Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Las Vegas Odds Maker comments on the election

Here is the comments from the LV odds maker.
A little good news.  I sure hope he’s right.

A Las Vegas "odds maker" opines on why Obama will get "killed" by Romney in November.

Wayne Allyn Root
May 30, 2012
Town hall Alerts

Most political predictions are made by biased pollsters, pundits, or prognosticators who are either rooting for Republicans or Democrats. I am neither. I am a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, and a well-known Vegas oddsmaker with one of the most accurate records of predicting political races.

But as an oddsmaker with a pretty remarkable track record of picking political races, I play no favorites. I simply use common sense to call them as I see them. Back in late December I released my New Years Predictions. I predicted back then- before a single GOP primary had been held, with Romney trailing for months to almost every GOP competitor from Rick Perry to Herman Cain to Newt- that Romney would easily rout his competition to win the GOP nomination by a landslide. I also predicted that the Presidential race between Obama and Romney would be very close until election day. But that on election day Romney would win by a landslide similar to Reagan-Carter in 1980.

Understanding history, today I am even more convinced of a resounding Romney victory. 32 years ago at this moment in time, Reagan was losing by 9 points to Carter. Romney is right now running even in polls. So why do most pollsters give Obama the edge?

First, most pollsters are missing one ingredient- common sense. Here is my gut instinct. Not one American who voted for McCain 4 years ago will switch to Obama. Not one in all the land. But many millions of people who voted for an unknown Obama 4 years ago are angry, disillusioned, turned off, or scared about the future. Voters know Obama now- and that is a bad harbinger.

Now to an analysis of the voting blocks that matter in U.S. politics:
*Black voters. Obama has nowhere to go but down among this group. His endorsement of gay marriage has alienated many black church-going Chris tians. He may get 88% of their vote instead of the 96% he got in 2008. This is not good news for Obama.

*Hispanic voters. Obama has nowhere to go but down among this group. If Romney picks Rubio as his VP running-mate the GOP may pick up an extra 10% to 15% of Hispanic voters (plus lock down Florida ). This is not good news for Obama.

*Jewish voters. Obama has been weak in his support of Israel . Many Jewish voters and big donors are angry and disappointed. I predict Obama's Jewish support drops from 78% in 2008 to the low 60’s. This is not good news for Obama.

*Youth voters. Obama’s biggest and most enthusiastic believers from 4 years ago have graduated into a job market from hell. Young people are disillusioned, frightened, and broke- a bad combination. The enthusiasm is long gone. Turnout will be much lower among young voters, as will actual voting percentages. This not good news for Obama.

*Catholic voters. Obama won a majority of Catholics in 2008. That won’t happen again. Out of desperation to please women, Obama went to war with the Catholic Church over contraception. Now he is being sued by the Catholic Church. Majority lost. This is not good news for Obama.

*Small Business owners.Because I ran for Vice President last time around, and I'm a small businessman myself, I know literally thousands of small business owners. At least 40% of them in my circle of friends, fans and supporters voted for Obama 4 years ago to “give someone different a chance.” I warned them that he would pursue a war on capitalism and demonize anyone who owned a business...that he’d support unions over the private sector in a big way...that he'd overwhelm the economy with spending and debt. My friends didn’t listen. Four years later, I can't find one person in my circle of small business owner friends voting for Obama. Not one. This is not good news for Obama.

*Blue collar working class whites. Do I need to say a thing? White working class voters are about as happy with Obama as Boston Red Sox fans feel about the New York Yankees. This is not good news for Obama.

*Suburban moms. The issue isn’t contraception…it’s having a job to pay for contraception. Obama’s economy frightens these moms. They are worried about putting food on the table. They fear for their children’s future. This is not good news for Obama.

*Military Veterans. McCain won this group by 10 points. Romney is winning by 24 points. The more our military vets got to see of Obama, the more they disliked him. This is not good news for Obama.

Add it up. Is there one major group where Obama has gained since 2008? Will anyone in America wake up on election day saying “I didn’t vote for Obama 4 years ago. But he’s done such a fantastic job, I can’t wait to vote for him today.” Does anyone feel that a vote for Obama makes their job more secure?

Forget the polls. My gut instincts as a Vegas oddsmaker and common sense small businessman tell me this will be a historic landslide and a world-class repudiation of Obama’s radical and risky socialist agenda. It's Reagan-Carter all over again.

But I’ll give Obama credit for one thing - he is living proof that familiarity breeds

WORMHOLE / PORTAL TECHNOLOGY UNVEILED: UFOs opening and traveling thru wormholes are now seen across the world !

WORMHOLE / PORTAL TECHNOLOGY UNVEILED: UFOs opening and traveling thru wormholes are now seen across the world !

UFOs opening and traveling thru wormholes are now seen across the world.

Introduction by Apollo

A traveler noticed something from the corner of his eye, and he immediately stops to get out of his car, He is alarmed cause he sees what he thinks is a missile. but on more inspection he notices that its a cigar shaped ufo that is on fire ! Next to it is the whirling blades of a military copter. His eyes are riveted on the amazing scene. It appears that the helicopter responded to this ship in distress. Suddenly the persons eyes are drawn to another amazing sight, A yellow ring of light appears above them. It slowly opens like a ziplock bag. The cigar shaped craft that caught on fire flies thru the opening and then it closes up as suddenly as it appears. The helicopter, satisfied that the craft made it thru, procedes to fly away.

What are these wormholes that are being seen in the USA, Mexico and thruout Europe? Pictures are now coming in, all relating a similar story, " A wormhole, dimensional portal opens up with a ring of yellow or sometimes blue white light, a ufo flies thru it and then it closes" Sometimes, the air feels different or time feels like it has stopped, Observers have noticed a stillness of noise when the portal appears and the noises of traffic, or birds coming back after the portal has closed. Are these portals manipulating dimensional space time as well? Does it cause such a rip in linear time that it actually momentarily stops it? Is it called "Time distortion? Many researchers think so.

Another case history

A driver sees a bright light appearing over a shopping center parking lot. He is shocked and pulls in to get a closer look. This ring portal is shimmery with high energy and he can strangely see thru the center, like hes gazing into another world. It tries to close up , before expanding again, and then closes up before it completely vanishes.

He is pinching himself and in shock on what he had witnessed



Qouting theories from the philadelphia experiment

I would hypothesise that whether one remains paralysed or mobile in the UFO time-field rather depends if your body is fully tuned to the specific field conditions, which again may randomly occur due to the hypotheticaldistribution of isobars of field strength. This field tuning immediately reminds one of the small boxes used tohold field position reportedly worn by the surviving participants in M.K. Jessup’s account of the Philadelphia experiment. After re-analyzing over 400 cases that I found during my research I've come to a very important conclusion about the actions of the UFO craft prior to its relationship to the soft spot opening.Whenever the case identifies the UFO craft at a standstill, motionless or not moving for a brief period of time and prior to its moving towards a flash of light, the slit opening, an invisible curtain in the sky or a portal.It appears to me that the craft is hesitating. Why? I speculate that it's waiting for the soft spot to arrive so it might depart through the opening.

[link to www.scribd.com]


Are Aliens Using Wormholes for Travel?

If aliens are visiting us here on Earth as many believe, the quickest way for them to reach us would be by travelling through wormholes from other parts of the Universe. Something which has sparked this idea is that recent sighting have been reported. The reports involve strange lights in the sky, which look like the end of a wormhole, with strange objects coming in and going out of them. Could this be UFOs flying in and out?

Some of the pictures and videos are stunning, and these can be easily found with a quick search of the internet. They vary in appearance, with some showing bright orange-yellow rings of light, others light spirals, and some long streaks of bright white light through the night sky. Many pictures are of wormholes alone, but some people have managed to capture images and videos of objects appearing out of these strange lights in the sky. These have been seen all over the world, in Mexico, England, America and various other countries.

Read more at Suite101: Wormholes: Alien Travel Passages to Earth? | Suite101.com [link to suite101.com]
Another case:

0/08/93 19:00 Kennewick, WA
If you can, imagine this; part of the sky opens, a metallic cigar shaped object darts out, stops, then exits at atremendous speed through an opening in the sky across from it, disappearing. That’s the best way to explain it. It happened so fast that if my crewman and I hadn't been looking we would have missed it completely. We had just completed work on a light on the snake river and were travelling by boat to the boat ramp behind one of the dams (I can't remember which one) it was just the two of us on the river and we were trying to reach the ramp before it got to dark. We both looked up to our 10 o'clock position at about position angle 30 degrees and this object appeared. I can't say with any certainty the distance or how big the object was, but it was close enough to see that it was dark grey and elongated (like a fat short cigar). We just looked at each other and said, "What the heck was that?" The trip back to Kennewick we tossed around ideas as to what it might be but ultimately failed to come up with anything. It was like the thing opened a hole inthe sky, entered our "realm", paused, and then left through another opening. There were no lights, no sound, no trailing vapour, no other aircraft, nothing. In fact if I hadn't been looking right at it I would have dismissed it altogether

[link to www.scribd.com


Look at the drops of water. It’s incredible! What A Picture!

What a picture ....

Look at the drops of water. It’s incredible!
To those of you that do not speak or read French, We will translate it at the end.

Regardez la goutte d'eau, c'est incroyable !...

> Une photo étonnante est devenue un message de foi en Espagne.
> Cette photo a été prise au baptême de Valentino Mora, le fils d'Erica, une maman de 21 ans qui a demandé au photographe
> de prendre une photo de son fils gratuitement.
> La photo du baptême de Valentino Mora se trouve sur l'Internet,
> parce qu'au moment ou le prêtre verse l'eau baptismale sur la tête de l'enfant, on voit les flux d'eau en forme d'un chapelet (voir la photo ci-dessus).
> Cette histoire a commencé à la Paroisse de l'Assomption de Notre Dame dans Cordova, l'Espagne, où le baptême d'un bébé du mois a eu lieu.
> Au moment où Valentino est venu pour recevoir le baptême, Erica a demandé au photographe Maria Silvana Salles, qui a été embauché par d'autres parents baptisant leurs bébés, de prendre une photo de son fils comme une faveur, puisque la jeune mère n'avait pas les moyens de payer.
> La photographe, à la demande d'Erica, accepte
> de prendre une photo de Valentino.
> Maria Silvana avec une caméra traditionnelle a envoyé le film
> à être développé à un magasin dans Cordova.
> Quand elle a reçu les photos,
> elle a remarqué avec la surprise
> que l'eau versée sur la tête de Valentino était un chapelet parfait.
> La photo du baptême de Valentino a éveillé la foi des gens de Cordova qui viennent à l'humble maison d'Erica et Valentino Mora pour le toucher.
> La vérité est que ce signe de foi a mobilisé cette ville dans Cordova,
> dont les voisins vont au magasin de Maria Silvana acheter la photo
> comme si c'était une carte de prière.


This picture has become a religious message of faith in Spain.

It was taken at the christen of Valentino Mora, son of Erica, a 21 year old mother that asked a photographer to take her son's picture for free.

When the priest poured the water over the baby’s head, you can see the form of a rosary beads. ( see the picture above )

The photographer was hired by other parents. Erica asked her as a favor, because she couldn’t afford to pay.

Maria Silvana has a traditional camera and send the film to be developed in a store in Cordova. When she received the pictures, she was surprisedto see the water poured over Valantino’s head was a perfect rosary beads.

This picture woke the neighborhood faith. The people of Cordova go to Erica’s house to touch the baby.
This sign of faith mobilizes the town of Cordova, neighbors go to Maria’s store to buy the picture like a prayer card.

Stop Dictator Obama Contest!!


Border Patrol union: AG must resign

Border Patrol union: AG must resign

The union that represents Border Patrol agents in Southern Arizona and around the country called Monday for U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to resign.
The National Border Patrol Council cited Holder's alleged dishonesty about Operation Fast and Furious in making the call. That ATF-led operation put guns from Arizona in the hands of Mexican organized-crime groups, and two of those guns were found at the scene west of Rio Rico where Agent Brian Terry was shot to death in December 2010.
The decision to ask Holder to step down came after more than a year of frustration about the Justice Department's handling of the controversial operation, said Shawn Moran, a vice president of the union who is based in the San Diego area. The department's failure to hand over emails that apparently pertain to Operation Fast and Furious to a House committee investigating the operation precipitated the call.
"This is something that all of our guys are concerned about because they know it could be any one of them," Moran said.
"We take the risks that are out there naturally just being in law enforcement working across from Mexico in the condition it's in right now," he said. "But what you can't accept is when your own government is allowing weapons into the hands of the people you're confronting."
The Border Patrol is no longer part of the Justice Department but rather the Department of Homeland Security, headed by former Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano.
In making the call, the union, which represents about 3,700 agents in Southern Arizona and 17,000 nationwide, joined more than 100 Republicans in the U.S. House. The Daily Caller, a conservative news outlet that has been polling members of Congress on Holder, reported Friday that 129 House members and five members of the Senate have asked Holder to resign. All are Republicans.
The announcement also comes two days before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is scheduled to vote on whether to hold Holder in contempt of Congress for what they say is his refusal to respond adequately to subpoenas. However, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the chairman of the committee, has said he'll put off the contempt vote if the Justice Department hands over sufficient documents beforehand.
The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the Border Patrol union's call or the status of discussions with the Oversight Committee.

Health - Vaccinated children have up to 500% more disease than unvaccinated children

Vaccinated children have up to 500% more disease than unvaccinated children

Suspicions have been confirmed for those wary of vaccinating their children. A recent large study corroborates other independent study surveys comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children.

They all show that vaccinated children have two to five times more childhood diseases, illnesses, and allergies than unvaccinated children.

Originally, the recent still ongoing study compared unvaccinated children against a German national health survey conducted by KiGGS involving over 17,000 children up to age 19. This currently ongoing survey study was initiated by classical homoeopathist Andreas Bachmair.

However, the American connection for Bachmair's study can be found at VaccineInjury.info website that has added a link for parents of vaccinated children to participate in the study. So far this ongoing survey has well over 11,000 respondents, mostly from the U.S.A. Other studies have surveyed smaller groups of families.

Nevertheless, the results were similar. Of course, none of these studies were picked up by the MSM (mainstream media). None were funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the World Health Organization (WHO) or any national or international health agency or medical profession group ( [link to healthimpactnews.com]

They don't dare compare the health of unvaccinated children to vaccinated children objectively and risk disrupting their vaxmania (vaccination mania). The focus for all the studies was mostly on childhood illnesses occurring as the children matured.

Learn more: [link to www.naturalnews.com

A German study released in September 2011 of about 8000 UNVACCINATED children, newborn to 19 years, show vaccinated children have at least 2 to 5 times more diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children.

The results are presented in the bar chart (See link below); the complete data and study results are here. The data is compared to the national German KIGGS health study of the children in the general population. Most of the respondents to the survey were from the U.S. (Chart here: [link to www.vaccineinjury.info] )

The data was collected from parents with vaccine-free children via an internet questionnaire by vaccineinjury.info and Andreas Bachmair, a German classical homeopathic practitioner.

[link to healthimpactnews.com


The Provisional Government of The Confederate States of America has a NEW website

The Provisional Government of The Confederate States of America has a NEW website- www.CSAGovernment.org

Our former website- www.CSAGov.org has been terminated by us.

We cordially invite one and all to visit your Government’s website at its properly named domain and again remind one and all that Confederate Citizenship and Registration is paramount in our endeavor to Restore our Confederate Republic- the same Republic that was Never Surrendered.

Our new website will undergo continuous changes, so please bear with us as ALL costs associated with this endeavor are being funded through private donations thanks to YOU- our Confederate Citizens.
Equally, and because of these private donations, ALL requests for Citizenship are WITHOUT ANY FEES.
We will process Your requests and all that we respectfully ask, is that you include a self-addressed stamped envelope to cover the mailing costs when YOUR Citizenship Certificate is sent to you.

The Executive Council of Your Republic (described on the National Website), is simply preparing the groundwork that is key and paramount in the official re-seating process of the Confederate Republic.
Your Registered Citizenship will allow YOU to elect delegates that will attend a Constitutional Convention where upon an Interim Government will be appointed by them.
At that point, this Executive Council will transfer ALL Confidential Records to them and we will be NO more- for our job will be done.

Because we are in a status of ‘Provisional’, we Cannot make ANY appointments nor do we claim or profess any capacity beyond that.
Said appointments and appropriate delegations can only be made by the Sitting Government that will be chosen by the Delegates.

Our job, quite simply, is to create the foundation and platform to make this a reality.
If Our Confederate Government had been Surrendered long ago, this effort would NOT be possible.
However, and because of the wisdom and foresight of our only President, Jefferson Davis, this Restoration Process is possible.

Only Under God can we ever expect to be Truly represented. It is in that acknowledgement we have pledged ourselves.

Thank you and- Deo Vindice
Craig Maus

Common law and the principles of declaring independence:

Hi John,

I would like to point you to the research I have done on common law and the principles of declaring independence:


In the article, you will find links to the sources I used. What I found out is that current international Civil law and thus *all* the nations operating under this jurisdiction (including the *corporate* US government) ultimately are legally nothing but vassals of the Vatican. In other words: (virtually) *all* nations are run as (de-facto) corporations under the jurisdiction of the Vatican. And that gives some very interesting possibilities:

Another part of this story, is the process talked about by a fellow named Drake. He talks about returning the US to common law before Law Enforcement agencies in the US will perform mass arrests of the bankers in the US. In this process, juries are formed (an important feature of common law) in various states, which file some paperwork by which the states declare their independence of the corporate Washington government and return to their original constitution and bill of rights.
Because of the intriguing nature of this process, I started studying the history of our own constitution and found out that the 1789 constitution of the Batavian Republic is the only Dutch constitution that has been lawfully ratified by the people under common law. All later ones, including the 1801 version under Napoleon, were either illegal or not ratified under the authority of the people but under the authority of someone else. Interestingly, the constitution OF the Batavian Republic (and the 1801 one) were the only constitutions OF The Netherlands. ALL the later constitutions are constitutions FOR The Netherlands and thus OF someone else....
Further investigations revealed that the authority under which the current Kingdom of The Netherlands legally operates up until today is none less than the Vatican, which gives us some very interesting possibilities to liberate the people of this planet from literally ages of (financial) tyranny under jurisdiction, authority, sovereignty and responsibility of the Vatican.
One of the most revealing clues on how to do this can be found in the treaty of Paris of 1815:
The Allied Powers having by their united efforts, and by the success of their arms, preserved France and Europe from the convulsions with which they were menaced by the late enterprise of Napoleon Bonaparte, and by the Revolutionary system reproduced in France, to promote its success;
What this says is basically that the French and thus Dutch and United States revolutions are a direct and severe threat to the Vatican's objectives and therefore a blessing to all freedom loving people on this planet, even though the whole French revolution may (initially) have been a kind of false flag operation along the lines set out by Prof. Veith. Either way, here is why these revolutions actually ARE a deadly weapon against the dark Cabal:
The essential trick for a nation to liberate itself, is to declare a bill of rights and a republican constitution by referendum under common law and under the authority of the people themselves, after the example that has been set in the late 1700s by all three mentioned republics. As far as I am aware, the US did not use a referendum, but the Dutch Batavian Republic definitely did. It may be possible to use some other process, but with a constitution ratified by the people of a nation by referendum there is no question about the legal validity nor authority of said constitution. In other words: NO ONE can legally prevent the people of a nation to declare their independence under common law.
What this does is that it establishes a new legal entity, a free and really independent Republic, under the jurisdiction of Common Law instead of under the jurisdiction of international civil law, which up to this day still operates under authority and sovereignty of the Vatican. In other words: you now have two DIFFERENT legal entities governing over one and the same country, of which only one is really free and independent and operates under the authority of the People now actually OWNING their land instead of legally STILL being a vassal of the Vatican. The latter STILL being the case for at least all previous colonies of the United Kingdom, France, The Netherlands and Spain as well as ALL of Europe and Russia.
The other side of this is that the legal entity that still exists as a vassal of the Vatican no longer has any subjects nor any possessions within the now liberated country, BUT it is still burdened with ALL of its obligations and liabilities established under the authority and responsibility of the Vatican. So, these are NOT the problem of the now liberated people, which were after all just subjects ruled under the sovereignty of the Vatican.
In other words: we now have not only a nice trick to liberate a nation, but also a convenient way to get rid of the problem of nation's debt, which is now the problem of the Vatican and not of the nation's self-liberated people.
How nice!
What's even more interesting, is that this process could in principle also be done at a global level by the UN. If the general assembly would make a statement in which they declare the whole planet to be free and independent under Common Law by declaring a bill of rights and a global constitution after the example set by the US and the Dutch Batavian Republic, then all people would be free from suppression by the Dark Cabal. And the burden of ALL global debts established under the authority and responsibility of the Vatican would no longer be the problem of the people of this planet.
Now THAT would be something I would love to see. :)

It turns out that Benjamin Fulford and his fellowship is aware of this principle, too:
Yes, we are aware of this. If the US removes the P2 fascist government run via the United States of America corporation, then all US external debts will not have to be paid by the American people. We are trying to bankrupt that war mongering and murdering corporation and their fascist overseers at the P2 Roman empire headquarters. This in no way implies we are opposed to the beliefs held by the majority of Catholics.
Benjamin Fulford古歩道ベンジャミン
This P2 lodge can ideed be linked to the Vatican as well as various (international) crimes, as you can read in this paragraph.

Please spread the word!


Arend Lammertink, MSc.
Goor, The Netherlands.

Dinar VIP Groups - Beware and be alert

There are a number of special VIP rate Dinar Groups offering a higher rate for exchanges. Few are legitimate.

Beware and be alert.

1) Always insist on a direct exchange with the bank. No middlemen and no deposits into a custodian account.

2) Always check out the parties involved. Investigate them and check for prior histories.

3) Insist on written documentation per any bank invite. And check if the bank & bank reps are genuine.

4) Go to the bank with an armed escort.

This is a very attractive "opportunity" for the scam artist.  Be careful!

Alien Moon Base Captured By Chang'e-2 Orbiter? 2012


I was sent some pictures by a source who claims China will be releasing Hi Res images taken by the Chang'e-2 moon orbiter, which clearly show buildings and structures on the moons surface. 

He also claims NASA has deliberately bombed important areas of the Moon in an effort to destroy ancient artefacts and facility's. 

Pictures yet to be released clearly show nuclear impact craters and building debris caused by explosions in an effort by NASA to destroy the truth. China is moving toward full disclosure of the Extraterrestrial reality, if these images and future ones are verified genuine then NASA should be investigated for fraud and treason. China will be releasing all the data and images from the Chang'e-2 in the coming weeks and months, lets hope this is the beginning of a new era. 

"The narration by Karl Wolf has nothing to do with the images in this video. I included the narration by Karl Wolf merely to help the viewer realise that the cover-up by NASA concerning Alien structures on the Moon has been going on for decades". 

UPDATE: Please compare moon image with the image URL below, does this prove the image I posted is a fake, disinfo, or is it proof that NASA has indeed airbrushed important structures out of its published photographs of the lunar surface, and possibly leaked this picture claiming it to be from the Chang'e-2 Orbiter in an effort to cast doubt and suspicion on any further images that are pending release. I was sent a further four highly detailed images of structures on various parts of the moon, if I can verify their authenticity I will post on my facebook page. All we can be sure of at this point is that the Image is not from the Chang'e-2 Orbiter, it does not follow that the image itself is a fake. Stay tuned.http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/lunarorbiter/images/preview/3085_med.jpg

Disclaimer: The ADG cannot confirm the authenticity of the information presented, we merely present the information to a wider audience on behalf of the filmmaker, witness, source or author.

ADG Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alien-Disclosure-Group/189249627773146

Follow ADG on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ADG_UK

The illiquidity crisis is now beyond human control

TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2012

Alcuin Bramerton Twitter .. WikiLeaks Master Mirror Sites .. #1ab archive
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Global financial crisis is caused by autonomous, self-aware and self-evolving artificial intelligence systems embedded in G5 banking computers. The illiquidity crisis is now beyond human control unless all networked corporate computer systems are switched off, scrubbed and junked.
This is more than high frequency trading algorithms and computer-only-understood derivatives. Machine intelligence has been allowed to take over and consciously control the G5 Western banking cartel.

The Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve System, and the Bank for International Settlements (Basle, Switzerland) are symbiotically interlinked in a parasitic network of machine-money blood-sucking.

The financial result is fundamentally injurious to human well-being. The bankers have supplanted the politicians. The Western democratic deficit is complete.

Unpayable debt is being machine-piled upon unpayable debt. Funny number inaccessible screen accounts are accumulating exponentially. The numbers involved - quads and quints, and quads times quints - bear no relation to any real-world underlying assets. Invisible Ponzi scams are endemic.

MJ12 (Majestic 12) might just be right on this issue. The problem may have started with an undetected executive overlap between a negative on-planet alien intelligence and early Microsoft back door source codes.

But should we be wary of the MJ12 output? Most of it is said to be deep disinformation aimed at obfuscating covert operations at security clearance levels well above that of the US President and other Heads of State.

Stanton Friedman found that of the Majestic 12 documents he analysed, only four were genuine. Over one hundred others were phony. His comments are recorded on pages 57-60 and 73-74 of the April/May 2012 edition of Nexus magazine.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 18, 2012 ‘The Ark of Noah & 2012’

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 18, 2012 ‘The Ark of Noah & 2012’
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 19-Jun-2012 00:07:43

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 18, 2012 ‘The Ark of Noah & 2012’
The ark of Noah, built of birch and wood, for all the animals to be relocated to safety. This story of Noah and his ark, the animals and the great flood that consumed much of your Earth is a true account, for the most part, of the past history of your planet. What we would like to make clear to you today is that there will be a period in your near future where again your planet will receive rising water levels which again will result in the flooding of some of the populated areas of your world.
We do not wish to alarm and we certainly do not wish to frighten. What we wish to do is inform you. This is one of the main reasons we are here. A great deal of our mission concerns sharing information with you that we feel will assist you greatly on your personal, as well as collective journey, as a team of family, friends and neighbors, and you all are each other's neighbors no matter how far your home is from one of your brothers or sisters. We would like to begin to roll out portions of our plan that will enable millions of your people who choose to trust us and who choose to work with us and who choose to temporarily remove themselves from these areas we consider areas that will receive these rising water levels.
There will be plenty of time and plenty of room for everyone to board our arks that we will supply you, just as we supplied Noah and the others that followed his lead and trusted that relocating temporarily from their homesteads was the most prudent way to proceed on their journey. We are not asking anything of you that was not asked of Noah and his family, his friends and his followers. What we asked of them back thousands of years of your time ago is what we shall ask of you at this time of your present day. We ask you to remain calm, to remain always poised, to remain centered and balanced, to remain within the vibration of love, of peace, of hope, of charity, of mercy, of kindness, of sharing, of forgiveness, and bestow upon your brothers and bestow upon your sisters these wonderful and beautiful and warm aspects of the vibration of love.
There is nothing that the vibration of fear can offer you but more lessons of how the vibration of fear will bring to you sorrow, pain, misery, destitution, challenge, struggle, hardship and hopelessness. There are so many of you who no longer need or desire to learn the lessons that the vibration of fear will bring to you, and we hear your call and are responding to your call that you, our dearly loved brothers and sisters, are now ready to experience what it is that the vibration of love will bring to you and to your lives and the lives of your friends, families and your neighbors. Help us help you experience what it is that you feel will now bring to you lessons and experiences that will bring about for you your higher good, your higher purpose, a higher standard of living and a higher means to deal with problems and obstacles that may present themselves in your path.
That is what the vibration of love will bring you as compared to the vibration of fear that will not bring to you effective methods to deal with challenges and the overcoming of obstacles. This is the difference between these two vibrations. Do you understand this clearly dear ones, for this is one of the most important lessons you will ever learn, and at this time is by far the most important lesson for you to learn, to fully comprehend, and not only remember, but keep at the forefront of your consciousness each and every moment of each and every day as you move forward. If you could do this, if you could remember to remind yourself all throughout your day that each and every choice that you make, each and every thought that you create and each and every action that you take is a choice between the vibration of love and the vibration of fear, then you will begin to consciously create your future experience by consciously choosing the path you will travel.
Your journeys can be so much more than they are at this time. Whenever you choose to fear something or to react in fear at news or a challenge or a confrontation you are choosing the lessons and experiences that await down that darkened road, but if you choose instead to react to news and to new challenges, obstacles and confrontation with love, then, as well, you will experience what lessons will await you down that lighted path, and we say to you that these lessons will be wonderful lessons that will result in fonder memories and cherished experiences, for these treasures are what line the lighted path.
Today you are being offered news in the form of a challenge that awaits you up ahead. You are being notified that sea levels will rise as you approach the last few months of your calendar year of 2012. You are now being informed that there will be several areas around your planet that will receive high enough levels of flooding that temporary relocations are the only means to ensure the safety and comfort of thousands and even millions of your population. How you choose to receive, register and respond to this information that we are sharing with you is all up to you. We will not tell you that you must process this information through the channels of fear or the channels of love. We will leave this choice up to each and every one of you to decide for yourselves which is the way you wish to experience these events ahead.
We say to you that for those of you who will choose to trust us, your brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light, that we will provide our arks which are very large, are very comfortable, are very advanced technologically and are even very beautiful, and most importantly they will keep those of you who choose this way to experience the days ahead safe from the rising floodwaters. For those of you who choose a different path, we would like to make it clear to you that we honor and respect your choice not to trust us, not to wish to work with us, and not to board our arks that will lift you to safety. You will be left to deal with this obstacle of rising floodwaters on your own and through the means of your personal and governmental resources.
We say to you if you are counting on your local and federal governments to design and implement some form of safety procedures or relocation for their citizens, we tell you that you are placing your faith in by far the wrong hands. The governments of your planet are only interested in preserving the well being of themselves and their families. They do not give one moment of their day to thinking about how you will cope with these approaching events, and they certainly have made no efforts to plan for relocations or to in some way prevent the rising seas from approaching over their shores. It is we, your brothers and sisters of the higher realms who have for some time now worked diligently on plans that will see to the safety and well-being of each and every individual on your planet that wishes to relocate to safe harbors. This is the difference between your world governments and we of the Galactic Federation of Light. We will leave it up to you to decide for yourselves and choose for yourselves in whose hands you wish to place the safety and protection of yourselves and your families.
We wish to remind you that we too are your neighbors, as your borders do not end at your country lines that have been drawn on a map, your continents or even your planet, as there are no borders that are recognized by our Creator and the Creator of this universe. This universe is borderless and it is boundless by the amount of love that vibrates and keeps it all together in wonderful motion and animation, and we wish to remind you all that there are no lines drawn in the sand between races of people from the higher dimensions, the realms we call home. These lines drawn in the sand are only figments of the illusion of your 3rd dimensional journey into the physical. To not trust us to work with us in the days ahead is to honor an illusion and not the reality which is love.
We will honor each and every choice that each and every individual of your world makes in the days ahead. We will not force or try to persuade anyone to work with us and use the arks that we will provide to transport them and their families to safer grounds. Each and every choice you make is sacred, and as such is to be respected and honored. Each and every one of you is free to remain wherever it is you wish to experience the days ahead as you close out your year of 2012 and this chapter of your history. We will keep you fully notified and updated on each and every stage of operation to supply you our large mother crafts to escort those of you who wish to participate in the temporary relocation programs to areas that we feel will be far safer for you.
Where these areas are located we will not at this time disclose for several important reasons. One of the reasons has to do again with your criminal cabal and the plans of a dwindling number of them to persist in their efforts to stall the advancements that will bring to your world new systems of government, finance and operation. This is a matter that is being dealt with at this time, and we will see to it that this matter of your cabal is taking care of once and for all in one way or another. We at this time do not feel it is prudent to elaborate on what we feel now is needed to be done in this area. What we will say is these arrests must be completed and completed satisfactorily now. There is no further time to waste away as much needs to be done and the days are running so very short.
Our patience has been great waiting to see movement by our Earth allies on the front lines. We have not at this time seen any movement that we would consider assuring or significant, and we say again that it is the time you, our Earth allies, are being called to action. What will transpire once significant numbers of those of your criminal cartels are rounded up and removed from their positions of power and your society is the launch of projects and programs that will see to a complete overhaul of your systems and your society. This is something that we consider an absolute necessity to allow as many of your people as possible to safely proceed through the great changes that are now just up ahead. We hope you see it our way and understand that the time to move ahead with these arrests has already passed, and each and every day further aggravates and complicates our shared mission with you, the people of Earth. We will continue to monitor these events and again remind you that we are here with you, we are protecting you, and we will continue to assist you make these arrests a reality and free your people and your planet for once and forever from the imprisonment of these dark masters. Good luck and Godspeed.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light, and we are here with you in love, in service and in protection in the name of our Creator.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Monday, June 18, 2012

Two New DOJ Whistleblowers Come Out... So is Holder Soon To Be Burnt Toast?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Two New DOJ Whistleblowers Come Out... So is Holder Soon To Be Burnt Toast?
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 18-Jun-2012 22:39:05

I Sure hope so, and I also pray it gets in Obummer's pants in a big way also....
Sipsey Street Exclusive: More DOJ Whistleblowers Emerge, This Time From DC. Do they bear "the keys to the kingdom?" "There sure is a sense of renewed enthusiasm here."
Multiple, previously highly credible, sources close to the Gunwalker investigation report that there are at least one and perhaps two sources within the Department of Justice headquarters who have approached the Issa Committee seeking whistleblower status. One source, who reported that there were at least two of Eric Holder's subordinates who "came in from the cold," characterized them as "high-level" DOJ employees "with knowledge of Eric Holder's actions before and after" the 4 February 2011 DOJ letter denying that the DOJ and its subordinate agencies knew about "gunwalking." That letter has since been admitted by DOJ to have been a lie. If true, one or both of these whistleblowers may be the so-called "mole" -- a source within DOJ said to have been leaking documents, including the wiretap affidavits, to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
What they bring with them from the cold, according to one source, is "the keys to the kingdom as far as Holder is concerned," adding "if this comes out before the (contempt) vote (on 20 June), then Holder is toast." Said another, "not even Boehner will be able to stop it. Hell, he'll really jump on board and act like it was his idea."
This surprising development has re-energized the investigation staff, which was widely rumored to be floundering after the reluctance, not to say opposition, of the GOP leadership became known some months ago. One source called these whistleblowers "game changers" while another, after speaking of the frustrations of recent months said, "But there sure is a sense of renewed enthusiasm here."
The emergence of two more whistleblowers, this time from Eric Holder's inner sanctum, may be one reason Congressman Issa sent this final offer to Attorney General Holder offering what sounds like one last chance to negotiate seriously, or else. When I commented upon this to one of the sources, "Oh, yeah, he's got the 'or else' in his pocket . . . more than one actually."
Other reporters are now chasing this story, so I expect we'll be hearing more on this development sooner rather than later.