey blessings and love from the member civilizations of the Galactic Federation.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

The P2 Freemason lodge in Italy, which controls the Mafia and the Vatican, has been suckered into a criminal self-disclosure

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Pic: Tehran burning. I am your Queen. You are my subjects. Give me your money.

Batty Satanic cult which controls G5 Western suicide capitalism falls for international law enforcement sting
The P2 Freemason lodge in Italy, which controls the Mafia and the Vatican, has been suckered into a criminal self-disclosure, shortly to be articulated openly in several courts in several jurisdictions worldwide. An example of a current, live, court document can be viewed here or here (23.11.11). This legal issue is dealt with at greater length further down this blog page under the heading: "New American legal action could result in abolition of Washington DC private corporation ...."

Another example of the jurisprudential outing of élite Western cabalists was the recent Malaysian legal process which, after due process and consideration of the manifest evidence, pronounced formally that ex-US President George Bush Jnr and ex-British Prime Minister Tony Blair were proven war criminals. These two Vatican-backed Satanists knowingly fomented the Iraq War illegally in order to construct business opportunities for the Western military-industrial establishment and the G5 oil cartel. Largely ignored by the cabal-censored Western media, an account of the proceedings of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission can be found here (28.11.11).

The Malaysian ruling followed earlier findings by The World Tribunal on Iraq, held in Istanbul, Turkey, in 2005. Here the official final Declaration of Conscience stated: "The invasion and occupation of Iraq was and is illegal. The reasons given by the US and UK governments for the invasion and occupation of Iraq in March 2003 have proven to be false. Much evidence supports the conclusion that a major motive for the war was to control and dominate the Middle East and its vast reserves of oil as a part of the US drive for global hegemony. In pursuit of their agenda of empire, the Bush and Blair governments blatantly ignored the massive opposition to the war expressed by millions of people around the world. They embarked upon one of the most unjust, immoral, and cowardly wars in history."

The Plan Of The NWO ---- Escaping The Matrix

Very informative read on the illumanti/NWO plan for world domination - Good Read

Bank of America Broke

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

HOT EXPLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS: 1of2 Bank of America BrokeTom Heneghan
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Wednesday, 30-Nov-2011 05:45:24

Nov 29, 2011
HOT EXPLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS: 1of2 Bank of America Broke
Bank of America Broke
Part 1 of 2
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertTuesday November 29, 2011
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that U.S. Bank of America owes $20 BILLION in massive derivative debt to both French bank Société Général and German Deutsche Bank.
The credit default swaps on Bank of America debt has now risen to the highest level in history, which will drive European debt yields through the roof.
The response of criminal banking giant Bank of America is to coerce the privately owned criminal U.S. Federal Reserve to print more U.S. currency aka U.S. Taxpayers' money to try to support the derivative debt of Bank of America by purchasing euro currency and Japanese yen forex currency futures.
The collateral for this latest Ponzi Scheme is $50 BILLION of overlapping derivatives tied to the alleged $1.2 BILLION of missing MF Global funds that J. P. Morgan and their financial terrorist Jamie Dimon laundered through Barclays Bank of England.
P.S. The financial World War is escalating and we will now divulge that IMF President Christine LaGarde, along with European INTERPOL, has frozen the $50 BILLION of MF Global derivatives tied to J. P. Morgan and has informed alleged President Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro, as well as corrupt U. S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, that European INTERPOL will soon indict financial terrorist Jamie Dimon of J. P. Morgan for currency fraud, counterfeiting and money laundry.
Note: Jamie Dimon likes to buy bleach when he goes shopping.
7:30 PM
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HOT EXLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS: 2of2 Bank of America Broke
P. P. S. This is a direct message to Penn State pedophile Chrissy Pooh Matthews of MSNBC Hardball:
I have told you on many occasions to cease and desist when it comes to your backhanded personal insults against year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated, natural born President Albert Gore Jr.
You and your little Washington Post maggots have no credibility with the American People.
Since Obama-Soetoro was never born in this country and maggot BushFRAUD was never elected maybe Al Gore has the right to take office by brute force pursuant to the Constitution of the United States.
The American People can't wait!
A further message to Doug Schoen and the Israeli Mossad FOX News network:
Your little stooge, Hillary Bitch, (half Jewish) will soon be under arrest for money laundry, criminal conspiracy, along with conspiracy to commit murder against her alleged political opponents.
Queen Melusina will soon be in handcuffs in a Tennessee jail.
7:28 PM
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Ponzi World Tilts
Part 1 of 3
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertSunday November 27, 2011
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that UK insurance giant, Lloyd's of London, is in the process of withdrawing all of its money from European banks.
This action signals the imminent collapse of the current European Union structure.
As of this hour both German and UK bond holders aka Deutsche Bank, Barclays Bank of the United Kingdom and British owned J. P. Morgan refuse to take a haircut (a loss) on the toxic derivatives that pollute the aforementioned financial institutions.
Note: The European Central Bank (ECB) has just proposed that at least 30% of their outstanding bond issues (toxic derivatives) be insured.
I have a question for the ECB: I assume Lloyd's of London is not going to write the insurance policies.
Reference: The concept of printing more euros aka buying euro currency futures on the world forex exchange is no longer an option for the European Central Bank given the enormity of overlapping derivatives that have contaminated the money supply of both the European Central Bank and the privately-owned U.S. Federal Reserve, as well as 80% of Chinese banks, including the Chinese sovereign fund.
We can now also divulge that the Moody's credit agency is under European INTERPOL investigation for leaking internal communications of their deliberations concerning credit ratings of various financial institutions, as well as nation states to the criminal banking and brokerage giants Goldman Sachs and J. P. Morgan.
Item: Moody recently downgraded Belgium to AA and is now threatening to downgrade the nation of Japan and its credit rating to AA.
Moody's threat against Japan is based on Japan's alleged inability to revive their economy, which is now on the verge of depression.
Note: Apparently Moody's can now engage in internal politics of countries (aka financial blackmail).
As we have mentioned in previous intelligence briefings (reference Japanese Yen-Gate 1-8) Japan is on the verge of a depression because of its overvalued Japanese yen, which has been directly manipulated by the U.S. Federal Reserve, as well as the European Central Bank and the Chinese, so as to protect the Asian toxic derivative debt of Bank of America.
Question: Now that Bank of America derivatives have been transferred to the U.S. FDIC will the powers that be now depreciate the overvalued yen in order to save the euro.
Question to Moody: Why did you never downgrade Bank of America?
Could it be that they took a lot of bribes and payoffs like the financial regulators that gave MF Global and J. P. Morgan a clean audit in September of 2011 at the time the two aforementioned financial institutions were engaged in a massive criminal Ponzi Scheme!
P.S. We also want to divulge that the criminal British-owned U.S. based financial giant J. P. Morgan recently purchased a large percentage of MF Global assets on the London Metals Exchange.
The purchase, which was ordered by J. P. Morgan CEO financial terrorist Jamie Dimon, was executed by illegally converting single unit derivatives into overlapping (compounded) derivatives.
This latest J. P. Morgan Ponzi Scheme (money laundering and check kiting) is designed to disguise and cover up the link between J. P. Morgan's New York bank custodial account and the trading activities of MF Global.
There was very little cash involved in this crooked transaction, just more derivatives aka letters of credit and I.O.U.s
That is right in Ponzi World "now you see it and now you don't", and believe me, you ain't seen nothing yet.
P.P.S. Listen to this, folks. Marc Rich defense attorney aka alleged U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder just appointed Bush-Clinton-Obama Crime Syndicate stooge, former Clinton U.S. FBI Director and Bush Family crony, Louis Freeh, as the point man to investigate the missing $1.2 BILLION in MF Global assets. (laugh out loud)
There is nothing more to investigate, folks, after J. P. Morgan just completed the money laundry of the MF Global assets on the London Metals Exchange.
The question occurs: Is Louis Freeh going to fly to the United Kingdom, arrest Jamie Dimon (who is on vacation in Great Britain) and simultaneously issue an arrest warrant for her majesty the queen (of German origin and the House of Hanover) who actually controls J. P. Morgan through her personal banking institution Coutts Bank of England?
12:12 PM
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Note: Former Clinton FBI Director Louis Freeh has also been appointed by Barack Obama to investigate the pedophilia scandal at Penn State.
Freeh is an excellent choice for the pedophiles since, in the late 1980s, Freeh covered up the pedophilia activities (that took place in New York state) of former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush, former U.S. Vice pResident Richard Cheney, and the tie in to Barney Frank's whorehouses in Washington D.C.
Freeh also engaged in a massive cover up of the heroin trade in Afghanistan and the tie in to the Bush-Clinton-Mena, Arkansas-Iran/Contra operation, which used the late (dead since December of 2001) 9/11 patsy, U.S. CIA asset, U.S. government employee Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman as the Afghanistan paymaster for the FBI stinger missiles that were shipped from Afghanistan to Israel and then to Iran and on to the contras in Nicaragua.
Freeh, at the time a U.S. Attorney in New York state, was eventually appointed to a position of U.S. Federal Judge by former President George Herbert Walker Bush.
As you can see, folks, Louis Freeh, is a Bush-Clinton-Obama Crime Family Syndicate "Mr. Fixit".
It is also apparent that alleged President Barack Hussein Obama-Soteoro is not giving the orders as President of the United States, instead it is still daddy Bush and Bill and Hillary Clinton that are in charge of this country.
Hillary Bitch recently informed Obama to support a new piece of proposed Congressional legislation S.1253, that will further strengthen the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act, that will allow the U.S. occupation government to detain any American citizen overseas or on U.S. soil indefinitely without trial.
Note: As Ron Paul, Republican presidential candidate from Texas has said, the patriot Act and all of its amendments must be voided immediately or any semblance of what has been our Constitution of the United States will be forever voided. Ron Paul remains the only viable candidate in the year 2012 presidential race.
This proposed criminal TREASONOUS legislation S.1253 is supported by Obama, as well as all Republican presidential candidates, including Bush Family crony from the church of satanic latter day saints, Mitt Romney, Bush Family crony, anti-Catholic bigot and Old Testament 'prophet' Michele Bitch Bachmann, as well as former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
Note: Gingrich, who has recently been endorsed by former President Bill Clinton on the right wing neocon website newmax. com, in the 1990s was the mastermind, along with then alleged Independent Counsel, Bush Family crony Kenneth Starr, of the cover up of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate "True Colors" assassination teams that assassinated former Clinton White House counsel Vincent W. Foster, former U.S. CIA Director William Colby, the late John F. Kennedy Jr., Clinton Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and former Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan.
The Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate "True Colors" assassination teams were also involved in the attempted assassination of former U.S. Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated, natural born President Albert Gore Jr. over the skies of Chicago in July of 1999.
The attempt to vector Al Gore's Vice Presidential aircraft Air Force Two happened within one week of the assassination (successful take down) of John F. Kennedy Jr.'s private aircraft over the skies of Hyannisport, Massachussetts.
It should be noted that former Clinton era Secretary of State, Hillary stooge Madeline Albright aka Halfbright issued the order to assassinate John F. Kennedy Jr.
The Bush-Clinton gang wanted to clear the field for Hillary Bitch in New York state, who was about to be opposed in the year 2000 Democratic New York U.S. Senatorial primary by the son of the late President John Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Jr.
Message to Hillary: Caroline Kennedy has not forgot.
The Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate also wanted to clear the field in regards to former U.S. Vice President Albert Gore Jr., so Bush could then face a northeast liberal patsy in the year 2000 presidential race aka Bill Bradley, Democrat of New Jersey.
Message to BushFRAUD: Al Gore has not forgotten and neither has the Mel Carnahan family.
Message to sociopath Citibank stooge Bill Clinton: No one is going to buy your stupid book except the media that you control; and, just a reminder Billy Boy, Al Gore was elected President of the United States three times (3x). He elected your sorry ass twice and then was elected President, himself, in the year 2000 only to have it stolen by the Bush cabal and enabled by you Bill and your sociopath wife, 3rd degree witch Hillary Bitch.
Newt Gingrich recently stated the Occupy Wall Street protesters need to take a bath.
Message to punk Gingrich: Get a haircut. In fact, Al Gore is going to give you a "treason haircut aka shaved head", punk.
12:10 PM

Fantastic Dinar Cash In Idea for "We The People"

My Dear Friends-
    Like most of you I’ve been thinking about how I can make a difference with this blessing we are about to receive.  As we all know, back in 2008, the “big” banks were given a blank check worth hundreds of millions of dollars of our tax dollars.  Paulson hoped the banks would use that money to give back to the American people and re-inject the economy.  As you all are aware, this did not happen.  Our hard earned money was given to these banks and they failed the American people.  Millions of families have been displaced <most of them hard working> from their homes due to foreclosure or loss of jobs   
It suddenly came to me that we, as a group, have a once in a lifetime opportunity to use our RV billions to influence a shift the banking practices here in the US.  The most powerful position we will have once the RV occurs, it is in that period of time just prior to depositing our new capital. They will all be clamoring for our new found wealth!!!  Case in point … A friend took a job at a less salary then she wanted, with the promise that in 30 days they would renegotiate her salary.  You probably know the end of this story…. Here’s the moral …. She had a heck of lot more power at the interview than she did 30 days later. Same holds with our RV wealth.  It will not be as easy to get what we want for the American people once these banks hold our money.
    The good news is … we do have choices as to who we cash out with, and that is a great leveraging tool for us to use.  We can let them know about these choices < dealer, currency exchange or other venues that will come to light once it RV’s> .  They also might say, that in order to get a low cash-in rate, we would have to keep our funds in their bank for 6 months or more . If we come together and insist ..We do have the power to influence the “rules”.  We also have an opportunity to reshape what these big banks do with this money that we might put in their bank… you get where I am going with this.  We as a group hold the power! 
    As a group, we will be cashing in Billions of Dollars and we have the power to assist other American by insisting that these banks do something in return to help kick-start the economy.  We should ask them to publically announce how they will choose to help the people in the United States.   I believe every American should be able to live the dream.
Help the American people to reach their American dreams by insisting that they changing banking practices and giving back to the economy by injecting our $$  for a much needed push that the us our economy..If they don’t want to change the way they do business we always have the option of placing our money in community banks that will boost the local economy. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Republic - More Expose on Tim Turner


Remember I told you I had a recording Turner did not know I had but wasn't yet free to publish it. This was a recorded call of their so called Immigration Committee (hint we are the illegals). On the recording those involved identify themselves and proceed to lay out how they will refuse all Americans the right to be Americans unless if they are not a part of this groups particular Christian ideology, they renounce their faith and get sworn testimony that they have converted. They identify lists of people and religions who are "repugnant" to the Republic and so on.... explosive to say the least. 

Here is the radio show recording...

I am writing an article on another thing which just happened. The investigator Turner assigned to investigate the missing ID machine and money thinking he could control the guy turned out to be a truly honest man. When he discovered much more than the fact that the whole story about the theft was a lie and where the money went Turner demanded he turn over the evidence to him so he could decide what would be in the findings. The investigator gave him a flat no so Turner started threatening him. Didn't work. So a couple nights ago Turner got the rest of the committee to discredit and kick out the chief investigator officially..... that is going to blow sky high very soon.




It’s been a slow, steady decline but President Barack Obama‘s job approval rating has finally dipped below Jimmy Carter’s, earning Obama the worst approval rating of any president at this stage of his term in modern history.
Gallup’s daily presidential job approval index put the current president‘s job approval rating at 43 percent compared to Carter’s 51 percent.
US News adds:
Back in 1979, Carter was far below Obama until the Iran hostage crisis, eerily being duplicated in Tehran today with Iranian protesters storming the British embassy. The early days of the crisis helped Carter’s ratings, though his failure to win the release of captured Americans, coupled with a bad economy, led to his defeat by Ronald Reagan in 1980.
According to Gallup, here are the job approval numbers for other presidents at this stage of their terms, a year before the re-election campaign:
– Harry S. Truman: 54 percent.
– Dwight Eisenhower: 78 percent.
– Lyndon B. Johnson: 44 percent.
– Richard M. Nixon: 50 percent.
– Ronald Reagan: 54 percent.
– George H.W. Bush: 52 percent.
– Bill Clinton: 51 percent.
– George W. Bush: 55 percent.
To make matters worse, Gallup reports that Obama’s overall job approval rating ranks among the worst in American political history, averaging 49 percent. Only three former presidents have had a worse average rating at this stage: Carter, Ford, and Harry S. Truman.
It might also be worth noting that no president in history, save the unpopular Truman, won re-election with such ratings. And, as U.S. News points out, Truman did so by running an anti-Congress campaign that Obama’s team is using as a model.
Strangely, the current climate in Iran is eerily similar to what it was when Carter held the highest office in the land.