Thursday, June 7, 2012

Warnings About Drake from Teri Hinkle

Today it has been spread far and wide that we are to vote on a poll as to whether or not we would agree to some sort of "treaty" with the elite who as we all know are very nearly defeated. It seems their idea of a fair deal is either promise not to hold them accountable or they launch an all out war and reduce both sides to one third. Really?

Do you seriously think you can make a deal with the devil? And what kind of mentality thinks they would keep any promise? Never mind that would be the first time in history that a totally corrupt and unsalvageable bloodline ever exhibited an ounce of honor or understanding of it's definition. As far as I am concerned extinction is the only way to stop that very same bloodline from continuing the death and destruction they have wrought on humanity for thousands of years but hey that's just me. I don't usually have to be hit on the head more than once or twice before I get it.

Please use some common sense before you even consider casting a vote for any such outlandish and idiotic plan. This wreaks of the same militaristic mind set that caused the great disaster the world is in already. If you are on a ship that is sinking do you plug the holes with the same materials you built it with?

Now if that isn't enough common sense, stop and ask yourself what gives a few thousand people listening to an Internet radio show, the right to make any decision or even vote on a decision for the rest of the more than seven billion people on this planet? Add to that there are no details of this so called agreement, nor are there any identities revealed of just who is making a treaty to include and impact the whole globe. Gee, "we have to pass it to find out what's in it" comes to mind.

There is another good question; wouldn't it give them the answer they would love to have as to how many of you would choose to get down on your knees and accept their idea of a deal rather than finish the fight once and for all so they can re-group and start again?

Are you so desperate you would sell your country, your children and grandchildren for NESARA money? Do you get on your knees and worship the very thing they used to enslave you in the first place, money? If so you will deserve the consequences of your part of the deal.

I do not support, was not a part of and was not told about this. I have fielded calls and emails all day long asking me if I was either in favor or not. This is just plain nuts folks and if this is an example of how weak and dependent this nation has become, how dumbed down and indoctrinated the people are, it's time to bug out. That's my answer.

For those of you who may not have heard about it and are wondering what I am talking about read for yourself and then please use the minds God gave you. 


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Anonymous said...

Right on Teri! This is nothing more than BULLSHIT from a snake oil salesman like Tim Turner. You poor misguided fools!

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with Teri here. Never trust a cornered dog or a desperate man.

And why not just use a poll on Nesara Blog instead of going to a very poorly developed website with lots of buy me links to then submit by e-mail your answers?

This seems more like an e-mail campaign to collect everyones e-mail addresses. This is truly not a vote by humanity.

All this injustice must stop. Come on Humanity we can do better than this.

JimCosta said...

Most wars destroy the very thing they are fought over.

Gaining your freedom is not a spectator sport.

My personal opinion is Drake is unprofessional and acts more like a broker than an insider. By broker I mean a person that plays all sides and gets them to come to a table to deal when they never would have on their own. That is a broker.

The voting is not actually voting on anything if you read the webpage. It is Drake asking for our energy to back him so he can garner credibility to drag others into meeting with him to broker peace.

When someone is willing to stand and rush forward off Omaha beach, the least others can do is support him with covering fire.

eenerski said...

I agree. Once again any pertinent information like who he is working for cannot be revealed. This sounds like a trap. If you vote no than of course that info will be passed on to those that don't want any sheeple to stir the pot. Why would we sign a treaty with the devil. This started out mass arrest now it's let the gangsters have another chance. Didn't we do that with the thugs from hitler. They got a whole 12 years in prison for mass murder and then came to the US to start over again. Yeah, that worked well. Time to take these murderers down for good. A lifetime of solitair to think about what they've done. Separate them from thier families. Take thier children away. I am being leanient. I would give them a 6 by 6 cell with a metal bed, sink and toilet. But sorry, not contact with other humans. They are to dangerous to leave out in the public even with other gangsters.

Anonymous said...

Teri is a raving lunatic who has no idea what he/she is talking about. This is not a "treaty" being negotiated, it is a surrender. Teri seems bent on revenge and destruction. The cabal knows it has lost and wants to give up without being publicly lynched. Under these terms, the real nasty ones, the leaders, will still be tried and executed. Their powerful minions will be jailed for the next generation or better. All their ill-gotten gains will be returned to the people. The over-bearing government will be no more. New energy and healing technology will be released. The IRS, HLS, TSA, etc. will all be dissolved. It's not the NESARA money we crave, it's the freedom from tyranny. Who has a problem with this? Teri obviously has no common sense and is driven by hatred and revenge. I say let the Peace begin!

eenerski said...

I agree. Once again any pertinent info like who he is working with is confidential. For all we know he could be working with the banksters. This sounds like a trap and you know if it sounds like a trap, feels like a trap and smells like a trap, it's probably a trap. If you vote no you better believe your info isn't private because they sure don't want any sheeple around that are willing to stand up to them.
This started out as a mass arrest and turned into lets give the gangsters another chance. Well we did that with hitler didn't we. The mass murderers thier got 12 yrs and then came to the US. That worked out well didn't it.
I say solitair for life. Rip them from thier families. Take thier children from them. I would be leanient. I would give them a 6 by 6 cell with a metal bed, sink and toilet but I wouldn't allow them out in the general population. Thier to dangerous to have human contact.
These monsters are mass murderers. They deserve to be treated as such.

What a bunch of bull. After we sign the treaty they will resind all the bad executive orders and laws. Yeah, we trust people who use false flags to kill hundreds of thousands of people. And if we don't sign the treaty they will kill 2/3 of the people. That sounds like trustworthy people. Go Drake.

Anonymous said...

"They" showed no mercy as they were destroying our families. So, if any type of "forgiveness" is involved, above any measures of treaty, I would demand a visible tattoo, or other mark, clearly on their forehead and that they, both male and female, be completely neutered so they CANNOT REPRODUCE - - ever.

Anonymous said...

What is lunacy about the numbers? We're talking about a few thousand people making decisions for ME and MY FUTURE. That's just what we have now, folks. The dangling of the carrot of NESARA just makes it easier to go along with it. YOUR LEADER IS IN THE MIRROR and the sooner we all get that through our heads the better for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Shut down corporate America on September 11 2012 - sharing Music, Art, and Culture. A day to lay our gifts, skills, talents and innovations down on the table.
An original thanksgiving so to speak. A day for US! to get to know our neighbors with a mutual love, respect and appreciate for our own unique individuality.
sign today "The painted lady X projects"

Anonymous said...

LISTEN TO THE DRAKE CALL before you "judge" -- and listen to your intuition!

THE ENERGY ON MOTHER EARTH/GAIA - has shifted...and is shifting! We are entering the 5th dimensional energy field and in that, we can co-create PEACE, ABUNDANCE and PROSPERITY for all without destruction!

WE CAN NOT CREATE A WORLD with all of those qualities by using the same ugly ways that have been used over the last 100 years....we are better than that!

THE CABAL WILL BE STRIPPED and THEY WILL BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE! We can do our part and send forgiveness to them so that "we can be healed" and can move forward.

BELIEVE IN MIRACLES...a new day is here!!!

Anonymous said...

The people cry out for a savior. They want someone else to do something for them. They want someone else to act on their behalf and to provide various physical, emotional, and spiritual comforts and securities.

Yes, what a great pleasure a mentally and emotionally destitute (“meek”) man finds knowing that for the nominal fee of blind obedience, someone else will fulfill his needs and also dispense hell and damnation to his enemies.

Who could pass up such a platinum deal? The day the current guru fails to cut it, then the next gimmick-merchant on the block will do just as well.

Truth can perish, and the world can come to ruin, but as long as the ego and the persona, and the illusion of salvation at the hands of others remains constant, we believe.

The incompetence level is turned up on high and you don't understand how or why. You don't want to resist anything.

You must cease fighting everything and everyone, or you cannot ascend to a higher level of being when that time arrives.

When you are in resistance of something, you are magnetizing the very thing back to yourself that you are in resistance of.

The universe also delivers what you don't want based upon the wrong use of your will. You do not give power, energy and attention to those things you do not desire,

The universe does not determine how strongly you feel about the things you want and the things you do not want, it just delivers the goods you asked for with your very own crummy thinking, that is very strongly resisting any responsibility for creating the very things you find yourselves complaining about.

It's groundhog day and you don't understand why.

Anonymous said...

Teri makes a valid argument. We must be firm and tough with these evil individuals, they have no disregard for people, the earth, only the pursuit of greed and profit. All these proposals of terms of surrender is GARBAGE. If they want WE THE PEOPLE to back this positive change, the military and all others must proceed and ARREST THESE PEOPLE. Surrender is weak, we owe it to the millions of lives who have perished through the actions of these individuals. We need proof, we need names, documents. Announcements on all major media networks. Without this, all this is just talk and will go no where.

Anonymous said...

Hear, Hear!!! and to AnonymousJune 7, 2012 8:34 PM- I pray for you and your blinding ignorance. May God's Light shine bright for you to see.

Anonymous said...

I too agree with Teri. Since when has voting ever got the people what they wanted? The devil is cornered and wants to make a deal and we would be foolish enough to believe the devil would keep his word. Come on people we are not that gullible.Look at the peace treatys given to the indians,were they kept? I say mass arrests is the only way,it's time for a whole new system!

Anonymous said...

People, people. Choose peace. Deep down inside that's who you really are. Just vote yes if you want peace. It is that simple. This is just a poll to let the good guys know we're behind them, that we support them. That's all it is. Yes the whole thing is awkward like a child learning to walk but just roll with it and vote. Take just a quiet minute, listen to your heart, give your anger just a moment to rest.

Anonymous said...

From what I come to understand Teri Hinkle can't get along with anybody. If you truly want WAR how are we going to fight together we can't even have a common goal we can come together on. All WARS end with negoiations like it are not. Surrender always comes wirh TERMS.

Anonymous said...

I trust Drake and sent in my email. After reading all your comments, I wish I could send him more votes.

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. Well said. Let's add that to the conditions of surrender, along with no more cloning.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being a reasonable voice in the storm of emotion. This is just letting the good guys that we're behind them, that we support them, that we support peace. Thank you for your post.

uwho said...

Here is the thing. If this was true about the mass arrests and I'll believe it when I see it. It's true these people or things CAN NOT be trusted. They do not have the capacity to understand the concept of Love. We in turn do. We should approach them with all the precautions of a contagious disease which is what they are. As a surgeon, he protects himself with gloves, gown, mask and shield but he does not turn his back on the patient, he does the surgery anyway. Same with these things. The hardest part is capturing them. Once that happens, we just have to make sure they can NOT hurt anyone else. I'm with the other guy, imprison them, without any communication or chance for parole in some place where they can not escape. That should be good enough. WE ARE NOT EVIL, and we should act like them.

Anonymous said...

The book of ACTS calls them TARES and they are to be BUNDLED AND BURNED. THAT IS ALL. No love, No accepting apologies. I KILLED THREE SNAKES TODAY AND LOVED IT. Jesus did not call this BROOD OF VIPERS , VIPERS FOR NOTHING. If you let one live they will breed back. Read Lincoln ROCKWELL's "THE FABLE OF THE DUCKS AND HENS."

Anonymous said...

What part of some of them we know and some of them we don't, did you not hear in that audio.

Oh, yeah. You heard what you wanted to hear. I can just pick a sentence and it all sounds like crap.

Take for instance this gem.
He said: "There may be the option for doing a peaceful transition....."

What on earth did you hear...oh yeah, you heard a peaceful transition.

you totally miss this man's play on words.

"May" is not will.
"Option for doing" is not fact.

He said: "They might just escape with their lives."

"Might just escape" is not won't escape.

Question was about going back to the Gold standard.
Answer: It's going to be a complex financial system, it's not going to be simply precious metals, it's going to be a combination of things..
Question: It will be asset based.
Answer: it is a yes and no in combination.

I say it was - A vague promise of combinations of things.

Question was: Are they still planning on a Revaluation of all the currencies.
Answer: "Well that may or may not be necessary, depending on Uh what it is us we decide by this vote and whether or not its acceptable.

How you like them apples.

What are others hearing? Certainly not what is on the audio that can be played over and over and paused and rewound and stopped and start over until you actually hear what he says between the Uuuuuhs.

thatguy928 said...

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

I recommend Teri learns a little history rather than teaching it for a change. MLK kind of knew what he was talking about...

Anonymous said...

NESARA was passed into law over 10 years ago and should have been enforced long ago.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Thanks for your venom, Teri. By the way, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? Address, particulars, love life, etc. Pass it out, Miss disclosure. Did not think so. Someone, somewhere, sometime HAS TO END THE KILLING! It's been tried before to kill our way to peace and justice, no success yet. I seethe at the idea these psychopaths may not have revenge and justice meted out to them according to the crimes. Removing them from human interaction in a beyond super secure facility should do it. We risk tainting ourselves by joining in, no matter how justified. We all have a chance to END IT HERE. NO AMOUNT of punishment will bring back the victims, if it could, I would personally put them all through a big blender. Besides, what else are we gonna do? Storm the Rothschild's castle? Thousands of years and thousands of times in our human past have we tried killing our way to that elusive peace. WON"T HAPPEN! EVER! Maybe you and I can proudly say to our families and the world - WE HELPED STOP THE KILLING! GO DRAKE! GO J.MACHAFFIE! GO PEACE! GO RV! frj

Anonymous said...

Im with teri you dont ever make a deal with the devil. Whats wrong with you guys you dont even know drake. You listen to everybody but trust no one untill they have solid evidence. This asshole wants us to bow down to the ones who kill our children and blow up buildings wirh innocent people in them i got my guns im ready.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is how war continues on forever because nobody is willing to end it without an eye for an eye. This is a test of ascension. In order to go into 5D it will have to be an end of judgement an end of the "male" dominated energy of fear and hate. The offer was for far more than NESARA money as it also is a return to sovereignty, release of technologies that return the planet to balance and allows for ascension into 5D. The author of this article will simply be one who gets left behind as they clearly have not learned the lessons that are to be learned on 3D earth prior to ascension into 5D. In 5D, thought = instant manifestation and NO hatred, judgement or fear will be able to exist on that plane because it would manifest into immediate destruction. There also are many behind the scenes who are members of the "Galactic Federation of Light" who have dismantled all of the attempts of the cabal to date of their deceiving ways and they will be punished, guaranteed in ways that we are not aware of. The Galactic Federation of light, ascended masters and other forces have technology that far exceeds what will be released to Earth and deems any threats by the Cabal useless. Drake is only able to reveal so much and if he starts talking about our Alien allies that are in the skys in numbers far beyond imagination then he will really lose everybody. The test is the response we provide and if you want to throw away all that was offered because it did not get presented in the fashion you desired and
you rather risk mass killings and more war then you won't make it during ascension and you will continue to reincarnate in 3D until you learn the life lessons you need to learn. I don't trust the Cabal but I trust GOD and the Divine Plan and the 1,000's of spacecraft waiting to pounce and the Ascended Masters. They know when the Cabal has an itchy testicle and what pubic hair caused it and they monitor and track each and every word and thought no matter where on the planet they are hiding out. Victory is assured and has already been achieved and it's just a matter of when it will be made public. Our 3D perspective does not have the ability to understand how the higher dimensions function, it's impossible to comprehend from our limited perspective. The writer of this article is still functioning from fear. Oh and by the way, more than 80% of this country is asleep and they don't even have a clue who the Cabal is and wouldn't believe it no matter who tried to convince them. Our space brothers & sisters will make the disclosure and I can't wait to see the looks on people's faces when their TV states "We interrupt this program for the following message from the Pleidian's and Sirians". Everything you have been made to believe in has been one big manipulation and lie and you have less than 6 months to learn who you are and how to think in order to ascend into the 5th dimension.

Marco said...

Some things to keep in mind, I think Teri does have some valid points, but it’s not the only point to be taken into consideration here, is it?

First of all, I hope you all are aware of and realize one thing and that is, I doubt very much that Drake is the only one doing these negotiations behind the scenes, in fact I am quite sure he is not, I don’t know who he is talking to behind the scenes but I assure you he is not acting alone here, he is basically the spokesperson from my understanding of everything I have heard so far.

Second of all, who are we to play god and shoot to kill and then ask questions later, Does this act serve humanity well and with dignity, I highly doubt it, yes the Cabal are bad, yes they have done horrific things and for a very long time and yes they should be dealt with, but perhaps on an individual level based on their involvement and how truly evil they are.

Just keep in mind and as I said before, this whole taking out of the cabal is only one aspect to this whole deal of massive change that lays on the cups of the horizon, our entire planet, even the galaxy is changing and along with this change, we as individuals as well as the collective are also changing, most of us know without outside influence to our personal knowing that things are moving very fast these days, it don’t take a rocket scientist to figure out.

Furthermore, I have in fact heard Drake mention on countless occasions that this whole thing is fluid, this means that things change, it happens to the best of planning experts why not on something as massive an undertaking as this is? Can any of us do better, we need to come together and stop dividing ourselves otherwise I fear we will loose and if that happens at this stage, whose fault might that be, ours or theirs? All of us know what actions the Cabal have done, many of us deal with and live the pain of their actions every single day of our lives, but we must come together on this or risk losing it all with our egos, is this what we want? Really is it, I think not.

Another thing I would like to point out is that very, very few people have firsthand knowledge of any of the things happening in our world today, I certainly don’t and I am fairly sure that most people on this or any other website do, yet we often have more opinions based on nothing more than ideas and opinions, the fact is, we don’t know for sure if Drake is true and honest, or if Teri is or even if my own Mother is, the truth is, anyone of us can say and do anything does not mean it’s true, does it?

We must learn to use our intuition rather than our minds, at least in MHO…. Of course, you can put that with a US Fiat buck and maybe get yourself a cup of coffee between the two, right?

Hers yet another something to ponder on, because of the change we must all go through a this time, we might not be so inclined or even have the wherewithal to even conjure up our actions as the collective are now doing, could it be at all possible that the Cabal has played their part in forcing humanity to a place we might go otherwise to help us face this change, besides this, we are all to blame here and yes even me for I/We have accused as we lived It all up in our make believe wonderland, we bought into the cabals scheme lock stock and barrel did we not, it is fact we let it get this far and so I think we all need to take part in the blame game, we all sit around playing the victim while he cabal continue to teach what we must now do. In some ways, I is the cabal hat is bringing this to a head; we are the creators of our own reality.

Let us stop and think not from our past but from a place of peace, love, compassion and understanding, if we think with our minds, perhaps we are still allowing our egos run amuck.
I don’t know the answers, only the questions, when we think we know, chances are we are in ego mode
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that this is an attempt to get off the hook by some miserable beings and I am with the majority of this comments... Any entity that has caused so much harm and that have shown no remorse does not deserve this kind of a opportunity... They should be disintegrated and return as dust to the creator... and if this includes me... so be it.

deacon said...

Good ol' Teri, the fear based flaming fruit bat

Anonymous said...

I agree!!! On with the mass arrests if that really will happen..after they are all arrested work out sentences later, none of them should EVER get out of prison EVER. The only bargaining with them should be wether they should be allowed to live in solitary confinement for the rest of their life or publicly executed for all the mass muders.

Anonymous said...

I was elated to see this Teri as I came in and turned on the computer, and discovered you beat me to the punch....I had the day to really think about the overview of this whole idea of Drakes... I then saw Dragon Ladie's gambling site (what does that tell you?) and the fact that Drake refused to answer 3 of my questions is only a scratch of questions I now have... When I was in college I excelled in Logic and Reasoning and have used it most of my adult life. To those folks that are jumping up and down at cornering a rattle snake ..... watch out as that is when they are the most dangerous.... This whole scenario is like playing teeter totter with a 400 LB gorilla on one side and a 160 pound man on the other.... Drake said they said that the cabal is out of money.... I call him on that one and say camel poop.... Someone is lying BIG TIME.... I know that Rothschild is worth many quadrillions of dollars in gold, silver and other currencies. The queen's coffers are full, and so is the Vaticans.... People, if they were negotiating, do you think there would be a truce? Or Obewan would be playing 'kill-em' with his drones? Or chemtrails would still be falling? Or all the other crap still going on as it still is?.... WAKE UP!!.... DAD SAID "IF IT LOOKS LIKE A SKUNK AND SMELLS LIKE A SKUNK, IT PROBABLY IS A SKUNK!".. FROM SEEING ALEX JONES COVERAGE OF THE BILDERTURD CONVENTION, I DID NOT SEE EVEN ONE OF THESE SCUMBAGS SCARED, ESPECIALLY SINCE TGHEY WERE BEING GUARDED BY OUR UNITED STATES MARINES!!! WHAT GIVES WITH THAT YOU MARINES??... THAT WAS really SAD AND EVEN SMACKS OF TREASON TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE...

TLGA said...

I did not make the post to this blog. It was an email sent out to my private email list. As I said in the message I was bombarded all day long for my input. That is exactly what I gave. This was not an attack on Drake as he was the messenger. It was however an attack on the message and I wish that my friend had used better sense than to deliver it.

Had I wanted my email to be posted publicly I could have and would have done so. Nevertheless it is now out there. So be it. I stand by my opinion and feel the need to remind all of you. These polls, surveys etc. are exactly what the elite use to analyze and design the very propaganda campaigns they use on us every day of our lives. They use them to find out what we are thinking, how to control us, how to influence us.

As for the oh so eloquent pinhead who calls me a raving lunatic, man up and use your own name! At least I don't hide behind an anonymous label to voice my convictions.

Anonymous said...

We all want peace. Nobody wants war. That's why we're here. We want an end to the suffering. How it ends is an entirely different matter. I was hopeful about Drake up until now. He has to understand that we will not fall for a Woodrow Wilson type settlement of peace without victory. There has to be victory because the cabal has to be expunged for there to be peace. It really is that simple. There will be no future sunny days unless these roaches are exterminated. If we extend any olive branch to them, then we are just giving them time to reorganize and strike at a later date. For the sake of our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc, we must finish this now. As hard as that seems. Their plans were hatched over centuries. Our vigilance to freedom must be just as strong. War sucks, people will die, maybe a whole lot. But if we give in and shrink from this, there will be nothing left for future generations. It's a tough choice to turn down a deal, but it's the right choice.

Anonymous said...

It's a freaking POLL people! Damnation you're not voting on the next president for God's sake. They just want our opinion. Let's not get all crazy and make this out to be more than it is. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Teri is lieing to you all what he or she is telling you 100% disinformation and Drake is and as been right on ever since wake up people are time is now and Drake is telling us and letting us know what's really about to go down

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your venom, Teri. By the way, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? Address, particulars, love life, etc. Pass it out, Miss disclosure. Did not think so. Someone, somewhere, sometime HAS TO END THE KILLING! It's been tried before to kill our way to peace and justice, no success yet. I seethe at the idea these psychopaths may not have revenge and justice meted out to them according to the crimes. Removing them from human interaction in a beyond super secure facility should do it. We risk tainting ourselves by joining in, no matter how justified. We all have a chance to END IT HERE. NO AMOUNT of punishment will bring back the victims, if it could, I would personally put them all through a big blender. Besides, what else are we gonna do? Storm the Rothschild's castle? Thousands of years and thousands of times in our human past have we tried killing our way to that elusive peace. WON"T HAPPEN! EVER! Maybe you and I can proudly say to our families and the world - WE HELPED STOP THE KILLING! GO DRAKE! GO J.MACHAFFIE! GO PEACE! GO RV! frj

Anonymous said...

What part of this article do you think she was talking about Tim Turner. I believe she was referring about Drake.

How ignorant!

Dale T. Hedberg said...

I am amazed at this woman's posting as well as her admonishment during the taped program. Have we not lost enough of our blood and treasure in foreign wars to now lose more in a domestic war? I am a person who has been waiting over 20 years for the benefits of Farm Claims/Bank Claims and NESARA Law. Just to give you an idea of what was said to us over the years was that Ron Paul would be the interim president and Dennis Kucinich would be vice-president. Under NESARA there would be a DEPARTMENT OF PEACE, and I forget who was supposed to head that up. Great way to start off the Department of Peace with a domestic war. Do you want to have a Syria here? That concept is as bad as having Obama awarded the Noble Peace Prize and then committed more troops to Afghanistan, ordered the death of Osama Bin Laden, have a hit list and order drone strikes on members of his list and watch the tapes of the hits over and over again in his study with excitement, and order the CIA to assassinate Edward Falcone? The Beetles said it all with, "What I am saying, is give peace a chance." Your rant was uncalled for, yet you have every right to do so. Think of the families that would suffer the losses if a domestic war ensued. A decision has not been made, but they are in an information gathering stage to be presented to the negotiators. Remember that the Bilderbergers meet on the 21st at a castle in Nevada. That would be a great place to isolate them and arrest them during their satanic rituals or at the Bohemian Grove in California. Remember too that ajudications will proceed even if a peaceful transition occurs. You come off as if you want to head up your own Military Industrial Complex and wage war against those that have done harm to us. That makes you no better than they are. I spent over 8 years in the Army with 3 being with the 101st Airborne Division as a medical corpsman, and I know how to pronounce it unlike Obama. I was a nurse anesthetist for 38 years with a perfect career healing people. I got into this and have waited over 20 years to leave a better country and world behind for my children and not to have it destroyed by a domestic war.

Anonymous said...

We ask to go back to the original constitution where basically the only law is "Cause No Harm" yet on the other hand all this tells me is that the "Cause No Harm" will apply only to those of us who already wish to cause no harm yet those who have caused much harm and with much glee are to be excused from this one and only law. Hmmm doesn't this sound like the same old biscuit warmed over where those who have thought themselves better than the rest of us are the only ones who are excused from breaking the law? We can't have it both ways guys and gals.. Either we have a law that applies to all or none at all!

Whiskey Six said...

Let me understand this, we’re supposed to negotiate with entities that have done nothing but lie, cheat, steal, murder, control and deny the rest of us our soverign freewill? Now they extend their hand? I guess I won’t be surprised when the hammer/hidden hand behind their back crushes our skulls as we reach out to shake their hand. SHOW US. We need a serious measure of GOODFAITH because the Cabal lacks all credibility. Stop the chemtrails or come clean on 911. Throw us a bone, or become a bag of bones. The choice is yours. The final Game begins now.

Anonymous said...

TERI, I ask you simply how do you expect to receive love and forgiveness if none is given. We have all suffered at the evil cabal intentions and hands. Only to be placed in a format of fear. I choose to allow my higher awaking and consciousness to guide me into the love and light we have all bpreviously come from. War begets war... Love begets Love. Do you plan on taking on the mask and costume of the the thing you hate in an attempt to gain victory? I do not know what faith or religion you follow. May I suggest you look inward. Not to the things you have been taught or lead to believe is truth. The routines of the everyday life on this planet still keep us in slavery. We can not break the chains we have placed on ourselves willingly and unknowingly till we decide to awaken out of fear. We must use our minds and hearts to say simply no more. We The People are in control. We represent to collective for the good of all in cooperation and unity. Those who choose the wrong another will have a judgement of their peers. The Rights on Liberty are for all. We are spiritual beings having the youngest human experience. Listen to your heart and higher consciousness of your oldest spiritual self I the Universe.
Peace will find you when you let in .

Anonymous said...

We are not going to war.

2012 is where they have to get out! They can't consume the light in 6 months.

They offer that you take what they might give you, or go to war.

If you were foreclosed on and kicked out of your home, the negotiations could be, do you want your home back? Do you want us to turn on the electricity? Do you want to stop fighting over who owns the home?

You answer yes, then you have to work to re-obtain everything that was sold or given away because you had to get out of your home, and when it's all over, they take the entire neighborhood via imminent domain and raze your home to the ground.

Congratulation, you have peace.

Anonymous said...

Three words "divine and conquor" they get to do this everytime and they've done it again.

Anonymous said...

I think Kauilapele's got it right by simply saying.........

Okay. This is simple. Vote or not. It’s up to each to decide. (Remember? At this recent post?)

All I can say is that, when I heard about this, and spoke to a few about it, I got that it was all about setting our intentions. What kind of a world do we want? Individually, and collectively.

This is all about setting the intentions.

Do it this way, with “the vote”, or some other way.

You can see from the internets posts and tits and tats and spits and spats and all this and all that and Drake is this, Drake is that, Drake is wrong, Drake is full of sh#&, and whatever…

The Light, which has been extremely amplified and intensified these past few days (and will continue), is shining on all of the areas in everyone that is calling for “De-Crappification”. Capital D, capital C, -rappification.

So, in my mind, I would say, enjoy it or not. Vote or not. Participate or not. You will KNOW what to do. Don’t “think” it… KNOW it.

TLGA said...

I was not on any taped program so haven't a clue what you are talking about. During the radio show which prompted this insanity I was on my own regularly scheduled conference call on the subject of debt elimination and collection fraud.

Yes I am entitled to my opinion and as I stated, I did not post this or intend for it to be posted. It was a private email to my list of contacts. However that does not change my stand on the issue, which is of course wholly mine.

TLGA said...

Apparently you don't understand the GREAT difference between religion and spirituality nor the fact that faith is personal and not to be influenced by others. My faith is none of yours or anybody else's business nor do I need to hear your opinion on that which you have no knowledge.

I have not called for war. I have refuted there is such a choice in this lunatic proposition. Once again there is a HUGE difference.

TLGA said...


TLGA said...

Yep, you can't expect to repair with the same tools used for the destruction.

Anonymous said...

TERI: Please do not disregard this matter. Feel free to contact me if you have further questions. I am more than willing to be of assistance in any way that I can. Teri Lynn Hinkle 478-374-4132 Georgia -- jan2011. - - - - ...sept 2011.... - - - -
May 14, 2012. President of the Restored Republic Tim Turner responds to Drake detractor Teri Lynn Hinkle. - - - -

Jane Doe said...

I am not a Teri Hinkle fan, having heard her on the radio show. However, I totally agree with her on THIS issue. These people have to be taken down -- to the finish. They have no honor, period. THEY LIE, STEAL, CHEAT, MURDER, and THREATEN (as they're doing NOW). This half-baked scenario to SAVE THEMSELVES is the LAST thing I would have expected of Drake, the militia, and all the other good souls fighting these neanderthals. THEY MUST GO - ALL OF THEM! AND every last one of them should be EXPOSED -- BY NAME -- TO THE WORLD.

I do NOT believe that a 30-year military plan to bring us back to constitutional government would have OMITTED plans for the DANGER posed by the ARCHONS. These military commanders have been working side-by-side with them for the entire 30 years. They either PLANNED or they DIDN'T. WHICH IS IT, Drake?

Anonymous said...

What is being discussed here has a name. It is called “compromise”. Compromise has at least one very interesting quality. In all compromise there is loss. It may be 100% loss on one side or the other side. But more often than not it is both sides losing some. To lose some you must give up that “some”. Always remember, however, what you give up the other side wins.
To those spouting Christianity and Jesus and love, the very same bible (assuming you read it and didn’t just listen to what other liars say about the subject) from which you gained those things also clearly states you are not allowed ANY compromise. ZERO PERIOD. You are compromising not your morals and values but those of the God you claim to serve. How did you get that right?
When you compromise food with poison; poison wins, even if it just a little bit of poison.
When you compromise good with evil; evil wins, even if it just a little bit of evil.

Anonymous said...

Great comment!

TLGA said...

Another consideration is the concept of polls and how they are used. Many times they are used to fabricate a sort of consensus. Generally it is a consensus (???) of the uninformed and easily duped.

The military has been using propaganda and polls since Ed Bernays first launched his psy-war campaign against the public in justification of WWI.

Polls limit the need for critical thinking to devise other choices and thoughts, the goal is already reached by getting the slaves to participate believing they are exercising their "rights" to voice their opinions, and the compartmentalized questions and answers are crafted to show the poll-makers how to best herd the sheeple into another direction of their choosing. Brilliant!

the dave said...

Seriously, someone wrote the bible says don't compromise? That's a joke.The bible is all about compromise and forgiveness. Get the foam out of your mouths, folks, it's unbecoming.

Anyone worrying about Drake being compromised or changed, I'd say your own discernment is compromised. Bloodlust in your eyes will make you believe anything - but if you listen to the full show where Drake talked about this, he simply sees it as a better way, provided the cabal follows through. If they don't, the plan to arrest is still on.

Drake realizes if it works, it will save many many innocent lives AND give us our release even sooner.

Drake is not compromised - but rather, IMO, peoples bloodlust has blinded them to anything but vengeance. But you are not considering the price. Drones will attack us for starters, infrastructure will be blown up, and a lot of avoidable death and destruction will take place.

Take some breaths and use your intelligence - not just your emotions...

ProfJim said...


Anonymous said...

Religion and faith come little into play when the bottom line is we are all one and learning from one another. We all bleed the same blood and will return to the same source. Bless you on your journey and i certainly was not trying to enter into your business or step on your ego. Good Luck!
However, You did not ask for my opinion but did open yourself up when posting what i call fear mongering. People have a right to vote... or Not vote. if in the end the masses chose to move a direction each person has a decision to make. Perhaps you do not know the difference between a surrender and treaty. I am not interested in a treaty... I agree with you there. If it is a surrender... which I have read it is... well I accept the surrender.

Whiskey Six said...

Many of you light warriors are not understanding the GRAVE situation we are in. There are ACTIVE depopulation plans in the works as we speak. They want you dead, period. They will delay until they can activate...if they are not stopped, prepare for a Japanese nuclear holocaust. On your deathbed, your last thoughts are going to be the realization that TPTB have played their final card and won, and you did nothing. You bought all of their lies hook, line and sinker. There is a time for love/light and there is a time to fight. Its called a revolutionary war. There will be a final reckoning, after that, we live in peace.

TLGA said...

You never turn your back on a wounded predator... that's wisdom, not history. But since you mention it, history is full of examples as to why that wisdom when not adhered to results in regret and adverse consequences every time.

Anonymous said...

People already stop and think, whats all the fuss about, Trei, you need to rethink perhaps, you were all for drake before, not you smash him, whats up, are you not happy unless your all know and powerful voice is heard though the chambers of hate mongering, I don;t meant to be rude, but my god, give it a rest already, I know you have worked very hard at this time, but this is not just about you.

Are you personally involved in anyway with any real first hand knowledge with the wheelers and dealers of this plan, are you, I think not, so until you walk a mile in others shoes, pehapes you need to back your ship up a bit and rethink.

Id this really what we need right now is yet another thing to divide, I can understand The Tim Turner idiot, but come on already.

Again, This is not about you, its about us and I am most positive that you have no more full knowledge then any of us do about the behind the scenes negotiations taking place.

Live with your heart and not your anger and we can talk. but my god, give it a rest, you are untitled to your opinion, but your approach is really nothing to be desired.

Have a great day and please, keep up the good work that I know for fact you do, you are a true godsend.

TLGA said...

You are just about as wrong as you can be on every point. There is much I cannot say but will clarify once again. First I DID NOT POST THIS AND I DID NOT PUT THE TITLE ON IT. THIS was a private email sent to my PRIVATE email list after dozens of outraged emails, skypes and phone calls to me.

SECOND, Drake is a personal friend, he is involved with only ONE part of the "plan". I am also involved in quite another part of the "plan" as I have recently shared publicly. However the area in which I am involved has for the moment been accomplished pending further instruction. I was not authorized to discuss it publicly, I haven't and I won't until such time as I am given that authorization. I have shared all I could and will now do as I am instructed because I gave my word and it is a matter of integrity.

THIRD you are quite wrong about what I may have full knowledge of.

FOURTH, my opinion on this issue of negotiation is mine and Drake has no problem with it. It is the strategy which I see is folly not the man. Drake is a messenger and my problem is with the message, not the man. When I was asked to weigh in on this by so many I did so but NOT in public. That decision was made by someone else.

FIFTH, Drakes connections within this "plan" are partly different from mine and partly the same. We are different people from different backgrounds with different sets of skills involved in different aspects. The "plan" is heavily compartmentalized which, although we don't like it, is necessary and we accept that. However that does not mean we do not weigh in our opinions on aspects which effect the overall outcome and the entire population of the globe. This is NOT an American issue. This is a GLOBAL issue.

SIXTH, Drake is a good man whom I love and respect and I know the sentiment is mutual. Much of what he has said and is saying is being completely misunderstood and in some cases twisted to fit individual comfort zones out of great fear and feelings of helplessness.

SEVENTH, This "vote" is NOT poised to save anything and WILL NOT determine the outcome of the war we have been waging with these evil people for centuries. This is a POLL and nothing more. However I object to it on its face for many reasons and its purpose for others. I will some time today if possible write more on the issues I have and post it officially from me instead of an incomplete response via private email.

I take no offense at anyone's responses save those which are ignorant and for the purpose of personal attack only. Even then I consider the source which of course in most cases I know even though they have not the testicular fortitude resist hiding behind an anonymous label. They are easy to spot and comical to watch and at the end of the day we all need a little comic relief in this stressful time we find ourselves in.

Deluxe said...

Right on This is a Surrender not a Treaty. So go with it vote if you want or not. Just remember that they (the Cabal )will be held to it period. Some will get sentenced to Death for sure. Or be transported off Earth to relearn their lessons on another Planet. Divine Intervention is happening and will continue to happen. Just Meditate as Cobra has suggested tomorrow Sunday on a Peaceful transition into a great Future that we all deserve and not not Worry to much about the they will get what they deserve. Think and visualize all the good things happening for all concerned. As one post stated on another blog. We might have to cut the Cancer out at some point, but lets try and see if the Natural Loving Peaceful way will work first. I am not saying that the Cabal can be healed totally in this lifetime but they will at least get a chance to do some hard/karma labor or sorts in there next try in another lifetime or on another Planet with another try in 3D. While we go on to the 4th and 5th Dimension. So lets go , So lets ...........Let Go off this 3D Earth......Now.Or Transform this 3D Earth to the 4th and 5th and Let the Cabal go somewhere else.I am Ready how about You?

Whiskey Six said...

20 years waiting? Sorry to burst your bubble, but your faith is misplaced.

Anonymous said...

I understand you, but you are wrong about this. Don't shoot from the hip; most of the time, you miss.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dave; I had to get past my anger, I had to listen to that broadcast three times, and I had to do a lot of other reading to see the more of the whole picture. So, while I understand why people are upset, I also see that it's premature. We wouldn't have come to this point if it were not for the fact the Dark Cabal has been stripped of the means to annihilate the planet.

TLGA said...

As always, I have to go with my "ratdar" or as most understand, with my gut. And it tells me I am not wrong. I will not vote, I will not even visit the web site. I will do as I have given my word to do explicitly. All must decide for themselves, hopefully with enough information to do so responsibly and with conviction.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

nice written

Anonymous said...

I don't know who Drake is. I don't know who he's talking with. However the concept that he is preaching is a possibility and a Constitutional option. I get the impression from Oathekeeper types that we can make these State and Federal Arrests on our own. We can't speak for the International Arrests, but we can be the example for the World, so that they can follow our lead.

The bad people within our own government and Corporations can be deposited in our conveniently built "Fedma" facilities. We don't need to negotiate with these untrustworthy excusses for human beings. However, we don't need to stoop to their level and exterminate them. They can live out their sorry lives under lock and key for the duration of time. Let them be an example for the next person who wishes to take advantage of others.

As for those beyond our borders and beyond our reach. We can ask for other nations to capture them and return them to us for justice. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Those that are not caught can't do anything to OUR Country unless we choose to continue to play by their rules, in THEIR game. There is nothing from any Country that we cannot live without. We have our own food, energy and natural resources. We have everything it takes to exist quite comfortably without outside assistance. Other nations are not so fortunate. They will need to choose whether they wish to continue commerce and security with us, our without us. We can be the example the World would wish to follow. Those Countries that wish to be ruled by socialist governments, that's their choice. It doesn't affect us. Those that wish to have debt money from evil international banks, it's their choice. We don't need to fund the entire World through our taxes to the treasury by the Frederal Reverse, In'tl Money Funders, or the U N. We can choose not to play in that sandbox. Remember, America is about freedom of tyranny. We get to choose!

Our own government needs a house cleaning. Remember this if we make it to the next election. All need to go. The Fed needs to be cut by about 95%. The Constitution spells out the scope of authority of the Fed. It's not too big if we read the powers authorized to them. Members of Congress that are also members of the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are in violation of the Constitution and are the first to be imprisoned. That should be a good first start! That takes care of the Federal level.

Individual Sovereign States can do their own house clean-up. There will not be other State's money coming through the Fed to bail them out of their irresponsibilities. Those slow to act will quickly see the errors of their ways! They'll do fine eventually. We will still be United as spelled out by our Founding Fathers for the security of all.

This can continue right down to the County and local level. Even to include town councils and school boards. The people will regain their power away from those that usurped it. The Courts on all levels need to returned to Common Law. All Judges and Lawyers need to be removed. They are not ALL bad, it's just that they have been schooled to play by some other twisted Corporate rules, not permitted by our Constitution.

This is only an example of where to start, others can add more to this springboard of ideas. There is no right or wrong, just positive opportunities ahead.

Remember, WE ARE the government! What WE say goes!