Monday, June 25, 2012

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: It Has Become Impossible For The Cabal To Hide The Truth; They Are Being Defeated

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: It Has Become Impossible For The Cabal To Hide The Truth; They Are Being Defeated
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 25-Jun-2012 12:50:11

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis
Last week the cabal controlled media in the West tried to pretend the Rio summit was a failure even though $513 billion was pledged by 100 nations to fight poverty and environmental destruction. It was a cabal failure because $513 billion that, in the past, would have been handed over to the rich by the poor is instead being given by middle income countries to the poorest countries. This is undeniable proof the international boycott of the war-mongering, mass murdering leaders of the United States and many European countries is intensifying. The cabalists are trying to pass the pain on to their own slave people and this is why there is a “financial crisis” in the West.
The cornered cabalists are threatening, yet again, to start WW3, this time in Syria, but they know they will all be hunted down and killed if they seriously try to carry out their plan to murder 5 billion people. They have only one choice, and that is to appear in front of a truth and reconciliation committee and ask for forgiveness.
There are no deadlines being given because you cannot give a deadline to a dying monster, you just have to wait for nature to take its course.
In fact the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and other cabal families are even now negotiating with the White Dragon Society for a win-win solution to the ongoing stand-off. These negotiations have reached many agreements in principle.

Fulford's blog..


Last week the cabal controlled media in the West tried to pretend the Rio summit was a failure even though $513 billion was pledged by 100 nations to fight poverty and environmental destruction. It was a cabal failure because $513 billion that, in the past, would have been handed over to the rich by the poor is instead being given by middle income countries to the poorest countries. This is undeniable proof the international boycott of the war-mongering, mass murdering leaders of the United States and many European countries is intensifying. The cabalists are trying to pass the pain on to their own slave people and this is why there is a “financial crisis” in the West.
The cornered cabalists are threatening, yet again, to start WW3, this time in Syria, but they know they will all be hunted down and killed if they seriously try to carry out their plan to murder 5 billion people. They have only one choice, and that is to appear in front of a truth and reconciliation committee and ask for forgiveness.
There are no deadlines being given because you cannot give a deadline to a dying monster, you just have to wait for nature to take its course.
In fact the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and other cabal families are even now negotiating with the White Dragon Society for a win-win solution to the ongoing stand-off. These negotiations have reached many agreements in principle.
Essentially, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers want to continue to be plutocrats carrying out massive investment projects even as they understand the days of secret, centralized control by a family run cabal must end. The question is whether the military and agency types are feeling generous enough to allow them amnesty in exchange for appearing before a truth and reconciliation committee.
In any case, there will be a meeting between a Rockefeller representative and a White Dragon representative in Asia this week that may clarify things somewhat.
There is a lot of talk of arrests this week, notably from “Drake,” however, our direct sources cannot confirm this. As David Icke pointed out, this writer has in the past quoted sources claiming deadlines that came and went with nothing happening. That is why we no longer quote specific deadlines.
The White Dragon Society itself has never put out a specific deadline. It merely tries to drain the financial swamp until all the swamp creatures are flushed out. However, since it is hard to know exactly how many creatures there are or how deep the swamp is, it would be a mistake to come up with specific dates. If some sort of mass action was planned, we would certainly not give the bad guys any advance warning.
However, we do have some interesting new disclosures to make. A Chinese communist government source revealed some interesting secret history that is useful as background information to the current “financial crisis.”
The information was corroborated by a CIA source.
The story is that when President Nixon formally recognized the Chinese communist government in the early 1970’s he gave them some of the gold that the Chinese Nationalist government had evacuated to the US in the 1930’s. In exchange, he asked the Chinese to help the US avenge their humiliation in Vietnam. The Chinese communists agreed and kept their promise by invading Vietnam in 1979. When they did that, the Soviet Union sent a large tank army into the desert region of China. Deng Xiaoping then ordered that army destroyed with a hydrogen bomb. After that, the Chinese withdrew from Vietnam to prevent the situation from escalating out of control.
This explains the sudden warming between China and the US in the 1970’s. It also explains the difference of opinion between the Nationalist government in Taiwan and the mainland Chinese government over the rights to some of the historical gold.
However, both sides agree, as do 150 nations, that the historical treasures of the world should be used to back a new financial system that will strive to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. Even the British Royal family and the British Commonwealth are on board now.
The remaining cabal controlled countries, mainly Western Europe and the US, however, are still fighting tooth and nail to prevent this from happening.
Last week this writer, at the request of the White Dragon Society and the Red and Blue went to visit Father William Currie, Dean emeritus of the Jesuit Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan. This writer first met Father Currie more than 30 years ago when he studied at Sophia. Father Currie is a long term colleague of Jesuit “Black Pope” Adolfo Nicholas. Father Currie was asked to get Vatican help to release 7000 trillion yen that are sitting frozen in the accounts of the Bank of Japan.
He was told that Catholic charities could distribute those funds in proportion to the amount of Catholics in the world. That would have meant 10 million yen each (about $120,000) for every Catholic man, woman and child on earth.
He was also told and shown documents proving that 2 billion Asians had a belief system compatible with Christianity and were offering an alliance with the Catholic Church to fight poverty and end environmental destruction.
He refused point blank to even pass on the evidence or request to his colleagues. This made it very clear to this writer that the Catholic Church top hierarchy is more interested in creating a centrally controlled global fascist empire than it is in helping the poor and preserving the environment.
In fact, if you think about it, the Catholic Church, spiritual and temporal heirs to the Roman Empire, murdered Jesus Christ. They then publicly displayed, in effigy, his tortured and murdered body as a warning to other slaves. The last thing the Catholic Church wants is for the Messiah to return because the first thing Christ would do if he returned would be to denounce and then forgive his murderers.
Father Currie was then told that Adolfo Nicholas would become Peter the Roman, the last pope. Even if Catholic hierarchy tries to weasel out of their destiny by appointing someone else, whoever they appoint will be the last pope.
This does not mean that the Christian faith and God that exists in the hearts of most Catholics will end. It merely means that the Satanic gangsters at the top of the church hierarchy, who were never Christian even from the founding days of Christianity, will finally face the wrath of the true creator.
Nor does this mean the White Dragon Society is advocating the destruction of Rome and all its historical treasures as is mentioned in the prophecy of Peter the Roman. It merely means that if the gangsters holding up inside the Vatican (especially the Vatican bank) do not give up, events will escalate inevitably towards their doom.
In a related development, the recently arrested fugitives from the Aum Shinrikyo cult that was responsible for releasing deadly Sarin gas into the Tokyo subway system have fingered Kim Jong Il as the mastermind behind that attack. The trail from Kim Jong Il leads to the Satanic P2 lodge that controls the Vatican.
The wife of Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa is also giving testimony that points towards the P2 as being the ultimate source of the order to set off a nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan on March 11, 2011.
A recent attempt to poison this writer with a heart attack inducing drug has been detected. The Satanists need to understand the days when they could murder, bribe and lie their way out of trouble have ended. Humanity as a whole will now be motivated by friendship and love, not by terror.
[A subscription to Ben's full articles is only $8 per month ("Payments can... be made with a ‘PayPal’ [account]“), but Ben will allow anyone who can not pay this to subscribe for less (or free). On one page of his site he says, “All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price they can afford. Those who are really poor can get it for free.” In my mind, if you like the articles, and want to support Ben and his work, consider subscribing to his blog.
Ben may be contacted at any of the emails below which he provides on his websites:,,]

Archangel Michael on Our Response to the Looming Mass Arrests

Archangel Michael on Our Response to the Looming Mass Arrests

– Steve Beckow, June 25, 2012

Today on the pre-record of An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael advised us not to fall into fear and not to embrace the old dramas and paradigms of the Third Dimension as events unfold.
He did not confirm that the mass arrests would be happening today but instead spoke about how we should respond to them when they do occur.
He said he wished to put the subject into perspective. He reminded us (starseeds) that our proper home is not in the Third Dimension and that we walk the Earth to bring it to peace.
He reminded us that the Company of Heaven seeks to bring the light to everyone, dark and Light alike, and that this is what the Transition is all about. We are all being penetrated by the Light from the source of the Heart of One. He added:
“Peace is not brought to your planet or anywhere, throughout the multiverse … through control and hatred, coercion, distrust, or drama. That is simply not the way of love and it is not the way that I urge you to move.”
“I know there is a great deal of excitement in the air and I say that there should be. … This is the tipping point and the boulder is running downhill. … But perhaps not in the way you envision.”
The Company of Heaven does not perceive a call to civil unrest with eager anticipation, he said. He does not want the military to go in in coercive ways or for the people to take up arms. “How can that be perceived as an improvement?” he asked. “How can that be perceived as the foundation of Nova Earth? Why would Gaia wish to support more bloodshed? More violence? More unjust action? It is about of balance. This is a battle or war that is won without one bullet or use of force.”
“The emphasis on what we are doing with each and every one of you is to begin to help ypu with your choices of freewill, with the choices that are not reactive, but are choices based in building and creating and co-creating with us the future that you want. If you create the basis of the future by assuming control, it is not the basis that we will participate in.”
“I do not speak just to the people of the United States of America but to all inhabitants of Gaia and I ask you to remember the oath you took before you returned to Earth and that was to be the vessel of change, integrity, truth, love and healing, each in your own beautiful, unique way. And you have been doing that, some of you for a couple of years, some for a couple of months, and some of you for your entire life. Do not be diverted from who you are. And do not get caught in scenarios that do not appear to be in love.”
“Yes, we have heard you say you are tired of waiting and want visible signs. But the visible signs are in your heart. The visible signs are in your choices for peace “
“There has been civil unrest all over Gaia and you have seen some of the actions and reactions as you look to Egypt and Iraq. Do you truly wish to set up this kind of scenario in the West? There is already financial decay eating at the roots of your society and institutions. The shift is well underway. Do you wish to have it crumble all in one day so that there is no bread to eat or water to drink? … No, that is not the way of love.
“We want you to walk outside, to embrace your neighbor. And it is your neighbor across the planet, it is your star brothers and sisters, and it is those who so often are disdained – that is the challenge.
“Our plan is truly for people to awaken. You see it every day. You tend to call it a change of heart. That is exactly what it is. Now for some, it doesn’t happen overnight. It happens with a growing unease as they get out of bed in the morning and head off to their secretive jobs, military, financial, and it expresses as stress, high blood pressure, ulcers…. and there is a feeling, I am not happy, I am not doing what I should be doing. And the problem is for so many of these people, they don’t know hot to stop, where to turn, how to get out.
“If you confront them with accusations, blame, fault, and threats, this does not help them shift. It helps them regroup, retrench, and feel they need to defend themselves. So you are easing the way, you are showing them through your bright platforms, by the sharing that you do. You are showing them that there is another way and you are welcome to join us. Let me give you our hand. And yes, maybe you have been lost and been in the dark pit of hell. But you are welcome.”
He reminded us that only a small handful of people on Earth heeded his last call to take up our divine swords and cut the cords around the people of Syria. He wants us to speak up. He wants us to support each other, financially, emotionally, and spiritually, including the naysayers, and not to be confrontational.
The speaking of truth is not always easy. It requires courage and bravery and it may feel like stepping out on a limb and many may tell us that we are delusional and crazy. But we will be in the best company.
What he is asking us is to step out of our comfort zone, not in picking up guns or bombs, but in whatever way we can – for instance, beaming love to every person we meet. We are being given mighty help from our star brothers and sisters. Our star brothers and sisters are very active, not only with us but with the “resistant” group. They are not asking us to form a new resistance. We already are the new paradigm.
“Look in the mirror, beloved ones, and see yourself and also see us standing next to you. … We are next to you as we never have been before.”
“We don’t want you engaging in coercion. We want you engaging in conversation, intelligent exchange. … There is no weapon more powerful than your sword and shield. None in anything the military has developed can in any way defeat what is available to you through us and your star brothers and sisters.”
With that Serapis Bey and El Morya joined the discussion. I’ll leave their discussions of peace for you to listen to.

This week's show will continue to look at the theme of peace with Ascended Masters, Serapis Bey and El Morya. A word that most people think they understand and perhaps think that they are creating in their worlds. 

The word 'peace' currently lacks a broad, holistic definition, and this opens the door for discussion as to what it is that people are claiming when they say they want 'peace.'

Music: Pachelbel's Canon and Mike Roland - Son of the Light

Monday at 8pm EST by clicking on the show link

A recorded archive and description will be available after the show.

Patience is gold.
(Chinese saying)

53 Cents of Your Tax $ Goes to War, Killing and Destruction

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

53 Cents of Your Tax $ Goes to War, Killing and Destruction
Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Monday, 25-Jun-2012 12:25:02

Your Tax Dollars at War
"The most enormous war machine the world has ever known"
US radio host Dennis Bernstein and investigative reporter Dave Lindorff illustrate just how much US tax money goes towards the country's war chest
"People have to realize that 53 cents of every dollar that they are paying into taxes is going to the military to an astonishing figure there is an enormous, enormous amount of money being blown on war an killing and destruction."


The really funny thing about this video is it is sadly true.... I laughed so hard I nearly lost it.... Anyone that has no clue as to what is happening needs to see this...


Military and our Patriot Forces are mobilizing to free our country

Friends, Patriots and fellow Floridians:
Now, we can reveal that our Military and our Patriot Forces are mobilizing to free our country from the grasp of the insanity which has been ongoing for centuries. It may seem attractive to some to out such actions prematurely, but now, it is safe and sanctioned to allow our Patriot community to know, that all is well. Our Military will be on the streets soon, safeguarding our communities. Look for July to be pivotal. Stay out of the way and in your homes.
There will more than likely be conflict and misunderstanding, as well as misinformation. I am sure that when we are needed, we will be called upon. Load up on your groceries for now, and tell those neighbors, family and friends to do the same. Be ready and be vigilant.
We will all be the first men and women to walk this Earth as free souls, in thousands of years! I am sure we are all thankful to our Creator for this momentous happening. May we learn to now live in peace, love and prosperity as it was meant to be.
I also want to thank our Civilian Militias, our Military, the White Hats, all Liberation Forces, and dedicated persons who have given it all, to bring us this upcoming moment of liberty we have been waiting for these many years. We will never know the countless hours of vigilance, lost lives and sacrifice it took to bring us across the finish line. We salute you all and wish you God’s speed.
May God bless all of you, and may we have a new understanding of this coming Independence Day.
Happy 4th of July, as never before!!!
Love to everyone.

Humor - A Blonde In Church

A Blonde In Church

An Alabama pastor said to his congregation, "Someone in this congregation has spread a rumor that I belong to the Ku Klux Klan. This is a horrible lie and one which a Christian community cannot tolerate. I am embarrassed and do not intend to accept this. Now, I want the party who said this to stand and ask forgiveness from God and this Christian family."
No one moved.
The preacher continued, "Do you have the nerve to face me and admit this is a falsehood? Remember, you will be forgiven and in your heart you will feel glory. Now stand and confess your transgression."
Again, all was quiet.

Then, slowly, a drop-dead gorgeous blonde with a body that would stop a runaway train rose from the third pew. Her head was bowed and her voice quivered as she spoke, "Reverend there has been a terrible misunderstanding. I never said you were a member of the Ku Klux Klan. I simply told a couple of my friends that you were a wizard under the sheets."
The preacher fell to his knees, his wife fainted, and the congregation roared.

Life is Short, Smile While You still have Teeth.

Henry Ford once made a car out of organic (hemp) plastic that was much lighter and stronger than the materials we use now.

Here's an interesting little clip.

Henry Ford once made a car out of organic (hemp) plastic that was
much lighter and stronger than the materials we use now.

It was biodegradable and made from renewable natural resources.

Ford proclaimed he would "grow automobiles from the soil."

I wonder whatever happened to that idea...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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San Francisco, CA 94115

New World Order Blueprint Leaked

New World Order Blueprint Leaked
June 24, 2012
On June 12, a leaked copy of the investment chapter for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was made public. This copy was analyzed by Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch and has been verified as authentic.   This agreement has been negotiated IN SECRET for 2-1/2 years and no information has ever been released until this leak. So why have the details of this negotiation been so secret? This agreement has been framed as a “free trade” agreement and yet out of 26 chapters only two have anything to do with trade. The other 24 chapters grant new corporate privileges and rights, while limiting governments and protective regulations.
If implemented, this agreement will hard code corporate dominance over sovereign governments into international law that will supercede any federal, state, or local laws of any member country. This TPP agreement   alone should set alarm bells ringing, but if one steps back and looks at the larger picture, the future ramifications look even more ominous. After completing this reading, see what your conclusions are.
This video is a must see for anyone who wishes to more fully understand the implications of this secretly negotiated agreement. This article will also show how if this agreement is considered in the context of other recently passed legislation and developments, and the “dots are connected”, the results would be total corporate global governance with an accompanying police state. In this new system the role of elected   governments would be to serve as subservient agents for the transnational corporations, while the armies, police, and courts would serve the interests of these transnational corporations. The   status of the member states would be locked-in,   similar to countries once they are inside the Eurozone.
The TPP is being negotiated by some of the same cast of characters that brought us NAFTA, CAFTA and other so called free trade agreements. Some of the provisions in this document include the establishment of a parallel system of justice to be administered by 3 attorneys with no conflict of interest limitations. This 3 attorney tribunal could order sovereign governments to use taxpayer money to pay these transnational corporations for any environmental or regulatory costs that these corporations expended to meet local standards. Many existing laws would need to be rewritten and no new regulatory laws could be passed.
Governments that tried to pass regulations such as limits on the financial industry using risky bets such as derivatives would have the burden of proof to defend such regulations in a court system controlled by the corporations. The taxpayers would pay should a corporation prevail in one of these “private courts”. In fact over $350 million of taxpayer money has already been paid out to corporations under the NAFTA style deals, because of zoning laws, toxic bans, timber rules and other regulations. This TPP agreement is like NAFTA on steroids. This corporate tribunal bears a resemblance to the private US Supreme Court approved   binding arbitrationthat corporations use to severely limit an individual’s or a group’s right to sue for damages. With binding arbitration we essentially have a “ private corporate court system ” outside of any government judicial system where the corporations choose the arbitrators and pay for their services. This creates an apparent conflict of interest because   the arbitrators know that if they do not rule favorably to the corporations in the majority of cases, they will not be hired back.

The kangaroo courts setup by this TPP agreement will have binding corporate guarantees with both trade and cash sanctions. These cash sanctions would effectively transfer taxpayer money to transnational corporate coffers.   Can you imagine the excesses we will see in the financial industry as they challenge regulations within their own private court system forcing governments to pay or eliminate them?
The result of these corporate tribunals will be to setup a race to the bottom, where if one country chooses not to regulate something, then the corporations would be able to sue the other nations inside of the TPP to have taxpayers cover their losses for any such regulations. These other countries would be vulnerable to corporate led lawsuits to be decided in the corporate tribunals.
So how could such an extreme agreement that literally gives corporations everything they could possibly want have been negotiated with little or no resistance? The answer is that the ONLY way this agreement could ever pass is if everything is done in secret and the details never see the light of day. Lori Wallach , the director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch recently said:
“These agreements are a little bit like Dracula. You drag them in the sunshine, and they do not fare well. But all of us, and also across all of the countries involved, there are citizen movements that are basically saying that this is not in our name. We don’t need global enforceable corporate rights. We need more democracy. We need more accountability.”
These talks have been so secret that Senator Ron Wyden, chairman of the Trade Committee in the Senate which has jurisdiction   over trade agreements has been denied any access to information on the negotiations for over 2-1/2 years. This is a man who is on the Intelligence Committee and has access to nuclear secrets, yet he cannot see this TPP agreement? On the Democratic side, Senator Wyden has introduced legislation to force the Obama administration to make the details of these secret negotiations available to the Senate Committee.
On the Republican side, Representative Darryl Issa has also questioned the Obama administration’s extreme levels of secrecy on this agreement. This is not a liberal cause, this is not a conservative cause, this is a common cause. It is vital that the public be aware of this TPP agreement because BOTH of the 2012 presidential candidates are supporting this agreement.    Since TPP was negotiated under the watch of the Obama administration, and Mitt Romney has indicated that he wants to quickly complete negotiations of this bill, the results of the next election will be irrelevant to the future status of this bill.
With the corporate takeover of sovereign governments, we see the very essence of a global fascist system. When most people think of fascism, they think of Hitler brown shirts marching through the streets, however, that is not the real definition of fascism. Fascism was defined by President Franklin Roosevelt:
“The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it comes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism – ownership of government by an individual, by a group”

Analysis: Hunger Games, and the Satanic New World Order Agenda

Analysis: Hunger Games, and the Satanic New World Order Agenda

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. There is nothing kept secret that will not come to light.

Read more:

Lord Monckton Breaks Down the Rio Conference

TNA @ Rio+20: Lord Monckton Breaks Down the Rio Conference.

United Kingdom's Lord Monckton,blows the Rio conference and the Climate change business to pieces.

Please take the time to watch these important videos [2] ....



Subj: VKD: I DO NOT BELIEVE THEY (GEITHNER, GENE C. VALENTINE, JAMIE DIAMON & P-2) CAN HOLD THE LINE: The Bank of England’s leading dovish policymaker has called for at least £50bn of fresh quantitative easing.

As the situation around the world hits "critical mass" brought about by George Soros and his 'friends' in high levels of governments around the world takeover of global banking, financing and economics with the intent of bankrupting the U.S. Treasury/Fed. R. to set up a new global banking and financial system, had fatal flaws. Those flaws have held the Bank of International Settlements in a full blown 'tizzy' trying to comply with the old 'Gladios' principles, while having to show source of collateral and prove up the authencity of said collataral by the authorization of the party who actually own the collateral "Soros" etal attempt to use.
The latest on Soros is taken from Bloomberg this day is:
Billionaire investor George Soroscalled on Europe to start a fund to buy Italian and Spanish bonds, warning that a failure by leaders meeting this week to produce drastic measures could spell the demise of the currency.
Policy makers should create a European Fiscal Authority to purchase sovereign debt in return for Italy and Spain implementing achievable budget cuts, Soros said in an interview in London yesterday. Funding for the purchases would come from the sale of European Treasuries, which would have low yields because they would be backed by each euro member, he said. source
By: V.K. Durham

To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Cc: Katherin
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 9:15 AM
Subject: Where did the Allies of the United States Go? Why do they no longer support THE UNITED STATES?


To: The Free Press of Nations concerned about WAR WITH IRAQ.


Please read the affixed email. This involves CORRUPT, PREDATORY BANKING PRACTICES which, currently involves your nations, and mine i.e., THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Exposing these BANKING FRAUDS of those banks and financial institutions listed in the following email, if exposed, will expose to the CANDID OPINION OF THE PUBLIC as to what this WAR is really about.

We need your assistance in exposing these matters, as we are the HOLDER/OWNER of the INSTRUMENT(s) used without our Authorization regarding BOGUS GOLD INSTRUMENTS now plaguing the entire International Banking and Financial Markets which "cannot now perform."

These matters have been covered up by the United States House of Representatives, U.S. Senate Banking, U.S. Dept. of the Treasury and U.S. Federal Reserve. The covering up, has presented mankind with a probable "global war."

I remain-

Yours truly,
The Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust (TIAS 12087)

The listing of numbers of 53,977.21 UNAUTHORIZED usage OF BONUS 3392 181 GOLD COLLATERAL, did not include REGION V. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES or DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS who have also used the GOLD COLLATERAL. The documents will also be posted at THE ANTE‡CHAMBER which is in constant process of posting documents regarding these Unauthorized Bogus Gold Instruments written on BONUS 3392-181.

The Bank Account Numbers, Transaction Codes etc which brought down the French Banks, German Banks, Japanese and English Banks are also posted under BRADY BONDS-1991 BANK FAILURES.

Nicholas Brady used the Hass Formula (12 U.S.C. Sec. 411. Constitutional Gold & Silver Lawful Money vs Legal Tender applications as applied to the IMF-WB) of multiples of $38.00 to $1.00, multiplied the $120 Billion Dollars of "Unauthorized Gold Collateral" from BONUS 3392-181, in the multiples of $38 Xs $120BLN. This is the amount of BOGUS GOLD DERIVATIVES which were put out globally and more particularly in the Far East Banks, by Mr. Brady and Mr. Greenspan from 1991 forward.

The ISLAMIC & CHINESE BANKING become aware and take note of DISCOVERY of these "Bogus Gold Derivatives". Upon "Discovery" a "REVERSE PLAY" was put into motion by the CHINESE and ISLAMIC BANKING SYSTEMS. Enter's "HATONN aka ST. GERMAIN" of CHAPTER EIGHT as discovered on the Saudi Arabia Internet (please post Chapter Eight with this document), complete with the Royal Saudi Seals of Saudi's and Jeddah.

The Royal Saudi Seal instruments reflect the date of on or about "August 9th 1994"..

Lets take a look at what else was going on deep inside the Global Money Markets of Banking, Financing and Economics..
quote: "

tungsten a counterfeit story By MERLIN LAFLEUR, 2009/12/02. This October, bankers in Hong Kong were in for a rude shock when they discovered some gold bars from the US to be actually gold plated tungsten i.e., fake gold bars. Acting fast, the Chinese officials found the perpetrators within hours. It seems that fake Tungsten blanks, between 1.3 and 1.5 million 400 oz, were manufactured in the US about fifteen years ago during the Clinton administration. Said to have been done by a very sophisticated refiner, 640,000 of these tungsten planks were gold plated and shifted to Fort Knox. The remaining also gold plated, but sold into the international market. (Fort Knox , as you may be aware, is the United States Bullion Depository, where the official gold reserves of the federal government are stored. This depository of about 4,603 tons (4 176 metric tonness) is the second highest gold depository in the US after the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's underground vault in Manhattan (5,000 metric tonness of gold). Whoever pulled this one on the gold bars had connections inside the government, big banks and also a top-of-the-line fabrication facility. source:

Quote: [snip] this would not be the first time the NY Fed has pinned its desire to maintain secrecy on cooperative scapegoats. For instance, some parties have asked for the contracts between the New York Fed and Blackrock for Blackrock’s services as asset manager for the Maiden Lane bailout vehicles (one for Bear Stearns, two for AIG) be disclosed. The NY Fed has refused, saying Blackrock has insisted they remain secret. A colleague who spoke to Blackrock’s CEO Larry Fink says Fink says that’s untrue, Blackrock has in fact pushed the NY Fed to publicize them. But the Blackrock does a lot of business with the Fed and presumably is not willing to cross an important client by calling them a liar.
Since the Fed isn’t lifting a finger to help, the inspector general has focused on the chain of custody, basically what happened after the money left the Fed, since much of it appears to have gone missing.
snip: The notion that the mysterious NY Fed money drops were supporting more than just the narrow restoration of government services open up other nasty possibilities. Remember the many complaints about the impact of the big budget deficits run during the war. They were two-fold. One was that the deficits were the worst of all possible worlds, since the war spending was going heavily to contractors in the Middle East and hence not simulating the US economy. Second was that the contractors were extraordinarily inefficient, with multiple layers and huge markups at each level.
Now it is in fact quite possible that the NY Fed more than $40 billion, and more important, more than was held in the Iraqi custody accounts. Who would know if the decision was made to “print” to provide a stash for either extra operations related to the Iraq war that the officialdom wanted to keep below the radar or to send some (a lot?) of extra dough along with this massive money airlift to fund all sorts of black operations?
Implausibly, we are told only one man was on the receiving end of all these shipments:
And although the money was handled by a variety of trained American officials and military officers in the first legs of its trip halfway around the world, CNBC has learned that something unusual happened on the Baghdad side of the transaction: Each of the money flights to Baghdad was met at the airport in Iraq by the same man.
The previously unknown Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) official was tasked with picking up the bales of billions as they were unloaded from C-17s and arranging for them to get to the Central Bank of Iraq in downtown Baghdad. It was a perilous journey of about seven miles over a road the U.S. military called “Route Irish” through territory often controlled by insurgents. Travelers faced the threat of rocket propelled grenades, mortars, car bombs and IEDs….
The CPA official was a stocky, middle-aged naturalized American citizen of Lebanese descent who was born in Saudi Arabia. His first name is Basel. At his request, CNBC has agreed to withhold his last name from this story. Basel ferried cash in Baghdad for the CPA and the American embassy from 2003 until 2008—all told handling, he said, about $40 billion in cash.
His job made him the very last American to see that money before it disappeared into the vaults at the Central Bank of Iraq. And it may have made him the only person in the history of the world to oversee the movement of $40 billion in a combat zone.
snip: The incident in question is the air shipping of a claimed $40 billion in cold hard cash airlifted from the New York Fed to Iraq from 2003 to 2008. This operation took place largely if not entirely on Tim Geithner’s watch, since he was president of the New York Fed from October 2003 to November 2008. So while the US has never had a Helicopter Ben, Iraq had a Helicopter Geithner.
read more at source
VKD. Lets take another look. February 7, 2011
Remember this incident which you were told about26-Sep-2010 ?: "BOGUS GOLD showed up after Weston Frank, Mr. Wylie, Mr. Kellog came to this Trust asking if we would accept 40 BILLION DOLLARS to make the two 120 Billion Dollars associated with the illegal securitization of THE BRADY BONDS.."
When these certain individuals came to the Durham Trust, an offer of $40 Billion Dollars was made to 'me' for the "Unauthorized use of the two $120 Billion Dollar Transactions of September 12/1991. But, it was necessary that I 'underwrite' the two $120 Billions. I accepted the '$40 Billion Dollar Offer" with the caveate and conditions of 1. The $40 Billion Dollars must be paid in Gold Bullion acording to 'the Bonus 3392' Contract (2) the bullion must be core drilled (3) assayed (4) re-certified and (5) delivered to the Trust's Bank.
The 'requirement of those 5 conditions' brought about the discovery of "Gold Plated Tungsten"..
The above mentioned individuals I have come to refer to as "the three stooges"..
Recent as yesterday, February 6, 2011 documentation dated May 21, 2001 came in one of 'three stooges' is alleged and documented as having been involved in PROJECT HAMMER. The individual is Felix Wylie, Continental Investments Group, associated with Cordoba Bank [Spain], Chemical Bank,NYm Bank of America, Canada Sovran Bank NA, Virginia, SouthEast Bank, Fla., UBS, Bankers Trust, Citiand etals. Further documentation dated 6 August 2001 "Office of the State Attorney Pretoria."

VKD. PROJECT HAMMER has recently been discovered by COL. RUSSELL HERMAN'S WIDOW as a G.H.W. BUSH project further involving Dan Hughes, Jr., Gene C. Valentine, Tim Geithner, Jamie Diamon and that particular movement of gold... also wound up in what could be defined as "A GOLDEN SNIPE HUNT."
Posted at 05:15 by Joseph Cotterill
 ONE. The Bank of England’s leading dovish policymaker has called for at least £50bn of fresh quantitative easing. David Miles told the FT that a “substantial” number was needed to intervene in the economy. Miles added that new BoE lending operations to banks would help monetary policy. “It’s a complement to one of the levers we’ve got, rather than a substitute because [the MPC] has run out of effective levers,” he said. The BoE’s Financial Policy Committee is meanwhile likely to advise this week that banks should be able to relax their buffers of liquid assets, Reuters reports.
 TWO. JPMorgan’s Chief Investment Office will not be made to pare back investments in asset-backed securities and corporate debt, following a review into the ‘London Whale’ trades, reports the WSJ. Executives will however constrain the CIO from investing in “infrequently traded derivatives” and private equity. Bets on ABS and corporates helped the CIO deliver big gains for JPMorgan in recent years, whereas most US bank treasuries have focused on mortgage and government bonds.
 THREE. Spain will formally ask for a bailout for its banks later today. The request will spark a week of negotiations on whether Spain should receive a loan, or whether banks should be directly capitalised, the FT says. Discussions over the conditions for Spain’s banking sector are likely to include proposals for a ‘bad bank’

 - George Soros’ plan for a joint European debt fund. (Financial Times)

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 12:51 AM
Subject: The 6am London Cut
The 6am Cut London25 June 2012

The 6am Cut London

Posted at 05:15 by Joseph Cotterill
The Bank of England’s leading dovish policymaker has called for at least £50bn of fresh quantitative easing. David Miles told the FT that a “substantial” number was needed to intervene in the economy. Miles added that new BoE lending operations to banks would help monetary policy. “It’s a complement to one of the levers we’ve got, rather than a substitute because [the MPC] has run out of effective levers,” he said. The BoE’s Financial Policy Committee is meanwhile likely to advise this week that banks should be able to relax their buffers of liquid assets, Reuters reports.
JPMorgan’s Chief Investment Office will not be made to pare back investments in asset-backed securities and corporate debt, following a review into the ‘London Whale’ trades, reports the WSJ. Executives will however constrain the CIO from investing in “infrequently traded derivatives” and private equity. Bets on ABS and corporates helped the CIO deliver big gains for JPMorgan in recent years, whereas most US bank treasuries have focused on mortgage and government bonds.
Airbus will avoid the three-year delay that afflicted Boeing’s Dreamliner when rolling out its A350, its new chief executive has told the FT. A timetable to deliver the first A350s in the first half of 2014 was “challenging” but “achievable,” Fabrice Brégier said. Investors in EADS, Airbus’ parent company, have grown concerned about the A350 after delays to the A380 superjumbo. Supply problems have already pushed the A350′s delivery date back from 2013.
Spain will formally ask for a bailout for its banks later today. The request will spark a week of negotiations on whether Spain should receive a loan, or whether banks should be directly capitalised, the FT says. Discussions over the conditions for Spain’s banking sector are likely to include proposals for a ‘bad bank’.
The US has called for Egypt’s first Muslim Brotherhood president to “advance national unity” after winning with 52 per cent of the vote. Mohamed Morsi said that under his leadership Egypt would “respect the international conventions and charters it signed with the world,” reports the FT. Morsi intends to take his presidential oath before Egypt’s parliament, despite its recent dissolution by the ruling military council.
The SEC is probing Standard & Poor’s over its last-minute decision to pull its rating from a CMBS deal. The regulator is examining whether S&P rated new CMBS less stringently than previous issues, the WSJ reports. S&P pulled the $1.5bn deal in July last year after finding “potentially conflicting methods of calculation.”
Chief executive pay at banks has risen by double-digits in the last year, the FT says. US and European bankers received an average annual pay rise of 12 per cent. Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan secured an 11 per cent pay increase.
GlaxoSmithKline’s chief executive has written to the EU seeking concessions over drugmakers’ support for cash-strapped southern states. Andrew Witty’s letter calls for EU leaders to temporarily ban the re-export of drugs from the periphery, where low prices have made it attractive to export them back out to northern economies, Reuters reports. Countries in fiscal programmes should also be excluded from reference pricing baskets for drugs, the letter states.
The Competition Commission has taken BT to task over its bid to get its competitors to contribute to fixing its £3bn pension scheme deficit, the FT reports. BT has strived to include deficit repair costs in the formula for charging its competitors for access to wholesale broadband.
- George Soros’ plan for a joint European debt fund. (Financial Times)
- What Mario Monti needs to tell Europe, by Wolfgang Munchau. (Financial Times)
- 73 US companies issued lower guidance this quarter; 63 last quarter. (Financial Times)
- The BRICs currencies are falling like the proverbial ton – and at their fastest rate since 1998. (Bloomberg)
The Nikkei was flat and the euro fell 0.2 per cent against the dollar in Asian trading, Reuters reports. Stocks exposed to global growth led the way down, including BHP Billiton, which dropped 1.8 per cent, says Bloomberg. Share in Samsung fell up to 4 per cent as the market gave short shrift to second-quarter forecasts, according to the WSJ.


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