EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News
Implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols is Now Imminent Plus Late Breaking Reportby Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertSunday June 3, 2012

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that Asian (particularly the Japanese Finance Minister), European and International Monetary Fund (IMF) financial officials have notified U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to prepare for the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that will effectively absorb Asian, European and U.S. debt.
At this hour, significant repatriation of collateralized assets continues, including property rights as well as precious and industrial metals (reference the Philippines).

Reference: On Wednesday of last week, May 30th, Goldman Sachs, as well as other major financial investment banks, accumulated short positions in the S&P 500, which were excessive in relationship to their usual trading pattern. (Hello CFTC! Hello SEC!).
Note: Most of the trading now done on major worldwide financial exchanges is high frequency black box trading (without any volume), which benefits only the proprietary trading accounts of the big crooked banks and is now basically eliminating retail investors from participating in the financial markets.
P.P.S. Over the next six months the actual unemployment number will come down when at least 500,000 unemployed, who are currently receiving unemployment benefits, drop off the rolls.
Note: The service sector of the U.S. economy is actually still growing.
Reference: The unemployment report issued by the U.S. Commerce Department, has been rigged for years with gimmicks in accounting tricks. I guess, folks, the real number all depends on which big bank is long or short.
Bloomberg News just re-posted on their web site a report that German Chancellor Angela Merkel opposes the use of euro bonds as a financial solution to what is now a semi-scripted manufactured euro crisis.
Merkel claims to want an equilibrium in interest rates.
Message to Chancellor Merkel: It is not about euro bonds; it IS about the overdue implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that will absorb worldwide debt and re-capitalize the banks worldwide.
Reference: I have been told by IMF officials that once the Protocols are implemented it will take only $620 BILLION to fix the euro problem and it will be revenue neutral without threat of inflation.
Question to German Chancellor Merkel: Who are you talking to?

It was recently brought to my attention that the word "imminent", when used in reference to deliveries, was first used in 2008.
Yes, this is what we have been waiting so many years for. The only red flag is that this info is coming from Tom Heneghan.
Given that Tom Heneghan is the one reporting this, I trust it implicitly because Tom Heneghan is rarely ever wrong.
He also is a former FBI agent unlike the loose cannon Stew Webb who is merely an informant.
Hope one of these days he gets away from Webb and people see through Webb, because "Stew Webb" is one of the most unbalanced; non helpful guys out there much the same as Ted Gunderson....
BREAKING UPDATE: Implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols is Now Imminent,(view more)
HOT EXPLOSIVE:Tony Blair-BushFRAUD-both Clintons-Rupert Murdoch Need to be Arrested Immediately,(view more)
HOT EXPLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS: Obama Readies Kristallnacht, (view more)
EXPLOSIVE BR. NEWS: U.S. Financial Regulators Go Rogue, (view more)
BREAKING NEWS: Financial Emergency Deepens, (view more)
[View All Blog Entries] from:
...part1/2.............texts from 2008 and 2009........ ..2008..
..and...*************** ///// from 2009:*********
'When Ronald Reagan signed Exec Order 12333, it allowed Lee to lawfully start his own corporations (in this case, New Republic in Vienna). Lee was the Trustor of the Reagan Task Force and, in that capacity, was made the guardian of the $150 billion given to the Task Force to bring down the ruble.***** 2010: ***** ..2011.***//..2010:****
9-9-20 Bush threatened with Arrest by General Jones. ...So you see, folks, the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds were actually stolen twice! And now they have tried to do it for a third time! This is clearly a ... ../// ** **
A report which likely concerns the ongoing events surrounding the Global Settlements Refunding Program, aka The Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, has been censored ...**** ***
At this hour the $1.575 TRILLION tied to the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols continue to be misused by JPMorgan and the aforementioned financial terrorists.Item: It is important to recall that the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds due the U.S., French and Russian Treasuries, were illegally laundered by Bank of America in Charlotte, North Carolina through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and into the call account at Goldman Sachs. ******
....part2.....Friday, February 4, 2011.TPTB want to keep Osama Bin Laden alive.We see now why the ruling elite, wants to keep Osama bin Laden alive, if bin Laden aka Tim Osman's death is actually announced to the world (bin Laden died in December of 2001) these secret CIA proprietary accounts would be frozen by the U.S. Treasury and the funds, including all of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, would be immediately returned to the U.S. Treasury and the American People....These are some very clever evil bastards, yes? ~ Sodsy WTFU. ************* Of course, the stolen funds, which were used to buy the stock, were originally a part of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds. The STOLEN funds were wired out at 11 ...
APFN - HOT: United States Descends Into Financial Anarchy.;article=122595;********* This financial control would allow the outlaw Bush Administration the ability to block the G-7 ordered implementation of the noted Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols********
MAY 7 12 CME Group vs CFTC.... Bank's $1.5 TRILLION margin call represents the exact amount of funds due the U.S. and French Treasuries, that are tied directly to the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol ... ..//////// NWO Puppet Changes - Mubarak May Have Left Egypt | ... These secret U.S. CIA proprietary accounts are full of STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds, as well as funds tied to the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols. .....
Even if all the nations are forgiven their debts, it does not stop the NWO agenda for world domination, 3/4 world annihilation, engineered wars, slavery, poverty, deceases, raping of the Planet resources, free energy problem, Etc. The TPTB/cabal/ Illuminati will start the money game again for their own benefit. Dejavu!
I want to thank one man for showing me this important information.
I live in California. My industry is Dairy. I live in Manteca.
That man I know only so far as being a Democrat that is related
to a date of July 27th 2004 that Tom Heneghan the above informer
has written about back in 2006 and also that this unique man
has posted almost all of his reports on a youtube which I saw
about an hour ago that is called Jeff Fisher addresses the world
part one.
We shared a cigar and a beer and he told me about why
he called this man his hero.
He had to leave for he said he needed to get information
from an NSA agent that is working on a computer program
that breaks the coding of what was created back in 1998
at a place called BayPoint School in Miama Florida.
He also told me about a blogspot and said I should post
two links of it here as well. I have read some of it
and I know it is important to America to begin with.
Moose Van Doers
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