Monday, June 4, 2012

The UN is at it again!

Another example of the unreasonable demands made by the UN and those nations that consistently vote against the US and not with us!  You know....the ones we give all those millions of dollars to in the form of foreign aid.

EXCLUSIVE: Rio + 20 conference: Negotiators producing a mammoth, messy and expensive grab bag of regulations and demands

Published June 01, 2012
Three weeks before the U.N.-sponsored Rio + 20 summit conference on sustainable development, member countries that the United States hoped would produce a five-page summary of goals are instead haggling over a mammoth grab-bag of demands for new planetary regulation and assertions that industrialized countries, led by the U.S., should pay for, among other things, an unprecedented and massively expensive transfer of technology and funds to the developing world.
At one point, the text being debated by hundreds of negotiators climbed to 171 pages before being cut back by executive fiat to 86 pages—only to start climbing steeply again.
The unwieldy document covers everything from sustainable food strategies to codes of corporate responsibility to technology transfers—on highly favorable terms—to developing countries. Copies of the document are not being made publicly available.
The emergency bargaining session was intended as a last-ditch effort to bring some focus, energy and concision to the text after previous scheduled meetings led only to the current, bloated document.
“We were hoping it would inspire people, get them interested in the issues writ large,” a senior State Department official told Fox News. “ Right now, it’s just a long list of everybody’s projects, which is less valuable. “
The haggling over what will be said at the end of the three day Rio + 20 meeting, which starts on June 21 in Brazil, does not bode well for the summit, which U.N. organizers hope will inaugurate not only a radical overhaul of the world economy but a new and still unspecified era of “global environmental governance.”
The summit is also in danger of being overshadowed by deepening financial clouds over Europe and an economic slowdown between China and the U.S., as well as the ugly confrontation in Syria and an impending U.S. presidential election. As the State Department official put it: “We think the focus should be the future rather than a long negotiated text. Most countries around the world recognize that we are in difficult circumstances. This is not a time to talk about new financial commitments and transfers.”
Nonetheless, that is just the kind of sweeping and open-ended language that many countries evidently feel that the document should contain.
The messy document owes much to the huge, varied and often antagonistic interests that the U.N. decided to bring into the negotiation process, which includes not only national governments but also “civil society” groups ranging from business interests to native peoples to such undefined classes as “women.”
Some of the unmanageable complexity, however, is due to the internal machinations of the U.N. itself, which quietly decided last April to bring together representatives from at least 60 developing countries, “to share good practice on the themes of the conference and to learn from each other on their national preparatory processes for Rio +20. ”
The $2.8 million effort, billed as a “capacity building” exercise, brought together about 80 participants, including “senior officials from relevant ministries,” representatives of business, labor, indigenous people, farmers, “youth,” and “women” among others, along with parliamentarians and media from May 15 to 17 in Dakar, Senegal.
According to an internal Rio + 20 “concept note” describing the process, the aim was “to develop consensus on broad areas of national action, as well as on priorities for regional action and for
international decision at [Rio + 20].
Or, in other words, how to hone and focus their lobbying efforts in advance of the meeting, and their efforts at shaping the outcome afterwards.
The organizers, which included U.N. development agencies and the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), which provides the secretariat for Rio + 20, also distilled 10 detailed country studies to offer proof that the whole idea of “sustainable development” works.
The studies were intended to show that the selected countries “have embarked on a more sustainable development path,” and “demonstrate how sustainable development approaches (such as fiscal reform for poverty reduction, economic valuations of natural resources, pro-poor payments for environmental services, as well as institutional and coordination arrangements) can contribute to the sustainable development agenda.”

How well the lobbying prep session went is not known.
(Alongside those advance efforts to shape the negotiating outcome for Rio + 20, minutes of a meeting of summit organizers held on May 1, and examined by Fox News, indicate that the U.N. intends to pay the way for “two participants...per developing country” to attend the Rio + 20 meeting itself. Full details of the subsidized attendance were to be determined at a later date.)
In a final complication to the last minute marathon bargaining, at least some international “civil society” organizations with close U.N. ties have been mobilizing pressure on their government representatives in the bargaining session to protect their special-interest sections of the bloated outcome document.
One such is a Spain-headquartered international organization of mayors known as “United Cities and Local Government,” which claims to include more than 1,000 member-cities 95 countries. United Cities includes a smattering of U.S. municipal and country officials in its ungainly executive bureau.
As the bargaining has gotten stiffer over the negotiating text, United Cities has been sending its members a form letter to pass on to national government ministers, urging them to preserve specific references to local government in the negotiating text, and thus, presumably, enhance the organization’s clout post-Rio + 20.

Whether the letter-writing campaign has been successful or not is unknown. But it certainly cannot be making the containment of Rio + 20s rhetorical sprawl any easier.

Message from Montague Keen - June 3, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - June 3, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 4-Jun-2012 02:29:09

Message from Montague Keen - June 3, 2012
I have promised for some time now that the REAL TRUTH would be exposed when brave men find the courage to demand it. The Vatican is responsible for criminal conspiracy and the most heinous crimes against humanity. The people must demand restitution for the victims. So many countries suffered at the hands of this barbaric institution.
Ireland has taken the first step to banish the tyranny of the Vatican from the island of Ireland. Then the people will be able to reclaim their true heritage. The Vatican is not just responsible for the rape of children; it is also responsible for the rape of the country of Ireland and the rewriting of its history. When the full truth is released, the world will then be free of the tyranny of the evil rules hidden behind so-called dogma.
The light of truth is exposing all that had been hidden. You never expected to see the crimes of the Vatican exposed in your lifetime. This, my dear, is but the first step in the elimination of evil control. There is much more to be brought forth. The people have spoken. The Vatican will fall like the house of cards that it is; for without the people to support it, it cannot exist.
You do not have to obey the commandments of the Cabal. Again, I say, "nothing is as it seems". You are waking up to this fact and seeing things as they are, as never before. The Cabal managed to keep you under control - always servile to their wishes for 2000 years - not a mean feat by any standards ! Now you must wake-up and take back all that is yours by right. All you need is the will to do it. You are half way there. Look within yourselves, that is where you will find the truth.
So much information is being sent to you that it is difficult to keep up with it. P.W. is a great source of strength. His thirst for knowledge, and the true facts, are an unbeatable combination. He is a man of great wisdom. We are privileged to have him on board.
The evil plans of the Cabal are being exposed every day. Their secret meetings are no longer so hidden. They will answer for what they have done to humanity. What they plan to do, and what they will be allowed to do, will be quite different. They have placed themselves above all others; but now, they are exposed for all to see how ridiculous they actually are. The real power has moved to the people, who will no longer live as sheep.
Your mission is to return sanity to your world; to remove all that is corrupt, and to stop obeying the orders of the Cabal. No more killing ! The people of every country have the right to live in dignity and peace, and not to have subversives creating situations so terrible that the man in the street calls for action. Ask yourselves how many countries have had this same scenario carried out in them so as to start a war. Do not allow the warmongers to keep pulling the wool over your eyes. They kill thousands without a second thought. It is all part of the game to them. They have no respect for humanity. They are not like you. You are warm-blooded human beings who have every right to live on planet Earth. They are cold-blooded, uncaring and unfeeling; only interested in control and in the creation of their New World Order, in which you would be treated and expected to live as slaves, only to serve them. Is this what you want for yourselves and future generations? This is a decision you must make now, for time is of the essence. Remember that by doing nothing, you give your consent.
You will be fully supported in the restoration of justice and peace for all mankind. When you return to Spirit, you will see for yourselves how it is possible to live without all the man-made restrictions which you presently endure on Earth. Have courage and faith in yourselves - you know you can do it. Those within the Cabal are getting frightened. Look at all the rushed laws they are secretly pushing through, thus creating even more restrictions on your lives. They do not have the consent of the people to create their New World Order. Do not sleep-walk into it. Come out of the hypnotic state that you have been kept in for so long. You have everything to lose if you remain in that state. Your decision will affect humanity for generations to come. The time to act is NOW !
You must overcome all the obstacles that will be placed in your way and all the sporting activities that are being used to take your eyes off what is actually being done. The Cabal is desperate to carry out its plans before the time runs out. They cannot do it without you . . . so who has the power ?
Together, in love and light, you will succeed in bringing peace to your world. Feed, house, and clothe, the disadvantaged. All men are equal. They enter and leave your world in exactly the same way. You have allowed the Hollywood hype to distort your idea of reality. This was deliberately done to ensure that you followed a false sense of reality. Nothing happened by chance. It was all carefully planned. Your world, today, is trying to extract itself from the plans that were made at the Council of Nicea, 2000 years ago. It was believed that those plans would come to fruition in 2012. Did they really believe that humanity would be abandoned and that the World of Spirit and your fellow beings from the universe would fail to rescue you ?
Every one of you is precious: a beacon of light in a world of darkness. The light is fast overcoming the darkness. We will succeed. The truth awaits you.
Try to get some rest, my dear. I know it is exciting when people come forward with research that throws light on what is going on. It is now being discovered that the great minds of the past left many clues in their writings that are now coming to light. The timing is perfect. It is all coming together beautifully, my dear.
Your adoring husband, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Message from Matthew - Channeled by Suzy Ward - June 3, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Matthew - Channeled by Suzy Ward - June 3, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 4-Jun-2012 03:53:04

Message from Matthew - Channeled by Suzy Ward - June 3, 2012
June 3, 2012
Light’s progress: evidence delayed in some areas, obvious in others; Earth on target to enter fourth density; media reporting; reforms and revelations will be rushed; telepathic communication precautions; resolution of differing beliefs; psychiatric patients; some changes early in the Golden Age; information references
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Not only is our love for you boundless, so is our respect and admiration. Your steadfastness in the light has remained strong even though nearly midway into this world-transformational year, nothing that you would consider conclusive evidence has occurred. It is logical to expect that by now the thousands of spacecraft in your skies would be visible to all; crews would have landed in great numbers and been officially welcomed; and turmoil, warring and other violence would have decreased significantly.
2. We have been awaiting these developments along with you, and we have what you could call “bittersweet” feelings about the delay. We know that millions still are winding up third density karma; divine grace is granting to millions more amended soul contracts to transition early with full karmic completion credit; and still more millions are evolving at an accelerated pace by sharing others’ karmic burdens. Yet it is sad for us, just as for you, that the topmost dark ones still have enough influence to cause widespread suffering.
3. However, please do not think for a moment that Earth may not make it to the celestial window in time to enter fourth density, where darkness cannot exist. Absolutely everything that needs to precede that momentous happening will! However, instead of coming one by one for society’s easier assimilation and adjustment, profound revelations and changes will be rushing far more swiftly and in larger doses than the Golden Age master planners had anticipated.
4. It is immensely heartening that most of you are seeing the positive perspective of situations that the media are reporting with bleak overtones, such as potential economic meltdown in the “Eurozone” and the global boomerang effect, upheaval in several governments creating national instability, and citizens protesting intolerable circumstances in one country after another. You see those and other tumultuous situations for what they are: essential steps toward initiating systems that are based in fairness and honesty and having leaders with moral and spiritual integrity.
5. Because the dissemination of accurate information is crucial, another good indicator of the light’s progress is that mainstream media censorship clearly is on the decline. For instance, even though the Vatican is one of the kingpins under the Illuminati umbrella, it now is public knowledge that investigation into the Vatican’s financial affairs is underway. Ultimately this will lead to uncovering the cesspool of darkness in that tiny sovereign state, including that it is the international headquarters of satanic worship and a vast storehouse of stolen art treasures.
6. More and more often news commentators and well-informed guests are condemning the lack of holding accountable the persons responsible for the world’s dire economic condition. They are specifying how governments are failing to serve the best interests of their citizens, showing statistically why wars are both futile and senseless, and acknowledging that media have not met their responsibility to accurately inform the public. They are enumerating practical ways to recover economic stability and reform governments, the benefits of ending all wars, and how media can and should be educating the public.
7. No longer are the voices of those individuals and others, whom you call whistleblowers, confined only to the Internet — they’re going “mainstream.” While they see themselves as simply speaking out honestly, frankly and pragmatically, the brilliance of their auras identifies them as spiritually evolved souls who came from advanced civilizations to be way-showers.
8. Other indications of the light forces’ progress aren’t getting that kind of “listen-up!” attention. Some news is distorted or incomplete because the reporters simply don’t know more than the information they are given. Accounts of the nuclear reactors in Japan are ominous because it isn’t known that spacecraft crews are using their technology to reduce the toxic effects of radioactive emanations from the Fukushima facility and to prevent more damage there.
9. Reporters don’t know that the crews are alleviating the most harmful effects of chemtrails, whose very existence still is not widely known, and health-harming pollution from a variety of other sources. As for all the talk of potential military action to curtail the spread of nuclear weaponry, it isn’t known that in honoring Earth’s desire that her residents stop killing each other, God has authorized the crews in spacecraft and on the ground to prevent the functioning of all nuclear weaponry. When the effects of what is called global warming are recounted, most often it is with grave concern because who among your scientists would give credence to the assurance that this is Mother Earth returning to her original moderate climate worldwide?
10. Then there are the situations that are well known by the Illuminati who own media conglomerates and still have enough control to keep some facts quiet. As one example, films and statistics show that recent earthquakes and storms have resulted in many fewer deaths and less property damage than previously. What isn’t reported is why: The Illuminati’s technology that enables them to originate earthquakes and intensify storms is being “jammed” by our universal family so that Mother Nature can carefully release negativity until all of that force is gone — and soon it shall be.
11. Earth’s intention is exactly the opposite of the Illuminati’s, which is massive loss of life, devastating damage and the affected area’s economic ruin, all of which produce more negativity for Earth to deal with. With thanks to our universal family’s technology that can level out the effects of quakes and veer mammoth storms away from coastlines, the Illuminati never managed to achieve the vast extent of death and destruction they intended.
12. You have the advantage of knowing what we and many other messengers in high stations have been transmitting to our respective receivers. By far, you are in the minority. Most of your world’s people still are rooted in third density’s limitations, which makes them especially vulnerable to fear, the ultimate producer of negativity. Whenever there is an opportunity to share your knowledge with persons who are fearful because they don’t know what you do, please enlighten them to the extent they are receptive.
13. Your calm yet excited energy alone will go a long way to easing others’ fears, and it is realistic to anticipate that many will need your help in that respect as well as compassionate understanding. Thus far only the tip of the iceberg is obvious even to you, but during the next few months, happenings will be breathtaking in scope and speed.
14. Along with your awareness of what is ahead in these waning days of third density, there is some confusion about how to prepare to physically ascend with Earth, who will go along with her, how to know if you are absorbing light, what density is, NESARA’s provisions, what will happen at the end of this year, and what life will be like in the Golden Age.
15. In previous messages we have covered these areas quite extensively. It would be a disservice to long-time readers to repeat those explanations and a disservice to persons who are newly awakening to offer only a comment or two. We understand that with time passing so quickly, it is difficult for you to manage all responsibilities, much less search through our messages to locate clarifying information. Therefore, I have asked my mother to do this and to note the dates of messages that include the most explanatory coverage of those areas in question or where misconceptions abound — the dates will be inserted at the end of this message.
16. Since the prevailing vibrations are conducive to the opening of telepathic connections, it is essential that you know how to communicate with only the sources you want to — dark entities are just as eager to connect with you as light beings are! The precautions that apply to receivers of telepathically transmitted messages for distribution apply equally to you.
17. Prior to initiating telepathic communication, ask for protection of the Christed light and demand that only light beings may connect with you. Never try to communicate when you are in ill, fatigued, beset with worries about self or loved ones or financial straits or any other stressful condition or situation. During those times, an effort to speak with a loved one is instead an invitation to base entities because your energy level is too low to reach souls in the light. Humility and gratitude about having achieved telepathic communication carry high vibrations that reach sources in high vibratory levels, whereas the low vibrations of vanity and egotism automatically connect with dark entities. Mother, thank you for searching for prior messages that may include this topic as well as the aforementioned issues.
18. Many are wondering how resolution ever can come out of the many forms of religious and governing ideologies that are the foundations of prevailing belief systems. People whose minds and hearts do not open to the truth about the sinister reason behind the formation of those conflicting convictions no longer will be on the planet to fight for their beliefs to reign supreme. By the laws of physics that govern life in this universe, a closed mind cannot absorb the light that enables physical survival in the higher vibrations of fourth density. Earth’s residents in her Golden Age will choose to live in peace and harmony with each other and with all of Nature.
19. To the reader who is concerned about the destiny of psychiatric patients, who are independent souls with a wide range of conditions that affect each uniquely, all we can offer is what is likely generally and by no means is patient-specific. Those who have no brain damage, whose relatively sound mental abilities have been stultified by prescription drugs, may respond positively to the high vibrations and attain full rational functioning. However, decisive factors in every case are soul contract provisions and the degree of light the body has absorbed; a person whose behavior isn’t harmful to another, but simply doesn’t conform to superficial societal expectations, can indeed absorb light. It is likely that the most gravely mentally ill patients, those labeled psychopaths, will die because their depraved urges and actions are bereft of light. In any event, no one will be institutionalized or imprisoned after the Golden Age gets underway.
20. Because it offers an excellent forum for an explanation of great importance, we address a writer’s suggestion, offered some time ago: on Memorial Day in the United States, the truth be told to the world about who starts wars and why so that “never again will people have to fight and die ‘for freedom.’” We honor the writer’s intense desire for peace in your world, but especially on that emotionally-charged day of commemoration to fallen soldiers, the truth about war could not have been told.
21. Grieving families and friends of troops who have died don’t want to hear that their beloved persons did not die to protect their own nation from oppressors or to help another nation achieve freedom from tyranny. Veterans whose severe wounds have caused physical pain and perhaps loss of limbs don’t want to hear who actually benefited from their service, and neither do those who are living with nightmares about their wartime experience want to hear that truth. Troops still in combat zones or stationed in foreign countries in an occupation capacity don’t want to hear the real reason they are far away from home and families.
22. Beyond those myriad personal situations, beyond the civilian casualties in war zones, and beyond the financial burdens to the peoples whose nations are at war is the global emotional impact. It can be said that the condition coined post traumatic stress disorder is endemic to Earth. No one is immune to this battle energy that permeates your world, no one can escape the ravages that centuries of bloodshed have inured generation after generation to accept as humankind’s nature and lot in life. Yet, the fear of dying is just as pervasive, and that sets up a paradox that minds have to come to terms with.
23. There is another vital factor — the soul’s composition is love energy. The soul knows that it is not human nature to fight one another to the death because each is part of the Oneness of All. The soul knows that life is eternal, that physical death is only a transition to the next lifetime in spirit, where it prepares for the next embodiment.
24. The psyche’s continual subconscious juggling act with soul knowingness keeps the psyche in fragile condition. That is exactly the intention of the dark forces, whose ultimate goal is to capture souls. They are manipulating their Earth puppets to be tenacious in perpetuating the war mentality and fear of death because the negativity produced can fracture psyches and prevent absorption of the light that connects the consciousness and the soul. The collective juggling has paralyzed the civilization into accepting what is force-fed as “patriotism” and all who fight and die are “heroes.” The collective psyche would suffer a severe trauma if this truth about war came forth in one fell swoop.
25. When veterans join with others in peace rallies, worldwide meditations for peace, and internationally respected leaders negotiate peacefully with enough frequency, forcefulness and publicity, minds are stirred. People who formerly accepted official reasons for going to war start questioning, pondering, and then “see the light” that enables psyches to more easily assimilate shocking information — day by day, this is occurring to persons around the world.
26. However, there isn’t much time left for the masses to reach that level of consciousness about what is behind wars or religious dogmas or any other facet of life that is of dark origin and intent. The light that would let individuals avoid severe psychic trauma is the same light that would enable them to physically ascend with Earth. Many will not be ready to accept that for millennia Earth’s population has been controlled by darkness through fear, deception and various forms of mind control.
27. Please understand that these people are doing what is right for them. Every soul becomes enlightened at its own pace, and divine grace offers each as many opportunities as needed to accept the light within truth and spiritually evolve. Be heartened by knowing that even though paces of evolvement differ, reunions of beloved souls take place in compatible energy planes.
28. Now then, we shall briefly address other areas questioned by readers whose concerns are shared by the many people who have no idea where world events are leading. If not initiated prior to Earth’s entry into fourth density at the end of this year, the following changes will occur in increments soon afterwards:
29. Nuclear power plants will be dismantled, no new facilities will be built, and stored nuclear waste will be rendered harmless. The process called fracking will cease and oil drilling equipment and rigs will be eliminated along with above ground power lines.
30. Cell phones will become safe, and the use of surveillance cameras, communication systems and other monitoring devices will end.
31. Elements in foods that are harmful to bodies will be destroyed. Medical procedures that are more damaging than beneficial to bodies and minds will stop, and so will sonar testing that is harming or killing marine life.
32. Laws and cultural customs that curtail human rights will be stricken and proposed regulations for such purposes will not be enacted.
33. Educational systems will give everyone on the planet access to accurate information via computers and printed material. Fair reallocation of the world’s resources will be done as expeditiously as possible.
34. And the sun’s activity is all to your benefit!
35. With confidence and joyousness, you will master any complexities during these last transitional steps into Earth’s Golden Age. Never are you alone — the love of countless light beings has been with you all along this universally unprecedented journey.
Suzanne Ward
36. The following references are on Matthew’s Messages page on Preparing to physically ascend with Earth, who will go along/who won’t and why, how light is absorbed and signs that you are absorbing light often are interwoven, so references to all are listed under Ascension. Messages dated July 25, 2005 and earlier, which have important background information, are not in chronological order — this occurred as my webmaster was transferring messages to the new site she is developing. It’s doubtful that I located every topic’s best clarifying coverage, but this combination of references will be helpful.
February 1, 2012, paragraphs 13-14
January 4, 2012, paras 13-17
December 5, 2010, paras 12-24; 31,32
September 11, 2010, paras 6-8
October 19, 2009, paras 9-13
September 21, 2009, para 28
October 22, 2008, paras 23-27
August 29, 2008, paras 15-21
August 1, 2007, paras 4-41
November 5, 2011, para 36
September 9, 2011, paras 20-28
Earth’s Golden Age
April 1, 2012, paras 18-27
October 10, 2011, paras 19-28
October 19, 2009, paras 14-19; 22, 23; 27
September 21, 2009, paras 10-13
December 31, 2007 – Essay on 2012, entire message
May 26, 2009, paras 16-19
January 20, 2009, paras 9-13
Special NESARA edition, below the message dated September 11, 2006
December 31, 2004, paras 3-5
December 13, 2004, para 8
May 7, 2004, paras 1-8
Telepathic Communication
December 5, 2010, para 33
May 21, 2009, para 14

Kissinger vows to China: “Jeb Bush Will Be Next President”

Kissinger vows to China: “Jeb Bush Will Be Next President”

Here is the report in its entirety, make of it what you will.

What caught my attention, were the mention of the names: 'Kissinger', and 'Bush', plus the 'China connection' of course, appart from the audacity of the claim.


[[ By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A shocking report prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Prime Minister Putin on the just completed meeting between China’s Vice Premier Li Keqiang and former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger states that the Chinese were told that former Florida Governor John Ellis “Jeb” Bush, brother to the former US President and son of another, will be elected as the next American leader despite his currently not even being on the ballot.

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping met with Jeb Bush [photo top left] yesterday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing where both pledged to advance cooperation between their two countries and, this report says, agreed that once Bush had taken office a ‘new era’ would begin in US-China relations.

According to this report, Kissinger told Keqiang that the Republican Party election process to select their nominee to run against President Obama was “completely manipulated” to ensure that their 2012 Convention would be “deadlocked” thus allowing for Jeb Bush to be nominated as a “consensus candidate” and thus his parties leader.

The path to a deadlocked convention, this report says Kissinger told the Chinese, lies in neither current Republican frontrunners Governor Mitt Romney or Congressman Ron Paul having enough delegates to ensure their nomination on the first ballot after which their supporters will be free to nominate anyone they so choose.

In order to ensure a deadlocked convention, this report continues, Kissinger noted that Romney will obtain his delegates from what are called Primary States while Paul will receive his from those holding caucuses and “open” primaries, with neither of them receiving enough votes to secure their nominations.

Political analysis on the US election do, indeed, note that Paul’s path to the Republican nomination lies in the caucus and open primary States which shows what is called his “secret path to victory.”

To the most shocking aspects of this report are the comments attributed to Kissinger that claim the entire American electoral system is under the control of their National Security Agency (NSA) which controls the computers used in their elections and whose outcome is determined by their elites, not the citizens themselves.

In a dire move bolstering Kissinger’s claim of a rigged US election was yesterdays news that the giant global election firm SCYTL, which describes itself as the ‎worldwide leader in secure electronic voting and electoral modernization, had purchased the United States most dominant election results reporting company thus insuring these people would never have true or total access as to who would actually win any of their elections.

Even worse, this report continues, the purchase by SCYTL of the private corporate site controlled by SOE software, which operates under the name ClarityElections.Com and controls the election results in over 525 US jurisdictions, was its being financed by the global investment giant Carlyle Group that was founded by the Bush and Bin Laden families nearly 25 years ago.

When queried by Chinese officials as to why Obama was allowed to be elected instead of Jeb Bush in the last US election, this report continues, Kissinger replied that the American public was not prepared for a continuation of the Bush-Clinton Dynasties that have, in fact, ruled the United States since the 1981 coup d'état staged against President Ronald Regan after he was nearly assassinated by the son of the then Vice President George H.W. Bush’s main business partner.

Kissinger further stated to the Chinese, this report says, that Obama was a “safe choice” to be an “interim leader” as besides his being a member of the Bush family (Obama is former President George W. Bush’s cousin by blood) his mother, Ann Dunham/Soetoro, was a “prized” CIA asset who was dispatched from Hawaii to Indonesia in 1967, along with seven year-old Barack Obama, to infiltrate villages in Java to carry out a CIA survey of political leanings among the Javanese population and whose “handler” was George H.W. Bush who a few years later became Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Kissinger added, this report says, that by putting Obama in office they were, also, able to secure the passing of draconian new laws in the United States that otherwise wouldn’t have been allowed to pass due to the overwhelming objections of American liberals and progressives, but who now are all but silent as the last vestiges of the US Constitution are being swept away.

Being ignored by these American liberals and progressives, however, are that the laws being passed by the Obama regime are intended to be used against them and include the power of the US President to designate anyone he so chooses as a “terrorist,” kill them without charges or trial, hold American citizens in prison, also without charges or trial, and, under a new law being pushed through the US Congress, would give the US government the power to strip Americans of their citizenship without being convicted of being “hostile” against the United States.

Though the claims made by Kissinger to China detailing how the election process in the United States has now been completely destroyed are beyond appalling, it does not, on the other hand, come as surprising from a “war criminal” who once boasted “It is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true.”

To the American people themselves it remains to be seen if they will ever awaken to what is true…one can only hope they will, before all is lost…forever.

January 18, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL. ]]
'F.E.A.R.' - is an acronym = 'False Expectations Appearing Real'

SAD TRUTH -- by Judge Dale

By:  Judge Dale

While I’m pointing a figure at the intelligence level of the American public, I wish to add this little FACT:

The Dinar Guru’s are being or have been threatened by the Government or the Federal Reserve System with felony arrest, should they publish the Revaluation of Currency and a Rate, which is premised upon the idea that this can some how be construed as, “INSIDER TRADING”?  REALLY?

This is certainly a sad state of affairs especially since 90% of the American Public has been so horrifically dumbed down by our politicians; educational system and media, that they do not know the difference between Legitimate Investment and Insider Trading? 

So … allow me teach you the difference:

An [Investment] is based upon speculation, as in this case, of a currency revaluation, is not an Inside Trade!  This is a Legitimate Investment!

An [Inside Trade] means that some investor has received [secret corporate information] that two companies are about too merge (or) a company is about to release a new product, which will double the corporate assets and as such, the value of the corporate stock is expected to split or double!  The investor who then purchases a truck load of stock in either company, based solely upon this [secret corporate information] is guilty of felony Insider Trading!

NOTE: It did not take a genius to realize that when the US Military petitioned to “devalue” the Dinar, prior to DESERT STORM, that one day the Dinar would “revalue” once again! 

Currency Devaluation: Is an offensive tactic designed to attack the economy of a country, while attacking them militarily! 

This is speculation and is a “Legitimate Investment” and not some secret corporate information or “Inside Trade”!


1] Maliki has never been a good man and is George W. Bush’s man in Iraq.  The Bush Family, if you remember, is responsible for exporting crude from the Middle East, in order to drive up the price of oil in the United States.  Maliki was appointed to head up the new government of Iraq by George W. Bush, which means that George and his father, get to control what happens with that country as long as Maliki remains in charge! 

Hence, the reason for the recent NO CONFIDENCE VOTE by the new Iraqi Government!

2] Considering the fact that the Middle East consistently votes against the United States on 78% of United Nations proposals, it was important for the Criminal Cabal to gain a foothold in the Middle East! 

Hence, the continual CIA staged Middle Eastern conflicts; the theft of Gold from Iran and the appointment of Maliki!

3] The private corporate Communist Federal Government for the United States; the ad-hoc President, Obama; the Israeli owned private corporate Federal Reserve System and the Bilderberg Group, do not want the World Revaluation of Currency [Basil III] to succeed because it will destroy their FIAT Corporations; their Control and FIAT Currency! 

Hence, the European Union [EURO] is about too collapse and the [US DOLLAR] isn’t far behind!  [i.e.] The US doesn’t need the Dinar or the Dong to revalue, we investors do!  Whenever the US Federal Government needs money, they simply print more [called counterfeit] and add it to the National Debt balance [called debt perpetuation]!

4] The Dinar is already a Basil III currency.  The release of its value is being blocked by the Obama and Maliki on orders from the Cabal!  These people are not your friends.  They will murder you and sell your children in a moment’s notice, if it profits them!  They are the Devil’s Disciples and actually participate in satanic rituals!

5] If the exchange RATE of a revalued Foreign Currency comes in high, it will have a ZERO affect upon that countries economy!  [e.g.]  If [1] Dinar exchanges for [60] Federal Reserve Notes; that means that the US Dollar is completely valueless in comparison to the Dinar!  Basil III does not lie!  Politicians and Governments lie! 

Hence, the EURO and the DOLLAR is only valuable as long as the people can be fooled to believe that they have value and truth is what scares and panics the Criminal Cabal! 

YES…our Federal Government is the military arm of the Cabal; London is the financial arm of the Cabal and the Vatican is the spiritual arm of the Cabal!  All three are separate FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS who have combined together to dominate the WORLD!  They only have power and control as long as they have the funds to facilitate and bribe.  Their demise is more important than you controlling millions of worthless FRN’s!

If you people don’t understand and accept this simple truth, your future; fate and the fate of your children will be sealed in death and slavery!  Love each other and yourselves and not that which is Caesar’s …
If my statements have offended anyone or group of American’s, “suck it up” because that is what I intended!


BY: Judge Dale

The answer to this headline is obviously, YES!

1] Any of you who have attended a first year Chemistry, was taught this simple technology.  You just had to be intelligent enough to connect the dots and comprehend its importance!

EXPERIMENT:  Fill a beaker half full of water; insert low voltage electrodes and turn on the electricity.  Electrolysis causes the water in the beaker to breakdown into its original gaseous vapor composition of [2] parts hydrogen and [1] part oxygen hence the chemical equation for water, H2O.

Do not cover the beaker!  After a few minutes, light a match and when the flame is held close to the beaker, you will witness a mini explosion that resembles igniting a charcoal grill! 

Both of these gases are combustible and when mixed back together, they burn hotter than gasoline!  The residue or pollution from this experiment is “ZERO” because the gases instantly convert back into water after ignition! 

2] NASA scientists however realized the value of this experiment and also discovered that with an additive, these gases can be frozen into a solid matrix, hence, the fuel used to power the SPACE SHUTTLE!  The vapor coming from the SPACE SHUTTLE is only water!

In order to keep America dumbed down; the US Government, constructed a facility in Venezuela to manufacture the frozen fuel for the SPACE SHUTTLE, which is then shipped back to Cape Kennedy, USA.  The cost of building and maintaining this facility can be located under the category of miscellaneous, that Congress jokingly defines as a Federal Budget.

This was never new technology!  Most of us were simply too dumb to realize the value of this experiment especially when 70% of the Earth is covered in water and not oil.   

NOTE: Science has recently deduced that at one time in our history, the Earth had a gaseous ring around it, resembling Uranus, which was composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen gas.  Evidence being uncovered, proves that the Earth was once entirely a tropical paradise [Garden of Eden] covered by only 20% in water.  Then something occurred to Earths electromagnetic field, which caused most of the gaseous vapor ring surrounding the Earth to convert into water and hence, [The Great Biblical Flood]!

3] Another source of energy is Radiant Energy, which was discovered by Nickoli Tesla and is the basis of time travel.  YES … our Government has had a tested device for 40 years that permits man to travel forward and back in time!

4] Oil Wells do not dry up!  Mother Earth naturally produces crude oil as a by-product of intense core heat [friction] applied to shale.  There is one oil field in the State of Texas that has out produced the entire volume of crude exported from the Middle East.  President George W. Bush, ordered an 80% reduction of the oil production in Texas under the guise of preserving America’s oil reserves for National Security and 90% of America was so dumb that they supported his decision!

The truth is that George W. Bush was forcing up the price of oil too insure larger profits for the Royal and Elite.  Why did he choose the Middle East when Venezuela still sells their gasoline for 25 cents a gallon!  There no longer being an import / export tax in America, We the People, could easily form a coop and import gasoline from Venezuela!  The Federal government is now entirely a private foreign corporation that has no authority or jurisdiction in the States unless WE the People permit them too!  Our Sheriff’s are learning that one the hard way!

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - June 4, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - June 4, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 4-Jun-2012 04:58:47

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - June 4, 2012
The path to Ascension will be much smoother than you might believe, because over time the necessity to bring about severe physical changes has passed. You can take a lot of credit for this situation, because as a collective you have raised the consciousness levels. In bringing more Light to the Earth you have enabled the transmutation of the lower energies. The result is that the necessary cleansing does not call for the depth of changes, that were once thought necessary. The Earth is constantly shifting, and there are hundreds of minor earthquakes that take place every day without any adverse results.
So Dear Ones do not spend your time in fear of the coming period, and bear the consequences knowing it is all for your good. Rather look at the changes as sweeping the Earth clear of its blemishes and ugly spots, so that it can once more be restored. Bear in mind that you too are being cleansed in a similar way, to release any vibrations that cannot be taken with you into the higher ones. Much of it happens without your knowledge, but you can contribute by having a life style that lends itself to purifying your body and mind. Your choice of food is an important factor from the point of view of your health. Try to move away from processed foods and towards fresh produce. This way you will avoid many chemicals that would otherwise be ingested and remain as toxins in your body. Where possible include raw food in your diet and benefit from the energies that they carry. Drink plenty of water to keep the organs of your body cleansed, and avoid carbonated drinks if possible.
In the future because your body vibrations will have been lifted up, you will no longer be attracted or need the heavier foods. Your needs will be considerably less, as you will replenish them by taking more of the energy that is around you. It is only in the lower vibrations that you need your meats, and you will find that gradually they do not satisfy you. Eating is a pleasure and we still indulge but nowhere to the extent that you do at present. We would not dream of putting your type of foodstuffs into our bodies. However, for the time being you need to sustain your bodies and get your energy from your traditional foods, but you can try to introduce changes that take you towards more natural and purer ones.
We lead you to a new way of looking at life but one that gives great satisfaction and fulfillment. After the changes the pace of life will be much slower and you will not be placed in stressful conditions. Indeed, you will have ample time to relax and follow your personal pursuits, and we do have Holodecks that are for your enjoyment. Yes, they rely exist and can provide you with knowledge while at the same time be a source of enjoyment. We have our fun and also a sense of humor, but we do not indulge in crudity or unpleasantness. We are happy and joyful, and in appreciating the Oneness of all life that are uninhibited in our companionship and friendship with other Beings. Jealousy and envy are not emotions we entertain, as we understand that all live in unity and exist for each other.
We are One whereas you have managed to create divisions and separation between you. You may look different according to the Race you belong to, but in essence you are all the same and together are on the road to Ascension. In fact because you take a series of lives for your needed experiences, you will understand that in turn you have had lives in many different countries. Think about it and consider whether you are specifically drawn to one particular country or period of history. Would that not tell you that within your consciousness you still have memories of those experiences? There would clearly be less racial tension if you could accept others as yourself.
When we look at you we know that we do not see the real you, but merely the body that you taken for your present incarnation. We also make allowances for your lack of Light and even love, as the lower vibrations have pulled you down. However that will change and is doing so right now, and there has never been such an opportunity as now exists to raise them up. More and more light is being beamed to Earth, and you can attract it to yourself by lifting up your levels of consciousness. Your true potential is unlimited and you should strive for the highest expression of yourself as possible. By nature you are peaceful loving Beings, and you are heading for a return to that level. Stay calm and walk and talk your love for your fellow Beings. It is the only way and you will become an invincible force for good.
At present we of the Galactic Federation ready ourselves for the final thrust against the last cabal. As they stand in our way and yours they will be removed in one way or another, and then our allies can really get moving with all of the changes that are planned. There is to be a total change in the way your lives are lived, and all for your betterment and preparation for the New Age. There is no reason to hold onto anything of the old or be concerned at what you may lose, as we stress again that you can only gain from the changes that are about to occur. You are to take a quantum jump into the future that is your transition into the higher realms. You could not otherwise enter them unless your vibrations were comparable with them. This is why there will be souls who are unable to do so, as they are not ready and will continue in their present vibration. Indeed, it would not serve their purpose or needs if they were placed in a higher one, as that would be uncomfortable for them.
In spite of what some may think, everything is moving along well and will ensure that you are finally ready to ascend when that opportunity arises. You still need to apply yourselves to your own needs, and work towards reaching a level of control and awareness that enables you to maintain your progress. As we often point out, it is your intent and will to succeed that will take you forward to successfully complete your journey.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish you joy and happiness as you prepare yourselves for the biggest event ever to happen in your lives.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Memorial Day @ Vietnam Memorial (Sad!!!)


Interesting read. 

Did you see this on any National news coverage--I know that NBC was there because I was watching about a 30 second shot while they told us "BO" would be there later to make a speech "honoring" the veterans. Please help spread this to every veteran you know---"BO" is the single most anti-military president that I can remember.  Even more than Bill and Hillary!

Subject: Memorial Day @ Vietnam Memorial (Sad!!!)

On Memorial Day, the Vietnam Memorial in D.C. is supposed to look like this:
Instead, for seven long hours, it looked like this:
Obama’s Secret Service shut down the memorial for most of the day as families and veterans who had come to pay their respects to fallen loved ones were forced to stay hundreds of feet away.
Why? So that the Narcissist-in-Chief could show up for 15-minute speech and photo-op with his carefully selected fans in the audience.
In his campaign speech remarks, Obama made sure to mention that:
“As long as I’m president, we will make sure you and your loved ones will receive the benefits you’ve earned and the respect you deserve,” Obama said. “America will be there for you.”
Wow. How did our veterans ever get their benefits before the benevolent Obamessiah came to office? Is that his argument for why they should vote for him? Because their benefits are only available “as long as I’m president?” Perhaps he’s hoping they’ll forget that he suspended hazard pay for deployed U.S. troops, terminated 157 Air Force Majors without retirement benefits, and proposed a budget that would cut healthcare benefits for active duty and retired US military while protecting union benefits.
I just received this e-mail from a brother in arms who I served with as a USAF pararecueman. A link to his e-mail is at the bottom of the message. I deleted the photos because the server rejected them. -Brian Trubee, Redmond, Washington.:
I am currently in Washington DC and witnessed the following. I saw this first hand and I bet you won’t hear about this from the Liberal media…
Vietnam veterans and the families of Vietnam veterans killed in action whose names are etched on the Wall were denied access to their memorial today, of all days, Memorial Day. The Vietnam Memorial was shutdown, cleared and secured for approximately 5 hours prior to Obama, his cronies and hand picked veterans for a 15 minute appearance by Obama. It’s obvious it was all for show. After all, this is an election year.
Hundreds if not thousands of Vietnam veterans and families of Vietnam veterans killed in Vietnam stood in disbelief as Secret Service, Park Police, Washington, DC Police, etc., blocked all access to the Vietnam Memorial and kept everyone approximately 100 yards away from their memorial for the first time in the history of the Memorial so Obama could get some photos of him at the Wall. Veterans in uniforms stood in the heat angered as Obama makes them wait. It was a photo op at their expense and families of those killed in Vietnam.
As I stated, I was there and witnessed all of this. Many veterans and others flipped Obama the finger as his motorcade drove past.
I didn’t honor him with a finger salute because I was busy holding up my 3′x5′ Don’t Tread on Me Flag as his motorcade drove past.
On another note, I was able to dedicate some port-o potties to Jane Fonda. Pictures attached. Maybe Obama should share this honor with Jane Fonda henceforth.
- Jim Morris
So this is how Obozo honors those who served….I just had this passed on from a friend who was at the wall this morning:
I normally try to avoid political statements, but this one is a bit different. This was received by Colonel Wayne Morris just a few moments ago, who was refused access to the Vietnam War Memorial, where he has visited his fallen comrades for the last 15 years.
Today is Memorial Day and I went to the Vietnam Memorial and something happened there that upset me greatly and I want to pass it on.
For over 15 years I had been going with my dear Marine buddy, Larry Cullen. Since he passed away last year and was interned at Arlington Cemetery, I went this year accompanied by my grandson, Cameron. I had my list of Recon Marines, school classmates, and Larry’s fallen buddies to visit but, as we got close to the area of the National Mall where the Wall is located, we saw huge white tents. We also saw barricades all along Constitution Ave and for a couple blocks in each direction from the Wall. They even closed down all of Constitution Av from the Lincoln Memorial all the way to the WW-II Memorial and there was a virtual army of uniformed and plain-clothes security everywhere.
The biggest tent was right at the west end of the Wall entrance and there was a covered walkway leading right up to The Wall. It was so close, you couldn’t get to the Wall on that side so, my grandson and I went all the way around to the eastern entrance to the Wall and walked down along the Wall to the first of my names and I began telling my grandson about my buddies and how each one died. In short order, a guy in a dark suit and earpiece in his ear told us we had to leave as it was 0730 and they were closing Memorial until at least 1400 so the President could drop by. I asked if he was serious and he assured me he was. We and all the other veterans and families were forced to leave and it was locked down.
The Vietnam Memorial is the most visited site on the entire National Mall. Memorial Day has more visitors to the Vietnam Memorial than almost any other day. Even at the rather early hour Cameron and I were there, there were a lot of veterans and family members down there. In the midst of all that, Obama decides to close it for over seven hours just so he can roll by for 30 minutes in the afternoon for a campaign appearance with Democrats, supporters, and campaign donors? This is an incredulously arrogant, egotistical, and inconsiderate thing to do. What in hell was Obama thinking?
Hey President Obama: Since you ran me (and all the other veterans and family members) out of the Memorial before we finished our business there, how about doing me a favor. If you can take a short break from all the grippin’, grinnin’, posin’ and pontificatin’, how about taking a minute or two to stop by and say hello to my fellow Recon Marines and other classmates on the Wall. I suspect you’ll be too busy with photo ops, campaigning, and stroking donors to be troubled with a couple minutes doing what the Memorial was built for but, just in case, here’s a list so you can have your man find them and point them out to you. Hope you have a Meaningful Memorial Day.
Joseph J. JONES; 53-W-02
Sherwood David Kreis, 42-W-40
Dale Kagebein, 34-W-50
Jerry Bock, 25-W-95
Larry Daniels, 09-E- 66
Joe Mack Kemp, 09-E-69
Rhonda L. Raglan, 09-E-70
Robert L. Studards, 09-E-71
Jose D. Flores, 09-E-74
Arthur Willie Greene, 14-E-56
Eric Barnes, 17-E-41
Godfried Blankenship, 17-E-48
Michael Ray Smith, 19-E-113
Ervin Lovell, 19-E-120
William D. Martin, 25-E- 87
Michael L. Laporte, 26-E-1
Ronald Frederick Kitzke, 32-E-76
Charles Harris, 34-E-48
Robert Tracy, 34-E-72
Michael G. Murdock, 36-E-57
Maybe it would have been better for everyone if Obama had just gone golfing like last year. Unfortunately, this is what veterans and their families have to suffer when Obama is in full campaign mode.
No wonder a recent Gallup poll showed veterans prefer Mitt Romney to Obama, 58% to 34%.
H/T Jan Weeks