Thursday, June 7, 2012

Negotiations Update

Victory of the Light!

Negotiations Update

I have contacted my sources and they confirmed intel from Drake’s last interview.

Top people inside Positive Military group started having doubts and reservations about the execution of the Mass Arrests scenario in early May as there was an unknown element disturbing their plans. This unknown element turned out to be the Archons, physical and non-physical ones. The original Plan for the Mass Arrests designed by the Positive Military did not include Archons in consideration as their presence was not known to the Positive Military group until recently.

The physical Archons consist of a powerful group inside the Jesuit faction. This group had direct access to nuclear weapons which they were threatening to use if Mass Arrests would commence. As this group was effectively cut away from such access this Tuesday, the Cabal went into panic mode as they had no more leverage to delay their downfall. Therefore they are begging for mercy. They are cornered and they have nothing more to lose. If their only future would be mass arrests and possible execution, the only option they have is to fight an all-out war until their last man falls. If we give them a chance for a peaceful surrender in exchange for a milder treatment after they surrender, they have a motivation to cooperate. I have been present at many negotiations with members of the Cabal and they all follow the same pattern: as long as the bad guys have some power, they will use deceit to your disadvantage as much as they can and as long as they can. When they are finally cornered, most of them become very cooperative and some even genuinely cross over to the Light.

The non-physical Archons could become a real problem in the Mass Arrests scenario. Please understand that Mass Arrests could not happen without the complete reset of the financial system to cut off the Cabal from their remaining financial resources. At the reset, the non-physical Archons would influence people to spread panic, violence, riots, provoke civilians against the military…Things could really get ugly and spin out of control. 

So peaceful surrender of the Cabal is our best option. If the Cabal tries to manipulate the negotiation process, we can still execute the Mass Arrests scenario anytime we want. In case that things then get ugly and escalate into a war, the Resistance has promised to back up the Positive Military and protect the People with their resources and can also send their troops from their deep underground bases to assist the Positive Military as the last resort.

Non-negotiable terms of surrender as suggested by the Resistance:

1. The leading members of the Cabal that are public figures must publicly announce surrender of the Cabal over the mass media until a certain deadline. The latest date suggested by the Resistance is June 21st (summer solstice). If the Cabal does not do this, the Mass Arrests scenario continues.

2. Immediately after that, in the next 24 hours, they must permanently step down from all positions of power. They must give in all their property and resources. They are allowed to keep basic food, clothes and shelter for survival. This will free us to create the future we want, with NESARA, free energy technologies, transparent financial system, non-censored media....

3. They must publicly confess their wrongdoings. Amnesty can then be granted in most cases, with some arrests still taking place.

The reason for polls on this and other websites is for the Positive forces to understand the opinion of the general public so they can perform their negotiations with greater confidence. Therefore it would be great if someone could get those polls to a mainstream website so that opinions of the mainstream population and their reactions to this would be better understood. Human masses have been programmed immensely and they effectively became parts of the Matrix and no one knows how they will react.

Even if all physical Cabal surrenders, you need to understand that by this act alone the non-physical Archons will not be removed. That is a separate issue and it will be dealt with in a different way.

Warnings About Drake from Teri Hinkle

Today it has been spread far and wide that we are to vote on a poll as to whether or not we would agree to some sort of "treaty" with the elite who as we all know are very nearly defeated. It seems their idea of a fair deal is either promise not to hold them accountable or they launch an all out war and reduce both sides to one third. Really?

Do you seriously think you can make a deal with the devil? And what kind of mentality thinks they would keep any promise? Never mind that would be the first time in history that a totally corrupt and unsalvageable bloodline ever exhibited an ounce of honor or understanding of it's definition. As far as I am concerned extinction is the only way to stop that very same bloodline from continuing the death and destruction they have wrought on humanity for thousands of years but hey that's just me. I don't usually have to be hit on the head more than once or twice before I get it.

Please use some common sense before you even consider casting a vote for any such outlandish and idiotic plan. This wreaks of the same militaristic mind set that caused the great disaster the world is in already. If you are on a ship that is sinking do you plug the holes with the same materials you built it with?

Now if that isn't enough common sense, stop and ask yourself what gives a few thousand people listening to an Internet radio show, the right to make any decision or even vote on a decision for the rest of the more than seven billion people on this planet? Add to that there are no details of this so called agreement, nor are there any identities revealed of just who is making a treaty to include and impact the whole globe. Gee, "we have to pass it to find out what's in it" comes to mind.

There is another good question; wouldn't it give them the answer they would love to have as to how many of you would choose to get down on your knees and accept their idea of a deal rather than finish the fight once and for all so they can re-group and start again?

Are you so desperate you would sell your country, your children and grandchildren for NESARA money? Do you get on your knees and worship the very thing they used to enslave you in the first place, money? If so you will deserve the consequences of your part of the deal.

I do not support, was not a part of and was not told about this. I have fielded calls and emails all day long asking me if I was either in favor or not. This is just plain nuts folks and if this is an example of how weak and dependent this nation has become, how dumbed down and indoctrinated the people are, it's time to bug out. That's my answer.

For those of you who may not have heard about it and are wondering what I am talking about read for yourself and then please use the minds God gave you. 


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United Nations (UN) Assassination Attack Domestic security Drill Exercise Cops Law enforcement Authorities Disaster assistance Disaster management DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office) National preparedness Mitigation Prevention Response Recovery Dirty bomb Domestic nuclear detection Emergency management Emergency response First responder Homeland security Maritime domain awareness (MDA) National preparedness initiative Militia Shooting Shots fired Evacuation Deaths Hostage Explosion (explosive) Police Disaster medical assistance team (DMAT) Organized crime Gangs National security State of emergency Security Breach Threat Standoff SWAT Screening Lockdown Bomb (squad or threat) Crash Looting Riot Emergency Landing Pipe bomb Incident Facility Hazmat Nuclear Chemical spill Suspicious package/device Toxic National laboratory Nuclear facility Nuclear threat Cloud Plume Radiation Radioactive Leak Biological infection (or event) Chemical Chemical burn Biological Epidemic Hazardous Hazardous material incident Industrial spill Infection Powder (white) Gas Spillover Anthrax Blister agent Chemical agent Exposure Burn Nerve agent Ricin Sarin North Korea Outbreak Contamination Exposure Virus Evacuation Bacteria Recall Ebola Food Poisoning Foot and Mouth (FMD) H5N1 Avian Flu Salmonella Small Pox Plague Human to human Human to Animal Influenza Center for Disease Control (CDC) Drug Administration (FDA) Public Health Toxic Agro Terror Tuberculosis (TB) Agriculture Listeria Symptoms Mutation Resistant Antiviral Wave Pandemic Infection Water/air borne Sick Swine Pork Strain Quarantine Vaccine Tamiflu Norvo Virus Epidemic World Health Organization (WHO) (and components) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever E. Coli Infrastructure security Airport CIKR (Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources) AMTRAK Collapse Computer infrastructure Communications infrastructure Telecommunications Critical infrastructure National infrastructure Metro WMATA Airplane (and derivatives) Chemical fire Subway BART MARTA Port Authority NBIC (National Biosurveillance Integration Center) Transportation security Grid Power Smart Body scanner Electric Failure or outage Black out Brown out Port Dock Bridge Cancelled Delays Service disruption Power lines Drug cartel Violence Gang Drug Narcotics Cocaine Marijuana Heroin Border Mexico Cartel Southwest Juarez Sinaloa Tijuana Torreon Yuma Tucson Decapitated U.S. Consulate Consular El Paso Fort Hancock San Diego Ciudad Juarez Nogales Sonora Colombia Mara salvatrucha MS13 or MS-13 Drug war Mexican army Methamphetamine Cartel de Golfo Gulf Cartel La Familia Reynosa Nuevo Leon Narcos Narco banners (Spanish equivalents) Los Zetas Shootout Execution Gunfight Trafficking Kidnap Calderon Reyosa Bust Tamaulipas Meth Lab Drug trade Illegal immigrants Smuggling (smugglers) Matamoros Michoacana Guzman Arellano-Felix Beltran-Leyva Barrio Azteca Artistic Assassins Mexicles New Federation Terrorism Al Qaeda (all spellings) Terror Attack Iraq Afghanistan Iran Pakistan Agro Environmental terrorist Eco terrorism Conventional weapon Target Weapons grade Dirty bomb Enriched Nuclear Chemical weapon Biological weapon Ammonium nitrate Improvised explosive device IED (Improvised Explosive Device) Abu Sayyaf Hamas FARC (Armed Revolutionary Forces Colombia) IRA (Irish Republican Army) ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuna) Basque Separatists Hezbollah Tamil Tigers PLF (Palestine Liberation Front) PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization Car bomb Jihad Taliban Weapons cache Suicide bomber Suicide attack Suspicious substance AQAP (AL Qaeda Arabian Peninsula) AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb) TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan) Yemen Pirates Extremism Somalia Nigeria Radicals Al-Shabaab Home grown Plot Nationalist Recruitment Fundamentalism Islamist Emergency Hurricane Tornado Twister Tsunami Earthquake Tremor Flood Storm Crest Temblor Extreme weather Forest fire Brush fire Ice Stranded/Stuck Help Hail Wildfire Tsunami Warning Center Magnitude Avalanche Typhoon Shelter-in-place Disaster Snow Blizzard Sleet Mud slide or Mudslide Erosion Power outage Warning Watch Lightening Aid Relief Closure Interstate Burst Emergency Broadcast System Cyber security Botnet DDOS (dedicated denial of service) Denial of service Malware Virus Trojan Keylogger Cyber Command 2600 Spammer Phishing Rootkit Phreaking Cain and abel Brute forcing Mysql injection Cyber attack Cyber terror Hacker China Conficker Worm Scammers Social media

Obama just caught in big lie?

Obama just caught in big lie?

Documents confirm he was member of socialist party

Has Barack Obama been caught in a lie that could become a major issue in the upcoming election?
During the 2008 presidential election campaign, Obama’s camp categorically denied he was ever a member of the New Party, which sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.

The denial came amid reports of Obama’s participation with the party, including several articles by WND.
WND previously reported on newspaper evidence showing Obama was listed as a member of the New Party in the group’s own literature.

WND also conducted an exclusive interview with Marxist activist Carl Davidson, a founder of the New Party, who recounted Obama’s participation.

In 2010, John Nichols, Washington correspondent for The Nation magazine, recalled speaking with Obama at New Party events in the 1990s.

Aaron Klein’s “Red Army: The Radical Network That Must Be Defeated to Save America” exposes Obama’s presidential agenda
“When we spoke together at New Party events in those days, he was blunt about his desire to move the Democratic Party off the cautious center where Bill Clinton had wedged it,” wrote Nichols in a January 2009 piece published at
Now, researcher and author Stanley Kurtz, writing at National Review Online today, reports on documentation from the updated records of Illinois ACORN at the Wisconsin Historical Society that “definitively establishes” that Obama was a member of the New Party.

Kurtz reported Obama also signed a “contract” promising to publicly support and associate himself with the New Party while in office.
In 2008, Obama’s Fight the Smears campaign website quoted Carol Harwell, who managed Obama’s 1996 campaign for the Illinois Senate, as stating: “Barack did not solicit or seek the New Party endorsement for state senator in 1995.”
Fight the Smears conceded the New Party did support Obama in 1996 but denied that Obama had ever joined.
According to documents from the Democratic Socialists of America, the New Party worked with ACORN to promote its candidates. ACORN, convicted in massive, nationwide voter fraud cases, was a point of controversy for Obama during his 2008 campaign for president.

Becoming a New Party member requires some effort on behalf of the politician. Candidates must be approved by the party’s political committee and, once approved, must sign a contract mandating they will have a “visible and active relationship” with the party.
If Obama indeed signed the contract, not only would his campaign be caught in a lie but it could prove highly embarrassing for him at a time when he is fighting claims, including from Mitt Romney’s camp, that his policies are socialist.

Also, Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan of “Forward” has been criticized for its use of a historic socialist slogan.

Socialist goals
The socialist-oriented goals of the New Party were enumerated on its old website.
Among the New Party’s stated objectives were “full employment, a shorter work week and a guaranteed minimum income for all adults; a universal ‘social wage’ to include such basic benefits as health care, child care, vacation time and lifelong access to education and training; a systematic phase-in of comparable worth; and like programs to ensure gender equity.”
The New Party stated it also sought “the democratization of our banking and financial system – including popular election of those charged with public stewardship of our banking system, worker-owner control over their pension assets [and] community-controlled alternative financial institutions.”

Many of the New Party’s founding members were Democratic Socialists of America leaders and members of Committees of Correspondence, a breakaway of the Communist Party USA.

Last month, WND reported on a 1996 print advertisement in a local Chicago newspaper that shows Obama was the speaker at an event sponsored and presented by the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA.

WND first reported on the event in 2008.

Obama listed as New Party member
While Obama’s campaign in 2008 denied the then–presidential candidate was ever an actual member of the New Party, print copies of the New Party News, the party’s official newspaper, show Obama posing with New Party leaders, listing him as a New Party member and printing quotes from him as a member.

The party’s spring 1996 newspaper boasted: “New Party members won three other primaries this Spring in Chicago: Barack Obama (State Senate), Michael Chandler (Democratic Party Committee) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary).”

The paper quoted Obama saying, “These victories prove that small ‘d’ democracy can work.”

The newspaper lists other politicians it endorsed who were not members but specifies Obama as a New Party member.
New Ground, the newsletter of Chicago’s Democratic Socialists of America, reported in its July/August 1996 edition that Obama attended a New Party membership meeting April 11, 1996, in which he expressed his gratitude for the group’s support and “encouraged NPers (New Party members) to join in his task forces on voter education and voter registration.”

The New Party, established in 1992, took advantage of what was known as electoral “fusion,” which enabled candidates to run on two tickets simultaneously, attracting voters from both parties. But the New Party disbanded in 1998, one year after fusion was halted by the Supreme Court.

Springsteen slams 'greedy' bankers during concert

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Springsteen slams 'greedy' bankers during concert
Posted By: DannyCahalin
Date: Thursday, 7-Jun-2012 17:04:24

BERLIN -- Rocker Bruce Springsteen touched on a nerve of widespread discontent with the financiers and bankers at a Berlin concert on Wednesday, railing against them as "greedy thieves" and "robber barons."
Springsteen, a singer-songwriter dubbed "The Boss" who has long championed populist causes, played to a sold-out crowd at Berlin's Olympic Stadium, singing from his album "Wrecking Ball" and speaking about tough economic times that have put people out of work worldwide and led to debt crises in Greece and other countries.
"In America, a lot of people have lost their jobs," said Springsteen, 62, who performed for three hours to some 58,000 fans in the packed stadium that hosted the 1936 Olympics and the 2006 World Cup final.
"But also in Europe and in Berlin, times are tough," he added, speaking in fluent German. "This song is for all those who are struggling." He then introduced "Jack of All Trades", a withering attack on bankers that includes the lyrics: "The banker man grows fat, working man grows thin."
Europe has been especially hard hit since 2008's financial meltdown that sparked an enduring sovereign debt crisis. Unemployment on the continent has risen to levels not seen since the 1990s.
Springsteen's "Wrecking Ball" tour began on May 13 in Spain, which is struggling with its crushing debt load, and it runs for 2-1/2 months with 33 stops in 15 countries before concluding on July 31 in Helsinki.
Berlin, largely a working class city, has been a special place for Springsteen since his July 1988 concert behind the old Iron Curtain in East Berlin.
Watched by 160,000 people, or about 1 percent of then Communist East Germany's population, it was the biggest rock show in East German history, and The Boss boldly spoke out against the "barriers" keeping East Germans in their portion of the city.
Some historians have said the concert fed into a movement gaining moment at the time that contributed to the tearing down of the Berlin Wall 16 months later in November 1989.
"Once in a while you play a place, a show that ends up staying inside of you, living with you for the rest of your life," he told the crowd on Wednesday after being handed a poster from a fan thanking him for the 1988 concert. "East Berlin in 1988 was certainly one of them."
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Even though Germany has managed to come through the current financial crisis in fairly good shape, Berlin itself is struggling with a double-digit unemployment rate, low wages and a high poverty. And some of the lyrics in Springsteen's "Wrecking Ball" album clearly struck a chord with the crowd.
In "Shackled and Drawn", Springsteen sings about "Gambling man rolls the dice, working man pays the bill. It's still fat and easy up on banker's hill. Up on banker's hill the party's going strong, down here below we're shackled and drawn."
With "Easy Money", Springsteen rips into the "fat cats" who will "just think it's funny ... when you're whole world comes tumbling down." In "Death to My hometown", Springsteen assails the "greedy thieves and robber barons" who "destroyed our families, factories and they took our homes." In the song "Wrecking Ball", he sings: "Hold tight to your anger."
"The financial world has caused us all a lot of our problems and Springsteen has always been a critical spirit - that's what I like about him," said Kathleen Wapp, a 42-year-old doctor's assistant from Wolfsburg who was at the show. "I like the way he's not afraid to put a critical light on the key issues."
"I think it's great the way he's taking on the banking industry - he's got it dead right," said Matthias Beck, 46, a carpenter from Leipzig. "There's hardly anything good about banks. They take advantage of the little people, and it's always hard to find someone who'll take responsibility when it all goes wrong."


Drake’s Proposal for You to Vote On… [Simplified]

Drake’s Proposal for You to Vote On… [Simplified]

Below I have placed the message from this page of Lady Dragon’s website.
Now, since it took several clicks to get to that page from Drake’s website, I’ve tried to simplify everything by putting the message below and… “The Gist (Essence)”, which is:
a. Go below and read items 1, 2, and 3. Answer either Yes or No to each.
b. Write an email to:
c. In the subject line put the number and your answer to each question.
Example (in Subject line):
1- Yes (or No), 2- Yes (or No), 3- Yes (or No)
d. Send the email.
That’s it. The full message is below, so enjoy your reading and voting!
Thursday June 07, 2012
Drake’s proposal for you to vote on
By LadyDragon
MONTREAL – ( 07/06/12 (June 7, 2012)
LadyDragon has prepared the page for you all to cast your vote.
Please read the questions and answer through the email provided thank you :)
As many know, I offered new information that I had just received yesterday, on my show.
I will go through that information and how we can use it for our cause. I say ‘Our Cause’, which to me is Freedom, and all that goes with it.
The new information was a second contact by those famous families that seem to own everything.
The bad guys are trying to negotiate surrender.
ALL of them are in a very real bind, their funds have been cut off, and it looks like all of us are getting ready to come hunting them.
A part of that contact came from another person who stated that they are scared out of their wits…
Think of the idea of everybody and anybody being an enemy who just might be hunting you…hmmm?
I have offered the idea of a ‘conditional settlement’ on my show that gets everything done we have been trying to do.
1- Reality needs to be faced, like it or not.
-That reality is the choice of peace or war. IF We The People come after them, they have said they will fight to the very last man.
This means that even those few could inflict extreme damage in many places.
Yes, they have problems, BUT, they are not helpless, and most know what they are willing to do. Add a few military into that and everyone should get the idea.
2- There are three ‘principles’ involved in this.
We The People, Controller of the Collateral Accounts, and The ‘owners’.
What I am doing, by doing this, is to give an idea to all parties involved, what might be acceptable. Nothing more, nothing less.
This is NOT anything official.
It will give We The People a voice and will be presented to the other two principles.
This offers a basis that can be used as leverage in these negotiations.
AFTER the vote is taken, I will offer the results to our negotiator, and make the results known on Sunday, 1 – 3 EST.
It is very important that everyone who wants their freedom to vote.
We are not the only ‘freedom’ people involved in this. America has some 300 million +, and there are billions of people who stand to benefit from these negotiations.
This is just my attempt to help in all this…
The following is what I stated on my show on Wednesday 6/6/12. Each will be listed in the order I stated them.
1- N.E.S.A.R.A. The National Economic Security And Reformation Act.
This offers financial freedom. Please read the history of NESERA [NESARA] for more in depth information at these 2 places:
2- Release of ALL advanced technologies. The Collateral Accounts will be used to set up manufacturing and installation.
This offers jobs. There are between 6 and 800 of these that will change all our lives for the better.
3- Return to our founding Documents; 1787 Constitution + the original organic 13th Amendment/Article, The Articles of Confederation,
Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence.
This offers FREEDOM.
A project was completed where individuals from various states filed a package containing these documents with The Court of The Hague.
This was a ‘Notification Process’ of We The People declaring our freedom once again to the world.
Those who requested the project were satisfied with the results.
I know a lot of people are concerned with their identities for this vote.
Believe me when I say the none of us have had ANY privacy for years…’they’ know who you are already.
UNDERSTAND that the only thing that will be put out will be ONLY the numbers, nothing else.
As soon as we have the results I will send them to the right people… numbers ONLY.
I hope this clears the air on the subject of privacy and what I am doing.
I thank all who participate.
Everyone please email at
In the subject line put the number and your answer
1- Yes or No, 2- Yes or No, 3- Yes or No
Thank you everyone :) LadyDragon

Drake --- More Info

Dear Ones,
There was a very important call yesterday with Drake and my friend has condensed the MOST important issues that were covered in that call and I have included them in this email. Please read, take action and forward to everyone you know so we can vote as soon as it is possible to do so.
Suzy Star

Here is what has been prepared for our contacts so people don't have to wade thru long calls!! We need to reach as many people and any others with large groups as possible. I just learned that the vote will not be possible until later as a delay has prevented this from going up at noon. Hopefully will not be delayed beyond today!! We will send out a notice as soon as the link for voting is up on the site. 

Now here is what must be done. We must get as many people as possible to vote on a "treaty" as soon as possible after noon EDT today to support an effort to break this stalemate of indentured servitude and lack of prosperity. If not, we continue the stalemate that has been going on for years and the small portion of the military that still is taking orders from the illuminati will have an all-out battle with the remainder of the military at great cost of lives to anyone in the way because the illuminati is backed into a tight corner.

The explanation about what happened in the last 12 hours is below. The vote is whether people choose to have financial freedom, rollout of NESARA in very short order, extremely powerful healing technologies brought out now, free energy technologies as well introduced to all worldwide, and freedom restored across the planet with common law and constitutional governments supporting the people.

If you want this, go to
 and after 12 noon today EDT, you will see a voting platform on her site. A simple "yes" will do as I can't imagine anyone not doing otherwise. For a reader's digest version of what has happened over the last 12 hours see below. There is a link to the call last night that went on for 3 hours.

You have a MAXIMUM time period to vote until Sat. noon I believe, but please don't wait that long. Also note that these changes occurred on the Venus transit which is most auspicious. People are tired of waiting and want to get these changes implemented ASAP so that is why all 3 groups below have agreed to this. It ends formally the reign of the illuminati forever! Monday or Tuesday Drake will get a response back from the illuminati group formally acknowledging the agreement they have already consented to to begin the transition!

Many changes have occurred within the last 12 hours. There was a radio broadcast with Drake on Global Network with a Paul [??]  and the planned talk had been changed  immediately prior to that program as Drake had a critical call that changed the entire game plan. I am giving you the reader's digest version.

As you know, Drake has been working on the inside circles with the "Plan" generated some 30 years by Pentagon officials to end the illegal takeover of the U.S. government and governments worldwide. Mass arrests had been planned. There are several groups of players to be aware of: the U.S. military which has 80% of its people supporting the constitution and the populace, We the People [a term Drake uses that refers to those who are taking action to support freedom for all using legal and peaceful means to accomplish this], and then you have the cabal [illuminati folks which include the large number of banker minions].

Here is what has happened. Drake has friends within that last group which has obviously included many who wish to see the new changes inaugurated with the advent of 2012. They are wanting to see all have prosperity and freedom. Anyway, Drake gets this last minute call from that last group who are fearful for their lives because of the impending arrests. They have offered a way out for themselves, at the same time there would be a peaceful transition to NESARA [worldwide financial freedom] and would include rolling out ALL the healing and free energy technologies within possibly a month at the outside.

This country and all other countries would be transitioned almost immediately to common law and the constitutional governments. The illuminati would surrender all power and be allowed to live out their lives with exceptions. Drake said that the ones responsible for major loss of life thru instigating all wars will be tried and likely executed.

Those under the heads of the illuminati will also face similar charges. The only difference is that they will be allowed to be given lighter sentences in prison where they would be able to live out their lives [alive] once they left prison. This is agreed upon by all 3 major groups as outlined initially.

 This means, financial freedom for all within days, healing technologies will be released so powerful that limbs will be restored to all, free energy would be released for every car and home, and the constitution would be restored with freedom for all!

More Drake material

I listened to the entire interview live last night.

Drake still seems potentially credible as a former military man and Vietnam veteran with a high-level security clearance who claims to have been tasked by high-level sources within the Pentagon to inform the American people and prepare them for the changes that are coming when the “cabal” is taken down. That said, there are many reasons for doubts about the whole story.

The cabal allegedly consists of a network of bankers and government officials who have been secretly controlling global affairs and monetary systems for many years in order to benefit themselves at the expense of the people. In order to accomplish this, they have bypassed or overridden the Constitution in many ways.

The purpose of the plan of action being discussed by Drake is allegedly to restore the original U.S. Constitution and to create a new monetary system based on equity rather than debt as set forth in the Constitution. It also involves the restoration of the original 13th Amendment to the Constitution (which would preclude lawyers from serving in Congress) and the elimination of the fraudulent 16th Amendment as well as elimination of the IRS and the Federal Reserve System.

This plan will involve the arrest and removal from office or positions of power of a large number of individuals who have been involved in or complicit in these illegal acts.  

He is talking about a deal with the cabal to avoid civil war. He will be posting the terms of the deal on Sat morning at for Americans to vote on.

He says the bad guys are frightened. He claims the deal will not absolve any of the criminals – only avoid bloodshed. If the deal is accepted, major changes, including NESARA* and introduction of fantastic new technology, could be implemented within weeks.

*National Economic Security and Restoration Act

At one point, a question is asked about the role of China. Drake says he cannot discuss specifics, but that we will be very surprised to learn of the role of China in this matter.

One participant (near the end as she was leaving) got very angry at Drake for even considering a deal. She wants blood. (You can hear her at 2:40:45)

I am skeptical but open-minded.

You may also want to take a look at the new White Hats Report #42 discussing the involvement of The Bushes (all of them) the Clintons, the Obamas, Biden, Mitt Romney, and others in serious corruption and other criminal acts:

Read WHR #5 dated December 12, 2010 for an explanation of the Falcone case:

WHR #10 lists major secret Vatican bank accounts in the names of corrupt political figures, including $2 billion in Obama’s name and $400 million in Romney’s name:

WHR #11 discusses the Obama corruption:


Folks turn your TV off and listen to this as a family and get ur done.
Send email to Vote in subject line at bottom
1 yes  2 yes  3 yes if you want your freedom back.

Sometime real soon take 2 hours and listen to Drake, the man who is our liason to what is really happening with the mass arrests of the government cabal
and our Military. Major things are happening right now and I have to believe you  will like them as well. Sign up and be a part of WTP and let's clean the mess up.
Military will refuse to act if we do not give them authority to represent us.  Follow a lot of this on

Last night Drake had a 2 hour call. The link below will allow you to listen to it in its entirety. Go to Drakes site at:
 enter your e-mail address on the right side of the page. We the people and all patriot groups will have an opportunity to vote on whether or not we want to allow the Cabal to negotiate a settlement or not. Listen to the call and you will understand that last statement. Lets get moving on this folks! 

              (To listen)

The" White Hats" would like to get a consensus on where the "self aware people" stand on a peaceful solution to a better world. It is important that you read what benefits that the implementation of NESARA means to us all. This alone in conjunction with restoring our founding documents will solve all that ails us. No one is saying the cabal will get off easy, its just that a violent alternative will keep us in distress for a long time and cause much unnecessary pain and suffering.

Obviously, you should base your decision on your own feelings and understandings of the issues at hand.

God bless,
Bob    Read this Link opening page to get good understaqnding how and what the vote is about


Draft Submitted by a reader for your consideration 


NESARA has to be released in its entirety to end global debt and poverty.

All debt is to be forgiven, ie Mortgages, Taxes, IRS, HMRC and interest taken off money, only the very basic up keep cost to be applied via “use cost” through the transition period only until those things aren’t needed. The crown must cease an declare their fraud.

Return all countries to their original constitutions  / Bills of rights etc.

All hidden technologies must be released, to clean planet, create positive creative well paying jobs, sort out people’s health, most important ones put out first to clean all pollution first. No more use of Harp for negative reasons, all warheads must be disposed of safely.

All forms of global Pollution and Intoxication must cease immediately, clean water, no Chem-trails, no vaccines, clean organic food etc, anyone can grow what they like, clean an produce clean water.

All offensive Military Action / Ops / War will cease immediately, no TSA and other such things etc. and will be used to help everyone and all communities through the changes using the skills they have, to build, facilitate, plan, etc

Every Man /Woman and Child is given his sovereignty back and able to live how they wish via public announcements to live under common law. ie “Do No Harm”  etc.

All mainstream News and Media will come on board with public announcements and real educational programmes to assist in true knowledge and information is publicly given out. They will promote new projects an be the first line in recruitments for the developments an projects. ie announcing for example “THE PURE WATER INSTITUTION are currently seeking 15,000 workers in the united states to train and learn to filter an cleanse water pollution.




From their blog....

BREAKING NEWS 2pm, The divers are now down and investigating the circle and reports from the ship say they are really amazed. There is definitely something unusual hiding at the seabed – a Mystery Beneath. More information and pictures will be released next week.

[link to

Mass Arrests Confirmed To Be Underway - Do Not Be Shocked When It Happens

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Mass Arrests Confirmed To Be Underway - Do Not Be Shocked When It Happens
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 7-Jun-2012 10:35:19

Folks you may not believe Drake, may not believe Thierry and you may not even believe myself, but I cannot think of even one of you who would DENY the respected journalism of Tom Heneghan and the British Guardian’s editor in chief?
“UNITED STATES of America – It can now be reported that the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols is now only days away.
The implementation of the Protocols will:
1. Absorb worldwide debt
2. Recapitalize banks worldwide, and
3. Create an interest rate equilibrium that is revenue neutral and non-inflationary.”
The Global Settlements ARE the final financial trigger for the arrests that will be taking place, taking many of you by shock as all the way along you have believed these things to be false.
You may not be able to deal with the changes easily, and I mean that sincerely because the global settlements are a huge change. You will hear about it on television. They mean bankers will be arrested across the board, period.
Watch Drake’s radio show some time when you aren’t interested in fear and just want the truth, basically. He’ll explain that the “Plan” started in 1979 and that is officially the same timeline when the Wanta Reagan Mitterand Protocols started. Authorized by former presidents more than sixty years ago, the Reagan Mitterand Protocols are the only reason the U.S. Military would be given the actual power to arrest these criminal bankers and of course traitors. Listen to “Drake” confirm in his own words, the Protocols have quite a lot to do with the five-inch thick “Plan”. The Reagan Mitterand Protocols are the global settlements, and every single paper in Europe, has been apprized for more than a year.
(Yes I do know thierry t & lady dragon, who are a part of the plan)
They mean the financial criminals lose a huge amount of their financial status, which translates to wholesale changes across the board. The Wanta Mitterand Protocols as soon as they settle, produce changes you will never see coming or hear the end of for decades.
Read more here

Ka-Boom! Secret Central Bank Gold Agreements between Fed and Bundesbank!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's Billsbest: Ka-Boom! Secret Central Bank Gold Agreements between Fed and Bundesbank!
Posted By: CGI_admin
Date: Thursday, 7-Jun-2012 09:12:35

Ka-Boom! Secret Central Bank Gold Agreements between Fed and Bundesbank!
Posted by Charleston Voice, 06.06.12
Friends, this can get real nasty. We see from reading the pdf memorandum from GATA that the US Treasury is obedient to the US Federal Reserve System, a private bank syndicate. In effect, we have a tail wagging the economic destiny of our country! Too many other horrors to mention.
From page 243 (in 1991) German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt addresses the elite of the world at a lakeside talk. Helmut Schmidt, in his own autobiography, "Men and Powers, a Political Retrospective, says that he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg group. He also says that he has been an active participant in bringing in world government. Mr. Schmidt also said in his book that leaders from globalist bodies travel to the Grove every summer. He talks about secret groves in Germany where they do druidic rituals, but indicates that Bohemian Grove is his favorite place to participate in these rituals. Source
Exclusive: Fed Memorandum related to Gold Price Suppression in French and German
Juni 6th, 2012 Kommentare deaktiviert from LarsSchall
The Bavarian chapter of the German Taxpayer Association has translated an eminently important Fed memorandum by Arthur Burns for the campaign to repatriate Germany’s gold into the French and German language in order to counter one aspect of the continued falsehoods by German officials related to the storage of the German gold deposits in the U.S.
By Lars Schall
Read more: Ka-Boom! Secret Central Bank Gold Agreements between Fed and Bundesbank!

White Hats Report #42 - Frustrated and Desperate - Cabal Tries to Kill The Messenger, and FAILS THREE TIMES!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

- White Hats Report #42 - Frustrated and Desperate - Cabal Tries to Kill The Messenger, and FAILS THREE TIMES!
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 7-Jun-2012 08:59:50

June 6, 2012 – The White Hats Report #42
Frustrated and Desperate - Cabal Tries to Kill The Messenger, and FAILS THREE TIMES!!!

The Ed Falcone affair is akin to a Hollywood movie, only much more bizarre. It’s bizarre because the players involved are the highest elected and appointed officials in America. And it’s bizarre because the level of corruption includes treason, monstrously huge theft, bribery and attempted murder.
This plot includes the current and past Presidents, the current Vice President, the current Secretary of State, the CIA, a presidential contender, a German banker, a German bagman, and a Lt. Governor. It also includes bank trade programs, and attempted murder, or better yet, let’s call it like it is, an assassination attempt. There were multiple attempts.
To recap a prior White Hat Report, Ed Falcone attempted to invest funds in a private placement program which would have benefited those Katrina victims who had lost their houses, and it would have provided help to an urban renewal project in Miami. Mitt Romney, yes that Mitt Romney, introduced Falcone to former President G. H. W. Bush, Sr. who then orchestrated the theft of Falcone’s funds utilizing the nefarious talents of Dr. Michael Herzog and Paul Guenette. When Falcone couldn’t find help anywhere else, he reached out to Vice President Joseph Biden for assistance. Bush Sr. then reached out to Biden as well. He bought his silence to the tune of $200,000,000. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered the bribe. Since then, Falcone’s initial funds have been traded numerous times with Romney being paid in excess of $900,000,000 for his part in the plot.
After the fiasco in London with Dr. Herzog and the Global Euro Fund, Falcone was summoned to Europe to meet with Prosecutors and Police in Germany. He brought evidence against Dr. Herzog and other Bush Sr. associates. After arriving in Germany with evidence against Bush Sr. associates and Dr. Herzog in hand, he got word that an assassination attempt against him was in progress. He survived by diverting to another hotel, and successfully delivered the damning documents to German prosecutors.
The second attempt on Mr. Falcone’s life occurred on the return Lufthansa Airlines flight. During the flight, a flight attendant offered Mr. Falcone a bottle of water that he had not requested. She also told him that they had a special meal request, which he had not requested. The bottled water was kept unopened and tested later at a lab. The water had contained enough poison to kill Mr. Falcone.
After the first two attempts failed, it has been reported to us that Bush Sr. then contacted President Obama to engage the CIA in another attempt to silence Falcone. We were told that Obama issued orders to the agency to carry out an assassination against Falcone, a citizen of the United States of America. At this time, it’s unclear whether the President was aware of the two failed attempts to assassinate Falcone as ordered by Bush Sr. and carried out by rogue agency operatives.
A third attempt was made on Mr. Falcone’s life at the Four Seasons Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida. Falcone had discovered an article of clothing missing from his room and so the hotel staff offered to pay for dinner and drinks for he and his wife in the hotel’s restaurant at their expense. When Falcone refused the offer, they sent a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon wine to his room with an apology from the Hotel. Mr. Falcone again did not open the bottle but instead took it to a laboratory to be tested. Again, the wine was poisoned. The results of these tests are being held by the attorneys representing Falcone and are being heavily considered by the prosecuting authorities.
One of the owners of the Four Seasons Hotels is Microsoft. At present, we are unsure whether Bill Gates knew of the details of this operation but we DO know that he made introductions and handled arrangements between the agency and the hotel staff. It should be noted that the staff was aware that Mr. Falcone preferred Red Cabernet Sauvignon and that the label on the poisoned bottle carried the hotel’s name. Apparently the saboteurs surmised that Mr. Falcone would not suspect foul play involving an official Four Seasons Hotel bottle of wine.
What are Bush Sr. and the Cabal protecting? Was it their “sacred cow” Republican candidate for President? Or perhaps it was a failed attempt to eliminate the person who could witness to their vast international crime syndicate. Regardless, we now add attempted murder to a long list of international crimes. The Cabal was attempting to silence a United States citizen who was planning to use his funds to help those in New Orleans who desperately needed housing. This is just another instance of justice long denied, both to the people of the world and to Ed Falcone. Those stolen funds traded for profits went untaxed and were used for Black Ops. In addition, those stolen funds paid off all the co-conspirators who participated in the crime and also those who assisted in the cover up. As if all of this wasn’t enough to turn your stomach, the President of the United States gets an order by a former President to utilize the CIA to carry out an assassination attempt against a non-combatant, upstanding citizen of the United States of America because he had strength and fortitude to cause waves with the Cabal Agenda. You would think that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Department of Justice would care about all of this, but it appears they are compromised to the fullest extent possible.
This whole situation not only illustrates the severity of the crimes committed by the Cabal, but also displays the lengths to which they will go to protect their criminal enterprise:
*By usurping government assets when they need someone murdered.
*By stealing massive amounts of money from Individuals and Countries with impunity.
*By doing virtually anything else to stay above the law.
We’ve addressed a lot of issues in previous articles, but this is one of the most disturbing pieces we’ve ever released. Threats are one thing, but actual attempts by the government at murdering an American citizen who had called on his government for help... business as usual for the cabal.
What really disturbs The White Hats is that the very people we elected to protect us from such events are now carrying out these crimes against humanity. The concepts surrounding “The Rules of Engagement” have been a long term standard of this country’s moral compass and are now being circumvented by the very people we elect to protect us from such events. To this end, we reject those leaders and their actions as unconstitutional, treasonous, and immoral against mankind.