John's comments --- this is the crux of the problem - bankers lose original note --- The GOV sold out to his puppet master-- needs to be removed.
LePage vetoes bill to regulate foreclosure documents
AUGUSTA — Gov. Paul LePage today vetoed a bill that sought to streamline foreclosure proceedings.

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Maine Gov. Paul LePage
AP Photo
Gov. LePage's veto letter (pdf)The bill, LD 145, was sponsored by Rep. Roberta Beavers, D-South Berwick.
In his veto letter, LePage said the bill "would add a new burden on our lenders to produce original copies of documents or swear under penalty of perjury why they are not able to."
"This would simply create more paperwork in the foreclosure process with little benefit for Maine people," he wrote.
Beavers, who spent a year and a half working on the bill, said it would require financial institutions to produce documents up front, which would save time. The bill passed the Senate 32-2 and the House 90-54.
"I feel he gave in to the big banks that caused the financial meltdown of 2008 instead of supporting the people of Maine and helping them stay in their homes," she said.
This is LePage's 16th veto of the two-year legislative session. It will appear on the House calendar next week for consideration. The Legislature has never overridden a LePage veto.
You would think that it would be mandatory that a bank would have to prove ownership on a property before they foreclose and no law would be necessary.
LePage had better be looking for a new LeJob.
This tyranny and theft can much be attributed to George Soros, and his Democratic partners in crime on the right, George Bush, Charles Schumer, Frank Carlucci and Saul Alinsky.
Soros is a maniacal megalomaniac. He threw out all moderates from the Democratic Party. Time to wake up. There is no moderation in the democrats!
None! Dennis Kucinich will switch to independent at this rate and join the Tea Party. They want nothing more than an entirely centralized, socialized hell hole complete with regulations on every thing you breathe.
Soros and all his friends must be arrested, as soon as Barclays Bank goes belly up and JP Morgan begins descent to full bankruptcy.
I lived in Maine and his favorite rexpression is if it's meant to be it's up to me and he was elected to clean up the corrupt capital well you can see who he represents and it's not the people of Maine.Year after year the only thing every state gets is more corruption from the so called public servants.It's time to unite and clean out corruption in each state then the corrupt corporation pretending to be a constitutional form of government in D.C. WAKE UP AMERICA
I am really distressed by this. With the vote count in both houses showing that the PEOPLE have spoken and very clearly that, that himself, head and horns of the show would go ass backwards on the issue. Completely ass backwards on the platform that he spouted when he was hawking for the job. Shouldn't bold face lying be an impeachable offense?
I think the supreme court of the state should have power to act when a person of such power ends up being a turncoat and a fraud. What do you think?
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