Sunday, June 3, 2012

100% Archaeological Proof of the Bible's Authenticity - Videos

100% Archaeological Proof of the Bible's Authenticity - Videos
These discoveries have been known about and researched for decades yet the majority of the world does not know about the massive amounts of evidence to support the Bible's claims:

[link to] - Noah's Ark found with Animal fossils, petrified wood and man-made metals

[link to] - Red Sea Crossing found with Egyptian Chariot Wheels, horse and human bones

[link to] - Sodom and Gomorrah ruins found with millions of Brimstone pieces embedded in the ash.

[link to] - Real location of Mt. Sinai where Moses received 10 Commandments showing burnt mountain peak, golden calf alter and more

[link to] - The Ark of the Covenant with 10 Commandments found beneath Jesus' real Crucifixion site.

Ron Wyatt's Website: [link to]

For any non-believers out there, I would highly recommend watching each of the above videos with an OPEN-MIND and think critically about the factual evidence found in accordance with the scriptures.

The Evidence is Un-Deniable - Praise the Lord Almighty, Creator of Heavens and Earth, whose Word is Everlasting.

Awesome German City Model


Many of you will doubtless recall, the video of the gigantic model railroad built in Germany, that went the Internet rounds.

That model is now expanded to a "massive" city - and now even has a miniature, working airline, -- working police and fire departments .. Crooks, the whole magilla -- and it won't be completed 'til 2020!

Oh, yes, – there is even a funeral -- for the church goers, a gorgeous cathedral – etc.

12 Confrontations of Bilderberg 2012

WeAreChange:  12 Confrontations of Bilderberg 2012!
posted june 3, 2012
1. Tony Blair (10am)
WeAreChange Proves Tony Blair Lied To Parliament About Bilderberg
2. Lawrence O’Donnell (11am)
MSNBC Lawrence ODonnell Too Lazy To Research Bilderberg
3. Alan Greenspan (12pm)
Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan Confronted on Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove
4. George Pataki (1pm)
Former NY Governor Pataki Lies About Attending Bilderberg with Rockefeller
5. Charlie Rose (2pm)
PBSs Charlie Rose Runs Away From Bilderberg Questions
6. Ted Turner (3pm)
CNN Founder Ted Turner Supports Population Reduction To 2 Billion
7. Henry Kissinger (4pm)
War Criminal Henry Kissinger confronted on Bilderberg and Mass Murder
8. Jill Abramson (5pm)
NY Times Editor-in-Chief Jill Abramson Runs From Bilderberg Question
9. Vernon Jordan (6pm)
Clinton Adviser Vernon Jordan on Bilderberg
10. Paul Wolfensohn (7pm)
Former World Bank President James Wolfensohn
11. Lou Dobbs and Paula Zahn (8pm)
FOXs Lou Dobbs on Bilderberg, New World Order
12. Lord Jacob Rothschild (9pm)
Lord Jacob Rothschild Confronted

Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth

Dinar Intel --- Jonnywg ---- OKIE rec'd authorization

Subject: jonnywg post
Date: Sunday, June 3, 2012
[.jonnywg] Please be advised that I have just received a cell call from representatives of the    AND thebanking system. OKIE has been authorized to post information as presented by the aforementioned. .When it happens, we will have a similar POST here AT They are thrilled that we have 15,000 signups for cashin codes. Future posts will be made in a similar manner.  [.jonnywg] we will be advised with statements from the PTB when it happens........ Okie will be presenting prepared statements from the source as we will present them here as it happens...................... it is a time for cooperation so sit back tonight and we will bring it to you .......................... if there are changes in the program we will be advised as well

Increasing Evidence Solves Mystery of Amelia Earhart’s Disappearance

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Increasing Evidence Solves Mystery of Amelia Earhart’s Disappearance
Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Sunday, 3-Jun-2012 19:55:36

Finding an anti-freckle cream jar and deriving coordinates using digital equipment not available in 1937, researchers believe Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, landed on a coral atoll near Nikumaroro Island and tried to survive there for as long as they could.
Increasing Evidence Solves Mystery of Amelia Earhart’s Disappearance
By Louis Peitzman
June 2, 2012
1-15 In Search Of... Amelia Earhart (Part 1 of 3)
Uploaded by beautystruck on Sep 14, 2008
Season 1 Episode 15 Part 1
In Search Of...was hosted by Leonard Nimoy and broadcast weekly from 1976 to 1982.

Implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols is Now Imminent Plus Late Breaking Report


Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U. S. media covers up
EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News
Implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols is Now Imminent Plus Late Breaking Report
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertSunday June 3, 2012

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that Asian (particularly the Japanese Finance Minister), European and International Monetary Fund (IMF) financial officials have notified U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to prepare for the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that will effectively absorb Asian, European and U.S. debt.

At this hour, significant repatriation of collateralized assets continues, including property rights as well as precious and industrial metals (reference the Philippines). P.S. Last week's negative unemployment report, issued by the U.S. Commerce Department, was actually leaked by Bloomberg News to Goldman Sachs 48 hours before the report was released to the public.

Reference: On Wednesday of last week, May 30th, Goldman Sachs, as well as other major financial investment banks, accumulated short positions in the S&P 500, which were excessive in relationship to their usual trading pattern. (Hello CFTC! Hello SEC!).

Note: Most of the trading now done on major worldwide financial exchanges is high frequency black box trading (without any volume), which benefits only the proprietary trading accounts of the big crooked banks and is now basically eliminating retail investors from participating in the financial markets.

P.P.S. Over the next six months the actual unemployment number will come down when at least 500,000 unemployed, who are currently receiving unemployment benefits, drop off the rolls.

Note: The service sector of the U.S. economy is actually still growing.

Reference: The unemployment report issued by the U.S. Commerce Department, has been rigged for years with gimmicks in accounting tricks. I guess, folks, the real number all depends on which big bank is long or short.


Bloomberg News just re-posted on their web site a report that German Chancellor Angela Merkel opposes the use of euro bonds as a financial solution to what is now a semi-scripted manufactured euro crisis.

Merkel claims to want an equilibrium in interest rates.

Message to Chancellor Merkel: It is not about euro bonds; it IS about the overdue implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that will absorb worldwide debt and re-capitalize the banks worldwide.

Reference: I have been told by IMF officials that once the Protocols are implemented it will take only $620 BILLION to fix the euro problem and it will be revenue neutral without threat of inflation.

Question to German Chancellor Merkel: Who are you talking to? Could it be that you are talking to your New World Order benefactors, who, along with you Ms. Merkel, are making trades at Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs?

Have Oil Companies Suppressed Technology? Stuff They Don't Want You To Know (Video)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Have Oil Companies Suppressed Technology? Stuff They Don't Want You To Know (Video)
Posted By: TheInternaut [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 3-Jun-2012 16:23:33

Link to the video on YouTube 

Poofness - 6-03-12 The Wizard Of Oz ----- I bid a fond adieu to you wide.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 2:34 PM
Subject: The Wizard of Oz

Ball Of Confusion lyrics

People moving out,
People moving in,
Why, because of the color of their skin,
Run, run, run, but you just can't hide.

An eye for an eye,
Tooth for a tooth,
Vote for me and I'll set you free,
Rap on, brother, rap on.

Well, the only person talking about loving thy brother is the preacher,
And it seems nobody's interested in learning, but the teacher,
Segregation, demonstration, intergration, determination, aggravation, humiliation,
Obligation to our nation.

Ball of confusion,
That's what the world is today, hey.

The sale of pills is at an all time high,
Young folks walk with their heads in the sky,
The cities aflame in the summertime,
And oh the beat goes on.

Evolution, revolution, gun control, sound of soul-shooting rockets to the moon,
Kids growing up too soon,
Politicians say, "More taxes will solve everything,"
The band played on.

So, round and around and around we go,
Where the world's headed, nobody knows

Oh, Great Googamooga,
Can't you hear me talking to you,
Just a ball of confusion,
That's what the world is today, hey.

Fear in the air, tension everywhere,
Unemployment rising fast,
The Beatles new record's a gas,
And the only safe place to live,
Is on an Indian reservation,
The band played on.

Eve of destruction, tax deduction,
City inspectors, bill collectors, mod clothes in demand,
Population out of hand, suicide, too many bills,
Hippies moving to the hills,
People all over the world are shouting, "End the war!",
And the band played on.

Great Googamooga,
Can't you hear me talking to you,
Just a Ball Of Confusion, -ac

Greetings and Salutation,

 So as I was discussing the 'latest' with the folks in the rafters, I was cautioned about paying attention to the 'movie' being run on the screen by the media or the talking heads for that matter. The euro is going away, the experiment it's not. Greece is getting kicked to the curb, out of the european union, no it's not. Figures don't lie, but liars sure figure. The neo-cons in the back ground are itching to get another war going. Syria? Iran? Doesn't matter, we need to go blow up something, kill some folks. That's the old formula, if the money is taking you down the tube...start a war...that'll fix it. Trick is you need money to prosecute a war and the nations are broke...people are hungry. The 'art of war' says a government must have the people behind it's actions...if they are destitute, you got problems maintaining order.

 So on the eve of utter change in this world, 'be wise as serpents and cautious as doves'. Many news worthy people, movers and shakers, as it were, shall lose their status and be gone from having any impact on our lives. They had their chance and didn't choose wisely. Funny, I'm hearing from the folks doing this and no one is telling me, I need to store up water, or worry about the banks suddenly shutting down. While things may be a little spooky out here, chaos is not the order of the day. Of course, that is the what the bad guys were trying to create, something looking like Mad Max world. There's a fire sale going on and nothing will be left on the shelves, all must go from the old banking system. People can justify, their lack of fairness and thievery all the want, but it doesn't play in the courts of justice. The evidence against them is overwhelming. Don't be shocked at what you see and hear.

 I got a lot of 'happy talk', now we shall be looking for fulfillment. I bid a fond adieu to you wide.

Love and Kisses,


The MOST Dangerous Person Within the United States Government is

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The MOST Dangerous Person Within the United States Government is .....
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Sunday, 3-Jun-2012 12:28:07

Valerie Jarrett. Before you turn up your nose, read the following article and connect a few more dots.
A Communist-------Sympathizer? That is putting it mildly!
Was Valerie Jarrett, one of President Obama’s closest advisers, introduced to the president’s political circles by her father-in-law, a communist sympathizer who worked with the radical Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis?
Jarrett’s family background and her initial introduction to Obama may tie her to onetime Obama environmental adviser Van Jones’ radical ideology.
Jarrett’s father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, was an associate of Frank Marshall Davis, the controversial labor movement activist who has been identified as an early influence on Obama.
Vernon Jarrett and Davis worked together in 1940 in a Communist Party-dominated organization, the Citizen’s Committee to Aid Packing House Workers. The group’s own correspondence, previously uncovered by the New Zeal blog, describes its communist influence. Many of its leaders were tied to the Communist Party.
The pair also frequented the SouthSide Community Art Center, which was dominated by communists.
“Vernon Jarrett was a key influence in Washington’s decision to run for the Chicago mayoralty and remained a key supporter through his four-year tenure,” the newspaper reported.
Writing in the Chicago Sun-Times in 1992, Jarrett noted: “Good news! Good news! Project Vote, a collectivity of 10 church-based community organizations dedicated to black voter registration, is off and running. … If Project Vote is to reach its goal of registering 150,000 out of an estimated 400,000 unregistered blacks statewide, ‘it must average 10,000 rather than 7,000 every week,’ says Barack Obama, the program’s executive director.”
Valerie Jarrett married Vernon’s son, William Robert Jarrett, in 1983.
In 1987, she got her start in politics, working for Washington as deputy corporation counsel for finance and development. She was deputy chief of staff for Mayor Richard Daley, during which time she hired Michelle Robinson, then engaged to Obama.
Valerie Jarrett went on to run the finances for Obama’s Senate bid in 2004, the year Vernon Jarrett died.
Currently, Jarrett is touted as one of Obama’s closest advisers.

UNBELIEVABLE (The UN and the Arabic/Islamic States Voting Record)

UNBELIEVABLE (The UN and the Arabic/Islamic States Voting Record)

 I just verified this on snopes...

 How they vote in the United Nations:
 Below are the actual voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States, which are  recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations records:

 Kuwait votes against the United States 67%of the time

 Qatar votes against the United States 67%of the time.
 Morocco votes against the United States 70%of the time.
 United Arab Emirates votes against the United States 70%of the time.
 Jordan votes against the United States 71%of the time.
 Tunisia votes against the United States 71%of the time.
 Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73%of the time.
 Yemen votes against the United States 74%of the time.
 Algeria votes against the United States 74%of the time.
 Oman votes against the United States 74%of the time.
 Sudan votes against the United States 75%of the time.
 Pakistan votes against the United States 75%of the time.
 Libya votes against the United States 76%of the time.
 Egypt votes against the United States 79%of the time.
 Lebanon votes against the United States 80%of the time.
 India votes against the United States 81%of the time.
 Syria votes against the United States 84%of the time.
 Mauritania votes against the United States 87%of the time.
 U S Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

 Egypt, for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2,000,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

 Jordan votes 71% against the United States and receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

 Pakistan votes 75% against the United States receives $6,721,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

 India votes 81% against the United States receives $143,699,000 annually.


 Perhaps it is time to get out of the UN and give the tax savings back to the American workers, who are having to skimp and sacrifice to pay the taxes.

 Pass this along to every taxpaying citizen you know; party lines are irrelevant!

 GO GREEN - RECYCLE CONGRESS and the White House IN 2012 ! ! ! DUMP THE CHUMPS ! ! !

 (If you don't know any taxpayers, just delete it!)

Latest Wiltshire Crop Circle Gives TIME and DATE!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Latest Wiltshire Crop Circle Gives TIME and DATE!
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 3-Jun-2012 10:36:09


New crop circle 2012 report from United Kingdom: Manton Drove, nr Marlborough, Wiltshire found on Saturday, 2nd June.

We believe the formation reported on 2nd June 2012 resembles a polar clock. It is a kind of clock showing not only the time, but also the date. In order to analyse the message depicted in the formation, we first had to rotate the image (see Fig. 1). After that, we executed the application PolarClock3 (by PixelBreaker). Then we set the date and time so that the polar clock displayed on our monitor screen was the same as the one on the formation.

As the aerial shot was not taken perpendicularly to the formation, we are not sure about the time displayed, but we think that at least the date can be considered correct. When you compare pictures 1 and 2, you can see that the formation tells the following time and date: 19:43:53 on Saturday, 4th August 2012. We have no idea what this particular time might mean. Hope someone will find out why this date should be significant.

G. Thomas Gulick Intel Updates

KEYWORDS = 5-PIIGS & Derivatives
Good morning most selected few;

I promised a few of you that I would get this out as soon as I am ready. So let's make
it happen! I am ready! Truth telling time!

When Bill Bonner cuts and pastes the above e-letter attachment along with disclaimer to avoid 'insider trading' insights, you best bet
it's PTOA - "Protect Thy Own A _ _ ." time certain.

Collectively my thoughts are 'spot on' and this is to show & tell you that our group of like-minded relationships are putting our guts on the
table. A man called 'Drake' answered his caller 'spot on' when asked about investors in Bonds, Pensions and Retirement Plans with 100%
risk. His reply. . . 'if investors are invested in what the 'bad guys' are invested in, then the investors are going to lose big time!" That's the
right answer but what are the 'bad guys' invested in or about to play short while others are still playing long? Those stocks that are in their
Bonds, Pensions and Retirement Plans. All about derivatives. Most Americans do not have a clue of what
has happened or about to happen. If you are one of those that doubt, just stay out! I am not about to waste my time on a suck-a-thumb! This may
sound rude but my point is, you are out of time! What's you going to do now?

The big secret about troubled banks such as the Top-5 U S. Bank Holding Corporations are about to be exposed. Again, the best way to rob
a bank is to own one. "AIG & MetLife owns banks. Allianz Group owns banks. Aviva owns banks and thousands of defaulted pensions. Do not let me
get off on "Rich Dad" Insurance Companies. I told you so and that's enough said!

Since March of 2000 my valued clients have not lost but made money by not losing their money. Now most are in safe money management. After $40+ trillion dollars of wealth vaporizing in the past 12 years, this is truly the Fred Sanford 'real' heart attack for sure arriving. When? Now! Check the trends! Now!

Friday, June 01, 2012 - WHAT IS GOING DOWN?
“Think of it as a “GREAT CORRECTION” OR “RESET BUTTON” OR “The Divine Date…Has Been Reached” or “GREAT CLEANSING” or “No More Money Out of Thin Air” or “Plain & Simple - MEGA ARRESTS!” ~ G. Thomas Gulick

Ponder on this and take the time to read the attachments in this order -
  1. Daily Briefs - All About Defaulted Derivatives
  2. Old Timer Warns of Coming Crisis
  3. SafeMoney Report - Marty Weiss - Titled European Crisis Coming
In closing, a most respected like-minded relationship sent me these encouraging words at 3:00 AM this morning.

Hi, G -

I think the good guys have already won and we just don't know it yet. I
don't think a catastrophic economic crash will be required - I think a
'safety net' is already present.  I do think imaginary money (e.g.,
derivatives) will be of no value, soon.
Get it? Are you in derivatives and not knowing it? Derivatives must collapse! Now let's repeat what I wrote in the beginning. . .
Collectively my thoughts are 'spot on' and this is to show & tell you that our group of like-minded relationships are putting our guts on the
table. A man called 'Drake' answered his caller 'spot on' when asked about investors in Bonds, Pensions and Retirement Plans with 100% risk. His reply. . . 'if investors are invested in what the 'bad guys' are invested in, then the investors are going to lose big time!" That's the right answer but what are the 'bad guys' invested in or about to play short while others are still playing long? Those stocks that are in their
Bonds, Pensions and Retirement Plans. All about derivatives. Imagine how simple this was to figure out and give all the credit to our like-minded relationships. What is better than knowing? You bet. . . UNDERSTANDING!

From our 'Golden Days Lookout Advantage' located in the Puzzle Palace just west of Lizard Lick, North Carolina, I send my 'tough love' and best of the best encouragement for the trip back to the top! Salute!



G. Thomas Gulick
