Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Gov Paul LePage SOLD OUT TO BANKERS --- Another Cabal Stooge

John's comments --- this is the crux of the problem - bankers lose original note --- The GOV sold out to his puppet master-- needs to be removed.


LePage vetoes bill to regulate foreclosure documents

By Susan M. Cover
State House Bureau
AUGUSTA — Gov. Paul LePage today vetoed a bill that sought to streamline foreclosure proceedings.
The bill, LD 145, was sponsored by Rep. Roberta Beavers, D-South Berwick.
In his veto letter, LePage said the bill "would add a new burden on our lenders to produce original copies of documents or swear under penalty of perjury why they are not able to."
"This would simply create more paperwork in the foreclosure process with little benefit for Maine people," he wrote.
Beavers, who spent a year and a half working on the bill, said it would require financial institutions to produce documents up front, which would save time. The bill passed the Senate 32-2 and the House 90-54.
"I feel he gave in to the big banks that caused the financial meltdown of 2008 instead of supporting the people of Maine and helping them stay in their homes," she said.
This is LePage's 16th veto of the two-year legislative session. It will appear on the House calendar next week for consideration. The Legislature has never overridden a LePage veto.


Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 7:19 AM

Yesterday, after I wrote the above, I found out that one of our most influential and high-ranking insiders was attacked by a very sophisticated bio-weapon last week.
It could very well be that this was done to try to cut off one of our most important sources of insider information.
I was shocked by this. I did always know this person was taking a great risk in speaking to me, and that he could end up disappearing at any time as a result -- so I had already prepared myself for something like this possibly happening.
The story has all the makings of a great film sequence, and maybe someday I will put it into a script. If it were not so real, I would find the drama of what just happened very invigorating.
It does sound hard to believe, and I'm sure plenty of people will think I'm fabricating this. That's fine. I'm going to share a basic overview of the information with you anyway, without giving away details that could compromise the investigation.
After the arrests I hope this can all be made public and open. In the years I've worked with this person, nothing like this has ever happened before.

The time he would have died would have been roughly Monday, June 25th, if this had been a successful attack.
They did discover the weapon must be administered by direct injection into the bloodstream. Three co-factors that appear innocuous by themselves work together to create rapid death within a few days after its introduction into the body.
It is built to be undetectable, and will not show up in conventional blood tests. Even those people working in very high levels on the inside had to work feverishly to identify what exactly this was.
By culturing his blood, they were able to isolate the co-factors and provide antigens that destroyed two out of three of them.
I am not clear yet on what the third element is, but by itself it is harmless and would not cause alarm in a blood test -- just like the others.

It takes quite an unusual technology to attempt to take out someone from the inside and make it look natural, since there is much more available information about all such possibilities in the intelligence community.
This weapon is "highly sophisticated and brand new," unlike anything they've ever seen before on the inside.
Obviously, the development of any such technology is completely forbidden by international treaties. That does not change the fact that some people in the Cabal are developing these methods for special purposes anyway.
Again -- this weapon cannot be delivered by any means except direct injection into the bloodstream. Let's be absolutely clear on that so no one can contort this into another "fear porn" story.
You cannot eat it, drink it, touch it or breathe it and have any problem from it at all. The body would simply digest it and dispose of it.
There is absolutely no indication that this could ever be used on any widespread level. It is more like a "new toy" that would only be used for the most high-level assassinations, where the means are supposed to be undetectable, even to top insiders.
Now that it has been identified, this weapon will never be able to be used again.

Although 95 percent of the two main co-factors have been defeated, and an antidote has now been manufactured as a result, he is still being held under quarantine at this time.
At least they are feeding him well and he has full supervision and security now. No one would dare go after him at this point.
Part of what may have saved his life is this "untraceable" agent was probably not tested very much, if at all, on humans.
It was also pre-calibrated to work within existing medical conditions he already had, which most people do not suffer with, and greatly exacerbate them. This is part of what would have made it look like a natural death.
These existing medical conditions have now been made significantly worse. I do hope we can get them stabilized. I am offering him whatever help and advice I can. We are not out of the woods yet on this, but it is looking good.
Since it took about 3-4 days for the co-factors to synergize and start creating massive biological damage, there was time for emergency testing as the symptoms started happening.

The tip-off was when he experienced a urine flow that burned like he was "peeing molten lava." That was what got him to make the calls to his most trusted affiliates.
He was immediately rushed to a secure facility. Within minutes, samples of his blood were being flown to the top lab in the country where the appropriate tests could be administered.
All of this happened while I was away on the road. Things moved so quickly that I never got a call or an email and had no idea that anything was going on.
When I spoke to him about what Drake had said, to get his read on it, he never brought up what had just happened to him.
He did tell me there was "a lot more we need to talk about" and it was a "wild story," but I had no idea what he meant at the time.
I think he just needed to get his mind off of everything and wasn't ready to talk about the gritty details yet. Drake's story was a good distraction, and we both hoped it was really true this time.
Yesterday he was in a more stable place physically, and was suffering much less -- so that's when I got all the details.

The investigation is still active, so I cannot say more about how and when the injection was administered.
Suffice it to say that the original location was discovered by simple deductive reasoning, based on tracking his movements in the preceding week.
The area was totally sealed off, quarantined, thoroughly scrubbed down by operatives in moon-suits, and analyzed. With these protocols even a single stray molecule can be detected.
At least two arrests are now imminent as a result of this process -- and probably have already happened by now.
Once the perpetrators are brought into custody, various means will insure they reveal who ordered the hit. That person or persons will then be brought to justice.
None of this will ever make headlines. It's just another chapter in an increasingly strenuous war on the inside.

It is very, very dangerous for someone in the insider community to order a "hit" like this against someone with such high clearance.
The method has to be completely untraceable. If the slightest mistake is made, and it gets back to them, they are finished.
The intelligence community is divided and factionalized now, between those who wish to do the mass arrests (the majority) and those who are loyal to the Cabal.
If someone wants to take out a top insider, the intelligence apparatus has remarkably advanced technology to trace it out -- and that is what happened here.
I do believe some form of divine intervention did occur to stop this attack from being a success, and I am very grateful for that.

He did agree with me that whomever did this must be quite desperate.
It's basically a suicide move if it doesn't work, given the strength of the opposition and the value of this person as an asset to the "good guys" in the intelligence community.
Whomever ordered this job wouldn't have done it if they didn't already think their lives were in grave danger. Therefore, this is another good sign that things are heading in the right direction.
I am breathing a huge sigh of relief that all is well. We will not be intimidated and we will not cower in fear.
Again, I thank you for your support -- and I do look forward to that inevitable day where truth will dawn.

Another one of my insiders pointed out how curious it is that a "land hurricane" hit Washington, DC after Drake's announcement of imminent arrests prior to July 4th.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Millions across the mid-Atlantic region sweltered Saturday in the aftermath of violent storms that pummeled the eastern U.S. with high winds and downed trees, killing at least 13 people and leaving 3 million without power during a heat wave.

Power officials said the outages wouldn't be repaired for several days to a week, likening the damage to a serious hurricane.

Emergencies were declared in Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, the District of Columbia and Virginia, where Gov. Bob McDonnell said the state had its largest non-hurricane outage in history, as more storms threatened.

"This is a very dangerous situation," the governor said.

What do you think this means? Nothing?
Is it possible that the "good guys" gained control of a technology such as HAARP -- which allegedly can create severe weather -- and used it to knock down Washington, DC for the greater good?
You have to admit it is quite a convenient "coincidence" that this happened after Drake got the word from three of his top insiders that at least some arrests were imminent.
The people would not be upset by seeing emergency personnel in the midst of a disaster like this.
Power is down, cell communications are down... and this would be an ideal window of opportunity for certain key people, at least, to be brought to justice.
Bear in mind that these people may not be elected officials. We may not even know, at first, that anyone has disappeared. This could be the first stage of a multi-pronged campaign.

Again -- even the staunchest skeptics must admit how strange it is that this all happened AFTER Drake was given the "green light" announcement.
Many of the top arrests would be in the Washington, DC / Northern Virginia / Maryland area, by necessity. Let's read more and absorb the details:
WASHINGTON - It could be a week or more without power for some of the more than 1 million customers in the D.C. area that lost power during Friday night's powerful storms.

The three largest power companies in the region say everybody's power won't be back on until next weekend.

The governments of Maryland, Virginia and D.C. have declared a state of emergency. President Barack Obama called the governors of Maryland and Virginia offering federal assistance....

Pepco says that extra crews are scheduled to arrive Monday from as far away as Oklahoma, Florida, Georgia and Missouri. They're also reaching out to crews in the northeast and Canada.

Graham says crews are working 16 hour shifts, 24 hours a day. He adds that the storm was not predicted several days in advance [, and this] made it harder to get extra crews ready ahead of the storms.

"This came on us pretty quickly and pretty hard," Graham says....

BGE has brought in nearly 900 out-of-state crews from as far away as Florida, Mississippi, Michigan, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Canada. The utility says restoration efforts are expected to last deep into the week....

You Can't Hear Me Now
Verizon says Friday night's storms also wreaked havoc on their system -- knocking out landline service for many customers.
"However, due to extensive commercial power outages across the entire region, our crews have had to deal with a number of technical and mechanical challenges, in addition to storm damage such as downed poles and trees on our wires," writes Verizon spokesman Harry Mitchell....

In addition, many Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile customers say they are having issues with phone service.

AT&T technicians are "mobilized and currently working to resolve the issues," according to a company release.

"Due to damaging storms that have knocked out power across the Midwest and Northeast regions of the country, some AT&T customers in impacted areas in Virginia and Washington D.C. may be experiencing issues with wireless service," the company says.

Cable TV and internet service in the area is also experiencing problems....

State of Emergency
The governor of Maryland called it "a historic storm," and Virginia and D.C. have declared a state of emergency.
"This is the largest non-hurricane power outage in Virginia history," Gov. Bob McDonnell says. "Virginians need to be on guard and to be working together ... and to find out where the shelters are."

"The severity of the storm damage necessitates the declaration of a public emergency to enable District government to respond to emerging issues as expeditiously as possible," said D.C. City Administrator Allen Y. Lew.

Yes. I hear you. It is possible that this could be nothing but a meaningless coincidence.
It's also possible that it has nothing to do with HAARP, but could be some form of divine intervention -- sending out a powerful signal that very rapid changes can and do take place sometimes.
Either way, this story just got a lot more interesting. And on a personal level, I had another synchronicity after I wrote and posted this article the first time.
In my last paragraph, I discussed the "Luciferian / Biblical Antichrist" aspect of the Cabal. When I came back to read the article later, and got to the end, the hit counter was at 6663.
To those who are experiencing synchronicity in their own lives, and have these bizarre and mystical things happening to them, this should not be so unusual.
I see it as a very positive sign that the "good guys" are out there, in the higher realms, and are insuring that this will all come to fruition at the appropriate time -- whenever that may actually be.

Thanks again for all your support. I will not be intimidated by this violent, clandestine attack against my trusted colleague. Nor will I remain silent out of fear.
Very interesting things are happening and this story keeps getting stranger and stranger, with the stakes seeming to get higher and higher all the time.
I do believe it is important to meditate on a positive outcome, maintain calm, and do your best to spread the word about what is going on in the world to others, gently, and without alarmism or fear-mongering.
Thank you again for your support and encouragement. I've read the comments you are sending in and am overwhelmed by all the gratitude and positive energy -- especially after hearing what happened to my trusted colleague.
Let's all focus on how we can create the future we all deserve -- and restore peace on this planet.

Shortly after I posted the above update, I got an alarming letter from Benjamin Fulford -- particularly after having just done two months of conferences on the road myself.
Apparently, at a conference this past Saturday (Friday in most time zones,) Ben was doing meet-and-greets with audience members. Someone shook his hand and apparently jabbed him in the wrist with a small, concealed needle as they did.
Ben immediately sucked the wound and spit out whatever fluids he could get. He seemed to be fine afterwards. Then he read my update and became alarmed. Two days after this happened, he still does not have any symptoms.
Here is Ben's original letter:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fulford Benjamin
Date: Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 4:54 PM
To: David Wilcock

Can you get me more info about the bio weapon. On Saturday, after I made a public appearance, a man came up to me, shook my hand and then jabbed my wrist with something, leaving a small hole.
I sucked at it immediately to remove whatever it may have been and I feel fine today, Monday. However, after reading your update, I would like to hear from the people who have the anti-dote.

Benjamin Fulford 古歩道ベンジャミン

After reading this, and seeing the stakes going up even more, I called and got further information -- and was cleared to reveal more details.
My hope in doing this is not to alarm anyone, nor give any fuel to the fire of those who seek to create fear. Nor do I believe Fulford is lying.
Simply put, if this technology is now being used to try to hurt anyone working on the mass arrests from the inside, this information will be of urgent and immediate value to them.
Let me warn you -- this is not for the squeamish.

The weird thing about this weapon is it shows up as both animal and vegetable in blood tests. Specifically, there are two forms of bacteria (animal) and one form of vegetable, which is fungus-like.
The two bacterial agents combine to smash down and majorly weaken the immune system.
Then the vegetable / fungus-like agent goes in and dramatically weakens the sinew tissue. It also weakens the bone, though this effect apparently is not needed. 
The person dies of a seemingly natural heart attack after being violently ill. The sinew tissue holding the heart together is no longer strong enough to maintain its integrity -- and it comes apart. This takes 3-4 days to develop.
Then as soon as the body dies and the temperature drops, the three co-factors get a shutdown signal and go into remission.
Therefore, they cause no further degradation of the sinew or bone after death. This makes it very hard to detect.
This final shut-off signal is part of what makes it so sophisticated and unusual, as apparently such a weapon would normally continue acting on bodily tissues after death.
An autopsy might show a little bit of degradation in bone and sinew, but not enough to be detected in most cases unless they knew what they were looking for.
Furthermore, the lack of abnormal metabolites in the blood also makes the co-factors very unlikely to be detected. 

The symptoms were quite nasty. You may want to skip this part if you visualize and empathize with medical things too strongly.
He ended up with a soaring fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit. His prostate became highly enflamed. Since this organ wraps around the ureter, it caused the urine to have to come through at very high pressure -- like a squirt gun nozzle.
Every ten minutes he had to pee again, and the pain level was "much worse than kidney stones." In the past he told me a story about passing kidney stones and it sounded like the most horrific pain imaginable.
He said he literally had to bite down on three pieces of leather in order to be able to pee, and this had to be done every 10 minutes. Even worse, he had nasty "explosive" diarrhea every 30 minutes, like clockwork.
It had a jet-black color to it, similar to there being blood in the stool, but no blood was detected.
He did feel this was probably a cleansing reaction. He had every reason to believe this was very old material that had been stored in his colon and needed to get out anyway.

A special heater was used to accelerate the growth of the blood culture once it arrived at the lab. The culture revealed blood metabolites similar to a staph / fungal infection and bacteria. This was the earliest result of the analysis.
However, the doctor that initially treated him did not have this information, and had to take a guess as to what to do. This guess is the only thing that saved his life.
This gives greater credit to the idea that some kind of divine intervention was involved, in my opinion. Otherwise he would be dead, and one of our most useful and trusted sources of insider information would have been silenced forever.
The doctor felt it was best to administer a medication that knocked out both bacteria and fungi very effectively, with a minimum of allergic reactions.
The drug that was given was Sulfamethoxazole, in 160-mg tablets. It is a combination of two different types of antibiotics.
The recommended dosage was one pill a day, but the doctor said to take two, in order to really go after this thing.
It turned out that the doctor's "random guess" by "happenstance" was exactly the right thing needed to successfully attack and repel this weapon.

This was what I wrote Fulford before I got the above briefing. By this point I knew that there was a bacterium and a fungus-like agent involved.
In the absence of any conventional medical treatments, the whole key is to detox the blood and strengthen the immune system. So this was my main reply to Ben:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Wilcock
Date: Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 5:56 PM
Subject: Re:
To: Fulford Benjamin

OK... he's not answering. Fungus is one key part of this thing. The most important thing would be for you to do a blood detox.

I would recommend taking a strong dose of Echinacea / Goldenseal tincture, if you can get it in Japan. Olive Leaf Extract, oregano oil, osha root, turmeric powder. Any of those things or all if you can get them.
Drink a great deal of water, as pure as you can get it. Eat lots of fresh, raw organic vegetables. Also take zeolites even though this has nothing to do with radtn. You may also want to drink a healthy dose of liquid chlorophyll and take 6 charcoal pills if you can get it.

Also I would highly recommend at least one hot detox bath a day, preferably two. Dump an entire liter of apple cider vinegar into the water, a carton of Epsom salts and a good-sized bottle of hydrogen peroxide liquid for each bath.
Soak for as long as you can, get out, cool down, go back in and soak again. This will pull toxins out of the skin.

Mega-dose all the vitamins -- A, B complex, C, D (or go out and get sunlight) and E. Load up as much as you can on probiotics -- fermented food. Get some Natto and eat the whole thing if you can.
Any type of super-green powder would be a very good idea as well. Also essential fatty acids -- Omega 3, 6 and 9. Go have a nice run of sashimi.

Take the probiotics before eating. If you have enzyme supplements, take those after eating, as otherwise the detox herbs will be knocking out your enzymes. Really important to get nutrition. Also take a good healthy walk to keep your immune system up.

Those are the biggest things. The fact that you sucked it out of there may have saved your ass. If this was the same technology you would already be experiencing some strong symptoms by now.

- David

So, Fulford appears to have been attacked at the same time that one of my top insiders was attacked. This is just two and a half months after I lost a friend of mine within walking distance from my house.
Also, we lost David Hutzler and his son Mackie, under very suspicious circumstances, in December -- while I was writing up the Financial Tyranny investigation.
I was given a serious death threat back in November when I first started the Financial Tyranny investigation. Kerry Cassidy caught me within less than an hour of when I received it, and got me on the radio.
I hadn't had time to process the idea of being tortured to death, and I cried profusely on the air before pulling myself together. This was very emotional and most definitely not an act.
Some people chose to ridicule me for "crying like a bitch," et cetera when this first happened, and believed either it was all a lie, or if it was a real threat, I should "be a man" and not worry about it.

I want to make it clear that I have not stopped as a result of that threat.
Nor did I stop after David and Mackie. Nor did I stop after the loss of my friend. Nor did I stop after the near-loss of one of my top insiders. Nor did I stop with Ben's threat now included.
Additionally, I have had strange and sophisticated hacking attempts waged against me after my friend's loss in April.
This included two different debit cards from my bank that were compromised in one week while I was in France.

My first card was compromised. I'd been using it for years and had all the numbers memorized. They then sent me another one to replace it. That card was then compromised within 2 days.
Someone walked into a bank branch in Las Vegas and produced California photo ID saying they were me.
They somehow had my checking account number, debit card and CVV number, and the correct answers to both of my security questions.
They also produced a telephone number that rang to an answering machine that said it was me, but was not my number. The only thing they did not have was my PIN. They wanted to have a new debit card issued to them.
The bank sensed fraud and put a complete freeze on my account. Were I not fortunate enough to have been carrying a bunch of Euros from my last trip, I would have suffered from a total lack of funds on the road.
Had they gotten the debit card successfully, they would have drained down my account as quickly as possible, while I was on the road and unlikely to get voicemails or check my balance.
Just recently the bank told me they did an investigation and found out it was done by one of their own employees, who has since been terminated.

Another strange thing that occurred just days after my friend's death was a letter I got from my auto insurance carrier. Read it for yourself and you'll see why it was so bizarre:

I never called them about this. I do not have a child. There was no "loss" involving the death of a child in a car.
Nor did I need to be reimbursed for a child car seat that may have been damaged by the loss of a child.
Of course, this could be written off as a bureaucratic mix-up, and that's all it might be. I did not feel the need to publicize this when it happened.

Right after my bank account was so thoroughly compromised -- causing problems I still haven't fully resolved -- I also discovered that many of my valid emails were routing into the Spam folder.
I only discovered this when I started losing valuable business emails that I was supposed to get. Once I went in there, I was dazzled, as every single invitation to do a radio show, film, and / or anything involving finances was routed in.
I'd already had problems with critical emails not appearing, and was not accustomed to ever looking in Spam. Now I check it constantly.
I then changed my password to something I have never used anywhere else and have never written down anywhere. Immediately the problem stopped. Now all I have in Spam is real spam.
Once I had the combination one-two punch of the bank account attack and the weird email problem, that was when I decided it was time to stop reading the 20-or-so letters of very intense hatred that were coming in every day.
Many of them were probably not real people, but some of them obviously were. Realizing the very real stakes involved, I decided that now was the time to stop exposing myself to so much negativity on a daily basis.
I have felt much, much better ever since doing that. It has been like a whole new world for me.

I highly doubt that all of these things are a coincidence. The stakes are very high and the danger is real. Someone definitely used an advanced weapon against one of my top insiders and came very close to ending his life.
My account is fine now and we have excellent security on the website. We have had to spend thousands more dollars than would normally be necessary. 
As a result, we now have a server that is much more robust than we would otherwise need to repel any and all such attacks.
This also gives us ferociously fast download speeds and the ability to handle much higher volumes of traffic than we currently receive, without actually collapsing.
Up until the most recent and most expensive upgrades, we were still suffering constant, massive "denial of service" hack attacks against this website as well.
I believe in a higher good, and think we should all pull together, as a community, in the face of these and other similar threats.

Again -- the Cabal wouldn't be doing things like this unless they were really desperate.
For that same reason, I do not see these things as a negative. Nor do I feel it is weak for me to be sharing them with you.
I want to make it perfectly clear that I did not feel a need to share this information before. I do not feel I am a victim and am not asking for sympathy.
Nonetheless, if this information helps some of those people who are "on the fence" to realize that this is not a game, and real people are taking real risks, then that is a positive.
I very much look forward to seeing the results as the public finally wakes up.
It definitely seems that there is an urgent thrashing on the hook as the leviathan is being reeled in from the murky depths.
By taking care of ourselves, we can avoid damage and insure that justice is served.
A truly marvelous future awaits us at the end of this battle -- and my intuitive data agrees with real-world indications that the time grows near.
I thank you for your support in this mission!

Between 7:51 and 10:42 AM Pacific time today, the connection between our web server and our data server was severed.
This completely crashed the website for three hours -- right after this critical update came out. Here is the only thing people saw when they tried to load Divine Cosmos, on an otherwise white screen:
Of course, we cannot prove that this was a hack -- but it has all the hallmarks of a massive "denial of service" attack. Thankfully, no data was lost.
In light of the content, I can't say I'm surprised. Again -- all of these moves reek of desperation and last-minute thrashing, which is actually a very good thing.
I will keep you updated as this exciting story continues to develop.

A fake Facebook page from someone claiming to be Drake said that Neil Keenan had been attacked, ostensibly from the same bio-weapon that hit our insider -- and had died from it.
I just got done speaking with Neil on Skype for over a half hour, and can assure you he is alive and well.
Others have pointed out that his lawsuit was withdrawn. This is true -- but it has only been done so as to defeat a strong attack mounted against it, and re-file it with much more damning information.
This lawsuit does form the legal grounds for mass arrests. Literally, the liens we posted on this website against the Federal Reserve and its cohorts serve as legally valid arrest warrants against the Cabal.
In case you haven't been tracking the story, here's a brief synopsis.

Benjamin Fulford formerly worked as the Asia-Pacific bureau chief for Forbes, the world's top business magazine -- meaning that he was essentially their top coordinator in that region of the world for several years.
This created a remarkable wealth of insider connections at top levels -- including finance ministers for basically every country in Southeast Asia, as well as prime ministers and presidents in some cases.
Fulford got brought into a world of intrigue when he did the numbers and found out that the Japanese economy was creating a massive financial surplus, but it was all disappearing -- somewhere. 
The path traced back to the Cabal -- and when they realized what he was doing, they tried to buy his loyalty with a high-level position. When he refused, he was contacted by Asian secret socieities and offered protection.

Fulford got brought into a raging war between East and West -- in which the Federal Reserve cabal had tricked the Asians into giving up a very decisive financial advantage in exchange for worthless bonds.
85 percent of the world's gold was in Asia -- most of it undocumented.
They willfully surrendered it all in the 1920s and 1930s, after high-level meetings invited them to study a massive treatise by Adam Smith from 1776 entitled "The Wealth of Nations."
Smith's treatise argued that no nation could hold gold in its central bank without being a major threat to global security.
The Asians did not want to repeat the horrors of World War I, and were told that gold was the main reason why so many people died. 
Giving up their gold was the only way to insure world peace -- and to usher in a marvelous new age of prosperity and development for all.
This proved to be a blatant lie -- covering for what was most definitely the biggest robbery in human history.
The bonds were loaded with deliberate mistakes to make them impossible to be cashed. They would automatically be labeled as fraudulent. Anyone who tried to cash them would be threatened or killed.
This has gone on for many years now -- and Fulford became directly involved in it.

Fulford telegraphed that a lawsuit was coming to reclaim the Asian gold -- for the good of humanity. The Asians wanted to use this gold to end poverty and environmental destruction, and release classified free energy technologies.
Furthermore, Fulford made it clear that the lawsuit would be used as legal grounds to arrest thousands of key conspirators in the Federal Reserve cabal -- so as to ensure that peace could prevail.
Eventually, after well over a year of buildup, the lawsuit actually appeared in November 2011 -- albeit more than a week after it was promised.
It was at this time that we first heard the name Neil Keenan -- the plaintiff in the lawsuit.
The lawsuit alleged that the Asians did indeed surrender an enormous amount of gold to the Federal Reserve cabal, in exchange for worthless bonds.
Furthermore, the lawsuit alleged that the Asians never once were paid back for any of the gold and treasure they surrendered -- only receiving more and more bonds as the price of gold increased.

Continued on David's is a long one with docs.
Scroll down to his UPDATES TITLES in RED.

RED ALERT! New Virus Weapon Plot

We must verify this if we can and head off Worldwide inhalation of 6.5 billion -the Illuminati's target ! 

RED ALERT! New Virus Weapon Plot
William Mount
Tue Jul 3, 2012 13:25
As you recall, the two great powers (Red/Yellow Serpent)on this planet finally began negotiating 3 April of this year thanks mostly to the efforts of Ben Fulford.
As of today, these two great powers are still talking – and this is a good thing. Talks, however, can go on indefinitely. The US is still legally at war with North Korea as we recall.
To date the only move the Red Serpent (Roman Pope, Rothschilds) has made is to offer and then not deliver.
Coming form Rome directly, within 2 weeks there will be a US Emissary Mission headed to China by the order of Shapiro of the US State Department. On board this plane there will be a fairly young man who is a carrier for a brand new virus. Half of the plane will be vaccinated against this virus, the other half will die as a result of exposure to this virus and this will lead you to think the US was not involved.
This new virus was created in Sweden and is the first of it’s kind: Half nano tech, half alive. It looks like this: two s’s side ways , and: _l at the end.
The Live part came form a Dolphin that was found off of the North Swedish coast.
China – do not let the plane land – divert it to an island like Taiwan.
US Navy – isolate the island where the plane lands – just do it – and watch to see if this new virus works. If they land in Taiwan – isolate Taiwan.
The 17 July 1991 Barberry Castle Crop Circle describes this virus, to be released 21 years after it’s initial inception.
We have the cure if it is released, but it will take time to deploy – and if released time is not what you have.
Over the next 2 weeks the Rothschilds will keep you engaged as the Jesuits try and kill your support staff Yellow Serpents. They only need to keep you occupied for about 2 weeks.
This virus will start out as a cold and then flip to a deadly virus as the Toxin stops the rhythm set out by your Medulla Oblongota and then your heart will stop, there will be additional swelling around the upper heart area.
Burning the dead bodies will only spread the virus and toxin (Virus Poop) so the bodies must be buried.
This is why the US FEMA has so many Plastic Body Bags and Plastic Coffins – to contain the Toxic Bodies. The FEMA camps are set up to take infected Brown Eyed People and gas them using Natural Gas so they can be buried in Plastic Body Bags and Plastic Coffins – sealable Plastic Coffins.
Since the Virus will flip so fast from mild to deadly, and since it was originally cloned form a Dolphin, (TV Show Flipper) we have coined the term “Flipper Virus” for this new one.
The Virus has a 36 hour incubation period, then you get a cold, and in the 48th hour you get very sick and then you heart just stops about 24 hours later.
Most non-brown eyed folks will just get a cold.
Both Beijing and Moscow will be sprayed with a chemical through a Commercial Airliner originating from the USA and landing in your city in about 12 days that will confuse your people for about a week so there can be now coordinated response after the initial outbreak.
In addition, weather patterns have now been modified through the use of HARP, Satellites, and evergreen aviation to spread this virus at a maximum rate – it is not resistant to UV light and dies well airborne.
Expected Casualty: 6.5 Billion Human’s.
We can kill the virus easily but I am not at liberty here on APFN to say how or this attack may be delayed and the virus modified.
If released – we can kill it but it will take time – and once released time is what you do not have.
So just sit tight Yellow Serpent – the Rothchilds and their minions are very good at deception.
Pray that you and your family are protected form what is coming.
Dr William B. Mount

Evidence That Chemtrail Tankers Spray Engineered Biological Weapons

A method for neutralizing the superbug thought to be responsible for the Morgellons Syndrome

Evidence That Chemtrail Tankers Spray Engineered Biological Weapons

By Harold Saive
July 2, 2012
Environmental Terrorism
In January, 2012, Chemtrails Researcher, Cliff Carnicom announced a method for neutralizing the superbug thought to be responsible for the Morgellons Syndrome – a systemic disease that manifests mostly as a skin disorder in some who have been infested with the self-replicating biological weapon:
“A viable and tangible strategy to disrupt the growth process of the Morgellons condition, as it exists within the culture form that has been developed, has been established.  This strategy involves the breakdown of certain chemical bonds within an identified proteinaceous complex in a manner that is not harmful to the human body. The reduction strategy also includes the release of iron that is held within the proteinacous complex in a chelated form. 
This strategy has been established with confidence and a repetition of results.  The current work will be applied next directly to oral human samples.  Much time, energy and resouces will be required to further investigate, verify and apply this strategy. The preliminary results and the theories are promising at this stage.” -  C. Carnicom
Superbug learns how to “change it’s mind” in response to a magnetic field
Quorum sensing is a system of stimulus and response correlated to population density. Many species of bacteria use quorum sensing to coordinate gene expression according to the density of their local population. In similar fashion, some social insects use quorum sensing to determine where to nest.
In addition to its function in biological systems, quorum sensing has several useful applications for computing and robotics.
Electromagnetic (EMF) influence of our aerosolized atmosphere is apparent when these artificial clouds appear to be modulated by an invisible source of radio frequency energy. They’re Frequently referred to as “Thumbprint clouds as they appear to resemble “fingerprints” in the sky.
Thumbprint clouds are a result of powerful radio frequency emissions reacting with the semi-conductor properties of Aluminium and Barium.
These semi-conductive aersols form a plasma layer that is electrically prone to manifest the observed thumbprint cloud behaviour when energized by a powerful EMF field.
Chemtrails and Thumbprint Clouds As Food for Superbugs?
In fiction, the Frankenstein monster was created in a lightening storm.
In Reality, Cliff Carnicaom tells us the bio-engineered superbugs likely respond to EMF by virtue of the demonstrated presence of iron and ferromagnetic compounds within the growth forms.
The Carnicom Institute is making progress in a method that will neutralize the superbug’s designed intent to undermine critical biological systems within the human body.
Carnicom’s research has determined the important need for funding to pursue focused and sophisticated research.
NOTE: Jet aircraft pilots, crew and contractors who participate in the chemtrails and aerosol dumps have probably been told they are helping to mitigate the effects of Global Warming and climate change.
A new report suggests pilots – skeptical of Global Warming science – have been told that metallic aerosols are protecting people, crops and the planet from dangerous radiation from the sun.
This compartmentalized mission mentality allows good people to do bad things when they don’t understand the full consequences of their mission.
We ask these pilots, crew and contractors and jet fuel suppliers to step forward to inform the public as to what they have been told is their mission.
The growing body of knowledge about the Chemtrail operations is revealing more sinister motives every day.
Pilots and contractors who once believed they were immune from the consequences of a covert chemtrail operation will come to realize they are placing dangerous compounds and biological hazards into the atmosphere that will eventually infect their bodies and expose their own families to an insidious danger.

Drake Update Today on Facebook: July 3, 2012

Drake Update Today on Facebook: July 3, 2012

Thank You to Pat Donworth
Okay, Drake appeared on his facebook page, Global Voice  2012, today. Here is his message. Note that he will be on his scheduled radio show tomorrow, July 4, at 6 PM Central time. See link below.

Here’s today’s message (I’m posting as is, with no punctuation edits):

Drake Kent
I see lots of rumors bout me…
What great imagination and drive!
I am alive and well. Due to not having any communications and no electricity,
we figured to find all that away from home.

Drake Kent is the name I am using for posting on here.
ALL others are fakes.
And yes, I do have security watching my house.
Seems like a lot of people would love to get their five minutes of glory, an all that.

This ain’t gonna happen, just yet.

ALL kinds of things are happening here and around the planet…
One does have to know what they are seeing, understand it, and know how it fits into our efforts.

OOEE, this and that is only good for an OOEE…
What is going on is that the communications and financial connections are being cut.

Does anyone think that Soros and Trump being charged with RICO violations is unimportant?

Without Soros, Bush can’t play…

And soon the banks will be closed…their banks.

As for those who are so hard after their five minutes of glory, it has been decided that each of you will be given exactly that, five minutes…no long speeches/statements, no legal dissertations, etc.
There is some news as to continuing efforts by our patriotic military.

As before, I offer to serve in whatever capacity they think I can best serve in…

Communications will remain as they are now, a specific chain of trusted people who can accurately forward info. This is the best and most secure way to do this at this time.

I started out as an information relay. This was turned (not by me) into a sort of information command. The last stages of ALL this are just beginning now.

The next info is what will be done to finish the job…
I have offered (again) to serve in capacity as the tactical sees fit, and am willing to do as much more as the rest believe I can handle.

I have the best team I could find on the planet, and some are already involved at different levels and in differing ways.
And yes, there is an exchange of some info going on as we speak…
I will make an announcement concerning mass arrests and other things on the show.

From all that needs done, I believe we will need a temporary Commander in Chief. One who knows most all of what needs attended to, and one who has proven they can be trusted. There is a short list…
Take the time to digest the info above, and listen in.
* * * * *
You can catch Drake on the radio tomorrow, July 4, at 6 PM Central Time / 7 PM Eastern at:

SaLuSa 4-July-2012

SaLuSa  4-July-2012

Where the understanding of what is happening in the world is concerned there are virtually two camps, those who do not know or do not care and those who do know but account for them by various explanations. It takes someone with a very open belief system to accept changes that alter their whole concept of what life is about. The hardest part is acceptance that many of those you looked up to were puppets of the Illuminati, perpetuating the lies that held you in bondage to them. Fortunately, the rising vibrations are lifting people up out of the darkness, and as their consciousness levels increase are beginning to question their beliefs. Much true information now exists and by following your intuition you will surely begin to understand the truth. Seeking for yourself will prepare you for even a greater understanding, as with our coming along with many other advanced beings, the truth will be staring you in the face.

Discerning the truth has nothing to do with intelligence and in fact it can often get in the way, and for many people it is simple a matter of discernment. Neither can you be guaranteed of the truth by turning to religious movements, as what was started as a truthful attempt to enlighten people has been corrupted. You will find that those who teach the truth do not impose it upon you, but simply present it as a helpful tool for your own development and seeking. The imposition of control through the fearful consequences of not following certain beliefs, is nothing more than a terrible distortion of the truth.

Everything you need to know is held deep in your subconsciousness. That is how you can become your own person and you will intuitively know what is acceptable and has the ring of truth. However, always be open to an expansion of your understanding, because as you become lifted up it will go forward in leaps and bounds. Take it bit by bit until you feel comfortable with what you have accepted, and you will find that your level of consciousness will  expand quite quickly. Remember that if what you are given does not resonate with you or carry the higher energies of Love and Light, it is unlikely to be of the truth.

When we can openly meet with you by all means question what we give you, as we are not Gods but may appear so as we are much further down the road of understanding. We cannot carry out miracles and our advanced technologies are the result of our greater understanding and use of the natural energies that fill the Universe. Your scientists are often aware of the potential  advancements but lack the knowhow to put them into being. However, some have been helped by other extraterrestrials for many years, along with knowledge obtained by back engineering advanced technologies from crashed craft. Instead of sharing such advancements they have been largely kept secret for reasons of power and control over the world. With our coming all of that will change and such secrets will be released for the benefit of all, along with free access to our technologies.

You have every right to be excited at the prospect of a wonderful future, free from unnecessary controls or limitations upon your freedom. With it will come levels of happiness you have not felt for a very long time. To that end the dark Ones gave been identified and are already being removed to rid you of the cancer that has nearly destroyed your civilization. With it will follow a cleansing that will remove all vestiges of their negative energies, and their ability to impose themselves upon you. Peace is near and all of the trouble spots will be attended to and cleared to allow removal of all evidence of the wars and military forces. Peace is not an option, it is your right to live free from interference to practice your own ways and live according to your cultures.

When the nature of the dark Cabals crimes is released it is understandable that there will be immense anger, and it will be a testing time to remain calm and not lose control of yourselves. Bear in mind that our abilities and technologies are such that not one single criminal will escape from having to answer for their crimes. There is no need for you to try and take justice into your on hands, but simply allow for matters to take their own course. Your time will be far better spent helping to bring stability to your locality, and spreading calmness where it is needed. You do not however have to do everything yourselves, as our allies will take prominent roles and eventually we shall also be with you.

You are on the verge of a historic victory over the dark Ones, and very soon we shall bring their actions to a halt. They had every intention of leaving in a blaze of glory, but we will curtail their activities as far as possible. Some circumstances are allowed to develop, and in so doing we hope to catch the dark Ones in their acts. They know their time is limited and that they have little left before they are removed from circulation and put away. Life will become hectic for a time for most people and some inconvenience is inevitable due to the extent of the changes. Do not worry about it as in a relatively short time you will be more than compensated. Those of you that are less affected should seek to help anyone who requires it, sharing whatever you can.

What a great adventure lays ahead of you, and you already know that your Ascension is assured. To think that after millennia of time you have come to the end of duality, having gone through one of the darkest periods you have ever experienced. At the same time it has also been one that has been very important to your level of evolution. It has given you the opportunity to evolve at a rate that has previously been unprecedented during your time in the lower vibrations. Fortunately you can if so desired set aside memories of it, rather than recall many lives that may not be of the highest order.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and greet you on behalf of the Galactic Federation of Light. We are just one group of many that are assembled around your Earth, to witness an event that will be unique where Ascension is concerned, and for your future delight and interest the whole event is being recorded. Representatives of civilizations from even other Universes are present, as they have an interest in what happens to your Universe. You are stars of a great Universal show that will literally light up your world.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey. 

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